There is a Creator - Brad Scott at Ruach 2 of 2

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I got to do this according to the American Heritage Dictionary 1828 now if you looked up the word truth we do know that okay Jose you keeping up with me brother okay here's on it okay what if I did this okay all right now if you looked up the word truth and in the modern dictionary you'd have two full columns of nonsense some effect you would have to look up every other word in the dictionary that's in the explanation of what truth is try it I guarantee you like the guy that sells cheap suits I guarantee but if you go back to the earth some of the early periods of the modern English language the further you go back the further the clearer things get back then they said the truth is that which is an exact accordance to that which is which has been or which shall be hear me put it to you another way the truth in 1828 according to Noah Webster the father of the modern English language was one of the titles of our Father he was and is and which shall be it's his way of saying if it's true it's true now it was true in the past and it'll be true tomorrow and that's why you sure said I am the same yesterday today yesterday because when it was one of his titles I am the way the truth and the life that's what truth used to be now let's get the modern views National Academy of Science in science of fact typically let's stop right there right there that's their way of saying this is what a fact used to be this is what science used to be it refers to an observation that's right something that is that is true scientifically was something you could observe and repeat in the control environment that's what it used to be used to be observation why because that fact was based upon the Scriptures because in the scriptures we are trained from the very beginning to observe and to look for signs said that's why the new testament first corinthians says that Jews look for a sign all right now some people consider that to be a negative comment it's not really they're supposed to look for the signs show that there was but there were they were supposed to respond to the signs all right okay that's why you should've said I gave you all these signs and you didn't believe the sign see ya when you see the signs you gotta believe the signs okay that's why we did that test right okay hey I just love life it's just a good thing okay and so now we've turned observation into math now there's something to be said for math but we've been trying to use math to predict the messiah second coming at least in this in the end the years of my life on this planet 50 of these predictions have come and 50 have all gone using math all right oh we add this to this and you know when Israel was a nation in 1947 and then we added to this and subtracted from Ezekiel 8 on this side and then he laid it on this side so in fact 230 days - 1245 days and you come up with May 21st dot dot dot okay all those have come and gone and some of you know my theory is that it's quite possible that the reason why he hasn't come based on this is because we're just not good at math perhaps somebody forgot to carry the one you know I'm not I'm not sure but but to verify that just to check me out go home and google the United States position in the world in math and everyone that you see the United States will be out of 50 will be either be 49 or 50 and guess who's always number one China China is always number one you know why they are you know why where are most of the prophetic predictions coming from not the Chinese why they're good at math just my theory may not be trivial but just my theory but but the reason why I say this is happening is because we've gone from observation to the math thing not only as a culture because we went from Nikola Tesla who was observation to Einstein who was all math and so now all the particle physicists in the universe are all in step perfect step with Einstein and them and they condemn and mock those whose experiments are by observation and and repeated in an in a laboratory condition rather than math and we're doing the same thing National Center for Science education in science and observation that has been repeatedly confirmed and for all practical purposes is accepted it's true so far so good truth in science however is never final and what is accepted as fact today may be modified or even discarded tomorrow this is what our young people are learning in the university that a fact or truth or science can change it may be true today but it may not be true tomorrow vocabulary calm and observation this is scientists truth an observation that has been confirmed repeatedly and it concept' it is true although its truth is never final how about Richard Dawkins a fact can never be more than a hypothesis own probation a hypothesis that has so far withstood all attempts to falsify now we're all switching things over why are they switching it over this because they realize the observation is contradicting everything they've been teaching us about how far galaxies are away planets are away from us all based basically singularly on one thing the general and special theories of relativity ie e equals mc-squared mostly based upon those things in Einstein before he died you know a lot of people start to confess to a lot of things just before they pass away it's an interesting thing how we are as humans all of a sudden sometimes and those months preceding that including Charles Darwin people start to fess okay and he said before he died he says there's two things that will contradict my general and special theories of relativity and that is if the speed of light is not constant is number one if the speed of light is not constant then everything goes down the tubes now why would that be important to us because we have people telling us that galaxies are billions of light years away based upon what speed of light now obviously if the speed of light is slowing down which barycentre field and people like that have discovered several decades ago then everybody's been in concede now but see you you get that in the papers no you get the speed of light is constant hundred and eighty six thousand bla bla bla miles per second but it's slowing down which means what ten thousand years ago it was much faster now that makes a huge difference even if it slowed down a little bit over six to ten thousand years that's why a lot of physicists are saying that if the speed of light is slowing down it's possible that all those galaxies we see way out there ten thousand years ago were very close to us and they were stretched out exponentially the way they are now not all things being equal okay in an equal pattern see that's what they assume they assume things are far away because they know how fast speed of light is now and you just back that up but if it was a lot faster then you see where I'm coming from these are the kind of things that I've done I'm trying to do with the youth groups just in case you shouid doesn't come next Tuesday just in case all of our all of our predictions are wrong again what if our young people what if you and I sitting right here hon what if we live out all our days and what if our children live out of other days it's only hypothetical I know that bums everybody out and everybody wants to grow a horn out of their head and get all upset but we've been doing this for a long time now and every time we we and in in the search you know to figure out to pinpoint exactly when he's going to come we completely destroyed the generation we're in they haven't been doing it generation after generation okay Webster's unabridged cyclopædia dictionary says that which actually exist reality or truth so they're not even in Concord with the with the with the modern Webster's dictionary very important quote I understand this man is a Dias now he was a strict atheist when he said that but what he's about to say is interesting because he's from UC Berkeley that should be a one of our Clues right there okay UC Berkeley one who claims to be a skeptic of a certain set of beliefs is actually a true believer of another set of beliefs why am i bringing this up because most most atheists and evolutionists remember that's what we're talking about tonight so if you're mad at me because I'm not spewing out a bunch of Hebrew tonight I'm sorry okay I'm dealing with another issue but because atheist and leftists are trained that they're not prejudiced and they're not biased they don't have any presuppositional thoughts or beliefs about anything as a matter of fact most atheists believe that they come from the town of neutral Ville you know our rational town or something like that in other words we're not we're not swayed by religious primitive ideals as I'm like and then we're just we just balance out all the facts because we're critical thinkers and you or not okay that's their thinking liberals left us think they're better than you are and that's the problem you can't get anywhere them because they already assume something that comes from the next quote Leo Tolstoy some of them who may be familiar with Leo Tolstoy a Russian writer later became a believer if you google smartest and not smartest greatest intellectual elites of all time he will be on every list a brilliant writer from Russia here's what he said the most difficult subjects can be explained in the most slow-witted man if he has not formed in the idea of them already but the simplest thing cannot be made clearer than the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows everything already without a shadow of doubt that was just laid before him so true that is reading why you can't even teach the intellectual elite the simplest little thing is because he's made up his mind already is now even listening to you for one like I said most conservative thinkers and think tanks that I know have spent a whole lot of time learning what they're listening to liberals speak their ideals and they're there and all the things that their critical thinking process very rarely is that the other way around the argument concerning science there is no evidence that God exists now let me stop here so it's really getting down to the science now do we need I'm gonna I'm just gonna you know right now I'm going to 9:30 we're gonna go one more hour is everybody okay with that okay it rhymes me mine's me at the end of most Seinfeld shows I know you're Harrison I'm just kidding okay yeah we can go another hour cam if you need to do what you need to do go ahead and do what you need to do if you need to get coffee bring me a cup so I ask argument concerning science I remember this is really no argument at all but that's what they think they think that science contradicts the Bible and God and and I'm going to suggest you a lot of people that think that is what fall want probably both character categories generally speaking they don't know much about the Bible and they don't even know that much about science because they're just passing down the same thing that they learned in university you're not speaking at University of Louisiana or someplace like that and and I would get done I think I was doing the in my flesh I see God thing your DNA and how that operates and the words the language written on your DNA and and these these couple guys come up they'll tell you to put in their 40s and 50s or something and said I have a degree in biology is my fact I have a master's in biology and and you know I've never heard anything like this and I'd like to know where somebody getting right yeah after you talk to him you realize that he got a degree in biology but for thirty years he's been working at Starbucks okay and what do I mean by that I'm not trying to mock I'm just trying to say he hasn't been keeping up this stuff is changing day by day almost he's not here you know he's still spewing out what he learned in the 1960s or 1970s and even most evolutionists will tell you we don't go for anything Darwin said you can't quote Darwin to an evolutionist anymore because they're way past that okay so most of them they were keeping up with it but people who are not you can detect it because they'll start defending Darwin when they pass that up along a long time ago in other words or how do you know God exists my answer is by the same means in which we know anything we cannot see exists the evidence the facts because no one was there to observe the creation and so I asked them this now some of you have heard me say this before and I really would like to offer someone $1 for getting me a cup of coffee thanks man yeah no two dollars or two cups of cut okay right in to blackmail I get it I get it here's the first thing I say to them when they say how do you know God exists as a matter of fact - Steven oh there's a consensus how many of you know who Michio Kaku is you know me he's the Japanese guy that's all over the TV Neil deGrasse Tyson and aggressed Ison he's a man of color that has taken over Carl Sagan and all this kind of people he's actually the only one of the ones that I really like because even though he hates God doesn't have anything to do with him he's funny he's got a good sense of humor isn't he he's just a funny guy and as I enjoy someone even if they don't agree with me as long as they don't take themselves too seriously it's okay michio kaku Stephen Hawking Richard Dawkins the consensus of all three of them is simply this the reason why we don't believe in God is because we are scientists and we work by observation liar liar pants on fire okay but anyway we go by observation and because we cannot see God we cannot believe in God and so the first thing I asked him was well sir can I ask you a question do you believe in atoms and they're quicker if they're keeping up with science and I'm hoping mr. Dawkins and the bunch are I'm sure they are then they know that they can't answer affirmative to that question no man has ever scene and after me as I'm speaking to you right now no man has ever seen and active now I know what some of you are thinking oh yeah well we haven't seen him with the naked eye no we haven't seen an atom even with the strongest microscopes classic case in point 2004 live science article on the Internet 2004 remember that number we can now man can now see an atom through a scanning tunneling microscope and their way goes until you read what the article actually says okay and when you read the article you realize I have a picture of it here I'm going to show you in a minute you realize that there are talking about a computer image of electric electron interference patterns and so forth no man's actually seen an atom yet all right now whatever bring this up because the first thing I say to them it's excuse me you reject God because you can't see him you know where I'm going with this don't you but yet you stake your whole reputation your lives your family and everybody you know on something you have never personally seen either either and so if you ask them the fair question and if they answer correctly they'll say when you say well then how do you know atoms exist and they'll say because we see the effects of atoms now that's true that's exact we do see the effects of atoms and so that is a correct answer so one of the things I want you to see is that what when in 2004 and says man can now see an atom what did that article just admit that before 2004 they hadn't seen an atom right did they just not admit it of course they did because they're saying now all we see an atom but when you actually get down to it this is what you see I'm gonna jump ahead looks like I'm going to jump ahead a lot I look like Rico Cortez up here I guess yeah Oh Lucy Lucy Lucy okay here it is right here that's CERN lab Geneva Switzerland every time I speak in Switzerland I go to that lab because I just have this fascination with the whole god particle certain thing all right here's the unique thing about atoms real atoms they don't have pixels okay that's your first clue when you see pixels what does that mean that means is a computer image looks much nicer on your on your monitor here for those of you who see the monitors that means it's either a computer image or they took a photo off the TV or something okay they're not actually looking at the atom they're looking at the shadow what they call the shadow of an atom and what they're saying is we know what that which you can't see is doing by that which produces the shadow we observe the shadow and then we know what that which we cannot see is doing is it an interesting that poll said with respect to the Sabbath the festivals the feasts and the dietary laws that these are a shadow of things to come but the body is of Messiah and what a religious teachings say to that well the shadow is the Torah and that is true and the tour was done away with well if the shadows done away with how do you know what's coming now listen to what he said again but these are a shadow of things to come so if you throw out the shadow how do you know what's coming once again you can't teach the simplest thing to the religious intellectual elite what's the natural creation the birds and the bees and the flowers of the trees in the physical universe got to do with theology in the Bible it has everything to do with it and that's why I started with that testimony okay now back up to where I was now I am gonna pull a RICO here I want to tell the library story because it says this is just my notes by the way you guys are looking at the notes so I'll just bring it up and explain as much as I can the library story the library story goes like this when I went to secular College back in the back of whatever it was I went to Southeast Missouri State University because I'm from the Bootheel of Missouri and and I first semester my father did a wonderful thing now as a kid with a head full mush and just I'm telling this part because we can relate it to our relationship with the father how can I say that because the Bible says in order to enter the kingdom you must become as a little child so the most important relationship we have with the Creator is Papa Abba Father so as a child when my father said to me you are going to pay I'm going to pay for the first semester you're gonna pay for all the rest I thought he was the most evil cruel person on the planet Here I am later all these years later and my father was a whole lot smarter than I thought he was hey just think of the father as I refused he was sometimes we we judge him as just little snot-nosed kids with heads full of mush is the bottom line so anyway I got a job in the library at Southeast Missouri State it was a humongous library probably even bigger than Columbia Mizzou but it was a very large library and they would lock me in at 11 o'clock at night and they would let me out at 7 o'clock in the morning what's the a so he a cou would be all over their case today okay but back those days it was a little calmer right a little calmer back in those days and so therefore I was locked in that building in the library from 11 o'clock eight hours a night for four and a half months and I realized the first two nights I was done doing my job on an hour and a half I was done and so some of you who know me knew would know that I'm just the kind of person that would take me two weeks to figure out what could I do with those another six and a half hours so it dawned on me maybe I'll read some books I don't know where it came from it was like you know contemplating my belly button and just revealed it to me but so I started so I I was I had already I was already teaching in the Lutheran system when I was 18 or 19 I thought I knew the Bible pretty good arrogant has give the head full of mush and so I did I went to the section of the Hindus and the Buddhists and and and the Taoism and the Shintoist and the in Islam and and and Judaism and so forth as well because I didn't know anything about any of those religions and I began to pour myself into their documents and I realized that most every major religion in the world has some sort of book article document that reveals what they believe and as I went through these things night after night I began to realize something very consistent with every religious book including the Bible every religious book including the Bible makes two kinds of statements one kind about the universe that we can empirically prove or disprove as we're standing here right now and every religion makes statements and they're that you can't prove scientifically like God loves you how to get to heaven how to be saved like I said all those kind of things and as I begin to pour through these things I begin to realize that virtually every one of these books when they tell the creation story the Bible turns out to be the only book that portrays an accurate scientific explanation I mean without rebuttal and a chronology of the beginning of things the chronology no other books do that they're all over the place some of the books for example the Korean religions believe that time is actually just three roosters okay so there's no kind there's no fourth dimension of time those those kind of things but time is actually just three roosters okay and of course the reason why they believe that is because those guys you know crowed every morning when they got up and so therefore that's time all right and and and I think I've said this before all the oceans were formed by the urine of the goddesses okay this is Hinduism and so as you begin to read they make the most absurd statements about cosmology and geology and geography and biology and so I came to this conclusion all except the Bible I came to this conclusion maybe you guys can see my logic here remember down on country common sense if the statements that their God makes about the world scientifically are not true then what foundation do I have to believe the statements that can't be proved scientifically everybody follow me on that if their God doesn't know about the universe then what foundation do I have to believe all the things he says that you can't prove like I am I am I love you and how do you get to heaven I didn't have any foundation but with the Bible I did I had a reason a reason to to be able to trust him that he loves me a reason to trust when he when he says this is how you intern my presence and so on and so forth why because the statements he made about the universe are true and that's why I'm suggesting to you that that if the oh I skipped one sorry let's skip it and go on ok let's talk about glowing generalities the point being is that that gave you my foundation to believe these things most people most atheist use what's called glittering generalities I don't think we're gonna get to the ontological part guys is that ok would you stick with the scientific part ok unless you guys want to stay till midnight ok ok this is the reason I'm bringing this up is because this is a very implicit my early business class is called a glowing or glittering generality basically this is a lot of hoopla basically to say that it's a phrase that people say that gets everybody all emotionally stirs stirred up without a lick of evidence that's a glowing generality alright so I want to get we do this we all do this so let's don't I'm not pointing the fingers at everybody else I find myself doing these kind of things I just believe there's two kinds of people in the world those who realize are doing it and those are done ok I just realize I say something I got a stop-and-go I just used a glittering generality let me give you some examples the Bible is full of errors I hear people say that all the time and I'll see people who agree with that get all excited about that when they're in a speech and they're up on the platform and they say that yeah yeah we've know that right where's the evidence nobody presents any evidence that the Bible is full of errors they just say that over and over and over again pretty soon people began to believe it how about this there is no evidence of david abraham saul Sodom or Jericho when the reality is all that all those characters in all those places have been dug up out of the ground some more than 50 years ago but as the public here at know the only thing the public knows is watching History Channel hey and and so so many people know they're as a matter of fact might kids would admit that I get it my hit they get their history from the History Channel some of you well know I've been on the History Channel a couple of times and I know what their agenda is and it ain't history okay we'll just leave that or it it's right now okay III would recommend that you get a book called Exton stone Eston stones written by a woman I can't remember a name go to worldnetdaily for those of you are familiar with worldnetdaily and go there and get it the reason why I'm recommending this book as far as apologetics and defending the faith is because a lot of people believe that the Bible is not valid because those because they've been taught things like none of these characters ever been found anywhere man okay ain't nobody ever found Jericho everybody no no Awards I okay they don't actually talk like that I I'm doing that hoping that bill clouds watching this video okay but but Eston stone because if you get on the internet you could spend weeks and weeks and days finding one bit of evidence over here and one article over here if you search long enough you can find them but this woman spent years gathering all the evidence of all the places and put them in one book I highly recommend it and I'm gonna get a hold of Joseph Farah and say hey I need some money I'm promoting this okay no how about this one there are books added to the Bible how about how about there are books missing from the Bible see I hear people say that all the time give me some give me an example give me your evidence of how you know that there's books that are missing from the Bible or how you know there's books that that are there that shouldn't be there how about this one the president is a racist a homophobe I hear that all the time and when a cent of speech everybody goes flipping nuts right does anybody offer any evidence I haven't heard one bit of evidence okay now I think chop so the Trump saloon sometimes okay but but if you really get past that veneer and look at what the platform he's working with and what he's trying to accomplish then he's but say you're not gonna get that if you just watch the liberal media we're such pawns in this because it's both sides my friends conservatives do it to liberals liberals do it conduct conservatives and we are caught in the middle of this little scam there's a whole lot of things I'd like to do but we don't have time to do it but once again under the car under what constitutes evidence or proof that's the first thing we need to deal with when when an atheist approach you because in the series I actually say this is what you say to them when they say this instead of just making general statements about things and you still don't know what to say when the someone says it to you so when someone says to me what constitutes constitutes evidence or proof that's the first thing I say well what is proof to you tell me what I could say to you or what evidence that you would see that would make you believe that there is a God and of course all virtually every time they'll say if I could see him remember we talked about that earlier if I could see well see you tear down that assumption right off the bat that's why I'm saying when you're having a discussion with someone you've got to to satisfy your first premise first because they'll lead you down the rosy path of 50 different directions saying what about this and what about that what about this what about that and the next thing you know you can't answer those questions so that the next person they go to they go back to what they started with the same premise because no one ever concluded their first premise and so this happens all the time some people say the Scriptures are not a history book and they're not the scriptures are not a science book however all things the scriptures have to say about all those things will be accurate and validated or the author of the scripture God is ignorant and met at best and deceptive at worst and we might as well words of ourselves in other words my hobby okay i'm not a physicist I've just played one on TV okay but that that's kind of my hobby if you will it's what I like to do because I see the relationship between the Hebrew and all this stuff that's going on and I'm just thinking to myself if God doesn't know anything about the universe I know a little bit well then I might as well be gone you know what I mean if he doesn't know these things the thinking box evidence doesn't fit we don't have time to do that I did the prophecy thing but they've solved that problem they they can't deal with that anymore and the reason why I bring that up is because I remember I gave the same thing to my boss this is like 40 years ago when I was working in the oil field it pardon me oh yes I was oh I mean four years ago didn't yeah he is my own words against me go ahead okay I was given him these prophecies and and when I said the chances of I think I said one cell you know over it's 10 with 45 zeroes behind it and this is what he said so there is a chance and so that's what I mean now they've got something that they can use with respect to that because now unfortunately there's going to be a lot of hard-working physicists out there that are going to tell them that this whole Multi universe thing is nonsense - all right and which is what's being taught right now that there's multi universes out there's a multitude of existences and so therefore you can't prove anything anymore if you're dealing with the universes that you're not in and you're not part of so you can't observe them that's an easy way gutless way easy-easy gutless way to get out of it what do you do with myriads of scientists who believe because of the evidence what do you do with 50 scientists over here who all believe that evolution is nonsense and they have P's and HS and DS behind their name and they get 50 scientists over here believe that creation is nonsense and they get P's and HS and DS behind their name which one of the 50 PhDs are the correct 50 PhDs but they see they have an answer for this I'm just letting you know ahead of time so you can deal with these things it's what I call the Al Gore response when Al Gore was given a list over over a hundred and fifty scientists with PhDs that think that climate change is absolute nonsense and a scam Al Gore said they're not real scientists that's their answer well they're not real scientists and we do this in all other areas of our life as well someone who generally speaking in our culture who is Jewish or in the narn is Israeli culture that is Jewish and believes in the issuer is not really a Jew I hear all that I hear that all the time well you're not really Jewish how do they do that well they'll reject them you're not my son anymore remember the jazz singer Neil Diamond you you're not my son anymore you're not a Jew anymore because they believe in you show they're not really Jewish if you are if you if you're a scientist and you believe like I said in creation then you're not a real scientist how about this one if you are black and you're conservative you're not really and you know that Walter Williams and people like that mentim menta men two brilliant men okay can see these things because sometimes we're led by the hand in the public all of us are led by people that don't use that kind of intellect so when you do a scientists who believe first of all I want to say this before we go on they'll tell you that science teaches them but in reality science is not teaching them anything scientists are teaching them an important distinction your Atheist friend is as thinks that he's following science but he's following his science teacher he's just doing what a science teacher says and that may not have anything to do with science okay moving on we got 30 minutes everybody okay we're gonna do okay while studies have found that scientists tend to be much less religious than the general public a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center not biblical for people and the press found that just over half of scientists 51% believe in some form of deity or how higher power I'm quoting them specifically 33 percent of scientists say they believe in God some of the greatest Nobel laureates and pioneers in science believe in God I'm gonna say most most of the scientists who came up with the known walls in our universe were Christians Isaac Newton Michael Faraday we could do this all day we poster all these things various kinds of Christians but nonetheless Christians most of the you know couch potato theories come from the atheists but all the known laws of the universe come from believers and what and so your friend has to know what do you do with all the Nobel laureates that have all the laws in the universe 33% if you will what do you do with those stats what would be proof once again to be able to see him we talked about this we're going to skip some of these things this is the the shadow of an atom that I talked about before very important concept here we got to stop and talk about I hope I don't take up the whole a half hour these are the things that I like to talk about I'm selfish I'm sorry especially when it comes to what Stephen Hawking and CBC some physicists who works hard is going to counter what Stephen Hawking just proclaimed two weeks ago in saying that matter is eternal and that matter comes before information he knows he knows that matter can't proceed information information has to precede matter you have to have information first you can't start out with matter because you need information to produce the matter so you can't start out with that you have to start out with information information happens to be words and so what a coincidence that the Bible in John 1:1 says in the beginning was the word and the word who ever wrote the Bible seems to know a whole lot more than Stephen Hawking in the autographs Tyson and people like that as a matter of fact it's interesting to me is where I put that note up there that our word information or words comes from the Latin word informal and formal and the Latin means to give form or shape to something so even the word itself is always testified that is words that are sound frequencies that's what words are they're sound frequent the resonating frequency anybody in the scientific field understands that everything in the universe is brought into existence by the energized vibrations of sound and that everything in the universe is made up of atoms and in those atoms of protons and neutrons and electrons excuse me in the nucleus or protons and neutrons and what's flying around the nucleus of the atom eight electrons so therefore everything is energized everything is moving now you don't see a lot of these things but everything is moving and so we know that what makes you who you are is your DNA your DNA is a molecule now that's matter okay a molecules matter it's just a conglomeration of particular patterns of atoms atoms clustering together to form a molecule but what makes you who you are is not the matter it's the information written on the DNA and see we all know this in the lab until it comes to their theology with all this and indeed don't be fooled atheist have a theology it's just that that the Theo and theology is them matter okay it's still the same thing and so it's interesting that the Bible already knew that words have to come first and when you go to the beginning God said let there be light and there was light that is in perfect harmony with the physics of the universe as a matter of fact if we were in a laboratory right now we could observe and repeat in a controlled environment what I'm about to say now that's used to be called if you take a water drop and you put it in a petri dish doesn't have to be in a petri dish I'm just adding that for flavor okay and you produce just the perfect right on spot on resonating frequency of sound you create the entire spectrum of light in the water job I hope I didn't lose anybody there you take the water now that water drops surrounded by an electromagnetic field that's why this can happen because once you have electro at once you have electrical charges between two things with electromagnetic fields then you have it you have indeed a feel to work with just like if you had magnets on it on a table if you put them a certain way they're going to attract to each other if you turn one over they're going to repel right now there's a there's a relationship there's an attraction between the two magnets you can't see it but if you throw some iron filings on it now you can see the electromagnetic field well everything made of mass and matter is surrounded by like that electromagnetic field so if I took water surrounded by an electromagnetic field produce just the right sound words then the entire spectrum of light is in the water job now in the beginning it says that God the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters now you got water right and then God said now you got the sound what's the next thing that happened let there be light that's in perfect harmony with science so that tells us a couple of things tells us whoever wrote that's pretty dang smart because it took man a whole lot longer to figure that out when it was revealed right there in the beginning the second thing we understand about that is you don't need a ball of fire up in the sky to produce light I remember I was at in a bakersfield california one time there's a big crowd of people out there and and as i'm just finished a lecture similar to this and this guy stands up and he says hahaha kind of laughs a little bit and he says whoever wrote your bible doesn't know what he's talking about and i and everybody started to say something I said no no no no let the man speak inside I'm thinking he'll give him you know he'll reveal ins you know don't speak and he says whoever wrote the Bible doesn't know how things work because you can't have light before the Sun and then he giggled a little bit again ok it was a very similar circumstance to here it was like 11 o'clock at night okay and I simply said to him sir is there light in this building right now well that ended that right there okay now that I'm smarter than anybody else once again it's just damn good old down-home country come sense because he realized that the sun's not shining in the building just like it isn't right now and do we have light because see we need energy we need energy you need light quanta of photons and so forth the smallest according of life that's what you need in order to produce light you don't need the Sun in our produce light you need energy energy is where we get life from and so he realized that whoever wrote the Bible did indeed know what he was talking about from the very beginning so Matt information gets a gives form to matter most arguments about the dislike of God are not evidence that there is no God it's evidence that they don't like God for examine use an example this is something they may say to your kids you know the reason I don't believe in your God is because I look out in the world and I see sin and art now he wouldn't say say I see tragedies and wars and bloodshed and the innocent dying and all kind of evil in the world which in existential atheist doesn't believe there's any concept of evil but having said that that's the reason why I don't believe in your God because look at this world so I simply asked I said you need to turn to them and ask him this so what do you think brought the universe into existence if it wasn't God and I say well matter matter brought matters always been matters what brought did this into the world then I said well why aren't you mad ik mad at the natural forces now I'm gonna say that again we're looking at the same evidence you're saying this evil world wars brought in by natural forces then why aren't you mad at them once you why aren't you writing books against the natural forces you just confess that this because the world is the same evidence no matter whether you believe brought God brought into existence or you believe man born into existence either way we're looking at the same evidence so you just admitted that natural forces caused this evil despicable world why aren't you mad at them see they want to blame it on God when we're all looking at the same evidence so the kid though always goes back to why did God allow this to happen it goes back to they don't give you one lick of proof why there is no God they only give you evidence why they don't like this God and that's the reality of atheists dr. Warner gate director and professor at the German Federal Institute of Physics and Technology says and I quote there is no known natural law through which matter can give rise to information can't work that way but yet that's what's foisted upon the public and particularly our next generation that matter gives rise to information and they all know that that's not true there's no phenomena that can do this second law thermodynamics disproves an internal universe of something running down which we know is the second law everything that it's made of Matt that matter is in a state of corruption it's in a state of entropy that's why things have half-lives everything's going this way nothing's going this way it's all going that way so something going that way could not have been eternal in the first place at the rate that it's going it would have ceases to exist and I'll use their terminology billions of years ago it doesn't work that way see the the physics the absol observation contradicts these things how was expanding universe we don't have time to do the expanding universe once again I talked about something can't come from nothing according to Stephen Hawking the idea that the universe the universe came from nothing leaves him no reason to have to explain anything he gives his reason for having that belief in the first place he just now realizes that this the universe can't come from nothing why because in the genetics of nothing is only nothing information right I know this blows the theologians Minds but I know this is rocket science but in the end the genetic information of something is something information that's why something can always produce something see it's so according to the genetics team that they do know about this makes sense but it contradicts their theories so therefore if they have to keep coming up with an expanding universe once again in an infinite universe with no beginning then anything is possible life on other planets Elvis in a different universe you know a tornado goes to a junkyard and the other end produces a perfectly ready-to-fly Boeing 747 because of that we're gonna skip some of this oh this is a cute one Richard Dawkins is being interviewed by a Roman Catholic priest now that I'm supporting Roman Catholicism here but he's being interviewed by a Roman Catholic priest and Richard Dawkins is the one that started out the conversation saying this is the last interview I'm going to do with anybody of faith and and of course the the priest said well why and he says because you all don't know anything about science and he says in my opinion most Christians don't know anything about their Bible either that's hard to refute the second half okay because that's generally - according to George barniz polling most Christians know very little about the Bible I think he's going goes on and what give me an example of something the Christian he says most Christians don't even know what the first four books of the New Testament are and I couldn't argue Akinori with that because I know my older sister if you ask her what the first four books are she'd throw in some reindeer okay that's the way are some people are you mean Donner and Blitzen are okay anyway so he says so you won't tell you sis so you won't talk to them because they don't know anything about the Bible yes so the priest turns to I have the on the on the series I have the actual recording by the way I can't play that here I didn't set it up ahead of time but the actual recording of the interview is on this series only about a minute long so then he turns to Richard Dawkins says you know mr. Dawkins I've really admired you or your life for the things that you've contributed to the scientific community as a matter of fact I've done a little study on you and I found out that your favorite books since you were 5 years old is Origin of Species by Charles Darwin II is that true oh yes yes I've I was raised in that book that's my favorite book he says I bet you I've read that but I don't know 50 times over and over and over never get tired of reading that book and he says well mr. Dawkins can you tell us the original title of Origin of Species and Charles Darwin goes oh yeah it's called Origin of Species or the preservation of oh god oh my god oh god let's see let me think you know president Oh God josè for like ten minutes he calls on God you know over and over and over again in this interview and and you just can't help but belly-laugh as he calls out to God to help him to quote this time it is a pretty long title but the reason why the eliminated of course is because of the racism in the title the preservation preservation of the favoured races well guess who that is okay and so they kind of eliminate that that was a politically correct thing to say and so it's an interesting interview and I've got 15 minutes here okay here we get into the to the the information thing what if the fundamental stuff of the universe is not matter or energy but surprise information this is the fundamental stuff of the universe it's not matter or energy which is abundant obviously in the universe that's basically fundamentally all the universe is but it comes forth from information which is what the Bible says in the beginning was the word and God spoke Scott Aaronson said and I quote does this mean that our universe is made of information as some headlines claim it strikes me as a contentless question which is an odd use of the word contentless but anyway says Aronson to say that matter and energy are important in physics is to say something with content you can imagine a universe barren of matter and energy after all specifying that a universe is furnished with both tells you something about it and in distinguishes it from other possible universes but I don't know how you could ever conceive of a universe without information they understand concept they understand it in the physics and everything that they work with but when it comes to what is displayed to everybody else you'll find out that a lot of people on the left's live their personalized very conservatively but when it comes to running everybody else's lives okay yeah give everything away or not my money give everybody else's money okay okay but at the same works religiously as well most atheists and evolutionists are not looking for proof or evidence at all the idea of a creator of all that exists is not really the problem they want a God who fits their image and is convenient for their lifestyles and desires whatever that is from a purely sign this is just my words putting up on the screen because they don't remember them all from a purely scientific point of view the problem is not God a designer or crate or even a savior which is what the evidence points to I'm going to reiterate that atheists really don't have a problem with the existence of God they really don't they really don't have a problem of a creator that created all this stuff either they don't have it even have a problem with with taking a god taking on flesh and dying on a cross to forgive them that's not their problem the real problem for man from them is that this creator of God requires something from them he gives instructions for good and evil in other words they're really a real problem is the door it's interesting to me that the same problem that has faced the dominant religion in America for 2,000 years which they reject is the same thing that the atheistic culture rejects you don't have a problem with a god that does wonderful things and loves them and does all kind of stuff for them but the idea of telling them what to do tell him what's right and wrong and clean and unclean that's where they can't that they can't swallow that idea so that's why ultimately they reject God is because he tells them their Creator it's like Geppetto telling Pinocchio what to do and whatever most atheists know all the details of Pinocchio but reject Geppetto hey if I can just use butt as an example let's do I got 10 minutes to do some of the untell ontological arguments okay is that okay all right okay here's I got a court Richard Dawkins I didn't want to do this but Richard Dawkins quote if the universe were just electrons and selfish genes meaningless tragedies are exactly what we should expect along with equally meaningless good fortune such a universe would be neither good nor evil in intention that is fundamental foundational atheism right there in existentialism that is the foundation of it there really is no evil there really is no good logically that would have to be the way it is because there's nothing everything's just made of matter and in their opinion matter in and of itself can't do anything good or evil and so therefore the universe is just filled with these genes and protons and atoms that don't have any concern for other genes and other atoms and protons and neutrons and quarks and as you break these things down so the universe we observe has precisely the properties we would expect if there is at bottom no design no purpose no evil no good nothing but blind pitiless indifference can you start to get what they begin to see about the universe they believe in they blend it in a universe that's blind pitiless indifference and doesn't care so you can't imagine why the people who believe in that may come to the conclusion that they don't care I'm only throwing out this possibility science has no methods for deciding whether this ethical he's right that is a matter for individuals and for society science cannot tell you for example whether abortion is right or wrong ethical and moral issues are up to individuals in society we are all dancing to the music of our DNA so the fundamental things of atheism is there is no evil and there is no good and that's quite obvious if there is no evil then you then no one would have any concept of good and if there was no good you have no concept of evil you would have nothing to measure it against and that's their bottom line so therefore in their view life is just rolling the rock up to the top of the hill and then when you to the top of the hill you roll it back down and that's life just rolling it up and rolling it down there's no purpose to any of these kind of things and so therefore we wonder why they have to deny that evil exists let's evil assumes that something should be different I wish we had time to do the philosophical part but these are the things that really get at the core of individuals because at the bottom line of all this is that once again what we've always asked where did I come from why am I here what's my purpose where am I going that the ontological is just a fancy word for the existence the meaning of existence evil assumes that nothing should be different so the fact that something's wrong to us is saying to us well there must be something right and we know that wrong is not something we want and so something should be different in a godless universe of only nature there is no ought to be there is no well there ought to be a law well no everything's working just with pitiless atoms in the universe there's no ought to be anything everything's just doing what it does no design no purpose just doing whatever it does and so let me give you some other examples before we go on oh here's my favorite one if God exists then why is the world filled with let's deal with that it for a few minutes if God exists then why is the world filled with and you put it you fill in the blanks evil war you know bloodshed innocent dying whatever your diseases whatever put it in there now the first thing you have to do is take away their assumptions first because every time they ask something like this there's something that they're assuming right off the bat that you have to break down are you with me because otherwise they'll lead you down the rosy path I've never been able to answer their question so you've got to know you got to break down that first thing here's the first thing I asked them what is it about God being good that means he cannot allow suffering evil or death you've got to ask them that at first if God is good the wires are suffering so what you're saying is where does it say that God can exist along with evil and suffering you see the Assumption they're making they're assuming that there is if there's a God then there should be no evil ones and suffering and world is it written that God can exist at the same time as evil and suffering now we would all respond of course with human you know God didn't create it that way right God created to be good in the first place so their response is going to be within why didn't God just make it without the ability to sin why didn't you just make everything perfect in the first place now here's the first thing I say to someone who says they you're always living in the hypothetical liberals always live in the hypothetical they're not really living in the Atheist I don't want to consent there are liberals who were believers in the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob I don't mean to confuse those two okay but the point being those are on the left side of the viewer atheist generally speaking they live in the hypothetical they're not they're not reacting and responding to the observable real world that we live in is it possible for God and suffering to exist at the same time so let me end with this whole lot of things I would like to do let me in with this let me say one more thing one of the other questions is the only reason you're a Christian is because you come from a Christian country never heard that one the only reason why you're a Christian because you live in a Christian country if you lived in India you'd be a Hindu okay right if you lived in China you'd be a or in Japan you'll be a Shinto us or at a owest now here's the problem with that when someone says the only reason you're a Christian is because you live in a Christian country the first thing you ask them is where do you live sir then why ain't you a Christian so you've got to break down the initial assumption they did the reason why you're a Christian is because you live in a Christian country they live in a Christian country why aren't they Christians now see here's the response because our and you know it been there done that because they believe that they're better than you are by Nature then they're going to say because I'm smarter than you people I'm able to figure out that it's a scam okay but see but you still once again you have to break down the assumptions you can start to have a discussion with them if you break down these walls of these assumptions in the first place like God can't exist an evil at the same time oh I was going to tell was it was my last story when I was a young man when I was a boy eight years old living in a small town in Missouri there was no Disneyland there was no Disney World there was no Six Flags over anything you know anything like that the best thing the most exciting thing that we did three times a year in Jackson Missouri this little town that I live in was when the parade when there was a parade in town when you're eight years old that's the highlight of your year and I remember my parents are the kind of people that we'd be out there two hours ahead of time and we set up these lawn chairs and we have a grill when we have the styrofoam things so forth fill up sodas and everything and dad would be out there grilling hot dogs and and everything and when you're 8 years old this is constantly what you were doing for two hours right okay and you look out there again and your mom would say it doesn't start for two hours why are you know you'd be bawling out on your end you still be doing this because you were excited oh this is a pretty we don't see anything like this and then pretty soon the last time you're looking here dun dun dun dun dun sit at all you get all excited and all ready to go here comes the band in comes a band now when you're 8 years old get out of here you want the banding get on down the road why because the band just plays music you're waiting for the fire engine because the fire is going to what throw candy out in the street you're all going to rush out and grab the candy and so you're waiting for the fire engine but here's my point of the stupid parade story my point is that when you're 8 years old the only thing you know about that parade is that short little time that that band passed by you or that float passed by you when you're 8 you don't know where the parade went and you don't know where it came from and so every judgment you make about that per a good bad right or wrong is based upon that little vapor of moment if you will in which the parade came by you but but if the Father knows the beginning of the parade and the end of the parade now I think I mentioned this in the beginning and so therefore every judgment he makes based upon his wisdom which is collective experience and knowledge over time everything he knows about it every judgment he makes is because he's got all the information and we don't we got to start there he has all the information that's what it means to trusting God that's what it means to trust in your mom and your dad that they may tell you some things to do when you're young that you don't understand you think they're cruel you don't know why they won't you let you stay out to a midden like I like all the other parents let their kids do that kind of thing and so therefore the most terrible people on earth they come to you and they tell you if you make your bed every week and if you don't I'm going to ground you and so you don't make your bed and they ground you and your man with at them you soak in your room for days calling them every name in the book screaming at them yelling at them when you're the one that put yourself in the room they just made the rules and and so I'm pleading with us to understand that even though there's a whole lot more details in the serious self and I'm not trying to get everybody rushed over and grabbed that but I am saying that that there are answers to every one of these things and I think it's high time that we started preparing the next generation for the possibility that Yeshua may not come when we think he is and so let's spend the rest of our time here being good honorable kind gentle decent human beings that's what I think we should be searching for Father in the name of Yeshua I thank you and praise you for your precious word I thank you that well I'm going to ask you to to lay your hands on the heads of every one of your firstborn here it's dark outside please guide them everybody home guide them to the left and the right and take them home safely so we can all gather together in fellowship once again I'm asking you for all of us and everything we set our hand to do that we proclaim that not only do we love you Father and that we love our neighbor as ourselves but we love ourselves that you love me and you want everything good for me and you want me to succeed and everything I set my hand to do teach us to be your disciples and to take up our cross and follow you in your precious name Amen and amen thank you all appreciate I have a great evening [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: TheRuachLife
Views: 4,362
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Ruach, Dance, Worship, Hebraic, Hebrew roots, Yeshua, New covenant, Atheist, Torah, Deist, YHWH, hebraic, Creator, Yahweh, Jesus, hebrew, hebrew roots, Brad Scott, Israel, ruach, ruach ministries, wildbranch
Id: SYjiYvWIpAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 26sec (3926 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 07 2018
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