Can I Borrow Your Charger? | Anwar Jibawi

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well I literally just ordered it's the dopest thing you put them in your shoes and they give you three inches yeah but what if you like go back to a girlfriend or something and you have to take off your shoes just put it in your sock that's genius whoa a hundred percent feels good I'm actually at 77 you think I could borrow you're talking real quick you want to borrow my charger just want to tie it up real quick the only charger I have I'm gonna be right here yeah yeah for sure bro oh nice yeah hey just make sure to give it back cuz up yo yo Adam hi it's Adam hold by any chance yeah I loaned him my charger and uh she's trying to get it back Adam Adams has been missing for two years no no no I know he's home he was just at my place ma'am I need my charger man I bought the charger I mean I think I bought it I mean that's my charger I loaned it to you I want it back am i - no no no give it back [Music] [Music] never do charge rectify room no man I'm not into that kind of stuff better no not my scene I just say 15% you have to charge I can borrow it's just a charger man come on just let's just call looper yeah it's okay my making [Music] and that's how a lack of responsibility can tear a family apart please welcome Anwar to our show thank you so much Marley I just I'm so thankful for this opportunity it just this just gives me the chance to reconnect with my charger my baby she was all I had well folks this is what Adam had to say what a morally money em I'm 23 years old and I don't care about nothing and I love all my charger I've got 12 cards at home my oldest is seven years old I'm proud of my Chargers and my hot body and I'm gonna keep having TARDIS literally I've died or end up in jail and ain't nobody can tell me nothing about it please welcome Adam [Applause] he's a monster look at him Adam now you say that you are sure do your baby charge lean is not an wash look Marlee I don't even know him he's gonna judge me I don't know you I don't know you is that my charger yes or no no look at it Marlee look at the charger look at both pictures look at the neck of the court why is it torn you know damn well that's my charger I don't know what damn thing oh it's not my target I don't know what damn things on my charger I don't know what you hid my charger I don't know it my dad tasted my charger a damn thing if it might target well we have the receipt here what do you think audience we fight huh go ahead Martha when it comes to the case of baby charge Lane the 18 watt USB wall adapter and waar you are not the owner [Music] can I borrow to what get out of my house what go get my house did I stutter pack your stuff and leave it's my charger I paid for it okay daddy's here what [Music]
Channel: Anwar Jibawi
Views: 10,895,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: can i borrow your charger, anwar, jibawi, can, borrow, your, charger, how girls act in horror movies, membership qa 3, bathroom buddies, thats my sister, How Girls Act in Horror Movies, lelepons, hannahstocking, rudymancuso, shots, shotsstudios, alesso, anitta, brazil
Id: 3ZySn5zi94M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 54sec (354 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2019
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