Broke Date | Anwar Jibawi

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what so she's hot and she's rich and she asked for your number yeah you told her you're broke right we didn't get that far and besides it's not like she's actually gonna call hello hey actually I know this place it's like uh it's like this hole in a wall yes it's super-exclusive all the celebrities go there and stuff in the same restaurant with the CEO of Microsoft do you want to just meet me there maybe a dress for seven one eight Florence Avenue Los Angeles California okay bye you to Luna I'm here I don't know I freaked out we need the cat's away she's the hottest girl I've ever seen I'm not gonna cancel the money there's nothing here you helped me out for once what you need to do is use a cabbage now how many times have I helped you different situation remember those ten dollars you owe me yeah you owe him to me anymore you're good you know why cuz you're my bro okay my bro cool cool cool yeah cool let's clean this place up let's do this let's clean it up [Music] [Music] [Applause] Hey oh hi I oh wow these are the celebrities that have been here yeah every single one of them I'm sorry I'm late I couldn't find the valet oh yeah it's um it's actually underground parking because you know celebrities like paparazzi and all that stuff wow this place is um yep yeah that's why I love it here Vavoom Oh with accent accent yes yeah for today's stop ants we have flex Telecom cornflakes compliments of this ship Wow tell em to say thank you madam this is thank you here we have the red red but the ruins it's aged its would you like to have a taste yeah we'll have a bottle of that very well thank you thank you it's very it's very bright doctor doc thank you mm-hmm cheers Cheers for today's dishes we have poop they knew them and who okay I'm sorry are these menus yeah they like to keep everything recyclable yeah Oh we'll have both very well in so much yeah spices cool it's it's it's cute I was gonna say the same thing there about you oh so how was your meeting today my what your meeting with Microsoft oh yeah the alone movies they don't market oh we're doing on the spinach oh we just talked I need to steal the steak we need your sir yes sir how's your day same old same old you know we just take the horses out we wrote them on the man who they know there [Music] thank you is this cup noodles no no this is coop they do their call hoping hoping it's with the yeah it's it's the best in town in for you sue okay this is where was this made this was made in the south yourself sorry that um they freezer the freezer it's a small island by france south of france my family summaries there every year I know all of the island was there any sauces okay that's enough that's enough not really like anything I've ever had before that's incredible excuse me waiter waiter can you bring out the chef I love to give him my continent did the chef you want to speak to the chef's I'd love to is the chef back there one moment I never had anything like it yeah they have the best chef in town here wait isn't isn't that the reader oh no that was my twin brother yeah it's a family-owned restaurant oh great well I just had to tell you the food is exquisite what's in it if I told you that then I'd have to kill you it's a secret so how's your day what are you doing later on tomorrow and stuff what tomorrow yeah late what's [Music] I was like who cares it's 15 grand like get over it yeah thank you and this place is honestly it's like it's so cool it's so hip and so trendy all right I bet your place must be awesome if you can pick this create a restaurant I would love to see it I want to meet your little puppy the little like white comma rainy and Great Dane endangered species puppy you were talking about it's not so cute why don't we just call it well I would say my place but like I wanted to check out your so bad anyway plus my brothers in town and all his friends are like super obnoxious what about the movies well you said you have the in home movie theater why don't we just watch a movie there are you sure you want to go to a bar the night is still early you say you have a 14 top all engraved up bro this is my apartment this cup noodle was $0.50 these hot pockets where 75 says that over there's my roommate he's broke too he faked an accent me too what I faint at all I don't have horses I don't have a new car if it's a fake purse I was hoping that you would be broke and we can be together are you serious no I'm rich and I gotta go kook they do dad [Music]
Channel: Anwar Jibawi
Views: 20,102,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: broke date, anwar, jibawi, broke, date, how girls act in horror movies, membership qa 3, bathroom buddies, thats my sister, How Girls Act in Horror Movies, lelepons, hannahstocking, rudymancuso, shots, shotsstudios, alesso, anitta, brazil
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 11 2018
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