Breeding the BEST DIGTOISE for MINING - OP After PATCH - Palworld

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So within the latest patch to power world they buffed dig toys and his ability to farm that or to a point now where the Dig toys I created and actually meant to share with you guys last week is unreal in regards to farming or for that metal top two in the game without a shadow of a doubt and in this video guys I'm going to Showcase to you how you can create the ultimate dig toys how's it going people my name is dpj before we go any further I'm giving away a couple of copies of this game or any game of your choice to be with a chance of winning simply drop a like on this video leave a comment down below and make sure you are subbed with those notifications turned on Good Luck everybody so dig toys when this game first released was considered the best early game Power for farming or it was then quickly realized in fact dto was far from the best as when sat as a base power it was actually quite slow and did minimal damage to those rocks well I wanted to test something out to see if the toys can be made made better and well the outcome I created even before the latest patch was a dig toys that just ate through Ro like unbelievably now the latest patch has seen uh said Improvement to dig to's partner skill but actually guys I think as a whole even without using his partner skill he's a much much better power than he was previously at farming those rocks in this video guys I'll show you the simple way to create yourself the ultimate dig toys with the best passives and how to get them actually very easily okay so the end dig toys we want passives are Legend Earth Emperor Moro head and ferocious so let's start people and firstly you want to get yourself a DI how which has both ferocious and muscle head on it di house are super easy to get and find so I suggest here guys you go out and catch a lord until you stumble upon one with these passives and now the end goal is one dial with both passives on and nothing else this will mean you have to breed di house to get said passive what I did was I caught a load of these douss until both passive popped up then I just bread said di house until I got that one di how with both passives on musclehead and ferocious with no of the passives on these are the only two you want and that di how baby so keep reading guys until you get these okay so from here guys now we have that di how with ferocious and muscle head on we need to get ourselves the legend passive this means you need to go out guys and get either jet ragon palladius or necromus these are obviously the legendary level 50 World bosses but we need that Legend passive and we need it on our dicts and these are the three I do recommend you going out and getting because when we bre with Dell it gets us to that next level and this is the easiest way of doing this me personally at of these three I think jet ragon is the easier to catch palladius and necromus come as a pair so you have to fight them both at the same time jet wagon's an easy catch in my opinion opinion I mean a lot of people struggle with this dude but hey yeah but get either all these guys you need one of these threee because we need to breed these to get that Legend passive and pass it on so once you have said legendary pal you now guys want to breed this pal with that dial we created earlier now the baby is a guaranteed Anubis but what we actually want here guys is a baby Anubis with Legend ferocious and musclehead we don't want any other passives on that Anubis now as of right now there is a bug on the game that certain powers that have been bred after the latest patch will drop with sometimes a guaranteed passive and Anubis is one of them Anubis will now be bred and guaranteed I believe with Earth Emperor now they did say that they're going to actually revert this change they're going to revert this bug so they're calling it a bug but to be honest uh the Earth Emperor passive is what we want on our Anubis baby but if you're watching this video and have already reverted this change where you won't get a guaranteed of Earth Emperor on your Anubis baby what you want to do from this point guys is go out and catch the world bus the alpha Anubis team right here on the map and once you catch this guy he's guaranteed to have that Earth Emperor on so once you have this world BS Alpha Anubis you want to breed this with the Anubis you just created which would have Legend mad and ferocious un read these two together guys until you get that NIS baby with all four passives on Earth emperor Legend ferocious and Morad that is the outcome we want guys so once you have this Anubis baby put him to the side for a quick second now what you want to do next is just three choices here you can either go out and catch a rusher a leer Punk or Le Punk ignis now it doesn't matter which one you go out and catch but you need to get one of these three with zero passives on it obviously I went for Rush it's the easiest by an absolute clear mile these are found all over the early parts of the map and like a level three to a level six so you can get these at super super low levels but yeah you want to get one of these any of these tree PS with zero passives on so keep capturing these guys until you get one with zero passives on that is our main goal right here people but once you have that said power with zero passives on again rush or Le Punk or Le punk ignis you now want to breed this with your newest we created earlier this guarantees you a dig toys baby but obviously you want that di toys baby with all four passives on it and they are Legend Earth Emperor musclehead and ferocious these all in one way or another will affect the attack power of your dig toys meaning when it comes to farming those rocks people it terrorizes them breaking them down in seconds minimal seconds now as you're seeing unscrew now this dig toys I created for the most part doesn't even need or require that part in the skill active to break down these rocks in seconds guys with the partner scal active it's even crazier now obviously my D to is a level four in that condensation machine meaning I've condensed another 116 de toes into him which I definitely recommend you doing guys this will considerably make him a much much better power performing them rocks for you I mean you can simply just carry on breeding your rush and your NIS uh for that for that dig toys keep doing this over and over then when you get baby Pairs and M pairs let's breed them together too so you have in total 116 we need 116 spare dig toes to condense into our main farming dig toys and then guys obviously you want to be using those power Souls at the Statue of power and level up a minimum of your dig toys's a attack this will see your dig toys being an Otter Monster now what I will say is obviously there powers in the game which will buff your um earth power your ground power upon having them in the same party as your dig toys this really isn't necessary you don't need this I mean as you can see I don't have any of these in my party and my dig toys absolutely terrorizes rocks and I've actually guys increased the health of my rocks through my world settings so it actually even destroyed his rocks even quicker than what you'll see mine do on screen now so yeah keep that in mind but yeah guys this dig T right now is upload the best mining powers in the game it isn't as good as ason the one I made have made a video on with that lightning strike because it would take out like 10 in a second but basically he's probably the second or third best mining power in this game especially guys if you're running around with him in your party and is throwing him at leure Rock he's unbelievable so yes if you want the best dig toys for farming in this game do what you got do and follow this guide but on that note the end of the video has arrived if you enjoyed it leave a like really helps out if you like quite to see and want to see more power be sure to subscribe and hopefully guys I will see you on that next one
Channel: DPJ
Views: 19,023
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Keywords: palworld gameplay, palworld how to, palworld update, palworld news, palworld best base location, palworld tips and tricks, best pals to breed, palworld guide, palworld base location, palworld base building, palworld tips and tricks early game, palworld tips and tricks base, palworld base design, palworld breeding, palworld pal sphere, best pals in palworld, palworld best pals early, palworld tips and tricks for beginners, best pal, palworld update xbox
Id: JhxTgpu1q7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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