Catch The Fire Toronto - Live, 9AM (Oct 3rd, 2021)

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] do so [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey friends steve long here my wife sandra and i we are the senior leaders of catch the fire church in toronto and it's our privilege to welcome you to be part of our online church family we have thousands of people in southern ontario thousands of people around the world that this is how they do church and so we want to welcome you whether this is your first time or you're a repeat part of catch the fire by watching our meetings being a part of our meetings and friends i want to encourage you don't just watch participate we are purposely doing what we're doing so that you can experience god today the purpose of our church is to help people to encounter god's transforming presence so i want to encourage you during the worship time during the teaching time during the ministry time and there's going to be a couple different ministry times offered participate pretend that you're in the front row of our of our live church meeting and so when they say stand stand if they say put your hand up friends will want to encourage you participate in the meetings and you'll be able to experience god's presence today friends we have lots of things that we offer as a church and for those of you that are considering making catch the fire church your church there's three things that we encourage people to do that sort of get the fullness of our church family and number one is by attending and there's two things that you can be a part of you can be part of every sunday we have a live meeting you can watch it on demand as well we have live prayer ministry we have life prophetic we have live healing that takes place every sunday we have live small groups that take place every week you can be a part of all of those communities all of those teams you can be a part of you can serve and that's number two you can serve on these teams you don't have to be in our building to be able to serve you can serve from your home like many of our small group leaders are doing and number three is giving everyone who's part of our church family is encouraged to equally sacrifice to equally give to be able to cover all the expenses of our church and we have some incredibly generous people and it's like as all of us do a little we do a lot together so friends expect to meet god today thank you so much for joining us and i want to bless you to encounter god's transforming presence [Music] i'm just waiting till it gets to zero good morning everybody those of you that are at home thank you so much for joining us and those of you in the room welcome how many of you were here with us either friday night or saturday night for the worship time uh sandra and i um we left what 11 o'clock last night but it was just a wonderful time friday was outstanding and if you missed friday night healing meeting with john arnett on our youtube channel usually by tuesday the weekend meetings are uh up on the on the youtube channel and we recorded last night as well it was uh just wonderful three different bands that took a couple hours each it was excellent the the the biggest negative was that we're not able to belt out our our singing uh because the city of toronto you know said that we're not allowed to do that but we're allowed to sing to ourselves under our breath i heard some belting some people's singing to themselves is quite a bit louder than my version of singing to themselves anyways that is the rule for the city of toronto and those of you at home you're exempt from that rule because at your home you get to uh you get to do whatever you want to do belt away at home is that what we're going to say so if you missed friday and saturday today is a continuation of the weekend which we've called going deeper and we're going to have what we call a flow sunday meaning that it's relatively spontaneous of just trying to figure out what's the holy spirit wanting to say in this given moment and we're really glad to be able to have murray and ash smith who are sitting right here and they're the ones that after the during the worship are the ones who are going to come on the stage and be ministering to the lord and to us today and then sander or i one of us will get up at the very end and we'll do all the announcements at the very end that kind of stuff but this morning's a flow time you've got communion elements those of you at home if you if you would like to grab something that you're able to celebrate the lord's death his resurrection today you go ahead and do that because at some point in the next 45 minutes an hour so that's what's going to be taking place so just so that you can be prepared those of you at home stand up those of you in the room stand up sander has a verse first of all those that are in the room and if you're um online can you just stretch your hand to the worship team this morning come on yeah how about you guys just receive right now some of them they get here really early or more than that last night yeah and they prepare and they they seek the lord um and so holy spirit i'm asking that you would just come and be with this band father be with every aspect of the band the vocals and the instruments and the technical the sound people that are on the lights right now the cameras the internet right now father will you come and fill them lord lord will you come and love on them this morning more than ever father lord i pray that this morning lord i know their focus is on you and you alone and father i'm asking that you would just come and minister to them this morning as they as they are are singing lord i know that they're as they're playing their instrument they already are ministering to you lord but you would give them just double double for all that they they've poured out this this weekend and more lord lord i thank you for the passion and lord i thank you for the new lord we thank you for the new we thank you for what you're doing in worship lord and so father i'm asking that he would just set him on fire this morning like never before in the name of jesus and in psalm 34 it says i will bless the lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth my soul makes it boast in the lord let the humble hear and be glad o magnify the lord with me and let us exalt his name together i sought the lord and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears those who look to him are radiant are you radiant this morning come on yeah i'd like to be yeah you are honey and their faces shall never be ashamed this poor man cried and the lord heard him and saved him out of all his troubles the angel of the lord of the lord encamps around those who fear him and delivers them oh taste and see that the lord is good blessed is the man who takes refuge in him and so father we come before you lord we want to be radiant lord as we seek you here as we as we look up to you this morning we give you all the glory father i'm asking that this morning that if there's any weightiness or any tiredness that we're feeling lord we just let it go and and and there's some of you that that may be online or or um are in this room right now and i just feel like you've just been carrying just an awful load and the lord just says will you just surrender it you just can't bring it into the presence because he wants to take care of it he wants to come and give you revelation and so father i'm asking that there would just be such an incredible joy and expectancy that will come to all of us as we worship you this morning and lord we just bind up any distractions right now in the name of jesus and father we seek you and we give you glory we give you honor and the holy spirit i'm asking that you would just come and be with those that are in at home watching right now father will you overwhelm them with their presence your presence lord and father even as they're having their tea and their coffee and maybe their breakfast and they're sitting at a table or in their living room watching lord would you just come and be with them lord i thank you this morning you are you are this is you this is your church and we're your kids and we love you so father we thank you for all that you're gonna do today in the name of jesus and everybody said amen very good so [Music] [Applause] hello [Music] and that's your name [Music] angels will bow the earth [Music] [Music] it's your name [Music] that's your name creation sings your story [Music] your people cry out [Music] way [Music] is [Music] [Music] we will praise you praise you no one like our god we will sing we will sing there is no one like our god we will praise you praise you no one like our god we will say [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we will praise you [Music] praise my heart one like heart we will sing [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] we love your name [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh lord [Music] just hmm [Music] with us [Music] [Music] with us [Music] red sun uncreated [Music] us we [Music] we [Music] love you we love you [Music] bye us [Music] with us [Music] new are with us [Music] we love you [Music] we love you [Music] love you [Music] we love you [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are faithful forever the promise of having the shepherder is [Music] [Applause] [Music] the redeemed of the lord [Applause] [Music] it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me we love your name we love [Music] we love you [Music] we love your names we love your name we love your name [Music] jehovah messiah our constant provider the healer who walks on the way you are faithful forever the promised [Music] [Music] you are faithful forever the promise of heaven the shepherd [Music] the savior who might [Music] [Applause] [Music] the redeemed of the lord will say [Applause] [Music] the healer who walks [Music] you are faithful forever the promise of heaven is [Music] exchange [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] on it [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] we are [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] she is [Music] we love your name jesus [Music] we love you [Music] we love your name we love your name we love you [Music] we love you we love your names we love you [Music] the holy name the holy name jesus forever on our lives jesus [Music] jesus jesus [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] the only day is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] jesus [Applause] jesus may your name be the highest name lord may your name be the highest [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all for every other every others [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's your name jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] cheers [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] she's jesus [Music] jesus [Music] jesus jesus the perfect one jesus [Music] [Music] um [Music] lord hallowed [Music] come quickly your will be done [Music] in heaven lord hallowed be [Music] quickly your will be is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] lord [Music] quickly [Music] and on earth [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let heaven come [Music] today [Music] oh [Music] let her [Music] let heaven jesus [Music] let heaven come [Music] let heaven come [Music] oh [Music] hello [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] let her [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yours is the kingdom yours is the power [Music] yours [Music] is the power [Music] yours is the power [Music] is is [Music] you were [Music] [Music] you deserve the glory you were you worthy of it all [Music] for from you are all things until you are wrong [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] all the [Music] of god [Music] [Music] for from you are all things until you are wrong you deserve the glory [Music] you were [Music] for from you are always until you are wrong [Music] you deserve more you deserve it [Music] day and night [Music] is [Music] day and night [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] you [Music] were from [Music] [Applause] you were from here you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh jesus you deserve the glory all honor and glory and power and dominion and wealth and wisdom and strength and beauty and majesty it belongs to you jesus you deserve the glory [Music] we join in with all of heaven the four living creatures the 24 elders around your throne the myriads of thousands upon ten thousands of angels worshiping you we worship you we honor you just take a moment just continue to lift up your voices in adoration just declare how worthy he is that he's worth it all he's the name above all names he's the king of kings he's a lord of lords he's the champion of heaven he's the one that's overcome he's the one that meets us where we are he's the one that's rescued us and saved us he's the one that's become our wisdom and our righteousness he's the he's the one who's become our purity and our holiness he's become all that we need and so we just declare to you jesus that you're so worthy of it all you're worthy of our worship you're worthy of our lives you're worthy of our honor you're worthy of our time you're worthy of our affections you're worthy of our finances it's so worthy jesus is so worthy jesus so worthy jesus is so worthy jesus is so worthy jesus is so worthy worthy jesus oh you're beautiful you're glorious you're glorious you're glorious [Music] you're so worthy just gaze into his eyes of affection just turn your faces up to heaven and gaze into his glory and his beauty and just declared him jesus you're so worthy to me you're so beautiful i honor you with my life i honor you with all that i am i give you my heart just declare worship just pour out adoration to him the worthy one just declare his beauty the magnificent magnificent glorious king you deserve the glory you deserve the glory though [Music] you deserve the glory lord [Music] you are worthy [Music] [Music] all our devotion [Music] you deserve the glory [Music] [Music] yes jesus [Music] pour out your adoration [Music] i i just feel like we need to just stay in this just for a little longer just to keep our gaze fixed upon him the beautiful savior our beautiful savior heaven's champion [Music] the bright and morning star oh you're the beautiful one jesus you are the beautiful one you are magnificent there is no one like you no one loves like you no one is as lovely as you you are beautiful and we exalt you right now jesus we lift up your name we lift up your name just as hope was singing before your name is on my lips let it be always on our lips jesus beautiful savior lord let us be people of single focus single devotion to you king jesus [Music] lord we don't want to waste a moment [Music] let our worship just be fragrant to you jesus let it please you we want to please you lord we want to please you i want to please you let my offering just be so pleasing to you this morning [Music] oh glorious one [Music] we put aside every other love [Laughter] we put aside every other love you're the only one that satisfies our heart you're beautiful you're beautiful you're beautiful [Music] let's just keep pressing into his heart right now [Music] [Music] oh [Music] i am [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] the [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are worthy of it all [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] yes jesus you're worthy you're worthy we love you we love you we honor your presence we don't take it for granted lord thank you for your presence just thicken your presence in this place right now we just declare that you are welcome here you're welcome in this family lord you're welcome you're welcome holy spirit you're welcome we love you we love you thank you that you reveal the father to us oh we love you we love you we love you oh thank you lord jesus [Music] we love you jesus yes we love you jesus we've tasted and seen that you are good you are good we love you jesus you're good you are good and you do good yes you are and you do shut oh thank you we just revel in your love right now lord pour out your lover fresh in our hearts this morning lord pour out afresh in every heart in this room every heart watching online or listening just baptize us in your love again lord [Music] i just want to read this passage we're going to we're going to take communion together i just want to read this passage so we just stay engaged with the holy spirit it's in colossians chapter one i'm just going to start in verse 13. he has delivered us from the domain of darkness that's good to the kingdom of his beloved son i mean we could just stop right there couldn't we so good he has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved son in whom we have redemption the forgiveness of sins he is the image of the invisible god the firstborn of all creation for by him all things were created in heaven and on earth visible and invisible whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities all things were created through him and for him and he is before all things and in him all things hold together and he is the head of the body the church he is the beginning the firstborn from the dead that in everything he might be preeminent for in him all the fullness of god was pleased to dwell and through him to reconcile to himself all things whether on earth or in heaven making peace by the blood of his cross and you who once were alienated and hostile in mind doing evil deeds he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him i mean this is just magnificent jesus we just declare this it is all about you it's all about you you're the image the exact representation of god when we see you jesus we see the father you have delivered each one of us you've you've ripped us out of the dominion of darkness and you have placed us right into your son and we are grateful and thank you lord oh lord we worship you you're the firstborn you hold the highest position lord jesus and because we're in you we're seated with you in that as first borns you've created everything the heavens and the earth there's nothing that exists without you you hold everything together with your word you're the head of the body jesus you are the head you're our leader we follow you we honor you we love you and lord we just i just i really felt like today before we um take communion i just felt the holy spirit just just say he wants to reconcile this morning he wants to bring reconciliation he wants to i mean firstly i think for those who don't know him who haven't ever given their lives to king jesus and said lord i i surrender my life to you because that's all any of us did we just said yes i give in to my own desires and my own wanting to do things right and and i yield and i say yes to you so i i feel like there are people i don't know if you're in this room if your heart has been kind of turned away or if you're watching online and your heart has turned away from the lord or maybe you've never said yes i surrender all to you well there's an invitation for reconciliation in jesus to god today for us he he i'm a first generation christian i'm the first one in my family so far to be saved and he definitely picked me up out of the depths of the myrie clay and he has rescued me and he wants to rescue those who who are just trying to do it in their own strength this morning and so we want to give you an opportunity to respond to his voice this morning to just be reconciled to be made right with god so if that's you i just want to invite you it's very simple [Music] all you do is you just say yes to jesus you just say jesus i let go of control of my life i let go of doing things my own way i let go of all of me trying to do the right thing i let go of all good works and i let go of every sin lord that entangles me and i surrender to you right now king jesus i believe that you died on the cross i believe that you shed your blood for me [Music] i believe that you beat death and you rose again on the third day and i surrender my whole heart my whole life everything to you and i invite you to be lord of my life for you to take first place in my life i yield to you right now and i invite you to take up residence in my heart i say yes to becoming the living headquarters of the trinity father son and holy spirit holy spirit would you fill me right now [Music] holy spirit would you fill everyone whether online or in person that just said yes to you [Music] thank you jesus [Music] and i so if you just responded to that if you prayed that prayer with ash if you're here in this room pastor robinson team a team over here i would love to meet you and connect with you and help you on your journey because what you've just done is taken the first step on a lifelong journey of getting to know god getting to know who he is for you getting to know who you are and who he's made you to be so if you have prayed that prayer and you're in this auditorium then we would love you to just come and see the team over here just be bold we're not going to do anything strange to you we're just going to talk to you and um encourage you in the journey that you've just taken and if you're online put your name in the um in the chat and somebody will get connected we just say welcome home wonderful welcome home well done great decision thank you lord thank you lord thank you holy spirit i also just really felt like um because i mean it says in here that that he made peace by the blood of his cross and then also we're now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death and so i i felt like there's maybe some people i know this the last 18 months has been kind of a bit of a crazy a crazy season anyway but i feel like it's caused some disconnection um without even with our own hearts and our own um identity and and really our own purpose and so some people maybe feel like they need to be reconciled with themselves maybe there's been some i feel like maybe people have kind of been walk some people have been walking through a little bit of um not not receiving the love of the father for yourself and maybe even a little bit of self-hatred like looking at your body and saying i i don't love i don't feel loved i don't i i'm not i don't love this body or maybe it's just dreams you've kind of let go and you're just like i'm i'm disconnecting myself from that because it feels too painful and i feel like the lord wants to bring reconciliation this morning to individuals with their sense of destiny and purpose and and that and like an alignment of our hearts this morning and i the other thing i felt was reconciliation in families between where there's been strife or disconnection because of um disagreement and and maybe some tension and struggles or forgetting the first love that couples maybe had for one another where it's grown a bit cold and and i feel this invitation from the father this morning for relational reconciliation between husbands and wives even taking hold of the little the little niggles and just putting those things to death and yielding and reconnecting with with one another and even children who have gone wayward children who have have just walked away from the lord those those ones that have were in your family and raised with the love of the father but actually they're not walking in that anymore and i feel like it's a year of the prodigals coming home and there's reconciliation for prodigals in families as well and i feel like that's an invitation this morning that the father is giving and almost for us to just declare it out aloud and to just call them back in today awesome so if you if you need to be reconciled to yourself jesus has reconciled all things in heaven and on earth and we're going to be taking communion which is the the moment where he reconciled us by his death through the blood of his cross if you have been finding yourself in darkness or in difficulty with yourself either the way that you look the way that you feel or just the things that you know you you've got going on in your life i want to i want to invite you to be really bold and just to stand no there's no shame in it we're just there's nothing important about standing other than just being an acknowledgement to the lord because this whole time you know we're talking about pressing in for more and if you are in a position and again we don't want to uncover you but if you're in a position where you've been having some challenges in your marriage i want to invite you to stand as well just things that haven't quite worked or and again it's no shame in it it's just a response there's a moment that god is here in fact mark would you come up here while i'm just talking please and we want to just take a moment just to minister you know part of what jesus has done for us is this divine exchange where everything that was wrong with us he's taken upon himself and he's given everything that was right with him and he's put it upon and he's put it on us this divine exchange of the things that we've got and so mark had this vision this this morning and so mike i want to share want me to share that and then we're just going to do a quick we're going to do some prayer into that yeah um while we're praying this morning i just saw the law i saw a sword being placed in the earth with a tip down when i asked god what is that what are you doing he said this morning i'm coming to fight for my church i'm coming as the lord of hosts the king of heaven's armies you know the bible ephesians 6 says we fight not against flesh and blood but the powers and principalities and i believe the lord is saying he's coming this morning to fight against those powers and principalities for you he's coming to set the church free and actually it's good you mentioned some of the things i felt was marriages families uh but where there's a general heaviness that you've been under you felt i'm under those powers and principalities i've slipped underneath them god is coming as that lord of hosts to fight for you to set you free awesome thank you mark so one more category then if you're feeling like you're under heaviness and you're under a burden or you're under away i want to invite you to stand as well if you're feeling the just the the weight of the what's going on and one of the things that we love to do is just a very simple thing of a divine exchange it's a physical act that actually activates something in the spirit realm it's a prophetic demonstration here's what i want you to do if you if you're feeling like you've got some things either self-hatred or some issues affecting your marriage or the heaviness or the weight what i want you to do is pull out your left hand if you would please i invite you to do that and with your right hand i want you to take to your chest and i want you to take off those things and just name them maybe it's heaviness and you put it into your left hand because what we're going to do is we're taking it off ourselves and we're putting it into our hand and then what we're going to do is we're going to offer it to jesus for a divine exchange and then we're going to ask him what has he got for us in return because we've already seen from that prophetic word that he has freedom for us and so just take a moment this is a moment between you and god there's nobody around you to pray for you it's just a step and just to take off the burdens the weights the the self-hatred the body image the the the anger the aggression towards of the disconnection in relationships whatever heaviness the heaviness and just take that off one by one and just like heaviness take it off and put it into your left hand this connection i take it off when i put it into my left into your left hand because what we're doing is we're going to take that that's everything that's in our left hand and we're going to offer it up to jesus as a divine exchange even fear lord we remove fear from us and confusion yeah and when you've finished that and you've taken it all off let's just take a moment together and we'll say jesus would you take everything that has been on me and i give it to you and i want you to picture in your mind's eye what's jesus going to do with it is it going to leave you with it or is it going to take it away from you my expectation is that he's taking it away and there's freedom coming in this very simple act and when you've seen jesus take it away just ask him jesus what have you got for me in return maybe it's joy it's peace it's a sense of belonging it's love for your spouse it's a supernatural love it's ability to overcome anger temptation it's breakthrough [Music] and just picture that when you receive that from jesus in your left hand just bring it back into yourself and just say i receive that just allow the holy spirit to speak deeply into your hearts and for that exchange that we've just done of his life coming into us and so what i want you to do just at the end of this is tell somebody what god just did for you because telling them actually some does something in your brain to rewire your brain and to make that what god's just done for you more real and more connected one other thing we needed to do with ash said was prodigals and so if you have a prodigal that is uh way with a son or a daughter that has doesn't know jesus we're just going to make it very simple jesus who isn't walking he wasn't walking we're just going to make a very simple declaration together [Music] yeah so what we're going to do is just together we'll call out their name or names and we're just going to call say we welcome you home yeah okay so let's do that together just speak out their name thank you lord we welcome home the prodigals we welcome you home come home lucy i welcome you home we call the lord welcome you home into the loving arms of your father yes lord would you just remove every veil from their eyes lord would you remove the barbs or the the entanglement with the enemy would you jesus you came to unbind and undo the works of the evil one and so we declare that over their lives that you would undo the works of the evil one that you would open their eyes to you that you would open their ears to hear your voice and you would open their hearts lord soften their hearts holy spirit thank you that you are pursuing them jesus you're pursuing them and so we even offer them up to you now because we trust you with their lives lord we trust you with their lives because you're a good father [Music] and i also just felt um in worship that i had this picture of of um the father doing blood a blood transfusion with someone and i i felt like he wants to heal blood disorders particularly anemia um so i just want to invite if you if if you relate to that if you need healing from a blood disorder or anemia i just want you to raise your hand and we're just going to release healing so let's just stretch out our hands and we right now father we just release the kingdom of god into these people's blood jesus thank you that your resurrection plow power is flowing through their veins and whatever is out of order with heaven we just command it to come into order right now lord we just release a divine transfusion lord anything that's wrong come out and and your power and your healing released into their bodies right now kingdom of god come thank you holy spirit [Music] and one more thing i also just felt was um nightmares if anyone struggles with um like night terrors or intense um demonic dreams or stuff in in the in your sleep is there anyone in here that experiences kind of oppression through dreams yeah okay well i we just release heaven right now we release the peace of jesus as you put your head on the pillow we just say yes to angelic presence around you ministering angels fiery ones who are just ministering to you as you sleep and we release the kingdom of god into your thought life into your sleep into your bedroom and we command everything that does not align with heaven to come off and out of you in jesus name and we release peace and dreams and visions from heaven thank you lord amen so we're getting towards the end of our time but we want to take a moment to just finish with communion because what we're doing is of demonstration in the natural of what's happened in the spirit realm through jesus and through his death and his resurrection and so one corinthians chapter 11 says this for i receive from the lord what i also deliver to you that the lord jesus on the night when he was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks he broke it and said this is my body which is for you do this in remembrance of me in the same way he also took the cup after supper saying this cup is the new covenant in my blood do this as often as you drink it in remembrance of me for as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup you proclaim the lord's death until he returns he's made this divine exchange of reconciling all things in heaven on earth it's ba by his blood and by his flesh his body and so i want to encourage you now just to take out your wafer and we're just going to share communion together we're going to take the body of jesus that was broken for each one of us but in his flesh he's reconciled you and i to god and so let's take that together and as we eat it we're gonna it's we're consuming it and as we consume it it's symbolic of the reality that we have become one with him and he's now in us and we're now in him thank you father for jesus thank you for your body that was broken we proclaim your death until your return and we take the blood of the new covenant which is the wine of the new covenant which is his blood that was shed on his cross again part of that reconciliation that divine exchange that everything that was wrong with us has found it's been taken by him and everything that was right with him has now come to us and so jesus we thank you for your blood that was shared for us [Music] why aren't you glad that the body of jesus tastes better than that wafer it's so much better than that wafer isn't it he's not stale at all he's not he's not fake he's not plastic he's he's lovely delicious oh can we just invite you to stand ah let's all we're just we just want to just give a a shout out to jesus and just say thank you to him so jesus we love you why don't you join me just to shout out your love for him jesus we love you we honor you we thank you for all that you've done for us and all that you're doing and we receive everything that you have for us today thank you holy spirit fill us right now jesus you are amazing you're worthy you're wonderful and we worship you can we say thank you to murray nash for leading us this morning in a ministry time bless you guys if you weren't with us at the very beginning they're the senior leaders of catch fire raleigh and we have a pastor's retreat for all the canadian catch of our partner pastors that starts tomorrow and so they're the leaders for all the churches across canada u.s central america south america so bless you guys thank you doing for coming today and being a part of that church be seated just for a moment uh for those of you that are watching online we do not have an online prayer team right now but if you join us at 12 45 toronto time so that's in like two hours from now if you join us at that point that's when we'll open up the uh the room where you can get prayer at get prayer now and you'll be able to have people minister to you those of you in the room if you would like someone in our prayer team to minister to you this morning we do have a team that is going to be in the in the chapter room the house of prayer and so those of you on the prayer ministry team if you don't mind heading back in there and getting ready to minister so if you'd like prayer you're gonna just go in this side door over here make sure you keep six feet apart and make sure you bring your purse your coat your bible anything that you have with you because you're gonna exit out the back door rather than come into the building and for those of you church family uh normal sort of things we try to clean the auditorium sorry not clean we try to empty the auditorium within five minutes at the end of this so that we can clean it uh and then have the next group of people be able to come back in thank you so much for everyone who's a giver to catch the fire if you're new we don't pass an offering bucket almost everybody gives online or through a church app called pushpay and if you have any questions james is sitting at a little kiosk right over there by the door uh anything about finances being able to do that and church family i want to remind you we have an app and it allows you to be able to check in quicker when you come in rather than having to type in your phone number there's just a button you get a qr code show the machine that you can find a small group on the app you can volunteer on the app all sorts of amazing things you can do and if you're not sure how to download the app our team can help you as well to do that church let's stand again and we just want to release you into the goodness of god today so holy spirit we thank you we thank you father this weekend we've we've given a weekend to be devoted to you to say we love you and father your promise the words of jesus to his closest followers were i'm not gonna leave you alone abandoned like an orphan i'm gonna send my spirit to be with you forever and holy spirit we welcome you to come and to fill us again wash over our bodies and cleanse us from every sickness and disease cleanse our apartments our homes even as we're here cleanse them father we're asking that your light would shine on our street where we live in the condo where we live in our place of work may people see jesus as they look at us this week may the name of jesus be raised up high in our city this week spirit of god come fill us again right now we welcome you come come come amen church family thank you so much for being with us all weekend long i know some of you were we're here friday some of your saturday and now today so god bless you thanks for being with us next sunday we start a series called overcoming and we're going to have a the focus i believe next sunday is about fear 4 000 different fears supposedly we're not going to deal with every single one but we're going to talk about that topic next week anxieties uh one of the issues deception can be talked about a number of different things so church family thank you so much make sure you pick up your belongings bookstore is open coffee shops open and uh everyone if this is your first time we exit out these first doors along the side over here so god bless you those at home god bless you
Channel: Catch The Fire Toronto
Views: 1,182
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Worship, Praise, Canada, Music, Christian, Spontaneous, Live, Encounter, Presence, Transformation, Church, Production, Broadcast, Stage Design, Musician, Catch The Fire, Christmas, Message, word
Id: 3EQtAE5aFnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 1sec (6001 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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