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Ollie doing those burpees was so funny

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/phokeutuu 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2019 🗫︎ replies
so military service is obviously brewed in Korea especially for the guys but we have never actually had a chance to experience it until now we thought the twins would be perfect for this because they're really competitive they're really active obviously made your child is kind of a badass in the British Army and they're up there but it turns out because major Charles is a major it's a little bit complicated to take him to a foreign army base just don't call it so I knew I was gonna South Korea with you guys which is an absolute wonderful wonderful experience you're like oh just got this idea about you know going on a Korean army base I'm like hold the phone you want me as a British military officer to go on a South Korean army base and you're telling me this now there's a few phone calls I have to make how high up do we have to take them so I'm not saying ministerial-level but it was pretty close obviously we have to get permission from the Korean military to go there to an army base and film and they agreed to let us film on a Korean army base what we thought would just be one video turns out we filmed one and I should actually mention we're actually going to their commando unit oh oh yes it's the Korean equivalent nice Wow see how it's different it sounds great so do we get badge one day's training crew does not make you go maybe we can get Kris a turtleneck patch oh I'm excited you guys are gonna have a great fun it'll be hard work but it'll be fun I'll be exciting and I think we'll all be a little bit closer at the end remember we're trying to find it on Google and it was like not there's nothing here and I'm like whoa this isn't it and then we come to that roundabout and it's like a leopard and upwards that'd be a leopard mate that guy has a freaking grenade launcher on his gun you seen that the first thing they did actually was they put like a hood over our camera in the car and they were like you got to black out the faces of the guards if they were the leopards I've already felt like I was like crap we our job is like immediately I've never seen in the court he's like a fish back in whatever you know [Music] [Music] nice to meet you by the way a full colonel saying a load words big deal he was night he's head of the garrison head of the camp what they don't know I don't need uh-oh suddenly like with it and I'm like we're not prepared yeah we're not like a big TV show with a big crew we're flipping a youtube crew fit in one car yeah yeah we could lives we move and we own an army base I know I know we're about to do yeah bad this whole schedule planned out so organized out okay you know we just boil their schedule it's gonna be fine and then sue that meeting finished he was like time to stop yes that's right and we're like oh now we just arrived he's like yeah get on with doing a fitness circuit so I was like okay I know fitness circuits and then they paired us up with the youngest fittest people on the camera oh nice to meet you miss me this is my my battery my my company well I saw you guys walking out I was like do not embarrass the UK I know what we're getting into and you guys are not ready oh you don't think already know you didn't get changed you get these things well look it up that's the back room oh the back what is it there oh can you tell them that I faked oh yes don't say that so we going impaired so we're going so we're together oh crap now we have to actually keep up yeah first you bust different here we go that circuit was good circuit and they do that like three times a day it's similar to the UK stuff that we do it was a in tensor I'm really glad they didn't noodle most of us didn't speak Korea so they didn't like showers in Korean and like frickin give us no mercy they were really patient Charles just goes on that circuit yeah and I'm like he's a machine flippin little evil he was so much stronger so much fitter than all of us including Chris Duke listen life oh you don't have a little oh my gosh [Music] [Music] go them up [Music] okay oh this guy stupid [Music] [Music] that circuit represented a number of different exercises that we would need your body to be prepared for if you were going to go out the door and do an operation [Music] [Music] [Applause] no everyone oh man that was that was really tough this guy is a reef it fit up oh it's good man that was good my mind is good this guy isn't even out right yeah we caught up with Chris just saying oh yeah Wow flippin heck I did not explode bad that was like from zero to a hundred yeah I know woman that was the warmup yeah this is hard this is hard it's crazy hard listen I think I might be sick you see if you're kidding not serious your turn is changing if she's just standing up was like I'm done for you on this do you reckon correctly we're gonna go I'm nearly going I'm deadly there and then we did a competition where what Charles and I raced you guys how did that go how'd that go for you guys I'm relying on you shelf hey guys you guys have to do it properly or it's no count okay [Music] for three all right [Music] [Music] 20:10 morning start tiny you ready for round three Chris got the nice guy yeah I got a guy who's like you're doing the burpees you know start again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] don't be silly the training base up Bluto vomited so I mean it is gonna be in the video so I'm not such a stoner to a ommited yeah it's just proof I was working hard you know if you're not trying it out make mistakes what [Music] yeah swing swing good job I'm so happy that we're not doing it now we've definitely beat their time yeah we've already been that time oh yeah easy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] how so sure we're gonna win whoo okay okay yeah eight minutes oh I felt like an hour and I was like we already know who's gonna win he's in commando well handy commando and a genetically identical twin yeah dude come on this boss is literally gone [Laughter] so my days that was the warm-up right sure now on to the assault cost Oh mom you ready no let's do it you guys like okay that's clearly got to be the end of this for today and I was thinking I've been like for a minute probably got a few more hours in this yeah Charles in the know and then sure enough we get a fluid through room a little forest block up to what can destroy there's some kind of seriously yeah he suffered some serious yeah Wow my gosh [Music] you
Channel: 영국남자 Korean Englishman
Views: 6,525,126
Rating: 4.959496 out of 5
Keywords: Korean, 영국남자, 영국, 조쉬, 올리, Josh, Ollie, KoreanEnglish, English, Man, englishman, food, 음식, 외국인, 반응, 영상, 웃긴, 남자, 외국, 도전, 매운, 조니, 조엘, 댄, 단, 신부님, 크리스, 올리아빠, 해물, 치킨, 삼겹살, korean, BBQ, fried, chicken, 라면, 불닭볶음면, 미친남자
Id: SrH6FkUxIM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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