This Made Working Cattle a Dream

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you ellie just couldn't hold it huh i don't know who else would have done it wasn't me [Music] can you hear that what do you suppose that is cat i'll grab a 12 gauge and see what's up welcome back everyone it's really nice out there it's got to be like 35 degrees it's middle of december ellie's barking at something obviously so let's go uh find out what that is what was it i just grabbed a gun let's go get it that's cool that's disappointing she's excited it's fitting to shoot something what a joke we're gonna get feeding then we're gonna work some critters i thought she was in here or mountain lion in here or what i don't see nothing she ain't a hunting dog she had a cattle dog she's just kind of a dog yesterday one of the things we did was so our big replacement heifers that are going to be cabin here soon they were in this pen we kicked them out into the bean field and then these ones came from this one this speed lot we got some portable bunks out in there we're gonna be feeding them and the ones that we're working which are up by the barn once they're done getting works they're gonna head out to this middle pen and that way our feedlots will all be full this winter and those heifers are just gonna be moving around from pen to pen depending on what they got going on it went pretty good getting these girls out of their pen just opened this gate down here walked through with some dakota gold pro pellets they followed me right out excuse me girls keepers friendly she is fancy look at her [Music] so yesterday we oh that ain't good yesterday we used the stretcher to shut this hopefully i don't need one to open [Music] it oh yo who shut my door now i have to get out [Music] [Music] [Music] we're gonna be given two shots today one of them is a pyramid five it's a five-way just reading right here bovine rhino tracheitis i think that's red-nosed viral diarrhea pear influenza respiratory sensational virus there's a few things in there for just your respiratory type diseases and then we're also given a seven way with somnis a bunch of clostridials so you got your black leg your enterotoxemia that's your clostridium perfringens c and d type c and d those are kind of the things that when you run a critter through shoot most people give them a five way and a seven way then we also have our implant here we're gonna be pouring we got some la which is a tetracycline if anything's sick [Music] she's ready to rock it would have shot right out that wouldn't be good so i'm sure some people are wondering from the last video dad if you found your checkbook oh did we talk about that i did you were gone oh after the my third trip it's five miles each way of going up and down the road ditches i found a single piece of paper out of my uh ledger and i thought well the checkbook shouldn't be too far away and it's about 30 feet down the ditch and i picked it up and it was all there so i hurt my back the other day and i'm struggling so i figured it'd be a good day to work cattle to loosen things up a bit that's how we roll here if you're in pain you work harder oh slappy time they've been licking three calves on that bell feeder hey come on all right take your time yep well you're too chunky you don't fit through there good come on buddy come on you got it there you go pretty nice round two tell you what if the sun was shining i would be sweating come on hey hey hi third time's the charm right yay we'll chase those guys in open it back up then as they get done they'll just run right out to their pen where they got food and water waiting for him jeff will be coming here pretty soon he's just running some water at his place [Music] [Music] okay go back i don't know what you mean oh get away we all have sore throats really okay but jennifer had a cold and she's getting over it okay [Music] so [Music] why you got to do that turn around one button have pep pep i'm gonna pull the trigger oh you got it oh there you go i don't know if you're gonna believe this or not dad but there's a crater back there but it's got horns did you know you bought something with horns well it ain't black angus yeah there he is got some little nubbins they're loose oh they've been pasted then yeah they probably won't grow anymore you all right just better now okay [Music] yourself [Laughter] come on come on i think someone peed on him or got they good him up get on my hand the hydraulic really nice on the back when you're in pain makes it a lot more bearable what does that mean you'll be ready to string up those last two wires when we're done this one's got a bit of a cough [Music] get this opened up so they can go eat i haven't missed one yet with the hydraulic chute right now though look at the old shoot can't even even look shame can't watch we're full of things i would be too kind like you and me i'm the old shoot and you're the new head coach i'd say so i'd say go you skunk come on skunky come on skunky just four left you know how i know that's a heifer it had a lot to say someone threw trash on the ground again there they go that shoot just changes your life so much easier especially when you got bad back pain like dad does and he's had the last couple days just running those little levers and this they're not kicking up dirt at us as they're leaving if you want one of these there's links and phone numbers below if you're interested hey ellie what you doing you missed out on all the fun we also had a few questions about what this is this is called the sternum bar it just makes it uncomfortable if they lay down so it keeps them standing up it can be dangerous when they lay down you know while this this shoot has a back door that works really well but in situations where that back door isn't good and a critter lays down sometimes the next one will come up on top and put a lot of pressure on it and some shoots actually are shaped like a v down in the bottom and so then they could push that other one down even further and cut off its airway so sternum bar just keeps it from standing up and i like how they sheeted it right here so no lag can get in between you know our old sternum bar actually the whole thing broke off the chute and the sternum bar's laying right here but you can see there's not sheeting along here merry christmas oh you got a stocking cap you don't actually have a oh you wanted the other one yeah yeah i don't have any of those then i'm good then you don't want this no i got two of one order on that oh the two look too small i look it looks fine it'll probably stretch out a little styling the auction closed yesterday on the 544 if you remember we were giving this away once we got to 100 000 subscribers ended up a woman named pam from washington washington state won the tractor of course it would have cost a lot to ship it there probably about as much as it's worth which we said the winner could auction it off if they wanted it we could send them a check or they could do whatever they wanted with it because it's their tractor they want it she actually decided she wanted to auction it off but then donate the money to her local ffa out there where she lives in washington the tractor actually went a little higher than we imagined it went for twenty eight hundred twenty two thousand eight hundred fifty dollars and so twenty eight fifty pretty excited with that the person that bought it is from missouri so they got a long ways to come curious if it's someone that watches the channel or if any of you bid please comment below we all appreciate that you decided to donate the money to your local ffa and she's mentioned that they just had some budget cuts and so that money will hopefully help some of those kids doing different events and your pickup looks pretty fancy you just get it washed people asked why i take the tags out when you buy different groups of cattle and they got orange tag and a pink tag and a yellow tag it doesn't look like they're out it's uniform a group so i take all the tags out so then they kind of blend in a little better and look a little more uniform when they sell in the cattle industry there's a term called trader cattle some people will buy some critters and then they'll turn around and take them to the next uh tail barn and try to make a quick buck and if we were to take these to a sail barn with all those different tanks someone might think their trailer cattle haven't been fed well been on and off trucks and so nobody would their people wouldn't want to buy them fed at one place for a long time you know we're backgrounders so we don't we own them for maybe 150 days and then we you know i'd like to think that they're a group by the time we're done with them even though they might not all came from the same place but you know we try to buy similar weights and similar style cattle so and i think they look like a you know other than those two colored ones that came with a group of blacks i think they're contemporary group contemporary group that's what i like what is this band i don't know contemporary i don't know every once in a while i see those they're it's called a mouth cafe i think they like move quite a bit i i imagine a smells it and bats it around what else would do it donkey i don't think ellie does it she don't care about that kind of stuff she did however pee in the garage yesterday did you oh she's she's not sticking around for that kind of you know there's some people in the cafe hey no cafe man that's a mouse funeral home power unit could be put away hopefully i can get that done without knocking down the shelf right next to it because i about did that last time [Music] if you remember from last video when we were prague checking there were three that were open one that was kind of late that we don't want to wait on the cow sale is tomorrow dad's going to actually take those in tonight and so we got to have this loadout gone out of the way so we can load up the cows [Music] [Music] they sure do love those things well we gotta string those last two wires for that new fence the tractor is too wide to fit in between the new fence and the trees when we're rolling out the wire so yesterday dad and i made this real quick took about 10 minutes and we just set the barbed wire at the end here but one issue is when it's sitting like that we got an old roll here we go when it's sitting like this it spins too easy and actually right away the wire was just popping off the top and then we got a kink and then when we tightened it the wire actually broke brand new wire because when you get a kink in there it wraps real hard puts a lot of strain on that new wire the best way to string these out is when they're horizontal like that they don't spin as freely and it just it just works a lot better so real quick i'm gonna who's texting me oh i'm gonna be an uncle in 14 days or less anyway i'm gonna fashion something not gonna use this but it's gonna be kind of like that could you stay there okay imagine that didn't fall off and then there's gonna be two other ones right here and right here and then a bar that runs across that we can put the wire up there got what i'm saying good i suppose before everyone else starts saying it this is galvanized steel it's not good to breathe when you're torching it welding it i know this thank you [Music] [Music] wow yeah that's nice if you don't have a step drill you should get one i don't know what brand it is they're the best thing ever i think this one was about 50 bucks they ain't the cheapest thing but do these things drill a hole it's pretty nice now if you want one message me below it should be kind of cheap let's let's go three grand if you want one of these i'll make one for you for three grand ellie have a look okay really you got some major butt floof going on look at this i got something to show you is there enough clearance between here and here for the barbed wire man i hope so did you measure it ah looks tight now you're scaring me i thought it'd be okay that's all the metal we had left [Laughter] oh yeah [Laughter] [Music] squish look at me go today cole i'm strong again [Music] make it [Music] none of my welds broke so that's a plus we have the last two wires strung out we just got we gotta staple this one up and then we'll tighten that next one the rest of the way staple it up it'll be out of here [Music] did you roll on a poop you know that really oh what's the name of that show with uh best 70s show no no rick and morty what are you mind reader home improvement no listen that those guys do uh daring daredevil stuff their friends practical jokers that's those four guys they don't do nothing okay i'm talking about the guys oh jackass yeah you think we could get that we man to come and staple that bottom staple that's a long ways down there for me i'm sure he's got better things to do yeah but he could be just a nice height for him yeah they're golden in their bucket see them way down there smell it smell it i can hit coal with this nugget oh i just missed him reminds me of a story did i ever tell you about the time that i was in high school and we were chasing cows down the highway for a neighbor and his son and i were standing by the apple tree to make sure they wouldn't come in the yard and his dad was going down the road with an open tractor in the feed way and leading the cows and john says let's see who can get the closest to my dad with an apple he threw his apple and i threw my apple and my apple's coming right toward him except it's gonna go right over his head but then he stands up to look back to see if the cows are coming okay and it's gonna hit him right in the head and right before the apple came he sat back down and sailed over his head and i was screaming no because i didn't want to hit him with an apple so i got lucky that's all i got to say about that time for an instagram post i reckon huh welcome to mutual of omaha i'm your host marlon perkins with my trusty sidekick gym today we are training the black beast known as black angus heffa you all better remember this when we're getting you up the calf and trying to save your little ones i bet you i'm gonna cut out a lot of that you better not that's good stuff he just said some words for like three minutes yeah random stuff anyway i hope you enjoyed this video it's all stuff that the people want to hear we worked these critters we put in some so we strung some wire we needed we did a little welding and that's going to be about i didn't do no welding i was watching the sail for a while uh-huh and then coal like shamed me into coming out and putting in fence because not true i wouldn't get any cattle but that's true so we'll see you next time have a good one [Music] thanks runnings
Channel: Sonne Farms
Views: 148,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amazing, farming, ranching, cattle handling, chute, hydraulic, arrowquip, sonne farms, south dakota, brian sonne, cole sonne, angus, syringe, working cattle, new fence
Id: Fcf-ahj_SV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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