Still Working on a Saturday? | Saturday, September 11th 2021

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[Music] good morning ish it's saturday it's just before 11 i've been up i'd say for two hours um i woke up did all the random things i have to do when i wake up take riley out make the bed put on some workout clothes looked at what groceries i needed to get etc and then i took a workout class or a peloton class in an app class and now i'm on my way to trader joe's really just to get some apples and a salad or two um i don't really need anything else from there but they're apples their honeycurst apples are really good so i feel like it's worth it then i need to go to target just to get a handful of things then i have to go to kohl's because i need to return some amazon purchases i wanted to get a stand for my planner to sit on at my desk and so i bought one from amazon and um a character flaw of mine is when i buy things like this i don't really pay attention to the measurements because i am very self-conscious about my ability to understand measurements so i just like eyeball everything and be and think to myself that looks like it'll work and this is one of those times where that bit me in the butt because the stand is this big and the planner it can sit on there if i sit it on there in a very specific way and then don't touch it which is obviously useless so it came in a pack of five for twenty dollars i should have i should have known better so i need to take that back and then i got some clip magnets for my whiteboard and me being me i wanted them to coordinate with my class and so on amazon it said that these were gold and the gold that it showed on amazon is the same tone of gold that's in my classroom but then these came and they look like this and this is not no like just know like i look at that and it feels like you should be calling that bronze or something [Music] not gold or at least show an accurate color so i need to take these back i exchanged them for just white there will be no gold accent on the white board because they don't have the right gold and i need like heavy duty magnets with the clip and that was all that i found the rest were like very rainbow colory very primary looking and i didn't want that so um that's what i'm going to do and then i'm going to come home and wash the dishes and put the dishes away because there are dishes in the sink and i've gone to bed the past few nights with dishes in the sink which is a massive no for me but that just tells you how tired i've been and put the dishes away in the dishwasher as well as the dish rack that is overflowing with dishes because again i didn't handle my business and then of course i need to wash and twist my hair and then i'm going to do a little bit of work we're gonna get to a weekend where i don't do any work where i feel like we're getting close but i'm gonna do a little work and then i'm meeting up with a friend for dinner later at five so that is what is on the agenda for the day as you know i'll be checking in at some point to keep your abreast of the day so um off to trader joe's target check in with you later it's 12 21 i just got home from the errands i also stopped at starbucks and i decided to take my first sip with you guys because i realize it's been a long time since i've done that so this is not the cold brew this is the iced coffee that's like mimicking the cold brew i've honestly been ordering that more frequently than the vanilla sweet corn cold brew hold on i'm gonna give that a nine the iced coffee is fresh which is fantastic i know that because when i was in there someone was waiting on iced coffee and they were waiting what they felt to be a long time and they said they had run out of iced coffee so they were making it fresh so i'm just going to show you what i got at trader joe's uh it's very minimal but you know some people enjoy seeing things like this so i did have to get to bell peppers because i had produce that has gone bad and um the two green chef orders that i have left so i have to throw that out and replace that with some fresh bell peppers i got five honey crisp apple honey crisp apples i've not bought one honey crisp apple from trader joe's that has been nasty they've all been really crispy and sweet so that's why i always like to get them from there as of late so i bought five of those um the cauliflower rice was also part of the recipe and i was googling how long can you keep cauliflower rice in the refrigerator and it's like a week and i'm pretty sure that it had been in there more than a week so i bought two bags of this because i couldn't remember how much i needed and i figured if i bought too much in my google research i found out that you can also freeze it for like a month so i just bought two bags to be on the safe side of what they call rice cauliflower and then i just bought salads one for today possibly since i'm having like a early dinner early for me we're meeting at five and so i know that there's a good possibility that i'll be hungry between now and then and so just in case i bought a greek salad and the kale and edamame salad that i like a lot i like this one too but if this is like just something is this upside down yeah something that you might eat with dinner it's not necessarily something i would eat in the phil like i had lunch or a meal so that is what i got from trader joe's and then i went to target [Applause] and i bought some skinny cow vanilla ice cream sandwiches i always feel like i need something sweet after dinner some key lime greek yogurt i get that or i haven't been getting that every week some beef little smokies for breakfast some thick cut bacon this is my favorite i mean aside from the maple bacon which is never at target and i don't feel like going to santa brothers just for that and it's pretty expensive but i like the thick cut i got a bag of chocolate this is classroom chocolate i do have a container of this in my classroom it's probably not the best life choice but somehow having little chocolate treats in your classroom has made life better i got some peanut butter cups from jiff i had been using or i had been um just putting peanut butter in like containers and taking that but when you're eating it with apples it's just kind of like i got to a point where it was kind of messy and it was taking up a lot of space in my lunch bag so i kind of feel bad that i bought that but it just felt necessary i bought some laurie seasoning salt some laurie's garlic salt some more tabasco sauce and then i needed some more um facial toner so i always get this one there we go and that's it so i'm gonna put the stuff away go upstairs wash the hair twist the hair come downstairs eat something work for a little bit and then head out so i more than likely will like verbally check in as i'm as i'm leaving to go to dinner because i want to get some things done so that's my little haul see you later it's 4 56 i i'm leaving late i'm supposed to be there at five but i will be a little bit late um and i'm on my way to dinner with my friend former co-worker we used to work together so why am i vlogging right now i don't really have anything to report like obviously i washed my hair i twisted it i ate a little something and did a very small amount of work i just feel like this day has flown by which would be fine if this was a weekday but you don't want your saturday to feel like it flew by i swear i just woke up like not that long ago um but as far as what i've oh and i also started laundry in case you guys wanted to know that but what i've been working on and what i've been working wanting to work on is like getting my universal access slash small group time like anytime i see universal access it is the class period where we are strictly supposed to be devoting our time to small group instruction um just formalizing like the groups and making sure i have kids grouped in a way that is logical and meaningful based on like where they're at that it's scheduled so that i know that i'm meeting each group at least once a week some of them once every other week be then that's not my doing that is just um the scheduling and the support that i have the kids that are struggling more academically i think the way that my schedule works are being seen twice um over the course of the two weeks plus when i have my a come in like she will just always work with them so they are getting the extra extra support and so the reason why it's difficult to see every group more than once once a week or even every other week in some instances and i'm about to get on the wrong freeway um it's because this universal access class period is every day for 50 minutes but we have to split it between our homeroom class and our switch class so i only see my homeroom class for that class period on tuesdays and wednesdays and then my switch class thursdays and fridays which basically means each class is only getting two hours of that small group time a week and i want to say that i have like in each class six or seven groups of like four to five um so it's just that's the best i can do but it's better than nothing um and then i keep telling myself when they're not with me they are working on things that are meeting their needs like they are working on learning greek and latin roots and new vocabulary words based on those greek and latin roots and then we just got access to this i don't know i guess it's a site called ixl i don't know a whole lot about it but i know it's something that the language arts teachers that have been at my site for a long time have wanted because the math side had i excel which sounds like it just gives customized lessons to students after they take a diagnostic to address any sort of academic need they have whether it be to remediate or enrich so i just keep reminding myself like even when they're not with you they are still getting something that is meeting their needs um so last night what i did was got the schedule together and i don't remember if i said this this morning um but i made the schedule for both classes made the groups and what i was doing before i started getting ready to leave was now looking at like the reading material the guided reading and i do that because the kids have a mid-level i didn't go through all that process but just me finding books that are near their instructional level based on the data that i have instead of actually formally leveling them using um is it scholastic like using the fonts and pinella levels so that's what i've been wanting to work on for days and just haven't been able to because you know the battery in my car is dying or there's just not enough time in the day or i'm just exceptionally exhausted and i can't think rationally to do something like that so i feel good in the sense that i'm getting it done and i'm starting to put it in my plan book but that's what i've been working on that's the exciting tidbit of the day that you've missed so i'm gonna go have dinner um i don't know how long we'll be there sometimes we get to talking and that could be a while and i don't know how long the weight is going to be so just want to pop in say hi i don't think i'll take much footage this person's not really i want to be on youtube kind of person so either way i'll talk to you later it's a little bit after nine o'clock i've been home for a little while i'm in my closet because i've done a very poor job of getting my laundry done today i'm only hey hey hey that was riley i have only put one load of laundry in the washing machine and my goal and responsibility is to get all the laundry washed on saturday so that on sunday i'm just putting it away and we're in a real pickle because i don't know if that's going to happen um so i'm going to put another load of laundry in the washing machine i had a good time at dinner we were there for a few hours we went to the lazy dog and i had a flank steak potatoes and spinach and my friend had the same thing and then we had butter cake and if you have a lazy dog where you're at and you haven't tried the butter cake there i would highly recommend it uh the cheese not the cheesecake factory what does it call it california pizza kitchen also has an amazing butter cake i feel like the one at lazy dog is better but we had that talked talked talked and then i came home so i'm gonna close the blog here um if you enjoyed today's vlog and follow me around on a saturday please give this vlog a thumbs up if you're not subscribed make sure you subscribe and if you're not following me on instagram follow me at smartystyle and as always i hope that you guys are well and if you're not well i'll see you well and if you're not well please be well and i will see you tomorrow good night [Music] you
Channel: SmartieStyle
Views: 2,355
Rating: 4.9833331 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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