3 Days in Arctic with Bushcraft Hot Tent & No Sleeping Bag

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Luke here at the AR Boys YouTube channel and I'm here in the frozen tundra of Alaska and for the next 3 days I'm building Bushcraft shelters sleeping under animal hides dealing with broken equipment and I'm bringing you guys along for the [Music] [Applause] ride welcome to the Tiga Forest of Alaska I think it's time to do some camping so this is the tiger forest of Alaska the word Tiga comes from Russian it means little sticks in English we call these Trees black Spruce and they grow in the tundra and swamps of Alaska while these swamps are very difficult to cross in the summertime once they freeze over we can explore them but first things first I need to find a place to camp and I actually like this spot quite a bit most of these spruce trees you see are dead an invasive Beetle called a spruce bark Beetle came in here and wiped these things out that means lots of building material lots of firewood the air temperature is about 13° fah and this ground is still not frozen in the winter time the ground temperature is usually a lot warmer than the air temperature and the snow acts as a blanket that traps that heat in the ground if you can strip away the ice and snow and build your shelter on thawed ground it's going to be a whole lot warmer and there's a bit of mud right there this ground might be a little bit more swampy than I first thought we'll just have to deal with it all right I think it's time to start cutting some trees I bought this Hatchet in Hiroshima Japan last spring when I used it to take the limbs off these trees is it's uh 3:50 p.m. starting to get dark it's this close to the Arctic we don't get a lot of sunlight well I better bust out my lights now this wood is so wet everything's covered in ice going to use one of these fire starers here there we go yeah that's working you can tell everything's wet when dead Pine doesn't want to burn little fingers are getting a little numb I get all the snow out of my hair oh that feels amazing I've got a shelter I've got fire I think it's time to start working on dinner gloves are a bit wet I'm going to go dry them by the fire all right I got a sweet potato and a little bit of tin foil here we're going to wrap that up there you go got a nice pile of coals here to bury that sweet potato in the coals for about 45 minutes most Foods cook at around 375 de F hold your hand over the fire and count one 2 3 and when you can get to three without it hurting that's about 375° F so right about here as the fire kind of changes you need to adjust your meat I like a little bread with my steak so I brought along some bread dough I made this up like a week ago and didn't use it so I threw it in the fridge and it's still good yeah just got a little bit more of that sourdough goodness oh pretty little piece of bread right there we're going to have some herbal tea let oh that's done put that there let's take a peek well that's looking pretty good some honey and butter I'm going to put on there sweet potato is so mushy it's exactly how it should be going to put a little cinnamon on my sweet potato and on my bread we got sweet potato and cinnamon honey butter and bread and two massive chunks of seasoned steak there you go this is my cow horn mug I made this also made this griddle I got a video explaining how I made these things it's pretty easy I'll put a link in the video description below M there good oh that was good still got quite a bit of this steak left just go sit it in the snow bank and it'll be good tomorrow there we go oh that warms me up peach heral tea with loads of sugar in it tastes pretty good and it's just more fun drinking it out of a cow horn that is good right I really love this fork and plate both of them are antiques the fork is about 150 years old it's from the Civil War era handles made out of cow bone this is my fancy camping wear well now that we've had a fire in here for several hours we're starting to figure out what the ground situation is over here it is really soft like look at this that is just a big swampy spot right there so I think we're going to end up sleeping on this side well it's pretty clear that I need to make a bed if I sleep straight on the ground I'm going to get soaking wet and frozen I'm re feeling my water jug just a cup or two at a time got to melt a lot of snow to get 2 L of water [Music] [Music] these logs are all wet and covered in ice so I'm going to try to dry them out and warm them up before I sleep on them so I got all my firewood for the night and I got it propped up around the fire trying to dry it out I didn't bring any sleeping bags or sleeping pads but I brought my Caribou hide Caribou have these thick Hollow hairs they're really warm they double a caribou hide over on it self it's pretty thick actually gives you some cushion and lots of insulation let's see how lumpy this is going to [Music] be wow I'm tired it's almost 10:00 I'm pretty tired well instead of a sleeping bag I'm going to be sleeping underneath a bison hide tonight I use the Bison because it's one of the few animals big enough to cover me I'm kind of a big boy the nice thing about using animal hides when you're sleeping next to a fire is that these won't burn up Sparks can land on them the fire can get real hot doesn't matter you'll wake up long before these things catch on fire it's going to be very cold tonight and my water bottles will freeze solid if I don't keep them near the fire so I'm going to put them just right down here all right to put some hot coals underneath my bed get it nice and toasty it is late and I am tired I will see you guys in the morning oh good morning stayed pretty warm but the bed is so hard oh my feet are cold though my feet stick out from underneath the hide a little bit oh that feels good get my toes warmed up uh Frozen boots how many times have I put on Frozen boots and to warm up the honey butter oh that's beautiful got melted honey and butter I'm going to shake that up fresh warm bread and honey butter all right time to get up and do some stuff it is definitely colder today if I'm going to stay warm I'm going to need to make this shelter a whole lot better let me show you something weird about snow you can see this right here is the path I made with my snow shoes yesterday you can see where yesterday I walked on it without snowshoes and I sunk in but today it's rock hard if you stomp a trail down with snowshoes and let it sit overnight it'll freeze up and turn really hard snowshoes are great for building paths in the snow like this I want to push this snow burn back a little bit and make a little bit more room so I've been throwing my tree limbs and logs in here takes a long time for the fire to melt the snow but it's a lot better than shoveling woo there we go oh well now that I got lunch in me I think it's time to start building again [Music] there we go got my stove installed hopefully this will keep me nice and warm well I got my shelter set up just in the nick of time it's already starting to get dark luckily I already have a lot of firewood laying around I'm not going to need as much as I did last night [Music] I am almost completely out of water so we're going to go melt some snow been getting a lot of pine needles and pine cones in my drinking water so I'm going to go find a spot a little further away from the trees there we go got my leftovers woo it is frozen I'll just put it over here hopefully it'll thaw out well now that I've got a wood floor instead of all that mud I can change into my little slippers nice I can put my my boots up here on the wall to keep them from freezing in the night oh it's nice to get my slippers on all my wood is cold and wet so I'm putting it on top of the stove to dry out and warm up then it'll burn really well when it comes time to feed the fire well it's about 5:00 and uh I'm in for the night so I think I'm going to start making to some dinner all right I got some black beans here these onions are frozen so that when the drummed column arrived the British would be rotten and give way well we got a little smoke going [Music] on the logs over on that side we're starting to smolder you tell the logs are getting hot there pine sap bubbling out of them have to watch it carefully you don't want anything starting on fire oh yeah that's thought out nicely it's warming up well all right just added some rice SM this smells so good all right put a little hot sauce on there I'm so hungry this smells amazing I tell you what beans and rice are an amazing camping food not only are they delici ious it's non perishable and takes up hardly any room in your backpack oh that's so good want to check something here 2° fah compare that to what's inside the shelter put it right there give it a few minutes to warm up all right it's been a few minutes and you can see it's just a little over 50° fah here at the bed I mean it's not exactly warm but that's a lot better than outside but watch this I'm going to put the thermometer on the ground there on the floor it's about 22° when you're sleeping in a heated shelter the higher you can make your bed the better you want your bed to be at least as tall as your heat Source ideally a little bit taller well I've been in the shelter 5 hours and I've already gone through 2/3 of my firewood so had to go out and cut some more oh got to split that too I think it's time to go to bed I'll see you guys in the morning tell you what I slept a lot better last night was a lot warmer and more comfortable but I did have to wake up a bunch to stoke the fire I woke up uh about 2:00 a.m. the first time and then at 3: 4:30 and then 6 and then 6:30ish or so I was pretty much up so for breakfast I've got an omelette I made this at home it's got sausage and vegetables cheese eggs went and thre it in a vacuum sealed bag and then froze it now all I got to do is just warm it up all right got my honey butter sitting over here melting [Music] it's getting hot in here yesterday it was cold even with my jacket on and the stove going full blast I've got the stove turned down to halfway and it's still hot in here and it has to do with all this Mass inside the tent there's 400 lb of wood in here there's all my gear there's the ground the tent itself all that stuff needs be heated up and it takes a long time but once it all gets warm it stays really hot in here it gets really nice and even when the stove goes down it stays warmer in here for a longer time doesn't that look good this is so much better than dehydrated eggs all right well I think it's starting to get up and face the day oh I got to tell tell you it is so nice to have a floor in this tent it's it's so much warmer and it's so nice not to have my feet down in the mud it's an absolute luxury oh look at this my pants are all dry my mittens are all dry I always bring backup food for a lot of reasons and I had this bit of pork here that I didn't get to use and I was keeping it underneath my bed to keep it cold a mouse got into it ate up all that pork see that it's probably a v or leming I'll just cut off that part it's still good I have more trouble with mice than any other animal hands down and the longer you camp in one spot the worse the problem becomes it's like more and more mice find you when the mice get really bad they'll start coming in at night and grabbing your hair and pulling out bits of your hair to make their nest it's it's not great all righty oh it's 10:00 a.m. and we're just in time for the sunrise uhoh that's not good uh car doesn't want to start and it sounds like it's the battery it's 0 degrees Fahrenheit right now so I wouldn't be surprised if the battery's so cold that it just doesn't want to start [Applause] make sure it doesn't doesn't overheat I just need to raise the temperature of the battery like 20 30° I don't need to boil [Music] it all right that's feeling warm all right I'm going to try to warm up the engine block and see if that helps fortunately the engine block is way back there I got to be careful this K truck is sitting on top of 18 in of snow the snow gives way and it settles it's going to squish me all right we're going to give that 30 minutes or so and see see if that doesn't help well there she is once I got it all dialed in it was really nice this would have made a really good long-term shelter it's warm but it's not hot obviously this is a little bit sketchy got to make sure you don't catch anything on fire or melt any wires or anything oh it's like a chich and Chong video in here a smoke coming out aha woohoo this is living in Alaska in a nutshell stuff goes wrong things break and you just got to deal with it you know it's not like I could call a tow truck engine's warmed up let's see if we can get out of here well that was a good time hopefully you guys enjoyed this video and if you want to see more videos from the outdoor Boys YouTube channel make sure to click subscribe activate that notification button and I will see you guys guys in 2 weeks if you like this video don't forget to check out the outdoor Boys YouTube channel where we have hundreds of videos just like this and don't forget to click subscribe so you can see other great videos every Saturday morning and hit that Bell button so you'll get notifications thanks for watching
Channel: Outdoor Boys
Views: 12,578,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, survival, bushcraft, hot tent, cold weather camping, arctic, alaska, camping Alaska, survival camping, bushcraft camping, hot tent camping, winter camping, winter camping in Alaska, deep snow camping, bushcraft skills, adventure camping, kei truck, camping in arctic, coldest town on earth
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 15sec (1935 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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