Breeding the Ultimate Argent! - ARK Survival Ascended [E24]

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passive is that a is that a raptor is that an alpha Raptor in my base what type of raptor is that so after getting completely distracted and sidetracked in the last episode um I've come out here without my spy glass specifically so I cannot just start looking at creatures and I'm trying not to cuz I do not want to get distracted at all what I want to do real quick is collect up some organic polymer and um at some point I probably should come over here with the spy glass so I can try and get myself another gorus cuz I think having an imprinted one would be a lot better than you know just a normal tamed one this freaking guy is tanky man what the hell there we go we finally got him sweet all right anyway so um yeah today we're going to do a little bit of building probably a little bit of hatching cuz we've got a lot of uh argies that we still need to hatch up and I do want to try and get the stats combined and everything so yeah we're going to go ahead and just tackle that a little bit when we get back um but mainly the thing about the polymer is uh I want to build up a bunch of vaults and that is 100% important at this point cuz all of my storage chests are pretty much just overflowing at this stage you know it's it's getting a little bit hectic I definitely need just like a bunch of storage chests or sorry vaults to you know label us something and then just fill it with all of that crap like I I think I have like two or three different chests full of just ammo and like random pieces of armor and Saddles and stuff so yeah it's getting a little bit hectic anyway um yeah so we're going to go ahead and do this for a little bit then we're going to head back I've actually done a little bit of building just not really like proper building but just kind of testing some stuff out just seeing if uh if it all works out and I guess I'll show you that in just one sec all right slowly heading back towards base with a crapload of organic polymer this is definitely going to help out not exactly sure how much that is but it's probably like 600 or 700 anyway um the one thing that I definitely still need to grab at some point is some fish meat cuz you are getting very very hungry but I do not have the wait to uh to try and grab that as well also these guys deal extra damage to just like straight up fish so if I can find like a nice little pond with a bunch of them I could just go ahead and harvest just pretty much all of them with this dude but um yeah we're going to fly all the way back to base I don't actually have any icons appearing anymore I should probably turn one of them on H yeah let me do that there we go got Nova on the tracker and we are a long way away from the base and I got to stop for some Stam already all right well unfortunately the area is super foggy so we'll have to wait like a couple minutes to show this off I can hardly even see the right side of my base what the hell oh my god um yeah right now I'm kind of working on trying to tie in the middle bit which is going to be built up and as you can see I've kind of like built it onto the roofs a little bit and then we have like this bit in the middle that's just slightly lower than those uh side pieces so yeah this is all we've got so far nothing absolutely insane um again just trying to kind of work it out and figure out you know how is it going to work and how's it going to look and everything and um yeah so we have like these three wide platforms here I might tie in the railings up here and maybe have this is like a a long balcony or something um and then I don't really know what we're going to do there we we'll figure it out though like all these things will kind of just come to me as we go along here but um yeah I think that we might I don't know if we're going to have like another extensive kind of building episode soon why won't you land what is wrong with you I've hit I've hit space and it just it does not want to land I think there we go what the hell was that so weird anyway uh let me go ahead and just Chuck away all this stuff real quick just want to go ahead and grab some oil as well we're just going to make a bunch of vaults right now um so I've got two here I know I have another one out there so I'm going to need let's see we're kind of like are we like rubber banding or something what the hell was happening there that was weird so we're going to need four and then yeah so we're going to need five more yeah I think I am kind of like rubber banding or something around the creature I don't know what that is it feels very strange though let's see so can I make any vaults at all no but we should have enough metal in here I know I have a bunch in there but I definitely also have some in here too yeah there we go nice I'm actually just going to start chucking all this over so we've got like 400 and yeah we've got way more in this one okay I thought I'd been putting the majority of it into that one but I guess not um all right let's see let me go ahead and just chuck all this over here all right so we're going to take that away and then we have everything right yeah we just need the polymer in there sweet all right let me just grab all of this here we go nice and then we're just going to choke pretty much all this in here we're not going to be able to fit it all but that's okay all right how many bullets can I make four nice okay we just need one more then um I might be yeah it doesn't look like we have enough metal for the last one that's okay though for the moment four is fine we can you know easily make up another one later down the line but um yeah that's super handy another thing I should probably try to make is a couple more airons H yeah we're going to have to do that I might have some more metal inside of the Smithy I got to check that real quick let me see do we have any more metal in here we should do right uh not a huge amount like a little bit I mean we can make like a couple airons I would say what else do we need uh we need electronic and Crystal I definitely have some Crystal all right let's make four more electronic then then do we have some crystal in here or do I have to go grab it uh yeah okay okay I definitely have some over here for sure uh yep we got a bunch all right let me just grab like 300 that should be enough for the moment and I can actually move with it as well wow nice that doesn't usually happen all right let's see let me make one for the moment and then I don't know if they made any changes to them cuz I did drop down um an RG egg and it it was incubating with one airon so I don't know if they're more powerful now and I'm going to just assume that they are and not build like tons of them just in case case maybe we couldn't uh you know incubate like an a wyver egg or something but we can incubate the uh the RG eggs for sure anyway so yeah let me uh let me go ahead and just Chuck this down over here we'll set up the vaults in just a minute I do want to quickly deal with the RGS another thing is like I've got a couple comments about this I have been working on the DAR wolves I've just not been able to get anything close to their stats combined um so what I'm looking for is are you yeah you're ready to mate you have to get right up it okay yeah this glitchiness is really bugging me dude like okay let me log off real quick don't know if this is going to help at all um also every single time I log back in it's as if my base is being taken over by the Wilderness again it's so weird it's it was happening at my other base as well so it's obviously just like a a game based uh bug or something um it's not they're not really there just so you know they've just disappeared by themselves but yeah like I've got to get this thing like right up inside of them it's very strange you know it it was right beside them there but it didn't mate with them but then I put it beside it and now it's okay very weird anyway Let's uh you're not still mating how would you still be mating okay no you're not okay we're good so I got to remember to grab the puppies when they're ready but yeah I've been grabbing them I've been like breeding them as much as I can and I've been getting a couple mutations here and there just like I'm not really bothered in keeping them until I have the stats together cuz there's you know no point I know the way the mutations work now I just don't want to have like 20 billion wolves when I could just keep it to just a few like I did with the doic so um yeah I've also been breeding these guys they're actually ready to mate again we'll go ahead and do that yeah you are on mating nice let me actually go ahead and just turn the wait is it oh yeah no you are gestating awesome let's go ahead and just turn that off so um yeah vaults we can set those up in just one second let me actually show you what we got going on here cuz it's a little bit less foggy now but um yeah so for the for the upper level what I'll probably end up doing is we'll have it like like the main kind of centerpiece like set back a little bit maybe have some sort of like balconies or something there looking at the front um and then I'm trying to think like should we have like an elevator or something to get up I don't really know um but from here we're going to be able to get up to there so we're essentially probably going to just build a big stairs or something I would say that that's probably the best way of scaling this Cliff um so I don't know if building it from up there and then building it down would be the best idea um but yeah I've been kind of like just thinking about some of these ideas as we've been going in fact actually I got a couple structures on Nova I might as well place them while we're uh waiting on the babies let's go ahead and grab some of these walls so um yeah we just got to place these walls right along here it's kind of hard to do the building when I'm on a creature let's go ahead and just chook those off and pop off instead this is a lot better so yeah instead of putting the half walls here I've decided to just use the full ones um even though like half of them won't actually be visible because under here we're going to have the ceiling coming along from here as well so from here we're going to be going all the way across um but yeah I just I kind of felt like that pattern right there was a lot nicer to look at and we got to do this on the opposite side as well I don't think I have a snap Point yet let's see um I might need to here we go we should be able to do it from here let's just flip that nice that's exactly what we needed all right there we go we got all those walls in um what else do I need to do I've got a bunch of stuff on you could probably place in a couple more of these and I guess you know what I have some ceilings too right yeah we got like a little little bit of ceilings right here let me go ahead and just place these as well so um yeah for the most part you can actually just see this is pretty much how it's done I didn't remove any of the roof at all and I'm not going to I'm going to keep all that there just so on the inside it all looks kind of you know the same as it did before um instead of like expanding up the roof and making it look kind of silly on the inside we're just going to leave it all the exact same and just have this like random little Gap right here which is completely fine by me I don't really mind and you're not going to mind when you can't see it anymore you might know it's there every day but you know shut up it's fine um anyway let's see so where did I need the ceilings again oh yeah yeah right here uh it's kind of hard to see it's a little bit dark but I can see the snap points that I need to have them so right there we're just going to fill in maybe the outside and then we'll do the inside afterwards I don't know if I have any more ceilings I think I'm out now actually after these ones are gone by the way I'm not entirely certain how far out I want to even bring this cuz we've got a good amount of room back here and we could like expand out the top piece without expanding out those bits what I actually did was you know we have that wall in there and I did that the way that I did it so we can actually expand out this building and build it into the cliff a little bit but just not include that in the actual area that I'm in just so we don't have weird Jagged rocks and stuff like that so um yeah that's essentially why we have uh just like this extra bit sticking out on the very end right here so let me go ahead and just place down the rest of these we only got a couple more I love the way you can build from so far away now it's great nice all right uh we've got a couple of these things as well the slopy bits so I want to snap that right here and then have the beams on the outside nice we got to get the other one right here kind of struggling to get that oh I had it and then we want to flip it get the beams on the side nice so yeah they're just going to be like a little bit of a support kind of uh brace to the the top portion of the base um I think what I need to do as well cuz right now it's it's quite dark under here you know I don't want creepers and other things spawning so we'll probably go ahead and just place down some some like uh lights or something out here like what what we have on the inside there maybe alternate them place them by the wooden beams instead of by the windows cuz we already got light coming out of there just a little bit so yeah um we have a couple more of these uh I guess I can place them over here think I actually have a bunch more of these to be honest somewhere I just don't exactly know where this is my issue I just have so many structures built and like a bunch of structures that I've just like found in drops and stuff that at this point you know like I just need one big Vault to just have them in instead of like 20 Places come on bro give me that spot and we got a couple of these as well so I might just quickly do this so we want to switch them to these stairs and then just snap them like that I feel like the stairs just kind of adds more texture to it and um yeah I like that a lot more than the actual roof pieces I mean the roofs are nice and all but the stairs they got they got like the bumps the curves the the angles you know here we go uh we're going to need to get a couple more from there I'm pretty sure I do have some how many do I need another five of them definitely have some somewhere probably inside of here I mean I have a lot of stuff in here like look at all these random metal structures in here just some drops like just constant drops there we go knew I had some pop that right there nice we're actually going to need one out here all right just one more set of them oh I placed that in completely the wrong place okay this is the most annoying part about the building it's the you know the the times when you'll accidentally Place something somewhere uh I don't know where my main cross CR bow right now we just grab this instead like misplacing something in this game is um a bit of a nightmare cuz obviously you know you can place it from Super far away you're more than likely not going to be able to reach those areas there we go nice all right looks pretty good we definitely need more lights in there though like I said so maybe we can work on that right now I think we have enough stuff to make a little bit more electronic I think that's like the main thing that we're missing um um how much should they cost again where are they it's not this one oh yeah it's this one right here I was looking for a picture like this but I should have known um let's go ahead and make uh not that many see we'll just go ahead and make like six of these I guess all right we got to check out the timer on the DAR wolves are you guys ready uh very very close wow that was good timing uh we had a cantro back there nice that's great um all right let's see let's quickly grab this uh these babies you know what kangaroo where are you so what we're looking for is um we're looking for the parents to be 232 and above uh both of these are terrible ah yeah I'm not I'm not going to keep them I'm sorry I don't see the point they're just more mats to feed you know we don't we don't need all these extra creatures oh you guys should be on passive God damn it no we're fine we don't need the creatures on neutral in here either think we're we uh stop you hungry what the hell bro stop eating all right let me get you away from them anyway just so you don't start accidentally breeding with them so yeah um how long do we have another hour before I can okay yeah wow you an hour and then you've got 30 minutes that's great all right that means that the doic is pretty much ready to pop if it's not already out is it we're looking for a female I'll keep the females I'm going to ditch the males unless it's mutated and it's got like another minute 40 I think um what I'll probably end up doing is maybe trying to move all these RGS up top just so they're not completely in my way down here anymore all right so we're going to place these H freaking wolf faces we're going to place these pretty much at the wooden beams just like that should actually make sure that I turn them on as well boom and then yeah I can't really fit one back in the corner over here can I might be able to like right there does that look okay it's fine it will work yeah we definitely just need that little bit of extra light inside of the base right now cuz under here is very very dark although I'm seeing a bit of an issue there's like a bunch of spots up there now oh man and we have a bunch of RGS in the way here can I get this placed anyway um yeah that looks about right let me get in there and turn that on nice okay doic time I would assume super close if not it should be ready to pop yeah we got like 14 seconds okay okay it's not mutated and claim it is it it is a male damn it oh man yeah I'm sorry little little guy I don't need you just going to go ahead and uh dump you down below there you go did you drop Oh no you're right here okay never mind let's uh let's go ahead and just uh do do this real quick bye oh that's horrifying yeah maybe we'll go ahead and uh unclaim it or something just eat it up real quick I don't know I mean they're kind of a pain to kill um H yeah you know what it's fine we'll just leave it here with the rest of them to be honest these are my little guard dogs we've got literal guard dogs and then we've got doic it's just like the perfect little um security team you know I got to move you out of the way cuz I know that if I start pulling down that elevator then you're going to go ahead and be in the way and it's not going to come all the way down by the way just so you know we are going to be taking over this whole area and kind of like Walling it in at some stage it's just that's going to be a pretty big project and I might also want to try and just snap the walls almost off of my base if that makes sense you know um so yeah if that makes sense to you then you'll understand what I mean but if not then I don't know we're going to we're going to build the walls the like Gates or whatever off of here um and it's going to go probably all the way around the water maybe like a little bit out we'll see um anyway so what else do we have to do now uh oh yeah vaults let's go ahead and get those placed down although at the same time let's quickly grab all these ARG eggs and we'll just get all of those hatched up in just one minute well maybe not 1 minute I think it said 7 minutes is how long it actually take so let me see let's grab all those and we got our airons here let's go ahead and just dump out all these eggs okay I got to make sure that I actually catch these eggs when they're done so yeah we've got 7 minutes I'm literally going to set a timer for 6 minutes okay Vault time let me just snap some onto these right here um and then across from this we're going to do like another four let me quickly get the first one ready then so I auto aligned it roughly off the center it's not going to be perfect that looks pretty good I'm going to inch it across just by a tiny bit there we go that will work nice okay and then we're going to snap another two onto either side um I need to kind of figure out what's going to go in each of them I would say that the four right here could be good for resources only and then what do we have what else do we have then we have um armor like Saddles uh structures um you know what we might actually need more volts then huh yeah we might actually in the long run if I want to try and have like a volt for everything we don't necessarily need one for ammo like it would be kind of nice cuz I keep like I have so much of this where do I even have most of it I think it's like literally all over the place look how much of the stuff I have these Advanced bullets are ridiculous I you know what can you grind them I'm pretty sure you can right if I had a grinder I would probably just start grinding that stuff cuz like holy crap I do not have a very good uh fabricated pistol I have one but it's it's does terrible damage um I don't even know where it is but yeah I mean if we get a really good one that would be great we have infinite bullets but still it's um just super annoying I do not like having just so many of those bullets give me more useful bullets please thank you very much ARS all right let's see you know what actually I can get these guys breeding up one more time H you know what no we're going to wait and see what the uh what the babies are like first first of all what we should actually do is quickly go grab some meat because I do not have really any to kind of feed them so yeah we we'll go ahead and do this real quick should be able to find a bunch of dead creatures here usually can uh what is that anky hello what level are you level okay I thought that said 110 there for a second level 10 wow it's already dead o all right sorry little guy here you go thank you for the meat ooh it's an Alp Raptor nope we're not going to get distracted that meat is not very useful for us we need just pure raw meat you know that's what we need everything's level 10 now apparently I've just been having way too much good uh team look am I getting head shot and is that why we're only doing 10 or 11 damage to you yeah we've been getting such G good like team look recently that uh I guess now it's just like no it's all over level 10's everything here we go I mean I'm not going to complain about the good look though you know like constant RGS but that makes sense cuz I'm killing so many of them and they're constantly coming to my base and getting killed um we have that going and then you know just like the occasional like time when I'm going out and about I just find something very useful like the karoo in the last episode don't make me hit that dorph I did not want to hit that little guy gu but uh yeah we'll go ahead and just collect up a bunch of meat and hopefully we'll have enough at least for the hatching stage of these Archies we just want to have a little bit to be able to feed them straight off the bat and then I can go out and collect some more I can manage to kill this uterus that would be pretty huge but it might be about to Roar give me give me the kill hey got it give me that mate all right give me these carnos now as well yeah they're all super low level look at this uterus is low level too I wonder is that like a thing you know are the caros is always going to be lower level if they spawn with uterus or is that like not related I have no idea bro why are you nerfing my damage Mo I'm killing so many things here I'm not even collecting all the meat from everybody getting eaten oh no that's a 130 Mammoth it's almost dead yeah it's it's meat for uh for my creatures now I guess I didn't even get the kill oh my God I got some meat though hell yeah we got a dead darl right here as well here we go need to get that RG okay my timer just went off there that means that we are very very close I did want to just grab this megal laseros as like a nice little snack for the road um yeah let's uh let's get this dude all eaten up as we go okay yeah we got a little bit of meat not a crazy amount but enough for the moment all right RG babies I'm here there you are oh my god wow they've like all hatched that's great um so it's probably going to take me a couple minutes to get through all these things and figure out if if they're mutated if they've got good stats uh but for the moment we probably will just uh try to claim them all I need to get the kangaroo I think yeah if we have you it's going to make it a little bit easier to like organize them get them out of this like giant pile yeah what I should really do is make like a little list of all the best stats this one here's actually probably got some pretty good stats cuz it's a it's a 220 although most of my guys were yeah maybe maybe it doesn't have the best stats I don't know this one's a 215 though I mean any lower levels just kind of means that they're not going to have those good stats that's just how levels work you know it's all or there's stats I guess it's it it all works off of their actual level cuz it's all about stat points not really their level but yeah the level's like a good way of actually like being able to tell whether or not a creature has some good stat points oh 232 is going to to be a good one let's go ahead and just dump you out then we'll check on you in a minute I would also kind of like to be able to keep some of these blue colors I think that's a 233 no it's a 223 never mind but yeah we'll try and keep some of these cool colors uh cannot move right now okay that's great silly we still have a couple of these guys to claim as well the 230 there 232 as well I see you we might have gotten triplets potentially uh oh that's a 236 oh I didn't even see that one nice we try and move some more of these guys out I don't even know how many eggs we hatch it was like 11 I think all right I'll probably have to just start dumping some of them in here cuz we we need to move through these guys a little bit quicker uh and also they are following me been a while since I've like just dumped out the babies like this usually I have like the soul gun and I just pick him up or if I have the soul terminal I just go ahead and use that um yeah going back to the OG breeding it's uh it's interesting for sure it reminds me the good old days to be honest all right let's see is somebody following me oh look at you oh you're beautiful man oh this one over here is really nice as well actually yeah I mean to be honest most of these RGS are already almost at like 10% anyway so we might be good to just Chuck the meat inside the trough and just wing it with them it's immediately going to get eaten look at this maybe no maybe not I guess I really thought that would all just immediately get uh just grabbed but I guess not I guess they're all kind of close but they're not all at 10% now they are okay cool uh they should no they're not actually in trough range okay yeah we should probably get one a little bit closer cuz these ones aren't but these ones are cool all right well anyway let me uh let me figure out what all the best stats are first and then I'll make a little bit of a list of what I'm looking for okay so the stats that I'm looking for for are pretty good um let's see let's look at the highest levels first um so I'm looking for that health I'm looking for um not that stamina do I have that stamina as well hang on a second where do I have that 1200 stamina from cuz I know I had this one did I miss did I like mistype that no I didn't okay huh you're obviously not from him or her or whatever um let's see all right well you know what let's actually just look at the highest level which I think was this one what do you have so that's the health that we're looking for that's not the stamina we're looking for we're looking for uh 1240 that is not the weight we're looking for but that is the melee so we have two of the best stats and then one off of this one right here so I think for the moment this should be the new Nova it's not crazy blue it would be nicer if it was more blue this one right here is probably the nicest looking one let's be honest like this was this was absolutely gorgeous I don't know if we got any mutations on on any of these guys though though which is interesting um what levels are all you guys as well okay yeah cool so we're probably going to have you as like the new Nova uh you're also male as well good to know uh let's see so do we get any good females then in the high stat range we did have this one over here you do have the High um Stam or the high Health sorry the almost high stamina I'm getting very confused about that one did I accidentally pump a level in or something where's this one coming from to be honest this one has everything except for the stamina where does anybody have that stamina or is there something like weird happening here there is one uh one of my RGS that I don't really know the original stats of and that is actually Nova um don't actually have the original stat of Nova right on on hand right now so uh yeah I'm guessing that stamina must come from that one male that I've been breeding them all with for sure let's see where are you no uh it's this one here I think you're the you're the male why why are they getting a different stamina is it from Nova maybe I don't know I can't tell at this point all right let me just take a little look at your parents then we'll do this the intelligent way so you are from uh no yeah you are from Nova so maybe Nova had that one that must be Nova stat right what who are you from you're also a Nova baby okay yeah I think that must be Nova stat yeah I should have written down Nova stat I do I still have the video of course but still so this one right here has lots of good stats this one is only missing that slightly higher stamina stat which I think at this point I'm kind of okay with like it's got the um it's got the good melee this I think we we actually had multiple 232s as well didn't we let's see um dude that like little tiny rubber banding is is really annoying me are you also yeah you're you don't have the uh the good weight and you don't have the good Stam so you're not twins obviously then Okay cool so I think um I'm probably going to go ahead and just quickly dispatch of all of the uh the other argies here cuz again I don't need to raise up like 50 argies I just need the ones that have the good stats so it's going to be pretty horrifying just uh I I won't make you watch don't worry um yeah I'll probably just use the DAR wolf maybe just unclean them and eat them up real quick it will be so quick and mostly painless um yeah it's going to probably hurt a lot let's go ahead and uh how do you unclaim oh is it this one here okay yeah that makes sense oh it's a flag and you're yeah okay that makes sense for unclaiming all right don't worry it's it's going to be very quick and painless oh God this is not painless at all oh my God it's suffering in every single way oh I'm not going to show that to you that was horrifying yeah yeah no we can't put that on YouTube all right don't worry um all the babies are going to be turned into delicious meat that we will all enjoy oh man this used to be baby argies and now it's not um by the way just so you know we're only left with just the two of them right now oh actually yeah let's go ahead and imprint again still need to fix that setting I'm not going to imprint that one just so we have the actual stats on hand um cuz if I imprint you then you know you're going to have that buff and everything so let me go ahead and just quickly uh name this one exactly what it is and I find that this is the best way of doing it just type it in here as you see it and then just copy that and then just paste it into their name so let me go ahead and get this done so yeah I got that all typed in and now we're just going to go ahead and paste that in as your name boom nice all right perfect so that is that's an almost perfect um RG to be able to use for breeding now the one that has the slightly better stamina you are a male okay that's actually kind of perfect for us as well yeah this really works out actually so if we can get that in and it's not really that important cuz that's probably just one extra level into it you know it we probably don't really necessarily need it so if it's getting too difficult and it's just not happening I might not bother with it but um yeah so we'll go ahead and uh we're going to raise up this one as like our new Nova um we'll keep the original Nova cuz it's got really good stats of course but I might actually just rename you exactly what your stats were so yeah let me actually look that up cuz I have the video footage all right there's Nova's original stat so yeah I was correct about that uh actually being from Nova that makes a lot of sense oh man all right well oh we got a bunch of prime meat in here as well actually let me just grab all this see if we can get some of that cooked up I just realized the rest of my baby meat is going to spoil no let me try no some of it's spoiling no hang on a second no just give me a second here oh man it's all good I guess we got some extra spil meat though I mean we might get a couple more pieces cooked up here it's kind of working with us here I think it's it's all about to spoil no oh that's a fat rip I mean we got a good amount of it actually yeah this is great even though I feel like the timers are almost at zero there it was still uh it was still cooking them all up I'm not so certain about how safe this meat would actually be to you know to actually eat you know it was literally about to turn into like mush right here but we quickly just chucked it on the Grill and you know now it looks edible but really is it I I don't know I have no idea um let's actually just check that into the other fridge cuz that's the wrong place want to pop that into here just spotted that I actually didn't even realize I had just raw meat inside of here I think I'll just keep that in there just in case um cool well anyway here's the new Nova let's go ahead and rename you then the J NOA nice we'll uh we'll work on trying to get some more Blues into it um and for the moment as well I could probably if I really wanted to I could probably breed some of the other args here and um we don't have any eggs do we uh we could breed some of the other ones here and just try to get some more eggs but I'm just kind of taking a little look at the stats and realistically there wouldn't really be much point in doing that when you know this one right here has the only other stat that I'm really looking for out of uh all of those guys we just need to just try and get some more females like this one so yeah anyway we're going to wait for you to all be raised up and then we got to probably start leveling you and I think there's still that uh Alpha out here don't have my spy glass right now I got to grab all that stuff off of the old Nova before he takes off let's see come here come here bro I don't know what you're talking about I didn't rename you and and and give your name to somebody else that's that's a complete lie I have no idea what you're talking about okay and I cannot move oh no oh the Walk of Shame having to having to use you again here you go okay just hold all those structures for me me please oh hello egg I've only got one of you so I don't know I don't know who you're doing it with h very strange I know it's not uh fertilized but still who do you expect to be doing it with is the real question um all right let's uh let's just Chuck some more stuff into here I'm going to hit end to hide the rest of the names cuz that is getting very obnoxious it didn't work cuz I was in an inventory there we go nice all right I think maybe I'll probably I don't know if I'm going to make this one you know what let me let me pick up this one we're going to snop one on the end here I'll use the one on the end for structures I think just cuz uh like that's closer to the door and a lot of this stuff is super heavy so once again Nova I'm just you know I I missed you I missed you I uh I did not rename you and and give your name to somebody else we we'll talk about it after we get what we need to do done how about that it's actually just dump everything on cuz it's going to make it a lot easier uh how much weight is in here oh you know what actually we should be able to where does that land if I drop it out Landing right here okay that's perfect there we go nice and that's damaged so we'll just go ahead and demolish it instead this one can be repaired nice and we don't have a crazy amount of stuff in here do we uh yeah we have a decent amount actually all right can we move oh wow I'm super heavy all right all this stuff is going to go into here let's actually just name this thing into structures as well so like I said we're going to have to build one more Vault and then we also have that one out there that I will repurpose in here instead um yeah we'll probably have to do a couple trips without actually using Nova or sorry uh sorry no you're not Nova you're uh 354 Health uh so mean honestly I kind of hope that I'm not upsetting anybody cuz like some people people really do get very attached to the tames in the series and I appreciate that that's great just you know when we have a slightly better version now you know I can't keep using this one it doesn't make a whole lot of sense but you know what if I ever need a bird to take me back to the swamp cave you're going to be the first one that I will jump on to I promise you if I know which one you are after today he just pushed me away from the Vault I feel like that was personal you know what it would make a little bit more sense to actually back you up and just move you in front of it and dump out all those Parcels all right so I just bred up the new female with that male that has the slightly better stat so there we go we got an egg for you let me go ahead and grab the saddle for Nova and we'll uh we'll take the new Nova out for a spin try and get some levels on it going I just went ahead and moved the other vault in here and then I just had to move all the resources into which is a major pain but the doic made it a lot easier to move all that stone so um yeah let's see where is the new Nova there you are here we go go boom all right what do we got there definitely was an alpha Rapture around here somewhere is that it right there I think that actually might be it nice yeah that's it cool all right so we'll go ahead and just kill this thing real quick um we got a bunch of wolves there too I guess I could probably grab some more meat cuz we're probably going to need a little bit here we go let's do it oh yeah we are dealing a lot of damage with those head shot let me kill you before all those wolves come in please oh it's not going to happen is it oh they're Alpha boosted they're pack boosted they're everything boosted and it's terrifying um me try and see if I can kill some of them here dealing some decent damage with this thing anyway go we got the imprint buff and everything of course helping us out it's aim right there we seem to be hitting its head love that all right couple more hits it's very very bloody it's about to die nice okay let's see let me grab you and I'll bring all that meat back and get it all cooked up let's see come on wolves let's do it kill you guys give me all that meat give me give me your meat oh my God all right here we go come on got a Caro in on this as well okay let's just land down oh that's a 145 I'm killing wow okay I probably shouldn't kill that one I'm not sure if I want to tame it though I don't know I'm going to grab that saber there we go what level are you yeah only level 10 nice okay how many levels okay 16 is a good amount for the moment um mostly going to be focusing on I don't know if we should be focusing on the weight cuz we're not going to have this RG forever maybe you know what let's make a battle bird hell yeah there we go bunch of levels into the melee damage Little Bit Stronger probably not insanely stronger but certainly just a little bit okay not super great but not terrible what level is this doic level 115 okay yeah not high enough to just justify a tame on it but I will go ahead and get it to drown by dropping it into the water nice it's so horrifying yeah so um we'll just raise this one as like a bit of a battle bird for the moment um cuz obviously we have the other Nova we could just use that one instead of pumping pretty much every single level to try and get up to like 2K on the um on the the weight on that one or on this one as well wouldn't really make a whole lot of sense uh let's see let me grab did you H did you eat all of it already damn that was quick okay I'm rubber banding onto the DAR wolf love that can I there we go we good now am I okay all right I think we're all right let's uh goad and put you right there so let's see how long until this Argy can breed again 24 minutes okay so yeah you know what not super bad um obviously this thing is incubating up we'll have that red ready in just a few minutes and if it's not got the good stats I won't even bother claiming it we'll just immediately dispatch of it we're definitely going to be working on trying to get those stats together as we go forward cuz having the best rgy going forward is definitely going to help us out a huge amount cuz obviously you know we haven't really been taking crazy risks and going into the Redwoods a huge amount um so I will want to eventually try and get myself a thaa and do other things in the Redwoods and um we're going to need a good Argy for that cuz yeah it could be very spicy in there uh let's see so yeah I think I'll just wait on this then we'll just pretty much sit here and wait we got a battle happening down here one of the doic just died which is okay by the way cuz these are not uh yeah how come you guys aren't what they're like killing this doic right beside you you don't even care it's hilarious I don't really mind again like I don't I don't need these doic in fact they're down here with the hopes that they will end up dying um which is probably going to happen so yeah by the way I've just noticed we have like this kind of of a water like effect right here was that oh so we had a bit of a server crash or update or something I don't really know um everything colled back before I took your saddle away nice so does that mean I didn't breathe these guys anymore no God damn it Ah that's kind of annoying uh it's fine uh we still have a couple more things to put away please tell me okay yeah the vault is away I guess that makes sense cuz I did see the doic inside ah that it's kind of annoying all right well I guess we'll uh we'll go ahead and try and sort this stuff out again God damn it all right give me that saddle and I need to give that to you and then we need to fly you in and get you breeding all right we got our egg the second time this is so silly oh man all right well I guess you know what in case I want to change my mind about the Battle bird we we now have the opportunity um cool I guess I'll go over and kill that rgy again or not RG what am I talking about it's a raptor I'll go over and kill that Raptor again maybe we can stop the doic from dying we can change everything now everything's just there you know we can make it different we can we could be better this is so silly let me actually just start killing some of these wolves I uh I don't think I want to tame up the 145 maybe I will ah I probably should the only issue is right now I just don't have a proper taming pen let me see uh are they all chasing me they kind of are I think let me go over here and just quickly um get some stuff for this yeah we're going to need Bolas I'm going to need to turn off my auto turret yeah lots of little things oh is that where the Wolves went I was looking for them they're all over there dude were they trying to follow me into my base they probably could have been there we go killed for the second time uh where was that 145 which one's the pack leader uh not the one that I grabbed uh yeah let's quickly just kill this one I think you're the pack leader are you yeah this is it okay cool we'll just um I don't know we'll uh we'll Chuck it up here somewhere again I don't have like a proper taming pen right now so it's not ideal but um yeah we'll figure it out let's just maybe see if I can like knock you out like right around here let Nova get hit a bunch we'll just try to B of this thing did it get Bol what the hell okay there we go go uh passive is that a is that a raptor is that an alpha Raptor in my base what type of raptor is that what the hell I turn I turn off my turret for like 2 seconds and then we already have like creatures attacking you kidding me hang on let's do this uh you almost out there we go nice he let me let me get in here and sort this out okay it's just a regular Raptor dude what the hell stop get out of here literally 2 seconds okay I don't think the turret will shoot at an unconscious creature right I'm pretty sure they don't but I'm kind of nervous to do this okay we're fine um we just there's a raptor below my base dude 2 seconds the turs turn off for 2 seconds and the creatures come in what is even happening oh there's wolves coming now as well what the hell that's just not fair just immediately like what look at this look at these little turds what are you guys doing can I get under there I cannot what is wrong with you guys my doic was killed no we couldn't we couldn't save the doic we had one job save the doic save the world that's all we needed to do hello oh man all right hang on let's sort out these guys let me grab my own wolf or something all right how long until you're hatched uh yeah we're getting kind of close all right let me get in here what is that okay I know that's the wolf that we were taming nice got you killed come here come on where you where you going stop that level 40 pack leader get out of here here you go you guys need to just leave like this is just so unnecessary there you go nice are we good anybody else huh don't think so cool all right we'll probably um we'll probably just feed that one um like primer or something like that I don't know we should actually have some from the uh Alpha but it might not be enough time yet I don't know let's see yeah we're getting very very close on that we got like a minute cool and we're also very thirsty thank you for reminding me with those comments I totally read them all right well anyway um yeah let me get that thing onto tracking all right little baby RG are you mutated I don't think we had green before we might have though are you mutated you are cool nice um it's actually it's got a stamina mutation out of all things that it could potentially have it specifically is a stamina mutation that's funny um huh you're a female though yeah as silly as it is I'm not going to keep it yeah it it it would just it this it's yeah we're not going to keep it don't worry guys we we'll get more mutations I'm not that desperate for this one stamina mutation it's all good we'll cut this bit out too oh my God that was awful wow that was the most brutal death I've ever seen goodbye little bird so that's probably going to be the end of today's Adventures uh not a crazy amount of stuff but you know what little bits here and there that definitely add up and uh you know go towards our our main goal of just progressing for the moment uh the 145 direwolf by the way I got to mount it cuz I just relogged and I'd have to relog again to fix the stupid issue with the orp whatever it's fine this one right here actually had some pretty good health um so yeah we'll try we'll try and incorporate that into our um our stats once we have the other stats combined we'll try and get that one in too um on top of that we're going to try and get those ARG stats together um I don't know really how many it's going to take and I'm going to try and do between episodes but it really kind of comes down to whether or not I get the luck between episodes cuz you know that might not happen but um yeah I'm pretty happy with everything that we've done here today though you know we got a a good few things actually done which I'm super happy about so um yeah I think that's going to be it guys if you have enjoyed this one go ahead do me a favor hit the like button and if you want to see more like this subscribe do all that good stuff and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Syntac
Views: 251,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark, ark survival evolved, ark survival ascended, asa, new ark, ark 2, ark remastered, ark survival ascended gameplay, asa gameplay, ark breeding, ark mutations, ark building, ark argent breeding, ark argy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 59sec (2879 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2023
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