Broken Promises | Thursday, September 16th 2021

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[Music] so [Music] oh [Music] similar to on page 14 paragraph 61 it states herbert white's guide well i don't see the money and i bet i never shall furthermore this explains that herbert white is still very self-active towards the monkey's body [Applause] similar to the previous damian herbert is still in the denial and this is illustrated in paragraph 61 never said well i don't see the money which was followed by who i'm saying and i bet i never shall to explain herbert makes it clear through the through this statement that he did not believe that the money will come okay um we put similar to the previous statement on page 14 paragraph 61 herbert says well i bet i don't or well i don't see the money and i bet i never shall this explains his doubtful approach towards the monkey's paw [Applause] table one similar to our last piece of evidence in paragraph 52 pervert states that um he doesn't believe they'll get the money this explains that herbert is doubting the money the monkey's pot and that he doesn't think the wish will be granted well i don't see the money he said his son as he picked it up and placed it on the table and i bet i never shall this evidence portrays that herbert doesn't believe their wish will be granted because he still doubts the powers of the monkey's phone okay table six three george again uh similar to paragraph 52 page 13. paragraph 61 states well i don't see the month sent his son as he picked it up and placed it on and i bet i never shout this shows herbert's disrespect and skepticism towards the call table 5 read yours again bluetooth paragraph table four to on page 14 paragraph 61 it states herbert white says well i don't see the money and i bet it never shall furthermore this explains that herbert white is still very sarcastic towards the monkey's cause okay um we put similar to the previous statement on page 14 paragraph 61. herbert says well i don't see the money and i bet i never shout this explains his doubtful approach towards the monkey's paw um table six can you just read the explanation for it again i don't need to hear the quote or the beginning just the explanation this shows herbert's disrespect and skepticism towards the fall he will simon read your explanation again this evidence portrays that herbert doesn't believe their wish to be granted because you still doubt the powers of the monkey's call table 4 read your explanation furthermore this explains that herbert white is still very sarcastic towards the monkey boss we're gonna vote between um wait table four readers again the whole thing was just this funny the whole thing similar to on page 14 paragraph 61 it states herbert white said so i don't see the money and i bet i never shop furthermore this explains that herbert white is still very sarcastic towards the monkey so this one the information is good do you mind if i give some constructive criticism there's like extra words that don't need to be there like at one point you say says and states that's you it's almost like you're saying says says twice okay and then there's something else read it again the whole thing yeah similar to on page 14 character 51 it stayed it states herbert white said well i don't see the money and i bet i never shall furthermore this explains that herbert white is still very sarcastic towards the monkey's paw and then that i would just take out furthermore so that's one of those times where like you got like sometimes like less is more and sometimes more it becomes too much like it starts to become distracting the information you have in there is good but it would just need to be like cleaned up okay it's 5 10 guys and um what did i do today i know i took some footage of me driving to work and i know i turned the camera on to capture like how i've been doing writing but i also know that at some point the camera ran out of memory so i don't know how much footage of that you got or that you will see so you may or may not have seen that already and um honestly the days like i don't know the last few days have just been getting away from me like i've been so focused on a task or using my time effectively that when i turn off the computer and pick up my bags to leave i realize oh wait i haven't even like checked in at all and that's what happened today um i'm gonna see how i feel after orange theory which is where i'm going right now i need to take that class and i need to walk riley and so i'm gonna see if after that i feel like articulate enough to share what we've been doing in class i sound like a broken record when i say i want to show you this video that i show for the american revolution and then we've really been working on this writing assignment for much longer than what i thought and just when i was really starting to beat myself up for just like how long it is taking me to get both classes through this i remind myself that when i taught third my first year a few years ago i was always significantly behind my um partner teacher my two partners teachers one was jenny who if you've been watching for a while you remember her and then one was peggy and i think she popped in every now and then like significantly behind like a couple of stories behind and i always felt bad but i also at the same time felt like i can't imagine going any faster and the pace that we're going at is such because like the kids need it like based on what they're saying and based on how the lesson is going and so i just kept saying like this is what they need i don't want to rush them through it just to say i got through it um and i was like we'll just have to trust that this is the right thing for me to do and that was the year that my classes and this is not a brag but also i am proud of myself and i am proud of those kids from that year this was that year that my classes in both subjects language arts and math scored the highest at school like they had the highest proficiency rate amongst all the great levels um and language arts and the highest proficiency rate amongst all grade levels in math and so when i was beating myself up about how things are going right now i had to remind myself like this is how it was then you trusted yourself and what you are seeing in class and that the pacing that you're taking is correct even though it's slower than what you thought and everything worked out like they learned very thoroughly what you wanted them to learn as proved by their ability to perform on those tests so that is what i keep telling myself but i did not really teach any history today because i'm like i really want to be able to move forward and have them have an opportunity to start writing on their own so with language arts that card just literally ran that light um [Music] i don't even know what i was saying because i'm so shook by just the blatant danger that car just put people in to run that light um so yeah it's taking long but at the same time like we need to wrap it up because i need to kind of see what they do on their own so i'll either show that to you when i get home from my home office or i won't i like i'm not sure what's gonna happen but i will say in the spirit of the conversation that i had yesterday where i was like i need to really mentally reset and start setting some better boundaries for myself for a month and now like there comes a point where you have to be like enough working is enough um so last night i went to bed at 10 o'clock knowing that i wasn't going to wake up um at 4 30 to get ready to take a peloton class and be on that by five because i was gonna go to orange theory today in the evening so i was like i'm gonna go to bed at 10 i'm gonna wake up at five so that i can get to school like really early because i felt like if you're not waking up to exercise you shouldn't be lazy and just sleep in you should like wake up and use that time productively for something else um so that was my attention when i went to bed and then of course the alarm clock was off this morning and i just like couldn't even get myself to get out of that bed so instead of getting up at five i got a uh 5 30 and i was like you know what let's just see how this goes if we're really talking about setting boundaries why do you feel the need to say you can't just sleep in you can't get any extra sleep on the mornings where you're not working out before work and that you have to get up earlier to get to work earlier like where's that rule even coming from why is it do you really need it and i was like i don't really have anything pressing that i'm drowning in or that i need to do so let me just get up at 5 30. see how that goes and see if i get to work at a time where i'm satisfied with and guess what guys i got up at 5 30 got dressed and sure enough i still got to work early at the time i would have at the time i thought i would have gotten to work had i woken up at five and i got an extra 30 minutes to sleep i got seven and a half hours of sleep instead of seven so i just feel like that was yet another lesson of like it's gonna be okay latonya like if if you're teaching or you're thinking about teaching um we all need to know and remind ourselves that there literally is never an end point to teaching and i i'm sure i've said this before like it's not like the job that i had before where i went to work and the end point was when my shift was up and then i didn't think about it again there's always always always always always always going to be something to do in relationship to teaching even when you're on break even when it's thanksgiving break winter break there's always always always something to do so to try and work to get to a point where you're all done is ridiculous because that's never gonna come unless you're retiring so um i have to remind myself of that and stick to that so that i am getting you know a good amount of sleep and i am not feeling like i'm only working and then i can go home and just eat dinner sit on the couch and think about nothing of importance and just decompress so that was a nice little lesson for me to see this morning and i need to keep that up i know that there's going to be times of the year where that's not going to be possible because it's just a busy time of the year but that should be it it should be the exception and not like the norm and i felt like that was becoming the norm so anywho um this class starts at 5 30 it's 5 17. why this should be there this time and as far as my working out with the sciatic it's it if anybody's had sciatic pain and you've recovered and you're working out after the fact like it's almost like my left leg feels like a phantom leg or an imposter leg like it's not a member of the rest of my body so when i run it feels awkward and at this point i don't know if that's like a physical reality like it really is that way because i'm healing or if that's a psychological thing which is causing me to feel awkward when i run but it's a little discouraging because my running speed is slower because i'm trying to be careful and obviously i'm more careful and more conscientious in the weight room so um i just have to try and be patient but i do like being able to do orange theory and the peloton and having that mix so we're trying the schedule out where i go to orange theory on tuesdays and thursdays which means i don't work out before work early in the morning on those days and then do the peloton wednesday friday saturday and maybe sunday sometimes on sundays i just stretch so that was a lot of talking i'm almost there so i mean they're gonna see you later and talk about what we did in class i'm going to see you later and once again apologize for not showing you the things i keep telling i'm going to show you and promise you that i'm going to do it tomorrow and hopefully i actually get it done tomorrow time will tell we'll see what happens so i'll talk to you guys soon [Music] you
Channel: SmartieStyle
Views: 1,997
Rating: 4.958549 out of 5
Id: 3YPIz5mFEuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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