Hilarious TikTok Christian (@ariel.fitz)

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[Music] i'm a savage classic bougie ratchet [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello it's me father casey and it's me father patrick and this is a bonfire review oh yes we're back father patrick another episode in the saddle in the saddle we've had uh two episodes so far third one changing mediums a little bit looking at some tick tock oh i thought you're gonna talk about weird people who like channel no not okay with that bible says no nothing about tik tok in the bible though so it must be fine let's tic talk it off our very first episode last year was on tic tac you had never seen any of it now i'm an addict [Laughter] he's an addict he uh he loves it i mean there's some bad stuff but i just blow right by it the funny creative stuff is very funny and very creative yeah so i hope to find something creative for you today we're looking at just one artist our creator ariel fitz she uh does a lot of different things but she's got a lot of things on god which i find very interesting so let's hope ariel fits our programming here we go the first one here is on the distractions of prayer thank you lord for this day thank you that i am clothed and in my right mind that speaking of clothing what on earth am i going to wear today did i even take the clothes out of the dryer nah i forgot because i was supposed to make my grocery list what am i even going to cook tonight do i even have money to make groceries come to think of it that man owes me money what's his face the one with the long earlobes never like that dude sorry lord i don't know what i'm doing i'm supposed to be praying okay wait what was i praying about she's doing centering prayer it's the reason for centering prayer which he's doing actually so explain centering prayer so you get distracted all the time in prayer your mind's going a million miles an hour you have a word or a phrase that you choose for your prayer time like our blessed mother or um jesus yeah personally i like the word lord the lord lord is one it's uh it's a relational one it's it keeps me humble to remind that he's in charge that's uh yeah yes lord and just say it over and over sometimes yep and literally just as you catch yourself uh you bring that word up and it brings you back and you place the uh we were taught you you place the thoughts or the distractions in a boat in a slow moving river and down it goes and you said bring yourself back jesus you know whatever it might be i find that uh all of my prayer always starts this way it's just you don't just jump in in the first minute and have an ecstatic moment and so that's why i think a lot of priests these days are pushing for holy half hours or holy hours an extended period of time and for me the first 10 minutes probably is just all ramblings and all over the place and i can collect myself and then the next half hour i can be where i am so sometimes it's a little patience here very good if you just give it a minute you might find it unsatisfying yeah pretty distracting listen i changed my life you ain't got to say no i am living for the lord i am living for the lord i am living for the lord hallelujah i feel him down in my spirit you know as i think about the goodness of jesus for me my soul cries out hallelujah thank god for saving me hallelujah you're finished you're finished i love how god's name is now l-o-r-t lord i live for the lord i like dr seuss god yeah god was kind of like yeah you're saying a lot of words but um i'm a little skeptical here is this just with your mouth or your hands and feet gonna say this too it's a great tic toc she nailed it you find this in your life oh yes absolutely i don't know what to say uh you you struggle to figure out whether you're talking for yourself or whether you're actually talking to god yeah and you know the doubts and the fierce times come in and say am i talking to no one but then it comes around yeah it comes around it's the same thing i think we've talked about before about wrote prayer sometimes you just say it and you don't even know what you're saying and you don't actually believe what you're saying other times wrote prayer can be a great guide when you don't know what to say but i think it's a great maybe call out of hypocrisy sometimes we're just oh lord my god i'll do everything you say and then you immediately go do something else god's like hmm i'm seeing a disconnect here yeah it's good to recognize though we're all hypocrites to some extent and just good to recognize and so we can change to the degree we don't do what we want to do exactly yeah [Music] [Laughter] the angel just slapped her oh again i'm sorry [Laughter] oh that one's a that was a keeper i'm afraid the days sometimes grow very long and you do a little bit more than you should have out of love and thinking you're doing the right thing and it comes time for just you and god time and you start next thing you go oh no i fell asleep on god i don't know if that was uh in specific the 11 59 to 12 or just supposed to be one minute but i find both 11 59 is really difficult it's late at night after a long day or right in the middle of the day try to pray oh my gosh i'm on fire at midnight i i start my day at nine that's 90 pm i just [Laughter] does he have to out me on this show would you please call in and tell him i was joking he held it himself i i find this all the time and people people come to me and ask me this they feel really bad that they fall asleep and pray and they find it to be sinful and i think there's room for focus right and there's room for giving your best to god but i also like the idea of you know you feel so comfortable that you're willing to fall asleep with god yeah imagine a baby in your arms you're talking to baby baby you just go to sleep that's the coolest thing no i mean there is you know if you do this every single time you never actually get the prayer maybe pick a different time of day maybe you take a nap first then prayer but yeah i mean in itself it's just you're relaxing with god how wonderful oh you got oh hi god every time he's gonna be like hey wait a minute wait a minute yeah maybe change something but yeah in and of itself it happens hey guys so i know you weren't really feeling the other one but what you think you're talking about a boy oh no but i kind of really like him though no but you don't get it like he goes to church he prays he even posts bible verses on his social media girly line girly that was great for myself i'ma see for myself there's a classic form of prayer that you do not intend to keep oh yeah trying to convince god do you ever find your prayer isn't about learning from god it's like well let me tell you something i love when god went that's all god needed to do is like i'm god girl you know you need to get yourself straight he lying i know the heart she's great she knows all the problems she's nailing him every single one of them i find do that all the time where it's i'm looking for validation and that's it if i get validation well you know maybe i misinterpreted god yep maybe i'm not getting a no yep i should beware someone else with someone else about something else yeah and guys like nope right where you are right now in this moment i always love the line especially it fits when we're talking about you know why doesn't god answer our prayers or things like this that prayer is often treated like us trying to make god like us right we're trying to convince god of something but really prayer is about god making us more like him and so maybe prayer is about opening our minds to a different view of the world seeing ourselves a little differently having a little more empathy and we leave different um we don't actually want the thing we wanted before want a big word that describes that anthropomorphism anthropomorphism we've talked about this before but it reminds me yeah it's where you try to place human qualities on god they do it in cartoons where there'll be a rabbit and a deer and they'll be acting out and literally the cartoonist is suggesting a human interaction but he's using the rabbit and the deer so people don't get all uppity they go oh look at that poor rabbit that poor deer yeah it's a way of relating and i think that uh we should remember you know god does have a human nature right but god is not entirely human god's whole essence is uh is god and man wouldn't it be fair to say god is entirely human and entirely divine we could say jesus is entirely human and highly divine right there we go right but the father father ain't human and so when we try to pray to god the father and we think of him like our own fathers it's analogous there's similarity but it's not the same nope no so you know how we're talking about anthropomorphism what about creating god in your own image she's playing god in this there's a nice little fun play on this your own imagination of who god is two weeks later it was worse than the other one and there's god oh i know you didn't listen to me come on back come here i love it i was in an rca class one time and they were really struggling with the mercy and the justice of god and what about the justice the justice come on god's got to be punishing some of these people hitler he's definitely gonna be punishing hitler i said what would you say if i said to you hitler looked at god and melted and went i'm so sorry it's not good enough father would god go come here give him a noogie and then you know hold him and heal him or would he be cast in the fires of hell for his past yeah it's always a great question in rcia classes what do you think about that and i think what it reveals is um a deeper need for what contrition really is it's not just oh i'm sorry i'm gonna go back to my old way of life true contrition is feeling sorry and wanting to change your life and wanting to make up for what you did wrong yep and so those last two i think would have to be present there but who says it couldn't the total change of life real contrition and if someone does that how could we believe in a good god who still casts them into hell who's turning their life around is contrite wants to do better i gotta believe a good gods is merciful there's those weird different differences between temporal punishment and eternal punishment too like temporal punishment would be i'm really sorry i lied to you father casey but father casey goes yeah you did and that's it i'm sorry i'm so done with you know him look at me i'm really really sorry i'm approved to always tell the truth too bad too bad you know the temporal punishments might not be under god's control they may be under temporary earthly within time and sometimes those temporal punishments come from god as a means of reconciling us kind of the little punishments like a timeout right timeouts aren't eternal from parents they're just i need you to get on the right course here so you're going to feel a little bit of pain so the rest your life's a little better one of the coolest things that ever happened to me was the day when i realized that as soon as i'm genuinely really super sorry really sorry it's over with god it's like poof it's over that's so wild of course there's lots of stuff around it you know but that's the temporal stuff and maybe i do need to make a return to god for all the good he's been to me and all the junk i've given to him but the second i'm really sorry oh god amazing grace [Music] she didn't say thank you for this food would you provide that food for yourself [Music] did you provide the job that allowed you to purchase that food for yourself did you provide the health that even allows you to taste that food for yourself no it's just the eyes [Laughter] smacker god thank you love for this food i pray that you're bless it insanity and make it nurse and answer my body in jesus name afraid amen ever forget to pray and then feel guilty afterwards i oh i've i actually ate a hamburger on friday during lent one time didn't say grace and violated the fast i was just a guy i was in a um i was in a routine and what i did on yeah there's no good excuse for it but uh oops yeah to be centered in the lord is a beautiful beautiful thing and it requires a certain like if you like a certain set of clothes you put on or a certain kind of toothpaste and you just always do it because you know it's good the same thing with prayer and the same thing with grace before meals it's just the clothes you put on yeah now i'm curious we've had a couple in a row like this um she's presenting a bit of an image of god that's sort of looking down that sort of i got you and that boom you know that horror that noise is awful i think there's something to guilt that is helpful because it gets us back on the right path and she did have some loving embrace of god but it also seems kind of a god you fear i'm thinking heavenly parent heavenly parent go on oh no you didn't just say that to me or you know you're going to clean your room right you know it's objective truth sometimes sometimes you need the hard love yeah tough love i mean god is not everything and god is not nothing god is something and god has some commands and expectations praise me thank me that's that's not unreasonable no and it's not condemnatory and it's not you know casting people out i think there are some expectations and too often we have a flowery hippie gods uh in our image oh boy i think there's mercy right we've talked about mercy i think there's forgiveness i think there's that loving embrace but there's also the you know the image of some expectations the image of jesus in the basilica in dc where he's oh right like he is judge and lord right we need to remember that sometimes he's got fire coming out of his ears and out of his head his muscles are like this and his eyes his brow is furrowed and his eyes are like what did you do or approach me if you dare you know whoa it's called the panto crater yeah i mean there's truth to it right that's a side of god we don't often don't get so there's something that's good mercy balance justice kiss mm-hmm [Music] me sneaking out of the house [Music] oh the angel's right now snitch the great face merc something wrong with your front door no sir do your parents know you're leaving the house this time there's a belt no would i be cool with where you're going at this time and how do you even plan on sneaking out that window in that little dress yeah there's definitely a voice of the conscience here we come to realize ooh ooh that voice in my head saying i probably shouldn't do this and the belt oh my gosh yeah you're gonna get a whoopin belts hurt a lot and it may not be a literal belt from god but we do know there's punishment that comes from this fear of the lord whatever it takes got to have it or you're on your own and on your own you get the grave dark wet cold hole yeah so right it's the reality you you're being offered life warmth justice peace integrity uh faithfulness all these wonderful lasting things and you want to have a an extra large mcdonald's fries you know god's like really yeah i look at this and i think all right that looks like a harsh god and you just let me live my life i want to have fun but then you think about well what could she have been doing what pain would have come from a frivolous life from a scandalous life from a promiscuous life down the road that's going to lead to a lot more pain than the embarrassment right now of being told what are you doing yeah she could run into a player and get played yeah i'm a savage my body [Music] praise the lord oh my [Music] [Laughter] she's she's got every angle she's covering it awesome so there's the uh kind of intrusion of the outside culture of how can you not hear some of the songs that are out today even the best beats in the world some of these new songs have the best beats yep and so sometimes it's well i'm listening to this and i know i should and sometimes listen to it because it's just on here's a question for you can you listen to the garbage lyrics that you know are there because the beats really good just for the beat and the lyrics don't affect you i think we're all different levels of that spectrum yeah i think they do i just think they do so whatever you put on yourself is gonna be part of yourself yeah always uh good to keep in mind what you put in i mean look at tv how many crime stories there are how many do you go to the good stuff like the discovery channel and uh animal planet and all that stuff i love those channels watch this antelope he's not going to stand a chance don't sit by that river they're right behind you god please send me a man amen i will literally take any man you sent my way because you sent him my way you did that not you anybody but you now let me tell you why he wasn't the one let me explain to you why he was not the one let me explain to you why he's not the one oh dating is horrible mm-hmm i remember it it's just so uh risky and and then that person is going back that person going back talking to all their people and you're talking to all your people and then they're trying to behind your back make way and break it up and i think it's more for me just the the plethora of the fact that there's 3.5 billion women in the world how do i find the right one how do i find my soul mates god send me the right one i think uh this often like this oh no not that one no no no i'll let you know but there's also kind of an idea you know i don't think there's just one soul mate or just one vocation i think god's leading us like hey look at all the great options out here let's just love them yeah as long as we understand what that word love means i say giving giving love is giving very unromantic but solid is a rock given what's good you know you're loving when you're giving and you know you're being loved when you're being given to sacrifice self-sacrifice has got to be a part of that the rest is game plan ow what the what the what no no what were you gonna say i was going to say what the esta bantoso what a month i praise him all the days of my life even in the midst of the pain he is still good he is still gone girl you need to get it together hallelujah i ain't going to tell you his praises shall forever be in my mouth and that's all that will be in my mouth to come out my mouth i ain't doing this angel's so tired of her oh my so here's a here's a question you never ask questions you don't know the answer to but uh i'm asking anyway patrick how do you feel about swearing um i like creating swear words [Laughter] um like the the spanish word for pencil sharpener it's very guttural oh yeah and it works so well you know you hit your finger with a hammer punta you varmint you know like from yosemite sam yeah yeah but the actual ones um they work they work really well for getting it out but it's just so it's garbage i have to ask myself am i garbage yeah am i going to talk garbage is that what i really want to do and so for me they're all kind of relative whereas they they have a meaning that we associate with them and so different contexts have different effects so you know i wouldn't say the same language in front of you know the sweet old lady in the church compared to people i might meet on the streets you speak the language of the people at the same time i want swear words to have power and so if you use them all the time then what's the point of ever using them you want that like one really powerful one at that right proper time use them very sparingly only when i don't know the perfect situation the people use them every single sentence it's just well you know you're down south now so people don't cuss all right uh-huh southerners do not cuss bless your heart well that's the way to be passive-aggressive they still cuss yeah but i think that her point is is valid we should be conscious of the words that we say is it just something that randomly pops out in the wrong situations or does everything we say something that we can stand by you know what works best for me what's that thinking of my mouth as not mine that i'm a steward of it yeah i was given given it from a birthplace to a death place and that this mouth is not my own i'm to be uh to use it the way the giver intended it to be used that really works for me if i can bring that to my mind yeah you have to bring it to your mind while you're in the car and someone cuts across four lanes in front of you does every word that we speak bring glory to god that's a good question that's what i want to do yeah i want to please the lord with what he gave me and there are ways of using nice words to say really really hurtful things and there are some times you can say bad words to say some really nice things so i think it's that concept like what are you actually saying with these words are you building relationships are you cutting them down that's what's more important to me i'd be fascinated to learn what father casey thinks a really bad word doing a good thing is make people laugh i can give you many examples of that but we're going to move on thanks for choosing god how may i help you yes sensing is covered yes ssn is covered i never heard that one before but i promise you that sin is covered you are still loved by god right no problem idea now make good choices and don't go seeing for yourself because jesus already seen it all trust me take care don't go seeing for yourself i'm in the race i just love the concept of a call-in receptionist for gods i'm really worried about this what do i do don't worry that's covered yeah so this is this is you know obviously imaginatory but uh imaginatory just like that it's imaginary but you know who that is right that's us we're god's receptionist come to us talk to us let's catechize let's uh let's come to confession we say you know actually yo that's covered don't worry about that or you know it's not actually not a sin but we could work in this way we're working with god for you i like it you got to know how merciful god is there's a wideness yeah scriptures talk about there being a wideness in god's mercy i liked her face too it's covered i never heard that one before my favorite line is uh don't don't you have to see everything do you have seen it all do you see it all oh i love that line yeah hey that's one of the themes we always talk about you don't unseat certain things yes there's no experimentation with everything you don't need to agreed all right last one how may i help you yes ma'am i could definitely check to see if you're eligible for your next miracle let me just pull up here eligible for your next miracle okay so it says here you've been paying your tithes been giving to the poor even held your tongue against that rude customer instead of cussing her out is she the one with the custom problem yes it's hashtag turn the other cheek hashtag progress hashtag jesus did it well it's looking like everything is good let me just check with management miracle is yours and that's on period [Laughter] it's like a phone plan you get an upgrade that's excellent yeah now this is the only one i kind of like it's funny if i push back against because the idea is your miracles based on how good you've been god is overflowing mercy and grace it's not something we earn but i love the idea that there's a receptionist like all right i'll check with management it's all in yours prayer is powerful that's what i get from this so she's like the holy spirit the advocate she could be yeah yeah the holy spirit is our receptionist that's an interesting idea yeah i never thought of it like that before let me check on that with management i think the holy spirit would also be the one calling us oh no it's the holy spirit the sales calls we get during dinner definitely the connecting tissue between god and the human family that holy spirit's right it's got to be in there or there's no connection in the world living in our hearts that voice inside of our heads that's the holy spirit calling you miss fitz rules yeah what an incredible use of a silly stupid medium yeah she she nails it i mean all the troubles are right there and uh very tactile yeah understandable practical i've been through every single one of these things hilarious too yeah she's funny well father patrick any other closing remarks here any exhortations any thoughts prayers comments heresies pray pray pray really i i don't want to sound all religious and everything but you really you're a priest being religious but uh there's no substitute for being in touch yeah you know whether it's using things that help you get in touch or quiet to help you get in touch or this wonderful artist giving us this terrific reflection on prayer pitfalls there's no substitute for being in touch if just think about like this if you're not in touch you're literally flying in your own gas tank and your own ideas which are no offense but very small compared to the things of god and the knowledge of god jesus seen it all you know so you haven't i would say yeah be humble and honest that you got to go to the big the big tree you know the big source not to sound like pandora but uh there it is pray pray pray that's what i get what i love about this is even though she hasn't seen it all right she's seen something and so she as a young person can be on twitter or she can be on tick tock and she can share the gospel she can share her own experience i think this is an incredible example of evangelization the new evangelization that you could do you don't have to have a phd or have major resources or this or that look at this this is simple and yet powerful so share the share of the good news way to go miss fitz yeah thank you close us in prayer in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit amen we come before you lord of heaven and earth and we ask your special grace upon us as we contemplate our nature which you've made free to ignore you or to be in touch and follow you we ask your grace upon our studying this call of yours to be in communion with you to follow your holy will to fear you where it's necessary for us to stay on the right track toward being with you forever thank you for ms fitz thank you for father casey and these wonderful opportunities to be together upon friar review we ask your grace that we be a little bit more prayerful every day so that we can walk in peace knowing where we're headed amen amen name the father the son the holy spirit amen thanks for watching all the way to the end if you like all the contents that we can offer here you've got all these things right we always talk about these things but what about this thing right here sign up for the newsletter includes all the content from the week sent to your inbox every week see you next week see ya [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Upon Friar Review
Views: 1,533,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: React, Catholic, Christian, priests, Franciscans, trending, popular, Church
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 29sec (1829 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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