Teacher Tuber Secret Santa 2019

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hello everybody I feel like I have not talked to you guys in such a long time because it's been a couple of weeks since I've actually uploaded a video primarily because my life has been super busy at this particular time it's December which is just generally busy for all of us but then I have some other things going on outside of the classroom that's kept me busy so I haven't even had a chance to pick up the camera to vlog and second to that I have had some internet issues at home that prevented me from uploading even if I had been vlogging but I'm happy that all of that has been resolved because I'm here today with I believe our third annual teacher tuber Secret Santa exchange and so in today's video I am going to open my box for my Secret Santa that arrived in the mail about a week ago it's Friday for me and I gotta say it's been a very busy hectic and stressful week so I thought the perfect way to end this week is to actually open this box so my Secret Santa had my things delivered last Friday and I just haven't had a chance to open it and I wasn't quite sure how I wanted to do it so I know about a week ago I did do an Instagram poll asking some of you if you wanted me to open this in block format or in one sit-down video luckily you guys chose the sit-down option by a very slim margin because I didn't have time to film all week anyway and this is perfect because like I said it's been a crazy week and this will be a bright spot in a very difficult week for me just having a moment to appreciate a little love from one of my fellow teachers across the country and then after this video I hope that you guys make sure to check out all my other friends that are participating in this this little exchange that we've done now for three years is organized by my good friend Darren over at mr. ins YouTube channel so make sure you check that out and quite a few of us are returning to this and I think there's some new additions so people like of course my friend Megan at too cool for middle school Kate the sleepy teacher Michelle from pocket full of primary c.j from real rap with reynolds bridget from the leonard classroom and i feel like i'm forgetting some people but there's quite a few of us some new faces should be popping up but i will be sure to link all their videos in the description box so please make sure to check out my other friends there but I must admit excuse me I'm super excited to open my box today because I've been looking forward to this now it is in this box I did open the box just for the efficiency of this video but I have not pulled out the contents and I don't know who it's from I have some ideas and theories based on the part of the country that this is coming from and if my memory serves me correctly there's about two to three people that I think this could be from but it's still going to be a surprise because I don't know for sure and I don't have it pinpoint it down to one so let's get start it didn't wanna show you my address it's a box within a box and so the way this works is there are five days and each day has a theme and it's been pretty much the same for the past few years but I think Darren I know Darren changed it up a little bit and so a couple of the day a couple of the themes for the days will be a little bit new but I'm excited so this is what my box looks like shake it see what's in here and let's go so let me get some scissors because this is very securely taped which is a good thing so let me there's a lot of tape we don't want to break a nail I don't know the best way to get into this but I will do this because on the very in front of this is a note I'm just covering it because it has my address on it and I'm pretty sure if my memory serves me correctly that day one it's just a nice note so this might be the note it might not be because it's spin but this too is very securely fastened so let me just let me be quiet for a second so I can concentrate but cannot hurt myself and not break anything here we go all right now we got it I'm really literally excited and I can't wat wait to watch the person that I think gifts you to see what she thinks I'm not going to tell you who that is because you got to watch all the videos to figure it out okay I feel back I'm ripping the Box open okay so this is what the box looks like on the inside so everything's numbered so that I know what order to open it in very lovely presentation as I hit myself with the box so this is gift number one this is gift number two this is also gift number two this is also gift number two this is also gift number two here's gift five skip five again yes or now I don't see a gift three let me let me double check let me move this big box out of the way so again gift one oh this looks elaborate there's multiple cards in this and I just saw there's some clues on the back give one two two two and then it goes to five so this is gonna be fun this should be interesting so let's start with gift number one shall we very cutely cutely wrapped gift one Oh are these clue I think they're clue cards okay give one and then there's a clue on the back so it says clue one I have taught all grades K through 12 now I don't think that I have any idea who this is because who I thought it was don't think has taught all grades but I could be wrong I don't know everything although I like to pretend like I do let's see and if you guys have ideas a long way by all means yes in the comments so it says Latanya Merry Christmas I am so excited to have you for our Secret Santa exchange your passion and positivity for teaching is contagious you are truly an inspiration to many thank you for always being genuine and real love your Secret Santa so again day one was a nice note and the clue with day one was this person has taught all grades K through 12 and I literally have no idea who that is I'm trying to dig real deep to remember if I know that about somebody and I don't think that I do gift 2 is here oh and three is here so I'm going to open this first and then look at the packages that are wrapped get gift Q so it says couch ooh my husband and I are moving now I do think I might know who it is because I talked to this person over Instagram not too long ago and I think that they referenced moving or was it a family member that was moving I don't know but let's let's keep going so inside this it says Latonya okay fun fact I have never left the country so far gift number two oh sorry so for gift number two because gift number two this was one of the new things you had to give your Secret Santa a unique treat from a country you visited okay so it says I have never left the country so for gift number two I decided to give you one of your favorite snacks another fun fact the inventor of the snack was German I know what this neck is cuz I know my snack so technically it's a German snack lol your secret admirer and I know what this is if you have been watching these for a while and watch me open mine or if you just have watched enough of me through Instagram and YouTube do you know what this is and did you know the inventor of this snack is German if you did let us in and it is and specifically this brand I I just love gummi bears I know that they're not healthy and I know that they're probably filled with chemicals but whatever it takes to make a gummy bear is just so delicious to me but I don't really care while I'm eating it and this is another bag of gummy bears and these are notice their Christmas coloured gummy bears just the red and the green one and another pack of gummy bears and the sad part is there's a very good chance that was by the end of this weekend all these gummy bears will be gone because of my eat gummy bears I just think they don't have any calories which I know it's not true but that's how I feel and that's probably one of the reasons why I like them so much so I'm excited I just did my little excited dance for that gift number three so give number three here's the clue it says I love plants animals and nature and I can't remember if miss calls campers is doing this meline but I know she loves plants and I know she has a dog and she seems like she likes nature but she is not from the area where this box came from I don't know we'll see says Latanya yep number three a youtube recommendation I've been really enjoying one Celeste ray and man she does faith Friday videos and other videos on tips to study the Bible gratitude self-care etc and to Janice wands vlogs I know who that is a fellow teacher and sweet friend of mine so genuine I agree she is a very sweet person and I know exactly who that is and I have enjoyed her vlogs and Instagram account as well but now I am back to being a little bit unsure of myself so that makes it fun so that was day three gift three get four is here looks like this like all the other ones clue 4 says I was on my first plane when I went to Miami for the IGT conference so the IDT conference is an impact driven teaching conference that a lot of us went to last March and I talked to a lot of different people and I'm trying to remember who had never been on a plane before and if I had that conversation with somebody I kind of remember having that conversation with the person but I don't remember if that person is also doing this gift exchange okay so this says Latanya something from my classroom day four was something from your classroom that you love that I love to have available to me as adult coloring books I make copies from the pages and they use them when they have finished when they have finished early it's a great way to encourage creativity and it also serves as a stress reliever my middle schoolers love them love your secret santa okay now I don't know because this person teaches middle school and the people that I thought it was from are not middle school teachers currently so I'm wrong so that's day four let's open it up use me one of the other reasons why I haven't uploaded is I also got sick so that's why you hear this annoying cough that keeps popping in and out an adult coloring book which I've never tried one of these before but I'm definitely into coloring and even if I don't use them all its it is certainly something that I know quite a few students in my classroom would enjoy so I don't even know that I'll take this home I have a feeling I'm gonna leave this in my classroom so it has a lot of just fun coloring pages but it is a good idea it sounds like they make copies for their students so that they can color and their students can color as well and I apologize for the lighting that is going in and out on my camera so that was day number four yes ooh that's right down another bag of gummy bears let's open these up and get excite it again even though we already know what it's gonna be okay all right so here's clue number five the last one and clue five says I am from a state that is known for Amish and Hershey Kisses which I know so this is from Pennsylvania so those of you that are guessing does that help you if this person from Pennsylvania they are moving with their husband it sounds like they teach middle school they've also taught all grades maybe I do okay it says Latanya happy gift number five I hope you enjoyed this gift as a teacher during germ season I know all too well how all the anti bacterial week how all the anti bacterial we use can do a number on our hands hahaha also if you haven't guessed yet your Secret Santa is Michelle that's when I just had that moment I thought I think that's who it is Michelle Rose on YouTube very Merry Christmas so my Secret Santa is Michelle Rose I was hoping there would be a picture in there so I can show you guys who she is so you know who to look for when you're looking for her on YouTube and her Instagram so let's open this up to see what it is she's one of the people that I believe this might be her first year participating in the process so thank you Michelle and welcome to the Secret Santa Exchange so it's some warm vanilla body lotion which I love and I love Bath and Body Works lotions you can never have enough lotion you can never be over moisturized in my humble opinion so let me open the second one and then this one is vanilla bean Noel so the nice thing is when Darren organizes this he does give us a little google form and we can kind of put in some of our likes or dislikes so that the people that we are shopping for are the people that are shopping for us and the people that we are shopping for are guaranteed to get something that they either need want desire all of that so it's amazing he does a great job so I want to say a big big thank you to Michelle for all the lovely gifts cards and clues and I should have figured it out because I do know I saw on her Instagram post she is moving I did in fact see that and now in retrospect I do remember talking to her last March at that conference about that being her first airline flight yeah so that is it thank you so much Michelle for all the great things that you got me I love every single thing I plan to use every single thing or eat every single thing that you got for me again thank you to Darren for organizing this because he does it for us each year thank you to all the teachers that participate in all of you for watching please make sure that after you finish watching my video that you click on the links in my description box that you can check out all the other teachers that have participated so you can kind of see who got who and what gifts they got for each other and if you were not a part of this and you would like to do something like this we always encourage you guys to organize something like this with the group of friends that you have whether they're on social media or not it really is something that brightens all of our days during the holiday season and um so that's it for me today this is definitely brighten my week I am so thankful to be a part to be a part of such a supportive and fun community if you enjoy these videos that we do during this holiday season please give this video a thumbs up if you have not subscribed to my channel please make sure you do so I would love to have you here and if you check out my friends videos make sure you give them a thumbs up as well make sure you subscribe to their channels if you haven't already done so and I hope that you guys have a very very happy healthy and safe holiday season and I will see you guys soon so until then talk to you guys later [Music]
Channel: SmartieStyle
Views: 7,827
Rating: 4.9274926 out of 5
Keywords: secret santa, christmas, gift exchange, holidays, teacher vlog, teacher blog, teaaching vlog, teaching blog
Id: RHNBX0f5wi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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