British Priest Reviews Meme Wisdom…?!🤔

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Hi, I'm Josh. I’m Ollie. I'm Rev. Chris. And today we're gonna be taking a JOLLY look at what people think in the showers. SHOWER?! Is this appropriate?! There is another legendary subreddit, called Shower Thoughts. Shower Thoughts?! And it's kind of like miniature sermons of the Internet. You know how the Bible has a book of Proverbs, right? Yes. Josh: This is basically the Internet's...Proverbs! Yeah! Ollie: It's the internet’s book of Proverbs! It's an interesting thought because I suppose the shower is the one place where You can't really take your a phone or... Well, you can now. Waterproof. Josh does it every day. Josh: That's true. x2 Rev. Chris: What?! You take your phone in the shower?! Ollie: Don’t ask how I know that. I play music... Great. I play music! I take my phone and put it next to the shampoo. I've called Josh before, and I’m like, hey man, it’s pretty loud where you are. He’s like, yeah just the shower. I was like, WHAT?! Wouldn’t necessarily recommend it! Alright, first up. Okay, so, Well, that's depressing. I would say that this person needs some counselling and needs to rejoice in the gift of life... Rev. Chris: ...that is children. Josh: I know you’re having your second child. We’re literally about to have our second child. When? this week? Two days time. Wow. I've looked at your first daughter Rose at times And thought, she's a little bit like a rampaging drunkard. So you don't agree with that? No! Rev. Chris: I think being a parent is wonderful, but is full of joy and hardship. But anything good in life is. Rev. Chris: Got great highs, great lows. Ollie: Like being drunk! X2 Moving on. Next up. That’s cool. That’s fun. Who thinks this stuff?! Rev. Chris: That’s a creative mind. Ollie: Holy Crap. Josh: Seriously. So TRUE! I’m feeling it now! Even though... You’re like, get up! Get up! Then you’re like, oh no, everyone’s gonna think I peed on my wrist. Have you ever done that? I’ve done... Peed on your wrist?! You know, you… Oh, doesn’t matter. Seriously, this is the internet! Be careful what you say! One of the worst days in my high school career was, We were on a school trip and I was wearing like khaki pants, you know like, light brown. Beige brown, yeah. I went to the loo on the bus, right? I'm like, I washed my hands. I turned the tap, No, it was literally just like… Josh: Oh. Ollie: Interesting! Do you think the four horsemen of the apocalypse, will disable the internet when the apocalypse comes? Or do you think the internet will be running right up, I mean Jesus will be trending, when he returns. Right? I mean, yeah, if the internet’s going. Not on YouTube though coz that's like weirdly moderated. And it might be like age-restricted. There will be Casey Neistat's video about Jesus coming, that would be number one. Alright, next up. Oh my… that’s so true! Can you imagine? Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!!!!! I’m broken. My voice is broken. Isn’t it dangerous? Josh: Helium?! Rev. Chris: Is it dangerous to do that? Josh: Well, let’s not… Oh wow, he's just gone through every stage. Josh: That’s like one of those Jaden Smith memes. Ollie: No, no, no. No, this guy’s an idiot. Because he was born probably tall. Well, okay. That's not really a height though, that's a length. Rev. Chris: No, but he went from fetus, and grew, Josh: As soon as you can stand, anyone else. So you’re an idiot. Josh: That is true. Fetus level! No, You’re not, Ollie. I'm kidding. You’re right. I should stay silent. Is that the kind of advice you would give to people? Yeah, I think… you know, there’s this Netflix series on at the moment, Rev. Chris: Called, Sex Education. Josh: Okay. And some of it, I laughed at it, I thought was quite fun, but some of it, I'm like, come on! So I actually commented to Netflix about it. Ollie: Did you? Rev. Chris: I was like, Boom! Netflix, I actually enjoyed it, thought it was funny, But two things. I said, Don't always, you know, project this image of Christians being mental And standing with picket fences, shouting at people. Josh: Oh, are there Christians in it? Rev. Chris: There are. They’re the ones shouting at people. Wait, you said that, while writing an angry email…? I was gracious and compassionate, I was like, look guys, Can you like do a bit more of a mature understanding of what it is to see sex as a different thing, that, Maybe it is a precious thing, once you share in an intimate way with someone you deeply love and care for And rather not just like, you know, just feel like, Oh, I feel a bit horny, Let’s go jump on the bandwagon and... Maybe Viagra have got it right, you know? Deep! Make sure your heart is healthy. Yeah! Sex is a beautiful thing! Next up, Condoms are made… WHAT IS THIS?! We’ve got Viagra...?! Rev. Chris: What are you guys doing?! Ollie: I didn’t pick these! Josh picked these! These are all the top voted ones! I guess people think about this in the shower a lot! My goodness… Come on, people. It’s not... I didn't write them! So this is like one of those mind... Terminator... Rev. Chris: They’re slowly fading us out. Josh: They’re already.... AI taking over. Ollie: Elon Musk was right. Josh: Already… stopping reproduction. So we got a few others here... You can't take a look at the Internet's Proverbs without… Ollie: Consulting the Philosoraptor. Josh: ...Philosoraptor. You'll get the idea once you take a look. The idea that the devil is in charge of hell, It's like, it's not true! Josh: Oooh! Woah. I feel like that's an exclusive. Yeah x3. You heard here first people. God is in control of all things and the devil is one of them who is going to be dealt with if evil is dealt with. He's not in charge of hell. Ultimately God is about drawing together and making whole and then, Bringing us into deep relationship with not only Himself but one another. But hell is complete isolation and separation from the other and from God. And it’s complete loneliness, which is a tragic and deep thought. What would Shower Thoughts be in Jesus’ day? Sea of Galilee sprinkles? Ollie: Thoughts by the well? Rev. Chris: Thoughts by the Jordan? Footbath thoughts? Josh: Oh, yeah! Washes the feet! Ollie: Coz Jesus washes people’s feet? Alright. That was the book of Proverbs on the Internet. Yeah, the Internet's proverbs. What's your initial impressions? I think creativity is good! Seeking out the the fun in things is a really good and positive and human thing to do! So I think a lot of our journey in life is perspective and perspective change and, I like when you are like, "Oh wow! That's interesting, I hadn’t thought of that". I think that's cool. I think that's nice. I think that's some of the... You know, the best of the Internet is when we can be creative and fun like that. Rev. Chris: I think it's good. Josh: In a kind of a wholesome way. In a wholesome way, not in horrible, you know, vicious way. Josh: Okay. Rev. Chris: No, thank you. Thank you very much guys. You're welcome! We’ll see you JOLLY soon! Ollie: See you later! Rev. Chris: Bye!
Channel: JOLLY
Views: 4,218,624
Rating: 4.9350333 out of 5
Keywords: Jolly, Kpop, JOLLY, jolly, 졸리, 조쉬, 조시, 올리, josh, ollie, British, Priest, korean, englishman, 외국인, 영국남자, 새로운, 채널, second, 사생활, new, channel, 한국말, UK, 영국, 런던, Korean, language, lesson, learn, food, mukbang, 먹방, culture, react, Shower Thoughts, Reddit, reddit, r/showerthoughts
Id: Eccg4Pfblbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2019
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