Brand Factory New Lugers!! - Part 2

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hey guys and welcome to another walk-in wednesday i have two fantastic guns i want to show you today and i'm really excited about bringing these to you but before i show you these guns teaser i have a public service announcement that i feel compelled to make last wednesday when i was here i did a video in fact it was the rfv video that was just published that was last wednesday thursday i was in the hospital to get a heart procedure done and friday i could have gone back to work i actually took the day off friday but it's one week later and i i feel great but i want to make a public service announcement about your health you know at legacy collectibles i'd like to say our target audience is men who are over 60 um with a little bit of discretionary money but youtube has brought to us a much younger crowd so my public service announcement is for those of you who are over 60 and you have a history of heart disease in your family and those of you who are utes i hope you know what that is did you say utes yeah two youths i would encourage you to forward it to your moms or dads especially if they're over 60 and there's any uh history of heart problems in their background let me briefly go through my experience i mentioned um that this all started one week ago i've been a jogger all my life in fact i ran about three miles uh three times a week um and just in the beginning of this year what i noticed is i could only go for 30 minutes and then i could only go for 20 minutes and then i got down to the point where i couldn't go five minutes without having difficulty breathing and slight pains in my chest now i would just stop jogging and almost immediately my heart rate went back to normal and everything was fine because my cholesterol is good my ekgs are all fine my family doctor said oh you're just getting older it's normal but i had a gun friend who actually is a medical doctor who stopped in and i talked to him a little bit about you know i can't do what i used to do when i described the symptoms he said go see a cardiologist and that's the basis of my public service announcement you might need to see a cardiologist even when your primary says you're fine again over 60 with a history of heart problems my family has heart disease my father had quadruple bypass when he was 70. and in his case they cut his chest open and open up his his chest cavity and did surgery on four of the valves uh for me it was a lot simpler the test that i needed to have done was a stress test and when i went to see the cardiologist which was the very next day my collector friend said you're going tomorrow you're getting this checked out i went the very next day i failed the stress test at that time he said i'm sure you have a blockage in one or more of your heart arteries so last thursday i i've already mentioned i did i did the movie again i i'm not having any symptoms other than when i run um again i pass the ekg my cholesterol is fine i feel like i'm in good shape i go in thursday my biggest fear was i'm going to go through all this and they're not going to find anything and then i'm going to be super embarrassed for making a big deal out of nothing here's the scans from my heart this is the before picture you can check that out they said i was more than 90 percent blocked i'm no doctor but that looks to me like it's about 98 blocked here is a scan after they put the stent in and you can see how the the artery is supposed to be open for blood flow now there's two miracles to this story one is that i actually followed up and went to the doctor and that's why i'm doing this today because so many of us uh older men we think we're in great shape but in fact we need to get a stress test done to be sure that our heart is functioning properly so the the two miracles one is that i actually followed up and went to the doctor and got this procedure done the second miracle is here's a here's a shot of my wrist the day of the surgery they actually put the stent in through my wrist and if we take a look today it's like today is exactly one week later so that is my scar from my medical procedure as opposed to my dad who had his chest completely uh cut open and the recovery time for my dad was three months my recovery time was about 24 hours so you old guys out there like me uh you need to make sure you've got a go to a cardiologist get your physical done first but make sure you follow up on any problem areas and to you utes make sure you pass this along to family and friends who need it now for those of you who are not interested in my medical condition that's one way you know you're getting older is that you'd like to talk about your procedures um i don't but i really felt compelled to at least share that with you today what i want to share is a couple of guns that i think you're going to find super exciting i hope my heart can handle it but i'm going to show you some beautiful guns in order to do that we're going to go back in time one of our most popular videos i think it had over 300 000 views was when we went what i called a phone booth and i was uh chastised by my british friends and doctor who fans uh that it is not a phone booth it is actually a police box thank you for that correction we went back in time and we looked at a couple of guns that were brand new from the factory back in 1940. today we're going to go on our time machine again and this time let's go to the dwm factory 100 years ago today oh my gosh i just walked into the factory heart feels great but it's starting to pound because i see this box now this box for 100 years old and by the way i'm exaggerating a little bit on 100 years this this was made in the early 20s and so it's about 100 years old uh but this is uh incredible you can see the original box it some of the workmen didn't handle this really well because you do see signs of a little bit of wear maybe a month old at this point again we're in 1920. you can see the the cover of the box it was that that's the dwm factory in berlin you can see that it's a parabolum which we call the luger and it comes in uh 30 caliber or 7.65 millimeter um let's open this box up and be very careful we don't want to bend the spine because that the lid is attached by the way you see the inside and the first thing we see is a manual which is practically new again i would think it was a replica if it weren't for the fact that it came with this gun you can see that the manual is written in german i'll just show you a few pages but again i did look throughout here for a date i see uh the name of one of the original owners uh we actually have a chain of custody for this gun meaning i know the name of the guy who brought it back from germany uh for those of you who like to write snarky comments about you mean stolen uh that's not necessarily true a lot of the gis went to shops and since this was uh um this was a retail gun uh they did buy things uh while they're in germany they brought souvenirs and brought them home with them my own father-in-law was stationed in germany in 1946 47 and he uh writes a lot of letters where he went to little shops in the village and in his case he did not send him guns much to my dismay but he sent home uh silverware and china things that his wife would appreciate which she did oh and hummels he sent back hummels but he went to shops and spent money in germany things were relatively cheap but he was not stealing i can't say exactly how this was procured but it was sent home by a vet named brubacher from there it went to somebody named parker and then uh it went to another person and eventually came to me so i actually have the chain of custody from the day it came home from germany and when we look in the box here's the the most important part check out this gun it just takes my breath away which is much like when i used to jog but just take a look at this gun uh the finish i i would say this finish is near 100 the bore is actually absolutely mint uh we won't get a good bore shot on this because it's just really difficult with the camera you can see the grips i have to be real careful not to put any kind of oil or grease or even handle it with greasy greasy hands um just because it is the beach wood is so light and unsoiled again this is what it would look like in the factory when it was made in the 1920s the bottom of the magazine you can see that that matches the color of the grip the area of most guns that gets the most immediate wear are this what we call the grip straps and you can see on this one the grip straps are absolutely pristine a bright dark blue color more like a black the top of the receiver there's no date which is what makes it harder for us to date you do see the dwm logo let's go back to the left hand side the side plate again another area that almost always has wear is the hump of the side plate and on this one and that's from going in and out of a holster maybe the fact that this was kept in a box and if you look at the interior of the box you again you see uh park mr parker from boulder colorado he wrote in the inside of this box and it was given to him by one of the brew bakers so that's in the box this was kept in the box and for that reason the hump got nowhere at all i'm not even sure they ever shot this gun because on most lugers if you look at the very back of the receiver excuse me the back of the frame you will usually see a wear pattern from where when you shoot it the back of the toggle hits this and this one is a very very little marking but most of them look more like this and let's see one other area worth mentioning is what we call the straw color i often say how's the straw and people say what are you talking about the small parts on this era luger if you watch my other videos i do a whole uh video just on the development of the luger in the history of the louvre uh but in world war one and and and uh the years between the wars they used straw color that's actually just a heating process that they use on the small parts that cause it to be a straw color and you can see from this one the straw is extremely nice so this one from a hundred years ago in factory new condition just a really rare find some of you say so what happens to a gun like this well that's easy this one stays in my collection now we're going to have to get back into the time machine and fast forward to 1942. for those of you who uh are not uh not really into the commercial guns i i like uh all lugers but i usually collect just the military guns so i thought what the heck let's go to 1942 this time we're going to the mauser factory in ubendorf and we're going to take uh take a look at a gun that was issued to the german army in 1942. let's start off with the holster the holster is in pristine condition there's no cracking in the leather just a little bit of bending but if you take a look at this this is pretty much how it would look probably within the first year or two what's the only thing unusual on this holster by the way on the back they are usually marked po8 which is the designation for the german luger it's also waffenstamp which tells us it went to the military and they are almost always dated this one is not i sometimes the dates you can see partial dates under the belt strap uh so it's possible that the 1942 date is under there but it's certainly not worth taking apart to look underneath there so we'll just leave it alone and assume that it's it has to be either 41 or 42. i can tell by the style of the of the holster that it it likely came together with this gun now um when we open it up you will see the luger tool in the pouch and the luger tool is marked one three five now that's a fairly rare tool in that uh most of them from 41 and 42 were eagle 655 the 135 was the last ones they made and they only made them briefly in 1942 again let's go to the most important part which is the gun you can immediately see that this is a what they call a black widow some of you take issue with that because that's a made-up american sales phrase that they use a black widow there's really nothing special meaning it didn't go to special troops it didn't necessarily go to the ss we know it went to the military and immediately you see it has the black bakelite grip and the black bottom bakelite magazine once again you see a gun that's absolutely in brand new condition again uh the percentage is 99 to 100 finish on this gun you see on in 1942 the small parts are not straw color but in fact it's just blue like the rest of the gun so the takedown lever the safety lever you can see uh the beautiful blue that's on this and again let's look at the hump on the side plate uh practically nowhere just very very slight because this one actually did go in and out of the holster most likely was issued to an officer or a desk clerk who'd stuck it in a drawer and really didn't uh use it during the war that's good news uh because we can assume this was not used to kill anybody uh but a uh gi was able to bring this home from the war as a souvenir um the white stuff uh let's take a look at that safety lever and you can see the uh the safe in white um that is factory original there a lot of people uh put the white stuff uh it's actually i shouldn't call white stuff they use like a wax pencil and they fill in the lettering and all the markings with white and that's not original to the gun and therefore i do spend some time with some collectors taking the white wax out of the markings so that it goes back to its original condition let's take a look at the grip straps once again you can see the grip straps are in pristine condition beautiful and at back of the receiver there's really no roll mark at all for where this gun may have been shot it was probably test fired and never shot again if we go to the right side of the gun you see the eagle 135 only used in 1942 the top this is much easier to date because you can see the 42 and the byf is the code for the mauser factory so this is the way it looked when it left the uh the mauser factory it was by the way the later it was married up with this holster i don't believe they left the factory with these holsters i believe they were issued and they married them up before they handed them out to the officer or the soldier who was eventually to get the gun let's pull the magazine out of this one just because again incredible aha somebody did put the white wax and i don't believe that would be original i can easily take that out if you want if you wanted to get rid of it i just put a drop of oil on it let it sit for a minute and then i take a uh toothbrush a soft bristled toothbrush and just brush it out and that white wax will come out looking at this you can you don't see the slide marks on the tube meaning it when this is slid in and out numerous times you will see the slide marks on the magazine let's take a look at the spare and just compare them the spare does have a few slide marks so it's probably used a little bit more but both are absolutely beautiful and um now if you look at the top you can see right in the top of what they call the follower you can see markings where nine millimeter luger ammo was actually put in this gun so it was loaded a few times and it was used but very very little uh also you'll know notice on the spare mag which goes in the pouch that that does not have the white wax in it so i think i'll correct that after this video is made i'll even the po8 has the white wax in it i think i'll take that out since it's not original to the gun and uh this one what happens to a gun like this it goes to my collection um so this is actually makes up a what they call a luger rig somebody just asked yesterday what what's considered a rig some people would say it includes the belt and the buckle but generally uh for us when we say a luger rig or a walder rig it we're talking about the gun uh the tool if that's appropriate and a spare magazine would make a rig hey that was a lot of fun i enjoyed that time travel i love bringing you these thank you for tolerating my public service announcement but i know you enjoyed these guns so make sure you like and subscribe to our channel and if it seems appropriate i would forward this to family or friends make sure you tune in again real soon because i have another really cool gun coming your way soon
Channel: Legacy Collectibles
Views: 25,134
Rating: 4.9232001 out of 5
Keywords: brand new luger pistols, luger pistols, luger p.08, 9mm luger, mint condition luger, commercial dwm luger, luger in original box, nazi pistols, nazi luger, black widow luger, luger rig, black grips, black bottom magazine, .30 caliber luger, wood grips, wood magazine, nazi weapons, military acceptance proof, eagle 135, luger tool, black luger holster
Id: bQxMyMriXy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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