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[Music] uh it's mike chen i'm here in miami spending a day and a half here before i head off i haven't really explored the miami food scene extensively so that's kind of planned for next day and a half and it all starts at cindy lo's cookies these are cookies i could potentially eat as a meal i already kind of forgot what i got but these ones have cream cheese and guava in them and if you ever wonder what kind of cookies i love i love giant soft chewy cookies don't like the crunchy ones that's a delicious cookie i've never tasted guava and cream cheese and cookies before another fantastic addition and this is a coconut with mango cindy gets an a in cookie creativity this is so good come here and get this mango coconut thing wow toasted coconut but i think it's right mango spread all the way through they're so chewy and aromatic you want to bite it you want to sniff it so many things you want to do with this cookie by the way i'm starting dinner with cookies because i'm an adult and i can pretty much the only reason now let's check out this ramen shop nearby [Music] right now i'm in this part of town called wynwood they have this project called wynwood walls where graffiti artists from all around the world would come and paint on these walls it was so nice just to drive around even though i was looking for parking but driving around looking at some of the artwork and some there's people working on them right now anyway this is why i'm here momosan this place looks really good the one i want is the kyogatsu ramen they only have 25 per day also look at this they have a5 wagyu they got an assortment of grilled wagyus here a wagyu hamburg that's insane so this is the number one thing they recommended on the menu to me this is the tuna pizza with some kind of anchovy sauce and as i'm eating i'm getting eaten that is crazy good you guys know sushi is not something i typically eat but they are right about this thing being absolutely delicious the tuna melts in your mouth slight bit of spice the crunch from the greens and also the thin bread is sitting on the onions just jolts your senses awake the anchovy sauce on top with just a little bit of olives has that perfect touch of depth and umami flavor wow this is good and the best thing this thing is so thin in life eating this whole thing is like really not eating anything at all so i love foods that impacts my taste buds but not my stomach check out what just came the spicy chicken wontons [Music] the hot oil is very nice the flavor is very nice wonton themselves it's a little lacking the skin is way too soggy and the sauce these wontons are soaked in is way better than the wonton fillings itself filling honestly doesn't really have any flavor to it i mean i'd be just as happy if you just give me some noodles and let me soak it in the sauce all right one time itself is basically tasteless like i just taste some sort of meat that resembles chicken it's like the ronald mcdonald of spicy wontons this is the reason why usually in spicy wontons you want to use pork and you want to use some vegetables in there so there's a lot more crunch to it this bowl of ramen looks good and it smells good but check this out come on chef this is pretty unacceptable at a high end ramen place oh this poor egg this is basically a hard-boiled egg it reminds me of how uh ichiran's egg used to look in new york wow that's horrible the short rib pieces you can tell this is gonna melt in your mouth this stuff is is no joke seven hour brace it is just coming apart easily even if you breathe on it if you like say one negative thing talk about the outfit award today where criticizes dance moves a little he'll fall apart at the slightest provocation and this is the bong so the meat is already off the ball guys it's for shelf i appreciate that they left the bowl in there in the noodles curvy medium sized yellow ramen noodles with some greens on the side [Music] i mean this broth is excellent that's so good you just want to keep sipping on that forever and ever so rich it's got a bit of a fermented flavor to it it's kind of what i'm tasting the greens add a slight bit of bitterness which helps cut through the richness a little bit wow that might be the quickest a short rib has melted in my mouth i mean it goes in and gone yours are excellent really al dente perfectly cooked oh that's the way to do it actually that's not the way to do it beat it with a slipper soup with a piece of greens transcendent i'm going to jump ship real quick to this yellow tail this is kind of like a play-off of bibimbap that they cooked tableside for me and this was highly recommended by my server and wow look at that [Music] amazing i might like the better than the ramen i think i would have really regretted my dining experience that if i didn't get this wow this is so good the yellowtail quality is absurd it's melting my mouth like a typical piece of wagyu wood all the sauce they put in here i think there's some soy some hoisin highly recommend getting that back to this ramen they definitely dries just a bit egg and hair aside this is a great bowl of ramen i'm trying to eat quickly because i'm like surrounded by flash and mosquitoes right now i'm gonna take this party back to my hotel i love sitting outside but there's so many flies right now in miami true to my word i'm here jamaican kitchen as recommended by donna thank you so much for the recommendation look at this shrimp fried rice tripe and beans fried fish and festival my buddy frisk just got me a a soda jamaican cola champagne cola thanks so much my man it's great meeting you today so as as they were explaining to me a lot of chinese moved to jamaica i think this was in the 1800s from and they're usually hakka chinese workers yeah so they're southern chinese and kujafan is actually really great dishes and they combine that with traditional uh jamaican food can i wait wow cory ox tail i've had oxtail never korea oxtail before so this seems to be a specialty of this place oh my good lord if you're not salivating through your screen right now either i'm doing something wrong or you don't like food that much and ox towels one of my favorite things because it got so many different textures and meats it's got fat lean meat tendon cartilage some plantains and rice and beans jerk chicken look at this how pretty is that i can smell the spices as soon as i open up this container and jerk chicken is one of my all-time favorite jamaican dishes in the world first time i've had this i was at the west indian parade in new york and they had jerk chicken for sale there one bite you know how your parents tell you never to give a jerk your heart does not apply to the chicken version so much heat so much flavor my champagne salt is so delicious and then the chicken is just kiss me tender isn't there a city in florida called kiss me or something this chicken should buy a house there crispy tender and kiss me wonderful oh this octal so good please come and get this oxtail this might be the best thing i've had in miami so far sorry chef murray motto holy cow's tail this has got it's so gelatinously wonderful for the great flavor from the curry the amazingly tender oxtail and the rice and beans it's just so fragrant i don't know what they put in this rice this is just tremendously wonderful i'm usually not a fan of rice and beans i'm not something so uniquely special about these i think this is the spicy beef patty so i got a spicy beef patty and a plantain patty and i wasn't even gonna get the plantain patty because they're like it's sweet i'm like why do i want a sweet patty oh trust me you want a sweet patty you guys see how flaky this is just this creamy mesh a sweet plantain inside that goes so well with this amazing pastry they make everything in your house by the way hunting is really a little sour you get a great aroma from the cinnamon it's just this whole package this whole pie they're just so obscenely wonderful wow also they gave me a dish so this is the jamaican bonnet chili they told me they're supposed to handle these with care i like it they will light you up like light you up so unless you're a pro by myself please handle with care you know in life when you see something beautiful you just want to gaze upon it just stare at it and that's what i want to do with this dish look at this veg with big chunks of pork belly skin fat everything attached oh this is a big old chunk of fat right here when i was younger i refused to eat fat and my grandparents would try to feed me fat coax me into eating it now level my life they're just so freaking good wow hi this is pickle vegetables a very traditional way of cooking vegetables in hakka culture pickle vegetables provides a tiny bit of vinegar sourness to it perfect counter to all the fatty pieces of pork residing in the scrumptious juice that is the perfect pairing partner with rice i highly highly highly recommend this if you live around mine amy melts in your mouth pork belly too if you live around miami i don't know why when when i turn around you're not around the corner from me especially one more thing i haven't had yet the spicy beef pie wow any pie you get here you can't go wrong i'm gonna take this dunk it in that great juice put some of these peppers on here for good measure stuffed with meat and potatoes trust me dip it in this gravy jamaican chinese food at its finest this is one of the most uniquely delicious food items i've had pretty much anywhere wow all right it's getting crowded over here you can see people walking back and forth let's finish up and go grab a bubble tea [Music] this is good so it's already about two o'clock the plan is to go to bed by like 8 p.m because my flight tomorrow is at like 5 a.m so we're gonna find one more place to eat for dinner i'm gonna go back to hotel and go to bed all right here's what i like about this place this is the first time i've ever been to a steakhouse where the tomahawk's for two people so they recommended me an appetizer and they recommend that i get the tomahawk for two people for for me this would not happen with asian aunties i really underestimated how big this appetizer is this is the appetizer because sometimes you really can't tell when i'm filming this stuff you gotta kind of bring it up you guys can see the magnitude of what i'm dealing with the chorizo appetizer it's served on top of a burning rock so it's still sizzling a little bit four chorizo sausages that's a lot of food that is so good i mean it's healthy because there's arugula and there's salad on top of it that's my takeaway from this whole situation but those are so delicious these sausages are superb i'm just going to eat half and save the other two for breakfast before my flight tomorrow you know i'm kind of the godzilla size steak god coming [Music] this is a steak [Music] oh my gosh look at this this is just insanity too much good and by the way i'm taking this thing down this you can tell right away it's cooked perfectly i was just holding up the bowl and this meat i could feel it feeling unstable and wobbly how pretty is this so juicy so juicy potato chips these are all made in the restaurant this is freaking amazing these are the lightest homemade potato chips i've ever had when restaurants say they make their own potato chips it's never disliked there's a bag dab beyond words how juicy and delicious this is i'm not an advocate for putting anything on your steak but this chimichurri is absolutely mind-blowing looking for some of my potato chips too mind blowing the garlic the chilis i will highly recommend coming to the steak house and getting all this for the track not only because everybody on that hair is so amazing nice and sweet the food is just phenomenal everything from the appetizer to the chimichurri to the steak to the potato chips to the chorizo let's talk somewhere else i i feel like every minute i stay here i get another oh these mosquitoes are nasty anyway that about wraps up my week here in uh florida i'm going to the west coast for a bit because i have some meetings and appointments there and then i'm going to just gradually go to texas and just stay there a while and i actually started a mandarin channel like translating all my videos into mandarin so if anybody wants to just watch my videos with mandarin subtitles or if you want to send it to your relatives who don't speak english i'll put the link down below for you also someone just sent me a link today as you guys know one of my favorite shows ever is shenyan performing arts it's a dance show based in north america and they basically showcase traditional chinese dance traditional chinese stories and legends all through classic dance if you ever been to the show it's beautiful costumes fantastic music all showcasing traditional chinese culture and of course because of kovit they haven't been able to perform for a long time so they did just now put a lot of their pieces online if you want to check it out go to i'll put that link down below for you as well all right it's about eight o'clock uh i'm going to bed in like one hour because my flight is at 5am tomorrow so i gotta go to bed [Music] oh so nice to be in california oh it feels so cool this is jacket weather here all right gotta go to hotel and take a shower i am nasty i'm staying per usual in san gabriel that's sheridan and the place i'm going to right now it's right like a couple blocks from the hotel i went here for full last time and then everyone messaged me and told me i actually should be coming here for the broken rice so here i am all right this looks so good so if you've never had broken rice before it's exactly what it sounds like it's basically broken regular rice and the texture is going to be a little different but the flavor is going to be pretty much the same so this is broken rice with 10 different types of things that that comes with look at this you got spring rolls vermicelli fish cakes shrimp beef sausage also i got like a meat lover rice noodle dish so shrimp and pork sitting on top of a bed of rice noodles of course in typical fashion ton of herbs with all the dishes so this dish is called bong hoi and what you do here is you put some meat in here wrap it around the noodles i'm probably making this way less finesse than it typically is dip this in some fish sauce first bite of food after landing in l.a i'm so glad it was this god that's so flavorful from the texture of the rice noodles to the smoky sweet flavor of the meat [Music] oh so good awesome herbs in there too to make it even more fragrant look at this so this is the broken rice so add some chilies to your fish sauce and just kind of pour it all over this dish onto the rice itself and of course you can add some herbs whatever you want to do i love this i don't think i've had this since uh vietnam and broken eyes are so good because the texture of it is almost like reminiscence of a risotto something like that so the texture is so nice and interesting [Music] these are so good this spring was oh my goodness i want to invite this thing back to my hotel room and just have deep conversations with it well the texture from that and the texture from the rice basically a texture from all these ingredients on this plate the flavors and textures and the fresh veggies complement each other so well that little omelet is amazing all right i have a lot of food here it's getting cold i'll see you guys a little bit that was beyond amazing a lot of food [Music] hi dinnertime i'm in hollywood i don't know what part of harleywood sunset boulevard ocean izakaya that's what i'm trying to go which i think is this this is jennifer we're working together on some nice projects together you introduced me to this place so what do we have here so this one is blue crab papa and this one is hot pot this is hot pot i've never seen hot pot like this before look at this so cool i just been eating all day i'm salivating oh it smells so good this is really really good if you want something that's kind of like just the ultimate seafood bibimbap i guess you could call it that this is it i mean the flavor the texture get the tender fish to crunch from the seeds to crunch from some of the veggies [Music] and the ginger you get a little acidity a lot of umami i'm gonna try this this is the blue crab one this is what everyone's been raving about the blue crab wow that is so good they must have mixed the inners of the group blue crab in here too because you taste some of that you know that's what a good stuff the essence of the flavor of that shellfish resides that's all i hear i love this do you come here a lot yes yeah well i can see why yeah this is amazing [Music] tuna that'll melt in your mouth [Music] everything is just so fresh that's professional i mean again not a sushi expert not a sashimi expert i just know what tastes good good stuff man that statement the owner that's really really good thank you so much you must be proud of this this is so amazing thank you thank you i've never had this before wow yes the sweet is really good it's not crunchy like typical seaweed but the flavor is more intense it's fantastic this is the chicken meatball are you kidding me with that thing this is so good this place is amazing if you're around here or if you're giving out around here you're in l.a check it out just want to say get the ribs get the ribs get the ribs say it three times staggered wagyu beef [Music] [Music] look at that shrimp chips just don't stab yourself i've eaten like the head of a prawn before that's emperor places never anything this big oh so good so i've always said the best part of a shrimp or prom but it's in the head and there's so much in that bait ahead of us to say i'm tremendously satisfied with being understanding but i still think there's dessert coming so dessert is is like a bread in a mochi fusion bread combine that with some ice cream [Music] it's both chewy and fluffy at the same time [Music] persimmon with a cream cheese inside this is so innovative all right it's crazy good jennifer thanks for recommending this place really really good also it's a good place to start gates like i've seen some celebrities coming through here right i can't show you who but we sing so right i'm not lying we're seeing some celebrities come through here i don't i don't mean me obviously i mean some people get excited to see me i don't know why but uh actual celebrities to come in here oh that was good this perfect jacket weather too i feel like i just need to find a place and grab a tea or something it's actually really good unsweetened peach green tea this is what i like to do after the day's kind of wind down the food is consumed everything is kind of wrapping up i like to find a cafe and just grab a tea and just sit around and enjoy the evening this might be my favorite part of the day like this and that first bite of food might be my favorite parts of the day just so nice to be sitting here doing really not much at all anyway like i mentioned in the beginning this video is sponsored by hellofresh and this month i send the box over to ben's house so ben is doing the cooking and the eating also ben is newly married so hopefully you did the cookie on this one ben anyway i've been talking about hellofresh for years i've been using them even before they became a sponsor of mine and i love it because first of all so delicious not a single bad meal and that's because hellofresh has more five-star recipes than any other meal kit also extremely customizable if you want to add a meal if you want to add a protein if you want to pause a week skip a week whatever you want to do super easy and i began using them because i i hate going to the grocery store every time i go i feel like i spend at least an hour there i get a bunch of stuff i don't want that i might never eat i've actually bought broccoli before i have like when i was younger i'm like i should try to eat more broccoli that didn't happen so i started using hellofresh because it does save me so much time from going into the supermarket especially during the last year and a half i don't want to go inside a supermarket anyway so having food just show up on my door ready to cook and a lot of times these meals are waiting about 30 minutes or less 20 minutes with their quick and easy recipes and for it to taste as good as it does amazing also because they're pre-portioned ingredients is less prep time for you and less food waste and what i love about them is they are dedicated to giving back in 2020 hellofresh donated over 4 million meals to charity and this year they're stepping it up even more so if you want to give this a try go to use my promo called 12chan you'll get 12 free meals plus free shipping try it out i think you'll love it i know ben loves it he's always happy whenever i'm traveling and i offer to send the box to him seriously the food is awesome i think it's a personal quiet time and as always thank you all so much for watching until we eat again
Channel: Mike Chen
Views: 706,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miami ramen, miami noodle, noodle soup, miami eats, miami food, jamaican food, Jamaican eats, chinese jamaican, miami, miami florida, tomahawk steak, argentinian steak, steak, steak house, vietnamese food, viet food, japanese food, sushi, eating, sashimi, eat, dining, travel, tourism, tourist, traveling, cook, cooking, los angeles, florida, seafood
Id: Ud8SR3t5Rj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 27sec (1707 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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