Dad put it in a ditch

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uh hello [Music] today we're hopping in the last field of corn that we got it's 160 acres it's going to take us two days this morning we're just going to start feeding then we're going to head over to jeff's we got to move the auger then we'll get rolling on some corn yesterday was when dad and i went live on youtube and we announced the winner of the free tractor giveaway and it was if you missed it it's pam doddridge she was actually i think she said maybe a horse got out any anyway she was busy and she didn't see the live but a bunch of her friends hit her up said yo you won the tractor we got it all worked out pam's from kind of far away she's thinking she might head down some time think she'll be able to use it on her farm so that's awesome that it'll be utilized and of course congrats pam last video we were harvesting corn the 8r sprung a leak a hydraulic leak so i had to take the 7r over there and run the grain cart unhook the grain cart switch it to the other tractor and actually that saturday john deere came out something just came loose and then an o-ring went bad and so it was a easy fix quick fix that tractor is ready to go it's a little dirty the back window is completely you can't even see out of it because there's hydraulic fluid and dust all over it so that needs cleaned up we're just going to use the 7r on this last field and then hopefully get all the harvest equipment cleaned up i ever tell you about the time i was pulling a calf and i put my cell phone in my coverall pocket i was kind of seeing what was going on and the um water bag broke and all that ambiatic fluid busted out and filled my pocket with that and my phone got wet and it wouldn't work and i put it in rice for a couple days i didn't do it so i took it down to the cell phone place and that little cute little 20 something year old puts phone up to here and i was like yeah you probably shouldn't have done that yeah but i didn't tell her so it didn't make her feel grossed out yeah i i'll try not to sneeze today yeah but we filled this bin on the last field and we're moving to this one that's the last bin that we're gonna put corn in we have a couple little old bins but we're not if we uh get this full and have a couple truckloads left we'll just either leave them on the truck for later or if it's more than that maybe take a couple loads in to pull it so keep coming oh okay down i think that's gonna work i think that's good we're gonna work a few critters over at jeff's that weren't feeling the best i'm gonna finally hop into that field i forgot to check the oil i forgot what i was doing morning everybody i want to thank everybody for tuning in last night for our live chat had so much fun you guys are great a lot of views still views overnight uh cole's feeding those calves that are off at our south place yet i brought the grain part and the combine out here to get started we're right here on our home section uh we've got a quarter of corn left and we're gonna get down and start some fall tillage and some fertilizing and that that's what we're up to today jeff uh splitting the first load in the bin this morning we set the auger up and uh we're gonna get rolling here so much fun last night and you guys were on fire last night it was pretty funny i don't have a whole lot to say about i do want to say one thing though about 10 minutes before we went on live last night cole says to me dad i just want to thank you for everything you've done for me getting help and getting this channel going and i thought wow you know we got a 22 year old kid that has done something pretty special here and worked so hard at it and all i do is just spout off a little bit and talk and maybe get my opinion on some farming practices and joke around a little bit and get to hang out with one of my sons which is my favorite thing to do hang out with my boys and my wife of course i just so blessed with a wonderful family and their new wives and it's just a whole lot of fun i wish i had a little more time to spend with them and yet i just love i love agriculture and what i do so much and i'm really driven to uh do the best i can farming you know i i don't want to short myself on anything so we worked pretty hard pretty hard at it and uh but what cole said there i thought you know here's a kid that could be just kind of full of himself right now on his achievements and just kind of taking all the credit and it wasn't that way at all he was he was thanking me and it was pretty humbling and uh i'm pretty proud of him and i'll let you watch a little corn here for a bit this is another whiffles number that indicator just said the tank's three-fourths full it's running about 6 moisture 188 bushel an acre this is just a i think a 101 or 100 day hybrid 2236 it's exceeding my expectations i uh i'm a big fan of 2506 whiffles i didn't think this looked as good throughout the year i thought the ears looked a little smaller but man it's pumping it out you know here we are at 190 186 pretty consistent i planted uh four waffles numbers this year and i gotta tell you every one of them just was really good i'm really happy to be associated with those guys they're wonderful this is a four spot and i'm probably not gonna i don't know you think this will yield 190 here guys uh i'm thinking that so one thing we deal with here in this pothole region is alkali and it's a serious problem we get these low spots that get real wet and then the salts come to the top and then it's awful hard to get a crop to grow in it and it's getting worse now tiling is from what i hear the best thing to do for it to get those waters to go away and then after a few years these alkalize spots will start getting a little smaller you see some kosher growing in it that's actually that's actually a good thing to have something growing in it rather than just being completely dead like that so anyway i've done enough talking i just want to thank you guys for making it so much fun last night i really enjoyed it i laughed a lot got to hang out with cole i wish tammy would have been there but we'll talk to you later have a good one a little late to the party gonna be honest i ain't doing much right now jeff gets that first truck pull he'll be trucking if we look across the fence that was our first field of dry corn there's a cemetery if you saw that video and we were talking about how that's a cemetery field because it's right next to the cemetery but right now i'm just uh kind of sitting in the pickup watching tick tocks let's get some monosteer going when i took the corn to the cavs at the south the only other vehicles i saw were semis and there was a bunch of them everybody is going today a lot of people are starting to get done with beans of course we got done with beans a week ago a week and a half ago oh jeff that truck's not full are you leaving okay oh he was starting to pull that truck ahead and it ain't full yet i suppose he was just getting it out of the way of the combine [Music] that got kind of spooky i don't know if the camera will do it justice but there is a really big hill right there kind of a another wash out gonna get worse as we head south through this field but anyway you know i had my auto steer on i was looking back dad was done jumping so i started turning left to get away and turn around and go back to the truck well all of a sudden i'm sitting like this with a very full grain cart like completely full if i would have kept going and that grain would have shifted it might have been a sticky situation [Music] if you remember like two fields ago i was complaining about a deep trench yeah this one's way worse it's huge and it's not good yeah so he's been having to use his feeder house till and picking the whole head up and down keeping it out of out of the dirt it's only going to get worse so that'll be exciting grab a little lunch quick oh you ever ever drive by a skunk and you swear it's in the cab with you i can taste that one holy moses welly did you bring me a present thanks i wonder if that's important [Music] forgot to bring daddy's food i'm just looking around the cab and this this is our bailing tractor as well and so we got some we got some blades so we can cut in that wrap and stuff and for some reason i thought of the dark knight you know that batman movie and the joker says you know how i got these scars i don't know if that sounded quite like we're about to get to the nasty of the nastiest of the trench that might be some cap corn in the making right there oh my atlanta dad what are you doing the corn's gonna go over oh yep some came over oh my lanta i i think we spilled just like maybe 20 kernels so you know all the profit jeff must be pushing r today because he is catching up don't even have this truck filled yet and he's already getting back i bet you by now he can drive that truck with a blindfold kind of dragon you're dragging some there you go it's not too big of a deal unless it piles up and then it all chunks right into the head at one time then it gets fun oh you remember that ditch it turned into two now that's double the fun that does look like some pretty dang good corn though hey heck yeah we have arrived to the mega ditch [Music] it was requested by brian funny okay there's a water in there all right thanks a sandwich a pop all right [Music] right on that cradle there was that much more to go and i tried swinging it back and forth a couple times and still didn't do it but is the sample looking pretty clean yeah oh my gosh oh damn hopper varmints a couple times the auger wasn't going back in all the way just called me over to check it out of course when you ask for help on those situation it works normally the auger went back to its normal position the closed position just watch closer down that and make sure that it keeps closing all the way you know i'm just sitting here in this tractor thinking about that 8r just with hydraulic fluid all over on it all over it all over it and it's just it's giving me the willys so i think when i get done with this i'm going to have to start that pressure washer up and get that tractor cleaned off so i can sleep at night you know this video has been lacking one thing cows my day is complete i think we got to trade it off dad i noticed when it gets to the cradle the whole thing lifts up like it's sagging and then it's got a once it gets in there it lifts back up so i don't know if there's a bearing or a bushing or something's just kind of loose you don't see any movement up here i could kind of see this just going oh there's a bushing now all that oil got on gave it a nice coat and then the dust just stuck right to it that's soap loaded up i don't know why i like doing this so much i keep sneezing you all right you got you got the coven [Music] gotta love me some of that grape flavored wax there we go don't you look pretty got that oil cleaned up the best they could that's gonna be it for us if you're thinking about getting a pressure washer i recommend heading it over to shusters in fairmount minnesota you got soap wax accessories anything you need check them out hope you enjoyed this video tomorrow like i said we're dripping water on me tomorrow we're going to be finishing the last feel the corn and then moving on we got a we got to wean calves home manure we're actually thinking about uh bailing some corn stock so we're going to pull the baler out again probably we got a lot going on so stay tuned keep watching we'll see you next time have a good one [Music] billy's so proud of herself she says look guys i provided for the family
Channel: Sonne Farms
Views: 84,708
Rating: 4.9853692 out of 5
Keywords: ditch, stuck tractor, combine, harvest, corn, sonne farms, south dakota, mnmillenialfarmer, larsonfarms, farm youtube, harvest2020, grain, farming
Id: Efekf5BUwMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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