McDonald’s BTS Meal REVIEW | LOTTE MARKET Food Court & ULTIMATE Seafood Tour in FLORIDA

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[Music] good morning it's my last full day here in orlando i'm supposed to leave today but i'm gonna stay an extra day because uh this sneaker just drained me completely so i woke up really late i'm i'm sore over i had some allergic reactions to my sunscreen that's apparently also uh makeup so i'm just gonna stay here catch up on some work go to some restaurants that weren't open the day i was trying to eat around town and then bright and early tomorrow morning gonna check something else off my bucket list driving all the way down to key west never done that before made it all the way to key largo but this time going all the way all right so for breakfast go for some seafood [Music] fish is cooking before we start eating a huge shout out thank you to raycon earbuds for sponsoring this video and supporting this channel guys i told you a lot about raycon before i started working with them i think over a year ago and i had a pair of earbuds and once i got these i've been using them ever since the reason i like them first of all small compact the color blue brings down my eyes my favorite color and the fact that they actually stay in the case and they actually stay in your ears my years are weirdly shaped so earbuds always used to fall out not these now of course nothing mixing up my video unless i personally absolutely adore the product and these i use them every day when i go running when i'm working out when i'm listening to a podcast and if you don't know raycon was co-founded by ray j and they wanted to create an innovative product that doesn't break the bank these are it the ones i have are the everyday e25 they pair seamlessly you get six hours of play time and if you don't want to take my word for it mike tyson even likes them and yeah you don't want to disagree with mike nobody wants to disagree with mike raycon earbuds start about half the price of other premium earbud brands and they sound just as good as other top audio brands they come in different colors powders a variety of fits and you can try these out for 45 days you don't like it get your money back so if you are looking for a new pair of buds you want to give these a try go to my link down below or go to you're going to get 15 off your water look how big this quesadilla is a seafood quesadilla i don't think i've ever had this before so it looks like peppers some squid shrimp i don't even know what else is in here this is like a shocking delicious alarm clock that will just course excitement through your body with a single bite you want to wake up really wake up take a bite of this god this is good the quesadilla first of all is so thin and crispy green peppers red peppers mounds of cheese wood shrimp seafood is all seasoned so well and again the shell is just so delightfully thin too good a giant crab cake look at all that crab this cake that's the worst thing about crab cakes you break it open did you see a couple pieces of sad crab inside not [Music] not this grab crack tons of giant pieces of crab the crushed so toasty crispy on the outside soft meaty smokey inside the texture is absolutely perfect and this is just the appetizer we haven't got the donut tree yet i knew this place was going to be good oh this is marvelous that's fantastic thank you i've never had crab cakes or this type of texture before super crunchy on the outside nice and tender on the inside by the way this is breakfast quesadilla and crab cake for breakfast in the words of chandler bean can it be any better than dish i don't think so entree is here look at this whole fried red snapper and the reason i love fried fish is that this stuff fish chip fried rice snapper is one of my favorite things i think it's the same thing i got when i was in florida last time i had to move inside there's nobody else here so luckily because the flies were just swarming the fish outside by the way fresh fish brought in every single day so basically they cook whatever seafood they have available that day and then that's it then when you're in florida fresh seafood you've got to get some of that and i would highly recommend coming to this place also i got a blackened grouper so i really want to try this fish fried and also the black and look at this ah it looks so juicy and nice beautifully seasoned meat is so so incredibly tender this whole breakfast is just giving me like warm gooey feelings all over my body it's that good oh also the dill potatoes underneath the fish 100 recommendations as a side dish this on top of the people working here are just the nicest ever it makes this even better experience but seriously fisher because often hook good [Music] now everything's got corn the potatoes the potatoes fish the squash medley rarely do i ever compliment the vegetable side acts but here i recommend it wow i only feel kind of bad because i'm going through a food court after this so i know i'm gonna be eating a lot over there i really couldn't say no to any of the food items that were offered to me this morning oh well you know what they say more food is good food what's that what'd they say that's what i said [Music] this is something i didn't expect to see in orlando came up we don't even have a lot of mark they got a lot of good food in this food court including taglish this is a filipino stall and apparently the food is awesome garlic rice kuya mike's hot chicken sandwich that's what i'm getting there's no donny on the hood of a of this jeep it's the best experience ever like this whole thing is basically a giant picnic table and you can even use this as like a little side table for your drinks and side dishes so couple things i got the sea sig over rice and then the chicken sandwich and this is their number one recommended thing and whenever someone recommends a seasig i never say no gooey eggs in the middle crispy pieces of pork on [Music] top this is actually one of the creamiest seasons i've had i mean that egg just got all up in everything a little more calamansi juice that would have been even better but as is the meat is super crispy the egg 100 brought that creaminess right there that's my favorite crispy crunchy meat that's what i look for in every shish dish you gotta go get some calamansi mango juice also i got a chicken sandwich look at this thing tender spiced up chicken sitting on a bed of coleslaw between two delightfully soft pillowy i think this is ube buns look at this never seen that before this is it you bite into certain foods they're delicious then you bite into certain things and they're transformative it's not about what you taste it's about what you're feeling you feel this this better than the seasink and i love the seasick wow 100 recommend slightly sweet ube buns chicken is crispy it's tender it's so spicy and citrusy you feel the heat you feel the sourness that's very much a part of the flavor profile from any filipino dish it just enters the spicy fried chicken sandwich wars right now war's over crown this thing the king the chicken itself the outside is so thin but it packs on the flavor the slaw the jalapenos everything just works so perfectly and the ube bun like i said i've never seen something like this before that's amazing i would say one of the must try sandwiches here in orlando phenomenal i was just eating and i see a mcdonald's over there which reminds me there's a special meal going on right now let's go get one check this out the bts meal so a couple weeks ago um reps from whoever's marketing agency is responsible for this whole campaign they reached out to me they're like hey you want to be part of this bts mcdonald's campaign which i of course i'm like yeah heck yeah i love reviewing mcdonald's and i like bts and i thought this meal would be like you know like a different mcdonald's sandwich like a cake barbecue sandwich or something but it's just the chicken nuggets and fries it's really not anything different than what you would typically get at mcdonald's except there's two sauces that comes with it one is the cajun sauce and one is the sweet chili sauce so during the the talk i was like yeah i would love to i would love to promote the bts meal i think it'll be fantastic so i found out it was just really the sauces i was tasting and they were like oh you know what you have to do is uh you taste it and then you say something nice about it i'm like hold on a second what if i don't like it because i'm not gonna say it's good if it's not good and to their credit they're like you know what if you don't like it you can be honest about it but it would be nice to say something nice about mcdonald's for bringing this whole thing over which of course like this is really cool they're doing i love it when international food items get brought to america even in this case it's just a couple of sauces and then i said sure i would love to do this campaign and then never heard from them again i don't know whether i offended people by asking what if i don't like the stuff so that's why this is unofficially not sponsored reviewing mcdonald's bts meal and let's start with the sweet chili sauce i'm really happy i got the unsweetened cheep to go with the sweetest sauce i've ever had it's not bad it's just sometimes you eat a particular sauce or a food item you're like if this thing was just a lot less salty or a lot less sweet here i think it should be called extra sweet chili sauce it's really sweet i think the sweet completely overshadows the spicy also the flavor isn't all that complex it's really just sweet and spicy i think it'll be a lot better if it wasn't so sweet so this is the cajun sauce i feel like this thing's gonna have a lot more potential it kind of just tastes like a spicy mayo with mustard and a bit of cajun seasoning it's creamy and spicy and nice but it just kind of tastes like mustard sauce to me i like mustard sauce i like it i think it's spicy it's got a lot more depth and flavor than the sweet chili sauce this i actually like i think the sauce goes better with the fries yeah this is really good please keep this sauce on the menu although i think it's pretty much just the honey mustard sauce without the honey but it is a delicious sauce that ends the shortest mcdonald's review i've ever done it's really just a review of these sauces i mean i don't think you guys need me to tell you how their fries are delicious chicken nuggets i'm not sure they're chicken but that's a good nugget sauce is the least for me no to the sweet and spicy heck yeah to the cajun i can't wait to call those bts mcdonald's meals just two sauces like i feel like they should be giving some other stuff with this maybe like a picture with all the guys or each nugget should be in the shape of each band member or something i just feel like there's something woefully inadequate about what i'm seeing here compared to bts which beautiful they're big they're flashy this is just i don't know if this is a good representation that's all in my own humble opinion i'm gonna go back to the hotel and just relax a little bit and brighten early tomorrow just gonna get rest so groggy right now today heading over it says key west so i've been to the florida keys which is a place i always recommend people to go to i've been to florida keys maybe twice never went too deep into it the last time i i tried to do this i think i left miami at like 2 p.m thinking it could just be a day trip i was wrong so this time i'm gonna go to key west i'm probably gonna stay overnight and then i hear there's a lot of great food over there again this is the bucket list item i've been trying to go for years oh also this is the purse that people see when i'm traveling around is this the first i'm pretty sure this is a travel bag but some say it's a makeup bag let me know all right let's get a key west make it a quick stop here in little havana every time i come to miami first thing i do got to get a cubano sandwich this place supposed to be really good oh wow there's a lot of people here got two sandwiches this is the steak cuban sandwich and this is the regular pork cuban sandwich oh my goodness thick layer of cheese what looks like fried potatoes beef on a perfectly toasted bun wow i think the characteristic about the sandwich which is really different than any other cuban sandwiches i've had before it's crispiness i feel like flights in florida are extra aggressive and somehow i feel like they're faster they were just diving for my sandwich now this is definitely the crispiest cuban sandwich i've had from the toasted bread to the little crispy potatoes it also has a layer of mojo rojo which is some sort of spicy sauce [Applause] so when you take a bite it was extremely crispy then all of a sudden everything just starts to melt the meat with the cheese the bread [Applause] oh good wow that is so pretty looks like a couple of different cuts of pork cheese pickles on top i always get extra pickles whenever i get a cuban sandwich this is still what i love the best plastic cubano i just love that melty cheese and pickles meltiest ingredients ever sandwiched between two crumbly crispy pieces of bread add the crunch of the pickles [Applause] i love this there are certain foods that at least for me when i'm in a city i'm not officially there until i eat that particular food adam for me new york is the pizza philly of course the cheesesteak texas barbecue and miami the cuban sandwich [Applause] i can't believe how melty your mouth or sting is now my day can officially begin [Music] and before we get to key west just some fun facts about the florida key so if you don't know florida keys is a collection of over 800 keys spanning across 180 miles and the word key is derived from the spanish word meaning island so basically what i'm doing right now is i'm driving across all these keys over 42 bridges the longest one is the seven mile bridge the must try food here is of course gotta get some seafood and you gotta get yourself a key lime pot and key lime pies are unique because they're made with key limes like lime from the keys which are completely different than all the other limes out there so most of the key lime pies you've probably had throughout your life most likely are not real key lime pies and where i'm going key west the most southern part of the keys is actually about 90 miles from cuba and at that point you're actually closer to cuba than you are to miami there you go food for that before we eat some food [Music] so hotel has been really um scarce in key west so i found this one place that's open i think this is the h2o hotel it's really nice beautiful shower that is a really nice shower umbrella closet balcony number one your potty bed plants chairs table they have an in-room ice maker and oh free ice cream i hope it's free ice cream first things first never seen free ice cream in the hotel before balcony number two yes so what i notice about hotels and keywords is that they're all boutique hotels there's no really any big hotels here so they're all small and it's all pretty pricey but you know just stay one night and bucket list so my typical ritual when i get to any hotel room these days re-sanitize everything and then we'll go find something to eat this is duval street this is the main touristy street of key west and a lot of cafes a lot of restaurants beautiful buildings tons of chickens let's go find some fried ones [Music] we just got here is steamed middle neck clams with garlic with garlic bread and then this this is definitely the most overstuffed lobster roll i've ever encountered i'm not even trying to eat this [Music] oh that's good incredibly fresh clams if you come to key west get yourself a bowl of this the broth is cooked in buttery garlicky it's citrusy the lambs are so bouncy with a great shoe you don't want to waste a single drop of the juice the claims are cooked in take the garlic bread dunk it in there that's almost garlic overload i'm just gonna scoot down one because this place is getting crowded i'm just trying to eat and get out of here right now and that's hard to do because this stuff is so good and they got little bits of jalapeno here as well all right i found a good seat all right this is a lot better now i can pay attention to my overstuffed lobster roll usually the lobster roll is just just you know the roll but here's like little extra podium height that's a good lobster roll again giant overly stuffed sweet pieces of fresh lobster each piece contains its own natural sweetness and slight grindiness with the crunchy celery creamy male and this butter roll it's just perfection usually the rolls on a lobster roll is not that big like i said these things are a lot of substance and if you're just sitting here you're kind of bored you can always look at the roosters to a balancing act on the on the fence you do kind of want to watch out though because things are coming out of their butts and it ain't eggs oh so i'm really sure no nothing on top and what you can do with the lobster roll after you finish with all your clams [Music] duncan into the garlic and if pieces of lobster falls in good [Music] everything is better once it falls into that garlic concoction [Music] alright let's get out here first [Music] hmm is anybody ever able to walk by a coconut stand without getting a coconut you know i often disagree with guy fury about what actually tastes good but dj's clams that actually did take me to flavor town so thanks guys and believe it or not there's only one more restaurant i want to go to i just want to say the churches here and the keys look at this these are pretty much the types of churches i've been passing by all day long so pretty anyway there's only one more food place i want to go to but first i want to check out cuba these chickens running around are fearless it's like they run this whole island i feel like the colonel should just open some more restaurants around here you know just just to take them down a couple notches [Music] here it is and then your mouse to cuba so the most points you can't see cuba from i'm trying and i can't see it it's too far i think it's a myth i have great eyesight i can't even see it pretty sure one day stay in key west oh oh almost forgot this is why you always do a dummy check before leaving a hotel [Music] room [Music] this place i'm at is this is the key largo fishery i was here last time i was in key west for uh stone crab and it's a month out of stone crab season so i was still kind of hoping that there would be stone crabs somehow there is not got some other stuff some kung fritters these look good a little tough but tasty i got a monkfish sandwich and some seafood chowder so this is kind of breakfast for me seafood chowder is really flavorful there's really not a lot of chunks of seafood in here though but it's creamy it's rich the flavor's delicious hog fish is something i've never had before have you ever seen a picture of a hog fish it's got a snout those are my favorite there's almost something naturally sweet about this fish flesh is really tender and mild yeah every meal i have needs to be seafood this is phenomenal dish and the chowder my favorite like i said the kung fritters flavor is good but a little tough it's like chewing on a little balloon i'm playing for today it's really simple i gotta get to miami and get to the internet so how it works on the road is that i'm filming at the same time uploading um the videos to my editor but when i'm at a hotel where the internet is not that fast that's an issue so key west is beautiful as it is wi-fi is horrible so i'm actually on a really tight timeline i got to you really quick go to the next photo and start uploading footage but there's just one more place i gotta go this is the original mrs max kitchen usually the place i go for key lime pie blonde giraffe key lime pie so that's where i went last time it's a delicious place all sorts of key lime pie so for those of you who can't have raw eggs they'll have alternatives to that but this is mac's kitchen this place is an institution homemade chili conk chowder tj style fish caribbean style crab cakes breakfast number two is looking promising [Music] this is so good it's made into the of like a manhattan clam chowder so it's a tomato-based broth it tastes just like a chili but with clunk okay okay yeah fresh delicious dough creamy tomatoes juicy potatoes it's spicy it's got an old bay head to it tons of heat then they rammed their own hot sauce add the hot sauce more spice more happiness let's raise that burn level i like this a lot the shower is spicy got so much different textures in here hold this thing in like 15 seconds i wish i got a bowl this is how you make friends on the road bring your hot sauce and tray with other people that brought their hot sauce here i'm gonna give you some of this it's okay be on my show is that okay where is his shirt my show it's it's on youtube nobody watches it though this is traditional yeah but homemade what do you mean traditional this is a very typical interview that looks really good that is the hottest habanero peppers we can flush with onions and carrots and let it marinate well this is not going to be as spicy as yours because this was made for the general public but the flavor is good yeah with the seeds do not eat that do not eat that do not eat that okay yeah flavor's good you like it it's not trying to kill you it's just going to add a lot of a lot of flavor yeah in chinese we call it 13 spice so 13 different kinds of herbs and spices in there you know you know like colonel the colonel i got a little more spice than he has he only has like 11 herbs and spices i got like 13 in there wow this is good this is not for amateurs like i'm a professional so i can do it this will heat up your life like this is like taking a little piece of the florida sun and putting your mouth in the best way possible uh it's just mike's hot that's where you can buy it mike's hot i have another pack in my car here have it mike's hot nice meeting you thank you so much for the chilies i love it spreading the love of chili's everywhere that is my going life one of my goals in life others is just basically eat everything inside this shifu dip is so good a whirlpool of flavor inside each bite of that dip a little heat will make this even better so they suggested some jalapenos i think that will make this even better wow that's a masterpiece that fish tip mashup piece this is the habanero the ladies warned me not to eat what's the worst that could happen all right my second helping of hog fish but i've had this fish before so i'm enjoying it immensely it's such a delicate clean tasting fish and since it kind of has a little snout i can pretend i'm kind of eating like a fish pig or a seahawk thank you i love this spice coleslaw is good too this in a little squeeze of lemon all you need is so tender and delightful blackened is so nice a little cajun flavor on top of that fish i'd be happy to eat this fish just steamed with some lemon juice not a bad bite so far at this place and everyone's so nice here it is slice the key lime pie so i learned a lot about key lime pie when i was here last time if you're getting a key lime pie in this green like a lime that's not real key lime pie wow that's one of the best versions of that pie i've had in my life granted i've been to the key west three times i think this is more fitting for my taste buds because it's not as like make you pucker up a bowl as the other pies i've tried way more mild way more creamy with this really nice cookie crush this thing is smooth like almost like an ice cream cake you almost want to take that pine and spread it somewhere so silky but at the same time taste that delicious flavor of the key lime wow this thing is just exquisite i would highly recommend coming to this restaurant get the fish dip amazing get whatever fish of the day they have and then save room for this pie such a good seafood meal [Music] welcome to dad dylan that that welcome to the place that's next to miami all right like i said got a ton of work to do that was a fun couple days spent in the keys another bucket list item checked off and as always thank you guys so much for joining along until we eat again see you later
Channel: Mike Chen
Views: 1,047,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bts meal, mcdonalds bts meal, mcdonalds bts, mcdonald bts, mcdonalds, lotte market, lotte mart, food court, orlando eats, orlando seafood, florida seafood, seafood, eating, dining, key west, florida keys, key largo, key lime pie, florida keys eats, florida, keys, key lime, best seafood, cook, cooking, travel, tourism, tourist, car, road trip, driving
Id: 1eNnQBz2vec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 23sec (1823 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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