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I can’t be bothered to watch minute long videos anymore, but I just happily sat through half an hour of WWII instructional film. The rhyme at the end really made it.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 11 2020 🗫︎ replies

Cant wait till they're in game. It is confirmed I think.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Prestonisevil 📅︎︎ Mar 11 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] modern weapons against not sedum are the most effective the world has ever seen the Thompson submachine gun for close range and a terrific rate of fire the Bren gun Modern Warfare's most efficient withering and deadly hun smasher the anti-tank rifle lights and mobile yet the nightmare of the enemy FB the rifle there is no greater weapon for accurate controlled fire at good range than this even against enemy aircraft especially when flying low rifles and light automatics are deadly if fire is properly controlled but with anti-aircraft fire as with all fire we must know when the fire if we're to shoot to kill first then let us present the rifle sight it up to 2,000 yards but normally if fire should not be opened about 600 unless the target is extremely favorable the short of the range but greater the accuracy shoot to kill as with a rifle so with a Bren gun the effective range of which on its bipod is 1,000 yards use your common sense the near of the enemy is a greater the taunts of killing him and remember we shoot to kill with a minimum expenditure of ammunition off we go then to show you a practical demonstration of when to fire with the brendan rifle in defense against enemy ground troops here's a piece of country for which a section in defense is responsible there's a good field of view except for the background which is rather fully wooded and obviously would give concealment to the enemy but the foreground and middle distance are quite open and give a very good field of fire here is our section can you see it not on your life so let's lay it bare here it is in all its nudity with no effort of concealment otherwise we should have difficulty in spotting them at all everything seems to be in perfect order the Bren gun has been posted on the right of the trench for the very effective arc of fire and in the center is the Corporal with his range card let's have a look at it corporal there's that water eight hundred yards a yellow bush at five hundred yards and some course at two hundred and fifty yards right now let's take a look at it all on the ground on your left the course of 250 bush 500 yards and the wood 800 yards so far so good and now back in the position again the Sentry on the left of the trench scans that piece of country we've just seen for any possible movement by the enemy he knows the ranges on that card or he should do and we shall soon see how he deals for the situation should one arrive hello he seems to seen something is that the enemy moving about there stop my vitals it is the enemy now then what are our chaps going to do about it the range remember is 800 yards to that wood heystop what's all this going on Oh Lord that's Tony they give him the whole show away there goes the boss running back to tell the patrol where our position is see what they were sent out for and now we're going to cop it for that folly and cop it hard the enemy observer has a quick look at the ground spots our position in spite of its cover and that's what comes of not holding a fire until you're sure overkill now for the same job as it should be done by men who know when to fire and who shoot to kill this is another section in the same spot gathering around the Corporal who is explaining to them the reference points on the range card and then on the ground 800 yards away the water head 500 yards the yellow bush with ineffective rifle range and very prominent indeed and to the left of our position the gorse at 250 yards the section is alive and watchful and the Centurion the alert for any possible movement by the enemy here's something is it Jerry moving about out there yes my job it is Santo now that sentry knew his stuff spotting the Germans he had once reported to his section leader who has not given the fire order as yet the boss don't know that they've been spotted so they keep on getting nearer and nearer to getting killed 500 yards to this yellow bush and they will probably come closer still the Corporal observing all changes of range verifies them by reference to his range card he's got a pretty shrewd idea that there are more to come out of that wood and he's quite right here they come well in view at 800 yards but no firing as yet not a shock from our lead moving up nicely aren't they five hundred yards here remember but still they come on quite oblivious to the presence of our position anymore for the Skylark yes here comes a more Odin this was worth waiting for and just shows you the value of holding your fire keen eyes watch their every movement as yet more of the enemy come on so innocently into the death trap which is being prepared for them in the open ground ahead - sign me for it saintly octane and forgets I'm Hitler the avoid for Ferrari hey this fellow has been sent forward by the Gerry NCO to draw our fire and disclose the whereabouts of our men well done corporal get them all in that gap between the yellow bush at 500 and the gorse of 250 and they won't have a hope in hell wait for it wait for it gotta go court wait for it wait for it what are we gonna fire car there goes his snap shooting per order those bursts from his Bren gun scattered what was left of them and now every man for his own target and in his own time nice work corporal you shot to kill [Music] Modern Warfare has shown the importance of tanks in the scheme of things and the value of efficient and properly control defense against the sticky customers weapons are only as effective as the skill of the men who use them but the anti-tank rifle in the hands of the man who knows when to fire can do immense damage to these battleships of the land the sights on the anti-tank rifle can be adjusted to 500 and 300 yards 0.55 bullet which it fires will penetrate light Hun tanks like this British one up to 500 yards provided the angle of impact is 30 degrees or less now what exactly does this mean in plain English well we'll get to company's Automator instructor Maeva to give us the lowdown may Bob will you explain this angle of impact business now let's assume that's the tip of my stick actually represent the nose of the bullet and the remainder of my stick the path of the bullet a strike paid on to 30 degrees above or below or at either side will result in a penetration what we want to avoid however is the glancing blow like this well the footage will bounce off when clear now a Punnett glancing in that way may result in penetrating a little wave but it will be held up by the thickness of the metal I think that's all I can tell you sup thank you very much a tomato with the anti-tank rifle as with all other weapons we shoot to kill and once again common sense plays its part in deciding the moment when fire should be open everybody in the platoon is trained to use the anti-tank rifle and any section may be detailed to carry it two men in each section should be earmarked for the job here then is the anti-tank rifleman with his observer protector controller inciting the anti-tank rifle we must have a good field of fire if possible if not less than 500 yards remember that the blast and flash of the rifle is a thing to be reckoned with it would soon give the position away so the mother all must be well concealed the anti-tank rifle position is so placed that if and when it fires the range should be considerably under 300 yards the OPC has taken up a position from which he can fight and inform his pal of any likely movement by enemy tank hello what have we here or do these old eyes of mine this evening all right but make sure you do fix them tanks are ugly enemies so if a heaven's sake don't lose your head up the road come the tanks at a fair bet they should be German ones but we haven't got any over here yes so we're using light British ones for our purpose if we handle this careful in the bag let's hope the rifleman doesn't fire too soon Hey not yet not yet he did miles to sue and the tanks take the Hinton's they get away into the tall grass all he's done is to give his position away while this silly twerp looks this way and that trying to make out where the targets gone and wondering what it's all about a tank with a personal grievance is on its way towards him and I've to get him crashing through the undergrowth it carries out a flanking attack on the position and Bob's your uncle that's one tank to the good than one anti-tank rifleman definitely to the bad was it the fault of the rifle no our anti-tank rifle is a very good weapon and the best in the world for the job it has got to do let us see how this weapon should be handled from the same defensive position with the same field of fire but by a rifleman who knows his job the covers the same there's his OPC on the job this is his field of view as before and here comes the enemy up the road towards the position thanks ok the rifleman springs to action and covers the road his eyes glued to the sights and keeping a wary eye open for anything the baton of the OPC carefully watches the target until it is within the field of view of his rifleman here the rifleman picks it up and with his sights aligned on the leading tank he waits for his prey to enter the trap [Music] and here are three reasons why you should wait for it nice going riflemen you've certainly scared off the rest of that bunch and as for the results on hand one tank very did two anti-tank riflemen very much alive with the wisdom of knowing when to fire the Thompson submachine gun tommy gun to you and me is a most deadly weapon when you know how to use it it's a short-range weapon and very effective up to fifty yards when skillfully handled it can be fired from the waist by a sense of direction or from the shoulder using the site and with its terrific rate of fire its effect on morale is very great indeed but when the pirate that's the point we all want to know here then is the situation the Corporal who is the patrol leader has spotted the enemy he has seen something coming up the road directly to his front and with good cover both to left and right signaling to his section to go to ground he himself takes up a fire position oh my - soon the Germans - for cover will out of effective range looks is at this frightful looking light I had a personal grievance to our that corporal and that's that two hundred yards away there were but the Germans knew when to fire and so unhindered continued to advance bad very bad very bad indeed in fact bloody awful our corporal didn't know the first rules of the game he opened fire too soon and gave the enemy the initiative now here's the same situation but with a slightly different slice of country a friendly patrol is out and from the undergrowth and the background emerges one of them the left flank man moving carefully from cover to cover and keeping a wary eye open for the enemy next comes the Corporal covering him by the power of his tommy gun and also moving cautiously forward while the remainder of the patrol brings up his rear all are ready for instant action from whatever quarter the threat may come the left flank man moves forward to the cover of a bush when suddenly he freezes enemy scouts have been seen advancing up the road towards them by with a warning word he drops into cover while the Corporal leaps forward to gain the gorse bush to his front from which he can follow every movement of the enemy on come the scouts down the road but the corporals not going to be satisfied with such small chains seem that the enemy is about to signal on the main body of his formation he gets all set for the great event no enemy in sight if you only knew so on they come a full section of them into the jaws of death their scouts make off on the next bound that's right corporal to hell with them we want the section let him go we'll attend to them after we put those other fellows on the spot any moment now Oh nice shooting now single parts in the shoulder one two three four and five well done corporal that's what we wanted the signal to advance and on we go that feller knew when to fire he shot to kill and then some background aircraft when within effective range should be engaged by all available fire rifles and light automatics are the answer to the dive bomber and ground stopper and very effective they are no flying planes by reason of their speed and unsteady flight have much less chance of hitting you the new have of blasting them from the sky the rifle can quickly be brought from the slung position into aim and fired 10 rounds from a fully charged magazine can do immense damage to that hostile hedge hopper and for this reason all sights when on the March are set at five hundred yards against the enemy from the sky somewhere in England the platoon is on the line of march in a a formation making every use of cover and with the gas Adair sentry marching on ahead keeping a weather eye on the sky for hostile aircraft and with an ear for the sound of groaning engines all magazines are fully charged and all sights set at 500 yards the stage is set and up goes the curtain on act 1 aircraft action and the platoon springs to it deploying into cover on either side of the road section leaders order aircraft front so far so good there we go again opening up when those planes must be a good 4,000 feet do they look close enough to you well see from up there mighty high because you but while all this has been going on a jelly plane in another sector of the sky has come crashing down to earth [Music] who done that one section of riflemen done that a dive bomber had the temerity to attack them but they were Stovall chaps who knew their stuff they knew when to fire and this is how they did it there they go undercover at the side of the road but Jerry's suspicious guys pretend warning order aircraft front just that and no more flame though as yet well out of range come diving at them at 400 miles an hour it's pulling out and that's how it's done the Sentra comes out of cover and gives the attack over and so having charged their magazines and confident and ready for any other Messersmith Dona Yonkers or what have you on they go once more they had the tools they finished the job they knew when to fire they shot to kill the Bren gun in its role of protective cover for transport columns undercover is ideally suited for the job but are the Bren Gunners so far so good alive and ready for action so once again off they go firing at a mere speck in the sky he hasn't a hope in hell of hitting it but that pilots watching the ground like a hawk for just such a welcome sign first his fellows putting out has he seen anything who know and planes have radios to whistle up bombers on just such a target and here they are sooner than usual I'm glad I'm not a transport driver in that particular wood [Music] transports its knives lost and all because that damn fool friend gonna lost his head and now let's to it right the Bren gun crews are in position ready and alert the alarm is given over the top flies Gerais searching searching but he seen nothing to indicate the presence of troops or transform when all goes on as usual within the confines of the would time marches on then suddenly out of the blue where did those biters come from we didn't get many thing did we or did we damn tracks must have done it now we've got dive-bombers out for blood hold it the lower they die is the easier they get [Music] got in bren gonna good work that was shooting for a kill and so once more life gets back to normal and regimental transport remains in one piece which I think you'll agree is thanks to the Bren Gunners holding their fire country over which a platoon is to attack an enemy locality now so far we've dealt with the use of weapons in a defensive manner but holding fire and knowing when to fire is just as important in the attack and may make all the difference between success and disaster over to the diagram from Herman there's the Hun position on the left opposite them the British covering fire position and above the assault sections position from the assault sections to the Huns there's a series of gaps in the cover of a label not an easy job this but the covering fire section should be able to give invaluable help by keeping the enemy's heads down while the gaps across so let's take a look now at the ground and see what's involved from the first cover the assault sections have to advance across a gap to this bush then follows another gap which affords a little cover but not much until finally a cover is reached again then on across a very wide open space to the enemy position our covering fire section is beautifully cited for the job with an uninterrupted view over the sights to the Hun helmets and their hastily dug weapons it and continuously now for the vital last late of the attack where's that covering fire we've heard so much from just as we thought no ammunition to see the real job through when we get to it that last lap is entirely open and without our bullets thumping into Jerry's parapet to keep him from noticing things the assault hasn't much hope of survival and all because they fire too soon the assault party prepares for that last leg their officer comes forward to give the signal for covering prior to commence little do they know that they'll have to face what's in store without it padding has stopped altogether now as the Bosch with heads on high and taking in the countryside at large spot our lads bearing down on money if again and all the while not a shot to help them out why well you know the answer fire was not controlled to do the job in hand don't let that happen to you or one day you'll be doing the assaulting see how the job is handled by men who know their onion the covering fire section is on the aim and well hidden in the excellent cover of the position not a shot is fired but they're ready and confident that they can support the assault sections to the last - across that final gap the section commander need to know that face as an eye on that enemy locality which is the objective for the assault sections as before the gaps in the cover on the line of attack are empty no need for fire yet is on the alert - citing the gap but here comes that covering fire another henson party so accurate but he down snatch even the crimps of what's going on we go again the facts of life nothing to be seen just you wait here comes the signal to the covering power party the section commander sees it and all unknown to the enemy muscles are tensed and fingers tightened round triggers it seems a long stretch that last gap but with good covering power and support we'll manage it all right on your marks charging carry the immediate enemy weapon bits of the point of the Bennet and so on to the remainder once again our old friend grins his sardonic grin it is sardonic isn't it corporal [Applause] the weapon outside the scope of the platoon is the anti-tank two pounder gun but still the rules of holding fire apply normal air fire should not be opened with this weapon over 600 yards and the best effect will be obtained even nearer at 400 yards a warning has been given to all troops with anti-tank weapons that enemy air fees are in the vicinity yet look at this exhibition of stupidity one look out instead of two and no attempted cover from ground or air observation you certainly make a good target standing out there like that like a signpost for all the world to see something on your mind huh Here Come a couple of tanks in the middle distance light British once again for our purpose there of course all German tanks are vulnerable to fire from the two pounder anti-tank gun Hey three of them now a God's sake handle this properly now come on get sorted out don't waste valuable time and just who is going to lay that gun oh that's better we're getting a little order out of chaos but this doesn't look a very healthy sign though those tanks are a mighty long way off oh my had any effect on the tanks none at all except to hand them the information on a plate that our two founder is in this particular spot Don they go into the ravine where are they going to come out again get down man get your crew down and keep your fingers crossed you've got yourself into a nice hot spot and a tank with a bone to pick is on to your little party and the right way can you see the anti-tank two pounder it's here somewhere with its barrel pointing straight at you this is concealment at its best and will make a nice little surprise packet for the bar hello here's one of the lookouts on the job and here's the gun well undercover very good indeed nearby the crew also well concealed and ready for action it seems - spotted something what is it tanks yes tanks coming down the belly twelve hundred yards away sergeant thank the crew springs into action each man knowing his job and getting there quick wait for it now wait for it kick him in the stomach as they come over that rise good shot sir Rex Tiger for under it zero come on kick them in the star great shooting sergeant there goes another one what's your total now nine nine a what a gun crew shoots a treat I reckon shoots a treat our film is drawing to its close and short now is our time let's quickly recapitulate the lessons learned in rhyme a kind of trailer film you'll see brief shots from many scenes a commentary and rhyme will stress hold fire and all it means when in defense withhold or fire until the hand rolls near do not let fly at Scouts far off or it may cost you dear anticipate the Huns next move select your spot and wait then when he's in your field of fire turn on the rapid rate the same idea they'll do so undismayed it's in the open and the salt that they will need your aid when on patrol with tommy gun let Huns get well in range 200 yards is too far off they have time to make a change wait till they're 50 yards or less then from the waist let drive and as they scatter single shots one two three four and five so powdered aircraft out of range is madness as you'll see it gives away the hiding face concealment all goopy the Messerschmitts were radio glad tidings to its base and then the Hyksos will appear and bomb your hiding place a roadblock is an obstacle to any german tanks especially if on a bin surrounded by high banks and then it men with rifle boy czar covering the block they will deliver to those tanks of very nasty shock the german tank is easy meet in open country to see what the 2 pounder 400 yards can do it waits until it cannot fail then well look at this it hits one in the stomach at arrange it cannot miss well there you are we've done our best to show you what to do and now the time has come for me to be do all I do so now I wish you all good luck wherever you may go remember hold your fire and shoot to kill the stars Oh [Music]
Channel: PeriscopeFilm
Views: 1,608,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Periscope Film, Stock Footage, 4K, HD, 2K
Id: UXqwh2o_zzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 5sec (2105 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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