"Ecclesia Now!" | Power Hour | Ep.92

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[Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] good afternoon time together with the lovely sir jane and sam robertson we are delighted you are joining us from all over the world it is the last day of september it's flipping freezing it really is cold and uh do you remember this sarah jane ahava that we got in israel amazing hand cream from the dead sea did you buy more or is that like no i didn't read it years ago i know i i i have to say it's the most amazing uh israeli hand cream uh we we love our trips to israel uh my dad used to take tours and now you know we've taken tours over the years they are so much fun hand cream is the best they're great presents great presents for mums great honestly came over loads of sets after that and honestly what is that about mums and hand cream i feel like mother's heart like if i'm buying for that one right here yeah for you and i don't know what to get i will buy your hand cream because i know that it is a winner all of the time look see you often buy me handspring because i just know it's one of those yeah but this is the one this is at least two always like my desk yeah i have my vitamin e hand treatment i must try that i love it somebody bought it for me a very nice friend bought it for me and then i cannot wear anything else as they say it's so good anyway do you remember searching to go through duty-free and we used to buy the elizabeth arden hand cream you and i every time really good you still got that as well when we did duty-free shopping i've got withdrawal symptoms yes i don't i don't have withdrawal sentences honestly whenever i've been with emma and sarah j and flying we'll be walking through walking through duty free keep walking and i would turn around because i thought well we're just going to power on and you'd always be missing and an hour later i'd find you still browsing and and the duty-free i mean that's something else you've bought me lots of hand cream over the years for different presents and i have them like by each sink in my house as you go blind on the bedside table as well yeah before you go to sleep hand cream on one thing it's a definite thing have you never used hand cream sam er like once in a blue moon the thing i see because i'm obviously obviously cuz i'm really strong and i'll lift heavy weights right sometimes the bars from a really heavy weight breaks your calluses like on your hands occasionally i'll put a little bit there but nah not really i hate the feeling i feel sticky oh and then i feel like i can stick to a notebook or stick to you know i don't like how that feels so i'm kind of it's not my vibe not your vibe just on the face yeah yes yes although people we were talking about our wrinkles and gray hair before uh we came on live this morning and uh after a family member of mine uh who is 10 years younger than me in their thirties i will not mention names uh just had botox in their thirties and i'm like what are you doing so uh yes i'm young so young yeah i'm embracing i'm embracing the wisdom lines and the gray crown of wisdom that is appearing on the head i'm embracing it sam though very lovely before said emma i've got more wrinkles than you i probably do i definitely probably do easily i'm 24 and i've got more yes you don't have any but we were remembering the time oh dear goodness you know when we're in conference mode and we're hosting you know large conferences here in glasgow like it's all hands on deck it's all stations go the intercessors are like in their like warfare extreme mode people call them the gpc police serenity and her intercessors do not mess with sarah jane and her intercessors they are like intercessory ninjas and they fan out across a conference room and they say they're amazing they are amazing they sit in strategic seats and they just aren't drawing they are tiring down the demons under cover you know so uh yeah if you ever come to one of our conferences the atmosphere is so pure because the gpc intercessory police have gone to town on the atmosphere so in the middle of all of this i test sarah jane emergency emergency i and she's like what is it what is it you know i find my first white eyebrow hair and sarah jane i remember your text back that does not classify as an emergency ever i was thinking probably you know what demon do i need to deal with you know or or somebody's had a car crash or i don't know something that would go under emergencies that's what an emergency for you emma wasn't it was a deeply troubling emergency you felt it we have had emergencies a text before that are very serious so you kind of think and i was like what and i thought i've had lots of white hairs in my eyebrows emergency there is a trail emergency i think the ginger hairs in my beard are replicating oh i think i think they are replicating because i'm aware that whenever a light shines on them i see them everywhere and this this is troubling me um because it's gonna be like polka dots soon a lot of ginger hair here just all over i think you should embrace it it's part of your celtic roots maybe maybe secretly when you do your dna testing your majority of the irish and that would be the biggest blessing that you could ever have to be majoritably irish so i think you did red hair as well i yeah absolutely i think red beard the red bearded prophet sounds amazing oh no no i don't want that i mean anyway the joys of aging one in their fifties one in their forties and one in their twenties yes just in your fifties just in your life in your fifties at the beginning yeah good okay should we do something shall we do something spiritual rather than talk about comfort counting our wrinkles when i said to my father-in-law to david's dad look at the size of this i found my first wrinkle he said just name it emma and i'm like what will i name it thinking you know what do you name a wrinkle just name it number one [Laughter] there we go forever to be known as number one wrinkle yeah number one [Laughter] you're giving me more wrinkles making me laugh i've actually got pain honestly we are weird okay we have just been loving being in prophecy mode for the last last week this week and um uh we are back on that mode again we all have words and uh to bring to you in some national words some personal words and words for the church and uh we are raring to go sarah jane uh you kick us off you have words i've got a list uh argentina bolivia panama australia france as a as an entry level you have words for all those nations so ship from the hit and tell us what god is saying well it is a time when we're hearing god's voice speaking over many many things and particularly over the nations why is that and how do we partner with that i think that's really important to kind of understand as we come into releasing these national words because some of you will be sitting there going how how is this important to me you know why do i need to know this and if you're not part of that nation what's the point of me hearing it well the point is that actually god is saying that this is the decade for breaking ground and breaking uh ungodly and man-made alignments and what are you doing is if you imagine this like a dream that i had at the beginning of lockdown he is coming and he is breaking apart ungodly alignments of nations covenants that are not godly covenants and agreements that are not godly and he's saying look i am breaking everything that is unrighteous and i'm resetting the nations in a righteous alignment and so you know and i know if there's a breaking there is pain if you anybody's broken a bone there is pain in that and god is saying as we were talking about yesterday he is saying that we need to uh not he's not saying suck it up church but he is saying submit to the pain because actually submit to the breaking of unrighteousness of nations so that there can be a righteous alignment and so we're coming in in 2020 with this crazy year that we've had of breaking to bri to bring righteous alignment and so a lot of these words over nations are very much and god's saying turn to righteousness and turn to justice and so as i watched in the spirit and the other morning god took me uh to south america and he was highlighting south america as a region and saying that there is corruption and living and and unrighteousness in his nations and he's exposing it in the heart of south america and he's saying he is dealing with the corruption and the blood stains on his nation specifically right now in south america and so he said to me argentina is grumbling he says watch as this nation releases its anger and voice of injustice in protest and even in riot he says i will silence the voice of injustice with my shout of justice at the due time and so for argentina and people who are praying for argentina and for those of you that know what is going on there because i have to say in the natural i know nothing god is saying uh cry for justice because that is the answer to the injustice that is going on and and this is kind of a bit of a pun on the um the musical evita i heard the lord say cry for me argentina cry for me argentina and cry for my justice says god it is time for argentina to have clean slate allow me to wipe he says the blood debt away with my righteous hand and i saw god just doing that wiping the blood off argentina and giving a reset and a clean slate over bolivia that corruption and crime are being exposed he said i am sending in the bulldozers to turn over the ground exposing death and torment in both the land and the people and i saw the heavyweights the heavyweights who were the spiritual bulldozers as well as almost like a bulldozer would turn over the soil in the natural i saw people and prophets like dutch sheets and johnny enlo and cindy jacobs actually having been and going to bolivia to overturn the ground and open the soil the spiritual bulldozer to overturn what has been hidden and exposing the roots of wickedness he's saying it is about releasing the treasure in the land of bolivia it is about releasing the treasure in the people and he's saying over bolivia it's your time people of bolivia to shine and release your gold to the nations that is both spiritual gold and gold in the natural i saw gold in the spirit and in the natural and so we say over you bolivia it's time for that turning over and it's time to reveal and uh the goal that is within you wealth is coming to the people of bolivia and the corruption is being overturned and the poverty that is happening there there's justice coming for the poverty and the poor people in bolivia so we we pray and contend for bolivia the final word for south america that i have is is for panama and panama city panama city apparently is the capital of panama and panama sits across a bridge between uh north america and south america into uh the rest of the landmass of south america and the lord said my judgments are about to fall on you panama and panama city he's saying turn and repent because you have been found wanting panama and he's saying your evil wickedness has come before my nostrils as a stench that i am about to spit out of my mouth and he's saying get on your knees panama turn and repent get on your faces and turn to me and repent because the end is coming if you do not turn and repent and this sense of the repentant cry that needs to come from panama and this hand of judgment of god being on panama which we know again from when god speaks he releases a word like that so that a nation turns and repents but you can feel the wickedness you can feel the witchcraft you can feel the corruption really ingrained in that nation and in that city and it's like god wants to pull every net every living um spiritual and natural system that's like a a nerve system in panama and our city to pull it out and bring a cleansing and a burning and it's and it's our responsibility as the people of god to pray but it's also for the people in south america to turn and to hear the word of the lord to turn to righteousness so that there can be a reset and a cleansing there so those are the words for south america thank you thank you lord thank you sarah jane uh amazing things and actually i think as a number of you are typing in the comments there uh in terms of the fact that you pray for these nations uh sergey is working on can we do us a little sneak peek sarah jane is working on a uh an intercessory uh broadcast on facebook and youtube probably going to be called world prayer watch uh with her team of intercessors so i'm just giving you like a little heads up that we are planning that so that once a week you'll be able to join with sarah jane and her intercessors just to pray for the nations uh which is her absolute speciality uh so watch this space for that sam uh and keep going in this in this prayer uh this prophetic vein yeah totally and just to answer some of the questions in the comments so many of you are asking what about my nation what about what god is saying to my particular people group my nation you know any words for puerto rico new zealand i'm saying all these different places i want to encourage you that there is just as much god in you as their as as there is and actually we are in this sovereign moment right now in the earth this prolonged season where god is speaking intentionally to see two nations and about nations so i would encourage you you listen turn your ears on and start to listen to what god is saying for your nation get alongside your friends some other people in community and sharpen one another because god wants to speak to nations and he's happy to do that through you and there's that sense of what are the prophets saying and god's saying i'm not just looking for what the prophets are saying although that is important i'm looking for what i want to say through you as my church and so in jesus name where there is a sense of you are disqualified from hearing the voice of god in a certain sort of way i want to break that lie off you right now and bless you with a quiet peace to hear the voice of god for what he's saying for your land and for your nation yes and what i would say on the back of that psalm is you who are watching should be able to hear god for nations just like we do it's not just that we have the monopoly on that and it and i actually i'm going to give you some top tips here sometimes hearing god for your own nation first is a challenge why because you're so biased about your own nation you know you know what you want to see happen in your own nation and so my top tip is you know ask god this god what are you saying about nations today god take me to a nation that i know nothing about and tell me what you are are excited about in that nation today god was on your heart for that nation because if you don't ask you'll never know and so it's quite normal for god to train you for nations you you have no idea about you know or nations that he's put on your heart but maybe you've never visited and i would start there in your training you know and it's not unusual for me to be standing brushing my teeth in the morning you know god what are you doing in the nations today as we start the day together and we chat back and forth about what he's excited about on the global stage and god will often pick me up in the spirit and say come on emma let's fly over iraq this morning or let's fly over iran or it's time you you hear something about france and and sometimes i'm i'm going i i'm going to have to get my globe i can spin it around and go i'm not quite sure what that where what's its capital and what does it border you know and actually we we start to pray with the map in our hands well god you said this nation and i think when you start to engage with god about that and he trusts you for more and when you are trusted with more he will start to give you your own nation to steward but he will not let you steward your own nation in intercession if you are a gendered he will not let you steward your nation he will put silence on you and shut you down because there is a a a a concern in the heart of god that you would pray in opposition to his will because of your own agendas god teach me what you are doing in the nations and i feel like the lord wants to say to us sometimes you pray too small yeah sometimes you pray too small and you get so used to your own four walls me and my small corner or your household that actually you lose you lose the heart of god for a dying world and so i find the more that i have done this actually the less able i am to pray about some things in my own life isn't that interesting because i you get so trained by god to um think about what he's doing on a global on a global level that actually you realize the selfishness of the majority of your own prayers most of the time you know god blessed me on my calendar god bless what i'm doing today god you know would you bless what sergeant sam and i are doing in par are and that's like me saying god here is my calendar my calendar has preeminence here's my calendar my calendar has preeminence here's what i'm doing i need you to put fire on my calendar and instead we put our own calendars down and we say god what is on your calendar and god what are you doing today and what is the priority of heaven in the earth realm today and suddenly you start to see the scale of an expanse of god who is lord of the planet and it puts your own life into perspective and when you seek first his calendar and when you first you speak first his heart for the nation and when you seek first his kingdom what does matthew's gospel say to you chapters five and six and all these things shall be added on to you that you seek his calendar first okay top tips for how to pray with hope top tips for how not to get self focused me for the thrill of your life when you are don't have to just repeat your own boring stuff yeah and it and it's so easy because we we've done this with our children we've taught our our youngest children in our church family actually to ask the lord which nation are you putting on my heart to intercede for and it's amazing amazing what god shows them amazing how they get gripped with a nation and so there will be at least one if not multiple nations that god has put specifically in your heart and your spirit to contend for and to pray for uh because he's doing it for the youngest he will for sure do it for all of you watching so all you have to do is ask and be diligent in praying and i love i mean i love flying over nations when god said i love being picked up in this spirit by god you know even though you might be doing your teeth and you know tying your shoelaces and at the same time you're multitasking in the spirit realm i mean you know it's absolutely a thrill you know to be driving the children to school and hearing the voice of god this is what ethiopia what i'm excited about in ethiopia you know the god who loves to share his passions yeah sam you were about to prophesy go for it that was really good i think we just needed to kill that lie there and just release some top tips and that you can all hear and really i want to prophesy over two particular nations but i believe that we are right in the middle of a genesis 32 moment where god is really in hand to hand wrestling modes with nations and we know there that jacob wrestled with god and who wrestled throughout the night and then god blessed him and gave him a new name and we are in that moment where god is saying i am wrestling with nations i am wrestling nations into submission so that i can give nations a new name and these are the days where i am renaming nations says the lord and i heard the spirit of god speak to australia and the lord is saying i am wrestling with you australia and i am setting you free as a nation to be more philly a people a land of signs and wonders and bursting up from the ground the lord says as i start to wrestle with you as a weight of my power and the lord says you will be known as a nation that sends my power to the nations and i heard the spirit of god say this i am putting a mantle on australia for medical advances and breakthroughs and the lord says the weight of healing that is coming to you australia shall be seen in the advances and the breakthroughs that you steward in the areas of medicine and health care as i put you on the cutting edge here and the lord says there shall be a purity over how you approach these areas which is why i'm raising you up for such a time as this and the lord says i'm calling you and as a people of health who will export health the lord says donations but right now you're in a moment over who your health comes from and the spirit of god says the lord says remember australia that i am the source of your health and your wholeness and your healing and your life and the spirit of god says where the new age community has risen to try and claim your nation's health and wholeness that is where there is a war right now so if you want to pray and gather with intercessors god would you raise up healing people who carry your healing people who carry your wholeness right now to eliminate what the new age community the lord says are is trying to to start there and so in jesus name we bless australia to be a land of health and healing and power and to then export that into the nations and then the lord started to speak to me about france and i i felt a real burden over and for france this morning like i could see god rocking on his throne back and forward and he was just speaking about france and when god rocks for me when i see him rocking i know that it is a travail sovereign moment that god is bringing to whatever he is rocking over and rocking in and god is swaying he is rocking back and forward over you france and this is a sovereign moment where god is invading the french nation and the french people and he is starting to turn some narratives and some storylines around and the lord says this to you france i am wrestling to the ground your resistance to my voice and i am calling you a nation of creative revelation i am wrestling to the ground your resistance to my voice and i am calling you a nation of creative revelation and i heard the lord say this to france i am shifting you from prophetic resistance to prophetic renaissance and the lord says what is the moment that you are in right now and there is a new breed of prophets and prophetic people and a prophetic church that is starting to rise and be stirred in france and the lord says just as renaissance means a rebirth so the lord says as the prophet and the prophetic comes forth creatively in new france there shall even be a rebirth of your nation and the lord says i am bringing you into perpetual prophetic renaissance that it shall not just be a moment that then dissipates and leaves but the lord says it shall be a perpetual activity and i saw in france hubs spring up all over france hubs of the highest form of art and churches churches becoming houses of art and like you have you know in the secular world you have the house of a fashion designer the lord says there shall be prophetic fashion houses even that i start in france as an expression of what i am doing and the lord says you shall be known as a prophetic nation which is odd you know i was in france last year and uh as a whole the the prophetic is almost quite new to the majority of the church there it's not in common place and so when i heard god say that that was a surprise like oh really god but he is so on this right now as he rocks over france and so in the name of jesus we bless the french people the french church to wear the mantle of prophetic renaissance and to shift into perpetual prophetic renaissance in jesus name amen brilliant sarah jane i don't know whether it was you or was it shirley who looks after our children's ministry who gave all our uh children and i don't mean teenagers i mean children a little book was it you i i did the teaching of praying for nations and then because they all had so many prayers uh shirley bought them a book and they were praying they were asked to pray every night for a week and then she continued that with them and so then she bought them the book so they could write what god was bringing over their nations yeah they're amazing amazing i mean because samuel maybe samuel was 10 my youngest and he came back from church yeah he came back from the village with sarah jane and shirley who's an amazing children's uh worker we have with us um and uh uh with a book to pray for one nation god have put on his heart at 10 years old and uh of course we helped him out with that it had originated in sunday school and he drew er er the he chose brazil and he drew the brazilian flag on the front of it and he was expected to hear from god about that nation every single night at 10 years old and he loved it and he couldn't wait to go up to his bedroom in the evening and listen to god in and almost that training of this non-self-focused child who was learning the business of heaven and you know in childish handwriting but david and i would read it and think my goodness you know the stuff this child was producing was better than most adults who pray and prophesy in that child-like pure stream of well god what do you think about brazil today you know and just that raising up another generation who are not agended in what they want to see happen so if you lead children's ministry or teenage ministry or you got children yourself i would strongly suggest that you that you do that and actually i think we not only do we adults pray too small but i actually think we train our children to pray too small you know and who do you want who do you want to bless tonight and it's kind of uh it's too soft it's it it's too namby pamby it's too diluted you know actually when children can hear the voice of god as much as you and i can and they can they may not have the the linguistic plasticity to have all the big words but they absolutely can harness the power of god and you can train your children that way okay now i'm gonna i'm gonna prophesy it not over nations uh but over you guys watching we have talked about the kingdom of god and the kingdom of god although it belongs to the future it is brought into today by his church and the other day as i sat down to write i heard the lord bellow ecclesia no ecclesia no ecclesia noi and of course the word ecclesia in matthew 16 is the word jesus uses that we translate church but it is the original word in the new testament greek for what jesus calls the church the ecclesia the legislative senate the governing body of his uh warrior bride and the spirit of the lord started to say to me you are the community of the king you are the collective expression of jesus christ you are the manifestation of the age to come in the present days of rebellion you are the manifestation of the age to come in the present day rebellion you are a person and a people marked by forgiveness you are not isolated individuals says the lord i have unified you to each other and the lord says you are a new community and i felt that the lord was saying from now i will empower my ecclesia to model the new together and the spirit of the lord says there is a blessing for radical community radical community you've got to get this a blessing for radical community and the lord says i have dismantled the old ways you did community that i made birth in the midst of you a rebuilding capability for radical community the lord said to me this tell the church it is time to shock the demonic it is time to shock the demonic with the ecclesia ni mandate that god is releasing and i want to read to you from uh ephesians 3 verse it is god speaking his intent god's intent was that now his intent was that now through the church the manifold wisdom of god should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realm i wonder whether you can put that on the screen david that's ephesians 3 verse 10 that there is a 9 moment that god is going to use his church to terrify the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms you are about to receive an anointing those of you who are watching right now you are about to receive a fresh anointing to be a radical community again you see when we talk about the kingdom of god what it really means is that we announce to dark pars that enslave people that those powers are defeated and the lord is saying that this radical community of the ecclesia now is going to model forgiveness like the church never knew how to do it's going to model restoration like the church never knew how to do and rather than kicking people out to fall it's going to model a wholeness and a restorative redemptive process for people in pain that it never got hold of in the previous incarnation of church and the lord says this new radical community will know what it is to model deliverance which the previous community of the church forgot what it was to shock the demons out of lives and the spirit of the lord says this radical community anointing is going to hold a glory of life a weight of my life that you have longed for and rather than church feeling in decay and dead the lord says i'm going to put such a life on this radical community the lord says it's ecclesia knife it's ecclesian i you're not waiting for it it's ecclesian i and the lord says to us no longer will i let you communicate just how you get to heaven when you die but the ecclesia now this radical community the lord says will be a witness of jesus christ and of his lordship now and in the future and the lord says remember that my gospel is a gospel of transformation and not evacuation and the lord says ecclesia now you will be a provocation to the world whoa you will be a provocation to the world if god has to say to us that the ecclesia of the church is going to be a provocation to the world man that probably means we weren't before doesn't it you will be a provocation to the world says the lord and people will ask how and why do you live so differently ecclesia now says god and radical community reorientation before i get sam and sarah jane to to jump in i've actually got pages on this word give me grace you know the kingdom of god and the church has its own culture and just as you define me as irish by my accent and by my dialect and sometimes um dress or clothing choices give away you know your culture the lord is saying the church is going to have its own unique culture because we weren't distinguishable from the world and the lord is saying that there is going to be a vocabulary that we come back to that reflects our citizenship you see what comes out of your mouth is a reflection of your heart and those who live in this radical community god says we'll talk differently you're gonna get a language shift as you get a radical community capability ecclesia and i and then i started to write in my own notes let me back back back and forth around this and simon searching comment on this we had this bizarre thing in the church where we talked about not using christianese do you remember that don't use christianese uh because you you put you put people off you know if you if you talk to churchy you put people off i'm i'm sure we talked about that from the platform didn't we about don't use christianese i'm sure we just jumped on that bandwagon you know and didn't we we probably just said we used christian ease but i heard the lord say what's wrong with your christianese who else do you express glory apart from the word glory lord took me back to um when we were working in the psychic fairs to take teams into i mean the witchcraft was wild and the warlocks the real deal heavy heavyweight satanists would walk past our stall cut you remember this cut tarot card decks and throw curses off the tarot card decks and towards our stall and we were there and we thought will we offer uh prophetic readings will we offer spiritual readings you know how will we express what we do so that it's palatable well we're not meant to be palatable and the lord said to me so clearly don't you dare match the kingdom of darkness in your language don't you dare do it emma and so we abandoned um all sorts of of spiritual reading uh you know prophetic reading anything that played uh into the hands of the enemy that could be twisted anything that have sounded like it might be new agey or a bit veiled because actually the power of god is utterly compelling i need to press it up or down to make it palatable i don't want to dress up or dress down or misrepresent the power of god but we went in as as bold as anything it has to be said boy were the intercessors on high alert and as soon as a um a curse was sent the intercessors would amble by grab the curbside of the atmosphere and throw it on the grind it became quite funny actually but we would say we are christians of jesus of nazareth's tribe and we are giving you prophetic words from jesus christ of nazareth and we did not play their language game hmm so good yeah sorry go on i've got lots of comment on me here no i think it's so important what you're saying there as well because when you just add a sprinkling of goodness to the new age language or the enemy's language you paint the picture like with you know spiritual readings for instance or prophetic readings that what you're doing is the good version of what they're doing when what we're doing is not the good version it is the ultimate version it is the jesus version and it is not a competition of equal opposing streams of revelation as it were we are speaking when we do that from the stream of revelation we are submitted to the king of all of the earth and when you start to do that it's almost this well that's the good version and that's the bad version and there's this competition that is put in play and we need to so differentiate ourselves from that because the power of god that is in us he who is in us is greater than he who is in the world and we've got to have a completely different sort of language and you know what just personally see changing my language because i used to do the same you know we would change our language and spiritual affairs or when we're talking to people see the moment i would went back to biblical language what is this i'm here to bring a prophetic word i've not had one person really reject or be confused because of the explanation because when you use biblical language when you use truth language there is a weight on it that cracks open opportunities yeah there's a fragrance that comes from the word of god there's a fragrance that comes from the people of god and if we cover it up if we try and hide it and make it more palatable and almost like you know here have we tasted this and see if you like it it it's not going to work because jesus is the only way the truth and the life and how can people find him if we are not authentically 100 100 watt light bulbs and turn that on and so i think we do emma as you're talking i think you know there is a need to say sorry god i am sorry for where i have uh tried to make you and your gospel more palatable to see if people would take a bite and actually it's like this is how it tastes this is what it sounds like this is how offensive it is what's your answer you know yes yes and i think when we when we're talking about i mean what a word ecclesia now and an anointing radical community i'm only halfway through the word but but this this sidebar of god saying you have a radical community culture you have a ecclesia now culture that you must not tamper with or dilute and i remember going into jessica's school into the high school here and uh there was a lot of stress and anxiety around her maths classes and i remember sitting talking to the teacher and saying do you know what when she comes into your mass classes that demon of stress and that demon of anxiety and of course the teachers eyes are wide like sources a demon a demon of stress a demon of anxiety well how will she ever know what it is if i don't say it to her that demon of stress that demon of anxiety we bind it and we lock it in the cupboard at the back of your mass class so jessica can get on with her mouth without that level of anxiety and i remember the teacher just like you do what you know was she terrified to go and open the cupboard at the back of her room at the end in case the demon of stress you know came right but what i was was doing you know was provoking her by kingdom language and normally we would shut that down oh don't use christianese no if i don't actually use the the language of scripture that there is a demon of stress how will she ever know and i remember being in my hairdresser in fact just the last time i was there and uh he was telling a really debauched story a really devout sexual story and jessica was i was so offended in my spirit that i was having to listen to some kind of sexually perverse story and i just started to say oh i want to tell you about the miracles signs and wonders that we've seen in the last few days as jesus has stepped into broken people in our community and all of a sudden that kind of language of the church cut right through and you could feel the purity and the holiness come out jessica and my mice as we said let me tell you about the miracle signs and wonders and that kind of like what there's miracle what is a miracle signs and what are you talking about and then i just start to share it you know and when i talk to other people and i talk about uh our church membership here in glasgow a par par church is called covenant family very deliberately oh we have covered in family and people like what is covenant family it's belonging to one another to another level and i feel like the lord is saying if you don't die in your language you will never provoke people to ask about the hope that is in you i am no longer going to pander to the culture i am making my language compelling to the culture with words that they don't use wow and if you call it christianese so be it but it is the language of radical community and ecclesia i'm going to keep prophesying um on the back of this because i've got eight minutes and um i'm halfway through and i would like to complete it the lord said to us you are so focused on making the world a better place you are so focused on making the world a better place but my way of advancing my kingdom is to make the ecclesia a better place a compelling place on earth as it is in heaven god's strategy you need to listen really clearly god's strategy is not to fix the world stay with me god's strategy is not to fix the world but to plant a new one right in the middle of the old one that's you and i as a radical community to woo the world to himself through us are you getting the different leaning because revelation 1 verse 6 says he made us to be a kingdom he made us to be a kingdom you and i are his kingdom his new kingdom planted in the world the woo people out of the old kingdom and the lord says ecclesia church you cannot transform anything if i do not first transform you you cannot transform anything if i first cannot transform you let me say something controversial for change you are not called to transform the world only did you hear that you are not called to transform the world only you are called to be a transformed world you are called to be a transformed world that the world joins and the lord is saying this he said emma asked me out of isaiah how does my government increase do you remember that christmas scripture of the increase of his government there will be no end how does his government increase god says i transform you you get transformed into a radical community and others join you and my rule increases as the remnant grows you are not responsible for making this world a better place oh you've got to hear the nuances here you are not responsible for making the world a better place but for being the better place that christ has already made and so god is saying ecclesia nigh it's like a decree has gone out from the throne ecclesia now radical community now that we are to show the world the new creation heaven on earth you don't join the world system to improve it but you live a life so contrary to the world system where you are that you invite the world to join you in calling jesus christ lord and the lord said this to me tell them it's not about law changes it's about lordship changes it's not about leadership changes in nations it's about lordship changes and the lord says to me the church restoration is vital the ecclesia now you are called to be the better place because if we're not different what is the world what is the world got to hope in if it doesn't see it in us it's lordship changes where we're so radical under the lordship of king jesus where we're so empowered under the lordship of king jesus where we are this new community this new world this piece of heaven on earth this ecclesia right here right now this power of god so unleashed in the midst of us that jesus is so compelling through us that people run from the world and god says you ran to the world but the world needs to run to me in you be the better place and the lord says this and with this oh look at the time there's a wildness i am putting back in the hearts of my people says the lord my extreme ones are rising and the lord says when you feel dry and cracked and parched and devoid of the fullness of me on your inside then you are most flammable and i heard the lord cried this morning oh flammable church oh flammable church my fire will consume you and as you burn and rise you will deal with the spider's webs that lay rhine to bite you in curses in containment and in previous limitation you will become flames says the lord that burn the opposition of the spiders of witchcraft and of oppression of you you will cast them down and i will have radical communities and ecclesia now in the earth where you become a better transformed version of any version of the church you have ever seen since the early church you will be the transformed world you will be the transformed world you will be the transformed world says god and the world will run to you who steward my kingdom its lordship changes not law changes sam sarah jane do you want to pray on the back of that pleasing and i that mantle is so we say hear the word of the lord nations this is the word is released from emma the word of ecclesia now we say hear the word of the lord be radical ecclesia be radical be set on fire be like tinder to be ones who are caught on ablaze with the fire of god we say hear the word of the lord powers and principalities we say here the word of the lord everything in the scene and the unseen realm ecclesia now and the ecclesia is a rising strong the ecclesia is arising with muscle and with power and with weight and we say for those of you that are hearing this word to respond here i am god set me on fire here i am god make me a radical one here i am i say yes to being sent yes to being exallowed into the fire yes to being egg followed into the nations into the place where you have set me ablaze to release that fire to release that radical communal communal living and the lord says look to your left and your right ecclesia now look to your left and your right and grab the hands of those that are called to be radical with you and he says stand strong and so your response our response is god show me who am i standing strong with show me who am i rightly covenanted with who am i rightly radical for your kingdom and rightly zealous for your word and zealous for who you are in the name of jesus we just agree with that word and we say here we are god send us here we are god send us set us on fire do you want to play in the back of that then i'm going to release an anointing to be a transformed radical community i'm almost ignoring time right now but i want you to get this this fire anointing i mean i am burning up here i can feel the fire of god all over my body that something is shifting now do we understand why you couldn't meet as church now do you understand why god put a pause on because we were not a transformed radical community so you could not transform the world when you did not own it yourself yeah so good we thought that it was all about going out there going out there going out there now yes there there is the need to go out there but you don't go out there unless you are a transformed world to yourself you don't go out there unless you're a transformed community yourself otherwise the world has nothing to join sam do you want to pray and then i'll pray and that's awesome like so god right now we let go of every false idea we have about who we are as the church we drop our programs our policies our good ideas and we right now make space for your burning fire to come to refine us and send us azure ecclesia right now god we repent for putting change and transformation off into the future saying it's a future event where you're saying no it's now it's right here it's right now and so god come and refine us into your image as your ecclesia refine us into the shape that you want us to be as your ecclesia and god we're sorry for where we have made church all about programs and policies and instructions when you've said it's to be about power and transformation and belonging together so god we ask would you even rebirth us in some sort of way into this new shape and we do just drop every false idea every full ship every false notion of what we should be and god we receive the fullness of this ecclesia no mantle and we yield to the true shape that you've called us to embody in jesus name father we thank you collectively that you put a pause on our gatherings thank you jesus that you didn't let us be a church of underperforming father thank you that you shook us thank you that in your mercy you know the future better than we did and thank you father god that you right now are shouting over the world ecclesia and i father we receive that declaration from the mouth of our king itself following receive that into our very bones that there's something of transformation hitting my spirit right now that there's something of wildness hitting us right now we receive the wildness of god again we receive the transformation of our king we receive the ability to be a radical community god my hands are open and my heart is open that you may invade me that you may transform me that i may be a first fruit of this radical community that's my prayer that i would be a first fruit of this radical community i let my own ideas of community burn and be destroyed that a new radical community might arise around me that i might steward it rightly that i would lose my error that i'm called to transform the world only but that i would not understand that i'm called to be a transformed world that others can join let me finish with that verse in revelation 1 6 he made us to be a kingdom he made us to be a kingdom may we who love you jesus become the kingdom of god on the earth and woo the world to you through our radical communities in jesus name amen sound you want to quickly or sarah jane go through the two announcements we've got sure just to remind you starting uh for the first week of october which is next week we are bringing a rise and shine back which is our half hour of tongues in the morning 8 30 to 9 we'll be live on facebook youtube etc uh speaking in tongues and just contending together for half an hour join us and we'll have more information on our facebook page also just to let you know we have our very own emma stark joining at real power on friday night at 7 p.m with with the girls for that so 7 p.m real power emma will be joining them as a special guest so i know you'll be blessed by joining there well that was a super powerful time and i said jim was writing in the private chat what a shift have we just experienced um and we will see you tomorrow for power hour uh on a thursday see you then [Music] you
Channel: Global Prophetic Alliance-Glasgow Prophetic Centre
Views: 11,717
Rating: 4.9433961 out of 5
Id: XtkWhh_r56E
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Length: 68min 8sec (4088 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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