Breaking Minecraft with your Dumb Ideas

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You know, Knarfy, you need to start doing this in other games too, and we shall see how much of a destroyer of universes you are. You know what? Maybe you're right. Maybe Minecraft alone isn't enough for a video on my channel. Maybe I should, uh, reach out of my comfort zone. Try something new. Oh no! There's so much destruction! Why does everything explode? The sun is so realistic. Where's the camel? Oh no! Nothing makes any sense here. What's going on? [heavy breathing] Yeah, okay, maybe I don't actually really want to be there. But hey, at least the lighting was pretty. [chuckles] Hey, hold on. That actually reminds me. Modifier. Put on the highest settings of the rethinking voxels shader pack and use it for the next challenge. Well hey, if Minecraft isn't enough to satiate your hunger dark aura, then maybe more Minecraft will satiate your desire for destruction. I'll just go ahead and, uh, and now would you look at that. We're ready for the first comment, because today I'm breaking Minecraft with your dumb ideas, only this time every comment has a modifier. I asked you all on my community tab two separate questions. One about breaking Minecraft and one about a modifier for the other comments, and oh man, we've got some chaos ahead of us. And if you manage to win today's video, I'll apply one of the modifiers to myself here in the real world. I don't want to have to apply a comment to the real world here, so, uh, please lose. The comment is this one. Oh, oh, uh, can we get that unblurred someone? So then, who's first? Use a repeating command block to spawn a lot of pillagers, enough to make it lag, and then ring a bell. This is a pretty interesting one, because if you don't know, when you ring a bell with pillagers around, it'll make them all glow. So we're just gonna let this run for a bit, uh, see what happens. I'm currently still using the rethinking voxel shader pack, because that was what the modifier is, and we're just gonna see what happens. Oh man, that's a lot of guys. Just gonna put that on the side of this. This isn't quite enough to fully lag the game yet, but I do want to ring the bell just to see what happens. Uh, boop! Oh jeez, oh jeez. Oh, that's considerably more laggy. Oh, that's actually kind of cool. You know, that seems like a pretty good number of pillagers. We're getting a good steady, you know, 10 frames per second. Oh, the sound. Alright, this is fantastic. Just gonna ring this bell, see what happens. Ding! Got it, got it. Okay. Oh! This is a lot. Ding! And glow. I'm not gonna lie though, it's not really any worse than it is with just the pillagers. When I ring this bell, it certainly makes it a little bit laggier, but nothing that's like crazy substantial. They all start to glow, and it lags a little bit more, but honestly, I feel like most of the lag is just coming from these pillagers. So that being said, oh my gosh, that was-- oh jeez, that was insane. That being said, I'm not sure your suggestion, uh, quite crashed the game. It was very cool, and it definitely lagged things, but I think most of the lag came from just spawning a bunch of entities. And that wasn't your comment. So I think in this case, I'm taking the point. So, uh, GG, even with the shaders, I managed to win this one. So that's cool. I like starting with a little bit of a lead. That helps. It feels great to be on top, and now I'm gonna remove the shaders. Because we've got a different modifier for the next one, and, uh, what's that gonna be? Do the next one in VR. Okay, I'm here. What are you looking at? Okay, well, what's the comment? Make a repeating command block that summons lots of boats in a single block. Let it run for a minute, then set the tick rate very high and jump in the center. Oh boy, oh boy. You know, the downside of doing this with VR is that if it's not high frame rate, you get motion sick. So I'm gonna die. I'm gonna put this here, and then all the boats can go on that block there. Oh boy, a summon boat. There, there, there. Command, oh no. 65. If I'm in here now, can I paste it? Oh, that's not, oh. Paste oh perfect. I copied the wrong 165 Now that's what we like to see oh Dropping those frames drop lots of frames. You're just seeing a lower frame rate, but wow this is Not too bad though. I can I can still kind of operate. It's just not easy Okay, well. I mean that's a lot of boats, so what if I just flip that off there. Oh my gosh They're all settled in oh I got to set the tick rate. That's right 500 here we go gonna hop on to the What the heck survival mode let's see what happens now oh I'm Can I get in it? Oh? I'm half dead oh There they go! That was way wilder in VR where am I going? Caught a chicken don't mind me just going through boats. It didn't crash, but like Man the motion sickness is real. I also have no doubt that with VR It's just more taxing and if I just I if I just key oh no Motion sickness alone on this one is enough for me to give you the point you totally earned it Do the next two at the same time oh man double trouble! First up use commands to give yourself a bunch of bee hives with nbt data of a ridiculous amount of bees 50 or so per hive should be good and place a bunch down once you Break them all at once your game should crash a lot of entities awesome What's the second one set up to a hundred repeating command blocks that summon piglin brutes high enough that they die of fall damage then put some sculk catalysts down and watch your game die. And more entities. Entities and more entities. Good thing I've got the command blocks for it Let's start with the second one this gold block is where a bunch of piglin brutes fall from the sky and land if I just place This sculk catalyst down will have some crazy things happen once I activate it all again But that was just one command block so I have a hundred just you know sitting over there ready to go if I press this Button it'll activate all of those command blocks and the sculk catalyst will go crazy on the other hand though We have this button which I can press right now, and it gives me a beehive with oh you see that nbt one tags Well, it's a tad deceiving because if I place this down on the ground um Yeah, that's a lot of bees I've gone ahead and set it to midnight and give myself night vision because bees don't exit the beehive at night I'm just gonna you know hold on! all right. I've set up a lot of beehives over here There's a whole chunk of them here This alone is gonna be a lot of entities And then we're just gonna be spawning hundreds and hundreds and hundreds over here too all at the same time with the click of one button Oh, let's see what happens shall we beep? Okay, so that destroyed all the beehives. Oh Oh Wait hold on wait. I need to fix this oh gosh. Oh no wait. I've ruined everything Oh each one of those little packets is a hundred mobs. This is a problem isn't it mr. Creeper, okay? Oh, that's a problem. Oh, so that's just gonna keep going huh, okay? I want to fix the beehives. Oh Man, I didn't oh none of these beehives are doing the things that's supposed to wait Oh, this is what it probably would have looked like oh geez I I um... I need to try this again. There we go with this button We will set it to daytime and activate all those command blocks for the piglins to fall right here and activate this guy So here we go oh It just immediately froze it didn't even it didn't even think about it It just like it was just like naw Since there were two at the same time I think I have to give you two points this literally has not moved like it It just stopped and it just hasn't moved take the two points. I don't want your two points And there it goes go to bedrock edition and make a repeating command block that summons ender crystals to one block turn the command block On for five to ten minutes and then turn it off Then go stand in the middle of them and then punch them make sure to have coordinates on oh boy a bedrock segment I'm not gonna lie I don't play bedrock all that much so this could be interesting I have no idea what this is gonna do, but we also don't have a modifier yet So what's the modifier plug apex gaming PCs during the next one? Oh, that's not too bad Right let's try this okay. Let me set up a command block Okay, that spawns end crystals and now if I just flip this lever it'll spawn these things So let's talk. This portion of today's video is sponsored by apex gaming PCs apex gaming PCs is a computer building company where you Can get a powerful gaming rig with great specs built by professionals and shipped right to your front door I need to get through this really fast before this gets really bad Um let me read they use great parts from trusted manufacturers, and they make sure everything works before it's sent to you I am absolutely terrified of this You can check out the link in my description to see the three tiers of PC that I helped spec out But if you're not happy with the specs we chose you can use their websites Configurator to change things up and create the PC of your dreams my dreams uh kind of look like this it's a nightmare I have nightmares apex is also recently partnered with bread if you want to finance your purchase You can buy what you want now and pay later with bread, and I'm also gonna throw some bread down there just because uh Product placement this is gonna be especially useful for any of you guys looking to get a PC for the holidays as a gift Or just as a special treat for yourself so with that being said head on down to the link in the description and use my code "Knarfy" for up to $250 off your purchase huge Thanks to apex gaming PCs for their partnership and for sponsoring this portion of the video I think that ad segment about did it for the time on this I think we're fine I assume I need to be up here And then I need to jump down and hit this as I go said stand in the middle and punch one oh gosh All right. I've got my bread. Let's see what happens Boink oh Oh Look at the coordinates go oh my that's why we needed the coordinates. Oh, I'm up here 33,000 blocks in the air Am I falling? I'm not even falling I wait something is still going on I'm still going up actually it looks like 61,000 blocks 62,000 blocks what the heck 60? Oh, I'm falling now. You can tell because my cape went the other way 62,000 blocks in the air um I guess I'm just gonna fall for all eternity this didn't crash my game though So I guess I get a point. I'm just gonna fall with my bread Ah, yes, the Sun is setting and I am still 56,000 blocks in the air. I'm just gonna I get the point gg If Knarfy wins this next round he gets to steal two points from the comments But if the comments win we get to steal two points from Knarfy oh boy And what's the comment use the tick freeze command to throw lots of XP bottles then after a while unfreeze Okay, this could this could end badly for me because experience bottles are not only entities by themselves when they're thrown But they also spawn multiple entities when they land and if I run the tick freeze command That means any of the bottles that I throw are then stuck in midair, and it's not it's not there Oh there it is hey these guys just were they're just gonna sit here They're gonna sit there until I unfreeze and then they'll throw I'm gonna make this a little bit easier on myself with the use Of an auto clicker which means things are gonna look like this But it's not frozen oh gosh, that's a lot of experience. Oh if this is any sort of taste of what's to come Uh oh boy, so let's go ahead and do this. I'm just gonna hit this button I'm just gonna stand here for a bit let things throw in fact I'm just gonna up my sensitivity to just spin around a little bit Lots of experience bottles! Editor, make something happen right now All right that seems like probably enough let's see if they'll load in if I move around a little bit Oh, oh, oh they were there. Oh there. They are. Oh, yeah, that's The prophecy I want to watch it from here, and I'm gonna keep it zoomed in so you guys can see what's happening too slash tick unfreeze go oh Oh no the orb oh That's so wild looking what oh geez oh Wow Okay, I didn't crash, but I think I was pretty close to it. Can I walk into it and like pick them up? I'm not gonna lie. This is rough. This is definitely I would a hundred percent consider this unplayable And I've given points for unplayable in the past the only problem is that this round remember the modifier I have to either steal two points from you or you steal two points from me Do I let you steal two points from me? It does look like I'm getting back to a playable frame rate I'm not gonna lie You know what this does kind of look like I won it you saw it you saw the lot of experience bottles And yet here we are with playable frame rate and not a crash in sight. I guess I'm stealing two points from you Thank you for the free points. I think that puts me squarely in the lead I get it squarely because I'm because because it's a world of square do the next one with the textures made of blocks Updated resource pack you got it, and I actually have it applied here It might be hard to notice check it out This tree is made out of other blocks even the wood is made out of other wood And the grass is not at all made out of grass in any way this pack is a bit more taxing on my computer That's for sure, but it does seem to be running smoothly So we'll see what happens because this is the comment make a super flat world with alternating layers of water and lava 50 times in a row and then update one block unless it crashes your game right after the world generates well I guess we'll find out oh Yeah, here we go. Oh oh oh oh my gosh. This is oh geez oh okay wait if I go into spectator mode Oh, here's this this is it's not updated. Oh, this is a village. We're gonna stand over here This is gonna be interesting so in theory if I break a block oh Uh-oh it seems to already be trying to update. I heard the sound earlier So maybe something is happening. Oh, there's like there's lag spikes every once in a while. What's what's going on here? Oh, oh no. Oh, I didn't even realize this is oh, there's that house over there's on fire It's just immediately got way laggier what just happened all of this is obsidian now. Oh, no yep Nope, that's it. Oh rip. alright it updated and it was insane I don't think the texture pack had anything to do with it, but like wow that was a good suggestion look at all that fine You get the point take it a simple yet effective solution double points alright. I like it very fun What's the comment spawn a whole bunch of dragons using a repeating command block And then use the pehkui mod to make them as big and as wide as possible if that doesn't work then spawn a bunch of creepers Do the same thing and make them all explode it would be interesting to see even if it fails smiley face and cheese cool I'm Anticipating we won't get to the creeper part, but we might just do it anyways for fun if you don't know already Pikui is a mod that allows you to change the size of things for example this creeper is now set to 10 times It's normal scale and that means it also Explodes with 10 times the power so uh this... This could be interesting this command block right here is gonna spawn ender dragons And this command block right here is gonna set them all to a scale of 10 I don't think as big as possible is really gonna work out in my favor or anyone's favor really so for the fun of it We're just gonna do a scale of 10, and if I just flip this lever. Oh oh Boy yeah, that's the entire screen taken up by dragons now apparently. Oh, what are the sounds? Oh! Okay, my screen is just ender dragon, and I think the world is probably gone man We've had a lot of these today where I just like do one thing and suddenly it's all gone Everything's just broken all of its dead. This is an all too familiar sight I don't like that it's a familiar sight, but it is thank you game very cool fine with the modifier That means you get double points GG am I winning? I can't tell if I'm winning editor am I winning I hope I'm winning I don't want to apply that darn comment to my real life that could be a problem do the next idea But get an army of people in the server Oh, yeah This always goes well always goes well make a repeating command block that kills you and turn on immediate Respawns then set the tick rate to the max is this enough players for you garrett's here You've never been in a video alright guys Are you ready to all die and suddenly respawn all at the same time everybody jump up and down if yeah? Yeah I see a lot of people standing completely still the server is about to crash all right here We go ready three two one go yeah, oh there. They'll go yeah Alright well yeah, this is this is going well. It's not breaking yet. It's still still okay Let me see what happens if I turn this off. Oh. Oh, they're they're alive. Maybe they're alive. They're all very broken Oh, yeah, we got players running around again. Yeah, they're all still alive Crag just flew over my head that was terrifying I have an idea now everyone has a totem of undying in their main hand and then now if I do damage at a 1000 excellent now enjoy I Think it's working. Okay. This is not at all what the comment said, but I think it's hilarious We're getting some lag now all right. I did it to myself. I didn't put the parameter in where I did it Where it doesn't apply to me! This is what we're here for if you guys think you deserve the point spam yes in chat in-game chat Yeah, that oh yeah that okay Well, I don't know what else I expected really On as many withers as you can in a small enough hole that they can still fit in but still small spawn a sheep give It max resistance then set the tick speed to the max all right great suggestion But one small problem with withers even if they're in a hole they just they just fly out of it I'll figure that out in a second. What's the modifier do it while you're in a kitchen sink mod pack your choice Oh, oh boy So the kitchen sink mod pack that I went with was the low res bones trailer Recreation pack and before you tell me that it's not a kitchen sink pack Modrinth says it is so gotem lowresbones is cool So I wanted to use the pack anyways, so let's do it This does include some pretty you know hefty shaders and a lot of cool resource packs and a lot of cool things And then we're gonna just mess with it and see what happens, okay? I'm just gonna do this Boop okay, that's cool now and now that mob griefing is off This should allow me to put some oh is dark should allow me to put a sheep down here give this sheep resistance infinite 100 true yes, so now that sheep is like immortal and now I just put a bunch of withers in here But you'll notice that yeah, this guy's gonna be totally fine. I think he's gonna be fine, right? From out here it sounds insane. I'm just gonna do this and just flip that on oh boy. Oh Boy this guy he's fine. He's not even phazed. They're all just hurting themselves. They're hurting each other I fixed the entity cramming too oh geez oh the motion blur. Oh, yeah Oh, yeah, we just reset all their healths really quick by removing them all and respawning them. Oh my gosh I love that this mod pack has like the muffling sounds behind walls thing the sound physics. It's so cool But the moment I go in here That's a sound Hey look it's an arrow pointing to the subscribe button, okay, so I don't know exactly what we were going Expecting here. This is just what's happening. It's just not really doing much to be fair though This is just gonna keep spawning withers so ultimately this will probably crash. Okay hold on now hold on Let me just oh my gosh. Let's just see like you're fine You've got no problem in here one wither can actually affect the sheep right, but once you gain any more withers in here It just becomes a complete mess just a good Good few more withers here just a few more. Oh Yeah, this motion blur doesn't know what to do and I assume once again if I just need to go in here It's just gonna be yeah smears Everywhere. It just looks like a bad movie like I don't know what to do. Well Do I give it to you though? Yeah, I mean it's it's just gonna slowly I mean, you know ultimately spawning a ton of entities is just gonna make it unplayable regardless of what I do So I like the idea of the sheep with the resistance. I just Editor you decide I think whatever you decide. Yeah, that's the one. Okay. Well, hopefully that was the right call I really hope it was correct. It was good It was a phenomenal call and it means I probably means I lost it's fine I'm used to it by now, but that does mean that the modifier is going to apply to me here in real life But what is the modifier that's going to apply to me here in real life? Well add massive random explosions to the next idea So it I couldn't do that in real life anyway, so it doesn't matter it's fine. I'm totally fine
Channel: Knarfy
Views: 787,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Knarfy, Knafy, Minecraft, Mods, Funny, Showcase, family, clean, safe, minecraft, mods, funny, breaking, break, breaking minecraft, minecraft chaos, chaos mods, immersive portals, modded minecraft, minecraft popular mods, showcase, minecraft update, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, mod showcase, minecraft meme, minecraft funny, funny commentary, best minecraft mods, mod, minecraft fabric, minecraft memes, java, chaos, minecraft custom, no swearing, family friendly, memes, challenge, lowresbones
Id: SvUNxS9CDxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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