British Priest Reviews Easter Memes (QUARANTINE EDITION!)

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okay all right bread there is the Internet's priest bless you hi I'm Josh I'm Molly I'm Rev Chris today we are taking a jolly look at some memes in self-isolation priestess back reviewing Gaia Christian memes and it's an Easter edition everyone needs good memes in self-isolation all right now it's good here we go this is Easter memes blessed Jesus you have returned to us in what meaningful way could we possibly honor your suffering death and resurrection ex my ex excellent speak for yourself yeah I don't what does that mean Yolo no I have it I've heard the tope term FOMO fear of missing game yo mo can we feel really old guys okay okay again what does that mean that's not if that's what you only live once oh no he doesn't know okay I get it classic does it count as two lives though is it just a pause of the life new life resurrection life new like oh it's not just like pause in the film and then press and play again it's a new heavens new earth new bodies new creation st. Paul says a fish has set a certain flesh and animal has a certain flesh in the same way as a human has certain flesh the resurrected body would also be a new type of flesh so I think it's exciting then my fish beats all up like we might be moment lord have mercy camera we don't get to monetize yeah Pontius Pilate demonstrates effective hand washing techniques to combat coronavirus ad color Ides whoa hey Debbie it's me the Lord listen you need to stop telling facebook that your health is in my hands you're gonna have to wash your hands and Quarantine with everyone else okay Oh tragically there are well-meaning Christians who have some poor theology that says stuff like I don't need to take medication I'm going to trust from the Lord it's not good theology and it's also just stupid if you're an ass Mangan and hey if you're sick and you need your your drugs take your drugs it reduces God as a Christian I believe God is infused in the world through surgeons through doctor through medical practices through many things that crisis in the world and he gives us a brain and he gives wisdom to humanity to help humanity I mean yes period literally everybody wash your hands stay happy birthday wash your hands you sinners Jackie O is that actually it's James I say come near to God and He will come near to you wash your hands you see this oh my gosh that's my whole sermon this week honestly hand planned on giving up quite this much for Lent yeah classic I love some people doing you know what I'm gonna give up chocolate you're also gonna give up socializing in groups more than tuna I think is relevant by the way this whole idea of social isolation is an interesting one and I'm not I don't know if the phraseology is correct what I've been experiencing certainly at the moment you know we've been doing zoom meetings I've been doing Instagram lives at 12 o'clock during weekdays my social interaction is massive so there's no social isolation there but as a church leader I have those in my congregation for instance who are elderly or old they don't know about technology and things and we're trying as best as we can to support them and teaching them how to get their cameras working on their laptops or computers we are experiencing that physical dissonance not so much a social distancing alright next meme arriving now Wow spinach in 1 it's a really big cup is that actually what I use is obviously we we see it as a sacrament so at the end of the service you know I would finish it or you can return the elements to the ground that's what happens if you spill some of it on the carpet or something well obviously that's bad when you love or something you shouldn't have seen pretty bit yeah [Music] [Laughter] that's ironic is he I feel like you also probably shouldn't be laughing at that I shouldn't ask does that guy look like me basically any kind of gormless medieval figure people say this like the guy writing also looks like you okay with the dank bugs there's a full moon this Easter you know what that means them well off Jesus cocking shotgun werewolf Jesus brilliant werewolf Jesus would be sickly well of Jesus come on I mean you'd be amazing budget movie studio make that me please why do they give bunnies an international religious holiday and not squirrels history yeah you guys have a history with squirrel bunny has never eaten its way through my ceiling Oh that's yeah it's screw it screw you [Music] when you invite Jesus into your heart but then he sees what's inside all of us carry our brokenness and foolishness and and the point of Christ getting it he's not gonna be surprised by anything he's gonna get in there and here's omniscience right so he knows everything it means he can never be surprised by anything Wow which presumably means he doesn't know what it's like to be surprised [Laughter] checkmate Christians that's a good shop job that is a kiss for a job that's actually quite powerful Wow technology we can all just do it over the Internet maybe this is what the trend of not ban was created for exactly eating in front of a camera sharing it with people who are watching at home online while also eating the Koreans ahead of the game in every aspect do you like that meaning they're just saving that one to his body yeah and last up when your phone autocorrects to release it I feel like I've been more bold in my means tonight yes now that every season actually here in person first of all great meme second of all what is that who made that and where can i buy house alright well that has been some jolly Easter memes with in quarantine with Red Crescent quarantine Chris have you got message for people out there who are self isolated I would just say that there's a lot of worry there's a lot of fear at the moment god says to his people again and again do not be afraid we are in an opportunity where we can recognize our vulnerability and we recognize our connectedness and we can either use that to turn inwards be fearful and horde and a mass or we can seek to love our neighbor to serve them and to serve the needy to reconnect with people to phone people which will then hopefully lead us to love more so I would say let us not turn inwards and be fearful look to God men know that we're all going through this together we can have hope in this time so know you are loved and try and keep your chin up let's make the most of it and look out for each other so ensure wash your hands you sinners thanks Chris and happy Easter to everyone isolated in quarantine and hopefully recovered I hope you guys enjoyed this video you know what being quarantined it's not gonna stop us from looking at memes come back here if you want your jolly dose we'll see you darling [Music] you
Channel: JOLLY
Views: 1,645,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jolly, Kpop, JOLLY, jolly, 졸리, 조쉬, 조시, 올리, josh, ollie, British, Priest, korean, englishman, 외국인, 영국남자, 새로운, 채널, second, 사생활, new, channel, 한국말, UK, 영국, 런던, Korean, language, lesson, learn, food, mukbang, 먹방, culture, react
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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