Barbara O'Neill -partea 2- Rolul microbilor în boală

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[Music] [Music] welcome back everyone what I'd like to look at now is the crew y'all at microbes plays disease and the antibiotic question is a real one when I mentioned that one percent of doctors are referring that antibiotics are causing more problems than they ever cured what do I mean by that and what do they mean by that when you take an antibiotic into your body you're actually putting a mold waste into your body as I showed you and how many people have had antibiotics and then they get thrush yeah or a mother has antibiotics and her baby gets thrush because you're putting a mold waste into your body that's what the doctors are referring to and there's a link today linking cancer with fungus and if you put fungus and cancer into the web we'll get a whole area of things I have a few books at my health retreat that are from different doctors different professors over the world that are showing this you see Louis Pasteur believed in mono more fees and mono means one more fizz in one form Louis Pasteur he presented that only ever is a bacteria and it only ever will be a bacteria but there are is another class of people who believe that in pleomorphic Amplio means many meaning it's not just ever going to be a bacteria under there under different conditions this bacteria can change in the Eastern fungus and we know in the cycle of life that's exactly what it does unfortunately in medicine today because the pharmaceutical companies play a large role in what doctors are taught and what doctors are taught are basically based on the germ theory and for doctors to acknowledge or medicine as a whole the role of yeast and fungus in disease they would also have to acknowledge that some of their main drugs are putting it into the body like your antibiotics like your statin drug like your contraceptive pill like your courtesans but as you can see by what I showed you with the basic foundation of the cycle of life it's important to understand that so that you understand the role that they play in disease now yeast and fungus they can get into the body in four ways it can get into the body through inhalation so if you've got a moldy orange in your fruit bowl don't touch it because it can get you through your skin so what do you do you actually put a mask on get some tongs pick it up and dispose of it outside the house it's it's toxic stuff so you can inhale it you can ingest it don't touch anything that has mold on it because mold is toxic now if a person has strong hydrochloric acid it can actually kill the mold but as you'll see on Friday night when I look at the gut not a lot of people have strong hydrochloric acid anymore if someone says to me I've got I've got too much acid in my stomach I said I say fantastic because that's what breaks your protein down but I've actually never met anyone with too much acid I'd say to someone how do you know it says so we'll it keeps coming up well that's not the acid the problem is the little gate there and the little gate if it's working well should stop any acid coming up now what you have to go way back to is why why are these things so why are these things happening so four ways mold can get into your stomach through inhalation through ingestion through the skin and also sexually and when it comes into the body it can it can play havoc in the body and there's a book that I have called the germ that causes cancer and inspired Dan Kaufman who works with a doctor dr. Holland the germ that causes cancer and he has a chapter that goes through the streams of time 19th century through the streams of time 20th century and he shows that when we went from the 19th to the 20th century medicine and science alike agreed that cancer was a fungus so what happened well in the early nineteen so from the nineteenth to the early mid 1900s the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds came in and where did they fund the research to go to chemotherapy to radiotherapy to surgery so in cancer treatments today you've got slash poison and burn I mean surgery and chemotherapy and radiotherapy between 1998 and 2004 dr. Graham Morgan who's an oncologist from North Shore Hospital in Sydney and another couple of Sydney oncologists they had a look at chemotherapy and they found that five years after chemotherapy there was a two and a half percent survival rate now that is shocking news now not every cancer has such a low survival rate but I get I think the highest survival rate was just something like five years after chemo maybe a 10 or 20 percent survival rate there are people that survived after chemo but most of the time it's because they've changed their life they've changed their lifestyle you see if you don't turn the tap off you're gonna still be mopping up in the other corner and one person said to me barber you can't blame everything on fungus well the fact is fungus is just an opportunist organism it's just going to be around where it is well fed how do you know if fungus is in the body and by the way you can have a yeast problem in the body and not have cancer but it certainly can develop to cancer if it's given the right conditions so how do you know your tongue is a good guide your tongue should be pink from the tip to the back and if it is coated and you can scrape the coat off that is waste but if you can't scrape the coat off that's a little fungus buds on the back of the tongue so we've looked at how it can come into the body now I'd like to show you hey can you get out of the body but before I do that let me tell you one story that shows the the danger of mold and a lot of people don't realize how dangerous this stuff is and this is why I have written a book on the subject and the book self healed by design up the back the role of microorganisms and disease I basically explore what you're hearing tonight in greater detail and I have the research and a little bit more of the background around it now this happened five years ago it happened in a little town of Toowoomba in Queensland there was a silo that had water damage so what happens in a silo when there's water damage mold so what do they do with the moldy grain when you can't feed humans and you know that not even a pig will eat moldy grain they've even coated it with molasses and won't eat it so we're what are we going to do with this moldy ground we'll make beer out of it so then we're left with once the roof was fixed on the silo then then the inside of the silo which was white what's the Wyss mold had to be cleaned so three men were asked to do it the three men had to look at it two of the men said I'm going to put protective clothing on the third men said no this won't take long so the two men went off to get their clothing on and the third man went in with the shovel to start shoveling off this white moldy buildup on the walls of the silo when the two men came back they look like they're about to walk on Mars now totally covered with breathing apparatus they came into the room and their friend was lying down they ran over to him he was dead what happened to him when he put the shovel in he caused a big release of this mold waste it went in through his skin he breathed it he swallowed basically he had an anaphylactic reaction and he died so this this stuff is toxic that man obviously had a big overload and you've probably heard and maybe experienced that in schools they peanuts are banned does that happen in New Zealand certainly in Australia do you know there's nothing wrong with a peanut peanuts are not in that they are a legume and they grow in the ground so they mold very very easily and it is not the peanut that kills it's the mold waste on the peanut and the peanut grows a mold called Aspergillus and it gives off a mold waste called aflatoxin aflatoxin is the most carson carcinogenic substance that has ever been tested now different molds have effects on different body parts and the China Study which is a book by dr. Colin Campbell he shows them there that children were dying in the Philippines between eight and ten years of age from liver cancer and they traced it to the aflatoxin in the peanut butter and he came to the conclusion that it must be the poor children that were dying but it was the wealthy children that were dying and the wealthy children were were eating what Time magazine called the meat sweet diet a high meat height sweet and yet the children in the country were eating a natural diet of lots of greens and maybe seaweeds and a little bit of fish a little bit of soy and they were not dying and this shocked Colin Campbell because he was trained in med school that you got to have meat for your protein and and you got to have dairy for your calcium but he found in his research that he could switch cancer on or off by the amount of meat and dairy products that he was giving the rats just incredible in fact he would inject them or with aflatoxin and the ones on 5% animal protein did not get the cancer the ones on 20% animal protein were all died from from the liver cancer and he would take do another research he'd give the rats 5% animal protein for the first year no cancer second year he's twisted out he'd changed it to 20% animal protein they all died of liver cancer so can you see he could turn cancer on and off again genetics laser-gun lifestyle pulls the trigger but here it's the germ he ejected every right with aflatoxin in other words they'll only live where they're getting well-fed so how do we get this out of the body number one you've got to starve it what's its favorite food the favorite food basically is sugar yeast loves sugar and it also is fed by yeast as well now if someone has a yeast presence in their body and the most common ones are a vagina each anal itch athlete's foot rashes it can go further to our gut problems it can go further to psoriasis 2x my etc etc in fact someone said what's the signs of biggest presence in the body I said how long is a piece of string another there's huge amounts and it depends on our strengths and our weaknesses our lifestyle etc etc that's why you're the doctor and so if someone comes to me wanting to eliminate yeast out of the body I say go on very low low fruit say granny smith apple and grapefruit in my book there are programs for it but in particular in this lecture we'll go one step further what about someone that has cancer well if someone has cancer what conquering cancer I call it no fruit for six weeks and sometimes this program is called the sledgehammer program because it's designed to give a sledgehammer approach to cancer to really knock it out dr. otto warburg in the 40s got a Nobel Prize for proving that cancer loves an environment with high sugar and no oxygen and there's a part of your cell that runs like that let's go to the CBD and I'll be pursuing this more you know the lectures once the glucose goes into the body there's a 20 step pathway and this 20 step pathway that processes the glucose gives two units of energy and it's an anaerobic anaerobic means no oxygen now the interim result of the 20 step pathway produces a chemical form of glucose called pyruvate and pyruvate gets fed into what's called the powerhouse because the eighth step pathway gives us 36 units of energy and this is the aerobic pathway meaning the oxygen pathway now this 20 step pathway is very fast it consumes huge amounts of glucose and this is where a cancer cell runs no oxygen lots of sugar when this pathway is being used and this is a slow pathway it uses a lot of oxygen and it it can run without high sugar because it takes a little while to get down there can you see that everything we eat has sugar everything we eat but the high fruit high sugars one lady said to me I know what was feeding my cancer she oh yeah she said I used to make pavlovas for church 16 cups of white sugar in a paddle over that big think of that next time someone offers you a slice of pavlova eat the fruit on top so this is what dr. otto warburg got a Nobel Prize for showing that cancer cells cancer cells basically are running up here so you give a cancer cell lots of sugar even a high fruit diet it's just going to feed it cancer cannot live in the presence of oxygen that's what dr. Otto Warburg discovered now check it out in the anatomy and physiology books this is the glycolytic pathway and the glycolytic pathway is an important pathway because that produces the fuel needed for the 8-step pathway but if a lot of sugar is going in oxygen can you see that this is just where it can stay running and so to starve the to starve the cancer cut out all the sugar cut out all the years and no fruit for six weeks now because the person's eating a lot of vegetables legumes nuts seeds they're getting the fuel for the cell to run down there that's how it should run one lady said but Barbara fruits good I said it's fantastic but if a person's got cancer they need to drastically reduce that for a period of time what happens after six weeks then after six weeks they go on what I call stage one antifungal diet they can start eating grapefruit granny smith apples they also go very low and which I'll cover when I look at diabetes excuse me they go very low on the on the carbohydrates but they can have lots of Dial legumes lots of vegetables nuts and seeds also I mean you got to search the house that there's no mold there can be no mold when I was in the Qantas Club waiting for a flight I was reading the Australian and as I was taking my attention was taken to an article it said my doctor said I've got to get out of my house I'm immediately interested she was living in an apartment and the apartment was mouldy and then they investigated and found out that every apartment was moldy whoever did the bathrooms didn't properly arm or depress them and then they discovered that one man his his whole kitchen roof fell in it just totally rotted from mold the people in that set of apartments were sick there was a high cancer rate in there and noticed what this lady said my doctor says I've got to get out of my house Arthur was refreshing to see there's an acknowledgment there it's toxic stuff number two basically this is turning the tap off number to kill I do think we've got to get away from the killed mentality but there are herbs that will kill cancer kill mold and will not kill you isn't that good yes and in my book there's a whole list of them so things like olive leaf extract grapefruit seed extract for Diaco putiak as a South American herb strong antifungal killer and in New Zealand there's a herb that we Australians use called Horeb Pete Oh have you heard of the herb horror Pete oh that's a very strong antifungal what I suggest people do is a fortnight on that a fortnight on this the foot not on that you alternated because of the body's amazing ability and the microbes ability to adapt to the job you keep changing it you keep changing it so number three balance bring back the balance in the gastrointestinal tract and flood the gastrointestinal tract with the good guys there's your probiotic one of the questions I was asked so I'll answer it now is what probiotic brand do I suggest I am not familiar with your New Zealand ones but you basically just go for a vegetarian probiotic and the best time to take it is three quarters of an hour before breakfast so that'll go way down where it should go don't have it with your meal because when you start eating the valve at the bottom of your stomach the pyloric sphincter shuts and your hydrochloric acid is really strong and it can wipe out your probiotics and you want them way down so three quarters of an hour before breakfast early morning is the best time for them number four alkalis cancer and fungus love an acid environment so it makes sense to alkalize the body I have a book in my library called cancer is a fungus and it's by an Italian oncologist named dr. Tulio Simoncini now this oncologists been having 90 percent success rate and what he does he injects the cancer with sodium bicarbonate so party sodium bicarbonate they're the ultimate alkalizer in fact in the lining of your stomach there's sodium bicarb in case any stomach acid gets through and your pancreas releases sodium bicarb to neutralize the acid coming out of the stomach did you later and in agriculture they will spray fungus on plants with sodium bicarb and our grandmothers cleaned up moldy bathrooms with sodium bicarb so some people say well should I drink sodium bicarb no all that'll do is neutralize your stomach acid and there's one place and one place only where in your body that should be acid students stomach it's only in an acid environment as you'll find out on Friday night when we go on the journey going through the gastrointestinal tract now the only time I would suggest taking sodium bicarb would be if someone had stomach cancer and then they could take it just before bed you see your hydrochloric acid is produced when you think smell taste food basically the brain says it's coming come on guys produce the hydrochloric acid so when you wake up in the morning it's not then it's not active that only comes when the brain says it's time because it's got food messages from your eyes from your nose from you when you sit down to eat a meal so when I sat down at lunchtime to a lovely plate of beans and chickpeas and cucumbers and avocados my brain without me even conscious of it was already giving messages to my mouth and stomach to start producing the things you see your eyes and your smell are all giving messages into your brain the brains an amazing thing headquarters so what I'm talking about is alkalizing the tissues basically where where your your cells function and one of the most alkalizes alkalizing substances you can take in is the lemon you might say no lemons acid as I said where it should be that's it's great digestive aid put it on your fruit cell and put it on your green salad but when it is split in the gut and the minerals are separated and taken into the body basically and into the tissues the lemons Huynh alkalizing minerals so alkalizes the tissue so lemons acid where it should be alkaline where it should be that's why the great drink early in the morning is lemon warm lemon water alkalizes the tissues and lemon is a great are liver liver whoo so alkalis what are the most alkalizing foods dark green leafy vegetables a very alkaline on your vegetables or alkalizing and watermelon well if you've got cancer or yes we don't want watermelon again fruits can be alkalizing but if you've got cancer you've got that balance there alkalizing but they're actually feeding the sugars feeding the cat the yeast which actually gives off acid so that is that that whole balance of when someone comes to our retreat wanting help to conquer cancer we blend up wild greens with water and strain it and we and they drink a liter of that a day so green drinks green drinks alkalis from the insane inside and now there's a specific treatment that we do it misty and it's the hyperbaric chamber I don't know if you've heard of the hyperbaric chamber the hyperbaric chamber was developed to help divers that had bends you see in air air is 21% oxygen and about 79% nitrogen so when the diver goes down under pressure and comes up too quickly nitrogen goes into little gases in the joints and that's the bends you've probably heard of the bends so they developed the hyperbaric chamber which under pressure oxygen is taken into the blood the little nitrogen's dissolve and basic or you know they're they're broken up and they're breathed out cancer cannot live in the presence of oxygen so going into a hyperbaric chamber increases the oxygen content and when you got more oxygen can you see that your cells are going to go down to here and look 18 times more energy the human body will experience when the cell can get down to the to what's called the mitochondria the Krebs cycle Henry's law states that under pressure more gas goes into a liquid so in the hyperbaric chamber the gases oxygen and the liquid is blood so they're looking at hyperbaric chambers now in cancer treatment or some hospitals have whole rooms that I'll have the very chamber we've just got like a tenth and you know you close it up and you pump it up and it's like a little pressurized ten people come out and they've got lots of energy because they've got lots of energy and the cells get down to there so that's part that can be part of the treatment and also we do sodium bicarbonate wraps dr. Tulio Simoncini injects it into the cancer well we're not you know injected into the answer but we do raps and when we do the rap sets this is quite a specialized treatment it's about two kilos of sodium bicarbonate and five litres of water and half a cup of lemon juice and then you dip towels in it and bring the towels out now I've only just thought of it now but we might be able to demonstrate that let's say we're doing natural remedies some Wednesday Thursday and Friday okay well will will demonstrate that on the Friday one because there's a little bit of preparation to be able to do that but it's quite an intensive treatment and the first so hot towels wrapped around the torso and then covered and then another hot wet towel around this leg then that leg then this arm then that and then it's all covered and they're wrapped up for one hour so basically what's happening is with someone that's got cancer you're stopping everything that can feed it you're taking the herbs that will kill off the yeast you're balancing the gut with the probiotic you're taking the green drinks which are alkalizing from the inside taking the hyperbaric and that's not always possible but if possible and being wrapped up in the sodium bicarbonate rice and the sodium bicarb asically is coming in through the skin and helping to alkalize when people come to our retreat I say basically cancer hasn't got a chance in your body you see the body heals itself we've just got to give it the right conditions so let me tell you the story about Elizabeth cot that came to us two and a half years ago she's in her mid 60's and she had three large tumors in her abdomen and her doctor said this is a very aggressive cancer you have to begin chemotherapy straightaway she wanted to think about it and someone gave her one of my lectures on cancer say she rang us up and she booked in she stayed for two weeks and we did five because there one our treatments we did five wraps the first week and five wraps the second week at that point we did not have our hyperbaric chamber stop golf fruit went on lots of vegetables legumes nuts seeds gave her herbs to kill balanced it she had green drinks every day she felt very good she went back to the doctor three months later and he tested her all her inflammatory markers had come down she felt fantastic after three months she'd lost 10 kilos she was looking great she was off her blood pressure medication all these other things fixed up she was no longer on her sleep apnea machine doctor looked up to her tests and he just said keep keep doing what you're doing and I'll see you in six months now what did he say three months before yeah you got hit something straightaway he didn't know what was going on so she went back and it was six months later so we're looking at about almost a year time frame now and he did a scan on her abdomen and one of the tumors had totally gone she went back another six months later and the other tumor had totally God she said to me the other tumors there but it's not growing it's not doing anything and she said when I go to see the oncologist now he said she said there are two oncologists and a specialist and they're just standing looking at us that they don't know what's going on but they just can't believe what's happening with her now she was the the dessert maker at church remember the 16 cups of white sugar in her pavlova she said when they asked me to make pavlovas now she said no I'm not gonna make that I love you too much she said but I will make apple crumble or I will make apple pie or apple strudel she's polish beautiful cook and whereas she used to put butter and cream in her dishes she puts olive oil and coconut cream in the dishes now and I've eaten at her house beautiful fish she's just she's just replaced the things she used to make with other things and the food is still still very very beautiful now Elizabeth eats much like I do now she she does have some fruit now you know she's had remarkable responses and she lives in Melbourne and she now gives classes teaching people natural remedies teaching people how to eat she's an incredible illustration of of what can happen in the body when you give it the right conditions it's two and a half years later now she says to me I'm almost 70 and I feel better than I then I felt in my 40s you see there is a formula and if you give the body the right conditions you will get the results we had another lady come and her name is Emily and she'd had she'd had brain cancer two years before they go for a lot of radiotherapy and chemotherapy and it went into remission you see chemotherapy does kill cancer but it also kills the good cells that's a little bit of a gamble will I survive this thing if the body is designed to heal itself we don't need to kill off the good stuff we need to build up the good stuff the doctor said that she was cured but a year later she got breast cancer they came in again with the radio and the chemotherapy and took her breast they said she was cured two years later they discovered she had liver cancer and bone cancer I would like to ask a question now is it working you see the same blood that goes through the liver goes through the brain goes through the breast they started chemo again and all her fingernails went black all her hair fell out and the doctor got a little bit scared he said we'll put it on hold for another month and then she heard about us and her family put together to enable her to come she sat in front of me and she said I know that God sent me here on whatever you tell me to do I will do I'll love that you see where there's a will there's a way and she did everything do you know the first time her walking was like this she was only in her mid-40s she was with us for two weeks after the second wrap her locked jaw released she had locked jaw ever since the chemo ever since the Kim she'd be unable to perspire she started to perspire just bit by bit by bit we saw incredible results in this lady the people were with her on the first we couldn't believe she was the same woman at the end of the week she was with us for two weeks you know at the end of the second week she was she was up ahead of everyone on the exercise program the results were just incredible now the man that is our maintenance man sometimes does our trips to the airport he drove Emily into the airport she was very very quiet so she didn't say much but I was giving her a clotting Kirra Gatien on the second week and asked massaging quite deeply her abdomen she looked at me and she said I wouldn't have let you touch my abdomen with your little finger ten days ago and now I was massaging it heavily with my fist I said what were your pain levels when you came oh I didn't want to tell you but they were at eight nine out of ten I said what are they now she said one out of ten that was in ten days so the man that drove her to the airport he came back he sat down into my in my kitchen a few hours later I said what is it Jeff he said this woman has just told me her story she just told me what she wants and she just told me what she is now he said I've never heard anything like it because he's at fencing he looked at me and he said I want to work for you people for the rest of my life incredible Emily was given three months to live Emily lived another six years when she went back to the doctor a year later the the tumor on her liver had totally gone what she really battled with was the chimra in her bones in her lower spine I think if emily hadn't had to go back to the city and as a single mother deal with some troublesome teenagers i think she might have even made it longer but remember she'd had many bouts of chemo which are very poisoning to the body but she was overjoyed that she got another six years but in that six years she got quality of life and it was really only need and she deteriorated quickly and that was that was a great blessing I had another lady come to me exactly the same age exactly the same situation and she's in front of me and she's crying I said why are you crying she said I don't want to be here I said I've never had anyone saying that I said well why are you here oh my mother and my sister insisted I come I said but you know you have liver and bone cancer well she said I don't feel like I have I just want to live my life so I said would you like us to drive your home you see a man convinced against his will will be of the same opinion still she said I'll stay and everything we did oh all right we'd give her a grand ring she'd take a mouthful and just leave it when she went and then she went home and Michael and I had mixed up the computers she'd got ours and we had her so we went back to her house a few hours later and Michael knocked on the door and he can smell her meat cooking later her mother rang us up and she said I can see she's not interested she died three months later exact same situation that has Emily had so you see with this lady there was a mind thing that the mind is very important remember what Emily said whatever you say all day what this lady said I don't want to be here so there's a mind as well and I want to tell you another story about a man who came to us from Melbourne and he had prostate cancer and he was 56 he was not that interested in coming but his wife and his daughter were keen so his wife was about 54 his daughter was about 28 and so I went through things in the consultation we can do this we went oh yeah and his wife and his daughter said yeah yeah we'll do it you'll do it weren't your dad yeah dad yeah dad so that they had all the go and he was a runner I know everything we did we didn't sell writer writer B's wife and daughter was saying yeah he'll do it he'll do it so he had this you know fan club in the back end that was moving along he stayed for two weeks in our final consultation I said well I suggest this he was on suppose and he's wife and daughter yeah yeah he'll do it he'll do they went home and he did it purely because he had a wife and a daughter yeah yeah yeah he emailed me three months later he said I've just had a test and I'm cancer-free now he's interested interesting story he was just our writer right oh I'm not really gung-ho like his wife and his daughter work amazing stories what I find when people come to us wanting help with cancer I find that there are turnarounds in this in some of the stories that I've just told you with some people like Emily I find three months is extended to six years and for some people where it's very advanced I find the last days made more comfortable and so whatever the outcome you can see there's a plus and for a few people that have come at very late stages they have passed within a few months and their wife their daughters have contacted us and said thank you so much thank you so much because our time at misty was a joy and dad or mum sister was able to pass without near the suffering that we know that they would have had so whatever the outcome and I can never predict some people that I think oh dear they have turnarounds and some people I think you know I think we might have a go there it doesn't quite there are so many factors that come in some people say what's your success rate I said well and you can't do double-blind stone studies because my daughter's got twins and they're like chalk and cheese you can't even do studies from twins because there's so many different things and you might have identical twins and think yeah we can do a study on this but one more section you and the other one you see and that can that can tip the scales and I've met women who've developed inflammatory breast cancer after finding out their daughter was violently raped so you see there's this emotional thing that also comes into the equation and then there's Doug Doug came to us with prostate cancer for two weeks in the initial consultation I said did you have a happy healthy childhood he said no my father yelled at me all my life he yelled at me either runner okay all week he was you could see the frown and he would tell everyone about what happened in his childhood after he heard the lecture on forgiveness I went to him and I said well Doug have you forgiven your father he said you don't understand he said all my life I was yelled at I said but doc you got to do it you don't understand I said Doug it'll take a minute I was pushing him on you I was pushing him but I knew that if he didn't let this go he would never heal no matter doing all of this it's awesome I knew I was flexing my muscles a bit and pushing him I said Doug it'll take a minute you don't understand so I backed off and changed the subject three minutes later he said I've done it I said great notice what you said I've done it I will define this on Saturday that forgiveness is not a feeling it is a choice because I'd like to suggest how could you ever feel like the law of the mind states that your feelings come up to you've done it do you know all that week Doug had a smile no one else heard the story of his father yelling at him for a week and as I'll show you on Saturday there are little cells in your brain that start to to detoxify it and clean it up just because you forgive isn't that amazing I tell you these stories because there are so many factors that come in so many factors and especially with prostate cancer and also with breast cancer there's a hormone factor because if the hormones were balanced then that wouldn't happen but it's not always a hormone factor can you see that not always a hormone factor and there is a cream called the Anna's wild yam cream that is able to balance the hormones number number six but before I go to number six let me just tell you one story that illustrates what happened with the lady she's a lady doctor from South Australia she's 60 she rang me she said Barbara I've just found out I've got breast cancer I've got a five centimeter lump in my breast sorry three centimeters she said what can I do I said go on the Anna's wild yam cream to help balance that because the high estrogen feeds the tumor in the breast and there are many things that cause a disruption of that I said and get a panty liner and put some castor oil on it and just slip it in your bra where the lump is castor oil penetrates deeper than any other oil in the lecture tomorrow we'll be looking at castor oil in the natural remedies if you're unable to come if you go to Barbara Neil poultice YouTube the the lecture is there castor oil penetrates deeper than any the oil there's a book called the oil that heals and the whole book is on castor oil and it was written by a doctor he's using it in his practice I said keep that on as much as you can every day put a little bit more oil on she ranked she rang back a month later and booked into our program so she came to our program about three months after we'd had the conversation and when we're having our initial consultation she said a month after you talked to me I decided to go and have the month cut out she said that when I came out of surgery my doctor said you know it's really strange that luck was three centimeters but it was only 2 centimeters when we took it out you see reducing the estrogen had stopped feeding it and the castor oil was starting to break it down and she told the other guests and they said well why did you have the surgery she said well I didn't know till the lock was out but that's that's what it was doing so can you see what we're looking at here there's not only a hormone balancing the hormones there can also be poultices that you can do with breast cancer absolutely the pollicis can happen but number seven is a mineral supplement called Ormus or or miss you can put that into the web and have a look at it but it's orbitally rearranged monoatomic elements and you don't have to repeat that back to me but basically it's minerals in a monoatomic form that have been dropped out of seawater in my book self hill design there's a chapter on genetics in the last two pages it's a description of it but the research is showing that these minerals can heal DNA damage so can you see we're looking at it from several different angles there we're looking at a diet tree we're looking at it also which I haven't mentioned there is lifestyle which we'll be looking at through the week drinking more water exercise we're looking at bringing balance into the gut we're looking at alkalizing we're looking at the the hormone factor if it's if it's prostate or breast cancer or or cervical cancer or ovarian if it's a hormone factor and we're also looking at poultices which also help to give the body that the the environment for healing and healing the DNA now I did say we'd opened the floor for questions but I've got a little group here that we're going to have a look at and there's one that I'd like to look at first which covers a little bit of what we're looking at one is is this potting mix really kill you off there was that one why would potting mix kill students mom yeah and some potting mixes have more mild than others so really if you're dealing with it you must wear a mask and again that mold can get into your body and it's not an easy thing to get rid of it and in my book it outlines it and we've outlined it also there so just potty looks really Kindle well it can and if someone's got cancer they shouldn't go anywhere near potting mix or wear a big mask and another one here that I read a lady was living in a moldy house after mold being there was mold under the floors in the house lived there for ten years not knowing there was mold under the floorboards out of it now will I still be affected by that mold well my DNA heal yes it will but it must be given the right conditions and if someone has had an experience like that it's important to go through a specific program to read it out read it out of the body so there might be a little yeast still in the body but if it's fed sugar if it's fed a high carbohydrate diet if it's on a lot of fruit you can see it's just an opportunist organisms these are just opportunist organisms they're just going to live where they get well fed so that's that's what it's important to remember are there any simple reasons why teenagers today suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome good question if someone's suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome students where are their cells running look how much energy they're getting so someone can suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome mostly chronic fatigue syndrome is lack of oxygen and you can have a hundred reasons for lack of oxygen one might be that the person's got yeast in their body another one might be chemical exposure another one might be lack of lack of exercise which is a powerful way to get oxygen into the body another one might be dehydration because the the cells need the water to help pick up the oxygen can you see there can be a whole lot of reasons and too much time on technology and not enough time running up and down mountains and diving in seas okay if you dive in dive in the sea here you're in there seven seconds is that right wonderful tonic from that one if taking I think it's open opiates what can be taken instead well the detective had has to be put on to find out why the person is taking those things so you've got to turn the tap off find out why they're taking it and remedy the very reason as to why they were taken in the first place can you see though what can you do to heal the body from the effects of chemotherapy I think Emily's story is a great story on that because she has three different bouts of chemotherapy chemotherapy does poison the body and the body must now be giving a healing environment an environment conducive for healing God gave us an amazing body with the ability to heal and it will heal if you give it the right conditions but be patient there's a verse in Galatians 6 verse 7 it says let us not be weary in well-doing for in due season we will reap if we faint not in other words there's a time factor little by little by little so I have seen people recover after chemotherapy but they need to be given the right conditions you know health retreat I've had two men come to our program in the last year who got depression six months after moving into a hot and moldy house can you see why their brains got depression because the brain cells are running out they're giving two units of energy and seven the set of six units of energy that's why understanding that explains so much but I'll I'll be covering that as I go through the lecture we've done these potting mix killing people done that one what is hybridized which and I'll be covering the hybridization of the wheat probably mostly in the diabetes lecture what night's diabetes lecture we've got tomorrow night ok tomorrow night I'll be looking at the hybridization of the wheat if you can't come tomorrow night there's a book called with belly by dr. William Davis who covers it covers it very very well my husband is on numerous pills always has chest infections can correct eating do that absolutely even when there's damage in the lungs when you give the body the right conditions one has to check on the breathing you know if Florence Nightingale said that pure air is the first law of health and there's a little book I don't know if it's here tonight or might be here on another night called the ministry of healing and there's a section in there on the eight laws of health and the number one law is pure air that's why you got to check your rooms even in Invercargill the window should be open a little I I like lots of warm on but I like the fresh air so make sure there's no chemicals there's no mold that carpets must must be careful on carpets so the the freshest of air one thing that causes a lot of mucus is dairy but also the hybridized wheat can you get wheat that's not hard eyes today it's called spelt or come wood it's a very sad story here I'll just go but very quickly sixteen year old getting braces the orthodontist drilled into the tooth had pain for two years during treatment in tooth swollen face temperature because the hole in the tooth there was a hole so they tried to do a root canal four times packed it with antibiotics finally that tooth had to be taken very sad stories now so also lost bone behind the truth two months still infected well well well Chris that's very many people are sick because of what's happening in the mouth so basically what you've got to give now is the right conditions for healing and you can do poultices in the teeth you can do tiny little charcoal and slippery on poulos's and you tiny little one and skip it down inside you can do ginger poultices in there and if you heard of oil pulling all the pulling is putting coconut in oil in your mouth and swish swish swish swish and after about ten minutes you spit it out and that can make an environment in your mouth that'll kill the microbes so there are a few things that that you can do exercise is very important you know one of the best exercises is those little trampolines just jigging up and down because if they're swelling or soreness in the mouth running it's gonna hurt it but that that little jig is very good and and your lymphatic system is your vacuum cleaner of your body and when you're on those little mini trampolines or lymphocytes or rebounders three things come together the three teachers it's called gravity acceleration and deceleration I felt acceleration on the plane together today taking off and deceleration when we landed and we're breaking so on those little trampolines you see strength comes by defying gravity and the best way to divide gravity is to jump yep so you you jump up and that's acceleration and when you write at the point all your little gates in your lymphatic system open and then you come down and you hit the mat there's D acceleration they'll close again and then they open shut open shut and so what happens is that that jumping on the on the rebounder opening and shutting the lymphatic system and your lymphatic system is the body's vacuum cleaner so it's sucking all the waste out of the tissues so for this young guy that the lymphocytes are would be would be excellent exercise every home should have one if you don't have one you can go to we call it dumb tree you probably don't have come obey something like that and a lot of people throw out their rebound this one lady said barber I feel so terrible I just threw out my red bander I said sir I don't know the lady that got it and she's really appreciating it just go and get another one do you know what people get all they stop jumping we got a jump every day what do kids love doing if you've got a rebounder in your room guess where the children will be so you'll have to wait till egg on then you can get them so I think I've I've covered all of that there was a question that one man asked if their cells rebuild and it remade why do we get old well we don't live forever and to answer that question you have to go to Genesis 1:29 as to we don't have the tree of life anymore because of a city came into the world that the human body will deteriorate but when you give it the right conditions you can slow that down people are deteriorating far too young far too young but the human brain need never deteriorate and on Saturday morning I'll show you how you can get younger with age that's good news it's nice well thank you for your attention and we're doing diabetes tomorrow night yeah have we got the brochure I think we're doing diabetes tomorrow night if you have diabetes coming to this lecture we'll show you how you can turn it around and turn it around very quickly whether you're type 1 or type 2 and if you don't have diabetes come tomorrow night because you'll learn how you need never get diabetes it's all look forward to seeing you tomorrow night thank you for your attention [Applause] you
Channel: Vindecare prin Plante
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Id: 3ioXHy6EOLY
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Length: 56min 27sec (3387 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2019
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