BRSDA 20180602 02 June 2018 Health Camp Talk 10 Live your Diet by Barbara O'Neill

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happy some of everyone it is good to be here with you this morning and what I love about being part of the family of God is no matter where you go in the world you find family and thank you for making it so warm for me what I'm going to talk to you about today is the mind the mind is where the battle is staged because this world is not a parade ground it is a battlefield and you would never go into battle without your armor on and in Revelation chapter 12 verse 7 the Bible says and there was war in heaven that was the first war there was war in heaven and Michael and his angels fought against the Dragon and the dragon fought and his angels and prevailed not praise God they prevailed not we serve a mighty Savior and when we're on his side the devil can prevail not and prevailed not and Wisconsin and that Great Dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and Satan which deceives the whole world he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven now is come salvation and strength and the Kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ for the accuser of our brethren is cast down hold on to those words the accuser of our brethren is cast down who accuses them before God day and night and then we go down to verse 17 and the Bible says and the dragon was wroth with the woman and we know that in Bible prophecy the woman is God's church and when to make war with the remnant of her seed which keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ we're in a war where is the war well the Bible says in second Corinthians verse 10 and it starts at verse 3 where it says there we walk in the flesh we war not after the flesh for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds you see our weapons are not carnal but they're mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds and then it shows us a bit more casting down imaginations where are our imaginations they're up here this is where the war is played out in our brain and the front part of the brain as we looked at in another lecture earlier this week is called the frontal lobe that's the front part of the brain but where are the imaginations the imaginations are found in the back part of the brain is called the feelings that's why as I showed you earlier this is often called the bad boss and that's why the babe the bible says casting down imaginations because everything comes out of there isn't good do you know that's where the fiery darts go and that's why it says in your visions chapter 6 verse 10 to 20 it talks about the armor of God and in verse 5 it says having your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace and then in verse 6 it says and take the shield of faith wherewith he shall be shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one and those fiery darts are going to come and remember he accuses the Brethren before God day and night they're the fiery darts and they come in through whereas the front part of the brain is called the good boss and the good boss makes all of its decisions according to recent according to intellect according to judgment according to the will you see the will is the governing power in the nature of man it is the power of decision or of choice and as I showed you from that little quoting steps to Christ page 47 what we need to understand is the true force of the will you see this is the governing map governing power in the nature of man it's the power of decision or of choice you cannot change your heart you cannot of yourself give to God its affections but you can choose to serve him you can give him your will and that's why the Bible says in Revelation 3:20 God says behold I stand at the door and knock and if any man hear my voice God says and opens the door he says I'll come in how do we open the door how do we hear his voice it is here in as I 1:18 the Bible says come let us reason together it is here where do the fiery darts come they come here and remember they're coming in accusing form you're an idiot you're no good you'll never make it do you hear those voices for when they found don't listen to them because we have a savior that loved us so much He gave His life that we might live but it says in 2nd Corinthians 4 verse 6 for God who commanded the light to shine forth in darkness has shone in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ now we have this treasure in earthen vessels this is the earthen vessel we have this treasure in earthen vessels what's the treasure the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in face of Jesus Christ in John chapter 1 the Bible says in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God and the same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him and nothing was made by him that was not made in him was life and the life was the light of men and verse 5 is a very sad verse it says and the light shined in darkness but the darkness comprehended it not in verse 9 it says that was the true light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world he wants to light every man that cometh into the world but he is a gentleman he knocks he says and I will come in and I was suffering you he says and you with me such intimacy God wants to know us for God who commanded the light to shine for in darkness has shined in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ now we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of ourselves not of ourselves it is all of him we had to be gloves on the Masters hand that's why in 1st Peter 5 verse 6 the Bible says humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God and He will exalt you in due season by his power by his might that's the only way all we have what does the Bible say he's out justise filthy rags in in first Corinthians 4 verse 7 the Bible says who made these are differ from another and what does thou have that they did not receive and if thou did receive but why does their glory as if their did not receive it all we have all we are our very breath isn't easy mm-hmm the bark and the Sun the song it says count your blessings name them one by one and what does the next book say and it was surprise you if we don't count those blessings we actually don't see him that's why the Bible says in first Thessalonians 5:18 in everything give thanks oh how I enjoyed walking on the grass yesterday oh so nice I love the grass under my feet I was enjoying it so much I took my mind off watching where I was going and Oh prickle it is still in my foot it is deep I cannot get it so I went to bed with the slice of onion on it last night it was very sore from standing all day praise be to God for his natural remedies and so it's not hurting as much now I'll do it with a few more poultices we'll get it out you know what the Bible says I've got to say thank you Father in heaven thank you for that crinkle in my foot because there's a roaring line that's what it says in 1st Peter 5 verse Peter 5 verse 6 says humble yourself therefore under the mighty hand of God the next verse says casting all your care upon him for he careth for you and verse 8 says be sober be vigilant knowing that your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walketh around seeing whom he can devour oh when he tries hard why does he use deception remember he just deception means not as it appears fiery darts you may go bang back but what does that say in your vision six you need your visions chapter six and its verse sixteen six verse 16 it says and above all take the shield of faith wherewith you shall not mine not maybe you shall be all able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked and they will not hurt you so God who commanded the light of shining forth in darkness has shined in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ but we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of ourselves so we are troubled on every side but not the place distressed but not in despair persecuted but not forsaken cast down but not destroyed is that right every heart has its sorrow where my daughter came to me three months after we left home and said mom dad's been sexually abusing us Wow troubled on every side but not that legs distressed but not in despair persecuted but not forsaken cast down but not destroyed Wow and the toughest times where do we have our eyes on our Savior on our Savior we don't understand everything and we don't have to understand everything but we keep our eyes on our Savior because we know that there is a roaring line out there and you know what his one Amy to do is to shake our faith and he's gonna hit below the belt is that right he is so low so the counselors questioned my girl's story came out I just lie on me on the ground sobbing I homeschooled I I breastfed I made all their food I cooked their food I I I am I treated them naturally so what's the devil gonna what sort of fiery darts is he gonna do to me you've done all wet where was God God was right there holding my children's hands holding my hand if you think you've got a tough look at the cross it says in in Isaiah chapter 52 about verse 14 he's missing his village was marred more than any man you couldn't even think that that was a human being it was so badly bitten that the flesh was just hanging off him you know the Bible says think it's in Philippians where it says if by any means I might attain to the resurrection of the Dead yeah counsel has said to me we can't believe your girls the girls that have been through this they're usually in the drugs sex alcohol I said it is our faith it is our faith in a wonderful Savior but no matter what is thrown at us no matter how bad the fiery darts we can hold on to his hand and he will keep us he will keep us and in the little book steps to Christ it says the greatest that the warfare against self is the greatest battle manners ever been for self rises up and the devil knows that it's right here the warfare against self is the greatest battle that has ever been fought the yielding of self the surrendering of all to the will of God requires a struggle but the soul must submit to God before it can be renewed in holiness it's not easy to always thank God but you know we must we must because God knows the end from the beginning he knows the way that we take and when I was in my mountain home struggling under the hand of my oppressive husband who was a drug addict I was very much struggling and my little six-year-old boy handed me a piece of paper he said and it was written in six year old words that said it's all right mum God loves you and I remember another of my little ones on another very challenging day came and gave me a little little note and it was the memory verse and I've never seen this before it was from Joe that said he knoweth the way that I take when he hath tried me I shall come forth as gold yeah as gold what do they have to do to make gold shine do you know they have to put a through fire and you know what the fire does it doesn't burn the gold what does it burn the rubbish the rubbish I was reading in in a Ministry of healing that our trials are God's workshop and one a lot of people want to be in that workshop we want it easy that's why I say to parents don't make life too easy for your children because they're gonna get a shock because life is not easy mm-hmm life is not easy but do you know when you have a savior when you have a savior who holds you you can claim that promise another job says though he slay me yet I will love him but we are troubled on every side but not distressed perplexed but not in despair persecuted but not forsaken cast down but not destroyed everbearing about in the body the dying of our Lord Jesus Christ that the life also of him might be made manifest in our body a voice was heard in heaven 2018 years ago a word of great in point this voice said lo I can't no I can't what was the Savior doing the great commander in heaven he said no I can't he said a body thou has prepared for me they're trying hard they're pushing the buns he was about to come did Jesus know what was ahead yes then any time and he would have come if no one on the planet but one person had accepted him that's incredible is not angels could not understand why he did that he was the only one that could have done it we serve a mighty Savior he's actually already gained the victory for us and that's why it says in Hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 that the Word of God is quick powerful sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and the joints and marrow in is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart he knows what's going on in there neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight all things are naked and open before the eyes of him with whom we have to do seeing then that we have a great high priest that is passed into the heavens let us hold her fast to our profession when I heard that news what did I do I helped fill her I helped fast to my profession but we have not a high priest that cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities but who was in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we might obtain mercy and grace to help in every time of need I knew that I had to be a mother that had a smile on my face for my children so when I sing the song I know very well what that means my children needed to see a smile on my face even though I have just had the worst news a mother with everything yeah I smile do you know you can did you know happiness is a choice it is a choice beware of these feelings because they are wild horses and they're going to take you all over the place and the devil will throw his fiery darts there don't let him hold on fast Savior knowing that he died that we might live knowing that he is able to keep us from falling and to present us faultless before his throne with exceeding joy what a promise but there are some ailments that are happening in people's minds today that I'd like to address one is panic attacks what's a panic attack let me show you here's the nerve cell and the nerve cell is what makes up our brain in fact we have one trillion of these in our brain this is the arm that comes out of the nerve cell these are little filaments here's the butonce and here is the next nerve cell and the next nerve cell also has its receiving stations its dendrites you see our brain our nervous system is an electrical system it doesn't touch other nerve cells it communicates it communicates from cell to cell by little chemical messengers these little chemical messengers come in they're encapsulated they're sent down the arm into the little group turns to the next nerve cell now as I explained the panic attack let me show you what happens we had a girl to our program she's about 28 she said I get panic attacks do you know you can't you know you can't just get a panic attack that defies science you seen it Newton's third law of motion states that to every action there is an equal and an opposite reaction you know what this means there's always a reason and that's why proverbs 26 verse 2 it states the curse causeless shall not come so I began to investigate I said when did you get your first panic attack she said ah a man at work he was he was changing the books so I told the boss she said that not I got a brick through my window she panicked no wonder have you seen in Ecclesiastes it says there's a time to panic there's a time to laugh there's a time to cry it made a strong pathway in her brain you know when something has a profound effect on us it has a strong pathway knit we never forget it here we are eighteen months later she's still panicking I said to her using reason intellect and judgment is the man still around or long gone are you still in the house because it might have memories or known so what does reason intellect and judgment declare no need to panic it's over but she's still panicking you see she didn't realize that her feelings were the boss and she also didn't realize she'd actually got into the habit of panicking I said to her I think you're panicking about your panic attacks she smiled what did the smile say I think you're right but she said I don't know what else to do I said you may not realize this but when the feeling comes at that point you have a choice you can actually follow that pathway or you can resist the pathway in in 10 to 20 defusion 6 where it talks about the armor of God it says having your loins gird about with truth having on the breastplate of righteousness and before that it talks about take on the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in that evil and having done all to stand having done all what's having done all what I said to this girl there are some things that you can do what could she do to help this drink more water what's what I've got to do with panicking well your brains a hydroelectric system no hydro no electricity and when you're dehydrated your frontal lobe weakens what part of your body do you think the devil wants to take down the part where you communicate with God right there so he'll whisper in your ear you don't have to drink that much water doesn't taste less anyway just have a juice just empty just static confident mmm-hmm do you know tea and coffee they do cordial dehydrates only one thing will hydrate you and that's water so having done all to stead drink more water go to bed early remember your brain recharge just between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. go to bed early what does the devil say you don't need to go to bed early oh this is an interesting show keep watching keep watching keep watching yeah more fiery darts he deceives I'm gonna pee like Barney Dodds tonight that's why it says in James chapter one every man is tempted when he is drawn away with his own lust and enticed who's losing Tyson the roaring one he he'll do anything he has no integrity he has no morals he's gonna hit you though look where he hit me touched my first husband to sexually abuse his little daughters can you get lower than that you need to know the enemy otherwise he'll steal a march on your go to bed early I said to this girl drink more water start exercising huh mm-hmm we're drawn away by our own loss I don't feel like walking mm-hmm what is frontal-lobe say you got it you got a busy day you need that oxygen in your brain remember oxygen goes in there each brain cell gets 18 times more energy he's gonna deceive you into thinking you don't really need to exercise that sister Barbra she's a bit over the top I got this girl to start eating some nourishing food I got her to stop her coffee that's where you start and then the frontal life works better and you can make decisions I said next time you feel a panic attack coming laughs she said I won't feel like laughing I said that's right you won't feel like laughing but feel loved just go when I said you'll be able to laugh or maybe you'll be up the life pathway when I said I believe you can be on you'll be able to overcome your panic attacks I said I believe you'll be able to get off your medication I've started the pathway but what's still the strongest pathway the one that she has gone through again and again so what I said to her when you feel it coming have a big drink of water while you're laughing ho ho ho ho put the crystal of salt on have the glass of water put the kettle on get a chamomile tea down her whole body will be screaming panic perspiration skin will feel on edge what's she doing talk they don't know that's the world who does that take any notice of it but it's screaming at me will block your ears mm-hmm done listen get the camel multi put it in no I can do all things through Christ what did Jesus meet the devil with in the desert when the devil tempted him thus saith the Lord you know that's more powerful a firm reliance on the thought saith the Lord is more powerful than then all the miracles of the whole world put together we serve a mighty Savior I quickly found out when you become a Christian this is not an easy life but it's the best life because you have peace and you have a savior but no matter where you are he is there and he will hold you the first time this girl conquered her panic attack its strengthened the pathway every time you think it I can laugh yeah I'll be old enough every time you think it every time you do it the pathway gets stronger how long does it take before the conquering panic attack pathway laughing pathway off medication pathway but not going down this pathway it actually gets quite thin and research shows today it only takes 21 days to rewire your brain one man said to be I know I heard recently 60 days I thought for a minute you know this is where it happened thank you Father I said yes it will take 60 days if you're dehydrated and you're having late nights and you're having coffee and a lot of sugar and you're not eating nourishing food and you're not exercising can you see that that's why the Bible says and having done all to stand have you done your part God gave us choice I have seen many conquer there panic attacks have you ever said this to yourself settle down you'll be right this will pass mm-hmm there will pass you can rewire your brain you know the old saying you can't teach an old dog new tricks that's wrong you can you can it's a law of the mind that your words affect your mind so be careful if you say you can't you're right you won't if you say you can you're right you will what's the old saying where there's a will there's a way and that's just what God wants he says give me your will he says I will then work in you both to will and to do it of my good pleasure that's what God says in Philippi that's two that's only once he gives us a choice but how important to do our part what about depression depression is not a course it's an effect what's the cause of depression a chemical imbalance in the brain what causes a chemical imbalance in the brain too many highs what causes our high sugar causes our high caffeine causes our high alcohol causes a high hybridized wheat as we looked at this week it can cause that high not half a slice of bread a day but when it's serum tastes for breakfast sandwiches for lunch parts the fatigue cakes biscuit in there that's overload tobacco drinks games do you know that some some therapists who are treating with addictions classified addiction to games is worse than addiction to drugs they lose the game and you know what they think I'll win the next one I'll win the next one I'll win the next one that's exactly what happens with drugs I'll have another one I'll have another one one girl said to me her first heroin was so good but she said it's never that good again but you keep taking it wanting to get that hit again when I left home my first husband was having 30 joints of marijuana a day and that wasn't even keeping him normal and I just praise God that one night he got a gun and I heard him get the bullets it was the most scariest night of my life finally I heard him fall asleep because he was so drunk and I spent the rest of the night planning my escape I knew I had to get out my youngest was 6 my oldest was 17 6 children it was Sabbath morning so we were packing going to church and as most alcoholics in the morning they pretend nothing ever happened he said what time will you be home I said I don't know you see we traveled an hour through the mountains to get to church so we always had lunch there and often had a walk in the afternoon he said are you coming home I said no he said well you're not going anywhere I thought or dear and I said all right I'll come home but in the back of my mind I thought I might just change my mind and we got out I am I remember the day and I will never forget it had a profound effect on me it was like a huge burden fell off my shoulder I was out all we had was the clothes that we were wearing and I got the children to put in another change I'd hidden some oats and soy milk under the lunch I thought we'll have that for breakfast I didn't know what was going to happen next we got to church I'd hardly had any sleep and when those dear ladies came out to meet us at the car I just burst into tears it was a very there was a terrible night and I told them and and the men heard and they said let us go to the police I said no no no you're terrified terrified that's why when someone says stupid woman why didn't she leave you don't know how you don't know what it's like it's terrifying I wanted to raise my boys with tender hands I didn't want them to be the source of terror to any woman and I can praise be to God this day that they are tender men I said no no so we had the service we had lunch and while we having lunch my little eight-year-old boy Peter looked at me and said he's gonna ring up dad now tell him you changed your mind I'll tell you that I miss a beat do they I remember lady raining up one day and she said Barbara is everything all right up in that rain first I said sure she said I'm up the front and I'm looking at the faces of your children I didn't realize I didn't realize you think everything's all right you think you're holding everything together and it was until I left home and saw my children blossom that I realized we hadn't lived under great hardship but you don't know oops lost voice you know no often until you leave now the fiery dart from the wicked one it was it was three months later that my girls told me what had been happening I thought we could just go home again when he fixed everything up I thought he'd get off his alcohol and I thought he'd get off the drugs so that we could just go home and we found the house and that was a miracle no one wants to rent to a woman with six children so I went to see this house and I went with the lady that we were staying with and they said how many children do you have and I'd go how many are just six and this and the lady went all that was gonna rent the house and the lady with me said these children are the best children you will ever meet in your life these children were braver a railroad and so they rented me the house that lady told me lady later that when her husband found out there were six children coming she got into huge trouble it was a five bedroom house and it was in a big caravan park on the end of town God was so good you know five steps out of my front door there was a swimming pool my children thought they were in heaven God is so good you know many of the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all there are many little wealth springs of joy on the pathway yeah god is so good he is so good and we're not in heaven yet it was quite a journey but you know I held the fast to my Savior and then after I'd left home I found the lump in my breast I went to the doctor she said it's assist but she said can I just check your blood I said okay I was very very anemic I don't know I think it's just in a woman maybe it's my Scott change you just push on you just push on you just push on she said I don't know how you're even standing your your your levels are so low do you know over the next 10 years I was rushed to hospital five times and had to be given a blood transfusion do you know the devil tries to take you many times but you know what God says now it's not her time yet is that right it's not her time yet and I remember one experience where I was very very ill it was a big story so I won't tell you all the details I been married to Michael for four years and I developed the cough I was like this I lost so much weight I had many problems suddenly happen in my body and my daughter was driving me we were going up to our new property and I laid in the car I felt so terrible I said father not yet he said yes wow that's a shock I my daughter didn't know what was happening in my mind I said father no I can't not he said yes I said I thought I said father my children no one will plead for my children no one will plead for them like a mother does not yet they're not all with you not yet my children I pleaded for quite a while in my mind and then after about half an hour I said father not yet he said all right praise be to God you know when I was assessed later it was the death rattle that I had that the devil almost took me then you probably think what happens to you when you lose Tenkiller yeah I'll send sideways and you can't even see me but you know little by little by little I built up that was 12 years ago do you know we don't realize how our very breath is in the gut in the hand of God and I do not believe that I have any right no matter what I've been through and I've touched on some of the things to be said have I right I do not have a right to be sad and many people are sad because of what's happening in their life if you think you got a tough you know Paul said in ministry of healing he said whenever I was discouraged he said one glance at the Cross have you glanced at the cross one glance Jesus hanging there on the cross his arms knild his fate knild already been beaten to that he could hardly say that he was a man and the thief said father remember me thank you he said father remember me when you come into your glory how do you think Jesus felt at that point Shaunie couldn't be bothered with a thief who had been a criminal and deserved to be now he didn't deserve to be now there what did he say I tell you today you will be with me in paradise wow you know last night I was very tired and I put this top on the pen and it caught my skin terribly sharp pain and I felt to cry keep going do you know through Christ we can do all we can do well there is nothing you know the diversity that's first this first Corinthians 10:13 they have no temptation taken you but that which is common to man but God is able he is able he's even able to give you a way of escape that you might be able to bear it take those promises there is never a need to go down there's never a need that's why that must go that causes the highs do you know they know known of course highs they come with corresponding loans lack imbalance can cause depression lack of oxygen lack of sleep it's like of exercise lack of nourishing food lack of fat I hope you've got the message we need that fat that doesn't make you fat I like that I'm not gonna drink a cup of olive oil we're not talking about that we're just talking about putting a little bit in your dye your brain can be poisoned how can your brain be poisoned your brain can be poisoned by mercury by alcohol by drugs the medical journal state that the antidepressants cause depression that's why we have to realize where the war is gone God communicates with us there he says to us you'll be alive I'll keep you going you'll be all right I'll hold you the devil says you're hopeless you're useless you'll never be any good and you'll never make it which voice wins it's the worst we listen to dr. Carolyn leaf in her book who switched off my brain she says when we entertain or cherish negativity thorns grow between the dendrites thorns physical thorns in these physical forms can physically damage her she shows that when a negative thought comes into our brain it was through the branches of our tree looks like a tree they look like branches and the thought comes through like a breeze and at that point we can hold onto the negative thought or we can let occur but when you hold onto it Ellen White says in my character and personality she says when we cherish negativity when we entertain negativity what's entertained camera didn't stay stay the night stay forever isn't that agitate she says a grief anxiety discontent remorse guilt distress all can break down the life forces and invite decay and it body if we search for negativity we'll find it because there's a roaring line and he's just throwing those darts at you they're there but there's a gentle say the same cast all your care upon me come to me come unto me you me who were later and heavy-laden he says I will give you rest but you know what we have to do we have to come we have to open he's a gentleman he lives the choice with us all of these things can cause depression something else can cause depression I touched on it last night with hormones lack of progesterone happy hormone taking the Ana's wild young cream boost the happy hormone sometimes that's the missing link with depression if someone's on antidepressants they can't stop what they have to do is implement the lifestyle changes you're hearing this way get rid of the games limit technology make sure everything your eyes are watching is positive yeah there's so much violence and so much negativity they go in and they they actually take root everything that's violent is negative let it go so now that we see this now we know we have a part to play to keep this mind in the best working order what do we do at the thorns because they're there every single person is challenged with negativity it's know what happens to you it's what you do with it are you gonna hold on to it are you gonna let it go who's the accuser every time you get an accusing voice who is it are you gonna listen to him apparently doesn't sleep because the Bible says he's a using the brethren before our God day and night don't don't take it on what did Jesus use in the desert he said of us say of the Lord dr. Carlin live says that when we forgive when we forgive everyone who's ever heard us when I first talked to my first husband after I discovered the abuse he said I can't expect you to ever forgive me and I thought in my mind that's right but I was struck because the first character of God is mercy as ever I said but God can forgive you and then I thought and Who am I so I said well I forgive you and the rocks fell off my shoulders I was freed use of forgiveness is the only prescription in the entire universe that has the power to break the chemical bonds of hostility anger and hate just do it you don't have to feel like it just do it so when my second daughter was 14 she was angry she's bitter she's been sexually abused from six to nine years ago now she's 14 and she's angry so I sat with her for two hours I said Jessica forgiveness will give you wings it'll set you free just forgive you don't have to see you don't have to say anything but in your mind you have to forgive it doesn't make it right nowwe doesn't make it right but it frees you from the painful past after two hours of talking like this she said all right I forgive of course she's not gonna feel like it you see the frontal lobe is not fully developed until the age of 30 and this girl's 1314 and if I'd said now I don't think you really meant that she would have just huffed and walked out of the room ah bluster so when she said all right I forgive I smiled remember smile when you no-one even he's just smile how I love itself I jumped up shook her hand and I said congratulations you've just made probably the most important decision of your life so when she said all right I forgive that made a very light pathway but when I shook her hand the pathway I strengthened them that afternoon she said ma'am I'm feeling better about it I said you are experiencing a law of the mind that your words affect your feelings next day she said mum I don't feel like it today I said that's all right no wonder you don't feel like it you've just had a trigger but you'll get over and when I say to my daughter you can do it you're ghetto what am i doing I'm starting little pathways into the mind the research shows we can be rewiring our brain right up until the day we die I wanted to make sure at the age of 14 my daughter didn't go into depression didn't go into drugs didn't go into sex with so many girls that are abused her praise be to God at the age of 20 she surrendered her life to God she happily married her and her husband great sex life that's very little girl not often do you see that God is so good it's actually not what happens to us that's where we end up is that right that's why the Bible says if by any means I might attain to the resurrection mmm-hmm when we forgive let's say today we forgive everyone who's ever heard us in our life ever misunderstood us when we go to sleep tonight between the hours of 9:00 and 2:00 because of our decision to forgive little cells called glial cells are activated glial cells are more numerous than nerve cells in our brain and glial cells are the body's vacuum cleaner they're the brains vacuum cleaner so between the hours of 9:00 and 2:00 if you wake in those hours tonight you can amuse yourself there they go they're working and they vacuum clean up all the voids isn't God good and the psalmist that said I will praise you crying fearfully and wonderfully made marvelous are thy works and that my soul knoweth right well you didn't know that vacuum clean up all the thorns she's a psychologist he's a Christian psychologist and her name is dr. Carolyn leaf and she wrote the book who switched off my brain and she explains that in her book and it supports what Ellen White wrote over a hundred years ago grief anxiety discontent remorse guilt distrust alter tend to breakdown the life forces and can invite decay and death into the human body and now research proves that that is true so if you're struggling with depression seriously look if there's anyone in your life you need to forget and Peter said to Jesus how often should we forgive seven times and we know Jesus answer seventy times seventy times seven I saw both my abused girls freed through forgiveness my older girl has always been a very strong Christian she wrote a letter to her father at the age of 19 and the letter said I love you I forgive you and I never want to see you again that's powerful that's very powerful and she wrote a poem then they still use this poem in the abused part of the hospital in Sydney she said a little bug was developing and someone came along and ripped off the petals to see some of the petals and trod on those petals with dirty boots but she said the rows continued to blossom and blossoming into a beautiful rose and when they read that palm they said we are shocked that a 18 year old girl could write that because most girls this has happened to they can their voice that they grew into a beautiful rose so every abused girls that goes through these centers gets given that poem but my daughter wrote and she was able to write that poem because she'd forgiven and she was able to forgive because she has a savior who had forgiven her notice in the Lord's Prayer it says forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those that trespass against us in other words if we don't forgive we're not allowing God to forgive us and God has been so merciful and he has done so much what more could he do he has done everything that we need for health for strength so as you can see as I talk on the mind we need to get the physical body working one because that affects the mind and this afternoon I'm going to tell a few stories I almost told a story then but I'll keep my stories till this afternoon we have many remarkable stories and that's why the the the book Christ objects lesson it's a little paragraph in there that I love and it says 347 page 347 of Christ's objects lesson transgression of physical law is transgression of the moral law for goddess is truly the author of the physical law as he is of the moral law he has lit he has written his law with his own finger on every nerve every muscle every Faculty every brain cell I put that bit in with which we have been entrusted and every misuse of any part of our organism is a violation of that law or how many all should become intelligent as to the human frame and how to keep it in the condition necessary to do the work of the Lord the relation that exists between the physical organism and the spiritual life is one of the most important branches of Education the physical organism should be carefully preserved that's one preserved and developed the through humanity the divine nature might be revealed in all of his fullness seeing then that we accomplished about says Hebrews chapter 12 with so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us and run with patience the race set before us looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy set before him what's the joy set before I'm seeing you on the sea of glass seeing you concur in your lives today before the joy set before him endured the cross what's the old song say when he was on the cross we were on his mind what a beautiful thought endured the pain and he sat down at the right hand of the Father wherefore consider him who endured such contradiction of sinners against himself lest ye be wary and fate in your mind for you have not yet resisted unto blood striving against sin we're in a battle make sure you have your own room make sure your physical organism is strong well watered well mineralized well exercised well that protected from anything that will harm it what a mighty army God would have if his people would take this on let us close father in heaven we praise you and thank you not only for this amazing body and all its workings but the incredible mind and brain that you've given us that can get stronger and smarter and wiser with age and we also thank you even more for the knowledge on how to treat them but even more than that we thank you for the sacrifice that Jesus made that we might live we appreciate it we want to live the life that you want us to live so thank you that everything you asked us to do you automatically enable us to do thank you Father for we pray it in Jesus name
Channel: Chinniah Alakappan
Views: 15,531
Rating: 4.7916665 out of 5
Keywords: Seventh-Day Adventist, Religion, Worship Service
Id: bSi_OA1xELI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 54sec (3594 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 11 2018
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