WW2 Relics are still everywhere in German Forests [WW2 Metal Detecting]

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[Music] [Music] what's up guys and welcome to another episode of world war 2 metal detecting here in these absolutely beautiful forests look at this early in the morning the sun is shining I just I just enjoy being out just so much even if we don't find anything it's just so peaceful but yeah if you haven't checked out last video definitely go and do so we found some amazing relics guys so yeah today we are at a location I have not detected before the general location yes but not this part of the forest so there might still be some cool stuff around and yeah I'll see how it goes and see you at the first find how man it's gonna be a beautiful day Suns already shining that's just amazing but look what came up guys like ten minutes of detecting first good signal and we get a car garage turned almost let most of them are shell casings abut awesome life ones as well yeah mostly a k98 ammo but also a lot of eight millimeter label mostly shell casings which is kind of nice never really found many double shell casings oh yeah that's quite cool but other than that not that interesting but look what was also in the hole of all this Emma this is the the front of the barrel from a can guarantee a trifle guys this is very interesting why is this only this front tip thing here you can see there's this little aim thingy here it's definitely barrel from a k98 which is really interesting so yeah maybe the rest of the rifle is also around so I'm definitely gonna check out the area around here let's carry on alright so I think like one hour passed and I thought decent amount of stuff so let's take a look I found a lot of ammo box handled surprisingly so they probably dumped a lot of ammo I mean not probably they did dump a lot of ammo as you can see all of this mm close to the handles most of them kakano Italian rounds but also a lot of mauser k98 the usual but any idea what this item here might be I think I'm gonna start showing the bigger errant stuff more often because last video I actually found a huge iron piece didn't know what it was and some of you were kind enough to let me know that I actually found a track line of a panther or half track so that was absolutely amazing so yeah maybe you can help me out if I find something interesting we found this piece of a razor actually found a whole razor in last video which was cool but yeah another writer piece always nice to find some gas masks critics as well as trash bottom of a shotgun shell something bottom of some trash but look at this no video about the Chianti it bayonet it seems but yet again wouldn't handle version a man I found so many of the wooden hammer it's not like I'm complaining it's super cool to find these pay units but one day man I'm gonna find one with a bakelite handler yeah that's super cool I almost didn't pick a signal it was kind of faint because it was very deep but here we go can I do a bayonet let's carry on ruthless luck guys oh my god guys I don't think my Luck's gonna stop anytime soon look what we discovered finally found one again it's a k98 mauser rifle arm and it's so amazing and the most amazing thing is look it has a bolt still in it it is the first rifle I ever find that still has this bolt attached man that is amazing I'm always getting so excited when I find a gun you don't get this it's unfortunately not in the best condition but that doesn't even matter guys wow man Second World War German rifle that is so cool I think it's a Kenan T it anyway there we like both here look at that now the weird fingers this little thingy here and the bayonet holder are like upside down that's kind of interesting but yeah other than that absolutely amazing find that trigger is gone rotted away probably but other than that amazing find I honestly did not expect to make so many cool finds in this location stuff actually they might even still not be more wrong but I'm speechless right now guys let's carry [Music] all right so between last clip and this one I think two or three hours passed and I made a decent amount of fines which I'm gonna show you right no yeah as well as most of its trash here some iron poles I don't know not really interesting and we have some tubes probably post-war not too short on that some iron pipe here probably from a vehicle or something food ration yeah there were a lot of these food rations but most of them they are really corroded already and this thing have no idea what that is it's absolutely huge made out of iron heavy and has some sort of no handle I don't know it looks really funny but you know what errors comment would be very much appreciated gas masks off the usual some earrings cast nose piece and I think this one might be from a filter though I'm not completely shown that I'm gotten post-war flare cartridge and tons of em oh yeah it's really exhausting digging with them mostly single carriages but sometimes they I spilled so yeah but it takes a lot of holes to take so much up they always have a nice signal so yeah I can't really skip up on that look at this k98 clip almost complete it looks really cool and I actually found another bayonet that is very cool but this time it's not Kennedy a unit it's bent by the way it looks really funny don't know if I can straighten this at home but I think I keep it like this um I think this might be a Dutch hem Brooke or him Brooke bayonet I don't know how to how you pronounce that but might be Dutch I think I found a similar one before and someone told me it was touched so I think this might be the same for if this hole here yeah real nice fine font is very close to the other bayonet and we got this year it's really heavy huge think it is from regal some vehicle item yeah not really that interesting as well as this part of a wheel yeah there's a lot of trash run but that is okay because we made some new decent finds and yeah we still have some daylight hours left so let's see what else comes up oh my god crisis has to be doing this cannot be true so basically I'm detecting in this very tense but area with all the bushes and the young trees here and let our hearts and wherever the only characters and whatnot I'm really exhausted and look what came up guys Wow I'm absolutely speechless this has to be a dream oh my effing God look at this guy's this is German rice Abbott's teens batch holy crap man I wanted to find one of these for so long I've always seen people who dig these up and now I finally got one myself it's so beautiful holy crap I cannot even believe it it translates to I think something like nice labor service so that is absolutely crazy man Wow such good condition and in the back 37 and the manufacturer oh my god that is amazing guys I don't know how I keep pulling stuff like this out of the ground but I do Wow guys leave a like for this man this is absolutely amazing probably the fight of the day let's [Music] honestly such a nice day men and rip the birds chirping in the background almost feels like spring so I really really enjoyed this day but we're not finished yet they discovered a huge eight millimeter level a modem yeah all of these came up most of which were at millimeter level some gas masks nosepiece and some k98 and more nothing really that interesting just to figured I show you because it's really impressive how much ll they dumped here before going in to capture so yeah very very interesting and I see if I can find something more interesting and I'll see you in really exhausted from thinking all this Carter just man really gets to your bones after some time but found some more interesting stuff here k98 mo pouch I really like finding these but unfortunately you never found one in good condition is like it's basically gone but yeah really would like to find one in good condition one day but nonetheless cool work for two items found here bigger mm iron piece this looks interesting has a hole in there I don't know what that might be from some ammo I guess miss piece as well as some aluminum trash Claire probably modern judging by the condition here yeah no no tell us does anyone know what these um small aluminum things I find these every damn time and I have no idea what they are I've spent so many of these so far but yeah no idea a hint what really we appreciate it and yeah this thing I also don't know what this might be yeah a lot of mechanical items around us you know and finally this year this looks really cool looks like some sort of clock maybe there's some wheels here and all these items were in the same hole - probably went on top here or something but yeah interesting find might be from the clock or something else yeah so I might do some more minutes of detecting here and I think then I'm gonna head home alright guys I think I'm gonna call it today I'm waiting one more find look it's a British 20 millimeter shell casing fired by a Spitfire aircraft here I found so many of these before but it's always nice finding them look very cool on display but yeah we had some damn good success today man this was such a good trip one of the best trips I've ever had like the KD n th rifle with a bolt some bayonets a lot of smaller annex into freaking batch magnets what's just so amazing I'm everytime I'm surprised how much I can still find around here they'd have been next to no diggers here before which is just crazy but I hope you enjoyed today's video if you did like it subscribe guys I'm totally no-one the next for you will rehab depends on how much stuff I find but I'll see you then bye [Music]
Channel: Metal Max
Views: 212,359
Rating: 4.8495669 out of 5
Keywords: Metal Detecting, WW2, WW2 Metal Detecting, Wehrmacht, Gasmask, Gun, Rifle, K98, Mauser K98, Badge, RAD, German, Relics, Relic, Metal Max, English
Id: VP_-XJvjjsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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