Amish People. A day with the Amish in Blacksburg Virginia

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should we just have a conversation in deutsche yeah where are you driving to okay i got the gloves i got the protective gear these bees are hatching a new queen hey guys my journey in the us continues and in this episode we'll visit an amish family you may already know that the amish are a group of traditionalist christian church fellowships that are known for their simple living plain dress christian pacifism and rejection of most of modern technology amish people began migrating to pennsylvania from europe in the early 18th century today there are about 350 000 amish people in the u.s besides farming there's been a growing number of amish men who started their small businesses focusing on construction and woodworking and approximately twelve thousand of forty thousand dairy farms in the us are amish owned as of 2018 so let's take a look at a day in the life of an amish family [Music] hey guys having fun oh wow your head's going to spin how you doing nice bike oh it's bent yeah did you hit it today yeah it just happened up there oh wow oh yeah good what's your name i'm leroy leroy yeah okay what is your name joanne nice to meet you joanne yeah we're from russia okay look someone's riding some horses this is so cool our family originally came from because i think it was on the border of germany and france but somehow we started to speak dutch i don't know how that happened but um the amish came from all over i guess when they first came to the us they're still amish in europe right no they don't call themselves what do they call themselves i don't i don't know if there's there's there's nothing in there in europe that uh they might maybe resemble the amish but not uh not real clothes okay yeah men and i they're still mennonites in europe their leader was called jacob almond and orange came from almonds they followed jacob teachings and mennonites with men assignments should we just have a conversation in deutsche yeah let's discard let's talk about weather like what do you think about the weather today okay yeah it's really warm yes one what do you have to say well that's where it is your turn suddenly sunny houses that's right you know i think i was able to understand some of that yeah like shiny and warm the thing is you know our language being we live in a in this english society we tend to speak english more and more of the time so our words get mixed up you know and now if we would speak real that you there'd probably be almost no words that would be it and you call it not dutch but dash well so we just we just planted the tomatoes today okay what are you expecting to collect them um sometime this summer around august maybe or something we're planning to go to um tennessee this weekend to our cousins they have a big catch of strawberries really there i'm gonna visit tennessee as well oh but these are almost ripe look at that that's a strawberry it's red lana you want to try try it it's good it's so sweet yeah right here are some flowers there are marigolds but they're like small yellow flowers now is that grapes yes that's grapes oh okay what do you make with it we make grape juice oh grape juice okay do you have any animals yes we have um we have goats and we have a few hens tell me some other interesting words that maybe coincide with english like wood blocks the box is good boys that means a ch that means a pie yeah okay boy is like pie and then there's like like like a tree you know like it's bomb for us gao is a horse or it can okay in english it's a girl yeah or it's informal you know for a girl that's a horse for us well is a table so we would be making stools and dishes okay so guys tell me uh how many brothers and sisters are all together there's five four boys and five girls okay and tell me about your homeschooling uh who does that who's a teacher so rachel does most of the teaching uh yeah there were four four uh pupils there was first grade fourth grade um sixth grade and seventh grade yes what are the like major subjects math reading writing and health geography yeah those are the main ones what's the capital of russia moscow [Laughter] mushrooms yeah there's a there's a place where we go what what kind of mushrooms now that's cool you're pulling yourself and then hitting the wall right now we're building furniture we used to we split 2015 before that we were building we were uh raising produce so and where's the where's the furniture workshop oh okay why don't you go up and see if it's if it's not too far where are you driving to nowhere nowhere you got stuck the furniture store if your hands want to do a furniture yeah that's not furniture that's a chicken hey there's another one ow what is this we actually just just took a load out this this morning it was all cool furniture here but we've moved most of that out okay there's a chair yeah that's the we make quite a bit of those what's your favorite piece of furniture probably uh the nicest nicest piece i would like to use if i would have would be a set to you that's like it's like two chairs side by side and then they can glide and swivel oh and then you've got a table in the middle it's right here but you don't have it right now we don't have any here there's a there's a chair right here and around the edges you know it just might be sharp take a tool around the edges so girls work in here too okay all the family state is busy yes yeah this is like a manufacturer only for for your family or another there's another family oh okay you're working together he owns the shop we just work for him okay that's like a cutting machine right oh drills holes okay one thing that's really nice right this shop or like right here is where a boy works he's well he's what is he 35 i think and he's crippled from his waist down he's completely crippled he can't do anything but he can he puts these parts together right here so he makes like those chairs he puts the settees together and all kinds of all kinds of tools in the morning we go for lunch at 11 30 then we come back about one then we work about six months yeah and five days for a week uh yeah six yeah five five days a week that's right yeah do you know their names john and johnny it looks like he's one of the sheep you're the same color buddy it smells it smells like a frozen oh my god it's salty it smells like fresh air yeah like fresh i'm gonna check out the apiary right yeah yep okay it's evening like this starting to get dark they're they're going home into the hive and they're not really so protective so we'll drive out close to the beach and we'll get off and okay okay i got the gloves i got the protective gear and we're going to take a look at the bees the honey season is just starting right now the black cherry black locust is starting to bloom and the autumn olive we have a russian olive it's called it's an invasive that they introduced from russia i don't know if you have it in russia but we call it the russian olive it takes over the fields the pastures but it blooms so right now it makes a lot of honey it's a very great honeycomb so the beekeepers love it the farmers hate it this is where the bees go in this is these two boxes are where the bees are raised and then the honey is in above that okay so as these boxes fill up we put another box on and light my smoker we have to smoke the bees so they keep them calm oh yeah look at that this is how the frame looks when we put it in and then they build comb on it wow there's uh there's the honey that's mostly russian olive honey so this is this is honey here and then these are young bees right there that's how the bees are they lay eggs and then they cover them up they incubate in there for a couple days and when they till they hatch out so this is mostly honey i'm looking for young bees it's called brood where they lay eggs and hatch the young bees i want to make sure the brood's healthy so here's actually a queen cell these bees are hatching a new queen right there is this was a queen cell that's where the queen is raised queen lays the eggs and there's only one queen in each hive how many bees would you say there are in one bee have about 30 000 okay this whole yard here is where we raise the bees we start a young bees and then once once they get big enough like uh so you hear these are all starts these are a young young colony of bees and then once they grow we put them in a in a bigger box like this once they get full here then we put them in a in a box like this then we take them out into the yards where they make honey so let's look into one of these hives and see if we can find the queen show you what it looks like when they lay eggs all that is is cat bees let's see if we can find some that are hatching out so if you look real close you see the eggs right there those little grains of rice are eggs and then they hatch into little larvae once they get big enough they the bees cap them they put a capping over it and then they incubate in there for a couple for a week until they hatch out none of these are hatching yet these are all young bees and i'm trying to see if we can find the queen the mother of all the bees a little bit longer abdomen she's got a blue dot on her see that blue dot and marker so i know the age the blue is last year's color this year's color is white so that that be there lays all the eggs she's the mother of all these bees so this one is just a little bit bigger than those it's got a second box and once they outgrow this i put them into a bigger box like this okay and then they're big enough to start making honey and then they put these boxes on where the honey's in one as these fill up we take honey off three times a year at the end of june we'll take all these boxes off take them into the honey house and run them through the extractor take the honey out and then we put it back out and set them back on the highs for the sour wood we have a sarwood a tree that's called sourwood makes it special honey and people love that so we we empty all the honey just before the sour wood starts to to bloom then we put it back on when the starwood's done we take it off and extract that and then that's our wood good i honey turned 40. you know just shake it like this for about 10 minutes and like um and then about 10 minutes then you have this butter inside wow real butter are you guys making sandwiches well yes it's honey sauce bread butter and honey yeah she goes down on the eye yeah it feels like it was like right right there wow that's a fall crop that our bees make it's a that's another pest that the farmers hate it's an invasive weed called stickweed stickweed stickweed okay and it makes a very good honey bee keepers love it and the farmers hate it so thanks so much thanks so much how much do you can make three gallons a day from this cow yeah and gives us a lot of butter and and uh cottage cheese do you take turns milk in the cows oh but he he does always i mean morning and evening you know how to whistle if they ask us to teach them something they say it without very much of an accent like yeah like milly milk milk right they can't milk they can't say that so they say milch maybe it's something with your language you already have that yeah a little bit right here give me something else uh start mowing the grass what how do you say start mowing the grass stay at the grass mia start to grass mia and do you guys draw uh drink raw milk oh yeah we don't drink pasteurized milk it's not good yeah yeah milk it's like paint doesn't have the flavor of this it's not as creamy it looks like it's gonna be about uh probably about two and a half it might be close to two and a half gallons something like that how many hours [Music] is it good yes this one really is good [Music] doesn't it doesn't it milly [Music] [Music] you guys want a flat drone she won't get motivated by the wind if it wind gusts are coming won't blow up blow it into bamboo no it's pretty strong now everybody's in the picture very nice very nice myself included a haircut let's take a look at your garden from that side [Music] sure is guys you are walking like a bare feet is it hurt for you can you touch the pedal try yeah yeah you can ride [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: RussianPlus
Views: 1,690,231
Rating: 4.9172993 out of 5
Keywords: life in russia, russians, real russia
Id: 2DxKnifm6VA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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