What Do Animals Look Like With NO HAIR!? (Hairless Bear = Nightmares😳)

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hi I'm Josh I'm Molly I'm Rev Chris and this is jolly today we're not going to talk about God but we are gonna talk about some of his creatures oh gosh the new creations the best maker he is the creator yeah he makes all things ugly and beautiful and I'm really curious today some of the less beautiful oh my it's a wonderful thing creation it's a weird thing yeah sometimes mystery is involved why on earth did you create that yeah exactly and we play a game yeah which is guess what animal this is with all its hair shaped oh yeah well maybe we'll see first our mouse or a piece that is a mouse it looks like shredder as a child gone what's your guess this must be a wrap must be around no it's either that's like a baby bunny rabbit look at its look at look how its this is promet because it's not bigger back legs wrapper sweetie can I just say this is immediately this is a great idea could it be a guinea pig no I reckon it's a rabbit I'm gonna Rob it okay final answer okay rabbit correct yes it's not real what is that is a demon animal what if I saw that down the street I would be casting there now I'm imagining with Lucy's course that is ill that's a bear I've just realised that's a black bear that's what that is is it a black bear that's my birth that's a black bear look at his face everything about my it is terrifying everything they're kind of saggy skin on its back leg that everything XD saggy skin extra it sounds awful and looks awful alright this is another level this is another level I'll get Hedgehog that's actually really cute that that looks like an early bird own hair chokes have like like spikes for protection yeah yeah thicker when they go back but no I think these most of these really rescues yeah or animals that just had operations okay so we had to shave it but I made sure none of the pictures were pictures of animals that had been treated cruelly okay that's like some there's one in particular where the animal is actually unwell is that real the eye looks like when the deep when the nun gets possessed this is the narrow apparent black what's going on with his feet as well is that slit I don't ask the weird thing about the voice oh you see the contours of their body that yet they're used to being hidden by feathers or fur and it's just really disconcerting or it's like when someone who has always had a beard shaves their jawline just disappears like I can't stop looking at it I kind of so weird all right next up Oh dear me that is unfortunate little gloves or got little gloves on and and nose mask it looks like a mistake God is a granary 800 I give him that but this there are no mistake thank you and your guy he that is a beautiful thing I'm gonna go possum like I think a raccoon okay oh all right next up very skinny squirrel that was honestly like me in high school literally it looks like a nine hundred year old squirrel that's like an Egyptian mummified squirrel holding a Jesus next up oh that's not real that just looks like a baby hippopotamus is no sinking now a baby hippo well you got a guinea pig that must be a baby ever if we look at his ears is here's a like mousy is I think that's amazing that to me looks like oak jaw it's really weird I think this is the first one where it is cute I wonder them yeah what is it my floppy ears it's a guinea pig that is like a new creature though isn't it it looks like a completely new amazing it's been but somewhere I swing looks so useless you're looking sorry of yourself hobo let me point out is also really useless the next stop all right this is a make like a cup of bar or whatever Oh similar yeah it's a one but oh that's a one bat that what amazes a weird looking thing isn't it weird how you can tell by like the look what it would feel like just like a bit too like disconcertingly soft like clammy chicken okay how many more of you like to literally like the size body wrong amazes so delicate mmm oh my days a mouthful gerbil stuffed its face you can see like all the individual bits of food yeah yeah yeah yeah oh my goodness that's so cute its massive ears its kind of its kind of gross and wrinkly still though it's just a ring cleanest oh that's not the lack of fur thank goodness wow that was a journey that was a journey so that's been what animals look like with no hair actually a surprisingly traumatic journey see that red of all I've never seen anything like it has your perspective changed on God's creative prowess I think he got it right the first time all right animals with no fur no hair animals the animals guys seriously loves animals and if you have any animals or more pets or even kindly and don't shave for the fur off do not treat them well so I'd recommend your call to Shepherd the earth all right we'll see you guys jolly soon see you later [Music]
Channel: JOLLY
Views: 2,694,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jolly, Kpop, JOLLY, jolly, 졸리, 조쉬, 조시, 올리, josh, ollie, British, Priest, korean, englishman, 외국인, 영국남자, 새로운, 채널, second, 사생활, new, channel, 한국말, UK, 영국, 런던, Korean, language, lesson, learn, food, mukbang, 먹방, culture, react
Id: Gcq1dOI3zS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 10 2018
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