Hallmark Movies 2024 - New Hallmark Movies 2024 - Best Hallmark Romance 2024 - Romantic Holiday 2024

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oh [Music] is he here mhm he got in early all right [Music] hey Liam hey how's that irr coming it's almost done I was uh hoping I could have a moment sure on close the door yeah sir you know how I feel about Emma how there's nothing I wouldn't do for her and I just was thinking that uh what she mentioned you're an oldfashioned traditional kind of guy and I just wanted to ask you ask your permission to um you know Liam nothing would make me happier really yeah I mean you're a rising star with a strong head on his shoulders and I would be proud to have you in the family and uh who knows maybe you'll be able to convince my daughter to join the company one of these days sure yeah of course thanks Dad let's not get ahead of ourselves John you're in okay am I interrupting well as a matter of fact our finest analyst here is just uh asking me for your niece's hand in marriage really congratulations thanks Willam we need to talk about the hotel division right so anything else yeah there is the uh matter of The Proposal oh I'm sure that's going to be wonderful yeah I was thinking the H into De La Sierra that would be the perfect place to propose to Emma whoa haven't thought about that place I don't know how long when was the last time we all went down there I uh Danielle was still with us so y 20 years yeah you know special to Emma and I thought that it be there last Christmas and all we could well it's about time if you ask me I mean that land's got to be worth a fortune by now so you think it's a good idea yeah as long as you're back by the second because I need that npv evaluation before those investors call us yeah I was hoping that you would join us you know both you no I'm too busy Liam come on yeah but it just it just wouldn't be the same without the family I don't know William we used to have so much fun on those Christmas trips do you have any idea how much work I have to do yeah but wouldn't it be nice to spend some time with our brothers come on I mean don't you have to visit Marilyn's mother in bokeh or something one can only take so many Paul Meadow bugs yeah look I'll tell you what all right find out what the rooms cost I'll cover the expense and consider that my engagement present yeah well that's very generous if you D William but Emma would be thrilled I'm sure if you actually would spend Christmas with us I'm sure she would I've got a company to run which is why I prepared this my valuation report I thought you said you didn't finish it it's my valuation report on the Henda you're right that land is worth a fortune you don't miss a trick do you yeah isn't that why you hired me whoa so when exactly you thinking trust me mom you're going to love this place but I was looking so forward to the two of you coming here I know but this could be her last chance before they shut the place down for good and it would mean a lot if the families could spend Christmas together and her father actually agreed to this it took some doing but yeah well and who am I to say no Emma's the closest thing I'll ever have to a daughter besides it'll be good for me to get out of this freezing cold great thanks Mom of course but you know I can't speak for your aunties oh don't worry I'm taking care of it you are yep about to do a zoom in 2 minutes what's a zoom I'll fill you in later okay oh honey one more thing yeah didn't invite him did you dad you know I wouldn't do that to you besides I think he's in Vermont with what's her name okay thank you [Music] hi everybody oh Aunt Tina and Aunt Valor here honey your aunties are in New York it's Zoom mom Zoom is in New York I love you I'll talk to you later okay I love you too Zoom a Tina ant Val hey our favorite nephew gosh I haven't seen you since when was it Thanksgiving two years ago three time flies you and the hubby always have the best Thanksgiving I'm so sorry I wasn't able to make it we're used to it so where do they have you working now anyway Georgia well at least you're closer to home the country I'm running a medical program for chin refugees oh so Liam how's your your girlfriend doing Anna uh Emma actually that's why I wanted us all to chat um I think we're waiting for a few more is a Laura going to join us oh she sends her regrets she's in Orlando with the family well it's the happiest place on Earth so who else is joining us hi everyone this is John Emma's oldest Uncle John these are my aunts Tina and Valerie nice to meet you heyy what' I miss actually I was just about to get started um first of all I want to thank all of you for taking the time to chat anytime and you are who again um Liam Emma's boyfriend Emma's fiance hey congratulations why are you going to tell us why am I always the last to know I can't believe Michelle wouldn't even mention that her only son is getting married yeah well Michelle knows everything Michelle Michelle Michelle it's not official at least not yet all right see I've been trying to find the right time to propose and there's this Resort down in Arizona wait he doesn't mean he does yeah if you all take a look on your screens that old place is still there well actually they just announced their closing you see Emma has such fond memories of this place as a kid and I thought it would be fun if we all went there for one last Christmas before they closed for Good As One big family this Christmas and got a black of room starting the 21st I'm in the middle of a new project you're an inventor you work for yourself I'm an entrepreneur I would love to but I just accepted a new Post in Kenya there's a hospital in Nairobi that needs some help look I know it's a lot to ask but my mother and Emma's father have already agreed wait you are you actually telling me that William has agreed to take time off from work I understand if you can't make it but I promise if you do it will be a Christmas you will never forget and it'll be a surprise that Emma will remember forever [Music] Honey hi I'm in here o something smells delicious I had the most overwhelming day at work today em Howard are you stress baking again guilty is charged I'm sure whatever campaign it is you're working on will be as wonderful as usual can I show it to you yeah what do you think it's too busy be honest do you hate it no no it's great have a seat have a [Music] seat okay look I know we said we weren't going to presents this year right but I saw how upset you were last night and I wanted to do something special what did you do open it don't you want me to wait for Christmas morning or I wouldn't okay Phoenix it's close to airport to the Grand Canyon wait do you mean I know we were supposed to visit my mom but we can't let the world famous hend deas here close without us spending One Last Christmas there right bab it say yes that is a heck yes great oh I'm going to text my family they are never going to believe this you're right they're not and I should tell Marjorie that she needs to reschedule my meetings it's a good idea love you so much thank you I love you too this is best Christmas [Music] ever indeed I'm call for flight 2847 non-stop service to Phoenix he Cent it's time to there's a Cher in the air good cheer everywhere it's all right people getting ready Christmas is about to take [Music] SL I wonder if they still have the Stables we used to love to go horseback riding oh and they do the cutest gingerbread house and a holiday hod down with music and dancing what I don't think I've ever seen you so excited I am very I'm really excited to share this with you like I said New Traditions right yeah love you I will say this though I sure don't miss the cold neither do I oh but we do have to try the hot chocolate it melt it down from scratch and it is like the richest thing I've ever tried hey I was 12 [Music] here we go I said ho ho yeah people get ready Christmas is about to take flag would I [Music] lie hold up of course oh he's going to grab that don't worry oh thank you come on wow beautiful right you weren't kidding I mean this look right in here good afternoon welcome to the Henda De La Sierra Liam O'Brien we have a reservation all right let me check all right I have you checking out on the 26th correct yep all right how many keys the two please all right use um your messages messages who knows that we're here I uh must have said something at the office before I left well it is a holiday I know my dad works all the time but you sir do not right do you have a list of the Christmas festivities oh yes uh right here uh the ho down has been cancelled you're kidding lack of Interest I guess but we still do the gingerbread house setup uh back there oh really I'm going to go take a look I'll see you when you finish up Pap okay okay I'll come find you okay have uh they' started arriving sir great great I appreciate the discretion enjoy your St I have the H Sara thank you holiday [Music] spirit Emma I'm over here isn't it great totally now we need her some oal loopus it's child isn't it it's adorable well all of this candy is making me hungry good because I made reservations at suaro Royale tonight you did that place is expensive it's a special occasion isn't it hello can you hear me now besides place look romantic I got I like the sound of that yeah me too but promise me tomorrow I get to show you all the reasons why this place so amazing my room I got I promise tomorrow I got yeah okay I hear you I'm in your [Music] hands yeah what I was trying to say was hello yeah yeah I was trying to say look as soon as I get Wi-Fi I'm going to I'm going to forward you the offer yeah yeah the offer right yeah now I'm in kind of in a on a bit of a retreat right now so I've got a lousy signal but just uh hello Lou how can you even think about working in a place like this excuse me did you really Drive 2 hours from the nearest city just to conduct business yeah part of the joys of running your own business you never get to say no it's really not that hard oh no see you're learning already okay all right okay I'm William yes I know have we met Michelle O'Brien ah Liam's mom Emma's father how are you I've heard so much about you I Emma thinks the world of you she's long time since she's you had a mother figure yeah I know she's a remarkable young lady lady you know I actually see a lot of her in you don't you ever let Emma hear you say that so this is your old stomping grounds is it yep had a lot of great Christmases here a lot of good memories of course that was a long time ago well there's still time to make a few more oh boy all right sorry take it I'll see you at dinner yes yay yes okay there you are yeah I hear you L [Music] yep Merry Christmas he you got a sweet I thought I'd give you a more traditional Christmas oh here thank you I am so excited to see what you have planned for us huh first things first dinner I'm starving or we could just skip the fancy romantic dinner and gra a burger no [Music] [Music] [Music] watch out Santa [Music] everything okay in there yeah everything's fine just uh turn the lights on and Mak sure everything [Music] looks wow you look beautiful it's just something I picked up after work yesterday oh we're missing is a little mistletoe right you trapped me oh I did I trapped you clever boy come on let's go after [Music] you good evening Mr O'Brien welcome to the Saro Royale thank you if you care to follow me yeah Dam what is going [Applause] on what Dad Uncle John ran Michelle hi how how do you think you did all of this for me well I thought why not one last Christmas at the hend with the family just like you did as a kid I love you I love you too best Christmas ever well you better get seated we have Christmas celebration to get to right [Music] yes hi sweetheart hey [Music] man I just can't believe that you hadn't figured this out well I can't believe you took time off work to be here well that's because you have a very persuasive boyfriend no here I thought you hired me for my looks hey ever since she was a little girl she knew what every Christmas present was under that tree before she opened it used to call her Sherlock Amy okay well it was not rocket science dad I mean I was technically the one that asked you for the gifts you should try watching a mystery show with her she'll have the thing figured out by the first commercial he is exaggerating but seriously though I couldn't have done this without your help or iine oh I am so happy to see you I wouldn't have missed it for the world seems you raised quite a son and he found quite the daughter yeah well I will raise my what is this called again wasle I will raise my wasle to that me too to you whatever cheers and where is a Judy skiing with the twins in Vermont thank you for the excuse who not a fan of skiing don't like the cold oh can I borrow you for a second have you seen Andrew around he called says he's running late tell you he's Happ to be late for his own funeral just a second William I promise all right all right excuse me what wonder what that's all about Uncle Brian is a bit of a entrepreneur I mean he's always into something yeah always looking for a new investment or I see anything worthwhile no no okay no ah got it oh good hi it's so good to see everyone Liam Emma Michelle Val and Scott I just talked to Laura she sends her best Laura Laura Laura great ready to get started all [Music] right yes here we go I know many of you will accuse me of wanting to hear myself speak so I will keep this brief first and foremost I want to thank each and every one of you for taking the time out of your busy lives especially during Christmas to spend a few days here with us you know I've been hearing stories about this place ever since I met Emma m and I will tell you nothing is more special than having all of you here to celebrate One Last Christmas with us babe you're going to make me cry [Music] a so um I would like to propose a toast to uh family friends and what sure to be a Christmas we will never forget to that cheers is it true that they canel the ho down this year yeah yeah but there's plenty to do in fact make sure you get some sleep tonight because I have some very special plans for you tomorrow morning [Music] okay hey so given any thought to when you're going to no not yet well just don't wait till the last minute we all need a chance to celebrate I know I know you're nervous no you're fidgeting the cupide that's not that hot she's a lovely young lady she comes from a wonderful family and her father's my boss which is a good indication that he likes you Andy's successful I mean he started his own firm in his 20s and I'm what an analyst that's practically one wrong above mail room everyone starts somewhere we all know that she knows that the only thing that matters is that she's crazy about you so you go and show my future daughter-in-law that you're crazy about her too love [Music] you love you too don't wait till the last minute okay there you are Michelle a this is reminding me of Christmases when we were little no family Under One Roof before we split up all over the country and the world world scottt having a good time well um I think that one of Emma's uncles is trying to talk him into investing in some new invention that would be [Music] Briant Ste okay yeah it's just a little nervous but I'm not everything's going to be just fine okay well I do have to admit you got me on that one oh you mean I stumped Sherlock Emmy huh I'm being serious thank you for everything you're welcome I mean ban just doesn't quit does he promise me one thing what's that that you and I will get a couple of hours each day just two of us I guess there's such thing as too much family isn't there yes hey Liam it appears I'm being beckoned don't want to keep the boss waiting or the girlfriend I'll be up in a minute hey hey hey hey uh go ahead tell him tell me what I was talking to the owner before dinner and it appears the city is warmed to the idea of resoning I don't understand I thought it would be an ideal opportunity for the hotel division it would be even more valuable as an industrial investment oh yeah I was hoping that we could preserve some of the charm you don't get me wrong I mean it's a beautiful place but think about it if it was so profitable as a resort why would they why would they be so willing to part with it been working on I figured that they were going to retire I know you were going it's not it's still your project okay with your percentage you're going to be able to provide for my daughter for years and years to come good job son good job I mean with your instinct you are not going to be an analyst for long well we have a very busy day tomorrow lots of surprises yes yeah good work good [Music] night my project [Music] thank you very much sir good night good night [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] babe babe H we wake up they heard something out in the hall it's a hotel it's 3:00 in the morning maybe it's Santa I'm being [Music] serious okay okay I'll go look [Music] [Music] okay do you hear anything I see [Music] [Music] Uncle Andrew swee a wait you're Andrew yeah hey sorry I'm so late I didn't even leave La till like 10 Andrew I should have known hey Brian hey are you still in costume I came straight from the theater I'm playing bald cret you missed a little uh what is it little makeup oh so what did I miss [Music] sleep good night I guess said is a little late yeah just a little well it's great to meet you in person finally do you happen to have the oh yeah yeah let me get you key for [Music] you sorry good costume though thank you so we'll see you in the morning M good night good [Music] night what I'm starving [Music] hey thanks for meeting me here oh of course uh here's everything for today all right and the shuttle bus is all set thank you hey you wouldn't have nowhere I get one of those hot chocolates would you anything else I can get for you sir take two of those hot chocolates please thank you here you go that's good thanks my pleasure hey well you're up early just making sure everything's in order for today let take a load off yeah yeah I think I have a moment hey is that Emma said I had to try it and it's really good actually I heard about last night my brother always knew how to make an entrance even before he was an actor yeah seems like he's doing really well for himself Well Community Theater he's doing what he loves he should have come to work at the firm with William and me yeah speaking of were you serious about rezoning you don't approve it's not me I'm worried about Emma this place is important to her yeah she'll get over [Music] it I wouldn't be so sure she's not like her father well between you and me that might not be such a bad thing you the family was different before Emma's mother passed William was different maybe he just needs to meet someone new maybe not interrupting am I no no but I better get these hot chocolates up to Emma before she sends out a search party oh well fine be that way we'll just talk about you behind your back don't forget 10 a.m. sharp out front you do know this is a vacation right okay fine 10:05 but if you're not there we'll leave them without you you too now I'm going to sit this one out if you'll excuse me I have a meeting uh about that the thing right excuse me I have to loosen everybody up around here meeting about a thing [Music] it's Christmas what are we doing out here we're just having a little family fun can't we have family fun with air conditioning you okay yeah been a while since you walked you're very fun my brother's idea of exercise is 100 words a minute but he was on the track team ah he was the manager of the track team he needed a letterman jacket to impress a girl Jennifer Johnson The One That Got Away I know you show me pictures but that does not do it justice would I lie you should do this every year don't act so surprised you and I hike Indian doomes together oh that is not the same well relax City Slicker we're almost there [Music] welcome to the Christmas tree that's not what it's really called is it it's just cuz from a distance it's shaped like a tree Em's been calling it that ever since she's a little girl you know what you're right yeah this was really thoughtful thank you yeah well um thought this would be a special place for hey do you guys remember how Danielle used to hoist Emma up and say she's the star on top yeah your mother was a special person I'm sorry guys sorry hey no dad dad what smooth move all right since we've come all the way up here let's make snowman yeah that yeahman here looks like Liam's already into the Spirit come on let's go I'm game come on [Music] everybody the season of Joy has come to town decorating and having fun the holidays have just begun to every boy and every [Music] girl in every corner of the world the spirit of Christmas is everywhere you go W you know it's l Missle to snow wow we all get together this time of year cuz everybody knows Spirit of Christmas is everywhere you go the spirit of Christmas is everywhere you go [Music] I tell you I think these are our best rock men yet true I think you're [Music] right thanks for coming down wouldn't miss it we miss it for the [Music] world thank you so much for today it was so special it's always special as long as it's with you [Music] I don't understand I used sunscreen which one a Valerie the blue bottle like you told me no I said the green bottle the blue bottle was suntan I am not leaving this room ever oh no no no we have Christmas caroling tonight we all have to go not me you know I called downstairs for some aloe and they sent up a bottle of shampoo okay why don't I go downstairs and see if they have any alow wait are you sure yeah of course we family thanks nothing to say as usual Scott uh I look like a roasted tomato it's not that [Music] bad hello hi can I help you aloe vera oh sure it's right here green bottle thank you you look so familiar to me have we met depends is this your first day at the H Sanda oh no I used to come here every Christmas with my family when I was little well that explains it yeah but that was a long time ago well I guess you could say I've always been here I this old hotel is a part of me and I'm a part of it such a shame that it has to close yeah it won't be the same but you know one thing I've learned about places like this eventually the memories become just as strong home as a building I guess I hadn't really thought about it like that you know a lot of people have passed through here and I like to think that each one of them took a little piece of this place with them when they left including this little girl right here that's me I'm with my mom and dad I couldn't have been more than five or 6 years old yeah I bet it seems like it was only yesterday it does I'm Emma by the way Emma Howard well it's nice to meet you Emma Howard I'm Nicole so you here with your family now two families if you can believe that mine and my boyfriends yeah he planned for us to spend one last Christmas year before the place closes even got my dad to come along let me guess works a lot if by a lot you mean always then yes it sounds like this boyfriend is quite the guy yes that must be so nice everyone's spending time together Under One Roof actually it's been quite a handful can I tell you a secret most worthwhile things usually are how much for the Alo don't worry about it are you sure I think your boyfriend's Aunt needs it more than I do right Emma we got worried about you thought you might have gotten lost me I was literally just talking about you although how did you know this was for his that's crazy she was literally just here who Nicole some woman who works here that knew I was getting this for your aunt maybe she just overheard you talking I guess come on let's get this upstairs before my hand starts doing the ouchie dance it's probably too late for that yeah [Music] [Music] probably oh no what you can't go Christmas caroling like that like what like you're dressed of for a night out on the town where's the color the Christmas flare I mean I think I have the perfect thing we're supposed to meet everyone in the lobby in like 10 minutes plenty of time to [Music] change you can't be serious when in Rome Rome or the North Pole come on be good sport Merry Christmas Bob said Scrooge with an earnestness that could not be mistaken as he clapped him on the back a merrier Christmas Bob my good fellow then I have given you for many a year I will raise your salary and Endeavor to help your struggling family he's quite something ho ho ho Emma your uncle was just giving us highlights of his show oh well is everyone ready for some Christmas carolling we don't all have to wear that do we it was your niece's idea I think you should wear that into the office no like she said when and R are you ready to go Daddy hey sweet how long do you think this is going to take the only thing you need to worry about right now is remembering the lyrics to Jingle Bells is everybody here where's your aunt sunburn well if if she's not coming I don't see why I because you love supporting your family that's why okay everyone gather around gather around every year at Christmas time we Howards used to love to join the hotel's caroling night singing and spreading Christmas joy as I recall William used to carry you around on his shoulders well you're on your own now sweetie because my back ain't what it used to be well I took the liberty of printing out some of the lyrics not that I think you guys need them Old Lang Z yeah what about it it's not a Christmas song of course it is it's an old Scottish folk song and has nothing to do with Christmas except for that it's sung at Christmas time it's sung at New Year's okay we can worry about that later Shall We Begin let's go good idea she's right it's a Christmas song hey wait for me on the sixth day of Christmas my true love gave to me six Gea five golden rings four calling Birds three frch hands two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree follow me in Merry measure We Wish You a Merry Christmas We wish you a Merry Christmas we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year good tidings we bring to you and your kin good tidings for Christmas and a happy New Year Wonder mind defitely yes so beautiful isn't it um actually I wanted to talk to you oh yeah Emma these past few years with you have been magical they sure have oh you know what we should take a Christmas photo um actually hey you guys can we take a photo would you marry me nothing will make me happier gather room hone you can't take the photo you're part of the family why don't we wait till everyone's here oh I just was going to take something to remember the excuse me maam can I borrow you for a minute of [Music] course well if it isn't Amah Hower and her two families you've met yes this is the woman I was telling you about this is Nicole and how is your Aunt doing much better thanks would you mind taking a photo for us of course not hey why why don't we do it over by the Christmas tree it's Christmas hey hey maybe maybe we should have Emma and Liam in the front come on oh it's okay as long as we're all in here you two kids should be front and not children age before Beauty okay that's my foot I can't see over John's head you never could always wear the short one take you two anywhere why don't we do it hey why don't we do it by hi guys it's not a class photo come on try to cooperate no I'm always in is everybody ready oh yeah say candy cane here you go thanks all right wow for Pete's sake I cannot take you people anywhere would you mind what's up she's gone again how is it don't ask Andrew and so sorry are you okay toally my fault thanks on that sweater you really can't even tell excuse [Music] me yeah good going [Music] guys Merry Christmas thought I might find you here I just wanted everyone to have a good time come on let's take a walk everyone is having a good time and not like we used to well what you expect you're grown up everyone has they have their own lives own families Liam tried so hard you know I believe I saw your father singing Christmas carols this evening and I'd ventured get has been a while since he did that it has no we can't go back in time the pastor is always with [Music] us here I well I can only speak for myself but I'm having a wonderful time and those people who love you they came from all over the country just to spend time with you it seems to me like that is a very merry Christmas I'm you think me hug come on okay let's go back in there and show them that big old Emma smile there it is there it is come on [Music] time and they're actually interested in developing the whole parcel o I'm glad you talk me in coming Henda De La Sierra may be our biggest deal of the New Year good going EMA EMA [Music] wait so that's how you got him to come it's not what you think we couldn't let the world famous H Ander DEA Sierra close without one less Christmas here could we I meant it I was so touched that you wanted to do that for me I did are you sure or is it because it's going to be the biggest deal of the Year okay so it might have taken a little motivation for your father yeah of course but it was all for the family just tell me the truth Liam did you want to spend Christmas here with me or did you want to assess a property with my father how could you even ask that you're just old always trying to prove yourself to him congratulations looks like you did it just face it this trip has been one disaster after another that is not true and then surprise nobody wanted to be here anyway that is not fair where are you going I need air Emma wait [Music] I Heard the Bells on Christmas [Music] Day there all familiar cars [Music] play and mild and sweet that songs repeat of peace on Earth Good Will to man peace on Earth peace all good will to oh oh look at this you know your your mom you know she used to she used to bake when she was upset um Liam calls it stress baking nice they look good I take it uh at two of you have not patched things up yet I just don't know how he could do that I don't know how you could do that he did it he did it because he loves you Amy he knows that you're old man is a workaholic who doesn't always have his head screwed on right or like screwed on too tight well tell you when Liam came to me and told me the idea I thought it was crazy but possibly one of the most romantic things I've ever heard it's not what it seemed like last night I'm sorry you had to find out that way I was going to tell you well you were the before or after you tore the place down all right you want to be mad at somebody be mad at me I'm not Liam I just thought he was going to be different you know like for once I was not going to come second to work am is that that's how you feel yes how am I supposed to feel you never took time off you never spent any time with me it's like after mom died you just you cared about work and that was it no and then when I found out that you actually came on this trip I was I was so excited like we were going to spend Christmas as a [Music] family it turns out it was just a business trip know what family [Music] is I'm going to I'm going I'm going to be upstairs if you if you need me all right mhm you should know something these are possibly the best most delicious cupcakes I've ever had e [Music] well I hope you ordered our famous hot chocolate I did my girlfriend recommended it smart woman mind if I take a load off not at all thanks so you're the young man who brought two families to the hend one and only and just where is that girlfriend this morning well I had planned on asking her to marry me but it's almost Christmas and we're not speaking so what does that tell you that tells me that someone forgot the real meaning of Christmas this trip was supposed to bring us closer together I never felt further apart it was just a misunderstanding she hurt part of the conversation and just jumped to conclusions how did you you should try talking to her I tried well try again make it sound so easy no I get it you know things didn't work out the way you thought they would well maybe the two families aren't blending quite as easily as expected but that and what that represents that is everything yeah well it's nice to finally meet you thanks for the chat and if you ever need anything I'm always around and Liam I wouldn't worry about it things will work out they always do thanks [Music] do you think I should actually how does she do [Music] that hey hey hey you're up early I couldn't sleep me either you talk to Liam not yet Emma you GA she's still upset yeah well maybe she's right you know I mean I have dedicated an awful lot of time to my work how do you do it do what you know be so relaxed like that you know just throw caution of the wind H well at our age is there really any other way to live boy you and Emma must really get along we do I really hope it's not our last Christmas together yeah you know I've been thinking Liam has done all of this for us what if we do something for him I mean for both of them you don't think it's too late well in my line of work you know what I sense a deal maybe going south I never run I double down what' you have in mind well you know it wouldn't be Christmas at the hend without a good oldfashioned holiday ho down and music they'll be dancing great opportunity to bring everyone together it's great it's too bad they canel it what if we uncanceled it can we do that I'll talk to the owner it's Christmas Eve that's not a lot of time to plan a party yeah but luckily we brought a bunch of help true in that case I think we've got a ho down to plan who okay all right where do we start phone calls [Music] till Christmas Comes got to decorate got Sho to do yeah count right [Music] here oh the count on don't make a list and check it twice just like Santa had so many times before family meeting CL all right as you all know tonight is Christmas Eve and Christmas Eve is traditionally the night of the famous Henda holiday ho down I thought they weren't having it this year well they weren't until I talked them into having it anyway what do you mean hold it anyway it means that if they won't do it then we will but Christmas Eve is tonight that's right exactly and it is 11 o'clock that gives us exactly 8 hours to make this happen make what happen specifically live music dancing food Santa Claus Christmas decorations a giant tree is that all hey don't worry about it it's going to be perfect you know why I know it's going to be perfect because I have faith in each and every one of you these are your assignments okay John Valerie Christmas tree Christmas snow salad peppermint Divinity Christmas cookies I don't know any musicians oh I could do a [Music] monologue or not all right look no matter what happens I am confident of one thing I mean tonight is going to be a night that your nephew and your kn is we'll never forget yes okay let's go all right let's make this happen oh [Music] yeah good times are starting today let's Cate this holiday these memories never will fade away they'll always stay with me decorations on the [Music] Tre I hope you know how to use a [Music] mixer Christmas merry merry merry merry Christmas Around the World oh God chrm hi uh yeah I'm calling because I was looking at your side online and uh you play country music yeah yes I need someone for a party actually it's tonight yeah I'm aware that it's Christmas Eve [Music] what kind of events do you normally do Bar Mitzvah it's it's just that I don't think that uh a jazz quartet would be [Music] [Music] suitable oh oh can I help you sir Merry Christmas all around the world wherever you call we're wishing you a merry Merry Christmas merry merry merry merry Christmas everybody sing to all the world will know Chistmas us merry merry merry merry Christmas merry merry merry mer Christmas all around the world wherever you call we wish you you um I think you're supposed to bake the cookies first speechless [Music] again look at that Emma look sorry about what happened but I think it's important that I think the important thing is that look I think we need to just be honest with each other our relationship and our family should always come first no no I think the important thing is that Emma look I'm sorry about what going to be more important I'm sorry you go first no no you go Emma look I'm sorry about what happened let's get out of the way good idea [Music] let me see Emma I know I should have told you but I honestly thought that there was a chance we could save the hotel look I I totally get it ever since my mother passed away I I always felt like I came second to my dad's business I don't want you and I to be like that it won't [Music] be what is it looks like an invitation you are cordially invited to attend the grand farewell of the Henda h holiday ho down tonight at 7 I thought they said they canceled it they did I don't get it PS Emma and Liam we strongly encourage you to attend Mom Dad we can't possibly say no to that you should probably start getting ready wait about us just a depends on what how good your dancing skills are what does one wear to a holiday ho down anyway something you would wear for a night out on the town I was thinking something with a little more color maybe a little Christmas flare oh I think I have the perfect thing yeah I thought you might [Music] this is it tonight's the night don't blow it again e e e [Music] thank you thank you very much wo yeah is everybody feeling good tonight I said is everybody feeling good tonight all right well we got a slow one we're going to play now there's any couples out there in the audience so uh e all right okay uh hey everyone uh a man Liam in the back uh wants to say something go for it thank you all right first of all I want to thank the Howard and O'Brien families for putting this party together huh let's give them a round of applause yeah look at our nephew so handsome woohoo Emma would you mind joining me up here for a moment you know when I had the idea to bring everybody here all I could think about was giving my girlfriend One Last Christmas at this wonderful place and uh now that I've experienced it myself I can see just how special this place is Emma I know we've had our ups and downs these past few days but this morning when I was walking around without you I had plenty of time to think and what I came to realize was that I never want to be without you neither do I Emma these past few years have been magical I'm the happiest I've ever been and it's all because of you me you've inspired me to see the world in a completely different way and because of you I'm a better person the only thing that would make this Christmas more special would be if you agree to spend the rest of your life with me Emma Howard will you marry me yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's the best Christmas [Music] ever congratulations ah I'm so happy for you too come here come here so happy for you thank you look I don't know about the timing on this but uh I me I know how buried in my job I've been lately and you might think that I've been using it as an excuse to hide and and you do right and you you tried extra hard to get me to come on this trip and uh if I would have missed this Christmas I would have missed the best time of my life because you know why it made me realize what's really important you really mean that oh yes now about the hotel um as of tomorrow it will be transferred to our hotel division where what really where it will remain in operation for many years and Christmases to come under under the supervision of our new Junior vice president me who would I trust more with the hotel or my daughter wow you know what we're going to need though we're going to need a top notch PR manager you know someone you know who can really let everyone know out there about our exciting new resort if you know anybody like that please let me know yeah you know I might might have a few people in mind all right enough about business we got a h down enjoy all right I love you guys and uh congratulations did you know about this I'm no Sherlock enie what do you say you want to help me run this place oh I couldn't let you run it by yourself could I but what do we do about [Music] that we're going to remember that they can be crazy we're going to remember that they can be wonderful most importantly we're going to remember to take some time ourselves [Music] yeah that's a good looking C great are you [Music] well Mr obrian your folio sir thank you on behalf of the Henda De La Sierra we look forward to seeing the two of you again very soon you can count on it oh I almost forgot you have a package we do yes oh actually it's uh it's for you Merry Christmas thank you well sure luck Emy what do you think it is to Emma here's a little piece of this place to take with you when you leave Nicole mhm let's see a oh wow look at that that's perfect will you do me a big favor her anything will you please tell her thank you so much who Nicole she's the employee that left this year for me well I don't know who left that but we have no one who works here by that name oh yeah yeah she's got dark hair Works behind the desk been here forever Nicole lllo the founder yes that's her that's impossible she died 30 years ago [Music] H thank [Music] you you don't think that [Music] [Music] what is [Music] it thought I saw someone what it's nothing come on let's go so you had a good time best Christmas [Music] ever so when christm Eve jingle bells jingle bells in wish wish holid make your way to Cate Christmas here with me Christmas here with me [Music] for speee spee speech foreign [Applause] foree [Music] foree spe spee [Music] for foreign speee fore foree spee foree [Music] [Music] foree fore spee foreign speee [Music] foree [Music] speeech foree spe foreign speee spee fore spee spe spee speee [Music] fore speech spe speech
Channel: The Fishing Lady
Views: 1,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uALIZtu15P4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 17sec (5177 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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