Breaking Minecraft with your Dumb Ideas

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I'm rooting for Knarfy. Who's with me? It was me, I'm the guy rooting for you. Knarfy deserves to wi- I actually have been roo- (chaos ensues) (EXPLOSION) I don't know why, but I always hope Knarfy wins these cuz of how little of a chance he has to win. Yeah, you know, I really do lose these a lot. My chances aren't high. But it's also interesting to see how many people are actually rooting for me in the comments. Somehow they've turned against their own team to root for me even though sometimes the points might be a little ambiguous... But reading those comments gave me an idea. What if we gave them what they want? Today I'm breaking Minecraft with your dumb ideas, but this time I'm stealing everything you have. Your points are mine! Usually if a comment crashes my game or renders it unplayable, then you as the audience get one point. But instead, today I get a point. Likewise, if my computer survives, then you get a point. Whoever gets the most points at the end of this video wins, and whoever loses goes to prison for stealing from the other one. This means that whenever my computer crashes today, the people rooting for me also got to help me out. This is gonna feel really backwards, but I'm so here for it. So with all that being said, who's first? Opera GX, remember your contract? Pfft, of course I didn't forget. I fabricated that comment just so I could say thanks to Opera GX for sponsoring this video. Uh-oh. Are you tired of the boring, one-size-fits-all browser experience that keeps wanting to set itself as the default browser for some reason? Then you should be using Opera GX, a browser that's intentionally designed to not be boring. Opera gives you the ability to choose from an unlimited supply of mods that allow you to change things like the colors of your browser. Check that out. Very nice. Different colors. Your home base's wallpaper. Check that out. Also, check that one out. That one's animated. You can change the background music. Wow. Also, the keyboard sounds. Hear that? And even the opening and closing sounds of tabs. Watch this. Ready? Ready? Ready? Ready? Click. I closed it. You can toggle mods on and off in the mods menu here on the sidebar, and you can mix and match mod features from different mods. Tired of the mix you have now? Find another one that fits your style in the GX store. This one I've been using here is called the Minecraft Experience, and honestly, it's a vibe. There's a couple of Minecraft ones. It's kinda fun. I personally legitimately use Opera GX as my daily driver, and something I found myself using more than I thought is their generative AI integration. Over here on the sidebar, you can set up ChatGPT and ChatSonic for easy access to AI chat features. I use this a ton for rewording things like YouTube video titles and for inspiration on thumbnails. It's super handy. It's just like right there. I can just click it, and then it's done. Plus, if I go ahead and just like highlight this text here, you can see that Opera has smart AI prompts integrated throughout the browser, so you can just highlight things and get some extra info or have the text quickly summarized and explained to you, which is really cool. I actually didn't know they could do that. On top of all of that, Opera GX also has features like GX Control, where you can limit the browser's CPU or RAM usage while gaming, and full compatibility with other browser extensions that you might be using already, all of which you can easily import with the Quick Import tool. If any of that sounds useful or fun to you, head on down to the link in my description or in the pinned comment down below to try Opera GX for free. Thanks again to Opera GX for sponsoring this video. Now, who's actually first? I have an idea. Put the tick speed to the highest you can and put a hundred repeating command blocks spawning withers. Oh boy, of course we're doing that. Tick rate, one thousand. Oh, geez this going so fast that these guys don't even know what to do. Can I do like five thousand? Oh gosh. Okay, let me tick freeze for a second so I can place the command blocks. Summon wither. Boom, okay. And they said put a hundred down. Oh boy. Two, three, four, ten, six, four, seven, eight, four, five, six, six, seven, eight, nine, one hundred. And now all we have to do is slash tick unfreeze. This is going to be interesting because this might immediately crash. Oh, geez. Oh gosh. Oh gosh. Oh no. Oh... Hey guys. Welcome back to your completely standard Knarfy video. Spawn a billion mobs. Yep. And you know what's great is that if this crashes, I win a point and it's looking like it's probably gonna. My plan. It's working. Look at on the bottom left. It's just all summoned new wither. Look at all the blue skulls going places. Oh my word. Oh yeah. We got eight thousand entities. That's pretty nice. Every tick we're gaining another hundred entities, which is absolutely insane. Also for the record, I did give myself a little bit of a handicap. As you can see on the right side, it says embedium renderer. We're running sodium right now. which is kind of insane. What is happening right now? Look at this. Look at this mushroom cloud of withers that's happening before our eyes right now. This is absolutely ridiculous. I don't even know what to do with this. This is just, oh my gosh, look at all the carnage on the ground. Also every once in a while you could just see like a ton of those wither skeleton skulls going towards that one sheep in the middle there. Look at that. What the heck is happening? The number of blue skulls is just increasing. It's all exponential. This has got to crash it, right? It's gotta Please, please crash. I want a point! Today I get a point if it crashes. So I want it. Please, please. It just doesn't end. Black screen. It decided to blip out of existence Let's go. So that means I get a point because I get points for crashes today. I like being in this position. This is a great time. I'm a fan of this. All right. Next comment. Spawn a ton of withers while you talk about today's sponsor. Oh, oh, I'm sorry. You're a little bit late to both of those actually. I mean, you can go back. You can go check out the Opera GX sponsor and you can also check out the withers that we just spawned a ton of. But I see what you're trying to do, though. I appreciate the comment. I appreciate that. Anyways, go check out opera GX and go look at the withers. A big red subscribe button that explodes when Knarfy does a shameless self promotion. Oh, wow. Well, would you look at that? There it is. That's kind of crazy. Yeah. You know what's crazy is this actually reminds me that only about 30% of my viewers are actually subscribed to this channel. So if you're interested in sticking around and watching more content like- Here's a way you can break Minecraft. Make it so that chickens duplicate themselves every five seconds. You start by spawning one chicken and then by the time one minute has passed, there would already be thousands of chickens with their numbers growing exponentially. All right. To do this, I'm going to set up a little clock. Execute at every chicken. Run, summon chicken. So now, in theory, if we test this, I'll place a chicken down here. And if I spawn a new chicken, nice. So that's at that chicken. I hit this button again, it should spawn a chicken on each one of those. Nice. And then this, which is now eight chickens. Awesome. This is going to be great. And by great, I mean horrible for my frame rate. Alright now I gotta do some redstone. Gotta pull a mumbo jumbo real quick. OK, so in theory, if I do this, nice. Okay, so this is now a clock. So this means I'll take this command block and I'll just put it right there. This now means that every five seconds, chicklens, chicklens? Chickens are going to duplicate. At least that's my hope. We're going to find out right now. So I removed all the chickens from this world so we can just start it off with one. And this is what we'll do. Place one. Hey, buddy. How's it going? All right. There's a new chicken. All right. There's more chickens. There's four of them. And now there's eight of them. And we're just going to let this run. We're just going to kind of sit here for a moment. Oh, gosh. Oh, no. Oh, this is already this is this has been like no time at all. There's already so many. Oh, geez. Oh, geez. This mountain is just looking like it's getting covered in snow. Like, what? Oh, man. Oh, man. Oh, this is actually awesome. This is actually so good. Dude, it hasn't even been a minute. This is how many chickens we have? This is clever because I'm pretty much hands off on this. It's just going to slowly duplicate itself over time. Oh, that the piston is freaking out. We slowed down a little bit because of just how many entities there are. So the tick speed is kind of also slower, but it should tick over in a moment. And that might be where the game decides that everything is going to crash. Oh, my gosh. Oh, no. Oh, no. Wow. This is this is insane. What do I even do at this point? I guess I just wait for more chickens to appear. Like, I don't know what to do. Yes. What a beautiful sun rise. Sunset sun. What a beautiful sun. Oh, oh, no. This started with one chicken and now we're here. What have you done? I mean, I'm so here for it because I get the point on this. But oh, geez. Still hasn't crashed my game, though. So we're hanging out. We're vibing. We're hanging out still. This is 16,000 chickens. If this switches over one more time, we're going to have over 32,000 chickens. Oh, boy. Oh, boy. It's gonna it's gonna get there eventually. It's slowly gonna get there. Oh, oh, it switched over. It hit the command block. Is this about to just completely crash? This is about to have 32,000. Oh. How are we still alive. How is this still functioning? Nah, the game was done. Oh, man. That was clever. That was good. All right. Well, point for me because it crashed. So I guess I- I get a point on this one. Man, I'm liking being on this side of things. This is great. Idea. Go in a cave or somewhere else with a lot of stone and likely underground, then replace all stone blocks with infested stone, then break a handfull of blocks so they get mad and start freeing each other. All right. I'm not sure if this will actually work but every single block that you see here that is stone is all infested stone. If I go ahead and break one, you'll see. Oh, oh, there it goes. How's it going? Oh, boy. Okay. So if I can I take these out in time before they start emerging? Oh, geez. How fast do they start? Oh, oh, no. I did give myself resistance so that I could get through here and like actually see how insane it gets. Um, um, okay. Is this going to slowly build? Is that what the plan here is? Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Okay. Okay. Okay. I don't know how this mechanic works. All of this is infested though. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh no. Okay. There's definitely a lot of them, but I don't know if they, uh, if they get each other out of these blocks fast enough to make a dent really. They kind of just, they just kind of show up. Although, although they're definitely, they're definitely showing up. What happens if I punch them really fast? Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh, oh, it's kind of working. Wow. I've never seen this happen before. This is actually kind of cool. Oh, interesting. They're all kind of on the same level right now. If I just spam click with everyone on this level, this is actually ridiculous. This is actually so much. This is actually so excessive. I think if I did spam it enough, it definitely would get to a place where the entities would overload the game. But I think there's also an argument to be made that I could also just stop this from happening. Okay. Okay. Oh no. The block I was going to try to stand on. Oh, got it. Nailed it. Oh, that sounds hurt my ears. Jeez. This is so, it's so high pitched. Okay. Well, we've got a bunch of them here, but, uh, this takes a really long time and it takes a lot of effort from me. Uh, and I don't want to do that. So I'm willing to give you a point on this one. Congratulations. You get a point. You're no longer pointless. I am going to get rid of all these. Oh, oh my word. Okay. That's way better. I'm in the lead and I'm also confident that you guys get to break my game more. So like I have confidence in you. Therefore you get a point so that it's, uh, so you have less confidence in yourself. And so that I, this is really backwards and I'm a little confused, but I think that's how it's working. idea I have is load up the snapshot 20w14infinite, build a portal and throw a book with the words, crease shanks organize or logo written inside logo was a guaranteed crash for me. Yay. Crash game woo All right. Here we are. If you don't know 20w14infinite was the April fool snapshot in 2020 and the infinite in the title is exactly what you might expect. There is infinite Minecraf. Let me, let me show you what I mean. Usually when you go to the nether, it's a kind of a pretty normal experience, something that you might expect. But in this case, if I put library, I think that's the one in here. Uh, library, and then throw that into the portal. You can see it changes the color. And if I go through here, uh, you'll see that we have a new dimension. I'm actually so glad that I got the right name there. This snapshot allowed you to grab pretty much any book from any of these bookshelves, which each of them were different based on their block placement. As you can see, they each have some like, weird random numbers and letters and whatever. And if you throw it into the portal, it creates a new portal to a different dimension. And each one of them is very chaotic. Oh geez. Where am I? This is insane. Okay. I'm going back. I'm going back. Oh, I'm back at the overworld. Okay. Okay. I'm back at the library. Take this book. Let's see what's in here. Whoa. Nether and end combined. Whoa. I'm going back. My favorite thing about this snapshot though, is that there are Easter egg dimensions and you can actually access them by writing your own books. So in this case, let's do logo, logo, sign and close exactly what they said. Boom. And let's go in. Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh no, it really did crash. Oh my gosh. Okay. Well, hey, point for me. That's actually kind of sick, but I did want to go back in there. Hold on. Let's go to a dimension called message because that's one that I think actually does function. We apologize for the inconvenience. That's it. That's the whole message. That's the entire, that's the dimension. That's it. This is rooms is what this is called. Oh, oh, it is kind of a room. Whoa. And there's like doors into other. Whoa. Oh, this is just like the overworld, but it has rooms. That's actually so sick. But that's not what we're here for. We're here to crash. I'm gonna try the other one they suggested. I can't, I can't actually use the other one that they suggested though. I'm falling into the void. But what did work was logo. Let's go. And it immediately crashes. That's actually so cool. Nice. Well, that was a great little way to crash the game. That means I get a point. So who is next? No, no. If he uses Pehkui, he should summon a ghast fire ball and make it huge with the mod and punch it. Heck yeah, Pehkui is one of my faorvite mods of all time. So I'll go ahead and just summon a regular fireball here. Set the scale to twenty. Oh no. And what better target is there than a oh you can't even see Than this giant subscribe button. See see if I can even aim this correctly can I even I can't even see the button behind the fire. Okay, uh, three, two, one, go! Oh my gosh. Oh jeez. Does it actually explode? Wait, did it disappear? Where did it go? I don't know what happened. Should I bring it closer? Oh wait, oh I could even summon a fireball. Wait a minute. Oh! Okay! So it does work. Oh my gosh, there's fire all the way over there. What the heck? Wait, okay, hold on. So if I scale this up, I'm gonna set it to 100. If I just slam this into the earth real quick. Oh boy, oh boy, there it goes. Oh no. Okay, it landed. I don't know what's gonna happen. I'm actually genuinely kinda concerned that this is just gonna completely fry everything I know. Look at this. Look at this subscribe button. Look at it. It's gone. It's destroyed. Speaking of which, by the way, while we wait, can you, have you subscribed yet? Have you subscribed yet? You should, you should subscribe. You should do that. That'd be great. I know we already talked about it and I know I exploded because of it, but I'm sure nothing bad could possibly happen because of it, right? Oh jeez. Oh, we're stuttering. Look at the stutter. Look at the stutter. This is very concerning. Uh, I am quite concerned because this was, this was a lot. This one's supposed to be five times as much. I just tried to change the time of day and, uh, the, the game rule that deals with daylight cycles. So the sun's not supposed to be moving right now. It definitely is though. It's definitely moving. It's definitely going places right now. We got any updates here, Mr. Big giant fireball that's supposed to blow everything up. I'm really stuttering. Jeez. Is my ram gonna be able to handle this? I don't know if I have enough ram allocated to this. But I mean, I'm down for it. I keep forgetting that all of these points are going to me if it crashes. So I'm down for it. No complaints. No complaints at all. I don't know if I should be this close. I feel like I'm gonna, I feel like I'm gonna miss it if I'm that close. Ah, the classic sit back and watch breaking Minecraft happen. It's a good time. Okay. Well, it's been sitting here for a while. So here's kind of what I'm thinking. What happens if we save and quit? How long will it take to save the world? Because sometimes it just doesn't save the world and everything just dies. Hmm. Yeah. Uh, I think it's broken. Pretty sure we successfully broke Minecraft on this one. And I'm pretty sure that means that I get a point because I get the points for that. Soooooooooo... Ha, take that. I'll force close it myself. Who's next? Knarfy, take five free points to make it more interesting. Oh man. Thank you. I appreciate that. That's really kind of you. I have a, I have a question though. If you're giving me those points, right? And, and technically today the numbers are flipped. Does that mean that those points are going to go to me if I was, uh, trying to not crash the game? Because like, because like it's for Knarfy and Knarfy usually is trying to not crash the game, but instead today I So do I go with the teams or do I go with the names? I'm not sure entirely, but I, I don't. Editor make it interesting. You know, maybe give me some points or maybe give them more points. Maybe give both of us some points. Ah, now that we all have the points that we deserve, who's next? Play immersive portals. Use item create connected rooms around you until the game breaks. Create. Oh boy. Create five connected rooms around you. So you may be wondering what does this item actually do? Well, I'll show you. If I go ahead and just right click here. Hopefully. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Here we go. I'm just going to go through here. You'll see that we have a portal through each one of these. If you've never seen immersive portals before, uh, this is probably super trippy, but this is done with the immersive portals mod and, uh, it's really, really cool. It just generates five rooms with random blocks. In this case, there's one that you can just kind of walk through, but every single time is different. So if I do it again you see terracotta beds, we got walls, we got lightning rods and stairs through here. Boom. Nice. And you could just go through all of these. It's so trippy. It's so trippy. What if I just like spam click this like three times. I just clicked it three times. Let's see what happens. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh, whoa. Oh, it didn't like the doors. Cool. Three times was easy. Uh, what about like 10 times? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy. Here we go. Here we go. Finished finished finished finished. Oh my word. Oh gosh. It caught me. Oh no. Oh, whoa. This is actually so cool. Okay. I'm just going to stand here in the middle and I'm just going to spam click this for like a little while and just see what happens. Do you hear that clicking? You hear that many clicks I'm doing right now? You see this? You see how many clicks it's going right now? It's super fast. Super fast. So many. Oh my gosh. Oh no. Oh geez. Oh, I'm in one. Oh no. Rendering fewer portals because laggy. Ya don't say! I can't imagine why. Whoa. That's weird. Okay. It still hasn't crashed yet. We're still doing all right. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. That's actually so cool. Okay. So I guess I kind of have to move around a little bit or they just kind of stack up on top of each other. They do a great job of like knowing where the other rooms are. Oh, uh-oh. There goes one of the rooms. Oh, and they're still generating. Whoa. This is crazy. All right. Well, in that case, I'll just fly around a little bit. Keep clicking a little more. We'll just see if, uh, if I can overload this. It's getting there. It's definitely getting there. There's so many different blocks. Each one of these rooms has a portal in it by the way. So that's probably why this is super laggy. It tried to minimize the lag by, uh, rendering less of the portals, but I don't think it's helping. I am just spam clicking this right click as much as I can. There's just so many rooms already. Oh, those are portal helper blocks. That's crazy. It's choosing modded blocks too. Oh geez. Yep. It's getting laggier. It's getting laggier. This is insane. This is so much. This is so absurd. Oh, something broke over there. I got stuck on the smithing tables. Keep going. Keep going. Oh my gosh. All the cakes have candles on them. Look at that. Look, they all have candles. Look, the blue candles, the black candles. That's so cool. This is the craziest looking world, dude. This is freaking absurd. At this point we're already in the realm of unplayable, but I kind of want to see if we can push it even further to get a crash. Memory seems not enough. If you experienced GC legs, let's try to shrink right or distance or allocate more memory. Well, funny you should mention that immersive portals. I'm not gonna. Things are slowly getting worse and I'm inside some fences now. Oh, I went through the fences and now I'm in bamboo. Wait, hold on. If I put my distance down to two, does this fix things? Oh no, not at all. Not remotely. Not even close. I'm gonna turn up my render distance to like 25, you know? Because like what could possibly go wrong, right? Oh man. I'm stuck here. I'm breaking. I'm breaking out. I'm trying to break out. How do I get out of here? Please, please let me out. I'm in glass now. What? How did I get here? I do not understand. Oh, it was a portal there. Okay, that makes sense. This is one of the most trippy and chaotic experiences of my entire life. I got out. Oh, I'm out. I'm out. Oh no. I'm falling and I don't think there's any way I can fly because it's so laggy. What does it look like if I look up? Oh my. That's a lot of dragon eggs. Okay, well, this isn't even done yet and I'm getting memory warnings from immersive portals. So I'm not gonna lie. This has probably broken the game in many ways that we haven't even seen yet. So for that reason and because of this zero frames per second frame rate I'm getting, I'm gonna give myself the point. I think you successfully broke the game and I get the point on this one. So good job to you guys. Thank you for the point. I'm gonna close this world before my computer actually lights on fire. Extra points given to Kearney. Two. Kearney? Who the heck is Kearney? Is this some other person that's competing with us? I guess add Kearney to the scoreboard. Kearney has two points. Kearney, enjoy it. But I want more points. So we're gonna move on. If you go to an older version of Minecraft you can actually make the fireballs be significantly stronger. The max being 32,000 I'm pretty sure. Love the videos. Thanks, I love the videos too. 32,000, huh? That feels like a lot. We're here in 1.15 where this allows us to go a little bit above 255. And so I'm gonna use this command that I found online from command geek and yeah, that was just explosion power 100. And if we just add a few more, you know, you could dig down to the center of the earth. No big deal. Cool. Bedrock. But that was still just a hundred. What about 200? Oh, this is going down into the same hole. Okay, wait, I also gave it zero movement so I could just launch it into a mountain. Here we go. Explosion power 200. Boom. Nice. But they said 32,000, huh? Don't mind if I do. This right here is a fireball with explosion power 32,000. And I guess we're gonna find out if it actually functions. Oh, I can't, I can't launch it. Oh, it's just broken. All right. Well, uh. 32,000 broke the game. Done. Goodbye. Point for me. I actually don't know why it's not letting me punch it. What if I just send one down? Oh, I sent it down to the water. They both disappeared. Did they, did they go somewhere? Oh, those cows are frozen. Uh-oh. This, this could be, this could be detrimental. Oh no. Oh, the stutters. Uh-oh. Welcome back to stuttering gameplay with Knarfy because of fireballs. This feels oddly familiar. Wow. It's almost as if we did something like this in this video already. That's crazy. Oh, this is actually what I'm seeing right now. This stuttering is actually real. Explosion power 32,000 was a mistake. Oh geez. Oh, the, oh, it's frozen. Oh, oh, that's, oh, it's completely frozen now. Oh, we're back. Oh, we're back. It's still not done yet. We're still holding strong. We're still going. These cows have not moved the entire time that I've been here. This stuttering is painful, dude. This is rough. This hurts to watch. I don't want to move anymore because it's just so painful to watch. Oh, what the heck? All right, well, That's fine. I was going to just let it sit here and figure itself out and process and see if it would actually work, but I guess not. I guess it- That was awesome. It just disappeared. It was just like, nah, I'm good. See ya. It just blipped out of existence. All right, cool. Well, I guess that's a point for me. That might be my favorite crash that I've seen ever. It's just like, nah, I'm good. Peace. Oh man, who's next? Here, audience, including me. Take a free point. You deserve it for going through this all. Oh man, good thing you said including me because I would have taken that point in a heartbeat. Way less confusion about where this one goes. One point goes to the audience. Bu that still means that I win. Flipping this on its head, that was the best decision I ever made. All you people that were rooting for me, I want to thank you all. You've all done an amazing job. I'm thankful for all of you. I knew there were people out there that supported me. And this also means that I don't have to go to prison. All of you do. You are, you're all going to prison. We've captured all of the viewers. All of you. I'm here with the points police. Hey guys, how's it going? How are you doing? Here's Gerald, our totally real other third police officer. Uh... Don't worry about it. Y'all lost! You lost the battle! I got more points! Ah, this is the best! Out of you with your- with your prison suits. Y'all gotta do the time for stealing the points! Right, points police? This is fun. I prefer being on this side. This is great. What do you think, Gerald? You guys think he's ok? Like... He's fine? Okay, well, alright. There's no escaping now! Haha! Good luck! Good luck trying to- did I just hear glass break? Oh. Uh-oh. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no! They're escaping, they're leaving! They're going! No! Points police, help! No! What do we do? What do we do? No! Oh my gosh! There they go! No! I've got it! I can save us all! This is- this is the perfect solution! What could go wrong? Welp. I guess Breaking Minecraft lives on. Subscribe.
Channel: Knarfy
Views: 536,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: knarfy, knafy, mods, minecraft, clean, family, friendly, fun, funny, gaming, youtuber, breaking minecraft, breaking, dumb ideas, chaos, 1.21, explode, gameshow, game
Id: PXIHgpk2lZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 36sec (1596 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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