Highest yield we've ever experienced

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well howdy everybody we're getting ready here yesterday we started some corn and it was running about 14 percent which is plenty dry [Music] we're getting the august set up we're gonna fill this bin in the back first dad's thinking on that is well dry right now and when it gets wet back here it's hard to maneuver trucks so while it's dry we're going to put in the this bin smart idea got to get this hooked back up hopefully i can get that in one try all right we're just getting this moved out of the way so we can turn around with trucks out here and there's a hole watch out for that if you remember a couple months back i had to fix that electric motor did some weird stuff too it worked once i put it back together we'll see if it works today but oh well i i don't know i guess we'll find out we're gonna set up that auger and then we we did actually harvest two semi semi-loads of corn yesterday so there's two ready to be dumped and that is our big 13 inch 81 foot long auger pretty hard to maneuver especially when you got bales coming out thing near half the way onto our gravel so there's a safety pin on this hopper so when you're going down the road if that cable were to snap it won't fall on the ground because the safety pins in well you always want to pull this pin out before you raise it up because as you raise that auger clear up in the air to get in the hole this hopper goes up with the auger then all of a sudden you got it set perfectly and then you get out and you're like i forgot to pull the pin yeah it's like way up in the air yeah so then you either go get the loader tractor or you shimmy up it or you take it back down and i've done two of those three things i refuse to take the auger back down what say you jeffo time to go [Music] we're kind of high i didn't like that it's a long ways down oh i suppose maybe go up a little bit because it's gonna settle that's good a little down a little bit a little bit more hey dad is this a bad time to say i'm too scared to climb back down all right hey you can see how difficult it would be to get that down if if we didn't pull the pin it's just a little bit faster than cracking corn and she's buying a stairway to heaven dad's grabbing truck number two truck number one's empty i suppose dad would want me to check the oil you know it's pretty easy to keep these things clean when there isn't an ounce of mud anywhere i'm not complaining but if we if we don't get much snow this winter springtime is going to be dry guess what i forgot to do untarp the grain cart we're in that field where we drilled that 15 foot of grass way man that was like four months ago that's insane we're in the northwest quarter right now and our farm is on the southeast quarter so it's a nice short haul for us now if you remember soybean harvest i needed to start bringing this because there was a lot of sitting around but with with corn harvest it's insane the grain cart and basically everybody's just non-stop driving something there's so much corn coming out of here that the the combines basically always full and so is the grain cart and it's just it's insane it's intense i don't think i'll even be able to check my farmer's only account while we're doing this we're going to be so busy check this out jeff's back already just about over filming dad's stopped down there he's full so i'm the one that can't keep up maybe a thousand bushel grain cart would be nice huh [Music] i feel like i spend a lot of time dumping in this semis oh my gosh some green leaves big round out spot be a good day to use the yankem rope so now when he's driving this way on that side i can catch on the fly and when he's headed back that way on that side the spout will still be towards the center and i can catch man jeff is speedy day goes on the trucks are getting fuller and fuller before jeff gets back that's when he's only got a like less than two mile drive i don't know about today but sometime we're gonna get to the point where i'm gonna have to hop in a truck to keep us going we're pumping out the bushels non-stop trucking for jeff oh oh golly gee it's lunch time so how's the yield are we gonna be millionaires gonna have to wait another year hey do you think we got for lunch roast in the crack oh you're kidding me nope oh my gosh i was excited oh there's sprinkles here cool yeah looks like we're done for the day nope i'm gonna start this story without saying did i ever tell you about the time but back in the 80s brother and i had a 95 john deere gas combine it wasn't the diesel and ran on gas but combined far at a time on a friday night i filled the combine with gas i took it over where our deer stand is to that field i combined the truck full i went home and i quit for the night and the next morning i unload the truck and i went over there and i started up combine start combine got halfway across field combine died i didn't know what was wrong look the gas tank it was empty went back to where i parked overnight and i could see pickup tracks and i could see where somebody opened up a new cigarette you know those 20 packs or whatever the plastic you chair off uh-huh stole my gas good thing is probably a somewhat smaller tank right 35 gallons that's it i think our combine right now holds about 350 gallons you're missing the point somebody stole my gas yeah it stocks but you know it wasn't 350 gallons at least it wasn't like the engine blew up i just need more gas anyway you're probably an adult now since it was about 30 years ago if you're feeling bad about it you can bring my gas back yeah i'll only beat you a little bit you know that roast wasn't too bad actually it was pretty pretty decent especially when i put gallons of uh barbecue sauce on it well there's something to be said about prepared food so all you have to do is walk in i mean that to me is pretty hard to complain unless it's like liver i can't say i've ever had liver you're a lucky boy so a video went up a little bit ago we were reading some of the comments while we were eating and someone commented you could put your cattle out on all that all that trash all that stover and they could eat it and dad and i were just like oh my gosh we've been wasting thousands of pounds of food every year you know letting our cattle graze this that's way smarter than what we normally do which is rake it all together and push it into the nearest river whoever had that amazing idea you should write a book almost got some cap corn a little too early for that the sun it's starting to poke out now it ain't so gloomy shouldn't be too wet down in here right i can't believe he's trying to cross that wow we haven't been able to plant that spot for a good three years it's kind of spooky it's been under water for the past three years and now we're driving through it well you can see the lugs the the tire the lugs on the tires that's a treat there's a tree growing in there what that the field we're in today is called the cemetery field because right next to it is the cemetery my dad actually inherited this piece from my grandpa and i'm pretty sure i know my grandpa donated this newer part this part over here that doesn't have many headstones in it my dad has a plot over over yonder and my grandparents are buried over there it's kind of neat my dad always says this is where he'll spend the rest of eternity and i assume i'll probably end up there someday as well my brothers and i and my cousins even and my and my dad and my uncles and my aunt we have all spent many summers mowing this and trimming it and just keeping it keeping it clean i stopped a few years back when especially when i started going to college and uh helping on the farm more but there was there was many many years of sunnies that took care of that cemetery not gonna lie to you and say i missed mowing that thing it took it took hours thought that might be a little interesting for you it's gonna be first time we got a full truck sitting here waiting for jeff before he gets back hopefully my cheap repair on that swing way isn't giving him trouble i do think we'll be done with this field before we actually start getting backed up that's all we got left for the day oh that looks like the makings of some cab corn let's see if he got some nope it was close but we didn't get [Music] there [Music] uh see if dad would like to take the camera for a little bit you're watching brian tv i gotta watch that so it makes sure it goes in the thing i gotta watch this i gotta see what the arguing is on the screen when it chirps at me all kinds of fun stuff going on and it's beautiful day sunshine the wind's hardly blowing cole gave me his camera i don't know probably so he can delete it but we're about a round left out in this field it's been fantastic the corn is dry it's running 213 right now it's bouncing around you know it's not going to average that there's some low spots and everything but i know that's kind of dark for you guys to see but i got too much stuff going on here so once that gets to where it's not running full stream i shut it off and yeah i should have went a little faster to make sure that didn't run out the back of the wagon but it didn't so hot i win this was always my dad's favorite thing to do he loved just loved combining corn he didn't like beans so much but you know back then the combines didn't have the power to uh combine beans at a nice speed you'd have to be sitting on the edge of your seat ready for a slug going slow ready to pull back on the throttle so most of what i do is run by this orange joystick right here this one brings my auger out so i can dump it in the green card this is my raise and lower for the head it also is my contour master i can tilt the head it also does it automatically but if i need to i can do it myself thing that i thought was funny the other day guys when claudia was here from new york farm girls and she jumped up in that four-wheel drive tractor and as she was saying i don't know if i can figure this out she pulls this down like she she tilted the wheel and she went over here and she fired it up and did that kind of stuff and i thought girl i'm not worried about you not knowing what you're doing because man it was just natural to her so that was pretty cool i gotta hit call one more time here before we get to the end we'll see you later yeah so i'm back uh this field we call it the cemetery field because our church's cemetery is right up on the corner of it that's where my folks and many many other of the people from our area are buried it's uh really about the only cemetery that's close by for all six eight miles anywhere it's always been a really good producing piece of ground we're on our last pass it'll be the first 80 acres done of dry corn beans are done uh wet corn silage that's kind of the last crop see that it's not always running 200 you're a great crop though i'm not complaining a bit this is a way better crop than kind of what we're used to so we're thankful and we give it we give all the credit to god because we know that without him we don't have anything out here we farm with hope and if we didn't have hope we wouldn't have anything and so that's why i feel like a farmer andy florida pretty closely lane so thanks for listening guys have a good one we're just gonna harvest enough to fill this truck the rest of the way it won't take much then we'll go home dump it and that should be it for today a little too moist for our liking it was over 15 and the 16s and so we don't really want to put it in a bin if it's going to rot i should take gravel be quicker to go the other way but don't want to upset the city folk i suppose well here's some good news when i hopped in the truck it had a quarter tank of gas now it's all the way up to a half tank now that's fuel efficiency son jacob borrowed the air compressor today said he'd bring it right back we're greasing and getting ready for the next day and we're waiting for their compressor to blow the filters out is that a good exit that'll work all right so thanks for watching we already got two fields of corn done because we got one done with uh white corn so uh today's saturday we're gonna start back up on monday we'll see you next time have a good one [Music] anymore
Channel: Sonne Farms
Views: 122,263
Rating: 4.9753881 out of 5
Keywords: corn harvest, harvest2020, farming, ranching, grain cart, corn, soybeans, combine, green machine, south dakota, sonne farms, young farmer, nice equipment
Id: ZJiz3FXpguI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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