FOUND MYSTERIOUS TRUNK in the $550 locker I bought at the abandoned storage auction?

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Viking pool cue sell for anywhere from 30 up to $300 who's that anything this oh jeez Simpson the heck here so let's see what's inside show it get it up the nice hinge [Music] you all right we got all the tools out there's a little bit sports stuff up there and then the boxes boom over here that's what with magazines there's mostly like time magazines and there something like the 80s so you have this whole I guess nineties 80's 90's that's all vintage now so this bag right here I already peeked in here but I want to show you guys the billiard stick so pretty nice you find kind of manufactured markers yeah what's that say Viking yeah that's pretty cool out set in like that um feels nice I really don't know what the value is on these billiards sticks pool sticks I don't know you just put pull a lot when I was a teenager not so much anymore but I do love the game that's a nice stick well good thing I checked Viking is a good brand apparently used Viking pool cue sell for anywhere from thirty up to three hundred dollars so that's definitely some of them I put in the car and take a closer look at when I get home so that's that about the learn of this we got some more some kind of interesting stuff in here a lot of mad magazines those are apparently are becoming collectible you know that they cease publication but I don't really know five millimeter camera autofocus this one feels heavier and definitely feels nicer that's quality camera there the reason why I paid so much attention thirty five millimeters I look him up and sometimes there's some serious money if he had in them I listed one recently for I think seventy or eighty bucks and it's sold almost instantly Merlot here's a little vino [Music] that's also very old book is that super Oh alright guys here's a photo album lots of family photos also lots of stuff for a golfing like this kind of stuff scorecards and such for golf courses in the past who's that anything this oh geez Simpson what the heck what is this some sort of Ironman contest or something I don't know that's pretty funny pretty funny we got here there's another Polaroid camera that's good fun and this I think is better right here see look it up and see but there's a nice 35-millimeter camera Miranda sensor X I don't know I don't know feels good I don't I don't I don't really know my cameras but I know they sound so get get that one looked up and this box right here has a whole bunch of comic books here Shakespeare's poems Love's Labour's Lost Titus Andronicus Shakespeare okay don't do it that's pretty much all we got I got a little trash cleanup yeah I just got these two big pieces so let's see what's in here you up you up yeah it's decent I don't know how desirable these are any morbid jazzer Duke Ellington the straight Pink Panther [Music] Schakowsky it's probably for you they listen to you Beethoven yeah Neil Diamond you know what is this don't even see a brand on this selector hmm what's pretty clean them all right good I was gonna load this bring it home open it there it's so much more exciting that way but it is heavy it's not as heavy as I thought this is a beautiful gorgeous um maybe I should get the tripod for this eh all right you guys let's see what's in this thing man this is beautiful it's all carved on top get outside we'll take the closer look at this looks to be in good condition but it's really dark in here so let's see what's inside yeah we got a mess a nice hinge I mean China boo it's usually not oh okay I see trophies and I see costumes and this that's a Popeye right this is arms I put it on and goofer it on but up I'm so hot oh there's olive oil that's funny trophies looks like it's part of a costume you guys an olive oil wig look at that ooh that's pretty funny huh all trophies we give you guys a little closer see what I've seen here now all trophies and then like costumes used as packing some photos personal photos we'll get that back to them Bing Crosby national 1979 award these are worth anything it's kind of cool Bing Crosby's especially makes it cool there's a snow globe with most of most of the fluid gone it's pretty funny I don't know if that just splashed out of those my sweat was dripping on my line okay I know it looks awfully fancy doesn't it yes I'd say yes you know she looks fancy we have not been selling that source definitely very nice [Music] [Applause] 1979 that's pretty dope I might bring that back and look that up that might be something a little bit nicer 1979 alright guys well the chest is beautiful that the stuff inside not so much I got some glassware some tea cups and stuff that'll sell the trophies I don't think are the kind of trophies people are into the collectors you don't want their stuff like from the 50s but the chest alone should be a hundred bucks I think okay done just went into you grabbed me not one but two waters try to rehydrate I mean in there that it was literally just running off me to sweat I was just leaking water like crazy hot but you know what I don't I'm not complaining it's kind of fun I like the challenge it's like playing video game you beat the level one next time you're gonna play it on the harder difficulty and I'm gonna have some fun with that on the way home and get that cracked open and stick that behind my back but yeah it's loaded wasn't that bad really nothing was too heavy and got some decent stuff not gonna make a ton of money on this one but we'll make money and it was worth a shot right alright so we've got a few things we'll look up to my house some value there only time will tell check that out cluttered or so we have these old books that came out of the unit and these Shakespeare books are pretty cool not super valuable none of them really seemed to have very much value and so we'll probably just sell them at the antique fair not for much money a few bucks each but this right here was interesting so I'd pulled this out I didn't really think it could be 1912 but under closer examination I think it is you know what this actually is I believe this is a school yearbook from 1912 here we have the faculty and it's published by the senior class Union High School in Centerville what's interesting in Centreville is not really a city Centerville is a district in Fremont that's where actually I grew up I grew up not too far away from there athletics here we've got baseball huh there's the baseball team play the football team how about that 1912 there's the football team there's a baseball team it's just like their last names only track basketball oh here we go there's the track team definitely small classes the girls basketball team and the bone is a basketball team look at that a time editorial no wired listening this what they know about Wireless back then writing 12 that's funny isn't it okay so here's what we're gets I think pretty interesting eight years ago oh this is the wireless news eight years ago like there's a throwback for them so what that have been 1904 a mouse trees in the basement Diaz teacher were still suffering from the shock I think this is all kind of like funny stuff silliness a little bit this is interesting seen your horoscope of class of 1912 so we got Bruce Baldwin their nicknames play that pup tie bonehead Griff qui la la shrimp toots Maas sister windy it's really funny future occupation here's the horoscope future occupation it says what they think they're gonna be oh my goodness to grow fat Wow janitor distributor in the Beanery that's heck of funny don't embarrass me and their favorite scenes Oh stars alright so then here are the class pictures of 1912 these guys your book like this does not really have very much value but Wow does it not have like super interest level alumni that was the class could that really be all the kids that work the school favorite songs hmm those are different definitely different times yeah look at this everything to pharmacy I think that was still in business at least when I left there Niles caffeine of Washington press $2.00 per year a paper that aims to serve the people this is really really interesting to someone like me that came from Fremont I grew up there I saw that city change I was actually in Fremont earlier today and it's so sad to see how much how much development they're tearing things out that were icons for us as kids and just throwing in like super dense housing and I know that's the wave of the future but it's a still really sad to me comic bookstore that I used to ride my bike to for forever as a kid is now dog did you know where we shot scuba so I'm just pulling this glassware out those in the big box we've never opened that never got too far into it a lot of these over here so we got a mix here we got some from the locker that I bought with the Voodoo and the other stuff is from the pool longer most of this stuff is voodoo locker that the older mo magazines is from the tool Locker all the clothes here Cuba Locker voodoo I mean you know if that's proper term we had some Nikes haven't been carrying on from earlier lockers and we sold a bunch of today where's hitting one of it okay towels missing cheese and so accessories all home decorations all from the Cuban locker and we've been selling telling the tools unfortunately the boss hammer drill didn't work so hold that this morning 25 we have a lot of good stuff here come on against a lot of questions on this master to women on that box it's a nice box things I spoke clubs a couple people asked about that asking 200 the victor player here I sold that for 25 he's got to come pick it out no questions on this prior said of it gonna work well I don't know me I don't want to lock it so I do a dollar on it you surprised see if that combo works before you buy it well I don't know what's still quite a combination everything's free here we got free sale right here everything's free yeah all this does freak everything's free all that stuff down there [Music] are you guys well I hope you enjoyed that video good little Locker I'll tell you what I am usually not the guy that buys the tool Locker at the auction okay it's not really my thing I'm not really that knowledgeable when it comes to tools but I'm glad I pulled the trigger on this one I did it mostly because I could see those records back there and it looked like some older boxes I'm glad I did it it was fun you know we sold the heck out of those tools at the flea market 550 bucks let me show you right now how all the sales and everything came together so the locker cost 550 in the taxes 45 that's a total 595 dollars into this then two days at the flea market the first one which you saw sell in there that was $550 in sales of almost all tools and then the second day the leftovers we brought out and sold about 60 bucks we didn't sell the job box toolbox at the flea market we're asking 200 so towards the end of the day I listed it local and I sold it that night for 200 bucks brings us to total sales of 810 in a profit of 215 dollars that's a 36 percent return on investment it's not too bad but you know it's not like I'm really celebrating over that there's a lot of work and it was a very hot as you saw which makes it work even harder but we still have a lot of stuff to sell we've got a majority of the vintage items put aside we're bringing that to the vintage flea market all the old cameras the old books we also have this very cool Bing Crosby I thought it was a trophy probably because it's in with the trophies it is not it is a Jim Beam Jim Beam or Jim Beam check it out it's a cork pretty neat actually gonna have these on on ebay for about 50 to 100 bucks so we are gonna price ours most likely at 50 bucks you'll see that come up on our eBay store very soon if you're interested in that you can purchase it all right it's very cool piece actually I kind of like that that might be one of my favorite things to come out because it's Bing Crosby and that's that to me just as cool but we also have that trunk we didn't sell that at the flea market we're asking 200 bucks I put some you know wood oil on it thing is stunning really stunning I'm asking 200 bucks local I've got a lot of lowball offers I told a couple of them my bottom line is 140 and I'm gonna hold there because this is one of those pieces that people just get drawn into people like this piece it's one of those very just intriguing pieces me and the Bosch hammer drill the boss hammer drill I sold it for 120 bucks this is the I think the first thing I sold in the morning at the flea market didn't work the guy brought it back so we wound up selling that to someone else later in the day for $25 parts I was trying to get a little more like 75 I told everyone doesn't work you know once we found out doesn't work everyone full disclosure I tried 75 I tried 50 we won it taken 25,000 $95 swing in the profit I don't know why the people left the stuff in the locker no K we always try to get some part of the story we did find the lady's driver's license we looked her up and we find out that she did pass away in 2011 and I guess her husband passed away before her so it's interesting I think whoever inherited prized son or daughter put the stuff in storage which makes sense because it was the deepest the older stuff went in deepest and then the newer stuff was stuff that it was probably their possessions which was the tools probably something they used for their occupation but I don't know what happened since then I don't know why they defaulted but they did alright so but anyways very interesting Locker I hope you guys enjoyed it alright I kept the quick write to parts but the next one oh you're gonna want to watch the next one so at the flea market you saw selling some items a lot of the clothes a lot of the glassware dishware and then those Cuba pictures they're very interesting those came out of a different locker and I just want to say that that locker is is going to be very very kind of at a loss for words I don't really know how to explain this locker it's a weird one it's a very very weird one you guys are gonna want to watch it Campbell not hyping it up and I'm not click baiting you this one is weird so tune in okay I'll have that up very soon but in the meantime throw us that thumbs up if you would tell us you like seeing us do this sort of thing go through lockers subscribe to the channel if you haven't already okay we just passed 13,000 we're really excited about that and turn the notifications on because you're gonna want to know when this next one is up and ready to watch it's pretty interesting so anyways until then good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on Locker that's right one of our super fans Greg who commented and said hey make sure you check those ears this could be one of those collectible ones thank you for that Greg but I don't see anything you guys see anything on this little barrier here I think he's just a regular old bear no offence bear
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 18,086
Rating: 4.9424462 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, i bought an abandoned storage, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit, found in storage unit, Found cash, What's inside, Vintage Treasure, Found vinyls, Vintage LPs
Id: QYb3rrvglDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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