New Walther PPK/S

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[Music] hey guys welcome back today we're out the range with a Walther PPK / s which has been reintroduced by Walther of Germany or Valter as you some people will pronounce it correctly I'm gonna go ahead and call it a Walther and they have a manufacturing facility in Arkansas and they again have reintroduced the PPK and we have one here this afternoon to show to you guys but before we get to the new PPK let's talk about the original PPK this is a world war ii era Valter PPK in 32 acp or 765 browning this one does bear the marks of Nazi Germany and the gun was developed in the 1920s and it's probably one of the most cloned handguns out there in terms of how it works I've shown you many handguns here on the channel that really are clones or knockoffs of this original design so again this one's chambered in 32 acp it has a 7 round magazine you can see it has a little teeny tiny loaded chamber indicator there's a little pin sticking out right here just above the hammer and then the Hammers notched so you can from the double action position see this little pin protruding that's your loaded chamber indicator and that's important to note now this handgun does have dovetailed rear sight and then a machined front sight into the gun it has a manual safety here which will put the safety on the gun cannot fire from this position it's a double action single-action handgun and the magazine releases right there alright so I'm going to go ahead and put the weapon on fire I'm going to fire my seven rounds of thirty-two ACP then we're gonna take a look at the new ppk/s from Valter USA which again was manufactured in an Arkansas right here in the good ol Midwest alright here we go first seven rounds of the afternoon and the gun locks open you release the magazine the slide stays to the rear when you put a fresh magazine into the original you just pull the slide to the rear and let it go decock it put it back on fire and it's ready to go all right now you've seen the original let's take a look at the new one this is the new walther ppk/s and this one again is made in Fort Smith Arkansas this handgun has an interesting history it's been manufactured in the United States before it was brought to market by inter arms who has had it manufactured here in the United States under license for some time then Smith & Wesson Believe It or Not manufactured the handgun under license for some time and it actually earned a reputation for being poorly made and unreliable when Smith & Wesson was making the handgun now Walter has resumed production of the handgun here in the United States and there's an important reason why they're manufacturing the gun here in the United States which we'll get into a little bit later in the video so this one's chambered in 380 or 9-millimeter kurz and some people will say Kurtz and put a T in there I've been guilty of that myself in the past but it's uh it's pronounced curse and it's K u R Z but we're just gonna call it 380 acp because that's what's marked right here on the ejection port and that's what we call it here in the United States this handgun holds seven rounds just like the original 32 acp version I'm gonna reach in my pocket here and grab one of the two magazines so here you can see that it's holding seven rounds and this is just some Winchester ball ammo and what's really interesting you'll notice it has a flat point on it and a lot of the 380 ball for whatever reason has a flat point which I've seen cause malfunctions in other 380 handguns so we brought some of this out and some hollow points to see how the handgun works because previous iterations of this gun did have problems with hollow points well this is almost like a hollow point but we will try some hollow points as well so we're gonna go ahead load the seven rounds into the pistol you can put the weapon on safe before you load it by pushing that lever down and I'm going to grab it by the slide serrations pull the slide to the rear and release it and you'll notice that the hammer went forward the triggers rearward and the safety is on the gun cannot fire from this position when you flip the lever up the trigger pops forward red means danger or fire and now the gun is ready to fire on top we have some very rudimentary sights both of which are machined into the slide the original PP and PPK had dovetailed rear sights that you can adjust for windage these are not adjustable there's also a dab of red paint in the rear sight and the front sight the top of the slide is machined to reduce glare and it also has a loaded chamber indicator right there a little pen sticking out now does it stick out quite as far as the original 32 acp gun from World War 2 but it protrudes and we have that slot cut in the top of the hammer so from the firing position like this we can easily see that little loaded chamber indicator okay so let's see what the double action pull is like on this first shot alright so the double action trigger pull is actually very short and very fast compared to the original gun some people have complained in the past about these handguns having really nasty double action trigger pulls this handgun has an improved double action trigger pole I actually like it quite a bit it was not staged a at all and it just was felt like it's super short travel before it fired I liked it quite a bit let's see what that single action feels like alright so the single action is nice and light I don't feel or hear a reset matter of fact I don't know when the trigger resets I just barely let it forward and then I go okay Paul bang it goes off so I don't get a tactile response through the trigger but it has a nice light crisp let off and the trigger does release when it's almost completely back against the frame alright well that's pretty cool let's load up another magazine now this one had the pinky extension on it and that actually gives me a really nice grip with my big hands my pinky's fully supported alright so the other magazine that ships with the pistol we have some more that Winchester ammunition with that blunt nose on it is a non pinky extension on the floor plate so now my pinky's gonna dangle a little bit in space alright you can see that my pinky is not supported by the gun now to load the weapon there is no slide release I have to pull the slide rearward and let it go now the gun is in the fire position with the hammer back I can again drop it safely on a live round by putting the safety on push the safety forward and now it's ready to fire again let's get another feel for that double action trigger pull yeah that's actually a really really good trigger pull what's weird is there's nothing to tell me when that single action trigger resets boy it shoots really really nice it's heavier than the original Walther PPK because it's made out of stainless steel it's a little bit bulkier it's a little bit heavier and again we'll get into that here very shortly in the video as to why that is but boy the gun shirt aims that 380 really really nicely now another thing you're gonna notice on this handgun it's slightly different than the original is this beaver tail comes out quite a bit further than it does on the original handgun that's so it protects you from hammer bite when the gun recoils with the original shorter beaver tail of the original design a lot of people complained about getting the meat of their hand pinched by the hammer that's been done away with with this extended beaver tail so overall this is a very pleasant will hand gun to shoot even with that pinky rest on it I like it quite a bit so let's do some we're shooting with the hand gun let's put some hollow points in it see how it handles those and just see what the reliability is on this new walther ppk/s when I posted pictures of the ppk/s on Instagram many commenters asked about the reliability of the handgun with hollow points we have two different flavours of hollow points out here this afternoon now I personally I actually did a video on this don't believe in using hollow points with the 380 I believe it makes the bullet stop penetrating early I prefer using ball rounds of I'm going to carry a 32 acp or a 380 acp and if you want to know why there's a whole video that talks about that here on the military arms channel but what I have here in my hands is seven rounds of Winchester PDX 195 grain 380 hollow points and the other magazine I have seven rounds of 90 grain gold dots from Speer alright so let's go ahead and load the Winchester's up put the magazine in pull the slide to the rear chamber that first round drop the safety so the hammer drops we can see that the loaded chamber indicator is working as it should be and now it's fire mr. rubber dummy that's a little over seven yards away definitely a little bit more pep in those loads very controllable though it doesn't hurt the hand that beavertails working wonderfully but I'm not really the guy that has most of those types of problems Jason really complains because he has meteor man hands than I have my little skinny hands don't really have much of a problem with slide bite but he likes the way this new PP k.s handles as well now we have seven rounds of the gold dots in there let's see how these fire go ahead and drop that hammer put it back in the fire position I really do like the double action on this hand gun quite a bit alright seems like all the rounds are going to point of aim which is right center of mass of the rubber dummy and the guns lock and open a cycling just fine we'll continue to fire off a few more magazines full of these various hollow points but I'm going to go ahead and say that the handgun does not have any problems with commonly used hollow points that would be out there and available so again we've only tested with the Winchester and the gold dots the PDX ones in the gold dots so it's by no means an extensive test but I'm fairly confident the handguns gonna go ahead and work just fine with most hollow points that are out there under the Gun Control Act of 1968 there were certain restrictions placed on all sorts of firearms for them to be of sporting purpose and therefore allowed into the United States for handguns they have a point system and the handgun must be of a certain size and weight before it has enough points to actually be imported under the Gun Control Act of 1968 well the original Walther PPK was too small and light to be important as a sporting handgun as ridiculous as that may sound so then modifications were made to the design to get it imported into the United States and get it over that threshold about 1.8 ish ounces heavier to get it into the United States and that's how he wound up with the ppk/s now when the manufacturing of the gun moved into the United States they maintained that original design even though now that was being manufactured in the United States it wasn't subject to those requirements for importation because domestically produced handguns aren't held to that standard but they continue to produce it anyway in that configuration and that's how we get the modern PPS I'm sorry the amount of ppk/s so here we have a scale I'm going to go ahead and turn the scale on and I'm going to go ahead and put the original Walther PPK on here with no magazine inserted it's 19.1 ounces 19 ounces just went back to zero so we have a 19 counts handgun if I put the new walther ppk/s on there with no magazine inserted it's 21.9 ounces so you can see that the handgun is heavier than the original design now if you look at the two side-by-side they look pretty much the same size the most noticeable difference is right here in the grip length so the PPK is a shortened version of a handgun that was the pp the original PP had a slightly longer barrel and slightly longer grip and this handgun is the compact version hence K and so this handgun has the longer grip and these short stubby slide but if you take a look at the thickness even though this looks like a thicker handgun if I measure the slide thickness on this I get 0.86 as a slide and that's of an inch of a slide thickness if I measure the slide thickness on this original German handgun from World War two 0.86 so it's exactly the same thickness on the slide where we're gonna find that the difference is in that beaver tail but also in the height of the gun that one this is three point seven seven so three point eight inches tall and the ppk/s is four point one inches tall so that's where most of that weight difference is coming from slightly longer grip and this extended beaver tail from the original design that's just an interesting part of the history I thought I would share with you guys as to why this handguns bigger and heavier than the original design the Winchester ammunition that we're shooting out here this afternoon was given to us by our friends over at LAX ammunition we do have a discount code down below the ammunition again has that flat nose which is almost like a hollow-point in 295 grain projectile that's advertised with the muzzle velocity of 955 feet per second so it's pretty much range ammo alright let's go ahead and load up a little Walther again now only thing we did to it today was put a little bit of CLP on it and this is its first range session so this is right out of the box and we've had no malfunctions with the handgun so far knock on wood alright so here we go we're gonna fire off fourteen more rounds of the Winchester again the little gun is shooting straight to point aim I really like the way it handles these little 380 s now there are smaller and lighter 380 s on the market you can pick up like a little Ruger LCP for example it's gonna be smaller and lighter than this handgun but you're gonna find it's gonna have a lot more recoil very sharp abrupt recoil impulse which is muted by the weight of this handgun the downside is is this one is designed to be a pocket or discreet carry automatic it's a little bit heavy for that roll the LCP is going to be much lighter but being all steel it's going to give you the confidence that some folks want and the handgun being not polymer but all steel so it's kind of a trade off could you stick this in your pocket and carry it effectively sure and it's a little bit bigger than the original PPK as well and we still have to talk about that but the handgun really does feel good in the hand my only concern is just it's probably just a little bit big and heavy for pocket carry but I'm fairly certain with my pants and you know I don't wear skinny jeans and stuff like that I could get this in a pocket if I really wanted to more of the winchester 95 grain ball yeah very flat shooting handgun 380 with a ball round is gonna punch a hole right through something and it is a very capable self-defense cartridge so yeah that's pretty cool I picked up my PP KS directly from Walther as a dealer if you take a look online for the going rates I found the guns for sale on Cabela's they were listed at $6.99 they were not available on the internet and it said in-store purchases only so the guns are out there and it looks like the street price is going to be right around six hundred and ninety nine dollars so when you get your pistol it's going to come in this plastic Walther branded box which is lockable let me go ahead and pop the box open and show you what you'll find inside you'll find your pistol inside with a flag safety in the chamber and then underneath the bottom foam you'll find the federally mandated lock a second magazine without the pinkie extension and then your registration card owner's manual and things like that alright so now it's field-strip the pistol and I'll show you how simple that process is to field-strip the handgun first you're going to want to drop the magazine out of the gun you can do that by depressing the magazine release button right here it's in a perfect spot for your thumb press the button drop the magazine out and now you can check to make sure that the weapon is clear I'm going to do that by pulling a slide to the rear and remove the flag safety shake it out check the chamber make sure there's no round in the chamber and there is not now I'm going to show you an original PPK and how it disassembles the gun is clear no magazine in it slides lock to the rear and there's nothing in the chamber go ahead and let that slide go home and what you typically do is pull down I'm sorry pull up on the trigger guard the way that I'm holding it and push the trigger guard to one side or the other and it should stay perched on the receiver when you do that that allows you then to pull the slide to the rear up and off the gun all right things are a little bit different for some reason at least with my version of the new PP KS in that when I pulled the trigger guard up and try to push it to one side of the other it won't stay up so the trigger guard keeps wanting to drop down and that's how you disassemble the gun so my workaround for that is simply to pull it down insert two fingers in it this is why it's critical that you check to make sure at the weapons empty then you pull the slide to the rear lift up and off the receiver and now you can see inside the gun some of you have asked about the feed ramp if it's a one-piece or a two-piece feed ramp you can see inside there that it's a one-piece feed ramp this little lever right here is your bolt stop so when there's an empty magazine inside the gun watch this little bar right here see how that pushes up the slide then hits it and stays rearward even after you take the magazine out because the slides pushing forward on it keeping that bar in the up position when you pull the slide to the rear and let it go that's how the slide goes home alright you can also pull the spring off the barrel if you would like to but then it's fully disassembled let's go ahead and put the recoil spring back on the barrel and as you can see the barrel is one piece with the receiver the slide you don't need to do anything else to it you can just wipe it out and clean it you can see your firing pin channel inside there to put it back together again you would want this trigger guard push to one side of the other and stay in the extended position but since I can't I'm gonna put two fingers in there put the slide on the receiver pull rearward set it down and now the gun is back together I can drop the hammer safely by putting the lever in the safe position which you'll notice that one the hammer is cocked and you put the safety on the trigger stays rearward when I push the safety forward the trigger pops forward but now if I put it back in a safe position that trigger is still in the forward position the only time the trigger stays back is when you have the gun cocked put the safety on the hammer dropped safely on a live around but the trigger stays rearward okay so that is how you field-strip the new PPK / s Walther 380 pistol as I've said the Walther pp and PPK are probably one of the most copied handguns in history and here's an example of that this is a Sig P 230 and this one's a German made handgun this is an older gun but it's been in my collection for some time but this even though it doesn't really look like it is a darn near perfect copy of the Walther pp or PPK so why do I say that now there's a number of things that set this handgun apart but externally it looks quite different in fact it has a hammer drop safety here which is more sick than having one up here on the slide like the Walther but if you take this handgun apart instead of pulling the trigger guard down you flip a little lever down right here then when you pull the slide to the rear up and off the gun if you take a look at the trigger bar and even the bolt hold-open bar which is right here it's a darn near perfect copy of the PP PPK pistols it's just a little easier to take apart instead of having a magazine release here where the decocker is this one has a heel release so I just wanted to show you that even handguns you may not think or direct copies of the original Walther design some of them actually are and this one's in 380 as well nice shooting little pistol and just like the ppk/s this one holds seven rounds of 388 if you put one in the chamber and top it off we've shot the walther ppk/s pretty extensively this afternoon we put several hundred rounds through it and we noticed two things first of all if you take a look at the web of my hand here I want to pull the gun away slowly you're gonna see something a perfect indentation of that beaver tail with two cuts one on either side of the beaver tail now we're just shooting mostly winchester ball ammo but we've also fired some free to munitions ammunition we found in the Jeep and the gun seems to like the ammo and everything but it's not like a heavy recoiling handgun so I took the gun loaded it up with two magazines of the Winchester ball and Jason fired the handgun just two magazines and we compared our grips with the gun and sure enough he started to get a red outline in the exact same spot that I'm having the outline plus the cuts in my hand so it seems even though this isn't very sharp at all that for some reason the gun is biting our hands and it's not hammer bite it's the dovetail doing it and yeah I thought that was kind of weird the other thing that we've noticed with the hand gun is that when it starts to get dirty sometimes it won't quite go all the way into battery it'll it'll stop about that far out of battery simply tapping it with the palm of the hand puts the gun into battery and it resume shooting I don't know if that's just my gun or what but it seems to be happening again when the gun starts to get dirty we wiped it down once and put CLP on it and cleaned it off and the issues went away alright so wanted to point those two issues out now another thing that I noticed was that when I started the video is talking about the price being six hundred ninety nine dollars at Cabela's well I did some more shopping around while we were warming up in the little shooting area there we have a nice little propane heater and I was surfing on my phone and I found tombstone tactical was listing the new handguns at five hundred and ninety-seven dollars for a blued one so it does seem that these handguns can be found for less than six hundred bucks plus are also available in a blued finished not just stainless steel which I failed to mention before so if you guys would like to support assert the military arms channel there's a couple of ways that you can do that first of all we have a new Mac buyers club that's available only to our patrons and it's available to our squad leaders and above basically what we're doing is allowing our patreon to have direct access to copper customs distributors so you can buy stuff at distributor pricing again that's a perk for our squad leaders and above over at patreon if you'd like to consider supporting us here at the military arms channel there's a link down below we are not industry supported we take no money from the industry where viewers supported via patreon also if you'd like to support us another great way to do that is to pick up one of our t-shirts hoodies are sweaters from our Forge from freedom store again there's a link down below also be sure to check out copper custom comm and if you're a patreon you can send me a PM and let me know what your user name is and you can join us on a twitch stream while we're playing some of our favorite games online there's a link to our twitch channel down below alright guys we're gonna sign off by firing the last seven rounds of the afternoon before we go and warm up and this looks like some freedom ammunition so we have seven rounds of freedom ball load it into the magazine we'll see if we have any issues here as we sign off and if not again thanks a lot for those 11 years of support and I'll talk to you guys soon yep working just fine alright guys we'll talk to you soon thanks for watching if you're a fan of James Bond like I am you're gonna love the looks of a Walther PPK now if you follow the movies in the story line he used a beretta 25 ACP pistol which then he was forced into giving up and carrying a Walther and 32 acp so the lines of this handgun appeal to many of us especially those my age because we're big James Bond fans and the Walther PPK is forever you know immortalized as James Bond's a gun but back in the day people shot handguns differently than we do now today we use a two-handed hold and fire like this most commonly but back in the day and in the beginning and opening scenes of every James Bond film I can remember where you're looking down what looks like a barrel of a gun and James Bond walks out turns and fires then blood comes down well you'll remember he's shooting from a position more like this in that opening scene so let's see how well I can hit my rubber dummy standing fairly close using that style of shooting so I'm gonna walk out turn and fire ha not too bad hit him send her a mass didn't even see the gun just point fired so I guess James Bond could have killed an adversary using his Walther in that manner yeah completely pointless but a lot of fun anyway
Channel: Military Arms Channel
Views: 556,564
Rating: 4.9194441 out of 5
Keywords: military, police, rifle, pistol, how to, iraqveteran8888, jeep, action movie, outdoor, movies, video game, recreation, entertainment, walther, ppk, pp, ppk/s, ppks
Id: 3zwe9z_Xff8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 19sec (1699 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2019
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