Do You Boo! | Friday, September 10th 2021

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[Music] hello it is um about 3 53 it's not about 3 53 it is 3 53. i'm gonna go home after i talk to you guys um uh today i'm just gonna share just like some reflections or some moments of clarity i had to get i had to have this morning as i got ready for work and then also like what we did in class today so yesterday if you watch the vlog like i just ended the day just like done frustrated overwhelmed stress uh the trigger point was just the battery of my car dying and me not being able to go to orange theory but i think what that really was for me was it was just like one more thing um that happened during a week that i just found like very just mentally exhausting to some degree emotionally exhausting um because in the last week or so i have just felt like that i so i organized this whole house system this whole who's house system that we're doing at school it's brand new it's not anything that i invented we're basically mimicking you know the idea that ron clark academy came up with and that many schools have done and going into organizing this and presenting this to staff and rolling this out i knew and i was told not everybody's going to be on board there's going to be some people that are harder to kind of get on board than others some people are going to have things to say you know all of that i knew that um and for the most part i would say the vast majority of the staff here is very supportive very patient they're into it they know that we're in the beginning stages of all this and it's growing but i have had some interactions in the past week with just different parts of like campus like some our teachers some administrative conversations um that have just been like frustrating in different ways um because there have been times where i felt like i need a little bit more um a little bit more like help because at the end of the day like i feel responsible for all of this like if it doesn't go well like ultimately it's on my shoulders because this is something that i brought to campus um and i have a great group of people that have volunteered to help as well as well no they all volunteered they signed up to help so that has been very helpful but i think just dealing with colleagues that have just made it seem like they don't like the idea of doing this or that this is somehow making their lives more difficult or that i'm not doing my job and like making it clear to them that's been very frustrating because i've spent a lot of time over the summer and during the school year i'm either planning organizing thinking things through or communicating information about it and making sure everybody understood um like how things work and what was going on and so to feel like you're putting a lot of time and energy into something and then being told that no you're not is very challenging and so after the day that i had yesterday and some of the feelings that i've had for the past week or so this morning i had to wake up and tell myself like i had to remind myself of the book that i read years ago called the energy bus which is basically saying like you have to get to a point where you don't allow someone's energy that you perceive to be less than positive to affect your personal energy or your mental space or what you're doing if you know that what you're doing is with good intent and right and so most of the time i keep that in mind and i operate out of that but every now and then i guess when you just get to a point where you feel like it's been a lot or you're under a lot of stress or you're tired you lose sight of that so this morning i just have to remind myself of that and just remind myself that what i can control is me and what happens in my classroom and how my students feel and you know the experience they have in my room and that's really it and outside of that i can influence and try to help but i can't control it i can't control how someone's going to react i can't control how someone's going to feel um because people react and feel the way they feel for different reasons and some of them may have something to do with what i've done or said and if that's the case and i can fix that i will but some of it has nothing to do with me and i have to remember that so i'm just kind of at a place where i'm like do you boo basically like just do you you can't really do anything else but be who you are and be yourself and i'm satisfied with who i am and i feel like i'm a good person and that my heart is in the right place and that i'm that i'm giving my all as a teacher so that's all i can do and try and remember that more often sometimes it's just hard to remember that um so that's just a little personal reflection as a professional as a teacher i you guys are very lovely people and are always very kind in the comments and that is fantastic but not everybody is a fan of latonya however i will say this this is like god working so you know i was feeling a little down this morning like feeling like basically i think i just feel sometimes in this process and being relatively new to this staff like sometimes i feel misunderstood because this staff is much larger than the staffs we're at the two schools that i worked at before because i was working at elementary schools and this is a middle school and these staffs tend to be larger um because teachers teach sp specific subjects so quite often i feel like i'm misunderstood and that there's some people that don't really like know me and or get me and misinterpret who i am and what i'm about and so that's disheartening so with that being said you know this morning i had to like pep talk myself and say you're okay um today when i was teaching the social studies or this history lesson through nearpod which i'm going to talk about in a second we had a tech guy in here our campus tech guy had to come in because we were having some issues with a handful of chromebooks so as he was sitting fixing these chromebooks he was obviously like seeing and hearing the lesson on the boston massacre that i was giving and so when he when we finished or he finished everything and we were on lunch and taylor and i were walking to the office or walking back from the office and he was leaving my classroom walking to the office in our paths cross he stopped me to let me know you know i got the chromebooks fixed and he's like and also i just wanted to let you know that i really appreciate what you were doing in there like what you were teaching in there and the lesson in the way that you were um presenting it to students because it's so important to understand like historically that there are different perspectives and that there's different viewpoints because that's what this lesson is really all about and people's involvement in a situation really affects how they report it so he was like i just wanted to let you know like i have a daughter and it's one of those things where i hope that when my daughter is that age that she has a teacher that does that for her so i told him i really needed to hear that thank you so much um so that made me feel much better so we ended on a good note there as far as the lesson itself and teaching updates what i was going to share with you yesterday before everything just fell apart um was covet update in my district we now have to show proof of vaccination so we had to um upload our vaccination information on like i think it was a website like there was a website i went to they gave me like a qr code that showed my vaccination information and then i had to make sure that there was a copy of that vaccination information on like the district's web page or something so we had to get that submitted and done by today i sent that over yesterday and um there was something else covet related i was going to say but i can't remember did that i don't know um what was it i feel like this happens every vlog i'm just getting old well nevertheless i had to do that i uploaded it i provided proof that i was vaccinated so as far as learning today we didn't do any of the monkeys paul today which makes us more behind than we already are but that's okay because the other thing that i just realized is that i've always been this way i am probably behind everybody on my team in terms of where we're at with um study sync and i was that way in fifth grade and third grade i'm just a very slow teacher i think um but i just like to think that i'm just being really thorough and like taking my time i'm never that teacher that's like we got a pacing guide and this pacing guide says that by the end of the school year i have to have done all these lessons i'm always aspiring to that but i'm never going to rush myself or my students just to say that i did it i believe that it's more important to be thorough than it is to be complete if that makes sense so um we didn't do any of that today um we did have a little bit of time after history but i let them listen to all your twisted secrets because we had like 15 minutes and there's no point in starting the next step of the writing with the monkey's paw so we did this lesson through nearpod and how i or what i mentioned earlier in the week is that what i like about this lesson is that it integrates a stanford education um samford history education lesson that i like to do within the near pot lesson itself so it's like i was killing two birds with one stone and so basically they're learning about the boston massacre they're learning about the events that led up to it and they're also learning as to why the boston massacre and the boston tea party are considered like major events like in the chain of events that led to the revolutionary war um the other thing they're learning about is just the fact that people can experience the same historical event but report it in different ways so there were two documents there was a document a and a document b that they ended up looking at document a is told from the perspective of a captain from the british military and document b is told from the perspective of a bostonian so we read obviously the background information we definitely sourced the documents before we read the actual documents i talked to them about the lunchroom fight activity we did and although that was a fun activity just what was the purpose of that so they knew that it was about sourcing and cooperation and bias and how people's involvement in something affects how they report it so after we acknowledge that and remember that then we read the documents themselves so i read out loud one paragraph at a time and i told them as i'm reading these different sections i want you to highlight anything that stands out because it feels biased because the language is very specific because it's something that could affect the way that the story is being told by that person so we did that for both documents so everything blue here is what the kids said that they felt like should be noted we did that for both documents and then there were questions on nearpod that they had to answer that was asking them who wrote the document when was it written why would they have written this is the source reliable why or why not um is there any cooperation between the two documents according to this document whose fault is it in regards to the boston massacre according to this document what happened at the boston massacre or during the boston massacre um so just really focusing them on not what do you think happened but based on how this person's reporting it what happened um and so it was a really good activity and so that was pretty much the end of this whole near pot lesson i think there's um like a group question and then a collaborate board that i don't think that will do because i feel like we accomplished what i want to accomplish with this lesson so with the last class i had of the day i didn't do this with my first class i asked them one of the questions that nearpod asked and just told them to hold up their fingers one meaning very confident two meanings somewhat confident and three meaning not confident at all so i asked them how confident are you that you could explain the boston massacre to someone and most if not everyone had up a one or a two most of them said two um and i i would expect it's because they still don't really know exactly what happened at the boston massacre because it really depends on you know who you talk to so they did really well in both classes with that identifying the things that they felt like were biased or skewed and they were accurate um and that was it that took time and so after that in each class we had about 15 minutes left so we listened to all your twisted secrets i'm happy to report that both classes are now in pretty much the same spot there was a pretty big gap there at one point they're still enjoying it there's this character named scott that that's just everybody likes scott is the cool kid he's the one that's like the stoner of the group the rebel and they boys and girls are just like i just love scott but they also think that scott might be the one that's behind this bomb that's put in this room and i'm like wouldn't that be crazy if scott is the one that is doing all this and you guys love him so much and they're like but we would still love him so we have been listening to that they're doing a really good job of like making predictions and kind of saying i think this or making inferences based on what the characters are doing so it's been great so i'm about to head out i might stop at target to get some organizational things and then i'm gonna go home and just i might exercise put on my pajamas early and just work get things done that i've been trying to get done all week and just get it done um we don't have students on monday but it's a in service day so i'm leaving and just telling myself the room doesn't have to be ready for monday because nobody's coming but um that's it thank you to everyone that sent a nice comment whether it was here on instagram just encouraging me and letting me know to hang in there that you are feeling the same way i also want to thank where's my phone um i also want to thank um i think the name is dana dana or dana for the starbucks treat and brightening my day i am so fortunate to have like a community of people that are supportive especially in times like these um and yeah that's it so if you enjoyed today's vlog please give this a thumbs up if you're not subscribed make sure you subscribe and if you're not following me on instagram you can head over there and follow me at smartystyle and as always i hope that you guys are well and if you're not well please be well and i will see you guys tomorrow [Music] you
Channel: SmartieStyle
Views: 2,884
Rating: 4.9868422 out of 5
Id: 6m3Q7Axpklg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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