Enshrouded New Hollow Halls Update is MASSIVE & 2024 Roadmap - Everything To Know!

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only two months after the Early Access release King games already launched their first major content update for in shrouded the Hol Halls update or patch 0.7.1 point0 introduces well the hollow Halls these are challenging new playable areas in the form of dungeons which you can find in each biome currently available in the game these come with plenty of new enemies loot like weapons and armor you can pick up building blocks base decorations Quest and so much more alongside with a massive new update including quality of life improvements such as better stack splitting a brand new UI for looting items a dedicated IP address server lookup and plenty more tactical and stability improvements my name is foram and welcome back to the channel a new ined video in which I'm going to share everything you want to know about the new Holo Halls update so what are we waiting for let's get right to it the new Holo Hall update presents us with a perfect opportunity to ReDiscover and shroud it and check it together with friends on a fresh server this is where G portal comes in as I've been using their services for years now to host my own customade Community servers for all sorts of games I play like valheim rust as shrouded and plenty more you can have your own server set up and ready in no time for a competitive price as well and on top of that as official G portal partner I can give you a sweet discount or your next order if you use my personal ref link to G portal in the description down below so be sure to check him out if you're still looking for a nice server to host a shrouded or any of your favorite games and support the channel while you're at it so greetings Flame born the update basically went live Tuesday on the 26th of March so yeah now that you're watching this video maybe already updating your game you will have instant access to everything all the free content introduced with the new Hollow Halls update you might have already seen the video which already comes with a lot of the features which we're going to talk about in today's video but there are a couple highlights each biome now comes with a new playable area called the hollow Halls these come with new enemies challenges corresponding to the level of the biome with daunting new dungeons that come with multitude of new challenges and of course also exciting new rewards earlier today I went to visit the first Hol Halls which can be found in the starter region of ased and I got to be honest I am still maxed out with a level 25 character while the enemies hit me pretty hard so you can definitely tell that these dungeons are challenging they will be difficult to tackle especially if you're playing with others as then it will scale up the difficulty even further of course you can find new quests which will lead you through the new content you can start off by talking to Bazar The Alchemist to begin your adventures with Hol Halls while right here you can also find some new enemies and yeah since I already explored the first one I can already give you a nice sneak peek of what they look like so the first one was some kind of crypts with all sorts of skeletons we also came across a couple zombie or Undead dogs basically which I think have a pretty cool design while the mobs which interested me most were these necro monsters shooting projectiles from afar and sometimes also summoning new bolts which also deal damage to your character a little bit further into the dungeon we also found these skeletal manners let's say with sites they reminded me a little bit of those guys which you can also find in the mines in V Rising anyways without too many spoilers inside the Hol Halls you can also pick up a new survivor which will give you access to a whole lot of new recipes which you can start crafting of course with the new crafting station so all this is basically tied together the Hol Halls is the primary thing you want to focus on as this will give you access to all the new content you can unlock new weapons building blocks Furniture decorative props and a lot more can be found one of them which I came across during my first Hall run was this building block which I think looks really nice so yeah here we go the new building block the Holo house block let's check it out so this one with a foundation will look exactly like so well if we place a wall well you're going to have something like this a window I think all this looks pretty cool I mean definitely interesting new blocks to work with for a medieval fancy looking base though you guys agree let me know in the comments down below what you think about it the 60 HZ issue has been solved as well providing a smooth experience on higher frame rates I mean I'm playing with an RDX 490 so I didn't really experience any performance issues well this is definitely good news for the majority who had issues with it right now you can also talk with Emily the farmer who offers new potted plants of all sizes small and big if you want to add some extra color to the porch of your base important to know is that you're going to need a kill inside your base to produce lumps of clay which are going to need to make pots for your plants at the carpenter you can now also pick up some round doors you've probably already seen this but I think these look pretty epic I am very much looking forward to seeing what you guys can build with this some pretty fancy Hobbit homes share your Builds on our community Discord which you can find in the description down below at the seedbed workstation you can now also find a whole lot of additional tree seedlings many trees also receive new growing stages makes the growing process of all these plants look a lot more natural let's say I think this is a nice addition to planting or farming around your base in general well now at the plant bed you should also be able to craft Green Leaf seedlings the Red Leaf seedlings Nomad Highland trees Yuca Palm seedlings and so much more so for all those who love to decorate their base and primarily Make nature around it flourish well well I think these additions are amazing for his red as well players can now also sit on furniture such as chairs benches Thrones and toilets the primary Thrones so atalan you can finally sit on your throne right here how amazing is that take what you need well I'm going to leave what needs leaving and as final highlight the town of Willow Crush in the Revel Woods has been completely reworked as well so for everyone who is not yet familiar with Willow crush or new to the game if we open up the map and go all the way to the beginner area the cinder Vault right there with a brailin bridge well you simply want to go to the north and this is where you will find it Southwest of the ancient Spire of revelwood which we have in our crosshairs right now I'd say a massive upgrade compared to what it used to be I mean it was a pretty small and innocent little town while right now it's so much more than that reminds me a little bit of the city of like I mean there is a lot of stuff to do right now so definitely interesting to check out let's see what we can find right here guys dear Oscar you've always been my favorite nephew anyways let's get back to the base but there's more we have plenty of quality of life improvements so now we have improved support for stack splitting in the backpack as well as chest which I already played around with a little bit right now if you right click and select split stack well this is where you can and use the slider to choose the desired amount you want to split you can go for the bare minimum or Max very easy to do that add or subtract something and also go to the exact half the amount now we can finally also use the contents of magical chest in crafting stations which is going to make everything a lot easier as well something I thought was already nice but actually became a lot better right now is the new looting menu which has been reworked to allow faster and more convenient collection of loot previous system was already nice but this definitely makes it easier though while now items can also be crafted in Stacks sending items to other players will now also become easier with a more convenient menu there will also be a warning message if the backpack of the receiver is already full we also get a new ping function on the road map that allows for pointing other players in a multiplayer session to a specific area this is probably something in preparation for Content that we can see the future like patrols of maps or maybe even world events like bosses spawning around the world now if you want to join an online game you can also find servers based on their IP address wasn't possible earlier you were basically forced to add those in your favorite list on Steam while right now it's going to become so much easier while you can also conceal the IP address if you're a content creator streamer or YouTuber let's say and don't want to share the sensitive information with others this especially useful for people with a pretty garbage internet connection like myself I'm cly renting an apartment and boy oh boy downloads are so slow right now updating the game OD steam has been reworked to allow faster updates in the future so previously with every update no matter how big we had to patch the entire 30 gabt of game data on the hard drive right now only affected areas will be patched so this means after only couple megabytes or gigabytes depending on the update you will have the game ready to play this change requires a complete download one more time though but after that it will be noticeably faster for future updates as a security layer the game now also automatically creates backups of your save data in periodic intervals so should a save file become unreadable for any reason a previous version will be loaded but there is so much more to this update I'm going to be honest a little bit too much to talk about even but if you want to check out everything in detail be sure to check out the link in the description down below where you can find all the smaller bits in detail if you want to know more about it there is also a new road map to and shroud it all the things we can basically expect in future updates which I quickly want to talk about as well as this one actually contains a whole lot of content so let's quickly check it out again flame borns your feedback helps the team make a shrouded better and better you can even make your own Suggestions by the way by checking out the links on the steam page page but yeah a lot of this already got introduced with the current update the Holo Halls dungeons performance improvements smoother High FPS gameplay also some improvements to locations improved Lo ey workshops craft from Magic chest better stack splitting multiple NPC instances this is something we don't have yet recable glider shortcut check sitting on furniture especially toilets check approved post processing I'm not really sure if this is already there but we have more trees to grow round doors and windows botted plants new building materials already introduced plenty with the Hol Halls update replayable World quests better Quest sorting server gameplay settings server user RS also towns folk NPCs a vanity system while this is going to be super interesting to check out editable signs music instruments man I always love the instruments in R They just added this funy vibe to the game especially in multiplayer games this is fun to do while we can also expect townfolk pets later animal farming enemy patrols and a weather system very much looking forward to seeing these in the future as well as of course the mountains biome currently in development portals to other servers namable bases namable map locations multiplayer pings which are already there named tombstones so probably with your name possibly also a time when exactly you died and maybe also because of what type of damage new enemies bosses already introduced some of those with of course the Holo Halls update and some more fixes and polishing well here we can also see a glimpse of some major features coming later this year in our early axis sharing and visiting of other bases this is definitely something we're going to need to make the game more interesting as right now base sharing is not really thing creating and sharing gameplay experience is I'm not 100% sure what they mean with this but this probably is related to content creation streaming the game in general make all this a lot easier with I don't know some integrated features into the client let's say well we could also expect world events like World bosses man back in the day when playing World of Warcraft this was amazing while we can also expect instanced dungeons more biomes and water wow I'm honestly very much looking forward to finally settling down like at a Lakefront I just really like to have my base next to either a river lake or maybe even the coast that would be awesome to see in a future update possibly of course with some new biomes at it in the future but um that is basically the road map of everything you can expect if you want to have more features at it be sure to use the voting system which I also introduced can be found on the steam page as well all right so there you have it's everything you need to know about the new Holo Halls update in aoud 0.7.1 .0 which introduces the Hol halls and plenty more new gameplay features to the game very happy about this as it's only two months after the Early Access release which well gives us the opportunity to talk a lot more about as shrouded in the coming days ladies and gentlemen a big thanks for watching be sure to leave a like if you found this video helpful and of course if you new to the channel be sure to subscribe as plenty more is coming your way check out G portal with my personal Link in the description down below if you want to have a nice discount for your next server right now though it's 4 a.m. out I'll check you in the next video or live stream take care [Music] peace
Channel: 04AM
Views: 6,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 04AM, Enshrouded Early Access, enshrouded, enshrouded need to know, enshrouded guide, enshrouded 2024, enshrouded tips & tricks, enshrouded tips and tricks, enshrouded hollow halls, enshrouded hollow halls update, enshrouded update, enshrouded new dungeons, enshrouded new enemies, enshrouded roadmap, enshrouded major update, enshrouded new update, enshrouded patch, enshrouded new weapons, enshrouded new NPC, enshrouded news, enshrouded 2024 roadmap, enshrouded gameplay
Id: xn5z4f21Fl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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