Feeling the Fit | Friday, September 3rd 2021

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[Music] good morning it's friday happy friday just picked up the starbucks for taylor and i um everybody say a little prayer because i have next to no gas in my car [Music] it's probably just enough for me to get to work and get to the gas station afterwards um but i don't have time to get gas because i'm already probably going to be a few minutes late but it's friday thank the lord um i actually went to an orange theory class this morning at 5am liza was taking the class along with some friends and our favorite trainer who doesn't teach the 5 a.m class anymore but she was filling in for someone this time around so i thought it would be the perfect opportunity to test out whether or not i can do orange theory uh since hurting my sciatic nerve um so this was the longest workout i've done since that and the last time i took a class at orange theory was july 23rd so over a month um and i've been doing the peloton but i've only been doing classes 30 minutes at a time so i was not a little nervous i was really just nervous in general and i would say all in all it went well i definitely it's i can't even explain it it's like my leg doesn't hurt it almost feels like the rest of my body does not trust my left leg and or the left leg doesn't have like full range of motion or something um so i can't like squat as low as i used to s doing step ups is it just feels weird like i can't quite do things the way i used to and hopefully that progressively gets better with time i did run at a very slow pace like just a base pace the whole time that felt fine but i did almost fall off the treadmill because i think i like lost my balance or like i don't know i think i looked to the side and my feet just got off track with where they needed to be so i didn't fall off the treadmill but i was very close to doing it i caught myself luckily um but yeah i burned 430 calories or something like that and got 26 flat points and i feel fine so that's good news so friday i'm on my way there like i said yesterday i'm going to just kind of keep it light today we're going to do a little bit of work but most of the time in both classes is going to be spent um listening to all your twisted secrets so i'm sure the kids will be happy about that i did find a very short i think it's a ted-ed video that explains like why we celebrate labor day let me see how many miles my car is telling me i can go with this gas level that's not it um [Music] five miles so i'm gonna show them that video and uh that's all i want to say right now because now i'm like gonna secretly panic that i'm gonna run out of gas so you guys wish me luck i'll talk to you later all right it's 308 kids have been gone for about 38 minutes i am in my classroom getting everything ready for tuesday and contemplating do i want to just stay here for a while and get some things done and then go home and like literally not do any work there or do i want to leave earlier do the things that i want to get done today at home and then commence with my weekend i haven't decided yet i'm kind of leaning towards just staying here just getting in the mind frame of not working at home during the weekend at all um today went fine we still i think this is the part where i forget about this is just the way it is with teaching whether you're virtual or not still didn't get as far as i wanted to we got everything on the list done but i was hoping to get more of all your twisted secrets read with both classes but the good news is we actually did get to it so um we did that and with history we finished the article of the week for this week on dealing with stress and strong emotions and i can't remember if i showed this last friday no i didn't because last friday was the day where i was just like i am over life in general so let me show it to you now i've also been um this week on instagram i've also been talking about the strategy that i use every day from making thinking visible um with the article of the week so if you're curious to hear about each day and what i do with the article of the week they're being saved under my more history highlights in on instagram so on fridays we do something with the article called take note and let me and i use jamboard for this so i'm gonna go ahead and project this on the screen and share it with you but this is basically like the wrap up for the week with the article of the week and this is where they are using the color purple which here stands for making evaluations explain what you like or what you don't like describe your opinion about the characters or plot in this case we're obviously using informational text or explain your general thoughts um and so we use that for friday with the strategy called take note and so we use a jam board let me unfreeze the screen here and this really doesn't take very long at all um because they're just really responding on a sticky note i do read the article one last time and um they have this jamboard that they share and so the questions on the jamboard will always stay the same it's just the article they're responding to will be different so it says dealing with stress and strong emotions that was the title of this week's article write your name on a sticky note and answer one of the following questions what is the most important point of the article um it says what but that little post-it right there is covering it what are you finding puzzling challenging or difficult to understand and three what is something you found interesting so they are answering one of those questions um on a sticky note they posted and then i asked for some students to volunteer and share like today i did three i called on three students and then that's really it i then save the jamboard as a pdf and i just leave that on google classroom just so that they have like record of their learning or their thinking is still being made visible so we did that in history today and then they also took a quiz on a piece of a lesson in let me go get the book a piece of a lesson in my actual social studies textbook the book that i hardly ever use because it's just so dry and dated but this is the one time that i used the book last year and it's probably going to be the only time i use it this year um and so at the beginning i just make sure kids know that you know we're starting our study of u.s history like just before the revolutionary war and so i kind me i kind of need them to know why was there even a revolutionary war however i don't spend a ton of time going over that because i know for a fact because i taught fifth grade that the revolutionary war is a huge piece of fifth grade curriculum so because i know that was a few years ago i will touch very lightly on what the cause of that was and just make sure they understand it so they understand why we even have a country called the united states and this country that then has some some things going on and so i couldn't find like something very succinct online didn't really find a video that like wrapped it up really nicely and so in all honesty the couple of pages that i choose to read with the class in this textbook do a pretty good job of just explaining it very oh this book explaining it very briefly like notice just how dense and boring the book looks and so when i told them to take this out a couple days ago they were like you lied to us you said we would never use this book and i said no i said you'll probably only take it out once and then today when i had them take it out a second time because it was an open book quiz they were like no we already took it out once but i said well you cannot take it out and not use it for your quiz and just hope that you're lucky and get the answers right and then they just kind of were like laughing and saying whatever um but this talks about the french and indian war yeah the french and indian war what that was about the fact that uh britain won the war but it was costly they were in debt they start loving these taxes the colonists don't like it because they have no say and the taxes that are being levied and how they're being levied and they also have troops in the colonies to kind of protect them but they don't they don't view it as protection necessarily and all these things happening over and over these different kinds of taxes going on just causes more and more attention to the point where the colonists feel like it's time for them to declare their independence from britain and that's really all i want them to know i don't want to spend too much time digging into that because that is really not the focus of 8th grade u.s history in the state of california that really is the focus of u.s history in the state of california in fifth grade and so sometimes i think as teachers we feel like we have to make up for what a previous teacher didn't do which to some degree you do but you can't spend so much time making up for what another teacher didn't do that you're not doing what you're supposed to be doing so we read that and because it's so scant and we just read through it i do give them a quiz on those pages but it's an open book quiz and i just made it using a google form and on the open book quiz i make them put the page number down like them telling me what page number you found that on or they found that on is worth the point and that really is just to ensure that kids are actually looking in the book for the information i don't do that often but anytime i give them an open book quiz i tend to do that but it's very rare that they get an open book quiz is what i'm saying basically so that was pretty much the day um it was friday and i do feel like they're a little more like rambunctious on a friday um or maybe that's just like psychologically i think that so then i respond to them as if they are um but i think we're all just happy that it's friday and that it's a long weekend so they left and now i'm here working still hoping that i have enough gas in my car to get to the gas station i think that i do because the gas station is literally right down the street um but i don't know i just didn't have time to get it this morning so i'm going to get back to work because i want to be efficient and really leave here and feel like i'm going to enjoy my weekend but i will definitely check in to wrap things up whether that be from here or from home so that's it for now i'm going to work on looking at what next week is about to look like and i'll talk to you oh and i'm wearing my that's what it was i wanted to tell you i'm wearing my adidas track suit today it's adidas day at work if you've been following me since the summer you know i bought this specifically for this day and i was a little worried because it's a warm day out but i've been fine and the kids like it and i like it and i'm super comfortable let me see i can't really show you a full blown look but this is what it looks like here's the pants has a little matching stripe down at the bottom and on the back i don't know if you can see it i don't know what i'm doing it says love i think it says love unites um and then i have these cute little adidas shoes with it and so [Music] i was really feeling my outfit today and the kids were too i wish i wish i would have thought to show you what the rsp teacher that i work with looks like he is in a full-blown or he was he's gotten out a full-blown track suit a giant fake gold chain some adidas shoes that he just bought that have like gold in it a hat like a full-blown look and the kids are the kids were impressed they told him he had drip so they liked it so anyway i'm gonna get to work i'll talk to you later [Music] so [Music] it's a little after seven o'clock i just got home i left work after 6 30 and good news as i'm sure you can tell by this point i made it to the gas station that's not to say that i wasn't extremely stressed driving there worried that my car would just turn itself off but i made it so that's good and now i need to hustle and get my brother outside for his little walk because he's been home alone for a little while so i'm going to end the vlog here if you enjoyed today's vlog please give it a thumbs up um sorry i'm changing my shoes putting on some flip-flops if you are not subscribed make sure you subscribe and if you're not following me on instagram head over there and follow me at smartystyle and as always i hope that you guys are well and if you're not well please be well and i will see you guys tomorrow [Music] you
Channel: SmartieStyle
Views: 2,666
Rating: 4.9679999 out of 5
Id: ecS7FYhwwa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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