BRSDA 20180601 01 June 2018 Health Camp Talk 07 Liver Kidney and the Skin by Barbara O'Neill

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most amazing piece of machinery on the planet which is the human body and in this lecture we're going to be looking at the liver and we're going to be looking at the kidneys and the skin so let's have a look at the liver the liver lives under your right rib then your liver is the largest internal organ and your liver is the only organ that has the ability to regrow and cancer cannot get a hold on the body if the liver is working in optimum performance so just that piece of information alone makes the liver and incredibly important organ his liver now the liver is called the project manager because everything that comes into the body goes first to the liver so what we looked at in our last lecture we had a look at how the food is broken down into tiny little particles and absorbed into the blood now I want to show you what happens once it's in the blood so once it's in the blood it goes on the m1 main highway portal vein straight to the project manager the liver and I want to do an assessment of what most people in the Western world eat today and never in the history of mankind have human beings eaten so many carbohydrates so I'd like to do a carbohydrate assessment so most people in the Western world today eat cereal for breakfast is that right cereal we know it's a popular food because there's a whole aisle devoted to it there's also a whole aisle devoted to bread and because these two foods don't take you very far by mid morning most people are reaching for cakes biscuits these doughnuts yeah and Australians love their pies and Europeans have introduced us to pizza and pasta and Asians eat a lot of rice my husband's an Irishman so every main meal has to contain potatoes and last and certainly least in nature devalue is the pure crystallized acid acid that's been extracted from the sugarcane plant would you agree with me that we've become haiku high carbohydrate consumers now as I just showed you all of these foods break down in the gastrointestinal tract to glucose that's the singular structure that's broke that that is the result of the breakdown of our starches our carbohydrates and then that glucose gets absorbed into the blood and then it gets sent to the project manager liver and the first thing the liver will do with the glucose is we'll send it to the cell so let's go to the CBD the central business district of the human body and have a look at what happens once the glucose goes into the cell that goes into the cell under the action of insulin insulin is the key that unlocks the door to let the glucose inside the cell and when it gets into the cell it goes through the 20 step pathway which gives us 2 units of energy the end result of the 20 step pathway is a chemical form of glucose called pyruvate and as the chemical form of glucose pyruvate gets fed into what's called the powerhouse call the powerhouse because this 8 step pathway gives us this impressive 36 units of energy and as I showed you this morning this is the oxygen pathway this is no oxygen so that's the first place that the liver will send the glucose is to the cell to go through the energy pathways to be burnt as fuel the second place that is sent is to be stored as glycogen now this morning we talked about it glycogen is quick release glucose stores these little molecules of glucose just sitting in the muscle ready to be plucked so tomorrow morning if it's not raining and we're all running up and down hills where do we get the energy the those little molecules of glucose are plucked and just they're already in the cell it's in the muscle cell do you know glycogen in the muscle cell can only be used by the muscle cell but glycogen is also stored in the liver not a lot but there is a little bit of glycogen stored in the liver and that glycogen can be sent all through the body that's a good backup for brain fuel but on a high carbohydrate diet we've still got glucose left over and so the third place that the liver stores the glucose is as fat and on this high carbohydrate diet what's happening to Westerners today they're getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger bigger is that right so as you can see by my illustration fat doesn't make you fat what makes you fat is the carbohydrates and as I'm as I explained I can't remember when maybe it was the sporting there when the lady asked about triglycerides there they are there that's that stored fat so the liver as the project manager when you break these foods down in the gut and the glucose is sent to the liver the liver determines where it goes it sends it to the cell first of all still a lot left over so then it's stored as glycogen still a lot left over and so now the body stores it in the most amazing fuel depot in the human body which is fat stores and I also mentioned this morning adopt dr. Robert Atkins now dr. Robert Atkins became very famous but it's a fascinating story he was a GP in his 40s putting on weight he knew his science see what I've shown you here that's just basic science he knew that carbohydrates stored as fat so he theorized if he stopped all carbohydrates his body would start to live on his fat stores so what did he eat he ate three cups of vegetables a day most people don't realize that that was part of the Atkins diet he ate lots of protein meat butter cheese cream eggs and meat butter cream cheese eggs got a lot of fat in it - that was the diet the weight just fell off him because his body started to eat the fat stores he had heaps of energy because if we're not giving the body this quick release glucose your liver is able to convert protein and fat to glucose and your liver is able to break down your fat stores to give the glucose that you need it's called gluconeogenesis creating new glucose from the fat stores so let's have a look at this the weights just falling off him he's got heaps of energy he's never hungry because these are the three foods that keep the food in the stomach longer farber because it binds up the glucose and slowly releases it protein because as we just saw proteins broken down in the stomach and fat because it coats the food so it takes a little bit longer for the enzymes to get to it does he found the perfect diet weights just falling off him he's got heaps of energy and he's never hungry isn't that the best weight loss diet that you're never hungry so he went into the medical journals to see if there's anything that was that had or had done any research on this and you know what he found he found it was there he also wanted to look a little bit more at this because he started to put his patients on it and his cancer patients were going into remission you see cancer cells consumed 15 times the glucose of any other cell and of course on the Atkins diet they were getting very little free glucose dr. Holland he co partnered with Doug Kaufman to write the book the journal that causes cancer he says you deprive cancer cells of glucose they self-destructed you see the normal cell it can wait for the glucose to have the slow breakdown down to here but cancer cells run up here fast consuming huge amounts of glucose dr. Otto Warburg got a Nobel Prize in 1931 for proving that cancer cells consumed 15 times the glucose of any other cell and they had oxygen 19:31 but you don't hear that much do you and we'll look at that in a minute dr. Atkins found that his patients with high cholesterol levels were coming back to normal it's not surprising after the lecture we heard this morning he found his patients with high triglyceride levels were coming back to normal because remember it's high carb stores is triglyceride his patients with diabetes type 1 and type 2 diabetes were coming off their medication I have found exactly the same thing in our health retreat Wow so whom he went to us research this out and he found that these are the three essential food groups why are they essential fibers essential because as you just saw your cola needs to be swept every day proteins essential because 50% of the membrane around every cell in the body is protein the other day we looked at DNA the crossword bands made up of protein fat is an essential nutrient did you hear that essential body can't function without it you see them membrane around every cell in the body is 50% fat except for the brain cell that's 70% fat I believe that this fat-free diet is one of the one of the many deceptions that the enemy of souls has put on human beings especially when you realize the enemy of souls wants to take our brain down and they our brain can't function without proper levels of that it's a concentrated food we don't need much but we needed fat is an essential nutrient what Atkins found in his research that the non-essential food group is actually carbohydrates there was a program on a documentary called catalysts in Australia in 2016 it was called fad or fiction and one professor of nutrition he said you can live very very well without one dawn of carbohydrates now carbohydrates are not bad got that they're not bad it's only when they're overdone and refined and my husband had never forgive me if the potato stopped and you'd probably never ask me back if I said the rice had to stop no no no they're not bad only when they're overdone and refined and don't most people in the Western world do that I know in Australia cereal and toast a breakfast sandwich for lunch past the fatigue cakes cookies mid-morning mid-afternoon that's almost a hundred percent carbohydrates and on that diet what people are doing is they're overdoing the non-essential and they're missing out on the essential no wonder this it so because that's the non-essential this is the negotiating part of the meal so the negotiations change depending on your age depending on your size depending on your height depending on your sexes depending on your physical mental output through the day but probably where the negotiations play the luck or you know play out the largest our health status so if someone wanted to conquer their diabetes quickly what would they stop if someone wanted to lose weight quick what would they stop carbs someone want to conquer their cancer what would they stop tops I have seen quite a few people conquer cancer they've conquered their cancer and now they're eating a bit more carbs so it's not forever it's just until you conquer the situation I had a man do one of our retreats in Alabama and this was probably nearly two years ago now when he came in he was in a wheelchair he was 62 he'd spent 1 million dollars on his health in the last ten years the doctors have now given up on him the reason it was in a wheelchairs because they taken the nodes out of his groin in an attempt to find out why he had diabetes I still can't work that one out so now the plane flight his lymphatic system had swollen right up so he's in a wheelchair he had these stretch bandages on that he just paid a fortune for he was on blood thinning medication he was on cholesterol he was on blood pressure he was on 90 units of insulin the day he said to me the doctors have given me up on me he said a friend of mine says you can help me he says anything you say I will do now he was a relative of a quite famous politician he was the CEO of many big companies and he'd come to this little retreat in the backwoods of Alabama to see an Australian lady to help him I said when he can throw those bandages away you won't need them he said I just paid a fortune for them I said sorry about that I said I want you to do a little bit of barefoot grass walking early morning juhi walking on the grass I said I want you to do a minute rebounding every hour because that is the best lymphatic stimulated to get that fluid through him so what he did was he ate very little carbohydrate high amounts of fiber lots of vegetables but not many potatoes generous amounts of protein and fats within two weeks he dropped his insulin from ninety percent ninety units a day sorry 210 units a day that's it he emailed me three months later he said I am off all my medication he said I lost 45 pound he said I am swimming 30 laps a day and I'm cycling ten miles a day and I rebound every day and he said my doctors are astonished now Bobby will not be able to ever run and he can walk short distances because his lymph nodes are gone so he will manage that swelling but he said to me if I cycle and swim and rebound he said I can manage the swelling in my legs is he a happy man how much did he spend on his health in the last ten years a million dollars Wow he could have just about come to the health retreat every two months for that we live in an amazing body with an incredible ability to heal itself once it's given the right conditions I've had people say barber you've got many success stories have you got need failures I said the only failure is on the part of the person to do what you've got to do to get the turnaround mm-hm growing children that's what I fed my grandchildren and they grew and they all grew bigger than me and that's not hard but didn't dr. Atkins and for Kate meat he did so I want to show you how you can do this on a vegetarian diet so let's go to Genesis 1:29 and in Genesis 1:29 God's telling Adam and Eve what to eat can you improve on that Garden of Eden died you can't improve on God Kenya so he said behold I've given you every herb bearing seed what's a herb bearing seed a herb bearing seed is a grain a herb bearing seed is a leg in a herb bearing seed is a seed so what's a grain we've got wheat rye barley oats I'm Ruth buckwheat quinoa so many grains grains grains are high in protein and in carbohydrates they are also high so let's look at our carbohydrate list how many of these come from the grain section grain grain grain rain rain rain right what about legumes chickpeas lima beans black-eyed beans soy beans cannelloni beans kidney beans lentils so many legumes if you want to know how to cook legumes get an Indian cookbook they certainly know how to cook their legumes legumes are high in protein and they are medium to low in carbohydrates the fact is legumes are about a third the carbohydrate that you will find in the grain and if you look at low carb books paleo diets things like that they say don't eat legumes they've got carbs well they have but not much seed pumpkin seeds sesame seeds sunflower seed chia seed flax seed or linseed seeds are high in protein and they are quite low in carbohydrate God said behold I've given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of the earth and every tree in the which of the trees of fruit bearing seed what's your fruit bearing see there's your nut nuts are high in protein and low in carbohydrate so almonds Brazil nuts hazelnuts you've also got pecan nuts walnuts macadamia nuts a peanut is not a nut a peanut is a leg you and because they grow in the ground they mold very easily I don't eat peanuts now if you're a lover of peanut butter I've got some good years macadamia butter cashew butter almond butter they're just as nice and if we make a satay at our retreat we use roasted almonds instead of peanuts so how you can do the low carb diet with generous amounts of protein fiber and fat is to increase increase your seed nut leg in part of your meal and decrease your grain part of the meal growing children can certainly use more carbohydrates but as we've looked at this week there is one carbohydrate that's causing a lot of obesity in children today and we'll use our blue to do it and that's wheat how many of these are made from wheat wheat so there's weet weet weet weet weet weights so the majority of the carbohydrates that people are eating come from wheat I met a man in New Zealand I was there last week sorry a couple of weeks ago he said to me do you know my son had eczema he had allergies we took him to a naturopath who took him off the wheat and took him off the dairy he said at 15 he was overweight he had no energy couldn't play sports he said within 3 months he'd lost most of his weight and now he's an athlete just from stopping the wheat so who is very interested to hear how the weeds been hybridized and that's what's causing all the problems so you can do this on a vegetarian diet and Bobby the guy that had the incredible results with turning his type 1 diabetes completely around this is the diet he had very low carbohydrates lots of fiber generous proteins and healthy fats I meant a man when I was in New York a few years ago his name's dr. Park Karl Benjamin and he was he was a doctor of chiropractor II he came to me for a consult I said what do you do for a job he said I'm a chiropractor and he said and I'm a qualified nutritionist so I said what are you coming to see me for he said I was one of dr. Atkins patients the man was in his sixties I said really he said he's a very gracious man he said and I believe if dr. Atkins had read the China Study that shows the dangers of meat he says I believe dr. Atkins would have become a vegetarian that's quite a statement isn't that that's quite a statement you see Atkins had the right theory here is the first well he was one of the main ones that blew the whistle on the dangers of the high carbohydrate diet so that's what the liver does with the food that's coming in so what does the liver do with eliminating environmental poisons I'm going to explain this as if you are at misty Mountain health retreat and you're on a two-day juice fast and what happens when you're on a juice fast is we're not giving you enough food to run on we give you a juice every two hours so your body starts breaking down fat stores to give the glucose that you need but something else a little bit more sinister is being released you see all through our life we are taking in environmental poisons when we're in the city environmental poisons one lady talked about walking to work and walking past people that are smoking every time I fly you're getting environmental poisons but praise be to God he's given us a liver that can deal with all of that so when these environmental poisons come into your body you're live they come to the liver remember he's the project manager and he looks at it and says nasty guy rub up and fat and stir it wrap it up in fat and stir it then you come to misty mountain health retreat the body starts breaking down the fat stores to give the glucose and that environmental poison is once again released that environmental poison is the time a fat-soluble it's a fat-soluble sorry the Spelling's getting a bit bad here soul you ball it's a fat soluble toxin now your body cannot release a fat soluble toxins it has to be broken down to a water-soluble state then it can be sweated out then it can be urinated out so I'm gonna give a symbol for this fat soluble toxin there it is there now stage 1 of breaking down that fat soluble toxin to a water-soluble state it begins when a person is fasting and in stage 1 the liver takes this fat soluble toxin and it breaks it down to a metabolic a metabolite basically means the first stage of breakdown or this first stage of metabolism and this metabolic is more toxic than it originally was this metabolic is highly volatile this metabolic creates a lot of free radicals and this metabolic is sometimes a hundred times more toxic than it originally was and you might comment and say well watch the body doing what's the liver doing it's just created something worse than it originally was it's a process it's like when you're cleaning the kitchen cupboards out the kitchen looks a hundred times messier than when you started halfway through so your liver has certain needs at this stage so what your liver needs as it goes through stage one it needs antioxidants an antioxidants are given a nickname their free radical scavengers they actually mop up all the free radicals what's the most potent antioxidants it's beta carotene and beta carotene is founded on your orange colored vegetables and your green colored vegetables so we had quite a nice supply of beta carotenes at lunchtime didn't we another antioxidants quite famous one is vitamin C vitamin C is not a score big acid when you buy vitamin C you should buy score be casted with bioflavonoids you need the whole thing another potent antioxidant is vitamin D vitamin E is a fat soluble vitamin so we give our guests a protein drink every second juice and that protein drink has got some almond milk and coconut cream in it we make it with a pea protein so there's their vitamin is now within 36 hours of starting a a detox fast Stage two kicks in and in stage 2 the liver takes this highly toxic highly volatile metabolite and joins it together with an amino acid the union of this highly toxic metabolite and the and the amino acid produces the water-soluble state and that water-soluble state here's its symbol wave in a box that water-soluble state can be easily released out of the body so stage 2 basically happens in conjunction with stage 3 happens in conjunction with stage 2 and in stage 3 this water-soluble state is released out by your urine it's released out by your sweat glands it's released out by your colon and that's why we give our guests a steam bath every afternoon at our health retreat because the steam bath allows them to have a really good sweat and sweat out all these what water soluble toxins now this information that I have given you was not known until 2002 so I think dr. Atkins died before this was known it also explains why his book was number one on the New York Times bestselling Vicks book lists four years running nutritionists and doctors hated him but the public loved him you know why it worked it worked so what's the need that stage two has it needs protein how many people go on too fast and take protein not many but protein is essential you see we are dealing with more fat soluble toxins than any generation that ever lived on the planet so you know what that means we need more protein than any generation that lived on the planet I do not advocate a high-protein diet I advocate high-fiber lots of vegetables generous protein because we're not going to live on lentils nuts and seeds are we it wouldn't be a pleasant diet would it so protein is necessary what does stage 3 need it needs healthy fats to keep those to keep those cells nice and supple so once again showing the three essentials remember the three essentials fiber high fiber generous protein and healthy fats and when you look at the diet in the Garden of Eden with the seed to you it shall be for meat do you know the seed to you it shall be for meat what does that mean it means that should be the main substance of your diet unfortunately today people are overdoing one seed it's called wheat and that's the one that's been hybridized I was interested to read in Florence Nightingale famous nurse that when she found some patient that was very very sick they responded to two things beef tea and raw milk now what a beef tea in raw milk both contain protein and fat well I'm not advocating beef tea and raw milk but I'm sure the beef tea in the raw milk in the mid eighteen hundreds was a bit healthier today there's no need what we give our guests is P protein powder when they're fasting I don't take a protein powder I don't need to because I have a diet that's high in fiber but generous protein and healthy fats within 36 hours of starting a detox program phase 2 kicks in I've already said that but within 48 hours of doing a detox program if you don't supply any protein the liver can suffer 25% liver function loss you see if you're on a detox program and you're starting to release environmental poisons and you're not supplying the protein the liver goes whoa quick we're going to have to start breaking down and supplying the amino acids that are necessary to mop up these nasty guys 25% liver function loss the project managers gone down I have found that since we've been implementing a protein supplement every second juice people are not getting sick with the detox and I know now why is because we're providing the amino acids to mop up all the toxic metabolites this explains why it is dangerous to go on long fasts today you're far better to do two days a week because if you go on a seven-day fast you can release so many toxic metabolites that you can get sicker than when you started are there any questions yes do you know you can take bread and cereal it's just not in high amounts so let's say for breakfast do you have millet or you have oats if you have chia seed on top of that and some ground flaxseed and some coconut milk and also nuts and seeds and some fruit that is a meal that is high in fiber with quite generous proteins and healthy fats whereas what I have for breakfast this is what I usually have I usually have papaya and I usually have about a tablespoon of chia seed and I usually have almonds and Brazil nuts and then I have a slice of sourdough spelt bread with olive oil cayenne pepper avocado and brown lentils on top or Redland was on top or black-eyed beans or scrambled tofu that's what I have for breakfast and I love that breakfast and I don't even think about food for about 6 hours after that so basically everyone has to eat what they like it's news eating what you don't like I don't cook a porridge for breakfast because my husband and I we're not fast on that but if you like a porridge for breakfast you can boost your protein by putting in the seeds and nuts you had a question I don't find it hard to cook beans are not lentils or black-eyed beans see the reason I have red lentils or brown locals or black-eyed beans in the morning that's because they're so quick I don't do chickpeas in the morning because that's going to take me five hours I don't do red kidney beans coz they're gonna take me five hours I just choose the quick ones now I wake at five walk at six I need at seven so when I wake up in the morning if I'm going to do black-eyed beans or lentils I put them on and I just put them on a slow cook so by the time I get back from my walk they're cooked and I rinse them and then put flavorings with them if I do red lentils I just soak them because they're almost cooked as soon as you bring them to the boil so I don't cook them until I'm back from my morning walk scrambled tofu that takes me about 10 minutes at the very most to prepare so you see I'm not being in the kitchen for hours in the morning I got mountains to climb and people to pray for and Bible to read so I like my breakfast to be fairly quick and easy so as I mentioned I think this morning if you like a porridge do it in your crock pot over night do your rice in your crock pot over night one of the meals are we serve at misty at breakfast is brown rice and we we cook at first and then we mix it with a cashew milk and bake it and the guests very much like that so that's having Rice's like a porridge so you can have a millet porridge an oat porridge a quinoa porridge a brown rice porridge there's a variety of grains if you like buckwheat you can have buckwheat so the breakfast is something you've got to eat what you like and it's not that bread and cereal are bad it's only when they're overdone whereas if you have cereal and toast for breakfast that's actually overloading your carbohydrates a bit although my grandson's when they come I always make the porridge because they love porridge so I do either oat and buckwheat or I do millet or I might do Kim wasps I do a variety and they have chopped up banana in that bitter honey organic soy milk and then they also have a slice of sourdough toast spelt with avocado and ground lentils on top that's a nice hearty breakfast for growing children and they usually have an apple and some nuts do you know I go off to work and they go and play in the creek all day and they start appearing about 1:30 they're getting hungry and what do they have for lunch well we have a big salad and we have baked vegetables because my husband's an Irishman loves baked potatoes and sometimes baked sweet potato baked pumpkin and then I usually do another Legum dish and I'll do something like chickpeas or lima beans or kidney beans because they take a while and I just have them on the back of the stove slowly cooking all morning and so when I get home often I'm in the kitchen at 12:00 and I serve lunch at 1:30 and I rinse the legumes and then I'll make a lovely rich sauce and cook them a little bit more in in the sauce while the baked veggies are cooking yes if people have gas from legumes that's usually because they're not rinsed enough see when I was in Tennessee what they do is they cook the legumes and then halfway through they put onion and flavorings in and that Warner there's all your gas so what I do is I cook my legumes in this pot and then I've got my sauce in the other pot and when the legumes are 3/4 cooked depending on the leg in I rinse them three or four times because that's dirty water and then I put those legumes in the sauce and then I let that cook for maybe half an hour an hour depending on the legumes you see that water is dirty water you know when you bring your leg stems to the boil and there's all that froth on top what do you think that froth is wind that's what will give you wind yes ginger can help but throwing the dog dirty water away eliminates the problems yeah Paden ya know I never throw the water away that my vegetables cook in but you're looking at a dried bean here you see that and that's that's that's the dirty water coming from the dried beans but it's nice to cook your beans in a sauce so they take the flavor so that's why I'll half cook them or 3/4 cook them depending on them and then the last part of the cooking happens with all the flavorings and then you know say you're doing a doll or you're doing a Mexican tomato ething it's nice to have them cooking in that so what about if you're gonna do soup if you do sip coke you soak your legumes and then rinse them and then bring them to the boil and rinse them again and then put them in your suit part and let them have a long slow cook so most people that have wind or problem with legumes it's because they're not prepared properly if they still have problem they probably need to boost their hydrochloric acid because if you've got nice strong hydrochloric acid it'll it'll break it down well yes microwave food changes the molecular structure of the food so when you read it the body doesn't recognize those molecules so microwaves dangerous do you know many European countries have banned microwaves microwaves do have a place though you can put them in your laundry to heat your wheat bag but I think in Saigon and Malaysia you don't use wheat bags because it never gets that cold now pressure cooker pressure cooker can be very handy for beans that take a long time I bought some chickpeas once and I had to cook them for eight hours before they got soft but in the pressure cooker 40 minutes so I know our staff in the kitchen our cooks they pressure cook the the the long beans you don't need to pressure cook black-eyed beans or brown lentils or red lentils because they're quick cookers and that's why I use them for breakfast but you could just put legumes in a crock pot overnight and and have that for breakfast yes it's a mint in fastings fantastic intermittent fasting dr. Michael Mosley talks about it and I think I mentioned it yesterday he says just have two meals a day he says miss breakfast and have lunch and your evening meal but I think that's crazy there's no use having a huge meal at night and then going to bed because then the body has to store the nutrients it makes much more sense to have a generous breakfast and a generous lunch and then eliminate the evening meal now because we're so busy in class most of the day and even in the evening we're having an evening meal but when you go home that is something you certainly can try yes these five days was recovery before we get back to her ah that's very dangerous can you see why if you do a water fast you're releasing these fat soluble toxins no antioxidants to mop them up no protein to mop them up someone can be sicker than when they started it's too dangerous today you could do it a hundred years ago because we weren't dealing with the fat-soluble toxins that we're dealing with today so you will find that people can get sicker than when they started there is a DVD going around called fat sick ugly and nearly dead if you have seen that one this guy went on a 30-day fast and he went from being this big to a lot slimmer I think the juicers he had had some protein in them and I think he must have had a lot of environmental poisons in him to be able to cope with it but not everyone could do that if a person's been in war especially the Vietnam War where they are exposed to a lot of chemicals if a person's a cleaner where they've been exposed to chemicals if a person's a farmer he's been exposed to a lot of chemicals they have to be very very careful because as their fat stores get broken down can you imagine the toxins that are released so if I get a Vietnam veteran to our program I give them protein every single juice because they've got a lot of nasty stuff coming out of them yes what causes fatty liver interesting question its fructose when fruit breaks down it breaks down to glucose and fructose sugar is half fructose and glucose so a lot of fruit juices they got high fructose and they got sugar in them which is another fructose and glucose and a lot of cakes biscuits croissants doughnuts things like that they're sweetened with high fructose corn syrup have you heard of high fructose corn syrup people say high fructose corn syrup and they think well that sounds healthy fructose fruit syrup oh that's that's you know that sounds all right but you know it's one of the most dangerous sweeteners there are it's so cheap that's why they use it now when you've got someone with a fructose overload now the fruit that we had at breakfast this morning even having a plate of that will not overdo your fructose but let's say someone has fruit juice and then croissant and then Jam on top that's fructose and glucose - that all breaks down in the body and then gets taken to the liver as I've just shown you now the liver is the only organ with fructose receptor sites so the fruit that we had this morning for breakfast the fructose went to the liver and the liver converted the fructose to glucose and then sends it to the cell but if someone had an overload of fructose had a lot of breads and croissants and jams and fruit juices fructose overload all that fructose goes to the liver and it's too much fructose the liver cannot convert it all to glucose so it stores it as fact on the liver there's your fatty liver fructose overload alcoholics get fatty liver water fructose and alcohol very toxic to the liver alcohol so that explains why you get people today who weren't drinking alcohol but they've got fatty liver if a person stops the high fructose diet drops their carbohydrates write-down starts to live the way you're hearing this week do you know in a matter of about a month their fatty liver can be resolved this informations only been known since 2002 I gave this lecture in America one year and a man said to me this information is not for your laypeople it's for your academics I said lay people have livers too you know this important information isn't it it's important information for us people living in the last days really of this Earth's history we've got a toxic planet the Bible says the whole creation groans under the curse of sin but I praise God every day that he has given us a liver that he's able to detoxify us from environmental poisons if it's given the right conditions yes we need to eat nuts the way God gave them to us which is raw when you cook the nuts and roast the nuts you change the structure punning now you can eat cashews raw cashews actually on a roar nut because the cashew pod has to be boiled to open it to get the cashew out so people that eat a raw diet they often don't consider cashews raw as long as you chew them - a milk chew them very very well and allow the enzymes to work with them yes I guess it depends what the carbohydrates are but its fructose that causes it so a lot of people that have a high carbohydrate diet cereal has sugar in it bread has sugar in it cakes have got a lot of sugar in it and a lot of people that eat bread put jam on top see how they're awed and a lot of them have high fructose corn syrup in them so say your question can a high carbohydrate diet cause it in a way it could refined carbohydrates there's a big difference between refined and complex but you can still overdo the complex carbohydrates see most people are sick through ignorance most people don't realize what they're doing and I can understand we're such a fast society today and that is just fast it is just there and it is just easy and when I talked about the mind last night I talked about the frontal lobe do you know the highest function of frontal lobe is foresight so if an afternoon you've got to think about breakfast the next stage you need to put a crock pot on you need to sake your legumes for lunch the next day it doesn't take long how long does it take to put a crock pot on how long does it take to pour your lentils into a pot and put some water in it and soak them overnight not much not much just a little bit of foresight can actually help the worst time to think about cooking a meal is when you're very hungry and the worst time to shop is when you're very hungry is that right yeah how do you know you got fatty liver you don't you don't have to know because if you've got fatty liver and you're eat like this it'll be resolved if there's a problem in your body your body will knock it'll tell you there's a problem yeah how about got a high acid diet can cause gout so high carbohydrate all of these foods here are acid forming foods potatoes are only acid forming if they're deep-fried in two-week-old oil so it's the high acid diet that's causing most is the biggest cause of your gout and arthritis well you shouldn't eat soybeans if you've got gout well I don't know anyone that eat soy beans three times a day do not I mean for me soy is a small part of my diet it depends how much I'm sure if you ate three cups of soybeans a day it would hurt you gout but I'm sure if you had half a cup three times a week it wouldn't because you got it's like people say to me Bobby you shouldn't be advocating soybean it's high in anti-nutrients I say yeah if you're eating three buckets of soybeans a day but no one's eating three buckets of soybeans are they and that and the dairy industry are not happy about the amount of soy milk and soy beans people are eating and so they put out the information that tries and dams we've got a book it now library it's called serial killer serial killer and it shows in that book that one one in three children by the age of three are overweight or obese in America and ninety three percent of American children have cereal for breakfast and 30% of those cereals is mostly sugar we've got a huge problem in fact children are being groomed to be diabetics that's all they eat do you know I know having raised eight children the children will live on bread if you let them so I never put bread on the table to let eating all their dinner then they could have a slice of bread with olive oil and honey it's a reward you put bread on the table that's all they'll eat as I often say you can read them like a book they're all the same meets much higher acid that's true yes your palate will tell you because raw beans are not nice walnuts are very nice so that so then we need to actually investigate what's happening to the oils when you when you heat them now there are a few dishes that we lightly roast nuts to get a certain flavor but it's not the odd dish that you have a little bit of roasted nothing or the odd time you don't it's what you read every day that manners and heating does change the structure of oils so we serve it's called a tie salad it's a rockery rice and then we cook cubed tofu that's been rolled in seasonings in coconut oil so it's sort of crispy and then we have a big stir-fry vegetable and then we have salad so they pile it up on the plate and all over the top they put a satay sauce and this has got kaffir lime leaf and coconut cream in it and ginger and garlic and roasted almond gives the satay sauce but you see it's not much it's just a little bit to get a certain flavor so you might roast for a certain flavor in a dish but as long as most of the nuts that you eat or or if that helps yes it can be it can be you would use the process of elimination with Skin Diseases I find in about 98% of cases most skin diseases are due to a intolerance to wheat and dairy I've seen in fact every baby that comes to me with eczema we get the mother to stop eating wheat and dairy and within two months the baby is clear I've had mothers say Barbara I'm doing this it's a month there's no change I said a little bit longer a little bit longer at two months I get photographs baby has no more eczema with one it's usually a hormonal imbalance and I think we're talking about that tonight is that right yeah because you'll find that the acne begins at puberty so it's the woman's and so tonight in the lecture I'll be showing you how you can balance the hormones yeah see what a four-year-old girl will eat nothing but cereal and cookies well we need to talk to the mother because the mother is feeding the child he's amazing what children will eat when they're hungry so what you do is you take them on a great big Bush walk up a hill and you forget the picnic lunch and then when you get back they are very very hungry and the only thing on the table is salad and lentils you'd be amazed what they eat and if they say I don't want to eat that you know what I say okay see the smile okay do they gonna be hungry at breakfast and guess what's on the table fruit maybe some brown rice coconut I don't want to eat that okay you'd be amazed what they eat when they get hungry but what you've got to do is you got to have everything out of the house that they can't eat or they shouldn't eat and it's amazing how quickly they are they'll start to eat the good food that's why I say we got to talk to the mother because the mother is the one that's supplying the food yes I think time's up so I'll say a prayer and we'll finish father in heaven thank you again for teaching us and we pray that you will continue to be close to us and guide us and help us to remember the things we're learning for we prayed in jesus name amen
Channel: Chinniah Alakappan
Views: 77,944
Rating: 4.843678 out of 5
Keywords: Seventh-Day Adventist, Religion, Worship Service
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 7sec (3667 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 11 2018
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