Brand Factory New Nazi Guns Made During WW2!

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hey guys and welcome to another educational videos this one on Lugar's I'm Tom Whiteman and today I'm gonna do some time travel with you here's the reason have you ever looked at one of these guns these classic military guns and thought I wonder what this looked like the day it left the factory well that's what we're gonna do for you today because we're gonna go back in time [Music] of course that's a obscure reference at Doctor Who I think I watched him when I was in college and I thought it was the stupidest show I ever watched the guy time travels in a phone booth in England you Brits are probably highly insulted but I want to let you know that as stupid as I thought it was the more I watched it I couldn't look away it was like it was like watching a train wreck I just kept watching it season after season so I enjoyed Doctor Who and that's what we were going to do where he went back in time we are now in 1940 that's right it's a middle of 1940 and it's a really troubling time throughout Europe and the United States because certainly Britain and France are extremely worried over the fact that Hitler just went through Poland and France in a matter of just a few months France in just a matter of a few weeks so he was able to accomplish in just a matter of a few months more than the entire four years of World War one and therefore he was being viewed by the German people as a military genius and instead of a big braggart actually somebody who followed through on what he said he would do and so it's a scary time throughout Europe but we're gonna go to the Mauser Factory in open Dorf because I personally want to take a look at some of the guns that are in the factory in 1940 now this is the first one I grabbed off of the assembly floor because it really caught my eye if you watched the video that I did the survey of all the Lugar's from 1900 in the DWM Factory all the way to the end of the war you'll remember that I talked about a DWM variation called the 1906 Luger it was distinguished by this grip safety now this is a 1906 Swiss that's the Swiss Cross of course and not in the Mauser factory because this is DWM it was made in 30 caliber but the Swiss liked this configuration they liked the grip safety and they of course liked their logo on it but they liked the longer barrel in 30 caliber and the reason this one caught my eye is because it's in the Mauser Factory in 1940 and the configuration is distinctly Swiss so let's get rid of this not part of the Mauser Factory just a variation that was very unique back in 1906 but why in the world in 1940 are they making one with a grip safety well this is a special order by the Swiss a commercial gun and just take a look at this finish look how the straw blue is is a bright yellow now this gold or yellow filler is probably not Factory somebody added that so we'll blame one of the workmen in the factory for adding that I don't believe that was Factory we we not only see the grip safety but you see the fire blue on the grip screws and on the toggle at the top of the toggle link you'll see there's fire blue there just just look at the finish on this this is amazing also look at the backstrap you remember on the Swiss they'd in 1906 they didn't have a stock lug and sure enough see the there's the Swiss one and there's the Mauser one no stock lug so the Swiss ordered it in 30 caliber the factory was no longer making 30 caliber and so but the Swiss for some reason liked it I guess because they were a neutral power they didn't want to stop anybody so there's no stopping power with the 30 caliber the German military used the 9 millimeter that's just a joke by the way highly respect the Swiss if we take the grips off we'll see the grips are numbered to the gun and I mostly just wanted you to see this finish because this is what this gun looked like when it left the factory by the way you can see the serial range so there was only about 250 made for the Swiss in this zero range 250 maybe 300 and they're all crown in if you'll notice right here above the serial number you see the Eagle and that's how we know is 1940 because in 1940 they went from crown and Eagle in this gun was made in 1940 it has the Nazi Eagle N and there's only 15 of these known so only 15 and this is probably one of the nicest Lugar's i've ever seen and you can see the diameter caliber would be 30 caliber the factory not only had that rare gun that caught my eye but also this one again the day it left the factory this is this is the gun just incredible look at the grip straps they're just you know when you hold these with sweaty palms the finish disappears gets corroded very very quickly also when you hold these grips this this blonde wood turns brown and and even oily very quickly you you oil them up you get your hands on or Lee I wipe these things down several times a day and so they just never look like this but this is the way it looked like when it left the factory of course in 2020 we don't see them like this anymore unless you go to Legacy collectibles but in 1940 there's a lot of them in the factory you do see the Mauser banner which means it has to be either police or commercial since this one does not have the sear safety and does not have a police marking on the frame this has to have been a commercial gun again just above the serial number you see the Eagle n you see the date on top that's another good way to know that was May 1940 much easier this one has a numbered magazine which this is a few digits off so one of the workmen and the factory screwed up when I they didn't realize I was coming today and they put the wrong magazine in that one but if this one comes in nine millimeter and it was made for the commercial market now they were not making these for the local Sears & Roebuck so this had to be a party official who ordered one of these because he thought it was a beautiful gun and that's why I'm bringing it to you today is because it's a beautiful gun but they also had military pistols which is actually near and dear to my heart actually anything minty like the ones we've just seen I would love to buy anytime I can get them but here's a military pistol now the holster was not made at the Mauser Factory but they're probably put together at the Arsenal but they were issued if a spare magazine this one is I cheated a little bit on the time machine because this one is actually from 1939 but it was one that I saw right away and this is pretty much the way it left left the factory notice a little bit of wear on the hump so we know it was made last year and not in the factory 1940 here I'll just show you a quick difference look at the hump that's the first place you get wear because it sticks out and rubs on the holster so the 1939 military has a little bit of wear you can see that the grips are almost as nice but not quite on the military one you can see they used a military code again if you watch this survey of guns of Lugar's I mentioned the fact that Hitler had to use military codes to hide where the factory was made they were allowed to make commercial guns but he was actually violating the Treaty of Versailles but by 1940 he had torn it up anyway so he still used the military code of 42 which is not the year it is the military code and 19 for 1939 is the year here's a quick look at the two matching mags the most common things that people fake on these guns are the mags I can tell but it's taken me a long time they do such a good job usually one of the most easy ways to tell is that first they grind off the numbers so you'll see if a little bit of flattening and then of course they have to get the proof mark in this case it's an eagle 63 it should match the proof on the side of the gun on this gun that they're very light strike that's pretty normal but ego 63 on the right side of the receiver and finally there should be a tool inside the tool pouch that would also be Eagle 63 let me say a little bit about the 1940 holsters because I think it's worth mentioning these are just beautiful holsters all from 1940 in 1940 you will see a light tan which I particularly like you can see on the back clearly 1940 brand-new condition that's because of our time machine but they came in tan a quart of in color and then black all three of these are from 1940 after 1940 there wasn't edik right around 1940 where they they said all holsters have to be black so 41 42 and beyond you'll see all black holsters or you'll see holsters that are dyed so they would take a beautiful holster like this and dye it black so that it could be continued to be used and that's why these are hard to find in these colors because a lot of times they're dyed black so I like all three of these holsters but it's just a good example of three holsters just like the day they were made I have one more 1940 Luger I want to show you but before I move on to the next Luger let me just talk a little bit about refinishing because whenever you get something is mint as these are the question I get all the time is are you sure it's not refinished it does take a lot of study and I certainly am capable of making mistakes but I think just after looking at hundreds of these I get to know the finishes pretty well and so I can I can spot refinish guns but here's a here's one tell with these guns now if you remember from the survey of all the louvers I talked about the early Lugar's had halos some of you thank me for that tip and some of you said I didn't even I'm not even able to see it but the halos you have to go back and watch that video I highly recommend this is the video that goes from all the louvers from 1900 and 1945 but I also mentioned that around 1937 they changed the bluing process and now there's no longer any halos on the bottom of the barrel let's take a look so this is the 1939 the the commercial louver actually doesn't have a numbered barrel but the 39 has a numbered barrel and you don't see any halos here so what do I look for to make sure it's not refinished well with the hump obviously hump wood hump-- the hump on the side plate we will typically have a little bit of wear but on this one it doesn't so that might throw me off hmm am I sure it's original here's another thing that you will always need to look for on the back and this goes for all Lugar's from 1900 on when you shoot it the back of the toggle will hit right there and you can see where it hits even if it's only been fired a few times now having given you that little secret of course if you get a gun that doesn't have it you can go put a couple clips through it but as nice as this gun is you can see the marking on the back the other thing you want to look for is right inside here and in order to do that I'm gonna take the take the slide off of the frame and look right here basically this toggle link will will roll on the on the back of the frame so you want to see the roll marks and the impact mark on the back let's go back to this a Swiss gun that is incredible you do see little hit marks there and you see definite roll marks when I take the slide off you can see the definite roll marks so that helps of course fakers can do that as well so just really need to know these finishes but I mentioned I have one more Luger and then hold on I have an incredible fine so don't go away this will rock your world so after this Luger I've one more thing to show you it really it's it's it's worth the cost of this video so it's 1940 and we've just not too far away from the open door Factory is Sewell and in Seoul Germany they make the crib off this is a 1940 Craig off best way to tell as you look at the top and remember in my survey of Lugar's I said that's the Craig off logo it does not mean Navy these actually went to the Air Force you can see that they have the Luftwaffe I said Air Force basically in Germany was the Luftwaffe and they're having a heyday in 1940 because they're ruling the skies over Europe and having their way against the other armies but Luftwaffe is doing very well in 1940 this is a gun that looks pretty much the way it looked the day it left the factory you'll notice the black plastic grips they they started in 1940 you see the straw parts beautiful strong parts you can see how nice the finish is now one thing about a crit off they also because because they tend to be so nice the Luftwaffe wasn't out on the Eastern Front fighting on the ground a lot of these were used by paratroopers or pilots and therefore you don't see a lot of use but here's one way to tell that a Craig off has not been refinished I take a look at what I call the ears if you take a look at the ears you see that that's high-polished inside and around the edges but if you take a look at the crib off you will see that the outs the the rim of the ear is high polish but inside the ear is a matte finish in fact it look just above the grip you'll see a matte finish so matte or dull finish and inside the ears you see the same thing on the other side but because of the safety it's not as easy the ears are high polished inside or flat if this is refinished then the whole thing will be high polished finish and has fooled many people this gun in particular is in nine-millimeter all of the military guns are in nine-millimeter and this one does have a matching mag you can see the crit off stamp above the serial number and the serial number matches the gun so this is what a Craig off in 1940 look like the day it left the factory and that's a stretch there's a little bit of wear on this one but it's still what I would consider a 99% all original gun all right the moment you've all been waiting for I'm so excited to show you this I I was trying to figure out when I can show this gun to you because it's just phenomenal it's a museum piece and I got this a couple years ago I probably should do a whole video on it but if you're if you'd like to see more please comment that you'd like to see more here we have a G 33 40 also known as a mountain carbine now this is in 1941 so we're gonna fast forward in our time machine and we're headed over to Czechoslovakia where this guy is being made and here it is now I can't help but smile when I when I picked this thing up and yeah we're gonna give you close-ups of this when this came in the door with and with this bayonet I'm gonna get you close up so I just have to tell you when this came in the door I I I kind of laughed a little bit because I honestly in the first three seconds I thought to myself how stupid does he think I am the guy that sent it to me he said what do you see this gun it's gorgeous and I thought how stupid this is impossible but in 1941 the day it left the factory this is what it looked like I don't know how they kept this thing in a time capsule I've shown it to a lot of experts and I've looked into the history of this gun and I'm absolutely convinced this is a hundred percent original I can never sell this gun if it ever leaves my possession it's gonna have to go to a museum because it truly is a timepiece let's take a look first of all we take a look at the wood and it's just absolutely phenomenal there are a few little dings and there's a little black mark a little schmutzie as I like to call it people say what's ash wood see well it just is a little imperfection but look at the Waffen stamps again they're so crisp and clean one might think well maybe it's not real but then take a look at the metal just look at this receiver the black finish this little what looks like ash wood see here is not that's actually where they stamp the Czech lion it is dated 1941 d-o-t is the factory code even this this leather strap you can see it's almost like new look at the metal on the bottom brand-new the action is brand-new the bore is absolutely mint look at the contrast in color on this site between the finished and the unfinished parts moving all the way up to the barrel it still has the rubber dust cover or snow cover since it's a mountain carbine the cleaning rod looks like it has hardly not even been pulled out there's not even a scratch mark if I pull the bolt back you can see down inside there it looks like it hasn't even held around that's why you could never fire this thing it was a minute you put a bullet on it it would make a scratch mark on the the follower so we won't do that but just take a look at this thing really this is a museum piece it is incredible exactly the way it looked the day it left the factory in 1941 and it came with this bayonet now I the frog the frog is is not down inside there because I actually have to bend the leather a little bit and I don't want to I also don't want to fasten the top strap because if I fasten it and it'll make little cracks and crevices in the leather which I don't want to do you can see a proof mark right at the top that is just absolutely crisp you can see inside where it fastens there's not even a scratch mark where normally as soon as you put on the gun it'll make a scratch mark now I don't want to do this very often but I'm pulling this out a little ways so you can see it because if you take a look at this blade not even a mark on it up there I just made a mark there's this grass mark so that's why I don't want to do it I'm just gonna leave this like this but I want you to look at it and then I'm gonna put it away for another couple of years you can see the maker is d-o-t and we don't want to put any more scratch marks on it so this truly is a time warp we have items from 1940 and 1941 that look exactly the way they did when they left the factory well that was fun for me I hope you enjoyed it we'll have to do some time travel when I get anything like this again we just this time we've mostly focused on Lugar's but I have other beautiful guns to show you I really appreciate you watching and sharing these treasures with you please don't write and say how much these are not for sale like I said I'd rather see them go to a museum so people can enjoy them but it was really my pleasure to bring to you today thanks for watching make sure you like and subscribe tell some other people about this channel and we'll bring some more really cool stuff to you
Channel: Legacy Collectibles
Views: 545,581
Rating: 4.8747849 out of 5
Keywords: ww2 history, ww2 guns, ww2 pistols, rare ww2 artifacts, commercial mauser luger p.08, swiss luger, 9mm pistol, nazi weapons, german small arms, german pistols, g33/40, nazi rifle, rare and expensive guns, luger p.08, production numbers, serial numbers, mauser factory, military pistols
Id: 3ODJt4p5LV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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