Uncovering Austin's Dark Secrets: Missing Persons, Stolen Cars, and Serial Killer's Dumping Ground!

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in the heart of Austin Texas a city known for its vibrant culture a Sinister secret lurks beneath the surface five bodies pulled from ladybird Lake in just 6 months an alleged serial killer on the loose this is not the first time a body has been found in the lake last year there were multiple bodies found renewing fears of a serial killer an increase in car thefts by the Kia boys one of those Kia stealing kids they're called The Tick Tock Kia boys teens like these four stealing cars and using them to commit violent crimes and a missing man Adrien disappeared on May 26 2012 leads us to ladyb bird Lake where our search begins Goa diver LED police to a pair of vehicles underwater in ladybird Lake Police say the first discovery happened last Friday on Nash herandez senior road on the east side of the trail they say the diver then called back the next day after seeing another submerged car in the same area dpd has since removed one of the vehicles the other one is still in the lake the department plans to remove that one at a later date all we know at this moment is that both of these vehicles were reported stolen today we travel to Austin Texas to search for missing person Adrian Washington he's been missing over 11 years at this point he was last seen in May 2012 along with with this vehicle a 2001 blue Ford Expedition 7 years ago police retraced adrien's steps cadaver dogs searched a field but came up empty we are out here searching the surrounding water in Austin ladyb Lake here which coincidentally there is apparently a I guess suspected serial killer at least five men have been found dead fished uh in the water or around the water here in the shore which is pretty wild yeah we talked to a city worker yesterday and he wished to remain a so we'll leave it at that but uh yeah he was telling some pretty horrid stories about that there's there's definitely somebody killing people in this town and it and he the way he was saying it it's not really getting pushed you know like public as it should be very strange yeah it's pretty wild like I didn't even hear about this and they're all men from what I was reading yeah they're all getting dumped in this body of water that went right now five bodies pulled from ladybird Lake in just 6 months around 10:30 Tuesday morning Austin officials responded to a check welfare urgent call off West Caesar Chavez the victim is a male too early for me to say anything about uh the manner of death homicide uh suspiciousness anything like that so we weren't out here originally you know for that that is something we're going to keep in mind we're searching for Adrien and his vehicle um you know this is a weird kind of case Adrian's case because his phone apparently pinged and a field and uh another spot and an address and then his what he had two phones and one was found in San Antonio yeah I guess just laying out on the sidewalk yeah it's really weird and but from what I understand the family you know they really want answers they have a Facebook group and page and uh you know they've been waiting all this time for answers if we can find any Vehicles out here there's not too many waterways I mean this is this one here the the ladybird Lake and and the river here yeah I think it it's one of the few options it's kind of like the problem that we're running into right now searching this water is you're not allowed to have any gas Motors right no gas Motors we can't put our boat in we can scan this whole whole thing and be done with it but since we can't we got to slow down and use the RC boat we don't have a electric motor but we do have the remote control RC boat which we're going to be using today and we're going to be searching there's only a couple boat ramps in the middle section but this is remote control electric has sonar on it so we're going to take it out here so let's uh put it out here in the water see if we can find any vehicles and see if we can clear some spots for the family to at least they give some answers we began our search at the holiday in boat launch off East Avenue going into the Colorado River all right so we got the boat here and uh it is remote controlled so we should be able to cover this section and then we're going to cover the other boat ramp later and uh check down there but I know there was Vehicles found out here apparently over here by the bridge there was like a Jeep pulled out of the water last week that but they saw it went in I don't think they ran sonar out here so maybe we'll find something that they missed this it's cloudy we can see the screen all right so it's already 9 ft there huh we're just going straight out looks a lot more growthy over here all right so we're walking over here under the bridge where the Jeep went in apparently a week ago I wouldn't be surprised if there's another vehicle sounds like they some someone saw it Go in which usually means they just go straight to it instead of searching for other vehicles but you know they could have missed something the picture still looks funky there must be like a line underwater might be my transducer going out but I can still see enough something it's getting shallow over there under the bridge I don't think it's deep enough over there for a car it's like 3 ft right there yeah it looks like it was an old boat ramp here I'm guessing those signs are kind of new but just I just wanted to clear 100% we got the boat down there it looked like over there to the left is where I saw some drag marks the sonar here it's kind of a bad picture but you can see right there pretty sure those are drag marks I believe where the Jeep went in but looks like it's pretty clear definitely too shallow over here it looks like drag marks over there I think the Jeep went in over there yeah I went over something there not a car but definitely a block of some sort maybe like a a concrete lock out there or something know something after clearing that location we moved on to the festival Beach boat ramp and ran into a city worker who wished to remain anonymous so you said there was like other cars have been pulled out of here lots of different times on throughout the years yeah this guy we're looking for has been missing 10 years but uh you think they would have come across it by now the weird thing which is why we think this might be Foul Play is one of his phones is found like just downtown in San Antonio just laying on the on the ground but it wasn't like thrown it was just like sitting there it was weird but still they got to they got to stat the car somewhere you know there's only so many places and there's different yeah I mean yall look up you research on all the lakes and small kind of we've been we've been realizing like a lot of lakes around here are heavily guarded you know like pay money there's a gate to get in there's probably cameras everywhere so I don't know if they he if if his car was dumbed cuz they think it's foul play and uh yeah there's no cameras around here nowhere around uh this Colorado River there's no cameras uh so it's open at night you could drive in here at night if you wanted to yes sir now this was very suspicious information and it turns out he was correct because I ran across this news story this is not the first time a body has been found in the lake last year there were multiple bodies found renewing fears of a serial killer last year the City of Austin pledged a million dollar for cameras and Lighting near rainy Street those improvements are set to be installed this summer less than a mile away from where this body was found they've got got corns they've got got bodies I mean just a bit there's only two boat Rams isn't the other one I mean I guess and the one they had underneath I35 like on the North side yeah they blocked it up they put uh deals but you can pull those up can you yeah and they just pulled one out of there on on not even a week ago brand new Jeep oh that just happened so that could be just searching here in those two places that holiday ramp Fest ramp or this is Festival Beach yeah and then underneath I35 on the North side I guess that's what we'll do today I appreciate your help yeah you know we're going to be searching as much as we can it's really only two or three spots around this boat ramp here and then there's another boat ramp farther up then there's a spot under the bridge 35 that apparently a jeep was just pulled out like last week so but we have our big boat because we only have gas Motors they only allow electric out here we're going to be using our electric remote control RC boat Bob this thing does great for situations like this and searching Small Ponds there's even a body of AIO back here car was found so maybe we'll check that after but let's get her in Jump Around we don't have a lot of time today but we're going to do everything we can to try to find cars hopefully locate uh this missing person we got everything on the screen we got the the sonar uh you know wirelessly transmitting the HDMI it's already 17 ft there definitely deep enough it looks clear right off the bat so far I wonder how far a car would have floated out though how yall doing how's going how you doing oh there's there's a car this a car yeah right there's a car that's what we're looking for yeah it's upside down yeah oh we found one right there what there's a car right over there yeah oh there it is see it oh right here so it's like it's kind of weird looking but it's upside down I guess it went off the I guess it went off here and well and you know maybe it launched off and to get to make it go to make it go upside down it' have to be going pretty fast how long ago there some places you can get through those trees some spots yeah at night I guess you could definitely drive if you wanted to Y it doesn't look too old either I didn't see so I haven't se any cars that way we're going to turn around and go a little further out and try to get a picture of this thing for you guys all right so over here we got the boat there's a couple images I'm going over it a few different ways but yeah definitely a vehicle that's one of those electric motors that's that's that's what you're allowed to have out here pretty wild but we got a little son on our boat hopefully they don't hit it look at that little pink boat yeah that's the car and now we just need to put a line to it I guess we'll try the magnet trick all right so we got the car here we're going to go ahead and dive this quickly uh the possibly not a quick part we'll be hooking a magnet on it we go backwards I'll go backwards out yeah we did this before we'll just set the magnet on the front and I know about where it is so I should be able to see it on the sonar and he'll pull it off once we get out there so we'll see how this goes we did this before in Augusta Georgia was awesome a little bit of luck should be able to snag this thing I guess go a little far I mean I I'm over it go a little past it then so yeah whenever you want to pull it I guess yeah do we have enough rope said we did all right so we added 15 more feet on this thing might lose this mless you can like you have another one I think we got like three more but oh yeah I don't think we'll lose it like but if we get snag pulling on those crap carabin or pretty much as long as you find the magnet just yeah break it off all right we're in business you got it got something all right so we just got done marking it on the line here it's only 17 ft down so I should be able to about touch it as I'm diving I'm going to test my dry suit uh still hopefully it doesn't leak today at least the good news is the water is over 60 and it's a nice wonderful Texas day this should be a quick dive um we'll know more once we dive because I don't know heck it you know it could be a dive car practice car but we know they pulled them out here before this is a weird spot I'd be interested to see what it is this is weird to me cuz it's upside down yeah if it's a dive car and they put it there on purpose they wouldn't want it upside down they'd want it perfect you know I mean I would think I would think that I think it's going to be your typical stolen something like that so you launch here and like flipped I don't know if they launched it here but C might be going that way I don't know right I'm all suited up we're going to dive on this car we have marked really quick and identify whether it's uh a dive car or something else it's cold cold all right [Music] 8 n 8 it's not that old in [Music] the open [Music] there [Music] what H your off what was it a pretty new Kia optimal White new white that's pretty cool Windows either down or like halfway cracked you see inside it pretty buried there's a lot of mud down there I'd say dump is still I mean there there wasn't any plate on the front I know in Texas seems like most cars have plates in the front but a we can report it see what they want to do with it yeah let's do that and then I we can pull it out but I think it's going to make a big stink cuz they're so busy here well it sounds like they might pull out they pulled out other ones and they pulled that one last week I guess so yeah so was a difference in a car that wasn't like rest visibility was not very good oh I think it was all green I mean it was okay for a second but it got it got messed up pretty quick Health Services uh Police Department please to what address we are at the festival Beach Boat Ramp we're a nonprofit that travels the country searching for missing people and we was in the in town today looking for missing person we were searching the river and we didn't find the missing person but we did find a vehicle that was underwater looks like it's been there for a little bit but we have a tag and we wanted to um pretty much have a police officer come and and let them know what we did and uh they can get it on file the license plate it is a Texas license plate uh sjt 8786 and the vehicle's in the water near the boat uh it's Downstream a little bit about 17 ft underwater maybe 100 ft out and you can't tell what kind of vehicle it is right it was a white Kia Optima coming in out how you doing how's it going just like out there swimming you find the car well we we have a kind of for a sonar boat a remote control sonar boat so oh cool yeah oh that's that orange kayak over there can you see it from the ground no no like 100 ft out pretty much yeah straight out from this boat leave a bag on it yeah it's still on it the line's still on it yeah the vehicle is stolen so figure out yeah from what I how we can get this thing out it's uh it's upside down which is kind of weird cuz if it went off the boat ramp we tend to find them they usually stand their wheels unless they launched it off here but the windows are like pretty much cracked or rolled down but I I couldn't tell hey St so a search team found the vehicle all they have is a plate and was it a white car white Kia yeah so it's a white Kia it's about 100 ft well we do this for a living we travel the country searching for missing people in cold cases uhhuh and uh we come across cars all the time he's out here scanning this looking for an expedition in the middle of about 17 ft under water I can't I know they pulled him out of here before in the past figure out I'm TR p a lot of stuff out of the it's not your car it's not your car you just looking for a no no it's not our car was there anybody in the car I couldn't tell I would say no cuz the windows were all down that's usually a sign that it's just stolen and dumped you know way you find out but I couldn't confirm 100% you know there's a little bit of mud down there somebody hire to go find a for Explorer no we do this on our own it's a nonprofit oh really yeah what was the Explorer stolen from here in Austin the Expedition it was it's a 10-year-old Cold Case and they suspect Foul Play The cousin did it but they don't have enough proof and uh he disappeared after a day you know just off the face of the Earth and his car is missing too so is that happen here in Austin or somewhere he was he was reg was it it was reported missing out of Austin yeah but some of his items that were missing with him were found in San Antonio so we don't know somewhere in between here and there he was his car was dumped but there's not too much water deep enough around San like there are lakes but Lakes have been searched a lot already so who is missing person Adrien Washington so I guess you tie the line to it yeah the lines on it right now it's 100t line so it was easy to find just SW down yeah we have a magnet stuck to the car I think it'd come out pretty easy it's not I mean it's buried like a little bit but not not much it's upside down yeah oh yeah that is that's weird cuz like they must have launched either here or well they flip upside down sometimes I guess if had the air bubble and it flipped yeah that's possible I didn't see any wreck I didn't see any damage on the front end so maybe it did just flip if they not went to the ramp the brushes yeah hey how's it going this better than the last one yeah where where we looking where we at uh we got a that black R is 100 ft about thatt out 7 and Y what were yall doing out here we run a nonprofit that surges for missing people okay while we search we found this car it's not related to the case we working okay so no one see this car went down we have no idea if it looked pretty new but it's probably been there a few months at least few months okay yeah yeah like yeah I pulled the tag I didn't have any regist you all have registration stickers on the tags right here in Texas there was no sticker so it even it peeled off so it's been on there although the sticker would be on the windshield oh would it they don't put them on the plate oh okay they can't wait to get that yeah I'm pretty sure it's empty so yeah most of the time they are feel bad having such a big response but so 100 ft out 100t rope 7 ft 1 here us uh and how long y find it couple hours ago you been searching out here for a while all right no onebody the uh our not well our nonprofits rapid cc.org have to notate like every stolen car like who found it how they found it this is always a different story like I'm sorry what do you do no I mean it's really cool really cool that's awesome I'm sure there's a lot more out here too is that remote control yeah sick I got sonar on there and you can that's it oh it smokes I always feel bad when this kind of response comes out and I was like God we we kind of have to for precautions especially if there's like nobody can physically see inside the vehicle and like confirm that there's no one inside plus it's not every day that you find a vehicle in a woman like I've heard that a lot a lot of the cops come out like this is the first time so they get all excited good training too been down there for a minutes a little bit yeah definitely not we pull out some old cars cuz it was stolen a year ago oh really so I don't think it could it it could be it could be a year old yeah it could be like we'll do we'll do with cars from the 70s sometimes so like it's kind of it's a little hard to gauge just by looking at them but it wasn't you know rusted out or anything like that if you needs y assistance are you guys cool to help yeah I can totally I'm sure they'll be able to but I don't know does he have a tank or is he just going in huh well that other guy was look think he was go snorkling someone yeah someone's about to hey don't pull that rope too hard we can mark it again if you need to but it's cold now that's a better man of the night that a passed out right there so they're going to end up telling you tomorrow tomorrow yeah okay they're going to have schedule dive with with our EOD dive team they're going to come do tomorrow they have they find any someone in there get a huge tow truck out here and I guess they're going to do what they do I don't mind it take me like 5 minutes to hook on don't oh really is that y''s rope the one yeah yeah yeah if you guys do do it tomorrow like well you're leaving I guess they marked already they're just going to leave that overnight yeah we got the GPS okay we got the bu photo I got you so as you guys saw we had a huge response lots of police officers and fire department came out it was procedure for them and I just wanted to give a shout out they were amazing to work with they did a great job the dive team was pretty busy with training so they actually didn't remove this car until at least a week later but it is currently out of the water which is great was a stolen vehicle but we decided decided we wanted to search more the following day so we came back and searched a small section of the water directly behind this boat [Music] ramp all right we're down to this other spot of the lake it's like a little I don't know if it was manmade in here or not but it looks like it kind of was and apparently the worker we were talking to yesterday said an old car maybe like a Cadillac or something was pulled out from here somewhere but it was really buried so I'm hoping it's deep enough I guess it had a car before it should be deep enough still I guess the Rowing Club maybe uses this or something cuz there's like stands over there we'll check it out real quick and then it might be it for our time here in Austin so definitely not the safest nicest area there's like syringes all over the place we've been walking around so I definitely would not want to dive here unless I actually have to yeah it's definitely not a a safe environment placing your hands down feeling around yeah there's trash everywhere I me deep enough there not too many access points though at least not recently with these fences and everything around it it's definitely deep enough it's like 17 almost 18 ft yeah right now we're behind the boat ramp that we were at there's a the festival boat ramps over there so you can drive over there and that is an upside down car right there for real yeah you see the tires and everything look at that that's that doesn't make any sense I understand a weird spot for that's the that's where he was yesterday just behind where we was parked yeah that's weird there's no damage or nothing that had been there forever I wonder how old it is I don't know we should drive over there and get a closer look at what uh how a car could have even got in there yeah mean I searched over here I didn't see anything that's the only thing I saw but it's definitely a car so that's that what is that there it's a little remote controlled sonar boat oh okay deps of the area yeah yeah looking for cars actually Vehicles yeah I already found one oh really yeah how old was the vehicle uh well I found one out there yesterday and then there's another one over here oh really yeah D I mean were they old cars or what no pretty new really like a year these [ __ ] I know couple years old I'm trying to walk down here and pinpoint where this thing is there's definitely a trail here sure you could drive if you wanted but guessing this vehicle's older well not right behind the boat ramp like I thought they drove this thing away looks like the car is looks like it went through right here dang there it is pretty much straight out from this Pole right here they wanted this thing not to be found yeah I just want know well it's straight yeah it looks like right here in this section the trees were cut knocked down or something so it like launched off right here that's definitely deliberate that ain't no accident right here no this is just a weird spot but at night I mean you can just drive wherever you want I mean I can't tell what it is but it's upside down I know it's a car I have no idea what kind of car but yeah you see the tire shadows and everything I was going to keep scanning down and walk down see if there's any other ones we came back to the same spot just to double to to search that little Lake behind this area that's kind of secluded you know what I'm talking about uhhuh uh we searched that we found another vehicle but we were kind of afraid to call like cuz they wanted us to call 911 last time and the response was huge and I didn't want it to be Overkill so I just kind of reach out to you guys and see how you wanted to handle it yeah it's in a weird spot like it's there's a there's a homeless C back there or a homeless tent but it's like they they took it off into the grass but we haven't Dove it we haven't marked it with a boo yet or anything just because of the the spot it's at it's going to be difficult to do all that now we got our sonar boat again the little remote control one so we we didn't mark it but I didn't know if you I didn't know what yall was planning I know we talked yesterday about scheduling that other car but I figured yall might want to know about this one to do it at the same time maybe or something so our dive guys are bomb guys dive guys and uh Dog Handlers so they're just busy all the time yeah so yeah so they were we were thinking about we they haven't even told me when the time they're going to come try to recover them but yeah that would be we would do probably more than likely do both of them at the same time I can text you like a GPS of the exact spot if you well I don't know if yall wanted to come out here or what would be easiest yeah I know I mean for sure the issue so they we we don't have a lot of officers at the police department anymore um and I'm truly the only one working on the lake right now I have yeah I have one more officer coming in she's at court so she won't be here I don't know when her Court will be over um but then yeah me and her her and I would uh definitely come out there yeah they used to do um little box carart boat races back in that little Cove a long time ago so after talking to the corpal we decided we were going to dive this first while we were waiting cuz we didn't know how long it would take so we took the boat back over and we're going to mark this thing now all right so we're doing the same thing as the other car we're going to attempt to mark this thing with putting the magnet on the end if we have enough line just going out there and tugging it and it hooks to the car the problem is it's over here but this just a whole mess I just went right over it but hold on you on it all right now let's walk back down put the boat up all right we were walking down to the location we're not allowed to drive back here we were going to take the record there's a bunch of other workers back there so Jeremy's carrying the tank for me yeah I'm being a pal and cuz I'm diving I really don't want to dive this nasty water we keep finding syringes everywhere is this what you call teamwork that's a lot of weight so my back definitely hurts every time I put that thing on but we got got the line on it let's get in the water get eyes on this thing hopefully I can get a plate or something all right light on it's on the outside [Music] [Music] okay you [Music] [Music] doing the got you [Applause] a ah [Music] sh man this is a weird one weird one all the windows are up the Hyundai Elantra all right so this is kind of a weird a weird one the car is not weird it's a Hyundai Elantra black had the plate um I don't think it's been down there that long it almost seemed like there was an air pocket cuz the car's butt is for well the trunk's open H all the windows are closed one of them is like a teeny crack but all the rest of them are closed so I think there's an air bubble holding this thing in not 100% sure on that that's what it felt like it's not that old a car so it might have gone in recently is upside down I looked in U it didn't look full of mud or anything I couldn't see much but we could at least maybe call uh the Corporal maybe we can run the plate yeah we just give them all the info we got if any alarms go off in and go from there all right but we got that's all we really need it came off pretty easy tells me it's been down there a little bit but if if there is an air pocket that usually means it's not been in there a long time yeah I'd be really surprised I know when they cut these things down here well still like if it was recent you see broken trees or something it must have been a few months at least it had to have gone right here like all these big trees aren't broken these could have well how long would it take that to grow I don't know and it might not have broke so maybe like cuz I don't I could tell you I don't know maybe a year like the other one yeah definitely could do that gosh rain must have gone in like just spectacular whatever it was well yeah it's weird cuz the windows are open that's very suspicious to me I don't like that just leave the Rope on for now we can walk back and give a Corporal a call the magnet should pull off pretty easy at this point but did you move it I moved it a little bit Yeah okay D all right let's get back to the trp was you guys out here yesterday about the car no no we weren't working yesterday oh okay we found another one I don't know we got the tag run we uh I was calling the Corporal Bowman of the dive team um but he didn't answer so I saw yall here so where that car this one's down it's in that little swampy Lake to the left down there yeah cuz we found there's a white Kio we found here yesterday I know they're going to plan on pulling that one out but I know those elantas I reading they get stolen a lot around here too yeah with the Kia the Kia boys yeah saw it it's in the water yeah I dove on it and pulled that out I mean it's like 20 ft down there and did you run the tag yeah is it St okay it is St them and uh there's nothing were you able to see inside of it so this one's upside down this one's weird to me cuz all the windows are up this this this this uh one we found yesterday the windows were down I still couldn't clear it but they said they were going to come back and pull that one corpal Bowman said he's they probably do it at the same time this one cuz I already texted them earlier did they pull that one from it's still there but they marked it so he he knows it's there he just said like they're short staff right now he's like the only guy he's up in the lake so we all we all yeah it doesn't say it was used in anything so it probably just was the key I'm sure yeah but uh I mean the trunk was open nothing inside the trunk okay um but it didn't look like much anything inside like the windows it's kind of hard to see with the muck grown on it but it looked it looked empty deep was it 20 ft down yeah yeah last year January 5th probably same guy what's that St in January 5th like a year yeah yeah I mean I wouldn't be surprised he's like he's like I got to away with it once dump this other one you want to text him that we're here I just let him know that you were here um I mean I can give you I don't know you have his number oh he just said okay we were about to be on the water so I guess he might be coming here good to see you yep yep hope I didn't make you rush no no did O yeah I appreciate it guys yeah this one's a little weirder cuz all the windows are up are closed yeah and it's upside down it almost seemed like there was an air bubble in it cuz like the the rear end it's upside down again the rear end was kind of higher I think it's floating a little bit so I don't think it's been in there a long time it might not be it might just be how it's resting on something but what depth were you at 22 the trunk's open on it I looked inside the trunk nothing in there yeah we'll go over there and then we'll just meet y'all over there if youall want that's fun that work guys sounds good yeah so I guess they're going to mark it not going to he already said they weren't going to pull it today so but that way they can pull both of them the same day when they do come out maybe that'll be tomorrow we'll have to see wonder how they're going to Mark they got sonar on that thing no like the buoy is your line coming out this way yeah it's pretty much straight out there I mean if you I guess if you follow the line you put your right over it I'm to you can bu just throw it if you want should be fine yeah last it'll be fine yeah some of these trees right here are like cut I think it went in right here my guess especially with that mess laying over yes so do y'all look for missing people or just kind of what y'all do is the vehicles and missing people or both yeah cuz I mean we the goal is to Sol solve cases but in the process we end up finding all these cars that are just stolen and dumped so we try to get them out when we can to clean the waterways cuz all the pollutants you know and the oil and gas and all that so it's uh we've been able to solve some cases it's crazy how like these people go missing they're in the closest body of waters to like their house or their know City and it's just like no one even bothered to check all right so it's been a long day did a lot of searching I guess the past couple days we found two vehicles both stolen this one as of this moment we're still waiting to hear if it was if there's any uh anybody inside cuz all the windows are up that's still really weird to me so hopefully we find out the corpal said it'll send me pictures yeah car a't been out there not long at all it was registered last year so but we really appreciate all the local law enforcement police fire everybody that has come out the dive team corpal uh corpal Bowman he's been great working with very helpful and um I'm glad we can locate some of these cars for them so that's always a good thing unfortunately we didn't find Adrien that was our goal coming out here but we clear a lot of water so hopefully we give the family some answers as to where he's not that's always a good thing it's not you know it's not what they wanted to hear what they wanted yeah it's not at least you know the story's alive you know it's been 11 years yeah so and if you guys watching have any information or tips on where to check definitely read reach out to us you can uh send us an email or a message and you know we can come back here in the area or if there's anybody else that can come search because the reality is we found two we found two cars pretty quick so I'm sure there's more out here this is the first spot we hit and we found two cars so I bet there's more spots so we're going to keep on going but we appreciate youall watching and supporting us searching for missing loved ones across the state we're in Texas right now but we're going to continue up in Texas and then Louisiana and some places on the back so make sure to subscribe to the channel to follow us to watch those videos but until then we'll see you guys on the next one [Music] his family not giving up hope that someday they'll have [Music] [Music] answers
Channel: AdamBrownAdventures
Views: 305,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: missing person, truck found underwater, scuba diving search recovery, unsolved, solved cold case, adam brown adventures, adventures with purpose florida, florida car found underwater, sunshine state sonar, exploring with nug, mystery, true crime, jeep found underwater offroad winch, two cars found underwater austin texas, austin texas, lady bird lake bodies found, serial killer documentary, colorado river austin texas crime, kia boys, kia boyz, adrian washington missing
Id: bttO4avkBPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 30sec (2610 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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