Brand New cattle working facility 🐮

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breakfast time [Music] hey welcome back everyone we're just getting feeding done we got one load left so you know how you've always wanted a sponsor you always ask for a sponsor today you got one oh today's video is sponsored by simply saving completely very much yeah thank you we're taking a day off from harvest we're almost done number one it's sunday number two and we didn't want to get set up on another bin because it might rain so instead dad and i are planning on working on the new concrete over there putting in some just putting the fence back and getting the whole cattle working area back together ellie you got food up in the garage also i haven't talked about this they had a little bit of concrete left over and they put it right there and that's really awesome because water just sits there and that gets deep and it gets stanky and then they accidentally step in it trying to get into the tractor and then you fill your boot with stank water that is not good many of you know that my grandma had a farm sale recently and if you were wondering the farm sale went really good and we actually bought the grain vac and so that's going to help us especially with that bin that we filled yesterday on the other side of this barn because the last like thousand bushels there's really no way to get it and so we'll be able to suck it right out and we got a couple a couple of bins at jeff's place at the north farm it just doesn't work very well and so we'll be able to just suck it out and not have to put in the uh the really heavy but also slow sweeps that go in the bin that you gotta carry in manually so we're excited to own a little piece of equipment from my grandparents and it's also going to be a very useful piece of equipment for us so we got a nice milwaukee tools here we're going to be simply safe when you want to simply be safe how's that that's pretty good thank you because we're going to be putting the fence back up we might have to cut some it i really wish the wind would go down it'd be it's it'd be like a fantastic day if there wasn't dust constantly hit me in the eyes going with the clear vision today because the sun's not out so that'll be a different look for me fans yeah so if you can't recognize brian he's just got these ones on not the not the black safety glasses yeah so if i look a little heavier than usual it's the glasses magnifying you know how i look it just makes the rubbing on my abnormally lush eyelashes oh so that's bothering me a little bit so if it slows me down a little because you know i don't want to trim my eyelashes because i've been growing them out first thing we're going to do is the easy part of course we just got to slap up the uh continuous that they took down to pour we're just procrastinating we don't really want to do this that bad all right i think i think it's a lot better if we go get some ice cream first oh can we just not do this what next that one yeah we're gonna go here okay these these are a little deep now paper and i like but i suppose when they start filling up with a little dirt we're gonna need that to have some uh new word of the day gription grip encryption and they're sitting over there so we got to carry them over i guess and slap them up up okay so we're having a tough time well so we're getting pinched down there because that thing basically that bar is in the way and then we uh already fastened it down there and we don't want to unfasten it because that just you know makes things looser plus it's more work but we think we have to we really got to get this into here oh by the way back my way i know shut up bronx firehouse i really like these shirts like they fit well i feel like i look pretty dang good in them we need a break it's break time right ellie yeah so while we're taking a break we got a big box here i was setting it up ellie helped me a little bit she uh the lack of thumbs didn't help much simply safe is a home solution basically well right here we got a glass break it's i mean it's for it's simple and it's safe there's all kinds of sensors like this one's an entry sensor it lets you know if someone opened a door on the box it says set up in less than an hour honestly it took me even less than that it's monitored 24 7. my favorite sensor that they have really interesting i don't i feel like most home security systems don't have it but they have a water sensor and my dad is always asking me hey have you checked the sump pump lately because we got a finished basement one time dad woke up in the middle of the night and he was like man i feel like i haven't heard the sump pump in a while and of course it was filling up just dad's senses so that's kind of my most favorite of course next to the camera which helps you keep watch across your house wherever you decide to place the cameras this is the water sensor so it says just push the button sensor oh it detected it heard it i'm choosing a basement sump pump that's that's the thing water sensor named well that was easy one interesting thing about the unit is that it not only alerts you if there's like an intruder or something like like they also have a freeze sensor here if a window was broken and it was letting in cold air they actually alert the police so the police will come to your home and check out what's going on setting it up of course is really easy simply safe actually won the best home security system of 2020. if you want to check that out links below simply safe really easy setup has tons of sensors glass break motion sensor keypad comes with it they also have a doorbell camera so they they have everything i never know if the fridge did that or ellie i'm guessing the fridge or maybe it was brian here oh man something's burning should be somewhat strong if we got two goals in here fighting going around and then they slam into that that'll hold i mean you got your your two long screws and then you got four leg bolts in there and leg screws i discovered that that was a grade two bolt in our grade two in our grade five bolt band here's a great five so we won't have that trouble right on that cheap cheapo grade two guys here's a nice neat pad for yeah okay you can't move that chain at all oh that's up at the end there now it's going to take some doing [Music] that had the awesome idea we just drill a hole through here put a bolt in and that'll hold it up oh wow like a glove because the concrete's higher this is no longer useful so we're gonna chop that up [Applause] so we're stopping at the south farm quick of course feed corn but also we need one of those panels and then from here dad is gonna take the trailer he's gonna get some plywood at menards which we'll talk about that later i'm gonna head back home start setting post digging holes setting posts the wind picked up even more i want the fancy lid breaking off [Music] we got four to do putting four poles on the ground my goal is to get this done before dad gets back because i know he doesn't really like it it's not a fun job but also he's bringing back food which may or may not be arby's so it's the least i can do really so we're gonna do one here about there there and there just four of them i'm gonna tamp them in quick that's kind of the crappiest part of the job [Music] so i really want that post to be sucked up as close to the concrete as possible so i'm going to kind of square it out and i didn't want to peel up the concrete of course this one got a little close you can see i brushed up against it that would just be heartbreaking if a big chunk just pulled up and cracked now for the fun part now if you've never been around this before this is what we call a tamper it basically it pushes the gravel everywhere or whatever you're using as a filler it basically just packs everything you know especially when you have big rocks that get in the way and there's air pockets you don't want that so it pushes the rocks in it pushes the smaller grain stuff around the rocks just makes it so this thing's solid i'm getting so much dust in my eyes look in the distance looks like the 30 30s out here we desperately need a rain how's that look huh dry out here you could say it's drier than my love life okay we just gotta do that last one that third one right there otherwise it's looking pretty good i mean look at this one it's touching the concrete can't be much better than that second one pretty close to my line looking pretty decent i'm out of breath there's stuff in my eyes i'm complaining but we're almost done all right so i piled some dirt on the back side that way there's not that big ledge plus you know so the fence is going to be here and if a critter were to step down and then get on you know that high concrete up here get on the left side of that and then just there's a bar from the fence right there that wouldn't be good so having that dirt right there will keep that from happening won't put any of their legs at risk so when dad gets back with the particle board we're gonna lay that across first and then we're going to put that that 20-foot slab of concrete not concrete 20-foot 20-foot piece of continuous on top of that that way the cattle don't see through it and get scared when we're walking around back there and it also keeps them flowing better well that's done which is awesome hopefully i please my father oh do you have the virus yeah dad's back hopefully he doesn't hate my job looks like they're in the ground right yep and that's what we talked about eight foot eight foot four foot i see you turned that one post and i'm sure you have a reason for that yep all right i just ate a lot of sandwich and it was good before we get working on that we're going to take this gate down because since that concrete's higher when we open it in it starts hitting so and we obviously need to make it so there's not a big change in uh ground level so we're gonna move that throwing some crushed rock get it up out of the ground and go from there okay [Music] [Music] it looks like we're getting somewhat to the end we just got to set that gate back in and fasten it up and then we also got the big gate that goes right there which hopefully still fits you know if the measurement's different now because of the concrete or something that would be not not ideal [Applause] i'll tell you what dad this just looks foreign you know it doesn't look anything the gates are all in the same spots as just this concrete and this has never looked so fancy before take that big gate set it right here dad and i are going to take a little drink break we'll drink and then three and a half hours we get live oh yeah because we're getting a tractor well yesterday we meet we met a hundred thousand and so of course this video is a little delayed because we had some ready and actually i kind of wanted to address that because in some of the videos well i guess you already saw them if you watched them but like i had mentioned like all right we're getting close to 100 000 but like now we're there and those videos haven't gone up yet so that's probably confusing for you we're about a week behind on these videos because we're doing so much these days that we're um he's got so many in the pipeline well with harvest you know they're better videos and once it gets colder and we have less to do it's just i might as well make videos well i can't making five videos a week and showing three so it's getting back up a little this is going to be awesome guys kevin heifers and letting them come out here and loaf in the dick during the day and not be inside the building and not getting it all muddy being able to load cattle not in the mud and get heifers up in the barn that are going to cav and then loading out you know it's a start just keep improving every year if we can okay we're getting to the end we got the gates and one issue is when we open when we swing this big gate over here so imagine the gates here the end of the gate if if a critter runs into it and bends it back this way they'd keep going until it starts torquing and they might bend something or break something so we always have we always have a railroad tie in the ground over here so that gate can come around and hit hit there otherwise sometimes somebody's gonna take it and just bend it all the way and turn it into a u or something that guy could use some sunshine i hope that wasn't the most boring video watching us put our corral back together at least it looks nice back along there we're actually going to use freestanding panels windbreak panels and see how we like that for the first year and if we want a permanent fence we'll put one in won't take too long we've been working cattle last couple years especially with this barn shedding water right on top it's just been a mess and now especially when we're moving baby calves out and they you know don't always walk the best they're young just don't have their bearings very well it'll be nice keeping them out of the mud and i i think this just looks amazing so now we have that there so cattle won't hit that and bend that hinge in the corner got something done thanks for watching next video we should be working on finishing up corn it's going to take about two more days we'll have two more videos of corn harvest thanks for watching thanks for helping me get to a hundred thousand we'll see you next time don't forget to check out simply safe if you're interested in a home security system we'll see you next time have a good one what oh you know i've been working on that homemade cloning machine well this morning i tried to i thought i'd try to clone ellie and uh right when i was gonna zap it with the laser flap zap ellie she jumped up with her paw and she spun it and shot through the kitchen window oh no can you go check on ma yeah mom you okay yeah oh my gosh
Channel: Sonne Farms
Views: 137,346
Rating: 4.9764152 out of 5
Keywords: Cattle, working cattle, sonne farms, south dakota, camera, youtuber, farm, farm youtube, bobcat, skid loader, harvest, concrete, bunker
Id: Za0dr3-m5Mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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