Brad Scott- The Heart, YHVH's First Work (Part 2)

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right just one small little thing because it's kind of natural to say ministries you know because that's most people it's something something ministry's game and some of you may think it's that technical too much of a technical thing but actually we're the wild branch ministry singular and one of the reasons I say this because over the years you know yeah yeah a lot of people will send me their manuscripts and books and they want you know tell me what you think read it and when you're done would you you know say you know be on the back cover you know write some kind of thing on the back cover or whatever and I don't know how many how many books I've gotten in which that they'll quote me or something in the book and then you'll be at the back of the book you know and in the costal begum and it says wild ranch we are we are wild branch dot org the only reason I'm saying that is because if you go too wild branch you've come to a ministry that hates every one of us in this room I mean there was a little graphic I guess but but they they DM Utley speak against people who are attempting to to keep the commandments and the keep and so forth you wanted me okay so while Brent's ministries in ministry or alright but that's the natural thing to do okay let's move on I got a lot of things to do and already we're having we're having problems here why is it not coming back on okay there we go we probably have to start it all over again we'll do that from the beginning okay there we go let's see if it works tonight okay we're going to we're not gonna go through over this over this again because most of the people here last night or here tonight and I do want to cut I do want to get moving along here because this is like an 8 to 10 hour lecture of course obviously all the details are on the all the details are on the series itself and by the way anything you get at the table this is the only shameless promotion I'll do I promise anything you get at the table I'm be happy to send you all the powerpoints and all the notes of anything you gets so you not only get the powerpoints but you get all the notes behind it which is sometimes helpful to people and you can kind of follow along with it there's a lot of things we didn't talk about last night along the way and I want to catch those now so I'm gonna basically start here remember we did the whole remember the whole Nadav and Avihu thing the sons of Aaron because that's just going to be one example of a kazillion examples I'm gonna give it tonight remember I said we're gonna beat the dead horse the fact that the pattern in Scripture is always the same and Paul maintained pattern and so did you schewe classic example clean first the inside of the cup that the outside may be clean also that's just one small example where Yeshua is saying don't choose between the inside or the outside I was told that when I was confirmed in the Lutheran Church the night before we will confirm he had that teacher had us all gathered together and he says remember we Christians clean the inside of the cup for the Jews clean the outside of the cup and so we just switched from the outside of the cup to the inside of the cup now I'm going to suggest you your schewe anticipated that and he said no first clean that which is inside that the outside may be clean also once again if the two together are what makes it give life and one comes before the other if you're trying to clean the outside of the cup and the inside is filthy dirty there's where you're cursed and but this this pattern never changes and so let's move on to the next thing I wanted to say and that of course is that rules are the Torah rules without relationship you're going to get rebellion now everything I'm saying here remember isn't revealed in the living creation the living creation reveals everything that the Word of God reveals because they're both living and they both operate the same way if you remember last night so if you're in a home and you're just firing rules at your children it's just bombarding them with rules and there's no deep committed relationship there eventually you're going to have Joseph rebellion you're gonna have it every time however now see no Christian would disagree with that however if you have a home where you have a relationship with the children you love them dearly but you don't have any rules then you're gonna have confusion chaos and lawlessness not only in your home but guess what in your culture take the same thing out into the culture you're gonna have the same thing eventually happen so the two belong together and one comes before the other you're gonna get sick of me saying that I'm guaranteed righteous behavior is only found and taught him the Torah I could stay in here all day and quote passages if you keep my Commandments it shall be your righteousness that's just one example so righteous behavior is only taught in the tour however the power and ability to attain and perform that righteousness is only found in God's grace and mercy so if you're trying to be righteous and you don't have his righteousness in you you only have atoms then you're gonna fail every single time because you know the only fruit an unbeliever can produce is from the first Adam because we all come forth from the first Adam so we gotta kill the first Adam in order for the new one to be able to guide us and direct us with his information and so it's only found in his mercy imputed righteousness is not a New Testament concept one of the models I guess it it wild branches not only that God is smarter than we are and things like that but the New Testaments not new it's just true and so the imputed righteousness is not a New Testament concept it is a Bible concept and the paradigm our model for that is Abraham he's the one that's a model for that we're gonna skip a few things because I'm the teacher and I can but I want you to keep this in mind in the natural because the same thing that we see in the natural is what we see in the spiritual remember last night but that but what one comes before the other right first comes the natural then the spiritual in the natural most statistics most psychologists most sociologists all agree black white people of color whatever that the problem with violence and drugs and suicide among our young people in this country is due to the home the problem is the home is stems from the home I don't know any it doesn't agree that the problem with with with our culture black and white with our young people is no father in the home everybody agrees with us so the problem in the natural stems from the home guess where it stems from in the spiritual the home if our young people do not sense a deep committed relationship and they can't relate to a father and it's and so forth then they're just out there gonna end up rebelling and yet there are excuse me they're not yeah they're gonna end up rebelling because they're just getting rules fired at them constantly so the problem in the natural is stems from the home or the lack thereof and the problem in the spiritual stems from the home or the lack thereof James is an interesting concept but I don't know that we have time to do this so we're not going to let's do it anyway I just decided in a spur-of-the-moment a couple a couple of interesting passages here the English word natural in your Bible two times in the New Testament of these somewhat six times I think the word natural shows up in your New Testament two of those six is translated from the Greek word Ganesha which I have up there which I'm going to read in a minute Ganesha Oz is Genesis okay so the idea of something natural the Greek concept of that is Genesis why do we know that because there's where the natural things start all the cycles all the paradigms all the model of everything righteous and unrighteous comes forth from the garden in Genesis everything starts there those patterns will repeat over and over and over because of a little thing called the law of like kind living things multiply after themselves good living things and not so good like I said you corrupt and you mutate something that's living and the mutations gonna multiply after itself as I said last night some things longer than other another some don't survive as some of you all know that the mutations caused things to plummet downwards mutations do not do not provide new information there's a lack of information and so everything goes down hill from there and so therefore James chapter 1 says be ye doers of the word Yeshua says that and Paul says that two more times be doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving your own cells so the first thing I want to bring out so I'm gonna do some more teaching than preaching here the first thing I want to bring out is that those who are just hearing the word are not doing it they're deceiving themselves can you see that I don't want to lead the witnesses okay that James is equating deceiving yourself with just hearing it not doing it for if any be just to hear of the word and not a doer he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in other words what his face looked like in the beginning when you look just go on and read the rest of natural face and a glass some of your translations say mirror for he B holds himself sees what he looks like actually does look like in the beginning but then he goes and does his own thing and then straightway he forgets what manner of man he was and I remember yesterday I put this little phrase up here and I'm gonna go back to it it's called an men began you remember that this is your problem when men began to do something so in the beginning Adam is created perfect in the image of God and all that sort of thing and then something in the masculine gender comes and deceives them all it starts the whole process that would be the serpent the Nakash and he that would be the serpent men began it's not that the ladies aren't involved either okay but the whole thing starts with men because men or the word male in Hebrew as a car is designed to initiate men the the meaning of the word males are to initiate to begin to speak in behalf of something females on the other hand the Kaaba is designed to receive the females receive men initiate females received that pattern never changes in scripture and it's one of the major reasons why when the God of the universe who technically is not male or female okay but when he chooses to take upon flesh and dwell among us he comes as a man it's not because he doesn't like women or doesn't like girls he's a man he's got it like one man ok never that was bad I should have said but it's not because he doesn't like women it's because the nature of men is to initiate to go after the woman she responds that's why the Bible says we love him because he first loved us the we being the bride Messiah he loved us first and so the father doesn't sit in the heavens waiting to receive waiting for you and I his children to be good enough to climb the ecclesiastical ladder of success to get to him he's got to go to where we are he's got to go down and reach out to us and we respond and so therefore getting back to this he is like unto a man beholding us so when a man first looks in his mirror he knows exactly what he looks like so I'm gonna use me as an example when I first go to the mirror that's why it's beginning remember that's why it's the word beginning I see naturally what I look like I look in the mirror and I go that's Brad Scott like it or not that's me but then I go off on my own way just like the prodigal son right same thing prodigal said then I go off Joseph when I do what I want to do okay and pretty soon I think I'm Brad Pitt because I've gone off and I think I'm something different than what I really am and so in order to get the starting startling reality I go back and look in the mirror and I go oh I'm just Brad Scott but but the reality of course is that when man goes away from the mirror goes his own way he forgets what he used to be and so he has to go back and that's what the restoration is all about in order to restore things our religious systems have gone their own way and forgot what they were in the beginning that's why Malachi beef finishes the last book of the Old Testament finishes remember the Torah of Moses for I will send you Elijah the messenger to turn the hearts of the face so restoration is bringing everybody back and going this is how I originally made you in the first place and all of restoration is basically about this it's a father saying to the creation I did it right in the first place I know what I'm doing I'm smarter than you are you the ones who went and made a mess of things and changed everything and so we go back and we look in the mirror it's also true that in I don't know why it's doing this but it is I I think the best way to do this is to go I mean completely out I think what happens is if I don't use it for a while it falls asleep or something and maybe someone came in came into my computer and messed with it and turned it on an early sleep mode or something I'm not sure but no it just decides it's gonna croak all right oh you did do something okay there we go I just have to get Western with it and I think that's what it is okay when you go to change chapter 3 verses 1 we're not gonna do that we don't have time we need to move on we talked a lot about a new heart because that's the subject of this the heart remember the father always starts with what the heart doesn't start with the mind he doesn't start with the body he starts with the heart that's the way he designed the tabernacle and when we read about the tabernacle we need to see us in the tabernacle I know it's traditional to see the Maasai and the tabernacle my friends we are making a mistake if every time we read something like that we only see the Messiah it's the father's pleading to us know you are the body of Messiah if we don't see us and how we are to be in the tabernacle then it's just all academic Ricky it's just all a bunch of studying and learning this and learning that if it doesn't change us Joseph if we don't see us in the tabernacle then we're just learning a bunch of head knowledge and it doesn't mean anything and so therefore a new heart is talked about quite a bit in religious circles but you know there's only one single verse in your entire Bible that mentions a new heart there's only one and it's Ezekiel 36 26 and 27 I want you to see the trend now a new heart also will I give you a new spirit will I put within you and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh I will give you a heart of flesh and I will put my spirit within you most new people who deal with numerix not numerology biblical numerix understand that five is the number of grace I think everybody pretty much agrees with that five times the father tells us he's gonna do it why now you can walk in my statutes and now you can keep my judgments now most people would agree with that that this this passes is actually prophetic it's speaking of that time when he's gonna ride it on our hearts and all those kind of things and so what's the purpose once again of riding on in on your heart that he's gonna do right we're not doing it he's writing it on our hearts and the purpose is to cause us because if you're in the first Adam you can't do anything you can't please the father you can't please God at all and so therefore he has to give you his information now you can do it and when our young people understand that they will be successful and everything they set their hand to do in case the Messiah Terry's in case he's not coming next Tuesday in case we're all wrong about our timelines once again we need to prepare the next generation to know that they know that they know that they are going to succeed whatever you measure success as as opposed to an abstract failure or abject failure okay no parents wants what to see their children fail for lots of reasons okay and so the father's trying to say if you let me do that first now you can walk on my statues this is our father's way from the beginning this paradigm never ever changes Ezekiel 11 says I will give them one heart I will put a new spirit within them and they will walk in my statutes and keep my ordinances the pattern never changes we're gonna skip a lot of these things because we don't have time to do it these are just quotes from some very no rap a well-known rabbi some of you know me well enough that my saying has always been I only quote the rabbi's when the rabbi's agree with me and I'm saying that now okay I don't know why I quote him if they didn't agree with me I think it's just a logical down-home country common-sense statement I'm quoting because they understand the same thing so I'm gonna skip those guys cuz I got other things to do here but I've got to talk about this passage for a minute because this is the first occurrence of heart in your Bible the very first occurrence is always important I'm gonna propose to you that it sets the tone for what that word is going to mean throughout the rest of scripture in the natural and the spiritual so the first occurrences are always important Genesis chapter 6 verse 5 and God saw the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually ok so our guests have arrived so we'll wait till they sit down ok because we're all gonna be staring at you thank you sir over your life well thank you for taking the trouble to come all the way down here and listen to me ramble for the next whatever yeah so what'd you think all right ok we were in first Corinthians or excuse me Genesis chapter 6 verse 5 there's about three or four things I want to mention about this passage let's read it again God saw the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually so what we know about the man is that the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually are we okay with that like I said I don't want I don't need somebody down a rosy path what we know about the man the reason I say this because the first thing I want to point out is that as a matter of fact I have a whole series devoted this is called for the earth is filled with violence because of some recent recent teaching I'm going to suggest you that many people have concluded and it is true that the word there for violence in Hebrew is come us come us I'm going to write down try to write Hebrew up here as much as I can what I'm saying looks like this come us all right that means anger heat actually means heat yeah we get hams name from that okay because ham means to be heated or hot which is where his people went the generations of went to all the places where it's very heated very hot and so therefore that's the basis of his name and so we get the word anger and violence from the word being hot and so therefore it has the etymological relationship to the word Hamas which is that group of people in Palestine that are hurling missiles into Jerusalem all the time so he'd be familiar with that so there is an etymological relationship between Hamas and Hamas but it was not the people that was filled with violence that's what I want to point out the earth was filled with violence it says that in the Greek it says that in the Hebrew it says it in English the people were doing the imagination of the thoughts of their heart only evil continuing their people were doing and in six verses later it says because of the people the earth was filled with violence so the people because of that caused the earth to be filled with violence and eventually over time the earth is going to erupt and all the waters are going to come forth from the deep and the flood the mighty floods gonna happen because of what the people were doing not because of fossil fuels okay if you're known to me it's because of what the people see people always reject the fact that they have anything to do with anything it's a natural human tendency it's everybody but me okay everything else is wrong not me that's just the nature of men so what the people were doing is the imagination of their huts only evil continually that's number one number two remember Yeshua said as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the coming of the Son of Man so in the days of Noah they were doing the imaginations of the thoughts it's a moksha vult the word for thoughts is moksha votes the modern Hebrew word for computers is ma chef one is in the feminine one is in the masculine it's the only difference so the same problem in the days of Noah happens to be the Hebrew word for computers in the Internet today what a coincidence that as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the coming of the Son of Man and you I don't have what mine on me but these things where they are running around with it with almost everybody the earth is running around with these in their hands now talking to it asking it questions because in the days of the priests when they had a judgment to make they asked the priest and they consulted the Urim and the Thummim the lights and the perfections today we do the same thing only we're consulting you know these little phones of ours and we run around carrying these things and that's gonna be the problem in the latter days as well you know when I speak in Africa Zulus Zulu people come very colourful colorfully dressed Zulus come and listen to this message and they catch on to it much easier than others because of some of you who know my ministry everything's based upon agriculture everything's based upon the ground and what's happening in the birds and the bees and the flowers and the trees it's all based upon that and so they catch on very easily because they're not high-tech over there and so they'll come and they they have to they come because of the food because they get the free food they live in little straw huts and it's difficult to get water and they have not much of anything but everyone has a phone every one of them had a cell phone okay I mean it's pervasive it's pervading everything in a culture and everything in our lives that's the third thing I want to mention and the last thing of course is that the thoughts of their heart we don't generally think of our hearts as thinking we usually think the minds the place of thinking but in Hebrew thought you know those people that wrote the scriptures in Hebrew thought the mind in the heart there's a fine line between the two there's a very fine line between the heart and the mind as a matter of fact the best way to express it is the Tabernacle in the wilderness when you go out into the wilderness if you're tall enough to look over that curtains and the outer court what you see is one structure sitting there you see a structure sitting and behind those curtains so from our point of view there's just one structure there but if you go in to that structure then you know that there's a most holy place and a holy place you can't know that unless you're in its and the only person that can go in that place is the high priest who is our high priest now you sure the Messiah he's the only one that can go in and that's why the Bible says that the Word of God discerns the thoughts and intents of the heart it's only the Word of God that can discern the difference between the bone and the marrow and the thoughts and intents of the heart and the Messiah is the only one that can go into there and discern those two as well because he is the Word of God in the flesh I hope that we all still believe that there was an addiction going on in our in our world right now people abandoning that and that was prophesied to happen in the latter days and is going on right in front of our very eyes so I wanted to bring up the very first occurrence of the concept of heart in the Bible is associated with with the thoughts no it did it again okay we're just gonna have to press it alright now that's not working either all right brand-new brand spanking new computer and see it keeps moving on me alright I'm gonna get to my point and then I can get over there and I'll have to mess with this but I'm gonna put it up here first here we go I'm gonna go ahead and put every one I'm up here and I'm gonna go to the board my friends what there's only two more things I'm gonna do and we're we're done as much damage as we can do for for one evening but there's two more things I want to talk about to me the this first one here Brad's opinion only I'm not saying it's your opinion I'm saying it's my opinion only what I'm about to teach here to me is the most important thing I've ever taught and 40 years of doing there or 36 years of doing this is the most important thing I've ever taught and that is the concept of good and very good why do I believe that because I am passionate and absolutely convinced that everything in your Bible is revealed in the opening chapters of Genesis so all revealed on the natural things of creation and I told you last night we've abandoned those things in our country country our country is now service-oriented and focus on technology and we don't grow much stuff anymore and we've we we don't make much of anything anymore and that's a shame because we've lost the vision of Yeshua's parables because all of Yeshua spera Bowls were about what so we nyan reaping and weed and tares and harvests and vineyard and vineyard owners that's why I believe Yeshua was a farmer I don't have time to go into my reasons but I'd be happy to send you my 10 reasons why I believe Yeshua without a doubt was a farmer not a carpenter all right how many times in the new end the parables do we read that Yeshua's making cabinets for his next-door neighbor did you think Yeshua went to Joseph and asked for a lathe for Christmas now that'll be funnier tomorrow ok so he said late for Christmas Martha okay no he's constantly doing things that involve the field and that's the reason why I told you last night America has fundamentally abandoned the field remember Yeshua said the field is the world so he's trying to tell you you want to understand what's going on in the world the wheat and the tares and endtime prophecies look right out into a field but most people in this country can't relate to a field remember I gave you the stats last night 100 years ago 100 million people in the United States 37 million were farmers over 1 out of 3 people were farmers in those days and it was 21 percent of our national revenue now 340 million people less than 2 million are farmers with less than 1% of our national revenue being produced from farming and the farming remember the numbers are worse because most farmers that we do have left either have humongous farms growing gluten GMO eat in grains and the rest of them are paid by the government not to produce anything at all so we've lost the vision of what all of you shoe as parables are about and so you know what happens when that happens Ricci there's 50 different views of endtime prophecy out there because relating everything to Darwinian timelines every time someone wants to predict when Yeshua's coming they draw a Darwinian timeline and you know what that looks like you know monkeys you know primordial soup ponds - monkeys - a guy carrying a briefcase you know that whole evolutionary kind of view is how we try to determine in time prophecy and every single time we've been wrong okay yes yes would you mind I'll give you a dollar Thanks okay let's get back to this I'm gonna start out with this I'm going to convince you of something I don't think it will be against your will but I'm gonna ask you all a rhetorical question and I hope everybody knows what that means I'm gonna ask you to rhetorical question so I just want you to think to yourself choose a word here if someone came up to you and said you only get to choose one single word to describe all of your Bible from Genesis to Revelation you only get to choose one single word what would that word be now don't say it remember it's rhetorical just think you could only get to choose one word I'm gonna suggest you that logically there's only one word that you can come to and that is life life Yeshua said I came that you might have life and not only life but abundant life I'm gonna propose to you that every commandment every statute every ordinance is all about life and producing life Yeshua said my words are spirit and they are life everything involves life and so I'm gonna suggest you from the very beginning the father is going to establish that in the creation once you see the creation and the models and the paradigms in the creation that model never changes for this natural or the spiritual so we get that from that okay like I said I'm gonna keep on beating that dead horse so we go to each one of these days and we see that fundamentally these days are declared good now here's your problem the word good now there's nothing wrong with the g2o XANA D they're just innocent little letters on the board there G two O's and a D they're not involved in a worldwide satanic conspiracy to mess with your mind okay they're just four letters on the board they're not trying to do you any harm so the word good in English is not the problem it's the mean of good overtime that's the problem so overtime what it meant when it was spoken especially in the creation in existence in the beginning is not what it means today and so that's what restoration is all about are we okay with that Kyle okay cool that's what restoration is about to bring it back to the way it was in America if you say the word good in America we say that our grandmother's chicken soup is good and then many people on Sunday morning and on Shabbat say God is good all the time so God is at least as good as my grandmother's chicken soup the whole point is we use the same word to describe soup as we do the creator of the universe that's what I'm trying to say good in Hebrew as I know you all know this but it stove all right now here's the problem you're gonna look up good in Greek and in an English Bible and it's going to give you words like delightful happy Pleasant those are abstract words so is the word good so you looked up an abstract word and guess what you got an abstract definition you're no better off than when you started Billy you ain't no one lick better but if you look it up in Americanized Hebrew dictionaries if you know what I mean by that our Hebrew dictionaries in America Brown driver Briggs just sending us they're all Americanized Hebrew they've all taken the fundamental concrete and turned it into abstract words and there's but I want and emphasize there's nothing wrong with an abstract word as long as we understand the definition Joseph so the word tove if you look it up in the Hebrew section of your Strong's Concordance you know it's gonna say happy delightful Pleasant the same kind of abstract words so but the word in Hebrew means to complete for a purpose tove means to complete for a purpose or a function so when the father's done was say day one he calls the light and he calls the water good what's he saying they're completed for their purpose he didn't say oh they're really Pleasant okay no he's saying don't mess with it don't mess with the light don't mess with the water I'm smarter than you are I'm God I know what I'm doing don't be adding to the water don't be taken away from the water now some of you remember that water is two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom right that's what makes it what it is so when the father's done with water and he says it's good he's saying that's what makes it water to hydrogen atoms one oxygen atom so don't add an oxygen atom don't be messing with it because if you add just one little tiny little oxygen atom then a few days later the fish are not going to be able to survive in it but if you swim in it your teeth will be nice and bright for a couple of months at a time because what is h2o to hydrogen peroxide okay but the sea creatures cannot live in that even though your teeth are nice and bright because of it they won't be able to do that so we say and leave it alone so he's basically going to do that with all the other days he's going to declare them good before he declares them very good because the because all days are called good but each day is not called very good when we get when he's done and God saw everything that he had made and behold it was Tove me ode now I don't know if everybody can see that but it's Tove me owed now here's the problem a lot of english-speaking people remember there's nothing wrong with the word very good there's nothing wrong with the Hebrew words 12 me ode it's just that from an English point of view we figure what each day was declared good so very good must mean SuperDuper good okay it's it's good each day at a time but it must be SuperDuper good when it's done this is an idiom this is something that occurs very rarely in your Bible concepts are very good some of you may know it do you all do the weekly Torah portion so of course how you did that it was up on the board there do you do any of the liturgy do you do the via hasta but you do the Shema right okay I know because we just did and okay and so generally speaking in some congregations and in traditional Judaism when they're done with the Shamal they'll go via hasta atop a mile a cup called a vodka vikarna fishka who've called male zdenka okay and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart notice what's first with all your heart soul mind and strength is how it's generally translated but in Hebrew that's everything you got so the whole idea of told meö means life is put into it now there's life in it the reason why I'm bringing this up is because on day one we have two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom but that is not life there's no life and an atom so you don't have life yet and when you go through each one of the days he declares them good which means what they're completed for this for their purpose but they're not called tove me out until everything's done including the humans to be stewards and take dominion over it everything's done now it can produce life and it would have done so if man would have just left the whole thing alone but as we see a little bit later here this serpent comes along and a male makes a mess of the whole thing okay not that you can't two ladies but picking on the guys for right now all right so I want you to see that that it produces life now now we can see it in the creation I'm gonna give you two more examples the father creates the male and he says to the male the male is good which means what don't add anything I created the male just exactly the way he should be don't be adding anything to the Mayo and don't be taken away the male is completed for his purpose now I know those who've been married a long time may argue with that but just bear with me ladies okay the male's complete don't add to it in other words the males got everything he needs to be a what to be a male he doesn't need anything yes you don't to be adding stuff okay when he's done with the female same with the female she's good she's got everything she needs right guys hallelujah all right okay graph as I'll get but he so they each have their function and purpose but they're not very good the reason why they're not very good is because if the male stands over here all day and the female stands over here all day like Adam and Eve gotten their first fight already okay and they're not talking to each other what doesn't happen do you remember what the purpose of everything is life the father's unto life what do you think the enemy's into death if you had one word to describe the bad guy I think it would be death he came to steal to kill and destroy so everything the father's trying to produce life with everything everything he does including capital punishment capital punishment is actually designed to propagate life and including that and the enemy wants to come along and take everything out remember that Menem enemy also knows that men began that men are the problem and how's he want to solve it by eliminating the man let's just get rid of all people how does the father want to solve it by redeeming the man so the enemy wants to destroy the man the father wants to redeem the man that's a huge difference between those two things one wants to give it life and sustain that life and the other one wants to destroy it and so when the two gets together they they've complete the cycle of life he's good she's good but if they just stayed there life stops right there natural life stops right there and I guess they'll just sit around and just stay in there like doofuses all day long so when they get together now they produce a child they've completed the cycle of life and now that child will go out and do the same thing with another female and that's how life propagates itself the two need to be together in order for life to be produced and one comes before the other who came before who the man came before that I didn't say that the Scriptures tells us the man comes first and then the woman first Corinthians chapter 10 and other places one before the other but the two cannot produce life unless they get together and by the way I would also like to say that it's not a coincidence that the helpmate for Adam is actually an opposite of it's his opposite of in Hebrew so the idea of male and female is two things that are technically the opposite but when they get together they produce life they can't produce life unless they are opposites males can't reproduce with males that's one of the reasons the reason why the father calls homosexuality an abomination is not because they're him any more immoral than heterosexuals are it's because it stops life he calls it that because he is into life and that activity stops life and so therefore he calls it an abomination and so therefore now the two can reproduce and we have life going on now I'm going to give you one more example because this is something that I've heard a lot my life if you witness more than five or ten minutes in your life one of your Western religious friends notice I didn't say the c-word when he arrest and religious friends is going to say something like what I'm about to say you people who believe in Jesus and are still keeping commandments you were adding to the finished work of Christ on the cross you ever heard something like that you're adding to the finished work of Christ on the cross now that teaching which is in every call most every Christian commentary I have on the book of Galatians today mentions that says that very same phrase the reason what they're referring to is in the Gospel of John when Yeshua is hanging on the tree he cries out in Hebrew he wouldn't have cried out in Greek but we have only have in Greek right now to tell us die which in the Greek means it is finished it is finished and so what they're referring to is that right there what they're saying is that when he said it is finished you do you try to keep any commandment or any Sabbath or any commandment after that you were adding to what he did on the cross now first thing I would like to say is that where Yeshua did on the cross is good now remember what that means it's completed for its purpose he did finish the work of the Father the what the father sent him to do he did finish when he cried that out on the cross because he's the last Adam that's why he's called the last Adam because that infers that there is a first Adam and the first Adam brought death into the world and he is restoring life back into aura so they so the first Adam lets the serpent in the garden the last Adam comes twos destroy the works of the devil all right and so he accomplished that so but the idea of the last Adam is simply this he came to do what you and I can't do because if we could do it why come why would he have to do it if we can do it ourselves the fact is we can't save ourselves Ricky because we're in the first Adam were part of the first Adam we can't save ourselves so he came to do what man can't do and that is good are we okay with that but guess what it ain't it ain't very good the reason is why not very good is something Paul said I didn't say it the reason why it's not very good is because Paul said if Messiah be not risen then your faith is ending so there's something else that had to happen wasn't the purpose of it was to complete the other half to produce the fruit if you plant the seed and it dies in the ground life stops okay now schewe came to give a spiritual life not natural but the picture of what he's doing on the cross on the tree was from the very beginning repeated over and over and over in various and sundry ways Hebrews chapter one verse one father spoke to you know through the prophets you know to the fathers now he speaks to us through the son you wouldn't know that if you didn't know what the father spoke to the what the God already spoke to the father's to the prophets you wouldn't know what the son was saying today and what relevance have had if you didn't know those things well that's what we have accomplished I'm gonna propose to you that if this whole Hebrew roots thing that we call Hebrew roots dies on the vine tomorrow I already believe that we have accomplished what the father decided to do it in this walk and that is we have got Muys and this is my experience okay so I'm giving you my experience across the world because of what we have done there are millions of people across the world right now that are either in this walk thinking about this walk are now going back even if they're mad s to prove us wrong they're going to their Bibles I think he brought us into this to stir up the pot okay so people would go that ain't what the Bible says and then they read it okay okay so and so if we've done nothing else we have caused them to be able to go back and read their Bibles I that's my that's how I look at the Mormons because I'm from Utah I'm from a place that I don't agree with Mormon doctrine but I love the Mormon people they're very family-oriented I'm glad I'm raising my children in a place like that they're very safe people to be around because they store more guns and food than all the rest of us put together okay and so so I they're very safe people to be around I feel very safe around them and and so so the whole point is that once again I want you to see this picture that we're gonna do when I get to the second half of this now and that is that things come before other things before the the creation can be declared very good he had to declare each day good and what all of that creation comes together and is one now you have life not only do you have life but you have a thing called the Garden of Eden or paradise so when the whole thing's done you have paradise but so everything worked interdependently right everything on day one needed day forward need an 85 all these things needed the other things in order to produce life but it's all in an order remember that was my premise everything living is interdependent and has an order where did that come forth the creation in the very beginning every day is dependent upon the other day and you can't have day number four before day number one okay you can't you can and you certainly can't have billions of years between the Sun but you know all the flowers would have died out wouldn't know you know anyway okay I'm a young earth guy okay with that but that's that's another story for another time everything is in order and everything is interdependent so we see that right off the bat in the creation in the very beginning now let's go to my I'm gonna because I can't do this all day long oh I something else I want to mention the concept of good I can't go back so on the concept of good just a couple more comments about it when you get to the garden we're going to see that they were not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good now remember what that word means something completed for its purpose not happy and delightful something completed for its purpose and evil the word evil Russia and it is two words primarily trained they're related to each other by the way Russia and rock ok that's it that's an I enough Sun God raw for example okay Russia this word in Hebrew these words mean to break into pieces to break into pieces so that's the concrete meaning the abstract meaning is evil a wicked and there's nothing wrong with the English words evil and wicked except we all have different opinions on what's evil and what's wicked but in Hebrew it means to destroy the purpose of something does that sound familiar to break something as a matter of fact this word is translated in your Bible four times as to break into pieces so four times this word is translated etymologically according to its concrete meaning to break something into pieces so the reason why the father doesn't want you to eat from that tree obviously there's lots of reasons is because it's a tree that contains things that are completed for its purpose along things which are designed to destroy that purpose so if you eat from that tree or a walking contradiction never ever good thing you try to do turns to evil that's why Paul said why do the things I want to do I don't do and the things I don't do I want to do because we have to admit he had to admit I'm still eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that's why because that fruit only comes from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil the tree of life can only produce beki what life that's the only thing that tree can produce and so if you continue to eat from that tree will continue to produce life when things go haywire in your life you just have to admit oh I walked back over and ate some of that fruit again because young because kind produces like kind you can't get good and evil from a tree of life you can only get life and guess what you can't get life from a tree of good and evil either I can't guess so that's why eat from the tree of life and will continue to produce life ok we go to the book of Hebrews and we see that grace is good be not carried about what diverse and strange doctrines for it is a good thing that your heart be established with grace so grace is good alright Romans chapter 7 verse 12 wherefore the tour is holy and the commandment is holy and just in good so the grace is good and the Torah is good but if they remain separate what are they not they can't produce life if you have grace but you don't have the rules you're cursed once again what how did I say it before if you have that if you have His grace you have a relationship but you don't have any rules then you have confusion and lawlessness and chaos in your culture however if you have the rules but you don't have the grace then we just rebelled against it so the two are designed to be what 1 and 1 comes before the other you got to get the grace first that's the pattern that never changes in the Bible first the grace then the Torah so matter of fact even there in their etymological views can I have 30 more minutes okay okay all right all right okay okay the word grace from hen in Hebrew we're not gonna bother to take you upstream I'm just gonna helicopter you right to the mountain said okay normally when I teach words in Hebrew I take you in a slow boat upstream to see where things went wrong along the way and we're just gonna have to helicopter right to the top of the mountain okay the two concepts one is basically meant to gather and the other one is meant to to send out one is to gather in the other one is to send out the concept of grace is based upon pitching a tent the word kanaa which is what it comes forth from in its natural form is to pitch a tent tor in his natural form means to point excuse me I get the wrong thing the the former rains it's related to rain as a matter of fact it's the former rains in Hebrew the Messiah is going to come in the latter rains and the former rains the former rains it's the casting forth the idea of now if you look this up and some dictionaries is going to tell you the route of tour which is Yarra is going to be like shoot an arrow at a target I'm sure you heard that all right but that's comes from the 15th and 16th century the King James days when you got you know arrows and Dragons and castles and all that kind of stuff it's an agricultural term surprise surprise am I talking fast enough for everybody okay okay it's an agricultural term and it has to do with sending forth the rain to bless the ground see our Christian friends if they could see the word Torah in the natural things of creation how in the world could they call it wrong or evil or bad because even when they see the father's instructions because we've had many messianic people tell them well you know it means the father's instructions well you're halfway up to the mountain if they can see that the field is the world and the and that the rain doesn't plant the seed the rain blesses the seed after it's already planted so it's the seed plus the rain that produces the fruit okay so both of them together can we see that both of them together is life but if you have the rain before you have the seed you fled the field and you curse the field however if you plant the seed pasture and no rain comes it just dies on the ground and that's that's the problem so it's the two together and one comes before the other so the idea of pitching a tent comes from a time may be you how many of you know Rico Cortez okay Rico teaches a little bit I just expand this a little bit further and in those days homes or tents had one door they had one door and they they're going to pattern the tap the father's going to pattern the tabernacle after the home now that's not that's a whole nother study but that's not hard to see the tabernacle was patterned after the home so there's only one way to get in a tabernacle alright and so there's only one way to get in the door and when those cult and the culture at that time when you had someone come at your house to eat with you to dine with you to partake with your family in your home you went out and killed a lamb alright and you would take the blood of that lamb see today we just let any old Tom Dick and Harry come in our house UPI sky knocks on the door would come right on in okay we cannot appreciate one bit the fact you didn't do that in those days it was a major thing to have someone come into your home and be with your family that's the reason why second John and places like that say beware when if someone comes to your door okay okay now we just let it anybody in but in those days they didn't do that they went to a whole trouble of a ritual if I and God doesn't do rituals I I take that back let me let me let me go back because well hey now in those days that was totally stupid but and and in those days there was a ceremony that you went through so the people that were coming your home also understood what they were doing this is not gonna salt air in your house and do whatever they want to and we have a whole lot of cliches and various cultures that come forth from that same kind of idea okay When in Rome yeah I mean all these kinds of things okay so they would go outside and they would take the blood and they would put it on the threshold of the door and when the people came over when they came to her house and let's say they knocked on the door when they knocked on the door when they came to your home they were strangers and sojourners when they came to your home but when you invited them in and they crossed over the threshold over the blood when they crossed over the blood now they became fellow citizens with the saints of God can you see where I'm going with this all right that and now he pitches his tent with them he doesn't many times in the wilderness as they traveled 42 times going from place to place so to pitch a tent is not just throwing a tent out there in the woods and having everybody come in it was a very serious thing and it's the basis of His grace it's by the invitation nothing the people did on the outside of the door it's by the grace and invitation the one in the home that you're able to come in and when you did the same rules for your guests are the same rules for you we got one host and everybody a base the same rules if our Christian Brothers can just see these things in the natural and just stop trying to understand everything in theology towing everybody's party lines we're doing the same thing politically it's just what do they call it now they call it revenge politics everything's just revenge about the other guy nobody uses any common sense anymore so here's my point when at when you gathered everybody into the house grace but Torah is going forth and so they're actually opposites in their meaning but yet only when the two come together do you have life I hope you see that and we don't have to go through that too many times all right now we're gonna okay here we go our father always does the first work and I want to give you several examples here and then we'll close the example number one God created man in His image God did it breathe into the breath of life into him and then he told him to go dress and keep the garden he didn't he didn't go tell him to dress and keep the garden and then do that he made him perfect and breathe his image into Adam first now you can go take care of the garden of course the enemy knows that so he's going to come in that's the first thing he's going to attack do you well but the point being it was obedience was the father doing the first work life comes into being by the father doing the first work and the man tending the garden now because the idea of keep the garden in Hebrew is the same words as keep the commandments the idea of keep the commandments and kiss starts in other words keeping the commandments starts in the garden with keep the garden Shamar that's what the word Shamar means I remember when I was in Bakersfield California about 1213 years ago or something I was it was late at night I was speaking in his big auditorium and I think I was I was doing words mean things or something like that and this guy jumps up in the from the back of the room doesn't raise his hand doesn't say excuse me and I still remember exactly the way he said it he jumped up in the back of the room he says so you keep all 613 commandments I said no I don't have a menstrual cycle now everybody did just exactly what you just did all right and it was like uncontrollable for about for about five or ten minutes but I was ashamed I'll tell you in hindsight here I was ashamed because that we tote that man was totally embarrassed I mean I think he is think I deliberately made a fool out of him and I said no that was totally knee-jerk I'm sorry would you talk to me in between sessions and he says yes he was kind enough to do that and I said between the sessions I said the reason I said that is because I bet you were raised religiously just like I was and when you hear somebody say he keeps all the commandments you think they keep all 613 commandments and so therefore you first it me as soon as you hear that you try to think of one you know they don't keep like do you stone your child because he won't eat his broccoli you know it's always that one okay and so gotcha kind of a thing which turns into the webs because you can't keep them all you don't keep any of them I'm sure you've heard all those phrases and so so I said the word Shamar the root of that word Shamar means to guard or watch or to protect the commandments or protect the garden what he was saying to Adam is guard it protected why the father knows the Serpent's coming okay so his responsibility was to guard watch to protect the garden well if you're protecting a garden you don't let a serpent come in now this is why it's Adam's transgression and he was deceived Adams the one that transgressed but it wasn't something here's the most important thing I want to say about this that all sin did not start with something Adam did and because of that we all have a myriad of books written about what orig original sin so all kinds of views of what the original sin was because we already been duped because of religious systems that it was something and Adam did and it wasn't something Adam did it was something he didn't do that he was supposed to do now we passed that concept of every time something goes wrong in any relationship of our lives we pass that down from one generation to the next and every time there's a problem between you and your wife or you and your pastor or a brother against a brother we both human nature go off in our corners and think what did I do and human nature kicks in and says I didn't do it right any of you who have counseled people I don't know how many hundreds of marriages on maybe not hundreds but over a hundred in these years marriages and I've counseled and I see the same thing you'd look for patterns when you're doing a counseling marriage you look for the same thing I can't walk up to the woman can you say how many times you've been married hon and she says this is my first marriage then you walk up to the guy and says how many times you've been married sir twelve there's a pattern there okay yeah you know I mean you have a pretty good idea where the problem lies okay because of this pattern how difficult for me okay are you all having a good time okay now guess what I'm gonna run over here okay anyway so so you see these you see these patterns and I guarantee you every time you get the woman's view and then you go get the husband's ooh they both say the same thing I don't have to forgive anybody I don't need to be forgiven because I didn't do anything and so reconciliation never takes place why we already been duped that when something is wrong it's something we did if we would just sit back especially the men because the men are more guilty of not doing something they should have done rather than us doing something that we shouldn't done nine times out of ten well we're having problems with our wife it's something that we didn't think of we should have done forgot the birthday whatever the case may be okay I know now there now there now everybody's gonna be into fine care I'm just letting you know ahead of time men speaking to the men next time something happens kick back and don't say to yourself what did I do because I know that's what we do okay and then we soak for a while talking for a while and then it's a big battle so who's gonna speak up first you know we're all in the same host of the same time so if the guy just kicks back and goes okay what it meant what if it's something I should have done that I didn't do we're always guilty of not thinking okay all right all right let me get myself out of this okay that's right so the point is it's only the two together that complete the cycle and one comes before the other now this is one of the most important things then I'm going to talk about in the time that I have left here you go to Genesis chapter 4 and it starts out basically by saying remember we're following the same pattern I've already given you two before we even started remember you first go to the brazen altar in the temple because that's where the relationship was established with the blood then you go in do the work of the tabernacle we've been sending there young people right into the do the work and we and we causing them to circumvent the brazen altar so they don't have the relationship and something I meant to say last night that I always do I can almost guarantee you don't misunderstand what I'm about to say but when it hits the fan and things are going to hit the fan things are just getting worse and worse and worse but when that time comes it's not the Torah that's gonna get our young people through those tough times it's gonna be a relationship with the giver of the tour it's gonna be a relationship with the king of the universe it's going to get them through that I'm not disparaging the Torah I love it with all my heart don't get me wrong I'm saying there's an order to these things first this then that and Christians and Jews basically have them pick one or the other okay and this is the reason why we still have chaos in the world because their design life can only be produced when those two or one and one comes before the other so here we have it we have that example I showed you that the first the father puts his spirit within you now you can walk into statutes Yeshua said claimed first the inside of the cup that the outside may be clean also going back to the very beginning which is where these things are established Eve has two children Cain was a tiller of the ground do you remember that Cain was a tiller of the ground now right off the bat that tells you something's wrong that's your first indication of what's wrong right there because in Genesis chapter 3 the ground was what cursed okay so the first thing we learned is that now I'm gonna propose to you that and you learn these other places we just don't have time to do it we propose you that Adam excuse me Cain and Abel brought the exact same offering from the exact same cursed ground now see most Christian teaching teaches that Adam brought the blood and Cain brought the works of his hands and there's where all the confusion starts right there because we'll see from the text you don't have to see it in Hebrew you can see it right in English that's one of the wonderful things about Hebrew many times you'll find that if you see the verse in Hebrew first then it's clear in the English you know if you know what I mean rather than you know some people think you can't possibly understand your Bible unless you know Hebrew well like I said last night that leaves out 99% of every human that's ever lived because they don't know a lick a Hebrew okay but once you see it in the language behind it now you can see it right there in the English and so a Cain was a tiller of the ground but the ground is curse and Adam was a keeper of the sheep right so one is dealing with the linen and the other one is dealing with the wool if you will don't mix the two everything and so then it goes on to say that Adam brought an offering from the ground now that word in Hebrew is Mincha Mincha that is an e Mincha technically okay Menka is the Hebrew word for the Bloodless offering there are several words for offering in the Hebrew the Ola and so forth and we won't go through them but the mincha is the bloodless one it doesn't involve blood so cane brings an offering a bloodless offering from the ground well if it comes from the ground he didn't have much of a choice did he nothing's died yet okay so he is it I want to make sure everybody's with me so far if you're if you're reading you're in your Bibles if you have your Bibles open it's the word offering Cain brought an offering a Mensa from the ground then the next verse starts out like this once you see it in the Hebrew you'll see it in English but Abel also brought the first leaves of his flock and the fat thereof now every Old Testament theologian and I know agrees that something had to die right there in order to bring the fat thereof you don't just bring the fat unless the thing died so something died right there now I'm gonna say I'm gonna say it very slowly because I know this is kind of the opposite of the way we've been taught in traditional Christianity remember what I've been teaching though one comes before the other but it's both of them together that produces life all right now the ground is cursed right so Cain brings a minka a cursed offering from the ground the next verse but Abel also brought the firstlings of his flock and the fat thereof and so the Lord had respect unto Abel 's mincha offering are you following me it's tough I know okay cuz it cuz I know I don't how many times I've said it nine times and finding on the 10th nine summers ago I get it okay so it is hard to grasp because we've all been told the opposite we're all been taught that Cain brings the work of his hands and Abel only brings the blood Abel brought both but one came before the other now I'm gonna show you again their first bringing the offerings unto the Lord the men cut the Lord had respect unto Abel Mincha what's a men cut a bloodless offering why didn't he have respect unto Kings men Coe because Abel first brought the what the blood and so the Lord had respect unto his men cut so here's the point the blood removed the curse it's as simple as can be the blood always removes the curse what at what Abel brought was cursed what Cain brought was cursed why did the Lord have respect unto Abel because he first it says it right there in English you don't even need to see it in Hebrew Abel also brought the firstlings of his flock in the fat thereof and so that pattern never changed in the scripture first you bring the blood that's the relationship remember the blood is the relationship in the natural and the spiritual you all weren't here last night so I'm gonna explain that again the blood remember that which comes first as natural than that which is spiritual the natural never becomes the spiritual the spiritual never becomes the natural natural is natural and spiritual is spiritual Yeshua said flesh is flesh spirit is spirit one doesn't become the other you know every January and everybody decides to lose weight okay when you go to the gym you're not turning your fat into muscle and if you lay around like your couch potato for two years and just eat potato chips or whatever you're not turning yours your muscle into fat fat is fat and muscle is muscle okay natural is that so the natural speaks of the spiritual but see the theologically we have many sects of Christianity and Judaism teasing that the natural is becomes the spiritual in other words Judah isn't Judah in the natural is in the Covenant and in the kingdom simply because there Judah John Hagee all kinds of people teach that there's people within this walk that teach that as from the people from the tribe of Judah don't need to believe because they're from the try to Judah because their bloodline comes from the tribe of Judah naturally they're already in the Covenant so we don't need to witness to them we don't need to tell them about Yeshua we don't need to mess with them because there aren't any covenant and once again why did Paul say that I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ because this is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth to the who first Jew first if they don't have to believe if they're if they don't we know then why does the gospel go to them first to me just one and we could do those passes all night but the same thing is going on here when when you read it you just see the English word offering and so because of that you end youth you think that Abel's offering was the blood of the lamb and Cain's offering was the work of the field no they're the same words men co only means a bloodless offering are you with me that's all it means it doesn't it's not referring to the lamb or whatever of the goat or whatever Abel brought is referring to the fact that they were both taught to bring offerings from the field but the field got cursed because of what their father did the ground was cursed for your sake and so therefore everything from that point forward that man brings to God that offers to God outside of relationship is cursed relationship blood first now bring your offering so you see it's both and one comes before the other I hope I beat that dead horse enough let's go to the next one we've only got a few here to do this is a pretty simple one Noah found grace in the eyes of God and then he was told to build an ark very simple can I propose something to you that our Father knew Noah was incapable of building the ark without His grace now I'm going to suggest that he knew he couldn't put up ten boards he'd fail or whatever they are you know all the stuff the door is made out of but it took because along with the grace of God comes his strength his power his authority everything and is in the word and so the Abraham is later is going to receive the Word of God and because of that that's going to be the counted to him as righteousness so first he finds grace once again the pattern never changes abraham believed god and then he kept his commandments if he didn't find grace in the eyes of god he would have never been able to bless all the nations of the earth first he believed god and it was accounted and for him for righteousness then it says 11 chapters later because he kept the commandments of his god that's what's going to bless all the nations of the earth it's not the physical seed of abraham that blesses all the nations of the earth it's the word of god the seed in abraham that blesses all the nations of the earth there's a difference between the firstborn of man and the firstborn of god the firstborn of man can only produce what man the first part of the flesh and blood can only produce what flesh and blood what's not going to inherit the kingdom of God flesh and blood so the first born of God is the first one he puts his seed into and what's his seed his word it's not physical okay the physical seed is a picture of the Spirit you'll see because they both work the same way but the natural seed doesn't become the spiritual seed that's one of the reasons why Paul said you know if you're uncircumcised do not seek to be circumcised and if you're circumcised don't seek to be uncircumcised you can't understand that outside of the fact that what he's saying is you're still naturally Jewish so don't seek to be unjú --is-- you know if you can go and you get you know you know slicing and dicing all over the place or unsliced eating dicing whatever if you get unsliced and diced I'm not trying to be too graphic but you know what I mean you're still Jew so don't see and if you're if you're by nature of the nations because the circumcision was the tribe was the house of Judah and the uncircumcision was was a word used to express all the non-jews all the non-jews in the first century were called the nation's the Gentiles all the Jews were called the circumcision so the nations were called the uncircumcision and the Jews were called the circumcision so he's saying if you're of the nations don't seek to be circumcised to become Jewish you can't become Jewish how many of your friends accuse you of that they find out you're keeping sick oh they can't find out you're keeping the Sabbath they think you're a Jew want to be it's a reason why I had to step down in my town from being a pastor is because I've belonged to the Vernal Minister Association zatia Association and that Association was for any religious person in town so the Wiccans the Catholics the Mormons anybody could become part of the VMA anybody and so therefore any of those Wiccans could come in it was perfectly okay when they found out that I was keeping the commandments and observing the feast I was booted out the Wiccans can stay you see what I mean didn't matter that they're out practicing witchcraft and you know the eyes of a toad or whatever yeah okay all that kind of stuff it didn't matter the fact that I was keeping the commandments that was way overboard that was way too much so you know so you all know what I'm talking about the principle the seed the most important thing I teach is the principle de-seed and that is the seed is identified in the parable as the Word of God not man's physical seed man's physical seed can only produce another man it's the seed of the word of God in you and that is the father can do that in diverse in various ways all throughout scripture he can do it through the testimony of the heavens the glory of God the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows his handiwork our Father doesn't actually need us at all he'd rather use us but he can use rocks and stones and and he can use mazzaroth whatever it takes he doesn't actually need this he would prefer to use us but if we say no okay he'll get to the people simply because he's got okay let me finish this up real quick if y'all don't freak out come on oh it's not on the little thing there sit in my room okay two more things I'm gonna do the second one first and then we'll finish with Abraham sine Moses and the Israelites were redeemed by the blood of the Lamb then taken him out Sinai very simple process never changes first was the blood of the Lamb that establishes the what the relationship and they put blood on the threshold remember okay and they cross over the threshold so whether it was those of you who are naturally an Israelite or a stranger and a sojourner once the Passover the blood you got on some of the blood now your fellow citizens with the saints of God and so therefore that's established first then he takes them where the tour is and so what I'm gonna suggest you is if you remember the movie Charlton Heston's at the burning bush remember the whole story and Charlton Moses already knew he was already told in Exodus chapter three that they're gonna go to the to Mount Sinai okay he oh he was already told you're not going to the promised land yet you're going back to where this burning bush is you're gonna go there first so Moses already knew they were going there first and so suppose you remember the movie Edward G Robinson played the bad guy remember the little short guy in the movie if you watch the movie Ten Commandments he was always murmuring and complaining suppose Edward G wood would come up to Moses and say hey let's do this lamb thing with the blood but let's go where we want to go let's don't do this Sinai thing let's go to Disney World you know whatever I'm making stuff up obviously okay what do you think what happened they'd all Paris very quickly however what if every word you is ji said hey let's go to Mount Sinai but let's skip the blood thing what do you think would happen see the pattern is what first the blood the relationship then the rules so they went to Mount Sinai to get the means by which to survive the wilderness reason I'm bringing this up is because the last thing is going to be Isaac's bride hey I'm just giving you examples of this same pattern it never ever fails I'll have you out of here by very close to 8:30 here going to Genesis chapter 24 Abraham the father I know you know these stories Abraham the father sends out an unnamed servant to get a bride for his son now you all know the story you all know that it's unnamed but actually if you go back to Genesis 15 we do know what his name was his name was Eleazar which is a word in Hebrew for the Holy Spirit or the comforter the one who comes along sighs and comforts so the father sends out if you will the holy spirit out to get a bride for his son and he gives Eleazar his instructions he says the one that's going to be my bride is the one who first waters gives you water takes care of you first at the well remember the well of salvation then she turns and gives water to the camels now it's not a coincidence that it was ten camels because because most theologians understand that that that Abraham was a very rich man and he would have had a whole lot of camels there are some Jewish sages that believes that he had 613 commandments hey so I represent sold all of the father's Commandments is all 613 but he sends the the the spirit out the bride with just ten they represent the 613 remember all the commandments hang on these so he sends the ten out to woo the bride and so therefore the bride was not the one that came and took care of the spirit first and ignored the camels the bride for his son is not the one that ignored the spirit and went right and took care of the camels the bride his bride is going to be the one that first takes care of the spirit and then takes care of the camels why because the camels aren't going to save her the camels I mean deliver her give her salvation that happens to Ellie a czar at the wels it mentions that the camels were tied away from the wells okay so you go to the wells and you take care of Eliezer the camels were designed so you can survive the wilderness remember the purpose of the commandments at Mount Sinai was to survive the wilderness the father knew he was going to take them through that he already told Moses they were gonna do so that's two so it's to get the bride to where she needs to go because the camels store up water they store up stuff and you can survive on the camels however if you just take care of Eleazar and you try to walk you try to remember where Isaac is he's in the south he's in the Negev in his mother's tent way down and then again and so if she would have taken care of the spirit but then tried on her home to walk down there she had a perished in the in the desert but the camels know the desert and they have all the needs by which to get you to
Channel: Out of Ashes Ministries
Views: 6,348
Rating: 4.9124088 out of 5
Id: Q5S8oxmOo0Y
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Length: 83min 59sec (5039 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2019
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