Branching Out 2024 - New Hallmark Movies 2024 - Best Hallmark Romance 2024

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[Music] kener you're off the plane I'm on my way to the lodge I went on a little Adventure yesterday and I broke my leg you broke your leg Yeah but that's not what's important now it's not Jennifer I can't miss this opportunity if I cancel on Liz Ross it'll destroy everything I've worked so hard for what are you saying I need you to take my place and organize the Christmas event at the Pine Lodge you're hilarious nice one I'm not joking I need you to go and be me and Sarah I don't know how to do event planning I'm a chef well I'll guide you every step of the way and we can do video calls as much as you need I will never ask for anything else ever again I'm begging you what if I fail you won't you can do this I must be insane but okay I'll do it you are the best thank you I so owe you we won't have to get to that Mr Stern I'm meeting with Liz Ross the move watch inventor Liz Ross Yes the Liz Ross what she sees where my app can do for her watch she'll jump at the opportunity how did you have a secure meeting with her I heard rumor she meets with no one don't worry about that just know that I'm at her Pine Lodge and I'm going to pitch her impressive okay you bought yourself another week but after that she says yes or you pull out financially from everything I've been working for over the last 5 years you've made that very clear talk with you in a week P yeah talk then okay I'm here great I sent you an email with all the details already but here's an overview Liz Ross is the move watch inventor her business partner is high-tech millionaire Steve Kane her ideas his business savvy they were killing it in Silicon Valley though some say there's tension in Paradise yikes yeah a handful of big board members are coming up the Christmas event must be some kind of important announcement and the event is at Pine Lodge because Miss Ross just purchased it new owner of the lodge too no pressure you'll be great okay here goes yeah I'm Sarah white I'm I'm Sarah white hi I am Sarah white no no absolutely not I spoke to you about this Miss Ross is not available thank you can I help you hi I'm I'm uh I'm Sarah white oh my goodness I am so excited to see you you are yes Miss Ross is so grateful that you were able to come on such short notice between you and I if you're able to pull this off Miss White your entire future is said definitely got to pull it off you don't want to see what happens to people who disappoint her I really don't I'm Colette by the way Miss Ross's personal assistant I am at your service this entire weekend I'll give you a quick tour follow me and this is the banquet hall incredible isn't it these are the decorations that we have at our disposal Nick our GM brought them up from Storage you'll meet him later unfortunately I took a look through them earlier and this is all we have to work with Okay we're going to turn this place into a Christmas Wonderland Miss Ross would like everything ready before Steve Kane and her partner and between you and I soon to be ex- partner gets here ex partner yes don't tell anyone but this meeting is her way out it's very important ah you must be Sarah white yes I'm Sarah white uh that's me well I'm excited to see this magical touch I've heard so much about oh I don't know don't be modest we women need to stand strong in our gifts yes we do now has Colette told you everything that's expected she has excellent because I want to show my partner and our board members who's really boss now I need to make a phone call yes yes okay I'm going to relax knowing that I'm in good hands Sarah You Can Count On Me she's amazing isn't she now let's get you settled in your room Miss Ross put you in one of two Suites still available we have Caterers yes and they have a menu up I have I have the menu of course excuse me sir can I help you oh um unfortunately the lodge is closed to the public at this time I'm actually here to request a meeting with Liz Ross and what is it regarding I just need 5 minutes of her time so that I can show her how I can revolutionize her watch you'd like to schedule an appointment with Miss Ross you can do so on her website no you don't understand I need to speak to her in person this is exactly what she's been looking for Jenny it can't be Mac yeah I go by my first name now business stuff you know but but you can can always call me mac of course you two know each other yeah um jennif and I used to be high school sweethearts about a million years ago I I can't believe you're here wait I'm confused Jennifer Jennifer is my twin sister and uh she and Mac uh well Peter used to be an item oh um Sarah I used to be able to tell you two apart I guess it's it's been so long Colette what's going on here this gentleman was requesting an appointment with you I was just having him leave but hi Peter McCarthy it's an honor Miss Ross I would love the opportunity to show you my app it's a big weekend for me I really don't have time for call Christmas Ross Sarah wait do do you two know each other please tell me you didn't bring him oh no no she didn't uh we haven't seen each other in in years this is just a coincidence honey I'm home what on Earth are you doing here the event is in 2 days yeah I thought it would be a good idea to see you at work this is a new low even for you Steve hey everybody sorry to be the bearer of bad news but there's been an avalanche about a mile up the road shut down no who are you exactly oh I'm I'm Nick I'm Nick Jones I'm the general manager here at the lodge how long will it take to to clear an avalanche uh I I don't know but it it looks like we're all going to be stuck here for a while but but my event I know it still might happen but you can't argue with nature well that's unfortunate I'll take a suite uh unfortunately Mr McCarthy here already booked the last available Suite yes sorry about that Mr Kan it's a good thing I did with this Avalanche thing Liz come on fine Colette see if you can find a very small room for Steve just make sure it's as far from me as possible got it where's that darn Bellman belman is white I see now why your reputation precedes you well um even though you're not your sister I'm I'm really glad you're here as you know Miss Ross just bought Pine Lodge and it's actually beautiful ah this is you Sarah and this is you Mr McCarthy please call me Peter I'm supposed to have an office too about that I don't have an office office we did have the lodge office prepared for you but Steve Kane will definitely take it over now that he's here and it's not worth the fight trust me I'm so sorry Sarah well no worries Colette I'll be fine then let's regroup in an hour okay perfect hey I want to do apologize I didn't mean to put you into hot water with Miss Ross it's okay you couldn't have known I mean what are the chances right do you have time to grab a coffee I'd love to explain and maybe hear about how you and Jennifer are doing uh I just got here so no pressure I understand you got a lot of work to [Music] do um maybe later on today when I'm done for the night it's a date well not a a date date just a [Music] coffee so how's it going what did you get me into you have no idea Steve Kane showed up early and he and Liz don't seem to be getting along at all and an avalanche just blocked the roads okay please don't joke about this I I wish I were joking I didn't even tell you the best part what is it at the worst possible moment ever guess who just showed up here unannounced trying to pitch something to your client who Mac what do you mean Mac you're Mac yep Peter McCarthy in the flesh that's got to be Destiny how so I'm pretending to be you oh right what are you going to do I don't know you know you're the best sister in the whole world right I'm so out of my element Sarah put me in an industrial kitchen I shine but at a board member corporate announcement event I've already sent you my pre-event checklist to use that should help you are going to see Mac again later right I'm going to grab a coffee with him later ooh the plot thickens nothing can happen while I'm you right well good luck with that here you go Sarah I have a gift for you what's this it's the move watch remember in my emails I said that Miss Ross had one for you what does it do exactly didn't you read the emails I sent you of course I I just it was a long travel day the move watch monitors everything about its wearer and gives recommendations on how to lead a better lifestyle oh like a happiness bully exactly what I need yeah I guess that's why it's struggling to take off in the markets people say they want to change their lives but that's a lie most people don't actually want to improve themselves true everything's all in there for you your emails socials personal information your whole life in there all pre-programmed by Miss Ross herself Sarah white welcome I am your move watch companion uh uh let's get going on the pre-event checklist it will be my pleasure not you shall we yeah let's do it so um T class for the [Music] presentation please tell me that this is not our Christmas tree well I'm I'm afraid that's all we have um you see when M Ross bought the property everything that wasn't physically attached went with the original owner all that's left is what we got as you know the plan was to have decorator's ink drop off supplies ask for your instructions but they can't get here yeah you know it's a wonder we need anything in here with so much Beauty out there Nick you're a genius we just need to get one of the trees from out there and bring it in here you mean cut down a real tree yeah sure I uh uh maybe tomorrow when I'm not so busy and uh of course I'll I'll need somebody to help me carry it I would love to help but Miss Ross would freak if I was gone for so long so me uh yeah okay I'll go we need something better than this sad [Music] thing sorry I'm really impressed that you've taken on this challenge working for Liz Ross can't be easy thanks and I've mostly dealt with Colette and Nick so far but I appreciate the vote of confidence of course you and your sister are always so creative I can remember the Christmas decorations you'd always make every year no bought items in the white homes very cool cool so I'm stalling of course but I got to ask how's Jennifer um good good come on Sarah you know what I'm trying to ask is she dating anyone no she's way too busy to date anyone how about you no no I'm too busy I've been a workaholic The Last 5 Years developing this app I guess nothing's really changed no no I guess not I haven't stopped thinking about her though well she'd kill me for saying this but she still talks about you too sometimes really [Music] [Music] m [Music] oh you beat me to it Nick said he's pretty much ours for the rest of the day so once we get him on fairy light duty tree duty is after we'll have this place well on its way in no time fantastic what's with the hollyberries oh these were on my room service menu and I thought maybe we could use them for decoration love it seeing these have seen better days ain't that the truth well let's cut some Holly off the bush and put it in vases around the room and it'll add a little kneaded color in here love it okay uh Nick if you could organize these twinkle lights and then show me where to get the berries that would be fantastic and then I can take photos of everything and send them to to Miss Ross do you want me to get rid of the box of uh Christmas Past uh well wait a minute yesterday you said there were some art supplies in the storage room right yeah it's just a bunch of paint and whatnot well if there's any gold or silver I mean these could be made to look like new again see this is why you're the expert oh no what our music guy is snowed in in Chicago you can't fix that with berries and paint is there nothing usable here at all I mean maybe from before Miss Ross took over well this section of the lodge used to be a nightclub sort of deal I might find something in storage but it's probably so old it won't work well we should still check yeah sure I'll be back faster than you can say little St Nick will you excuse me for just one moment sure what I'm getting worried because I haven't heard from you what's happening well we went through your list and the decorations Colette Miss Ross's assistant and uh Nick the general manager of the law we make a good team oh you already have a team go girl well technically it's your team but they're very helpful I think you'd be pleased now let me do this listen to you that's a change could it have anything to do with a certain old boyfriend Sarah I is everything okay in there uh I'm coming I I'm just inventorying supplies while I take my call I'm a multitasker okay I have to [Music] go oh hey I'm sorry for a moment there I thought you were sister I've got to admit my heart fluttered there for a second really you two broke it off years ago yeah I am an idiot she's the one who got away so let me guess you went pine cone picking oh U close Christmas tree transport luckily Nick handled all of the cutting thank goodness I could have helped if you'd asked I'm still waiting for Liz Ross to give me 5 minutes anyway no luck not yet anyways I should get going hey Mac do you want to come in for a minute um sure I don't think I even asked you what you do now Mac you mean besides crashing high-tech events where I'm not wanted yeah are you still developing that video game Jenny told you about that huh that was supposed to be a secret oh twins don't have secrets right well I sold that video game for a nice price and I've been developing different software ever since but the real reason I'm here is I believe my new invention it's going to change the world really yeah Liz Ross developed the move watch and I invented an app that uses that technology to tell if two people are meant to be together or not with and almost infallible probability send and VOA you should now have the app yeah let me show you put our watches together 24% what's that that's the love match app it's telling us that we're not compatible romantically we're not no Sarah we are not of course we're not the problem is is that a source of mine told me that Steve Kane is planning a coup where Liz Ross is going to lose her position and they'll shut down production of the watch we have to tell her we can't my source told me in the strictest confidence besides we have no proof if it'll actually happen or not the move watch dies my app dies my app can only do what it does because of the technology in the watch I have to show her before this goes down if it goes down I could just get five minutes with her let me work on that [Music] really just make sure that if you get your 5 minutes she doesn't say no I [Music] promise uh sorry you had a a Pin Needle oh probably hundreds well I should probably let you shower or whatever yeah hey [Music] Mac [Music] 2 4% I just don't understand [Music] it sorry this has become so challenging in Jenny it was already challenging when there were no problems true what about Mac do you want to rekindle things I don't know maybe I would definitely prefer seeing him under other circumstances what do you mean when I'm not you right I keep forgetting sorry night sis [Music] night [Music] coming hey come on in [Music] morning I uh I remembered how Jennifer loved fresh coffee in the morning I figured twins is exactly what I needed I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go to breakfast before you go to work I I would love to but um I I have to go see Nick about an old sound system I'm pretty handy with electronics happy to take a look all right I'll meet you out front in 15 minutes you got it oh Mac thanks for the coffee my pleasure [Music] oh what are you doing here Colette your Lackey left her post for a minute get out Steve you're nothing without me untrue I created the move watch nobody likes your watch that's the problem if you had only listened to me people don't want to change you don't want change new want the watch is revolutionary revolutionary people don't know what to make of it Liz you need something to make them want it I know that you don't have a solution yet do you not yet but you should know by now that I never give up I'm not going to let you or the board of directors shut this watch down how you going to stop it oh come on Liz you think I'm that low that I'd sabotage you yeah I do didn't you used to say that we made such a great team a great team then I do all the work and you take all the credit wish I would have realized that earlier so dramatic your watch is a dudler everybody knows it but you I disagree I think the board will see it my way fine but don't come crawling back when your plan fails trust me I [Music] won't hey thank you H where didd you get these muffins they're incredible I made them I mean I made the chef at the lodge make them wow that's amazing Nick you are a true artist thank you uh when I get a little bit of time off I like to sculpt paint the detail is just incredible why swans well swans live longer than most birds about 20 years and they remember they remember who's been kind to them who hasn't and well they made for life one little bird sees another amongst all the birds and and they just know they know that they want to spend the rest of their days together just always thought swans had a little bit of magic in them that's really beautiful Nick hey could we use this for the party I mean it would make an incredible display piece I agree no it would be my honor thank you oh uh can we show Mac that Antiquated sound system he's pretty good with tech sure it's uh it's right this way lots of list huh seems like thousands you like your job sometimes so is Jenny still catering in baking actually she's a chef at a high-end restaurant now I'm not surprised never met anyone cook quite like your sister I uh thought about her often over the years have you yeah I was actually going to call her once but I never got up the courage honestly I I thought she would have been married by now anyway it's complicated I mean dating life is not what it's cracked up to be for me yeah but for a woman like Jenny might would have thought she could pick any guy she wants hardly oh come on how so she's smart kind beautiful cook she's something special I don't think she knows you feel this way oh I I was too young and immature to tell her how I felt back then okay let's um see what we [Music] got you are [Music] amazing I'm glad to help can I ask you something of course if you feel this way about Jenny why did you break things off and was it just the busy schedules a lack of time while you worked on your careers truth truth you me it was really hard being third wheel you were always with us and you didn't seem too open to letting me have some private time with Jenny as little as it was I didn't know I was just being a protective sister I know I should have said something you should have I never realized come on you didn't like me very much it was obvious that was years ago all was forgiven come on it's perfect worth all the pine needles definitely it's quite a showpiece wow Miss Ross is going to be so pleased pleased enough to give Mac 5 minutes maybe she likes you Sarah so if you ask maybe good to [Music] know come [Music] in hey thanks for your help this morning my pleasure um I'm heading back to the storage room to see if there might be anything else useful maybe some more electronics and I thought you might want to tag along oh you're busy sorry no um no problem I was just well could I check out the compatibility again that 24% is a strange thing unusual especially for people have known each other for years uh sure it's higher but still not compatible thank you helps with my research should we get going yeah let's go I heard they got the huge rocks and dirt debris removed so part of the road is open now but still no large trucks can get through so no deliveries right Jenny yeah um sorry Sarah no worries twins it happens all the time right there's a full DJ kit in here um I don't know if you know this about me but I had my moment as DJ Mack you did not yes I did a sorry um um no uh you yeah I'm sorry I didn't I didn't mean to interrupt you love birds oh no no we're we're old friends right I I used to be in a relationship with Sarah's sister Jennifer oh I I I thought I saw some sparks flying there usually pretty good at that kind of thing must be losing my touch hey what if I use the inside of these old cushions to make fake snow under the tree brilliant I should get back uh yeah you go I I got this I'll see you at the bagood hall in a few minutes okay [Music] okay ready [Music] ready W not bad you're really good at this thank you [Music] I'm going to take these to the back see you [Music] tomorrow so we finished for the night yeah it's been a long day how's your pitch ah I don't know I'm in incredibly stressed the stakes are just so high I've literally put everything into this well for what it's worth I would definitely use your app and so would my sister I mean our love lives have been a series of disasters come on how can that be you two are amazing well I had someone special once but uh I guess I never really told him how I [Music] felt here you are wow this is really something stunning work Sarah thank you uh Mac Peter McCarthy here actually fixed up the old set up so we will have some music we could not have done any of this without him and so how about we set up a time for him to do his presentation for you I I promise you won't regret it you're vouching for him Miss White I am all right tomorrow I'll give you your 5 minutes Mr McCarthy thank you you better not [Music] disappoint uhoh I'm I'm so sorry I I should uh not have done that I have to tell him you can't you can't tell him until it's over I hate lying to him and if he finds out it'll ruin any chance I have of getting back together with him now well you don't have a choice you came this far you have to finish it you you don't care if he finds out and he's angry that I lied to him do you what do you mean ma told me we broke up because of you maybe you'd be happy if we didn't get back together that's ridiculous Jennifer he said felt like a third wheel that was ages ago I didn't realize what you guys had I was just a kid and I was afraid of losing my sister please please don't ruin this gig for me it's too important more important than my relationship with Mac I didn't say that you didn't have to I got to go don't worry I'm not going to ruin your party [Music] J come in Colette we have another big problem Sarah just when you think things can't get worse the catering company just called me and their delivery truck is stuck just off of Route 9 stuck I thought they said that the roads were finally full open they did but with the heavy rain last night there was another Avalanche bigger and much worse than the first oh no now the main route into the valley is completely impossible they're going to plow it again right once the rain stops whenever that is and they need the wind to ease off first okay just give me a few minutes to finish up in here and then we'll go see what the chef can drum up you got it thank goodness you called I feel terrible about how we ended things last night it's okay Sarah I've uh slept on it All Is Forgiven I've really want you to be happy Jenny and if Mac is your way to find that I'm all for it I I appreciate that but I'm actually calling because I have bad news more what is this event Jinx or what what happened remember the Avalanche yeah you told me they finally cleared the roads they did but now it's big sister has come down the mountain too this is a disaster how are you so calm I'm usually in crazy busy kitchens with impatient diners nearby you're amazing do you know that I'm doing what I can and I'll get back to you soon where's the chef Sarah I don't know how to tell you this but since the truck with all the Food Supplies can't get here the chef just [Music] quit [Music] what are you thinking leave it to me I've learned a few things from my sister who's a chef over the years really you have no idea well thank goodness can I help not sure yet uh maybe once I figure out what I'm doing okay well if I'm not needed at the moment I'm going to recheck the banquet hall for the 15th time jeez I think some of Miss Ross's nerves are rubbing off on me no worries I've got this you [Music] go [Music] just heard the bad news from Colette put me to work you should be practicing your pitch this is just as important come on many you need help is half the battle that sounds familiar your sister said that to me when she offered to tutor me in Spanish I can't believe you remember things like that okay well uh there's not a lot to work with so we have to ramp up the creativity and um figure out how to stretch this food for the number of guests yeah got it I've started on dried sugared o orange slices for a dessert tray dried sugared orange slices huh sounds suspiciously like something Jennifer would she she taught me did she maybe we should make a killer bean dip as one of the appetizers sure you know what the special ingredient is make an amazing bean dip recipe chocolate that's right [Music] Jennifer how long have you known I suspected for a while but I wasn't 100% sure until we kissed why why pretend to be your sister especially with me it wasn't about you Mac Sarah was laid up and she got this job and I just oh you just didn't think he could tell me the truth I honestly didn't mean to didn't mean to what Jennifer lie to me to my face for days Mac I'm so sorry I I need to get some [Music] [Laughter] [Music] air how's the food situation and if it's bad please lie the board members just made it through the pass behind the plows and I'm betting that that cost them a pretty penny Sarah are you all right it's happened I'm okay don't look okay is it Peter uh Mac why would you say that well he offered to help you two sort of have this connection the air in the room kind of changes when you're both there I'm sorry I I can't talk about it all right I understand how are we doing on drinks that should buy us some Grace Nick brought up the bottles of red wine and Brandy that were left but it's not much okay well please uh have them brought here to the kitchen and we'll stretch it by making it into holiday mold wine what's in that well little wine little Brandy a lots of oranges cinnamon cloves maple syrup it's it's perfect holiday fair you're lucky your sister's a chef yeah lucky I'll see you in the lobby Sarah always around if you ever need a friend I appreciate that [Music] Colette welcome welcome so happy you could join us here at Pine Lodge hey there's everybody I can't believe you all got through that nasty avalanch welcome hi uh Miss Ross is expecting you all but Miss Ross isn't here right now is she she asked me to personally welcome everyone did she not think that the board members are important enough to greet in person of course not Mr Kain Miss Ross has Colette her personal assistant taking you all to your rooms to relax after the difficult Journey Through the P I'm Sarah the events coordinator and if there is anything at all that you need during your stay please just ask either one of us please follow me I'll come with you it's not necessary oh I assure you it is found him wow the sun goes down fast out here it's a good thing we have all these lights yeah it was definitely worth all the work to put them up that was probably just the wind oh there's no cell service uhoh and there's no Wi-fi either okay let's just check the main generator see if we can get that to kick back in before we start to panic okay okay yeah okay what's going on why hasn't it kicked back on yet should be working I don't know why it's not what do we do I honestly don't know can I take a look as soon as the power went out I figured you might need some help Well we'd be grateful is there anything you're not good at well I haven't fixed it yet so let's see I should probably grab some candles stock some firewood for the fireplaces do you mind if I leave you two here sure all right I'll get this place toasty in no time it's a good thing the board members didn't show huh oh no they did they're expecting dinner and a big presentation too yeah Mac I'm so sorry I was only supposed to help Sarah here and when she suddenly couldn't make it she begged me to take her place you know how important a job for Liz Ross is I do I never meant to hurt [Music] you I didn't even know you'd be here when you suddenly showed up at really complicated ated [Music] things yes it did so what's the verdict well honestly looks like someone tampered with it I think there's a piece missing here tampered what well what do we do we're going to have to wait for the service folks to get here but it won't be soon enough I'm sorry nothing has gone right since I got here hey one thing went [Music] right yeah [Music] yeah hey Mac why don't we use this time to our advantage I mean really make yours a pitch that Miss Ross will remember we have decorations candles food plenty of mold wine you can just do your presentation the oldfashioned one Jenny the watches won't work without a connection he standing there pleading for them to trust me that it works won't cut it I understand but you know at the end of the day a good pitch is about passion it's not about internet Jennifer God I know my presentations are all about food and that's different but you you built this app from the ground up no one can sell it better than you I know your pitch is going to be amazing you have always believed in me why didn't I see it before Oh my gosh I almost forgot I have a surprise for you surprise mhm what complimentary light system by DJ Mack awesome but there's no electricity I use these for outdoor parties at my cabin they're all battery powered they should last about 3 or 4 hours finally some good news who is it it's Miss White come in Sirah I have some updates for you mhm I'm sure you've heard that uh the road is closed again but the board members are here they paid for a private plow to get them through the pass oh believe me I know my partner took great pleasure to let me know and the fact that they're still expecting an amazing party and they'll get one how Colette already told me the caterer can't make it through the pass neither can the food delivery truck so the chef quit I have prepared some food and drink with what was available that my chef sister shared with me all right well that's something thing and what else obviously the generator is not working um but Peter McCarthy had some battery operated DJ lights in his car so we won't be completely in the dark won't be completely in the dark this is a disaster my partnership is done my my career is over from what I've heard your partnership being over is surely a good thing and your career is definitely not over I won't let anything bad happen on my watch on your watch thank you Miss White regarding the watch I wanted to ask you about my friend Peter's uh pitch oh I forgot about that okay uh please apologize for me but with the board being here and Steve being Steve I I just can't deal with this there's no way I can listen to a pitch at the moment but I'm very sorry but I I have to focus on my presentation Sarah everything is on the line please understand of course you are incredible well we may not have any internet but we can still get some use out of the move watch Jenny I um I have something I want to tell you I need to tell you something too but you go first okay okay um I came here to sell my app keep my investors save my company it's all I could ever think about but after spending time with you here well I think I finally realized what truly [Music] matters you know what Mac I have [Music] two and there's something I need to [Music] do right now wait come in it's me oh hi Sarah actually I'm [Music] Jennifer my sister Sarah had an accident the night before coming here and instead of letting you down she begged me to come in her place so you've been pretending this whole time that's extremely unprofessional my sister didn't want to leave you hanging since she knew how important this event was to you and I came through for you that's true I suppose you said that we women have to stand strong in our gifts and I have and now I have one favor to ask and I won't take no for an [Music] answer okay Jennifer I'm [Music] listening you did it Sarah this night is a huge success we all did it together it was fun we need to discuss your idea of fun well announcement time I suppose thank you for doing it it's not really my cup of tea no problem I've actually gotten pretty good at speaking up since I got here ladies and gentlemen can I have your attention please thank you all for coming to tonight's wonderful Pine Lodge Christmas celebration please please give a warm welcome to the creator of the move watch and your host Liz Ross thank you Sarah ladies and gentlemen this is an important chapter for our company and it's become obvious that Steve Kane and I can no longer be partners and let's not sugar coded here darling the uh failure of your pet prod project the move watch has cost the company dearly sorry you see it that way Steve but the main reason I brought you here is that I'd like to resign as co-chairperson of the company with no severance package in exchange for all the rights to the move watch you realize the numbers are the worst it's a terrible idea my watch goes down I go down with it I'm out you can can take over run things the way you like we can do this right now it's your [Music] funeral [Music] now that that's taken care of we should quickly get caught up on other items of the company agenda Steve all right now for the good stuff my name is Steve Kan I'd like to thank you all for coming today what's going on I have a hunch about something and I need your help anything but where are we going second floor uh stairs let's take the elevator it's on its own generator great you have access to all the rooms right yeah of course just so you know this might get us in trouble whose room Steve Kane I'm in this is it I have to admit I gave him the smallest room I could find what is it that we're looking for I don't know exactly some kind of oily mechanical device I think we'll know it if we see it Colette yeah I have to tell you something sure anything I'm not Sarah I know what by the third mess up of your name I looked you up online and it turns out you're not one of two twins but one of two identical twins I'm so sorry that I didn't tell you sooner Sarah broke her leg no worries I think it's a wonderful thing that you're willing to help your sister to the point of taking her place I wish I had someone who cared about me that much well you can consider yourself as having two very good new friends I hope that'll do for now it'll more than do okay y well I found this bingo you can do it absolutely give me a few minutes and the power should come back on I can't wait to see Mr Kane's face when it does I can't wait to see what else this night has in store for us and I know the next year will bring many more new and exciting opportunities [Applause] thanks [Music] well that was unexpected but very welcome and perfect timing because now that I'm no longer in business with Steve Kaine I'd like to invite my board members to join me if they like on a very special Venture involving my move watch I'd like to start by by introducing Mr Peter McCarthy inventor extraordinaire who's this guy now that we have power and internet back here's what I promised okay love match is a new app specifically designed for the move watch that's going to revolutionize the dating World coded with state-of-the-art technology our algorithm can calculate the probability of compati with a 0.4% accuracy 78% of American adults including myself said they've lost faith in dating apps and 80% of us are skeptical that we'll ever find our soulmate this is why love match or love watch is the solution we've all been waiting for why leave love to chance Miss White will you join me please don't do it we're only 28% I know that's why I was determined to fix it because cuz I'm in love with you you're you're in love with me that's what I was trying to tell you earlier here your app doesn't think we're compatible so I thought it didn't work but then I realized [Music] something the watch was programmed for your sister not you but I fixed it it's a [Applause] match just happened oh you just witnessed The Invention that's going to make everyone a lot of money except you now every watch in the room has the app installed so you can see who you're compatible with or not okay whatever Liz is offering you we're prepared to double triple well thank you Mr Kane but I'm really happy with my new partner besides Mr Kane is probably not someone you want to get into business with considering he's the one who sabotaged the generator I I have no idea what you're talking about Colette and I found the missing part in your room you you went in my my room well that's breaking and entering isn't it technically Steve I own the whole place so that doesn't really apply here and because I do I think it's well past time you leave I've just confirmed IR that the main road has been completely cleared by the plow Miss Ross oh here's everything from your room Mr Kane carefully packed and ready to go you're going to regret this Liz I promise you actually it's the first thing I haven't regretted in a long time goodbye Steve Miss Ross don't you care to [Music] dance um please call me Liz and yes I'd love to [Music] tablet's buzzing [Music] again oh my how could you leave me hanging just [Applause] [Music] look [Applause] I love you I love you too sis all right she's got to go Sarah but I'll update you on everything tomorrow I [Music] [Music] promise come on let's get away from from all this hey all this is my Blood Sweat and Tears I know and it's amazing and I like to have her own private party wow when you put it like [Music] that my success tonight is because of you you know it's your app Mac I just got you the intro but you sold the product I know I know but you pushed Liz for me you didn't have to do that of course I did I love you say that again I love you [Music] I love you too Jennifer white and I am never letting you get away [Music] again it's a match just one question how do you make it stop I'll have to work on that [Music] [Applause] later fore speee foreign speech speech fore spee fore speech m for so e e e e e e for fore
Channel: The Fishing Lady
Views: 7,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8mMoZoFC8fE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 32sec (5252 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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