Temporary Dwellings | OAM Shabbat Fellowship 09-18-21

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[Music] yes [Music] oh oh [Music] i'm sorry [Music] [Music] questions [Music] okay oh oh and she said did you ask me hours is oh oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] good morning good morning shabbat shalom great to see you all this morning let's say the shema is [Music] [Music] hear o israel the lord our god the lord is one blessed be the name of his glorious kingdom forever and ever and the via love adonai with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength these words which i am commanding you today are to be on your heart you are to teach them diligently to your children and speak of them when you sit in your house when you walk by the way when you lie down and when you rise up bind them as a sign on your hand they are to be as frontlets between your eyes and write them on the doorpost of your house and on your gates amen miss janice is going to come and read from the psalm for us this morning shabbat shalom i'll be reading psalm 138 this morning and it's uh it's a it's a song by david and it's about god's goodness to the faithful and it goes i will praise you with my whole heart before the gods i will sing praises to you i will worship toward your holy temple and praise your name for your loving kindness and your truth for you have magnified your word above all your name and the day when i cried out you answered me and made me bold with strength in my soul all the kings of the earth blessed be your name when i'm found in the desert place though i walk through the wilderness bless it be your name every blessing you pour out i'll turn back to praise when the darkness goes is in the lord still i will say bless it be the name of the lord unless it be your name bless it be the name of the lord bless it be your glorious name bless it be your name when the sun shining down on me when the world's all as it should be bless it be your name blessed be your name on the road mark we're suffering though there's pain in the offering it be your name [Music] oh every blessing you pour out turn back to praise [Music] when the darkness closes in lord still i will say the name of the lord this name blessed be the name of the lord [Music] you give and take away my heart will choose to say lord bless it be your name you give and take away you give and take away my heart will choose [Music] when the darkness closes in lord still i'm gonna say bless it be the name of the lord bless it be your name bless it be the name of the lord bless it be your glory as a name oh blessed be the name of god blessed be the name of the lord [Music] [Music] listen to your glorious oh we bless your name lord we lift our hands and our voices bless the lord oh my soul [Music] father we bless you we love you this morning we love you father and we are so thankful the beauty of the residue of rosh hashanah and yom kippur father as we stand in the oncoming days of sukkot we are so hopeful and fortunate father that we have the assurance and the blessing that one day you will dwell again on earth with man father we thank you for this shabbat thank you for this family whether here in person or online we thank you father that we have the ability to worship you together in community with each other people that love us that care for us and that love you and are faithful to you and the walk that you've called him to so father as we sing these songs of worship father we pray that more than beautiful words are a beautiful melody or even good singing that father our hearts and our minds would be turned to you no distractions from last week no worries about what's to come father but today the sacred space and time that we would be focused fully on you and opening our hearts in celebration to our god and our king [Music] we say yes lord yes lord yes yes lord yes yes lord yes lord yes lord yes yes lord amen full surrender lord we say yes lord yes the lord yes yes lord yes lord yes lord yes yes lord yes lord yes lord yes yes lord amen [Music] yeah i'm trading my sorrows i'm trading my shame i'm playing them down for the joy of the lord [Music] i'm treating my sickness i'm trading my pain [Music] i'm laying them down for the joy of the lord we say yes we say yes lord yes lord yes yes lord yes lord yes glorious yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord amen say yes we say yes lord yes lord yes yes lord yes lord yes yes lord yes lord yes lord yes yes lord amen well i'm pressed will impress but not crushed persecuted not abandoned struck down but not destroyed i am blessed beyond the curse for his promise will endure and his joy is gonna be my strength i know that sorrows may last for the night the joy [Music] them down for the joy of the lord i'm treating my sickness and i'm treating [Music] i'm my them down for the joy of the lord say yeah yes we say yes lord yes lord yes yes lord yes lord yes lord yes yes lord yes lord yes lord yes yes lord amen say yes yes lord we say yes lord yes lord yes yes lord yes lord yes lord yes yes lord yes lord yes lord yes yes lord amen well i'm pressed will impress but not christ persecuted not abandoned struck down but not destroyed i am blessed beyond the curse for his promise will endure and his joy's gonna be my strength i know the sorrows may last for the night joy comes in the morning i'm trading my sorrows i'm trading my i'm laying them down for the joy of the lord i'm treating my sickness and my pain them down for the joy of the lord say yes lord say yes lord yes lord yes yes lord yes lord yes lord yes yes lord yes lord yes lord yes yes lord amen we say yes lord say yes lord yes lord yes yes lord yes glory yes lord yes yes lord yes lord yes lord yes yes lord amen [Music] and indeed father today on the sabbath we say yes we say yes to your freedom and yes to your peace we say yes to your faithfulness god and on the heels and the shadow of yom kippur we can send you to you to say yes to your forgiveness your love that is so amazing we can enjoy sukkot with freedom and liberty [Music] you love is amazing steady and unchanging love is a mountain firm beneath my feet your love is a mystery how you gently lift me when i am surrounded you love carries me sing that again you love is amazing steady and unchanging your love is a mountain firm beneath my feet you love is a mystery how you gently lift me when i am surrounded your love carries me hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah yeah your love makes me sing hallelujah hallelujah your love hallelujah me sing your love is surprising your love is surprising i can feel it rising all the joints flowing deep inside of me every time i see you all your goodness shines through and i can feel this god's song rising up in the air hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah yeah your love makes me sing hallelujah [Music] your love makes me sing your love is surprising your love is surprising i can feel it rising all the love is flowing deep inside of me every time i see you all your goodness shines through and i can feel this god's song rising up in the air hallelujah [Music] hallelujah yeah your love makes me sing hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah yeah your love makes me sing hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah yeah your love makes me sing hallelujah hallelujah [Music] yeah your love makes me sing [Music] your love father your love and your grace and mercy your loyalty to us makes us say praise yah hallelujah no greater love that we've ever known a love so great father that it gives us security and safety a love so great that it gives us peace in a world that is constantly changing in a world full of chaos father in a world full of unknowns [Music] we find safety and security in you [Music] and in these moments of worship and praise together with community or alone wherever we may be throughout the week father it's the moments that we get to sit with you in quiet and stillness quiet our minds quiet our emotions quiet our fears and our wonderings we just get to sit and be with the creator of the universe [Music] and father from these times we are strengthened from these times we are we are built up our confidence is made strong our faith is deepened just by being in your presence [Music] so that we can go out and not only face the world not only survive the world but be an impact on the world [Music] shine your light show your glory bear your image to the world that needs it so desperately [Music] when i cannot feel when my wounds won't heal lord i humbly need hidden in you lord you are my life [Music] so i don't mind to die just as long as i [Music] am hidden in you if i could just sit with you if you could just hold me [Music] nothing can touch me though i'm a wounded [Applause] [Music] i need you to hold me moment by moment until forever [Music] when i cannot feel when my wounds won't heal [Music] hidden in you [Music] load you all my life so i don't mind to die [Music] just as long as i am hidden in you if i could just sit with you a while if you could just hold me [Music] nothing can touch me though i'm wounded though i die if i could just sit with you [Music] i need you to hold me moment by moment until forever passes by [Music] if i could just sit with you a while [Music] if you could just hold me [Music] nothing can touch me though if i could just sit with you [Music] i need you to hold me moments by moment until forever passes by [Applause] [Music] if i could just sit with you [Music] you could just hold me [Music] nothing can touch me though [Music] if i could just sit with you i need you to hold me moment by moment until forever passes by [Music] moment by moment until forever passes by moment by moment until forever passes by forever [Music] father what is the sabbath besides moments a moment where we get to sit with our creator our king be held by the father [Music] it doesn't matter who we are man woman grown-up child [Music] we all need to be held at some point [Music] father as i pray that just as the sabbath has held the jewish people for centuries for generations for thousands of years father that we would cling to your sabbath cling to you through the sabbath [Music] that it would preserve us and keep us [Music] we thank you for this day and this time of worship may our hearts be prepared for for your word [Music] as we fellowship during o'neg to rejoice over you we bless you through yeshua our messiah amen [Music] good morning again everybody good morning shabbat shalom good morning shabbat shalom to everybody watching my live stream great to be seen by you this morning uh and i hope you're all doing well i hope you had a wonderful uh yom trua rosh hashanah and yom kippur i want to thank all of you who did for spending yom kippur i had i don't know about you i hope it was for you as well um that by church i don't mean bad i mean it's just you know a thing the feast days are not better or worse they are what they are they're great all the time but anyway you know what i mean uh getting myself into trouble already uh but i hope that you had a meaningful fast if you did fast or meaningful yom kippur and uh i just i want to say thank you to everybody who uh came for yom kippur wednesday night and uh spent it with us it was deep and meaningful and and awesome and so i just want to say thank you uh for that and i appreciate the the feedback the positive feedback as most of you will know and as i talked about at some point in the last couple weeks we are easing our way into more of the traditional prayers and and the traditional orders of service of some of the feast days and i know that can be kind of nervous for some folks but i appreciate all the positive feedback and everybody seems to really be grabbing a hold of it and really enjoying it so thank you all very very very much um all right so a couple of announcements real quick i just want to remind you all and those of you watching my live stream especially if we have new folks if you're new hey welcome uh that um i do a weekly radio show on hebrew nation um that airs i think now what did you say heather five times a week six days a week something like that i don't know either they're either it's really really good and and they're adding it more times a week because it's so good or they're just really desperate for people to fill time slots i'm sorry that's self-deprecating no it's a lot of fun and we have special guests on from time to time and sometimes it's an extension of what i teach on shabbat sometimes it's something totally different but check it out either live you can stream hebrew nation radio all day and there's great teachers on all day they have an app for your phone and all that good stuff or you can find in archives either on our website or on itunes or wherever you get your podcast that's part of our podcast feed there as well and then upcoming in just uh two days is sukkot how are many of you already yeah good i'm ready to i am um i'm ready i'm ready to get into it we've been planning for months heather's been working for months getting all the stuff done and all the things uh in order and a line schedule and stuff for kids and all the different kind of things so by the time sukkot gets here we're really ready um i know some of you you know may start preparing last week we start preparing months before and so by the time it comes it's time it's time for it to be here and time for us to get on with it so just a quick reminder of a couple things um first of all we have anyone who ordered t-shirts we have them in the o net call so if you would like to wash them before you wear them this week or whatever we have them for you so whoever's here and ordered shirts make sure that you get with heather myself and we'll we'll dig through and make sure that we get you your shirts um schedule wise remember that monday tuesday and wednesday are nights only under the sukkah where we'll be having fellowship bible study and we'll be eating together and we're preparing those meals most people are coming in thursday wednesday thursday a few friday to spend thursday friday saturday sunday monday with us and those days we have a jam-packed schedule but one thing you'll learn about us is that we're flexible super flexible so it's for instance in the morning we have a devotional time together um and then after that we have like men's group women you know ladies and guys got to get together and do different things the ladies don't feel like getting together don't it's totally cool sakota is about you spending time uh however you want all right it's about you it's not about following a schedule we have a schedule just so that we have things to be involved in but the schedule is not the bible right so if we feel like hey we don't want to do morning devotion this morning we just won't everybody will sleep in everybody hang out whatever it's it's all good uh we do have a lot of stuff for kids to keep them active and and keep them uh you know have let them have a great time and so that's that's there as well i want to say a quick word about meals and stuff many of you paid paid for meals and thank you for doing that we don't charge a fee for sukkot there's some sukkots you can go through throughout the country where it's you know 100 registration or hundreds of dollars of registration and we don't do that uh just because we don't want to be money to be a hindrance to anybody and so we don't charge but giving for the food really does help a lot and so i want to just say this a couple people have asked about well like can we cook our own food and the answer is yeah absolutely um if you if you're coming to camp if you're watching a live stream you're coming to camp and you want to bring a camp stove or you know with a with a propane bottle or whatever and you want to cook your own breakfast you don't have to eat with us all the time it's not like a big deal um but if you want to cook that's great cook out at your own place and let people come by and you know eat off of your your table or whatever no okay whatever i mean it's fine the the point is that sukkot is not um sukkot is not a conference okay the festivals the feast days we've talked about this this year are not like what our idea of a conference is we tend to do them a little more structured just because we we want you to get all that you can out of it however i know that many many places you show up you bring all your own stuff this this is how usually sukkot works especially smaller ones like ours you don't pay anything for it but you show up and you bring everything you bring your food your own food there's no nobody provides meals you bring your own everything and you come up and you show up and you hang out for eight days and that's cool but to me um for me i would get a little bit antsy not having like something to do just hanging out i don't hang out well i don't rest well and so that would get me a little bit like okay let's do something and so um so we're trying to find a balance between you know between just an all-out week of relaxing and something with a little more structure so help us as we we celebrate this year uh help us you know fine-tune that and give your feedback on what what you like and don't like and and what we could do better for next year so um uh we are supposed to supposed to be getting a little break in the weather maybe next week supposed to be in the maybe 50s 60s at night so if you uh so make sure that you dress warm or bring at least a couple of warm changes um our friends from canada are like what and uh warm i'll be in shorts and uh but um we will have fires going at night and stuff uh but make sure that you bring warm if you would like to bring a heater for your tent um make sure it's a small one like not a big honking you know like where you plug it in and the whole the whole area gets you know trips of fuse but if you want to bring a small little like a bathroom heater or something like that little space here you can do that at your own risk in your tent whatever but you can do that as well uh also um please remember to bring towels we are finishing up the shower houses we'll have two brand new showers with full bathrooms but you'll need your own towels so uh is there anything yeah and then we also i said last week um we uh extended through tuesday because tuesday is technically shminatsuret uh so i know some of you already scheduled through monday and i apologize about that but we just had more interest than i thought we would and so we decided to go ahead and extend through tuesday so if you can stay tuesday you're more than welcome to um if you can't we understand we're just going to have a small gathering in the morning tuesday uh and uh send recognized community outside tuesday morning so i think that's it as they might have any questions i don't usually do this but any questions if you have a question somebody else might have the same question everybody's good everything's everything's clear right okay cool so tomorrow morning at nine ladies meet here guys meet out at the deg's residence if you need directions on where that is get with me today i'll tell you where it is super easy to find and we're gonna work on finishing up uh the sukkah and are starting the sukkah and doing all that ladies y'all will come meet us after you all get finished here there is plenty to do all right cool all right very good uh i think that's it one last thing i want to mention and again i don't do this often but um we'll talk about in our our teaching a little bit but um you guys all know here and if you're watching online if you've been watching you know um that we don't mention finances a lot we don't talk about giving a lot um people say you should more or i'm glad you don't or whatever everybody's you know it's a really it's everybody feels really strongly on either way of giving uh our own money we don't talk about finances a lot and i do that on purpose it's not like i forget every week believe me i'm very well aware of what kind of financial situation we're in uh which is great we're we're we're great this is not a plea for money because we're torpedo in the ministry that's not what it's not what it is so don't get nervous all right um but we're in great financial shape god has blessed us y'all are wonderful and everyone online thank you so much for all your giving i just do want to remind you that it is it is a thing even though we don't mention it i don't want anybody to think like oh they must have all the money they need they never say anything about it they must not believe in giving or whatever i don't want anybody to think that i believe that if this ministry is a value to you whether you're online or here in person and you appreciate what what we're doing that you will you will give it's just part of part of what happens and yet i realize that some people don't really think like that and so let me just encourage you that if if this ministry is a benefit to you if you enjoy um we've talked about before you know bringing you online each week we've had some technical issues throughout the last few months but we're getting there that costs money a camera's 1200 bucks a piece a sound board 3 500 computer or 1500 i mean this stuff it doesn't come cheap it costs money to do so if it's a benefit to you um we appreciate your support and your giving as well as you guys here at home but y'all are great at giving anyway so uh i think that's it all right announcements out of the way let's have our kids come up and we'll do beer kotko and eem and i have some guys some guys help us out hold the talit here jojo i'll take him here come here are you guys and girls ready for sukkot yeah y'all are gonna have a blast we have so much cool stuff for y'all you're going to be so excited it's going to be so much fun all right father we bless you and thank you for these young men and young women we thank you father for their little lives and and even though they're young how important they are to us and how important they are to you and to your kingdom um that they we are raising them in the kingdom and father i just want to be really grateful and thank you for showing us as adults more of who you are and more of of how you want to be worshipped and how how we are to live for you and father just to remind us what a what a shift is happening in this generation between us and our children our grandchildren what an incredible shift is happening and i'm just so grateful and so humble and thank you for it so we'll bless our children we'll we'll place your name on them your reputation your character your authority and we pray that they don't wear your name lightly but that they wear it with humility and with honor ivarika vaishmareka [Music] [Music] is shalom [Music] may add and i bless you and keep you mad and i lift his face towards you be gracious to you may adonai turn his gaze towards you and always lead you in peace in shalom amen let's give our kids a hand [Applause] how much you want to teach with them looks like i'm gonna have to start bringing the huggie with me on shabbat morning huh strap him in let's go let's do it if my kids are getting older and as they get older you wonder if they like you you know if they love you i guess that's a good thing about having babies all the time you always got at least one that loves you to death right not like we're planning it i'm just saying it's a vow i cancel it i cancel it no if i if it's a vowel i cancel it no that's good all right so today we are going to talk about sukkot as it's coming up um and i really want to encourage everybody uh that i know we have some folks that are newer to this walk and by newer i mean within the last five years that's newer um heather and i have been studying toronto 15 years miss janice is about the same in and um miss barbara's 40-something years 40 40 48 almost 49 years miss barber's been keeping the feast and i know at 15 years i can't speak for miss barbara i know at 15 years i still have no idea what i'm doing and so when i say new i mean you know the first five to six seven years takes a while to get kind of reoriented to re-shape your life i don't think we realize when we grow up we grow up with a set perspective on time that that our time is judged when we're little by the school year and thanksgiving break christmas break easter break summer time that's that's our concept of time and we judge everything in the world by that pattern of time right when we're little and as we get to be adults um it it it kind of strips down to kind of christmas and easter religiously right christmas and easter and that's we judge things by that time um farmers you know farmers tend to to to know our gardeners um they wait for easter to plant you know different things and and so that's just how we mark time and it's not just how we mark time but it becomes a rhythm for us it just becomes our rhythm of life we know that you know oh it's going to be cool next week what does that mean that means christmas is coming like that you know it's just the way that we it's the way that we mark time it's a rhythm and we get comfortable in that rhythm because humans need rhythm we need i don't mean like a rhythm i mean we like that and we need that too but we need we need rhythm in life we need patterns we need cycles that's just how we're how we're made and it those things are good for us so whenever we start celebrating the sabbath you know sunday is another marker right every sunday is that's a massive marker for time for us it's a massive pattern um because saturdays can be our day sunday is well the morning is the lord's day and then the afternoon is still our day and then you go to work monday and that's a that's a rhythm that's a cycle well when you shift to a shabbat to saturday to the sabbath we don't i don't think we realize in the moment what a massive shift that is it throws our whole life's rhythm off kilter for a little while until we kind of get settled in and get our mind around okay sunday is the first day that's that's technically a work day if you would be like that and and you work till friday and you have the shabbat and it takes a while to re-center ourselves around the sabbath versus around sunday and i just want to say like if if you're having a hard time with that it just comes by practice just keep doing it if you found yourself at at peace and kind of at equilibrium with that congratulations you're doing a great job and the same can be said for the feast days we've been announcing sukkot for two months how many of you is catching you by surprise don't raise your hand i don't want you to embarrass yourself um but it's it's still it's like oh like it's it starts like two days holy cow right it because it takes a while for us to reacclimate and to to readjust and um one of the things that questions we get all the time and things that we talk about with newer people is well how do i know what to do on the feast days how do i know how to celebrate and i got this answer when i first started following torah pursuing torah and it frustrated the daylights out of me so when i give this answer i understand how frustrating it is and the best answer for how do you keep shabbat or how do you keep the feast the best answer is to do it to do it if you're alone if you're by yourself do your research study there you you can there's nothing that you can't find information wise about shabbat or about the feast days everything from traditional judaism all the way through to the hebrew roots movement everything in between christianity all you can see how the tribe the sabbath is treated and pick some of those things and start out small and start doing it preferably if you can do it with other people that's how you learn the feast days are the same way we you know we generally we we do we used to do or i used to do big teachings i would do like six week series on sukkot before we started sukkot and that's good and we need that we need that information but you know what you can go and find information about sukkot on your own as part of your personal study and part of your personal growth is not to just hear it from me but to go out and find out what this group says about sukkot find out how this group does to code find out what it means to this group or what it meant to you know these people or whatever and that's part of your personal growth but actually doing sukkot how do you do it you do it together with people and you just jump in there and you figure it out right our ministry is uh is about six years old and we've been hosting sukkot for four years about four years we really had no idea in the beginning like not a not even a a smidgen of a clue and um and but we did it and we we're we're evolving and and hopefully getting better every year and and so it's just to do it so so today's teaching is not going to be about how to keep sukkot we're going to talk about some of those things um but we'll at sukkot we'll talk about how we do sukkot and what we do and why we do it uh together as as we're there okay so i hope that all makes sense so um we are going to start in vikr23 because anytime we talk about the festivals that's always where we start and uh i don't have slides for you today i'm sorry so you'll have to old school it and actually follow along if you would like so we're going to start in viacra 23 leviticus 23 and we always we want to make it a habit right to read when we read about the feast days and we're studying the festivals we want to make it a habit to always read about shabbat because shabbat is the first and most important appointed time of hashem right it's the first and most important and i've said it last week i'll say it again this week if you have a choice whether to whether to celebrate shabbat or celebrate one of the muadeem or the feast days shabbat takes precedence okay shabbat is more important than coming for us to code or coming for rosh hashanah or any of those other things it's more important that we get shabbat because shabbat is a rhythm right it's a weekly rhythm so uh vaikur 23 leviticus 23 verse 1 and hashem said to moshe speak to the israelites and say to them these are my appointed festivals remember that's the word moedim appointments appointed times the appointed festivals of hashem which you are to proclaim as sacred assemblies so we will make that proclamation during sukkot and during the blessings each day verse three there are six days when you may work but the seventh day is a day of sabbath rest a day of sacred assembly you are not to do any work wherever you live it is a sabbath to hashem and then let's go down to verse 39 so verse 39 um actually let's start in verse 33. so this is after yom and yom kippur then we have sukkot the feast of tabernacles verse 33 hashem said to moshe say to the israelites on the 15th day of the seventh month is hashem's festival of tabernacles or sukkot begins and lasts for seven days how many days seven days the first day is a sacred assembly do no regular work so day one which is monday is a high shabbat uh begins uh sorry verse 35 the first day of the sacred simile verse 36 for seven days present food offerings to hashem and on the eighth day the eighth day hold a sacred assembly and present a food offering to hashem it is a closing special assembly do no regular work let me just say something about these food offerings these are minhog offerings and they are where you would bring a mean hog offering you would bring and part of it would get burned on the altar and the rest of it was for you and the priest and those around you to eat and enjoy together as a communal meal together and so as i say all the time this is why you know heather and i had kind of went round and round about this when we first first first started meeting when we were renting buildings and trying to figure out a place to meet um was that she was determined always to have food at our meetings and it was kind of a pain you know because you're you're renting a place i've got a hall sound equipment and everything else to set up and then she wants to do food like what are you what are you doing to me you're killing me right but she was very very adamant about having food and as i started to study food in scripture i realized just what a god sin that is the reason why we're it's so important to eat well during sukkot is because it hearkens back to the min hog offering we're not making an offering out of our cowboy stew or you know our enchiladas or whatever whatever we're eating we're not making an offering out of that and that's not what we're saying that it is but it is this idea of communal eating together people coming together and eating together before the lord and so that's it's a it's a connection back to this verse 37 these are hashem's appointed festivals which you are to proclaim as sacred assemblies for bringing food offerings to hashem the bird offerings and the grain offerings uh offerings drink offerings are required each day drink offerings baruch hashem uh this is not really my party crowd i don't know where my party crowd is this morning uh but they'll they'll be there next week don't worry um uh these offerings are in addition to those for hashem sabbath in addition to the gifts whatever you vowed and all free will offerings that you give to hashem verse 39 so beginning the 15th day of the seventh month after you have gathered the crops of your land celebrate the festival at two hashem for seven days the first day is a sabbath rest and the eighth day also is a sabbath rest so that gets people confused sukkot is seven days the first day of sukkot is a high sabbath seven days the seventh day of sukkot is not a high sabbath right the eighth day is which is called shemini at zaret all right that's the high sabbath not the seventh day of sukkot so some people say well sukkot's only seven days some people say well sukkot's eight days some people say well it's coats you know whatever technically they are two different celebrations that are housed in the same kind of like passover unleavened bread the wave offering are all kind of in one thing called passover but we know that they are separate yeah and they're like they're like bookends that's a good way to put it okay so uh in verse 40 he says on the first day you take a branch or take branches from luxuriant trees from palms willows and other leafy trees and rejoice before hashem for seven days so what the heck you're supposed to take some branches and rejoice okay that doesn't sound weird to anybody else okay yeah it's not the party crowd i'm sorry yeah when you have the food and the drink offering celebrating with branches just part of the thing right sure grab some branches let's dance around and have fun all right verse 41. celebrate this as a festival chess gym for seven days each year this to be a lasting ordinance for the generations to come it in the seventh month live in and then what it says in verse 42 live in or something like that what is your say there dwellings right what does somebody else just say booths some of you actually have the word sukkot the niv oddly enough the niv doesn't get some stuff right but i think this is really cool it says to live in temporary shelters which we can say tents booths sukkot we can use but what is the really the what is the idea and what is the the point um many people and it's not throwing shade again we're all learning and we're all um we're all you know on this journey some people literally think that during sukkot you have to stay in a tent like a camping tent like that's what the scripture says because their version or the way they were taught says that you have to dwell in tents and so they think go buy a coleman or whatever and set it up and that and you've kept sukkot bingo bango right and because because of of how it's translated because of how they were taught we're going to talk about that so he says uh verse uh verse all nations native born israelites are to live in such shelters verse 43 so your descendants will know that i had the israelites live in temporary shelters shelters or booths when i brought them out of egypt i am hashem your god. and so moses announced to the israels the appointed festivals of the lord so a sukkah is the word for for booth that we have for booth our tent right suka and this is s-u-k-k-a-h i guess i could uh i guess i could be um a good teacher and actually write these things down right so a sukkah and one of these things that we have again when we're coming over from um from gentile land is we come across words like sukha and we go well cool let's look it up and see what it means and for any of you that do this kind of word study of bible study where do you go to look up what a word means in the in the torah in the old testament what book or resource do you use strong's right strongs i don't want to throw a lot of shade on strong's but strong's is a is a very very beginning point to start to understand what words mean strong's tends to be sort of mechanical but also doesn't take into into into consideration culture history all those kind of it's just a quick to get you kind of in the ballpark okay so use strong's that's great use it to find and connect words and stuff but don't don't read a strong's definition go okay i got it i understand exactly what this means right because you're missing a whole whole bunch of stuff so we can look up the word sukha and it'll tell us booths or i see some little little hands i've been playing with all my dry erase markers all you feral kids are parents with feral kids um so uh sukha okay sukha plural sukkot right okay um sukkot um what are these things right well if we if we take the strong's definition the strong's definition is a hut or a layer like a layer like a den um a booth okay we notice that a cottage um covert a pavilion a tabernacle or a tent so based on strong's our sukkah that we are commanded to live in during this time can each ones can look way radically different right than each other depending on what part of the definition you accept right what's the one part of this definition that we've left out the temporariness right but what's one i guess what's one resource that we haven't considered you should know this we've talked about it the jewish people we haven't considered the jewish people as the resource we've gone to strong's or we've gone to whatever we've looked up sukkot on google and we've probably bypassed all of the jewish websites to get to something that sounds more like what we could we would understand when we when we look at judaism and how they have interpreted sukkot for thousands of years they have a very distinct and and and different understanding and interpretation of what a sukkah is it is temporary right it is temporary it is a booth type you would not look at a traditional sukkah and think tint at all right it's very very different but it is it is temporary it is a dwelling and and as we start to study the the uh the traditional sukkah and what it means in in the jewish tradition we start to realize that there's all of these these passages we just read about waving the branches which we'll talk about in a little bit and eating and all of these things all comes together inside of the the sukkah where when we just go we're like we're gonna get a we're gonna get a tent and we're gonna go camp out in the woods for seven days okay like i don't i don't understand somehow how we make the how we make the trip sometime and for some and again this is all you know part of our understanding and our growing for some sukkot is um it's a camping trip that's pretty much what it is a time to get away from the world and go to a campground or a retreat center or someone's house or whatever and to get away from the world to unplug and that's what the main kind of thing about sukkot is for some sukkot is mainly about um about emergency preparedness and preparing for the end times which we ought to all be prepared you have long-term food storage at home you should you should have some 25-year plus food storage but that's not the point of this teaching for some that's what got in other words we we read about sukkot and we we interpret it in a way to mean well this was god's way of of telling us modern modern americans that things are going to get bad and when it does you're going to need to know how to survive okay so so survival and kind of in time preparedness is a really big focus for some for sukkot um for some for sukkot it's uh it's it's just it's about a big party which is great you can overdo that but for some that's what it's about as we look to again kind of to jewish tradition to find out what what what have they been doing for thousands of years like instead of us making stuff up what have they been doing for thousands of years well every family builds their own sukkah at their home now understand this is mostly in you know communities where everybody's doing it right so that changes the dynamic a little bit but in a community even in a small town in israel where everybody every family is keeping sukkot every family builds a sukkah and it doesn't have to be very big big enough for the whole family to get in and for there to be a dining table some sort of table and generally throughout the week since you only have the first day as a high shabbat and the eighth day what do you do the rest of the days those are called whole homo ed or the intermediate days what do you do well in israel and in judaism even in america you go to work they're just normal days they're normal days you go to work but you make sure that in the evenings that you spend time reading torah and that you eat as a family in the sukkah because that's what leviticus tells you to do right that's what leviticus 23 tells you to do food offerings and study and fellowship in the sukkah and then generally what happens in the communities is that my family would say on on monday night on the opening night i would invite maybe chris and christy and you know whatever mark and nicky whatever and they would come over and and they are my guests in my sukkah for that night and we prepare for them and we fellowship and you know we have a good time and then maybe wednesday night somebody invites our family to go over and everyone shares in each but it's a personal sukkah that makes sense which i love because one of the challenges that we have coming from christianity and i talk about this all the time and i'm going to break this i'm going to break this thing one way or another come hell or high water but we have this bad habit of letting the ministry or the church do everything for us and i'm telling you it's a bad habit and while the torah is all about community it is all about the nation and the people that's what torah is for you can't keep torah on your own you need me in order to help keep the commandments just like you can't be the image of god on your own and you're not the temple on your own torah is all about community but it's about community based on a bunch of individuals who are doing their responsibility if every member of an athletic team doesn't pull their weight the team is no good i don't care how how good the superstar is they can't pull the whole team the kingdom of god cannot rest and cannot be built and cannot grow on a bunch of churches doing the stuff while all of the kingdom citizens just sit back and don't do anything don't take any responsibility and so the idea of sukkot is that is that everybody does their responsibility and each share in each other's lives and each other's sukkah i love the way we do sukkot don't get me wrong we build a big sukha if you've never been it's like 20 by 30. it's massive everybody can get under the sukkah again that's my wife's thing i want to build a little suka like set it over there it's cool you can go visit it if you want she wants everybody under the sukkah and it work it's the right way to do it it's it's the right way to do it but what i don't want to do is i don't want to handicap anyone by saying well oh well oam is building one so we don't have to do it no you might not have to do it but i want you to understand that there may be a time where oam doesn't build a sukkah there may come a time where heather and i go you know what this year we're tired and we want to go to some someone else's code we want to go just be right then what are you going to do some of y'all might follow us we're coming with you all [Laughter] and but what are you going to do if if if at some point one year maybe maybe next year maybe not i don't know we just go we want to go and get away for sukkot and we want to go and be fed do you know how to build asuka do you know what that looks like do you do you know what what to do you see what i mean i don't want to handicap us by us doing it we love doing it but i don't want to handicap everyone else by that and so it's important to look at at all of the the the different understandings of what asuka is what this is all about and what we're supposed to what we're supposed to do and how we're supposed to fulfill this commandment of keeping sukkot okay so the um so sukkot has a few different names so this is just kind of preliminary stuff and i'll get into what i really want to talk about in a minute so we have uh sukkot has many different names so there's a vocabulary thing that you need to know about so um where's bella bella somebody help um i need a black marker there's some in the uh kids there um so one of the names of sukkot is hog sukkot right hog sukkot i know this is hard to see i'm sorry um what does hog mean it's not a word that we use in our our vocabulary much hog so in in the in the festivals you have moedim right those are the those are the appointed times that's the weekly shabbat and the seven feast days those are moedim they are appointed times right okay but they are all not the same in the sense of how we call them and how we think about them how many how many of the seven feasts were were israeli israelite males required to go up to jerusalem how many of the seven three and toss to me thank you three right so out of the seven israelite males are required to go up to jerusalem three times a year what were those festivals passover or really unleavened bread which would do ulb unleavened bread what else shavuot which is pentecost and sukkot and tabernacles right okay so these three feast days are moedim all right they follow their modim these particular are called shalosh regalim okay which basically means pilgrimage feast okay and these are referred to as haag hagim okay does that make sense so when we greet one another we say right which means have a happy passover hog refers to it being a pilgrimage feast does that make sense we say hag shavuot samayak because the hag means we should be in jerusalem okay you notice on rosh hashanah we don't because rosh hashanah is not a hog it's a moed it's a feast right it's a it's a festival but it is not a a hog and i know this is technical i hope i'm not losing anybody but i want you to understand so that you don't get in a situation where you feel like you're not sure what to what to do or what to say what makes a hog different from a regular part of the moad this is important the reason why i put unleavened bread and not pesach here is because israelite males were commanded to go to jerusalem for unleavened bread for hog hamatsod unleavened bread okay they would be in jerusalem probably for the passover offering but remember passover is an offering not a day it's an offering so they would have probably been in jerusalem for the pesach offering already but pest the pesach is not what we're commanded to go to jerusalem for the week of unleavened bread is so what separates the pesach offering from the week of unleavened bread the main thing that separates it is that the pesach offering is a temple ritual that is done by the priests in other words you bring your lamb the priests take it from there they do the pesach offering unleavened bread is on us to do we get out the leaven from our homes right we get out the the matzah we eat or we eat matzo we get out the um leavening what's the word yeah yeast but i'm thinking of the other word okay what's that comments thank you i knew it started with i just couldn't think of what it was okay shavuot what is shavuot is shavuot something we can i mean what do we do for shavuot well if you read it it's like well you bring some stuff to the temple and they wave it shavuot is a temple service does that make sense it's not something we bring our our star they brought their their offering but they gave it to the priest and the priest took it from there and did a a temple service to god you see the difference uh rosh hashanah yom tura we sight the moon we hear the shofar being blown we blow the shofar whatever but that russian and yom kippur are temple rituals they're temple services they're not something we really have a big part in okay that's oversimplifying but i hope you understand sukkot however sukkot is something that we do we build tabernacles just like unleavened bread we are responsible for getting rid of the comets for sukkot we are responsible right for for taking care so some of these festivals are not strictly but there are strictly temple rituals that if there was a standing temple and if we were back 3000 years we would all show up with our offering we would bring our offering and then we would stand and watch as the priest did their thing okay and we would participate in that way so i hope that is clear as mud okay so this this is a hog right this is a sukkot is a is a hog hog sukkot and the greeting will be hog sukkot samaya so maya just means joyous or happy right um so hog sukkot is one of the names and that is uh the feast of tabernacles as we all know and i have a ton of scriptures about where this shows up i'm not gonna go through them today um the next thing this is called i'll write these down is hog so we have hog sukkot next is hag ha asif and this is the festival of inn gathering so you know it by that name you know it by the festival of ingathering you've probably not heard before right so another looks like we talked about rosh hashanah has all these different names and it's important it's important to know the different names of these festivals because when you're reading through the prophets they might not say sukkot but the prophets have a really strong theme about in gathering we learn more about that where do we get to live that out we get to live it out during sukkot sukkot is the is the the final time when the final in gathering will happen right the the nations and all of israel will be in gathered back to hashem right so this festival that we're about to celebrate is is rehearsing that time okay and then the last one is uh this is not all of them but this is the three main ones uh now don't be mistaken and say oh the festival of the gentiles remember i said several months ago that the word gentile doesn't appear in the scripture right man i got some comments off of that one talking about throwing a grenade sheesh but the the idea is is what i mean when i say that well i mean what i say but the context is that gentile is can be seen like something dirty and something not of covenant something alien and foreign you have the jewish people which are of covenant they're circumcised they're kosher whatever and then you have the right the the gentiles who you know we didn't know god we you know we were these strangers we were all this kind of stuff and it can it can make gentile a dirty word which in reality gentile is just a way to say nations so the idea of gentile that we think about it is in scripture is it just means somebody of the nations and and i mean think about it if you remember back a couple of months ago we talked about um uh i only remember because i taught it if i would have heard it i probably wouldn't remember it so i don't blame you for not remembering um we we talked about this idea that in in when israel is receiving the covenant when in that era of time right every nation has a cult god remember we talked about this anybody no okay good i'm gonna go real quick every nation has a has a god and i say cult god i don't mean like david koresh cult i mean cult isn't the fact of a god and how you worship them right a temple okay thank you temple worship every nation has a god the canaanites have a god are gods a pantheon right and and the understanding in that relationship is that that god created that nation specifically he created all nations but he created that the canaanite he called the canaanites to be his special worshipers okay sound familiar the amorites they had their their god and they were his special nation and he was their god and in order to worship that god you had to become a part of the amorite community does that make sense and every nation has a god and that nation defines that god because they tell stories they do worship they have temple offerings and and rituals and that god defines that nation does that make sense but it's an it's a they will attribute these ancient writings they will attribute their national god to all of creation but all of creation really doesn't matter it's about them and their god does that make sense now we understand god the god of abraham isaac and jacob as being the god of all creation and all nations right he's the god of the whole universe and the whole world which to christians especially christians it's like oh he's he's my god just as much as he's the jew the jewish person's god yes and no not to completely hurt your feelings but we have to understand the roots of this god of abraham isaac and jacob this yahweh this yotevah right we have to understand that he began calling out a nation and he became that nation's god and what does the torah tell us over and over and over it talks about strangers right if anyone will join themselves to israel you you have to be a part of israel in order to to have a place a standing with this god because even though hashem is god of all creation he chose one nation to partner with in order to bring his name and his renown his glory to the whole world and that is very much in keeping with the way ancient nations worked okay so this this idea about hag hagoyam or being it just means we're not israelites just means we're citizens of different nations because for them there's a sacredness to their god and to his worship and to his instructions his torah and for us to come and say oh we're going to worship that god too they go like well no you can't just like you can't just bust up in here with you know with bacon grease still on your hands and touch the holy things of god like that doesn't work you understand so that has sadly been used as a negative and a place of division but between us but but scripturally just means nation this sukkot is the feast of nations which is amazing it's not like oh well it's this time when god lets all the riffraff in right if we think about the feast of the gentiles it's like god and all his kids are sitting around the banquet table for sukkot everyone's nicely dressed you know everyone's clean their fingernails are trimmed and clean everybody's got new fresh haircuts everybody you know their suits are dry clean their clothes are pressed everybody's good and and god goes oh there's a time when i have to we have to let everybody else in just for this one week and all of his children on the table go oh gosh dirty and here we come like a bunch of pig pens you know from charlie brown here we come all you know where we gonna eat nothing against anybody who talks like that it's just it's just my go-to i don't know what's for supper we we come in and we wreck the place right and god tells his children his people the israelite the jew is like it's okay they'll be gone right and then we can get back to that sometimes that like that's the picture that we have in our heads this idea that like well we get to come in now and we get to you know to show you guys what's really going on and it's not it's not that at all this festival of the nations is that when when the nations begin to join themselves to the god of israel and to israel itself and we we start to learn how daddy wants things done in his house as the nations are transformed into the people of god as co-heirs with israel not as the nations come in and start showing israel how it should have been done the whole time remember in the biblical in the biblical direction is always the nations to israel that's the conversion process people come to israel to the god of israel israel never goes to the nations in order to fig to spread the kingdom of god this the biblical direction never goes that way so news flash the church in order to be part of the end time plan of god the church is going to have to come to israel's israel's way and be be likened to israel when and all the american church is doing is saying well the jews need to come get saved that's not in the bible i'm sorry we are grafted into them yes we may have recognized the messiah and maybe they didn't or maybe they did and whatever but we still have to come to them their direction they don't come to us to get changed we come to them to get changed from the nations to an israelite so make sure i don't have anything else i want to cover so let's talk about the four species real quick um in chapter 23 verse 40 we read they were the take the the branches or the fruit of trees choice fruit of trees branches of palm trees boughs of leafy trees and willows of the brook and rejoice before i don't know for seven days so hopefully most of you hopefully all of you but i know most of you have ordered your um your lulav and so um this is lulav and etrog okay these are what are called the four species i'm really sorry for my terrible handwriting four species so generally you will just hear this referred shorthand as the lulav the lulav includes the etrog okay so you have these four species so you have the the etrog also it is known its fruit name is a citron okay the etrog or the citron and it is uh it's a lemony citrus it's a citrus fruit grown it here and grown in israel but also grown here in the states other parts of the world but the etrog or the citron it represents um it represents the heart yeah the heart and the place of wisdom and understanding and it's kind of it's kind of shaped like a heart-ish if you close your eyes and squint real hard but it's representation is the heart now why is it important to understand what these speech these different things stand for is because god said you're to take those and rejoice you're to wave them before me and it doesn't mean that you just shake them until the leaves fall off there's a way that you wave them north south east and west above you and below you while you recite a blessing right and so whenever we we rejoice with this citron or this this edge rog it's about our it starts in our heart our heart is rejoicing before him um next is the poem and i i will learn this week uh at sukkot the hebrew names for all these uh the palm but if you look at a poem inside of your lulav it's this it's the tallest and the straightest and it represents the backbone the um the the thing that holds us upright uprightness and righteousness is what the poem uh represents and then we have the myrtle the myrtle represents sight if you look at a murder the myrtle leaf it's kind of shaped like an eye and so it represents sight or enlightenment or revelation inspiration and then the last one is the willow and the willow uh looks like a set of lips so the willow represents speech and lips the service of our lips which is prayer and that's what the real the willow represents so the heart the backbone um the myrtle the uh being the eyes and the willow being the ears there's a lot of great teachings about these things but these are called the four species the lulav and the ed trog okay and that's something that um if you if you've ordered yours and you have it in uh bring it with you because we'll be using it probably daily um i don't know what's up with that all right so sukha a temporary dwelling a temporary dwelling is the definition that i want to focus on most if you think of sukkah as a tent fine if you think of it as a booth fine whatever i want to focus on a temporary dwelling so let's think about where we are right let's think about where we are in the whole the whole cycle of things we have we have been delivered at pesach remember we did this the other day we have passover where we have deliverance right we go to unleavened bread where the king says i've delivered you now it's time for you to start cleaning out who you were because i want your complete allegiance you can't have allegiance to anybody else and while hametz does represent sin it also can represent allegiance we have unleavened bread and we have the wave offering okay and then we come around to shavuot where what happens at shavuot the torah is given right and again for people that say well you're trying to earn your salvation by keeping the law that's just it's such an ignorant question and somebody who comes from somebody who hasn't really thought about what they're saying and i would argue somebody that really doesn't know what they believe because if you look at the story of israel they were delivered they god started to work with them and to to to teach them all before they even got the law the torah so this is not about salvation at all salvation's way back in the rearview mirror we're just trying to figure out how to live for this king that delivered us right and then we have um rosh hashanah yom teruah i remember we talked about how yom tura is tied to pesach this is when the king actually comes to dwell and and comes to judge and then we have yom kippur right and then we have sukkot and shimini atsuret torah in in here so this is the cycle and every feast day every celebration is tied to the next one they're all connected as part of the cycle and the reason why we do these every single year is because it is it is a cycle of life and it's not just the minute you got saved deliverance it's little things in your life that you're being delivered from when you get delivered from something there has to be a change of course a change of your allegiance because your allegiance is to the thing you were being delivered from right whether it's cigarettes or alcohol or cussing or whatever it is or spend too much time on the internet your allegiance has to change right and then you have to put rules in place in order to protect yourself boundaries to protect you or other people right you typically judge yourself on how you're doing with that thing in order to take an inventory right if you mess up you forgive yourself and move on and continue to strive to be better and there's a place that comes where then you are released from that thing and you can dwell in peace so this is not just a i was saved where am i on where are we on the the uh right on the the whole scope of this this thing in time this is a every moment this is about cycles of life but god says i want you to build temporary dwellings now this really messed me up this year because i really thought critically about it why temporary dwellings what's the point of temporary dwellings now i used to be able to explain this really well and really cleanly okay because i believed in the rapture and the understanding that god was going to burn this place to the ground i'm glad i'm getting up out of here right so that used to be the way that i thought about end times sukkot made a lot of sense right why do we live in temporary booths well obviously because this world is not my home i'm just passing through everybody remember the song remember songs don't make good theology okay but but if this world is my home and heaven is coming to earth then the the sukkah doesn't represent that it can't maybe then okay it's that maybe this body is temporary and one day we'll be in heaven see where this is going but if heaven is coming to earth and this body is going to be transformed but it's still going to be here on terra firma then i don't know that really the sukkah speaks to that either so what is this what is the temporaryness what's the right word for that temporal net what's the temporariness temporal temporalness yeah but it's got to have a nest on the end of it sorry yeah you're the english teacher teaching our upcoming generation that's scary in it no what is the um what what is it what is it about the the temporality i don't that sounds really smart let's use that one what is it about the temporality of somebody online tell me on facebook tell me um what is it about that we're supposed to learn from this what is it about that well let's look really historically israel gets delivered they were not a nation now all of a sudden wham bam you're a nation you have a place to live right but they were on their way to it they were on a journey to somewhere right to this promised land where god promised them that you'll live in houses you didn't even build and you have vineyards you didn't plant right there's an there's an end goal and this this temporary dwelling that they are to live in each year well heck they already live in temporary dwellings they lived in literal tents around the tabernacle and when the cloud moved or the pillar fire moved they packed up shop and they moved that's pretty temporary some of you like are into the rving thing right and or some of you live in a bus and that's that's temp i mean that's i know it's not temporary it's your home but it's not temporary in the sense that we i mean it's not permanent in the sense that we think of it there's a there's a you know so this idea of you go from living in tents to living in more temporary structures do you understand what i'm saying that's why i have a hard time thinking like sukkot is about staying in tents but they already lived in tents someone so what's the difference this is something more temporary than what their their domicile was that moved around the earth so what is it about this this temporary thing and this really has challenged me this year and i don't i'm teaching on it right now and i don't think i have it figured out i'm just letting you in you all know that probably already has no idea what he's talking about but i i'm i'm but i'm working on it here's what here's what i go and i'm going to go back to a teaching i did several years ago and um because i think there's i think there's something to this um how long so they're in the in the wilderness right they're in the wilderness going towards the promise which is a land which is what what is the promise when you when you think about the land i'll give you a land the land of you know your ancestors and all that what is in that promise what's a land right it's a it's a space a place to be safe and we're not i don't want to get all spiritual all right we're not talking about heaven we're talking about haaretz the land that israel is is a kingdom right it's a place and what does that mean when you have your own land and a kingdom and a place for you to settle it means security it means stability it means it means you can you can actually put down roots and start to to invest in your and you can plan your life you can plan on having children and grandchildren it's legacy it's inheritance it's all all these things having to do with a land that you don't have as you're traveling through the desert because when you're when you're always on the move and i'm not like i mentioned rvers and and the boys i'm i understand what i'm talking about but when you're when you're israel in the desert and you're always on the move you it's hard to plan well no i will use you guys is it hard to plan it's hard to plan right when you're when you're not when you're not settled it's hard to invest in anything when you're not settled because hey in three months six months you might be up out of there on to another place which is great it's an adventure but it's not it's not investment there's no legacy there there's no heritage there's no rhythm there's no there's no place to put down roots and and there's no place for you to be an example then to the rest of the nation if you're israel or the rest of the world if you're israel right who is going to follow i mean we've had bedouins for as long as history knows who's going to follow people that don't even have a land how are you going to follow the god some a nation's god that don't even own their own place how are you going to how are you going to do that that doesn't make any sense so there's a lot more than just the land and the promise as part of the inheritance it has to do with real people in a real place being able to make a real commitment to who they are into where they're going and to their god that they serve however they're in the wilderness and god says i want you to make these temporary dwellings for you to dwell in how long are they in the wilderness 40 years 40 years right so those of you that are number of people you ought to be able to help me out on this so 40 what other 40s do we have in scripture okay so we have we have uh yeshua in the wilderness for 40 days what else do we have whatever for not 40 days or years just 40. what other 40s do we have in scripture nowhere in the ark okay what else moses moses had several 40 year right yeah that's right moses i think he had what three forty three forty year periods well chronologically yeah we do we're just listing them what other forties can you think about in scripture are those the only three are just the big three okay 40 days let's say to ascension very good okay okay what have we what season have we just come through this is not technically in the scripture but what season did we just come through the season of teshuva which starts at a low one and goes to yom kippur right so we'll just say teshuva we know what that what that means we'll do elul that's 40 days anything else you can think of all right we're not taking too much more time let's just stick with this list so let's think about this list somebody tell me when you hear wilderness what's the first thing that comes like what's the first what's the purpose of the wilderness what's the first thing that comes to your mind trial right is this how most of us think about the wilderness testing trial testing trial right that's what we think about the wilderness it's about testing oh i'm just in a i'm in a wilderness right is there testing and trial in the in the wilderness yeah absolutely absolutely what is the purpose of the testing in the trial to see what's in you deuteronomy 8 2 right god says i'm testing you to see what's in your heart to know whether you keep not you keep mine out to test you humble you right god already knows he wants us to know because we're so good at fooling ourselves i'll do anything what's that ocean song right that we never sing because i'm scared of it um take me into waters where i can't sweat you know whatever like god knows you do what do i got god knows there's places you won't go in loyalty to him you're the only one that thinks you will god knows there are places you're not gonna be obedient but i fooled myself into saying no i'll surrender all no you won't but god god has to put us through things than to show us like oh no i'm not who i say i am right so yeah so the trial is to is not to prove to god god already knows which is to show us that hey we got some work to do right so so that's one part of the wilderness that's one part of the trial when we talk about we talk about rosh hashanah yom kippur does god want to give us a bad judgment no that's why we start that's why the king is in the field in elul 30 days before before rosh hashanah 40 days before yom kippur when the books are sealed the king is in the field way ahead of time going i'm available come to me make to shiva like let's you know let's come together because remember he's a father and we're his children and so he won't he won't work with us any way differently than you would work with your own kids god does not want to give us a negative judgment we have this we have this toxic view of the wilderness like survival of the fittest well israel did lose a generation after all well they obviously really didn't deserve the promise anyway excuse me well the wilderness is to weed out who won't be faithful the wilderness is is to really show who's really committed and who's not the wilderness is to test those and and put those under trial to see who will break so that god knows who he can count on you don't think god already knows who he can count on those definitions are okay when you talk about moses moses three different 40-year periods where he was in trial and testing right that works teshuva that works trial and testing noah was trial tried and tested being on the ark for 40 days with his family and a whole bunch of animals right but these things start to kind of break down when we look at yeshua in a way was yeshua tried and tested in the wilderness yes absolutely was yeshua tried and tested or was there trial and testing in 40 days before the ascension well for the disciples there was a lot of trial and testing trying to figure out what their life was going to look like now that this guy they sold the farm to follow what was going on right here's the part we miss about wilderness and this is what i think about there's something to this about the sukkah god does not want to give us a negative judgment that's not what he wants the reason why he gives us time and he puts the tests and trials is so that we can understand what's really in us so that we can make repentance and we can come back and we can we can fix those things either personally or between each other because the other thing about the trial does it doesn't just show you what's really inside you it shows everybody else what's really inside you oh there's that individual communal thing again right and sometimes we really enjoy being around people until life starts to squeeze them and then stuff comes out of them that we don't like and then it's a test of our relationship it's a test of our loyalty to one another and in our culture in our society we're too easy to go that's toxic i'm going somewhere else we don't know what it's mean what it means to say i'm loyal to you no matter what like i said a few weeks ago nobody in here because this is kind of preaching to the choir but i know that there are people that come through here every once in a while they're just waiting for me to say something that offends them they're waiting for me to say something that they disagree with i know people online that watch from time to time they just tune in and check out and the minute i say something that they disagree with boom they're off which is cool it's free do what you want but what i'm saying is that we've lost the commitment to one another to be loyal period in the story full stop because it's too easy to not be so if if god wants to give us a positive judgment and there is a promise at the end of the 40 is there not a promise at the end of the 40s right there's a promise at the end of all the 40s if those two things are true then 40 in the wilderness is more than anything a time of transition wow so many of us so many of you so many of you are stuck in the wilderness because you see everything as a trial and a test and you look up to heaven you say god how much more can i be tested how much more can i be tried but god doesn't stick israel in the wilderness and go like i'm going to grind you until there's absolutely nothing negative left in you that's not what happens the will yet it's not even possible the wilderness is a transitionary time the time period of 40 is a transitional time it is fleeting it is passing it is temporary 40s are always temporary the wilderness is always temporary you are going to come out of the wilderness you are going to come out and it'll be day 41. the question is where will you be on day 41 where will you be after the transition see if you get bogged down in the wilderness if you get bogged down in the test and the trial and we don't learn the lessons and move on and grow up and mature then then this this this is day one this is day 41. if we don't learn what we're supposed to guess what happens and eventually you may be weeded out that's right right but what happens in this i want to take your point what happens in this cycle if we don't learn and we don't begin to to act righteously and do what we're supposed to and learn from these lessons because god wants us over here and moving on let's go it is my full belief that god's not the one that weeds out in this cycle people get stuck in this cycle and either they just check out and they go you know what i can't do this oh i'll still go to church i'll still do the things but i'm my heart's not in it because i i can't i obviously can't win if i ever said that i just can't win for losing and they just check out or they're intellectually honest and you go what there's nothing to any of this this is stupid i don't even know if there is a god and they just they just break all together i firmly i i believe it's not on god to weed people out i think people weed themselves out because ultimately this is all about transition well what are we transitioning during sukkot what is it about this temporary dwelling what transition is happening during sukkot well if you remember my last cycle that we drew up pesach on lemon bread etc shavuot is when and we'll talk about this more during sukkot shavuot is the picture of the dwelling right but there's something really cool that happens the day after shavuot technically is over and that's shmini at zaret the eighth day sukkot what'd i say sukkot sorry thank you well if sukkot is the be-all end-all and the dwelling what point is there in the eighth day do you understand what i'm saying like if sakota is what we're supposed to be looking for to and that's the end-all be-all then why have this extra day maybe because sukkot is not necessarily what we thought it was maybe because there's something different to it and really the eighth day that new beginning maybe that's really the point maybe that's really what we're so maybe sukkot is not the end maybe sukkot is another transition where we are the father is dwelling with us heaven and earth is remade and everything is made new and that's great but god is not a god that just sits there god is a god of motion he's a god of action he's god that moves and so what do you do with this new found paradise and creation and new heaven and earth and and all this new creation what do you do you move forward and you have more babies and you grow bigger cities and you you you continue to populate the earth you continue to do what genesis 1 talked about revelation 21 talks about this continuing to grow and grow creation in this new state so what so this this sukkot is not sukkot is about being it's about the temporal things it's about temporary the dwelling the lulav goes bad after about six days or starts going bad everything is about being temporal it's about temporariness the challenge is well if this is about temporariness and this is about the the thing that we're supposed to be looking forward to what's the what's the thing because it's it's not only about it's not only about sukkot it's about the eighth day which is the new beginning it doesn't look like any of the other days it's the beginning of a whole new era so if transition if it's about transition and temporalness is about transition i gotta figure out that word because it's driving me crazy it's about transition then what should we do during sukkot should we kick back and go well my name's inscribed in the book of life i might just slid in right under the mark but we got we got there got through yom kippur everything's good now the father dwells with us during sukkot we can just kick back and rest now it's just coasting from here on out actually no because there's a new beginning coming and we've got to get ready to further that new beginning so a lot of stuff having a lot of information today a lot of randomness i know maybe seeming like but this sukkot as we live as we camp in tents some of you may decide you want to put up a little sukkah many of you will put up maybe asuka at your house whatever your whatever your way is um i pray that we we have a a wonderful time of peace and of joy during sukkot that we build relationships even deeper and that maybe even after sukkot this year we come out with some real commitments not only to god we commit to god all the time we're really big on that full surrender full commitment full loyalty to god which is right which is right what we're not as hard on is what i think yeshua himself would have been is that as much as we are faithfully committed to god we should be to one another that gets messy i know well you don't know my yeah i know i know you don't know our history you don't know what kind of temper they have you don't know what kind of whatever they have i know i know i get it but see yeshua said according to torah love hashem love your neighbor as yourself those two things are everything else hangs on that maybe after this sukkot we'll come out with some some deeper relationships more loyalty to one another whatever whatever hashem wants to teach us during this sukkot i know that it is going to be a wonderful time and that we are going to grow through it and that's what's important so for those of you guys that are watching on live stream we are going to try to live stream some during sukkot i don't know exactly what that's going to look like but we will try to do some um and so just watch for us to come on live and we'll try to let you know before we do but however you're spinning sukkot i pray that it's full of blessing and shalom and that you're grown through sukkot as well so father we bless you and thank you for um our online family for those that are watching from all over the country and even other parts of the world and father as we approach sukkot let us be completely open let us open our hearts open our minds to whatever you are trying to show us from whatever you would like to speak to us let us father approach sukkot with humility understanding that we it's about things being temporary but it's not about this world passing away and it's not about our bodies being passed away or those things that we thought of as temporal so father show us and expand us sukkot is another transition it's another time for us to be ready for what's coming next and what's what's new and father we pray that during this time rosh hashanah yom kippur sukkot father that we experience the trials and the tests and that we we pass them that we are changed that we are transformed by the things that you're putting in our lives because we don't want to stay in the same cycles we want to move on into the promise so i pray father for our online family that you bless them this coat as they celebrate in their way and i pray that father you you grow them and encourage them through this time together we love you we bless you we are so incredibly thankful for all of your incredible mercies through yeshua our beloved messiah amen and amen
Channel: Out of Ashes Ministries
Views: 158
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 25sec (7405 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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