The Multifacets of Rosh HaShanah/Yom Teruah

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all right so today we are talking all things rosh hashanah yom teruah and uh so there's it's going to be a lot of information like i said before some of this a lot of this will be review for many of you for some of you it's going to be a little bit like drinking from a fire hose okay so uh the reason why i kind of didn't go as long in worship is because i want to take my time i don't i don't want to bore you to death but i do want to take my time and to to clear up make sure there's some some good understanding so uh if you will open your bibles to vayikra leviticus 23 leviticus 23. we will start there and i was nice enough to put the scriptures and slides up here for you you're welcome uh so if you don't don't feel like turning all these or if you're writing notes and i know it's hard to write notes in turn and all that kind of stuff at the same time so um this is actually uh i did this exact same teaching last year it's gonna be different just because time has passed um so i would encourage you if you're while you're preparing for yom and for yom kippur if you would go back to our website out of ashes and go to the we have a teaching series called moedim and if you'll go to that series then you can find last year's teaching i did it in two parts last year this year you just get it all in one so so hang on but there's also notes attached my slides that i have up here are also attached to those teachings i'll do the same thing when i upload these it'll be the basically the same set of notes but that way if you're preparing and you want a road map of kind of what we talked about um then you you have that available to you okay all right so uh vaichor 23 verses 1 and 2 begins like this then adonai spoke to moshe saying speak to bene israel the children of israel and tell them these are the appointed times or the moadim of adonai which you are to proclaim to be holy convocations my moadim or my appointed times it's a lot of big words in there don't get nervous we're going to go through them so we have god speaking to moses and telling the the children of israel listen there's going to be some times in the year like like god is always accessible right hashem is always accessible to us in the middle of the night in friday five o'clock to ritter traffic yes we do have traffic at five o'clock on fridays um it you know down in down in a hole digging a ditch behind an office desk uh you know early in the morning late at night god is always available always right just you don't even have to say a word and he's there and yet there are some times of the year that he told israel these are times that that i that are there i'm going to appoint that i want to make an appointment with you and i've used this illustration before so you you something doesn't feel right you don't feel good you call your doctor and they go we can't see you for three weeks you go well okay it is what it is you can't see me you can't see me but i want to make an appointment okay fine but if all of a sudden out of the blue one day you get a call from your doctor's office that says you need to come in for an appointment right away that changes the intensity of that appointment same appointment you're still going to the doctor however one was based on your your needing to go the other was based on their telling you you need to come in and that changes the way you feel about that and the way you react to that and god is always available and baruch hashem for it praise god for it but it changes or it should change in us the way we approach him whenever we just can come to him whenever we want or whenever we need to versus when he says hey there's certain times of the year that i said that i said i wanted an appointment so come anytime you want but you make sure you don't miss these other times because these are these are on his schedule they're they're they're written into his calendar so their appointed times or moedim it's a word we'll talk about of adonai and he says they are his they're his times now this gets kind of squirrely and we'll talk about it in a little bit because of dates and because of calendar and because of names and all these things uh that that we have to deal with when we're talking about the feast days but we're going to try to navigate through that uh through that today so let's take a look at some vocabulary so um the the first word is i'm trying to get back here honestly is mohed mo ed everybody say moed you add an i m or usually an o t makes the word plural okay so moed is an appointment defined as a fixed time or season not just a point in time but also can refer to a season specifically a festival conventionally each year and an assembly convened for a definite person a purpose excuse me so a moad can be is is it has a lot of different meanings to the word which most words do in language that's how language works but it's an appointed time a day or a season of the year right for a specific purpose so again most of you will know this but let's look at the first time this word is used and we actually find it in bershit in genesis chapter 1 verse 14 and i always love sharing this with new people because they are like what i had no idea um verse 14 says then god said let the lights in the expanse of the sky be for separating the day from the night and we're like obviously sun and moon right they will be for signs okay that sounds kind of like horoscope stuff just wait for signs for seasons for days and years now most of us and myself for my whole life always read seasons as fall winter spring summer seasons when actually the word seasons is mo edim the word that we just looked at from leviticus so the way this verse would read is that there will be for signs and for festivals or appointed times for days and years so just as a little you know poke yet a little bit because of you know how much i love genesis 1 2 if genesis 1 is really a scientific record of creation this doesn't make a whole lot of sense if genesis is telling us how the world was created from a scientific standpoint then this should this word season should mean the four seasons but it doesn't it has a religious meaning which means that genesis 1 is not scientific it's theological all right next so we have the word signed in hebrew that word is the word is sign and it's a signal a signal saying like hey this is this is the time it's it's the time clock the stars the sun and the moon are the time clock it's a signal as a flag a beacon a monument an omen which can be positive or negative evidence a mark a miracle etcetera so they owe it and for seasons okay so all the way back in genesis god is setting up this cosmic time clock in the stars and in the heavens and the ancient people before they were addicted to looking down at this at this glowing light in front of their face they had a lot of time to look up at the stars to look up at the skies without the glow of city lights stars or those of you live in the country you know stars and the moon are amazing you can see things that are just incredible without all the the modern modernity that we have now and so ancient times the world revolved around looking at the stars and now we can't confuse astrology and astronomy those are two different things one has almost a religious connotation and one is just the study of the stars and um and so we have to make sure that we we don't get those two things mixed up um let's go to daniel chapter seven again you don't have to turn there they're all all up here and you can you can put these in your notes daniel chapter 7 verse 25 um speaking of and one who comes up an adversary it says he will speak words against the most high and will continually wrasse uh harass the kirusheem the holy ones the righteous ones of the most high and he will try to change the appointed times and the law the moadim and the torah the holy ones or the righteous ones the kedoshime will be handed over to him for a time times and half a time so this is daniel 7 which we usually read in conjunction with what book revelation right and what is the what is the main thing we're trying to satisfy when we study this with revelation well what are we looking for usually a timeline right we're usually looking for a timeline what is a time times and a half and seven times and a time and times and time and we i don't have enough fingers and toes to count all the things we're usually looking at for a timeline we're looking for a solution to a puzzle and if you want to know anywhere where i'm going with my revelation teaching whenever i get to it this is a sneak peek daniel 7 we read as a puzzle for the end times there's another time and yet how many times have we read this verse this scripture and we read through the description of the adversary and we went straight to the time time and a half and and all that you understand what i'm saying but understand that this is not so much about giving us a timeline or a mathematical you know equation to work out but this is theological again it's about the the the character of the one who will stand up against the most high and what does it say it says that he will harass the righteous ones okay well that's persecution we have some idea what that looks like not as much in america as they do in other parts of the world we're pretty comfortable we have it pretty good but then it says he will try to change the modem the appointed times well this is this is the leviticus 23 moadim and god said these are my times i am appointing these i am putting these into the structure of the cosmos i am ordaining that these times that i'm telling you about are going to be set in the yearly cycle every year forever these times are part of the dna of what makes history and the future past present and future and this adversary we know him in the new testament as a uh as anti-messiah anti-messiah antichrist is not even really a a person necessarily it's an attitude it's a lifestyle it's a a a way of of posturing um but the adversary whoever will be the two things that he targets outside of just general harassment are putting a focus on changing and perverting god's times and his instructions his torah now can you see how maybe we would we would start to think about the book of revelation and what we call the apocalypse you see how we would start to think about end times all this stuff a little differently if we focused on just a different part of the verse do you do you understand that do you see how that could happen how we could go from maybe a date setting people in a predictionary people to maybe about more about character and about about what this is all about characteristic i think it's pretty fascinating so we're told that we are to have a uh holy convocation back in leviticus 23 these are my times my set up hard times you're to have a holy convocation right well what is a we don't even know what convocation means in english really because it's not a word we if we use anymore hey let's let's convocate nobody says that anymore uh but underneath that word is a hebrew word mikra mikura everybody say mikrah mikra um and the the root of mikhail is the word kara and it means um to call out and to to be bidden to be called for to be a guest to be invited to be mentioned a proclamation is another way that it can be used and it is used so a mikra a holy mikra a mikra kodesh holy convocation and there's a lot of debate in uh in the hebrew roots world about um well you don't have to meet and the bible doesn't command you to meet on shabbat and on the feast days that's not a commandment that's not what the word means etc etc well the the truth of the matter is is that one word doesn't mean one thing it doesn't mean it in english it doesn't work that way in english it doesn't work that way in german or korean and it doesn't work that way in hebrew and the truth of the matter is in context of leviticus 23 god is addressing or through moses is addressing who in leviticus 23. one person a bunch of individual one people no he's speaking to who bene israel the children of israel as a whole that's a congregation like it or not that is a convocation like it or not and so we listen people you know that are listening whatever if you want to stay home and celebrate by yourself more power to you go with god um but strength is found in congregation and it's found in community and so that we have these these vocabulary words and these words are really important because they come up over and over they're kind of a foundation to this whole feast thing so we have to know moadim which is appointed times we have to know about oat which are signs right uh modeen appointed times and seasons a holy convocation which the way we we do it we celebrate it it's a proclamation and a gathering ta-da you can do two things at once or most people can um and so we get together we convocate whatever that means and we proclaim as well and so we cover we we cover all the all the bases so we got that little kind of vocabulary foundation down uh let's go back to leviticus 23 and we're going to read about specifically the season of time we're in right now so verse 20 chapter 23 verse 23 i don't know i spoke to moshe saying speak to banay israel again the whole nation saying in the seventh month on the first day of the month you are to have a shabbat rest a memorial blowing a holy convocation this is tree of life version there's a hundred different ways to translate this verse but this is the first day of the month in the seventh month so we have a sabbath rest says shabbat shabbaton it's a sabbath of sabbaths and that's one of the the ways that yom toro is known by the sabbath of sabbas it's uh and so is sabbath rest and a memorial blowing blowing of of something noise making right shofarot and a holy convocation there's that mikura kodesh again so let's look at this word memorial you guys know one of my favorite hebrew words is the word zakar right it's a car to remember but to remember doesn't just bring back doesn't mean just bring back to mind let me ask you something i think a lot of you can relate to how many of you going about your day doing stuff you got a list of stuff tasks you got to do and in between doing a couple things you remember there's something else you forgot to do but you don't go and do it right then does that ever happen to you like it passes through your mind oh yeah i gotta remember to do that and you move on and then time passes by and you realize you never went back and did it it never got done that's the way that we tend to treat the word remember oh it popped into my head i remembered it that's a very western english way american way of thinking about remembering that is not the bible's the biblical world's idea of remembering at all the biblical idea of remembering this word zakar an old friend of mine gave me the best definition i've ever heard to speak and act on behalf of so but that doesn't sound like remembering at all no it really does because when we remember when you remember a lost loved one when you remember grandma grandpa that passed away what's one of the one of the main ways you remember them you speak about them you tell stories you tell jokes you tell you know you remember them through the stories and the experiences that you lived maybe you act on their behalf and that maybe maybe they really had a maybe maybe you're still going or some people still go to the same church as their grandparents maybe not even because they really you know are excited about it but that's just because what you do and that's part of remembering them it's part of that memorial to them i i find this really amazing when we think about the the thief on the cross and he says when you enter you know when you enter your kingdom remember me what does that mean think about me think nice thoughts about me what good does that do anything any of us if somebody just thinks nice thoughts about us that's great but doesn't help me very much what was he saying when you get in when you enter your kingdom speak up for me act on my behalf wow that's a lot different than just the way we kind of think like oh yeah you know i hope i pop into your head you remember this time we hang out together no pun intended kinda ah i see some of your all right you're just making sure you're awake so this zakar zakar is to remember and i mean i can talk about this word all day but this word a memorial is a zikron a memento or a memorable memorable no memorable thing day or writing a record to remember to mention to be mindful of speaking on acting on behalf of so whatever this day is whatever this yom teruah rosh hashanah all we're going to talk about the names later whatever this day is it's supposed to be remembering something it's supposed to be a memorial of what we'll hopefully we'll find out by the end of this teaching uh numbers 29 verse 1 repeating the commandment and it says on the first day of the seventh month you're to have a sacred assembly mikrako dish and you are to do no laborious work it is for you a day for sounding the shofar um and this again has been translated a lot of different ways people say oh it doesn't have to be a shofar you can just holler and scream and do whatever yeah you can it's a day of noise making it doesn't have to be like it's not this shofar is not magic and it doesn't have to be a specific thing it's a day of of noise making so that's the commandment in numbers 29. so in the sequence of the fall feast the moadim we have uh the feast of trumpets which is the is about repentance right so the whole thing about the fall feast is that um they are connected to the spring feasts in a really interesting way so and let me chill i'm gonna move over here yeah um look we're all like multi-sensoral here like writing and computer and all we're so fancy uh it's a whiteboard chill out um so what's the first festival we have during the year passover right pesach now what is generally the theme of pesach what would you say is generally the theme of pesach if you had to say one thing unleavened bread okay deliverance like uh is what i would yeah what i was asking for like deliverance that's what we think of a pesach exodus right exodus deliverance so so what do you have you have at pesach you have a people that are not a people they're they're a nation inside of another nation right this kind of ambiguous thing they don't they don't really belong to anybody they're not egyptian but then they don't have their hebrew heritage necessarily that that they came into egypt with and so you have this this mass of people in another nation and so let's say that pesach is about deliverance pesach is about the king of the universe let's talk in governmental terms and kingdom terms it's about a king laying siege to a nation and rescuing his people right it's about a king who remembers the cry of his people that's in exodus he heard their cry he remembered them see if we think about remembering in the other way we just think like well like does god forget me sometimes and all of a sudden he just remembers and goes like oh hey bud how long you been struggling [Laughter] you doing okay no water but no he remembers them he moves into action on their behalf he speaks and begins to act on their behalf right he remembers them and the king come rides into town and and decimates the other kingdom and draws his people out delivers his people i use king very intentionally because kingship is going to be a major theme in this whole the this whole season right so pesach and then right pesach we have we have unleavened bread right unleavened bread now you belong to a king a king that that forcefully and miraculously delivered you i'm not talking about just israel i'm talking about you usings that's like pitkin for you and i um that that miraculously delivered us and for those of us that grew up in church or grew up in religion we can get really dead to the fact that that we were just kind of hanging out and god miraculously split the sea for us and welcomed us over to the other side and so now because remember god did not save israel or the jewish people with the torah period that you gotta you gotta go like a half a book from from the exodus to even get to the torah god save the israel israelite people because he is their king and it was time to go get his people and because he could period in the story so the argument if you know if you're just getting a studying torah and you're having conversations with your family about well the law doesn't save you that's not that's a false argument that's a false argument that hyper grace doctrine made up because people actually started reading the tour and going we're like no this makes sense like the new testament talks about some of this stuff and the hyper grace movement came as oh no you're trying to work for your salvation no that's not a false argument israel the jewish people never earned their salvation ever sit a reform a conservative an orthodox rabbi right here up here and they will all tell you that's not a thing in judaism i don't know where the church got that some kind of straw man that we have to kill stupid but in here god does give the torah begin to give the torah why because like my dad always said if you're going to live in my house you're going to live by my rules which is makes sense right how many of your parents have said that or something to that effect or you've heard that as a kid yeah it's common sense are your children working in order to be able to live in your house no but why do your children obey your laws and your rules so they can enjoy the fullness of what it means to live in your house they can just they can have a room great and that's what often happens as they get into the latter high school and the college they just become like a what am i looking for like a a renter right just become a renter in your house why because it's not about the where they live necessarily it's about the interaction and the communication and the the being the fellowship the being together and these festivals are all about living in the house the kingdom of god and being in fellowship with him so the the torah doesn't save us that's just it's insanity but because we have been delivered by the divine king and his righteousness as miraculous power and we get to live now in his house and his kingdom i don't want to just be a i don't want to just be somebody that rents this is my permanent home now and i want to enjoy all of what the house has to offer i've used this illustration too before and i know some of you have familiar with adoption so you hopefully and you've confirmed this to me but you you adopt a child and that's a legal thing when you when you legalize or formalize an adoption that is that is legal there your child legally that's like deliverance salvation god god delivers us he saves us when we accept that it's done we're his however that adopted child has a choice whether or not they're going to conform to the atmosphere and the rules of your house are not they can be legally your child but not enjoy what it really means to be your child right and what's so sad is we have a kingdom full of children of god that are legally the children of god i believe they've given their lives to to god and they they've accepted yeshua and they they want to follow him and want to do everything that he wants them to do and yet because we've taken out the torah we're not really enjoying the fullness of the house hope that makes sense all right so unleavened bread is that getting the old old stuff out so that we can replace it with the new leaven which is the torah unleavened bread and and you also have in here um uh the wave offering i'll just put first fruits it's not technically first fruits anyway we'll talk about that in the spring um and then we go from here uh sorry to shavuot right from here to shavuot shavuot traditionally when the torah was first received like this is a big cycle look how far we are from deliverance to receiving any commandments you know abraham got called out of er hastim or of the chaldees and you know something like 17 years before he finally got circumcised did you know that it was almost two decades before god called him out and said hey here's the promise i'm going to make you a nation of people god gives abraham all these promises meets with him does all these miraculous things abraham's not even circumcised yet finally god goes hey i think it's time for you to you know to get circumcised but it was it was almost two decades after abraham had been called and delivered not isn't that awesome shavuot is the technically the giving of the the torah and it's where it's the only time where we are commanded to bring a leavened loaf as worship in the in the tabernacle it's not offered in the tabernacle but it's waved before hashem what is the leaven supposed to be well you're supposed to only offer unleavened bread in the in the tabernacle in the temple so what is this leavening about i believe it's my sense that it's about this new leaven of the torah which which the apostle paul picks up on then in corinthians right shavuot and then we have we have rosh hashanah which is where we are today rosh hashanah and then we have yom kippur and then we have sukkot one two three four five six seven festivals so we're at rosh hashanah yom torah this has all been about kingship and us not applying the word of god and god's kingship to our lives where it fits but applying our lives to his kingship and his word and letting it mold us into where we need to be so what is rosh hashanah well you ever watched any really old cool like you know movies that show like medieval times or whatever what happens when royalty enters any time royalty enters right they blow this this trumpet and all this stuff we said the month of elul is the the saying for elul is that the king is in the field right in other words the king is left his throne has left his palace his place and he's coming out to meet his people i know joe biden was in louisiana the last couple days don't and i don't know how many people came out to meet him but we don't really understand what this means for the king to come out and meet with the people because we don't have kings and so there is a there is strict protocol when the king when you're meeting the king there's a time of preparation there's a time of making sure that you're presentable and that you're you don't have the king doesn't have anything against you don't have any debts toward the king that all your accounts are cleared and that that the meeting can be one that is that is amiable and courteous and on some kind of level where there's nothing to hide and there's no there's no criminality there's no shadiness going on that you and all of your humbleness can pay allegiance and honor to the king and the king can receive that because it's not out of any kind of weird you know you don't have any kind of ulterior motive or anything and so that's why this time of elul is all about repentance it's all about repentance and turning not again like we've said not focusing on the sin or the the challenge but focusing on him and letting him suck the oxygen right out of all that stuff that doesn't belong there so the feast of trumpets yom teruah is about repentance the day of atonement is about redemption and the feast of tabernacles is about rejoicing so for all you baptists that like three points in a poem there's three points and they all start with the letter r you're welcome uh so so these are various names for the feast of trumpets now we're not going to be able to go through all of these but i want to share a few with you and kind of hopefully spur you on to study some more there's a big debate in again in the kind of hebrew roots messianic community what do you call this day well leviticus 23 and numbers 29 talk about a day of blowing trumpets so the day is called yom trua period if you talk to a jewish person it's rosh hashanah they they understand obviously but it's rosh hashanah that's what it's called well what is russia now it's head of the year and then we get all like our our circuits start to z [Music] and things start to smoke because exodus tells us that pesach is supposed to be the beginning of the year but the jews the jews are saying that the beginning of the year is in the seventh month how dare them change the god's calendar pump the break skippy let's actually do some honest research and ask some good questions and then we don't have to sound like a conspiracy wacko just it's okay if you are a conspiracy wacko stop it so some of the names for the feast of trumpets are yom teruah also referred to in scripture as the day of the awakening blast that sounds kind of epic didn't it uh rosh hashanah uh yom hazikaron we talked about this the day of memorial or memorial day right um not to be confused israel has a uh a national holiday called yom zikron which is the like our memorial day this is referring to specifically the feast of trumpets yom hadin which is one we'll talk about day of judgment did you know that rosh hashanah or yamcha is the day of judgment that we all have heard about growing up all our lives hakise the hidden pla the place of hiding or the hidden day um and then yom hashem the day of the lord the day of of uh yoteva all right so everybody okay you need to go up and stretch grab some coffee all right good all right so let's talk about yum trua numbers 29 1 it says on the first day of the seventh month you would have a sacred assembly which is called a what convocation mikra kodesh um you are to do no laborious work it is for you a day of sounding the shofar a day of of blasting so yom trua what is a true well i'm glad you asked because the definition is here it's an acclamation of joy or a battle cry especially a clanger of trumpets as an alarm uh as a sound of joy jubilee loud noise rejoicing shouting so it's it's a day of noise making it's about a it's a signal again it's a it's a it's an expression and that can include blowing a ram's horn a shofar okay so that's what teruah is defined as so let's look at some other places where it talks about about blowing a trumpet or blowing making making a sound like this first corinthians 14 8 it says for if the trumpet makes an unclear sound who will prepare himself for battle remember the definition was about a battle cry right sounding the the alarm for for battle psalm 47 verse 6 god has gone up amidst shouting the sound of the shofar first thessalonians chapter 4 verse 16 for the lord himself shall come down from the heaven with a commanding shout torah although in greek with the voice of the archangel and the blast of god shofar and the dead and messiah shall rise first zechariah 9 14 then adonai will be seen over them as his arrow flashes like lightning i love that imagery adonai elohim will blow the shofar and march in whirlwinds of the south sounds like a michael bay movie psalm 89 16 blessed are the people who know the joyful shout through they walk in the light of your presence adonai remember several years ago those of you who've been with us a few years we we watched and listened to once shabbat uh the youtube videos or the sky trumpets you remember that if you go on youtube and you search sky trumpets there's several videos that were taken the last several years of um these noises in the sky just random like people come out of their house like what is that noise and they record it and and no and some people were like it sounds like a train or it sounds like this or it sounds like what it is and if you know the sound of the shofar which brady does a great job doing doesn't he doesn't he do great that's awesome he's going to hate me for that but he does a really good job if you know that sound and you listen to these videos you go that's a shofar but who's blowing it there's nobody around it's just in the atmosphere it's wild and i love this psalm 89 it says blessed are those who know the joyful trua the joyful sound the joyful shout they walk in the light of your presence adonai so that's yom trua right so this is a day of blowing trumpets so this is a shofar obviously you guys know what a shofar is right ram's horn um follow me over here um it can look like this right um i'm extra so i got a big one whenever i bought mine because it's just the way i roll um but it can also look like this right um this is more traditional for rosh hashanah yom kippur a little small one these are super hard to blow in my opinion and then i bought this one a couple of years ago isn't that cool awesome looking makes a deeper tone really kind of hits you in your chest kind of a really neat neat thing so um so chauffeur road um if you don't have a shofar go buy one seriously they're not they're not terribly expensive you might not have it for this year but put that on your list of stuff that like i need one of those and go online you can find them you can get them for not very much all the way up to like they're gold wrapped and like yikes um i know i wasn't gonna be able to keep up with one of those um so but but do it and and and practice and you're going to sound like a dying cow for a while and that's okay um but it's something that we should practice there's something about the shofar no matter whether yours makes a high pitch or a low pitch there's something about the frequency makeup of that sound that resonates with creation there's science out there you can research it people have done studies on it there's a frequency range in there that is is is moving and um and nature is based off of frequency so um so shofar is is something that you need to invest in all right let's talk about day of the awakening blast in daniel chapter 12 it says at that time michael the great prince who stands guard over the sons of your people will arise and there will be a time of distress such has never occurred since the beginning of the nation until then but at that time your people everyone who is found written in the book that's a hint to a later lesson will be delivered multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake some to everlasting life and others to shame and everlasting contempt those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavenly expanse and those who turn away turn many excuse me to righteousness will be like the stars forever and ever okay so this is about the day of the awakening blast this is something that we recognize let's go down to first thessalonians chapter 4 for the lord himself shall come down from heaven with a commanding shout with the voice of the archangel and the blast of god shofar and the dead and messiah shall rise first what sounds like what we just read then we who are alive who are left behind will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air so shall we always be with hashem so this is one of the like this is one of our verses man like this is one of our our this is like john 3 16 but for the end times right that day oh what a glorious day right well it's it's a day um that's kind of shrouded in mystery because yeshua said told his disciples like listen the son doesn't even know the time right only the father knows and then paul would later say like no man knows the day or the hour well if it's if this is the point that we're all doing this for why would god not say a little more about it so he could be ready right maybe he actually does say a little bit more about it but we don't read the front of the book so we don't realize that this day is the day we're about to celebrate that this day right here is the day we're about to celebrate yom teruah is also known as the day um the day that no man knows why is that the case well because here i'm making the camera guys work today come on chill stay with me breath um it's a day when nobody knows now today we keep a fixed calendar right set by hillel ii uh who was one of the last princes of the sanhedrin after the destruction of the temple um in jerusalem and then eventually in yavine after from there the sanhedrin dispersed he calculated a calendar for us to use because the jewish people for the second time in their history were not going to all be in the same place in the same land right they were going to be stretched all over the place the great diaspora dispersion so hillel said so that we as a nation can continue to honor the torah and keep the feasts we're going to i'm going to calculate and it was brilliant i mean it's off but it's it's still brilliant but how was it done before we had a calculated calendar well if you're interested in controversy and conspiracy insert here this is this is where if you want to get in deeper than you ever thought was possible to something then study the calendars and the different opinions on the calendars there's i don't know 37 of them i don't know something like that but we know from the jewish writings which if you get into a calendar study one of the first things you're going to have to do is decide whether or not you trust the rabbis that's the long and short of it if you don't trust the rabbinic writings and you throw those away then you open yourself up to a virtual pandora's box of calendar possibilities was it the moon was it the sun was a little bit of both was it the equinox was it the the waves of the motion in the ocean or was it the i mean it's just it's all kinds of different things that can determine how the calendar was determined i for one trust the rabbinic writings let me let me clarify what i mean a lot of mishnah and talmud is history not theology there's there's theology in mishnah and talmud that i'm like you guys are crazy but there's also a lot of history in mishnah and talmud that tells you like oh when the temple stood this is exactly what happened see we don't have to make stuff up it's in a book but we got all the rabbis we're so ignorant and arrogant so we know that during the time of the first temple and the second temple that the calendar was set by the sighting of the moon right so no cell phones no facebook messenger no instagram or tick tock you you're out in the field you're working the moon has a cycle right has a cycle the moon goes dark and then at the beginning of the month it it's a new moon which the scripture calls rosh chodesh you can write this down because this is not in the notes rosh chodesh which means the new moon or the head of the month and what happens when the moon begins to be illuminated as a little sliver right you just barely see a little a little illuminated edge of the moon you can watch this just start looking up at the sky at night watch this the farmer's calendar the almanac and even some of the little calendars you buy today still have the phases of the moon on them this is how israel determined its calendar so what you had is you had set up in the first temple and second temple you had the hall of hewn stones right we've heard about the hall of hewn stones and in the hall of hewn stones all around the you can find artists depictions of this online you had pictures of the different phases of the moon all around painted on the hall of inside the hall of human stones and so what would happen is your you see the moon the middle of the month is a full moon right it starts to wane it starts to go dark you're waiting for the renewal of the moon now the moon is not new it's renewed right it's not like god makes it dark so you can take it around back and tinker with it and then ta-da new moon no it's the same old moon it's just renewed right so you're you're you're watching the moon wane and you're waiting like okay it's about to be a new moon which we're commanded and tour to celebrate the new moons and so we you you start to see it and you see it it's a clear night and you see it what do you do if you spot it you rush to the temple if you're in around jerusalem you rush to the temple and you call to the priests and say i've spotted the new moon the renewed moon and they call you up into the hall of hume stones and they say look at all these pictures and tell us what you saw and if what you saw is indeed the first sliver of the new moon you're one witness great it's still not a new month because what do you need to establish anything in torah two witnesses right okay so another farmer comes in from the other side of town going i cited the new moon come in tell us what you saw take them into the hall of human stones tell us what you saw if his description matches the first guy's description then you have two witnesses in agreement still not the new month because the torah tells us that the sanhedrin will declare it is up to the sanhedrin to declare this in deuteronomy 17 the sanhedrin will declare the times and seasons i said earlier god said these are my times right and that my times things gets kind of sticky because he said these are my times pesach shabbat shavuot all these festivals those are his times but he gave israel custody of them and told the leadership of israel you determine how they are when they are done you proclaim whenever they are upon you that makes sense yeah we don't like that but that's the way it was historically israel because god's not that's not a heavenly trumpet is going to blow when it's time for shabbat israel has to know and they have to establish it and has to become a part of their culture and their makeup so once the sanhedrin is satisfied that the two witnesses agree they declare rashkadesh it's a new month they light a signal fire and then there's watchmen all over the hills of judea and samaria in the land of israel that are watching because they all know you can see it and once they see those signal fires light they begin to light fires all throughout the land proclaiming and blowing so far surface proclaiming a new month sounds really cool doesn't it well there's a lot of problems with doing it like that today number one and please i'm gonna try to not be too facetious no i can't help it i just can't people that read the tour and go we declare this the holidays when we sight the moon that's great my question is where are you citing it from you can't cite it in picking and say this is the new this is yom teruah there was no picking in the torah you can't yeah you actually when you sight the moon from your geographic location you're actually breaking the torah because jerusalem is the center of the universe quite literally it is the holy of holies and god's cosmic temple so you can't go outside of it and go well we declare because we got four people in our home bible study and we say yahashi washing ding-dong that's his name and that's the only name he should be called by and that's the only way answers we declare from our back porch that our this is the day see i can't help myself i can't help yeah but the jews how dare they take authority over god's feasts but i can what what oh my gosh that's a oh we're such in bad shape um so so rosh credit so this cycle happens and so we don't first of all we're not in the land right well some people are in the land they can cite the moon cool and there's moonsiding projects all over the land of israel it's awesome you should follow them but we don't have a temple to report to they don't have a temple that houses a sanhedrin and leading priests so so why is that why is that important it's not necessarily an authority it is an authority thing but more than a authority it's coordination it's administration right the sanhedrin everybody's known sanhedrin they're gonna they're gonna make us you know we'll do whatever whatever look i'm not a consumer conspiracies but in israel today you've got 10 15 different groups that sight the moon in israel awesome but then who do you report to who do you come together to to coordinate and go okay does everybody agree like did we all see the same thing okay cool let's do it new there is nobody like that the government is not doing that because they're a government not they're a democracy not a theocracy so they're not doing that so it doesn't it doesn't work it doesn't work that way so what do we do well oem has just decided that we're going to go with the last ruling of the last sanhedrin that everybody pretty much agreed and went okay we'll go with that there's some splinter groups that didn't agree but you're always going to have that so that's why we do what we do so i took way too much time on the calendar but that that's the that's the cliff notes version so back to our point how is this a day that no man knows how is that yom hakise the day that's been concealed well because you're you're in the the middle of the month you've got a full moon you know the for the new month is coming rosh kodesh is coming but you don't know when based on the math and the science there's like 28 point something something something something days in a month or 29 point something anyway when you average it out 29 or 30 days in every month in the hebrew calendar which there's a few more days in the hebrew calendar there is in the gregorian calendar um but you know the new moon is coming you just don't know when is it going to be tomorrow it's going to be the next day what if there's cloud cover and you can't sight the moon so what do you so so the point of this first corinthians and thessalonians passages is that you are to paul even says like don't be ignorant of the times and seasons people that don't know the times and seasons get what does he mean seasons not the four seasons not the seventies quartet the four seas sixties whatever not the four seasons the the sea the moedim paul is talking about the same moadim we've been talking about in the torah don't be ignorant of the times and seasons right people that don't know the time and the season they're running around like chickens with their heads cut off you the covenant people should not be like that you should be watching and listening blessed is he who knows the sound of the shofar right we just read that passage and so this we should know does it mean we're going to know the exact day that hashem returns that yeshua returns no but it knows it means that we should be in the season how are we in the season we just we just stay in his cycles you stay in these cycles you're always going to be in a hot spot god never does anything according to these cycles go back into israelite history and israel in in the history of the jewish people every major event happens on one of these feast days and some minor feast days that are in embedded in here everything this is this is god's heartbeat this is his operational manual you stay plugged into this cycle you're not going to miss it i just wish i want to miss god how many of us never prayed that prayer down at an altar i just don't want to miss god with all intention i don't want to miss what god is doing i want to miss the move of god why do we have to question that we don't have to question it god told us when he was moving this is when i'm moving this is when i'm coming out to meet you just show up it's good it's good um let's see man okay so um let's go on [Music] first corinthians 15. i'm gonna this is only part one of this teaching i haven't gotten to part two yet so real quick behold i tell you a mystery paul says it's a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed in a moment and twinkle of an eye at the last shofar that's a cool phrase and i'll tell you why in a minute the shofar will sound and the dead will be raised incorruptible and we will be changed for this for this corruptable must put on incorruptibility and this mortal myth put on immortality so here's where does paul get this idea the last trump this phrase is not anywhere in scripture at all where does it come from it's not could you find me a torah verse a passage no it's not there like where else where else does he find this so i've been i've told you about a book that's available called a moxor right a moxor o m-a-c-h-z-o-r mach or for pesach shavuot rosh hashanah yom kippur and sukkot there are mach sor what is moxor you know what a sidor sidor is the prayer book for the days of the week right a moxor is the prayer book for the festivals and the prayers change based on the festival to reflect the spirit of the festivals so in the rosh hashanah service in the moxor how many times is the shofar blown who knows total of a hundred times now i was that guy a couple years ago at about hour eight of the roshana service and you still got the last set of 33 blasts to do it gets a little rough i'll just be honest with you it's blown 99 times throughout the service but their last one is withheld to the very end there are four types of shofar blasts this is important you need to know this a techia which is the one long blast right shivarim which is the three that you heard brady do this morning he didn't attempt to uh i don't know why but no teruah is the nine short ones um staccato blast so when you see the word yom teruah this is actually what a teruah is it's nine short staccato blast um and then a techiagola which is a great blast and that is the last channel so when i whenever i blow so far at the beginning of service using that last one where i start to kind of turn shades of red and blue that look unhealthy that's tekiyagadola that's the last one that one is withheld there's the series of 99 33 33-33 and the last one is is the techia goddallah so what is paul where did he get this idea of when the last trump sounds where did he get that idea it's not in scripture he got it from jewish tradition all right so um let's see where we're gonna i'm gonna try to finish up because i want to talk about um i want to talk about traditions um traditions not that one this one so we'll look at a a few more names for um is this helpful kind of review or it just leads to like okay so um all right so it's also called yom hadin the day of judgment i included this about the day of judgment in here because i know how much we're all uh we've all focused on judgment day that's kind of a big thing in our theological background judgment the judgment are you ready how many of you went through like something like heaven's gates hell's flames when you were a kid some of you do some of you are too old to remember are too old to have gone through that but it's like they took part of the church every halloween and they took all the sunday school classrooms and they made them into like oh teenagers drinking at a party and then the next classroom was like a like a really bad car wreck and some some teenage part of the youth group is like hanging out with blood everywhere and it's every every scene imaginable that it's like a a young pregnant girl a teenager giving birth you know to like a dead baby and like it's just it's all this stuff and then you you go through the you go that was in lafayette that was happened in lafayette and um uh what was uh oh shucks it escaped him right now anyway um then you go into the sanctuary which is decorated like heaven and there's the judgment and you have to decide at that moment whether you're going to get saved or not all yeah no pressure they haven't manipulated you at all i got saved every year the the judgment the great white throne judgment um so since we're you know why why we're so infatuated with judgment i'll tell you why fear motivates oh we don't want we don't want to be good because we love god want to be good because we don't want god's wrath see the this is not the church's fault or whatever this is a human problem we are not motivated by blessing and goodness we're motivated by if you don't do what i say i'm gonna whip your butt that's how we're motivated okay like you our kids don't care like i'll get take you out to eat and when like they don't care whatever we're motivated by fear hello current situation in our nation and all over the world you notice how much trouble we have today how much stuff is going on and how it's all being used to instill fear it's all about fear and sadly the church has done a pretty good job at co-opting that strategy and we focused on the day of judgment but we don't even know when the day of judgment is i know it's some day in the future the scripture tells us it's rosh hashanah it's this day this is the day of judgment god always has always desired to forewarn before he brings judgment the number 40 has always been a time of testing warning and preparation for transition okay always in judaism it's understood that every year on this day rosh hashanah yom torah the heavenly court is in session there are books that are open we've heard of books right if you've only read your new testament you've heard of books you've heard the lamb's book of life there's a good chance you don't know there are any other books oh but there are the books are open god looks over every person's account to see how he took care of god's and how we took care of god's investment in us the past year this is not salvation relax this is the parable of the talents rosh hashanah is the parable of the talents what did you do with what i gave you last year let's open up the leisure and let's see the trial lasts 10 days from rosh hashanah to yom kippur so you have let me do it this way so you can see you have elul which is 40 days of preparation right for repentance testing transition yes we've been we've we've experienced all those things the last 40 days rosh hashanah the heavenly court is seated the judge is seated the king is seated he's been proclaimed he's been heralded he takes his place books are open to see how everyone did with the investment that that reconcile process takes 10 days between rosh hashanah and yom kippur those are called yamim noraem the days of all because everybody is awfully hoping that they're found in the right book so 10 days and this is the 10 days we have to complete our repentance and amend our ways before the judgment is set and before the books are closed on yom kippur we're going to talk about this next week books are opened on rosh hashanah they're closed on so one of the greetings for rosh hashanah is may you be may you be inscribed or may you be written for a good year okay and then on yom kippur the greeting is may you be sealed right because the books are closed on yom kippur um it also in the in this traditional belief everyone in the world not just israel everyone in the world passes before the heavenly judge like troops in review the sentences are then meted out during the following year again this is not salvation like this is not this is stewardship rosh hashanah is about stewardship so think about that if you if you didn't repent of stuff last year and this year was really really really rough maybe i'm just saying it's worth a try to be transparent this year and get it all out and and then and not just confess it but actually true repentance actually true turning and change our behavior and let's see if maybe like next year works out a little better i don't know i'm just trying to give you some second corinthians 5 10 we all must appear before the judgment seat of messiah so that each one may receive what is due for the things he did while in the body whether good or bad how did you steward your time in your body first corinthians 3 13-15 each one's work will become clear for the day the day which day yom hadin judgment day will show it because it is to be revealed by fire and the fire itself will touch test each one's work what sort it is if anyone's work built on foundation survives he will receive a reward if anyone's work is burned up he will suffer loss he himself will be saved because this is not about salvation he will be saved but as through fire okay see like we've read first corinthians our whole lives and never realized all this stuff was not only in the torah but also in jewish tradition well i mean after all paul was a pharisee of pharisees all right so go back to matthew 25 read the parable of the talents and the parable of the righteous judge that's all about yom hadin yeshua is riffing off of rosh hashanah um daniel 7 we won't get to that but read it daniel 7 psalm 24. i mean these are all connected revelation 4 all of these are connected to rosh hashanah i will have um these notes again up posted for you to go back and review again other names for yom trua uh go to the second to last i think it is like other names for yom chura that we've kind of seen uh throughout this is yom hazik ron that's the day of memorial on memorial day yamaha kise which is a hidden day we talked about that first corinthians yom hashem the day of the lord which we haven't really talked about rosh hashanah the head of the year and unfortunately we haven't really talked about that either let me give you the skinny and roshanan and we'll get into tradition and we'll wrap up um there are four new years in the biblical calendar in the jewish calendar four so how can that be there's only really one new year oh really that's not how we live we don't have one new year yeah no we don't you have a new school year you have a new fiscal year you have a new calendar year you have a new all these other year we got a lot of different calendars that we juggle but we do it inherently we know like oh the end of august oh a new school year no big deal january 1st a new calendar year if you run a company run a business you know when your fiscal year is the government has its own fiscal year we have this do we do this stuff all the time so there's four new year's in the jewish calendar one is this cycle which is the the cycle for the holidays so the beginning of months as mentioned in exodus starts with uh with the month of aviv or the time of aviv springtime um that's the religious calendar and that's also this calendar is also when uh when you read in the the fourth year of king uzziah or whatever those years of kings the reign of kings are counted based on the the uh religious calendar okay the reason i bring that up is because kings were coronated according to rosh hashanah okay [Music] i know it's a lot so the seventh month and the first month first month and seventh month they they're opposite sides of the spectrum so this is um religious calendar kings are coronated on rosh hashanah during rosh hashanah but they don't actually begin to count their their uh their ruling time until the festival calendar also the rosh hashanah the head of the year the new year jewish new year is whenever um the jubilee and yovel are calculated for different reasons that we don't have time to get in today but do some study on it i think you'll understand why it is the uh one of the other new years is a new year for trees which you might think why do trees need their own new year because in scripture people are trees and trees are very very very important if you don't remember genesis 2 and 3. new year for trees and then a new year for holiday coronation [Music] trees there it is harvest thank you there you go okay so the fort for new year's so um that's the skin of rochester no big deal so don't feel weird for like well i can't call it rochester no it's not really the new year yeah it is it's a new year get over it's fine all right uh lastly um lastly is let's talk about some ways we celebrate i know this was long i'm sorry forgive me y'all have been so great though and um and uh okay so some ways that we celebrate do i have that in the last last slide i didn't put it in okay shucks all right so uh the look this ways we celebrate here i'll do it like this that's terrible um all right so what's one of the main themes that we've talked about through elul and all that what's one of the ways that we recognize and we celebrate yum chua teshuva right repentance no i'm sorry i didn't i didn't uh i didn't add it it's okay um so the first thing is tishua if you haven't dealt with repentance in the last 30 days what are you doing get with the program we've been talking about a little it's been a little like it was wrapping up come on what's happening this is how you engage in the feed you're preparing to meet with the king so teshuva repentance is is the it might be the number one way that we recognize this time in this season okay so so teshuva and we have all the way through to yom kippur to complete our our teshuva um the next way we celebrate is to uh to blow and are here the shofar right in leviticus 23 and numbers 29 god says blow shall far so if we're hearing and are blowing the shofar we're celebrating yom torah it's that easy that's why we'll do it here together number three um gather together which was called a what convocation was in hebrew come on come on take a stab at it somebody might kodesh meek rakodesh um like you can read any of that mikra kodesh um so gather together right it's one of the ways that we that we celebrate we'll gather together and we'll proclaim it that's we'll do that together um number four a fourth way we can celebrate it our favorite and um and just like every other jewish festival because the jews are awesome they have symbolic foods that you eat during this time that follow the harvest cycle and age to israel and now there are symbols of a joy and of god's faithfulness and sweetness so one of the main things is apples right we have like 15 different apple desserts coming uh for us you know apples honey uh pomegranates are a big deal dates um holla special challah that heather will make that's beautiful she braids it and does it in a circle it's awesome um so we we eat let me say this remind you all just if you want to bring any food get with miss janice but um these traditional holiday foods it doesn't mean that you eat only that all right just because apples are traditional to rosh hashanah apples and honey and stuff you don't only eat apples it's like saying well turkeys are traditional for thanksgiving but there's no dressing there's no cranberry sauce which i don't know why you'd like that nonsense anyway but no there's no dessert there's no pecan pie there's no none of that you'd be like what that's not thanksgiving right right so russia should not you eat apples and those things but like you eat stuff it's food it's a meal it's a big party so we eat and we'll do that uh wednesday night uh last is a little ceremony called tash leaf tash leak and i love this we haven't done this in the past we're going to do it this year because now we have a pond and you need water to do it so tash leek is a a short ceremony that you take either stale bread or pebbles uh pea gravel like rocks whatever you go to a body of water and the bread and the pebbles symbolize um the kind of the remnants of the sin that you're repenting of and you spend some time in quiet contemplation and then you toss the bread or the pebbles into the water signifying that they're being cast into the sea of forgetfulness you with me this means yes okay i know you're asleep a little bit but um so that this touch leak uh service um tasha leek um means casting to cast away and so um we're gonna we're gonna do that this year so finally in wrapping up um what because i had a couple questions last shabbat was like hey can you kind of tell us what service is gonna be like because we've never done this before and we don't wanna like we're gonna be surprised so yeah absolutely so um we are going to uh we're gonna have uh a few songs wednesday night there are gonna be a couple of them are gonna be straight hebrew but it's okay i'm going to translate them for you and i'm going to push you to learn them a little bit one is called mato vu which if you want to start kind of learn practicing it you can it's super simple how goodly are your tensor jacob dwelling places in israel mata vu and then we'll sing a couple more we'll have some scripture reading we'll have some times of written prayer where someone will come up and pray and i'll have all this written out for you on the screen and um then we're gonna do the shofar i'm gonna do the show far in here and then we're gonna do tash leaf together so there will be some bread crumbs and some pebbles and stuff that you'll pick up when you go out and we'll all walk to the pond together and around the pond because we have a pond why not and uh we'll do tash leak together and then after on our way back from taj league will if you have bring your shofars by the way if you have shofar shuffle bring them wednesday night then we'll all blow our chauffeur out uh and then we'll come in and we'll eat cool and that'll be our restaurant service our young turtle service so so bring your chauffeur out and it's gonna be good i'm really excited about about this year so all right that was four hours of teaching in an hour and a half hour and 40 minutes so thank you all for being so focused and not nodding off too too much i saw those of you that did it's okay i'm not mad at you um thank those of you guys who are watching online uh for being i'm not sure which camera i'm in it doesn't matter for being uh for being with us i appreciate you all so very very much and uh thank you for hanging in there sorry about the little issues at the beginning uh let me pray for you and hope that you have a wonderful rosh hashanah father we bless you and thank you for our online family and father we we spend time praying for them each shabbat when we leave them because we get to hang out together more and we're saying goodbye to people that we we really love and that are special to us and so we ask your blessings on them father as as we go and eat and as we continue to fellowship we pray that you would surround them with your shalom and we wish them shana tova blessings for a great new year and we just ask all of your comfort and blessings and every amazing thing that they deserve father would be placed into their lives we love you and we thank you through yeshua our messiah amen and amen
Channel: Out of Ashes Ministries
Views: 113
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 1sec (4861 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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