Shavuot | Brad Scott | "The Heart of the Matter"

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and here we see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no clothes two blocks for [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the older folks out but I can hear you all right so uh queer remember what we asked you to do so I'm calling you on YouTube set a good example today you already have done that last night and I appreciate that but I want you to do that today and so the things that we need you to do for us to help us and assist with all of our our guests we appreciate that so everybody that's over there I hope that you can hear us well blessings to you blessings too are we going live yet we're like well blessings to everybody who's joining us a lot Beth come on up here please ma'am and I want I want everyone to stand with us those of you who are at home stand where you had if you can if you're able to stand one of the things that Moses said just before his departure from this life to the children of Israel as they were preparing to enter into and possess the land he said we're standing here today and to me what that says as we've been through a lot we've overcome a lot we've endured a lot but guess what we're still standing here today and we stand before our Father grateful thankful for all of the goodness that he has bestowed upon us along with the correction along with the reproof along with the the the weapons as we say in South Georgia you see I grew up in a time and a place where parents had this thing called a belt and so sometimes they had had to bring it out but we're standing and we're thankful to him for all of his goodness to us so we don't come here today with agendas we don't come here today with things to prove we don't come here today with a hope we don't come here today with any attitude that does anything other than focused on wanting to honor and worship our King and Reverend Sam and so if we could imagine standing at the foot of that preparing ourselves for a visitation because he told them to get ready do this don't do that not in the idea with the idea that if you do or don't do I'm I'll show up but do these things because I am going to show up and so we're standing here today and in great anticipation of what our father is gonna do in each and every one of our lives amen and so let us come to him today and pray and ask his blessings upon our meeting father we are thankful today we stand before you did that grateful for all your goodness and your mercy we are grateful father for your blessings for your protection there are so many father who would do almost anything to be able to be in an assembly like this there in places where they can't reach an assembly like this there are places where people won't allow them to go to assemblies like this so we're grateful that we have this opportunity it's crowded it's tight parking is a problem but all of those things melt away when we realize that we are standing before you today and in great anticipation of you visiting with us today and communing with us today fellowshipping with us today and so let all of our worries and cares that we've carried throughout the week and all of the things that we know will be facing next week father we pray that by your spirit you will enable us to lay those things aside that we might truly set aside and set apart this day that you have sanctified that you have blessed we desire to enjoy the inherit blessing that is in your Shabbat we want to feel the peace that is your Shabbat we want to know that when we leave this place today that we have been in the presence of the Almighty and he has abided with us he has supped with us he has given us himself forgive us of anything that would impede that forgive us of any attitude or action that would that would be contrary to your will cleanse us of all unrighteousness by the blood of your son Yeshua that we might stand guiltless before you today we praise and honor you Father we'd glorify your great name we pray father that this people that have assembled here and those that are assembling online all over the world that your peace and Shalom and your presence would be felt would be witnessed and that we will not be the same after today may the name of Yeshua be lifted high that he might draw all men unto himself may the name of the almighty be sanctified in our lives and in this place today and may everything that is done every song every word every prayer everything that we bring here today we pray father that it will sanctify your great name in the earth and that all will see that our God is God these things we commit unto you and you shoe his name a man man let's remain standing for my tofu [Music] Oh [Music] and altar [Music] Oh [Music] run [Music] our light ends [Music] ha [Music] it's [Music] how lovely me [Music] item so Gingka Tyburn [Music] yes [Music] and in thy great compassion I will come into your who's there Wilbur Oh [Music] the holiness [Music] ah Adam Jerry Mike Dale everybody that's gonna sound the shofar come on down anyone who wants to join them and you have a shofar come on down we may have to spread this way Nick Jerry you got more joining it come on down this way [Music] let today the sound of the shofar remind us that even though we are practicing for these things these more deem we look forward to not just well I know that there have been some fulfillment of things but I believe there's going to be an ultimate fulfillment of things and so we practice for those things and so let today be with the sound of the shofar a reminder that we can rejoice in our king that we can rejoice that we know that our king is coming and we know that our king is going to rule and reign there are fires burning all over this country because people want to subvert rule and bring lawlessness and anarchy and you know in some ways it's troubling but it should just remind us that there is coming a day when lawlessness will be put down and the law should go forth from Zion and the word of the Lord from you to shall I'm and he will rule and rank a man [Applause] and so with the sound of the shofar today we rejoice in knowing that our king shall reign amen [Music] amen shabbat shalom everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] that's [Music] she knows got your lower back shallow but so long [Music] that's love that should match [Music] so much [Music] [Applause] [Music] but so much of us [Music] good morning everyone how are you doing I was really well hey that's one of mine anybody if you would like to dance since we don't have room in here you could totally go over to the overflow room I should be a little more room to dance all right y'all ready you came [Music] [Music] in a matter [Music] [Music] [Music] well [Music] understood [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I didn't have a wife I would probably not be able to do this trick [Music] [Music] sorry [Music] this street behind lord over heaven and earth god of this right [Music] good here [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] over [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sir [Music] reason [Music] me I'm gonna see [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh honest a [Music] from me [Applause] [Music] see [Music] the store [Music] [Applause] [Music] louder [Music] little louder [Music] Oh see [Music] so [Music] Louder Than the unbelief [Music] [Music] heaven comes to fight phone [Music] [Music] to fight for me [Music] in the middle of a storm [Music] you go to [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this thank you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] he breaks the bow and bears the sphere Oh [Music] even God who burns the chair [Music] Oh with the same [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Lord you know [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh boy [Music] see [Music] I know [Music] [Music] see [Applause] [Music] oh sure [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is free [Music] I'll let you [Music] who shall [Music] is free [Music] [Music] [Music] guitar Thursday [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and free rates in this [Music] there is freedom [Music] you're sure [Music] merci [Music] three [Music] [Music] you in worse yeah I please worship you moving [Music] worse working in this place you play big [Music] in the darkness wait a co-worker promised keep light in the darkness that is [Music] yeah [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] sooo [Music] [Music] Kazu [Music] so you [Music] [Music] [Music] even when I don't see it you're working even when I don't feel that you're working he can never stop you'll never stop working you never start if you never stop working even when I don't see it you're working even when I don't feel it's working you'll never stop working you never stop I don't see it you were [Music] that you work [Music] never stop [Music] [Applause] [Music] light in the darkness [Music] you'll always be [Music] miss keep light in the chart Hamlin's way make me [Music] that is sir [Music] we make wave a miracle promise [Music] I've shared this many times I'll share it again my favorite scene in the movie the Ten Commandments is when you'll Brenner comes back in after seeing his army being wiped out [Music] hang on no but he comes back into the room you know and he's pulling his sword out and his wife is taunting him and before you strike show me his blood and he throws the sword down on the floor and he plops down into his chair and he says the god of Moses the God of Israel is God there is no other [Music] so as they were singing you know I was just just father you know for what is it you want me to share and sometimes you know in particularly in the Messianic movement it seems and and it's not just exclusively the Messianic Hebrew roots movement we I grew up Pentecostal we got we had the same disease and that is we get so focused on doing and not doing that we forget why we're doing it and we forget who he is because I hope you only receive this in the sphere that is intended he's not defined by you know clean and unclean foods that doesn't exclusively define him you know I mean that's it it is an attribute or an expression to the fact that he's holy he's set apart he doesn't mingle with these things that are unclean and unholy I understand that but when they were singing that is who he is he is the one who makes a way where there is no way you know and how many times if we felt like there is a no way there is no hope but he steps in he makes a way where there is no way that is who he is that's why the God of Israel is God he's the one who makes the promise and then he keeps the promise we make promises we mean very well when we do it sometimes circumstances provoke us allow us whatever to not be faithful to those promises because we're thinking about ourselves but he makes a promise and he keeps his promise and he's made I know each and every person in this room in that room and everybody watching I know he's made she promises that you know that you know that you know that he said this to you and you've been hanging on hanging on hanging on but he is the one who keeps his promise he is faithful to do these things that is who we serve that is our God and so I'm really just really impressed with that and I want to say one other thing and we'll continue on and by the way we're probably going to be a little off on the schedule don't freak out because we we said have your way earlier right all right all right so you know I was I was just somebody sent me a text early this morning and there are dark churches you know mainstream churches and if you've been checking us out here Jacob Stan if you're part of this congregation you know that we do not see people in churches as our adversary they are our brethren okay and there are some churches in states particularly in California who have made a decision that tomorrow they are going to open their doors and they're going to do it they're going to do it some will view it as an act of rebellion against Authority by the way there are people who believe that what we're doing here right now we are acting they believe in defiance of authority sir ma'am no we are acting in reverence to the highest authority [Music] [Applause] and these these brethren these brothers and sisters in these states and this this also will apply to people who are meeting underground in congregations in the Middle East and in China and all over the world all over the world who aren't acting in rebellion to man's Authority they are honoring the highest authority I want you I want you to keep these brothers and these sisters who are in these congregations that are going to meet tomorrow Supreme Court's already said they're not going to listen to their argument they're going to leave it to these states to decide and they're gonna meet tomorrow and some of them are ready to be put into handcuffs they they deserve our prayers all right why am i sharing this with you because it's not to get political it's because there is something happening in the world today this is the time you have come into the kingdom for such a time as this and the father who has made a promise is going to keep it and he will make a way where there is no way that is who he is so father we are grateful to you we thank you Father for your your goodness to us I pray this to you father but I'm sharing this with the people as well that when it comes to working miracles it becomes necessary for us to be in situations where a miracle is required unless we are willing to step out and to trust you not knowing for certain exactly what's going to happen then there is no potential for the miracle sometimes we have to go into the fire in order to see the miracle sometimes we have to do things while everyone else is telling us don't do it we have to step out and do those things to see the miracle performed because that's where you make a way where there doesn't seem to be a way that's where you keep your promises when we trust you and so we pray father that for Jacobs ten for all of the folks that are part of this congregation whether they are here or whether they are afar in those situations where they don't see the way I pray father that you will encourage them by your spirit that you'll prompt them by your spirit to step out into a situation where they're gonna feel uncomfortable there will be naysayers but they're going to be in a situation where they've never trusted you before but that's when you're going to prove yourself to them and make a way where there doesn't seem to be a way I'm learning father that I have to do I have to make decisions and I'm not really sure what's going to happen look but you're showing me that those are the areas where I haven't trusted you the way I should but as I step into those areas you're showing yourself to be faithful and you're building my trust in that area of my life now and I'm gonna need that and we're gonna need that in the days and the weeks and the months ahead because this world is coming apart at the seams and you have called for there to be a people that when everything else is collapsing and falling and deteriorating that there is going to Pete be a people who are standing not in their own might not of their own power but by your spirit thank you Father for your thank you for your word thank you for your mercy thank you for your goodness to your people while you're still standing let's proceed [Music] let's recite the Bashan new together and the Lord spake unto Moses saying speak thou also under the children of Israel saying verily my Sabbath's you shall keep for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations that he may know that I am the lord that does sanctify you wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath to observe the Sabbath throughout their generations for a perpetual covenant it is a sign between me and the children of Israel forever for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth and on the seventh day he rested and was refreshed in mark 12 it says that one of the scribes came and having heard them reasoning together perceiving that he had answered them well asked him which is the first commandment of all and Yeshua answered him the first of all the commandments is hear o Israel the Lord our God the Lord is one and you shall love the Lord your God with all of your heart with all of your soul with all your mind and with all your strength this is the first commandment and the second like it is this you shall love your neighbor as yourself there is no other commandment greater than these [Music] yes do [Music] hello [Music] I want you to do that again because I want the world to hear it [Music] yes [Music] No [Music] a third time with all your might [Music] the [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Shannon Wow [Music] here o Israel the Lord our God the Lord is one blessed be his name and his glorious Kingdom forever a man they are hogtied Adam I Aloha Mahalo movie fall not ship mubahala mail-order huh and you shall love the Lord your God with all of your heart with all of your soul with all of your mind with all of your stray [Music] they are hard time Loretta come Oh [Music] you shall love your neighbor as yourself [Music] and upon these two Commandments stands a whole love your neighbor love your God they are ha ha very hot I don't know yellow hair Sun before ever Ruby Hall now sure [Music] hooba call mayor dada and you shall love the Lord your God with all of your heart with all of your soul with all of your mind with all of your strength shake someone's hand be happy rejoice brethren if we could get the Hupa ready [Music] now over in the fellowship hall listen to me quiver whoever I want you to very orderly and very quietly I want y'all to all come over here in a line please and I want you to join us under the Hupa at all as soon as they get the Hupa set up we want to invite all of our other young men and women to come down [Music] this is gonna be very interesting here y'all come on down this way Nick Gerry come on back down this way sir [Music] okay we ready all right let's have all of our children gather down here [Music] hey guys shall gather right here so we can make room for all them coming in [Music] I don't know how we're gonna do this but we are going to do this [Music] all right let me have everybody's attention we're going to pretend the hoopla continues down that way a little bit and that it goes over that way a little bit and it goes over that way you know we pray let me have your attention real quick we pray over our children and our grandchildren those who are here with us and those who are not with us and this is what we pray that where our hand ends that's where his arm begins and so it doesn't matter that the Hupa doesn't extend all the way down there you see there is there's a canopy that we can't see that's heavenly that covers our children and our loved ones when we pray over them because we believe that he honors our prayers we believe that he honors what we're doing here today all right so boys and girls young men and women we're gonna pray a blessing over you we're gonna sing a blessing over you and moms and dads extend your hand this way everybody who's out there online gather your family close to you [Music] the father sees what's going on here he's observing what's going on here [Music] and we're just practicing for things but I believe that the heart of our Father is as touched by this as we are I would not be so bold and pretentious to speak on behalf of the Almighty but I have the heart of the Father and it's full and how much more would he be blessed by looking at his children who trying their best to honor him in place and how he not be touched by this may the Lord protect and if and you may the Norway shield you from shame may you come to be in Israel a shiny man may you be like rude and like Dave [Music] may you be dessert the prey strengthen them Oh Lord and keep them from the string [Music] god bless you and grant you long [Music] may God make you good husbands and [Music] may the Lord protect and defend you may igor preserve [Music] favor them O Lord with happiness and peace oh here our Sabbath [Music] probably just come before you and we are so honored and we were so blessed by what you have bestowed upon us and by the favour you have shown to these families into these children and to this congregation far and wide and ah but we just we just pray that we would honor you and that we would bless you and that all we do always say would be to that end and that we would be faithful servants and faithful stewards of this bounty that we would raise them up in the way that you would have them to go that we would give them every encouragement and everything that they need to follow the path that you have before them and that they would be strong and that where you would use us we would be faithful to be what they need for protection and for provision ABBA we just ask this under the authority of her son Yeshua HaMashiach I made [Music] whoever if you will all those you can return please do it orderly and quietly please everybody hang on [Music] okay guys you can go down that step right over there okay guys [Music] amen [Music] I know that that was crowded but that was a blessing [Music] if that was a blessing I know that the folks over here regularly understand this and know this and I know that a lot of the folks that join us each week online are aware of this but for our visitors it's interesting and you can usually see this on typical days but when we dismiss the young people half the congregation clears out and that is a blessing you know I mean because you know what that means right that if we do our jobs mom's dad's grandmother grandfather if we do our job what the father has initiated in us is going to be propagated it's just like a seed that goes and produces fruit and it propagates the seed right I think I've heard that somewhere before alright homages was going to give them just a couple of minutes to get over there and get situated and so I let me just say I really appreciate our young people here at this congregation we really appreciate them [Music] they are a unique group of young men and women and we love them very very very much now sit down and be quiet all righty thank you everyone once again it's just such a blessing to be here day everybody who's joining us online we so appreciate you as well for joining us there's a lot of people joining us online today so we're just we're glad now I am this is the part where I would usually sit on my stool and start sharing some things with you but I'm going to relinquish the stool to someone whether you're not going to sit down you can't stand you can't be still but ladies and gentleman again it's just such an honor and it's a pleasure to have my friend Brad Scott and his wife Carol by the way you stand up Carol everybody got to see Brett you know do it I'm in charge right now stand up turn around just say hello to everybody [Applause] they drove from Utah in their RV to be here with us and we're just honored and we're so glad that they're here so Brad Scott come on brother you have everything you need thanks Bill thank you Oh see I'll put some hey it says some on there and rested him I said someone there I probably missed all set oh here you go thank you what do you need to know right you can I want yeah I think it'll just sit right there that's good enough and if it falls at balls way it goes okay Shabat Shalom to all of you which we probably did at one time or another in the last how long we've been here two and a half three days or hours anyway but shabbat shalom gay in and then I hope you all hope y'all are having a wonderful Shavuot and so far and my message this morning just to prepare you ahead of time in case you want to make an escape is going it was set up last night and we're gonna be talking about the heart of the matter the most important things I believe the body Messiah needs to be doing at this time especially for our young people funny bill kind of focused on that this morning because that's more my heart's desire as well is that just in case the Messiah Terri's just in case he doesn't come on all the predicted dates some of you well know that a prophecy is not really my area of expertise and and I'm not a big believer in the lot of the date setting that's been going on in my life in the last over 70 some-odd prophecies that came and went as you know as you know but I am confident that Yeshua is returning I just want you to know that I am absolutely confident there is Yeshua is returning I'm as excited about that as you are I'm just not confident of all our predictions of his return if that makes sense but I am confident of his return and so I'm getting back to what I'm going to start this with is all the last word how long has it been 25 years or something doing this same thing most the time my wife I'm gonna try to do this without my eyes leaking okay so be in prayer and support my wife spends most sabbath by herself at home a lot of time people in our town knew who I was before I tried to become a Jew and so we don't have a lot of fellowship in town because some people don't like to fellowship with Jews or even pretend to be Jews and so you know I'm it's some different congregation every Friday for these past whatever and carols at home myself most of the time and so I'm just sitting around one evening and I just decided to write a little song for my wife and everywhere I've gone in the past since I wrote that I've tried to be able to do that song and it's appropriate because it's called Sabbath time and it's Sabbath time so I thought this would work just swell along with what we're doing here today so it's a song that is a response song in other words the first couple of lines is our father speaking to us the second couple of lines would be us speaking back to the father okay and so I thought I would share this and says this is Shabbat and then we'll get after [Music] I gave this at a time for you and I gave this time of arrest so it lifts a tired [Music] we turn our weary [Music] the Sabbath and I gave this time of arrest so return tired [Music] I'll give you long [Music] give you [Music] the Sabbath [Applause] and I gave this time of arrest [Music] we're left a tire and we turn to time [Music] they gave us [Music] [Applause] Rhian here yeah we must be there we go oh my goodness is that there anyone it does that it's a computer it's a it's a laptop okay let's wait for a minute how many of you know that Yeshua and several the Gospels said that as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the coming of the Son of Man I bet you Bill has never mentioned that passage ever I bet you asked that for I didn't know that passage was in the Bible okay probably one of the most quoted passages in the Bible and there's a lot of things to be understood about that and as a matter of fact it's the basis of wild branch it always has been and that is the end is revealed in the beginning and when you go back to the beginning you don't read spiritual stuff you go to the opening chapters of Genesis and what do you read you read natural stuff because Paul already told us is that which comes first is natural then that which is spiritual so we go back to the beginning and we see that the Bible opens up with clouds and water and dirt and things of that nature as the father trying to say something to us when Yeshua speaking to Nicodemus once again he said how can I tell you about the most important things the heavenly things if you don't even understand the earthly things and so that's why I'm repeating what I started out this yesterday and where I'm going with the heart of the matter and that is our Father does everything designs everything in the universe to work together so remember we talked about that yesterday everything every living thing in existence is interdependent and in order can we all agree with that when I go from there okay everything and so the Word of God which created all of that out there which is interdependent and in order the Word of God works exactly the same way all the words of your Bible are interdependent and they're in a particular order they're in a particular place in other words it all needs to be there in order to be effective and produce life that's what I'm trying to say and we have religions over the centuries who want to throw this part out well let's throw the whole Old Testament out let's throw this book out let's throw that book out and that defies not only Scripture and not only contradicts Scripture but throwing things and putting things in and deciding that's done away with things of that nature are not only contradicted in the scriptures but they're contradicted in please don't think I'm getting upset but every single living thing that operates in the universe and I don't want to raise a generation of people that think that the Bible is just a bunch of rules to join the heavenly fraternity those just rules to get in the fraternity when unfortunately when I went to college the first time secular University southeast Missouri States were mine when I first went there they lost my train of thought so that happens I joined a fraternity thank you my wife remembers this I joined of attorney parents do not ever let your children go to college and join a fraternity their life will be ruined forever I can almost guarantee it but when you join a fraternity notice the first thing you notice is they're all Greek I'm not saying I'm not one of those people who believes that the Hebrews is correct and all other languages are pagan I remember when I first went to seminary my seminary teacher came in everything was Greek like the Big Fat Greek Wedding remember that guy that that is a word in the Greek whatever and so everything was great so all the names of the fraternities are agree but she didn't strike me much then but it strikes me now and they Hall had us do all these little things to be part of their little group things that didn't make any sense there was no logic to of it there wasn't anything redeeming about anything they asked these pledges to do they would just have us do stupid stuff why it showed that we were loyal to the fraternity if we did these things so it shows how loyal we are so that's why they had us do that don't mean anything because the purpose is if you do it you still shows your oil to to them since some people see the Bible that way that they read the Bible some things don't make sense but it doesn't matter because if you do it even if it makes no sense spiritually or naturally we're going to do this because it shows our Father how trustful we are in him and so we to retreat at lack of attorneys so they would have they would take us out of town ten miles and take a whole or clothes off and had to walk back to the campus totally naked now is there any redeeming value in that okay no and stand and we're in little help helicopters on our head and and in terrible itch II underwear yeah what was it oh yeah I had carry five eggs uncooked eggs around with us all day long had to sleep with the eggs couldn't break them anyway I don't want to get too much into it but the point being is that many religious systems also also see the Word of God that way what I'm trying to say is of our next generation our young children do not see any relevance to the Word of God in their life they're gonna chase something else they're gonna go out after something else because they think it's just a bunch of rules and if that relationship is not established and that's what we're going to talk about today is relationship and rules Torah and the whole idea of grace and spirit and those kind of things are designed to be one remember I told you about the youth group overseas who who had never none of them a never asked Joshua to come into their heart the reason I say then the reason why that's important and I don't care if you're what you call yourself is that our Father designed our bodies and he knows that the heart is the most important part of our body it pumps all the oxygen but where's where's the life at it's in the blood and so it's the most important organ and that's the organ that decides from our father's point of view who passed away and who didn't not the brain see the culture had the brain the mind take over the heart and so therefore when Terri Schiavo do you remember her decade back or so they put her away because there was no brain activities nothing happening with the brain but from our father's point of view everything proceeds forth from the heart so that's why the father always has to start with the heart the father never starts with anything other than a heart he starts the first work he does it that way and what I'm trying to say is that that is the way all the creation works God always does the first work all living things function the same way interdependent and in order and the Word of God according to the Word of God is living can we not agree with that the Word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit of both joints and marrow and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart that's an interesting statement alone isn't it we don't generally think of thoughts coming from the heart we think of thoughts coming from the mind okay and all the fuzzy things come from the heart okay and all the reality comes forth from the mind but the Scriptures see the thoughts of the heart and the mind is having a relationship is a very thin line between the two just like the Tabernacle in the wilderness designed the same way so our minds and our hearts were designed just like that tabernacle because when you approach the Tabernacle in the wilderness it looks just like one massive depending on what view you have round or rectangular and in the woods that's all you see so it just looks like one thing is what I'm trying to say but in reality if you go into the tabernacle now you see that there's a holy place and the most holy place right the court and where the altar of the Covenant is so but you don't know that until you get in there you got to get in there first to know know there's a division in this whole thing and so that's why there's such a very fine line between these two things and we'll talk about that a little bit later but getting back to these young people I think what I'm trying to say is I'm about to establish here with these consistent patterns and Scripture is that I think we have done an injustice not everybody and when I say young people I'm not speaking to all young people I'm just saying this should be a serious consideration of ours preparing the next generation because we're gonna stand before a mighty God one day having to give an account of how we prepare the next generation and the Word of God in it once again if they just see it as a bunch of rules and there's no relationship there they're going to rebel because that's the reality of what we're about to talk about here the same is true spiritually as it is naturally they're going to rebel and so everything involves the word in the word of life so are you seeing this up on the screen here's my proclamations the heart of all mankind is always our father's first work he never does it anywhere in any other way he never starts with anybody's elbow he never starts with their knee first or their nose or ankles he starts with their heart because he knows that's where you have to start so the whole idea as it starts with the heart and then it flows through the rest of the body and it begins to pump life and oxygen and all the other parts of the Bible of the ball of the body that was a freudian by the way because jeshu is the Word of God in the flesh is he none we know that theologically issue ax our Messiah is the Word of God in the flesh how many of you in here and let's do it with a hand how many of you in here believe that you were in them aside because of your faith you were in the Messiah and the Messiah is in you so did we just not by logic proclaim that we you and I in here are also the Word of God in the flesh because we are the Messiah we are the body a messiah so we are also walking around as the Word of God in the flesh and so that's why we have to give an account for certain things and so that's why this pattern that I talked about yesterday first the relationship first the grace then the rules is everywhere and I'm told you I'm gonna beat that like a dead horse today giving a prime example for by grace are you saved how many could quote this when you were young in Sunday school for by grace are you saved through faith that not of yourselves it is a from God you can't give it to yourself you can't earn it yourself it's got to be what a gift from him so that comes first right then it says for we are his workmanship in the Messiah for ordained from the foundations of the earth now interesting to me that that passes that starts out with what God does just like I'm going to read the same passage today that bill read last night in Ezekiel there's always the same pattern I only say this because of the next generation for us to shake is sit here and shake our heads does it agree with that does nothing if that doesn't move into the next generation if we look at the tabernacle and we see Yeshua means nothing to us is just academic if we don't see us in the tabernacle if we just see Yeshua in the feast that doesn't do accomplish much unless we see us in the feast we see our lives being played out in those feasts as well because the father is actually I'm gonna say something a little weird here but that's me we are not only the Word of God in the flesh but I believe as some of the rest of you also do that our Father and this is according to sound science that the universe was brought into existence by vibrations and noise and sound I shouldn't have said noise but sound frequencies and some people believe as I do that the universe is a symphony okay and it's music it's not actually just speaking the word in existence but it seemed the word into existence so it's interesting to me with that in mind we can prove that in a lot of ways but certainly one of them is in Ephesians chapter 2 89 when he says we are his workmanship and that word workmanship there is Puma for you Greek scholars out there that is poema now that I'll say it slower because that ought to sound familiar to you see if you catch it first before I say it for we are his PO Aimie ordained and good works from the beginning of the foundation of the word poema is the Greek word for a poem it's like he's saying for we are his poem and were created unto these things from the very beginning and so once again I want to do honey would you bring mint water please I wanted to accentuate the pattern never changes we talked a little bit yesterday also about what is a new heart mean what does in my heart mean I'm a member on ask those young people why have you never asked you schewe to come in your heart say here's what I'm trying to stress as Hebrew roots / messianic whatever recall we have been doing the next generation and injustice I hope to show you by causing them by leading them right into the tabernacle to do all the stuff but we cause them to bypass the brazen altar where the relationship is established in the tabernacle because the brazen altar is where the blood was shed and I've first learned I had a more appreciative concept of blood it's one of the reasons I met bill okay bill I'm going to tell this story again man and I must say it the way you said it okay you heard it 102 here comes out and 3 this is actually how bill and I met I don't know if he's ever actually actually said this ok but we I was sitting at home one day and Carol brings a meal she comes in and there's a there's a letter in a CD from a lady in California I'll just leave it that at California and she wrote it to me and she said this is bill cloud and he had a CD on the blood something about the blood I remember all the details and I listened to it not that I really liked this guy this guy's not so bad ok and so I know I call her and let her know and so come to find see I didn't know any of the background of this but next thing you know getting an invitation to go to speak at Monte Judas Tabernacles or Sukkot in Oklahoma and just like bill said part of the story I met him actually crossing between one area to the next we met and but I mean what I'm trying to say is she wanted to get us together there she said you two are gonna be at the same Secotan what are the chances of that because we come from much different backgrounds if you will but we end up at the same sicko and so it's his CD on the blood that really got me interested in the blood concept and I can easily say and I know I appreciate the things that bill says but I can easily say that I had to change a lot of things in my study life as well when I met bill it just seems like the two of us just fit like a to pieces of a puzzle and another mother brothers of another mother would whatever feel says they're okay but the idea of the blood comes back to me because it's associated with relationship so I want to show you something by going through the story very quickly of the strange fire of Nadav and Avihu how many have heard the story they've done your Torah portions you've gone through it many times now in America is that we say native and Abbey who okay but it's not know love in okay and so this is the two sons of Aaron and this is the pattern I want to show you we're gonna beat this like a dead horse today and it came to pass on the eighth is it up there anywhere is what I'm reading here up there somewhere oh I see I can't see over there where is it at I don't said okay all right so were there so it came to pass on the eighth day that Moses called Aaron and his sons now how many witnesses does it take for something to be true judicially two or more yeah two or three okay so I want to give you a couple of witnesses here just like in the beginning bill would do the same thing and I do for those beginning chapters with Cain and Abel and what's happening in those most important little paradigms in Scripture they're established right in the beginning and you want to have two or three witnesses to these things which happens in the beginning as well so it came to pass it on the eighth day Moses called Aaron and his sons and the elders of Israel and he said unto Aaron take the eye a young calf for a sin offering and a ram for a burnt offering without blame and blemish and offer them before Yahweh so when Aaron is doing this who is with him and our first witness his sons in other words they were with Aaron they went there and saw everything that the priest does in the tabernacle so I'm saying this because it didn't come by surprise they knew and they were taught by Aaron about these things that they were supposed to do and the tabernacle and then it says and Moses said this is the thing which Yahweh commanded that you should do and the glory of Yahweh shall appear to you and Moses said unto Aaron go unto the altar and all for your sin offering and your burnt offering and make an atonement for yourself and the people and offer the offering of the people and make an atonement for them as Yahweh commanded and then it goes on to say Aaron therefore went into the altars slew the cap for the sin offering which was for himself and the sons of Aaron brought the blood unto him so now how many witnesses do we have that Aaron's sons were there they were taught what they're supposed to do in the tabernacle and they were supposed to bring the blood with them we have at least two so far now we're going to go back to he shows him how to do it now we're gonna go back to Leviticus 912 where it says and he slew the burnt offering and Aaron's sons presented unto Him the blood which he sprinkled sprinkled round about upon the altar now how many witnesses do we have do we have enough witnesses what I'm trying to say for something to be true we go back to the vidiq is 16 here's what it says and Aaron he shall take a sensor full of burning coals of the fire from off the altar before Yahweh now this is the burn offering that you approach first as you well know out in the court before you eat do any of the holy place stuff or most only place first thing you do in that court is you establish the blood that's where they were the burnt offering is slain and the blood would drip down I know this says yucky but maybe we'll talk about that later but but it lands on the coals and then they take the coals from the fire and then bring it in to the tabernacle and when they do that the priest already knows that they went to the burnt offering first because they had the coals I want to make sure everybody gets me here they had the coals and their sensor because that's what they're supposed to do is take it from the altar from the very beginning and if you do that it says you will not die if you do it the way I tell you to do it you shall not die now let's go back to Leviticus 10 and Nadav and avi who the sons of Aaron took either of them his censer and put fire therein and put incense thereon and offered a strange fire before Yahweh which he commanded them not what did he command them to do bring the coals from the brazen altar because that's where the blood gets established first then go in and do the stuff you may have already figured I'm going with this you establish that blood father relationship first then you go do all the stuff that you're supposed to do in the tabernacle and if you bypass that and do what you want to do then the fire comes down from heaven and consumes you because it consumed his sons did it not they brought in strange fire now this has been a myriad of books written on what is the strange fire I'm gonna suggest you that the father deliberately did not tell us what the strange fire was because he created us and he knows as human beings if he would have told us what they did that caused them to be consumed by the fire we'd fall all over ourselves and teach the next generation to fall all over themselves don't bring that thing in there it doesn't matter what it is this what I'm trying to say that's why the father didn't tell us what it is because it doesn't matter what it is it's not the way he said to do it and they establish it themselves because we know according to his Commandments if you do it his way the fire is going to come down either way that's my point fires coming down from heaven either way whether you bring the right sensor or you don't it's still going to come down he wants it to come down and consume the offering the adversary wants it to come down and consume the people because the facts are these in the very beginning there's a passage in Scripture that's repeated five more times and get to until you get to Genesis chapter 11 and when it says and men began to build a tower I'm gonna propose to you that if we understand the concept that our Father revealed to us right in the beginning that men are the problem every time you see the phrase and Men begin it's followed with total chaos look up every one of them when you get an opportunity you're going to see every time they begin to do something out of the father's hands then there's total chaos so that process starts then it's the people that are the problem now I'm saying that knowing that some of you are sitting out there especially if you'll raise more Pentecostal like Bill and you're thinking yourself wait a minute the problem isn't men the problem is saved and I don't want that came out like that okay maybe I watched too many Saturday Night Live shows under okay but that's what we're trained and that is true it is true that the source of all this of all the chaos in the world I mean everything everything comes forth from the adversary ultimately does come forth from him but here's the problem if it wasn't for the men Satan wouldn't have a ministry he may be the ultimate source of it but it wasn't for us he would have a failed ministry but because of us he has a thriving ministry across this world because we are the problem that's why bill and I feel the same about a lot of theological subjects you might notice like the Nephilim the sons of God and the Giants in the beginning build a hive very similar understandings of those kind of things and so everything begins with men so you want to trace the source of where the problems in it is go back to the man the beginning because in the beginning our Father understood that men were the problem and the adversary knew that men were the problem are you with me on that our Father knew that men with a problem how do we know he said in a man began it was followed by chaos and the adversary knew that men were the problem the difference is how they choose to solve the problem our Father wants to solve the problem of men I'll say it the other way around the adversary wants to solve the problem of the men by destroying the people get rid of the people the reason I'm bringing this up is because this afternoon I want to share a little testimony that told you I was gonna do yesterday about what I think happened to me that that that caused the situation that I'm in or at least a good part of it and it's gonna be based upon a song by Simon & Garfunkel well they were not so we'll talk about that three o'clock if nothing else I want to hear that song again anyway so this Satan wants to solve the problem by getting rid of the people wipe out the people go into the village and kill all the young boys two years old and younger you know the whole story starts all destroy the seed destroy the seed of the woman get rid of the father wants to solve the problem by redeeming the man so the adversary wants to destroy the man that's why he comes to see to kill and destroy steal kill and destroy that's the father is in the redemption business and always has that's why redemption always comes to pass for everybody exactly the same one as the generation before that and the generation before that but what are we taught we were taught these exclusive Testaments one having nothing to do with the other one replace the other one's done away with and not only once again when we have that kind of theology not only is that contradicting what scripture says it contradicts how every living thing in the universe works obviously we don't have time to do the long version of what I just said but in this series I go through all the physical things that operate the same way everything from the smallest cork to the to the greatest galaxies in this universe all living things work exactly the same way and they are the pattern to understand the scripture but instead we leave it up to theologians some of you who heard me call them pinheaded theologians okay now I don't say that as if some guy that you know just mops the floor at 7-eleven and I'm just struggle because I don't make us much money as they do so I'm gonna make fun of them I say that because my doctorate is in these things and so I understand how pinheaded theologians work I know just how they work okay and over the centuries I ask you the same questions I've asked everybody for I don't know how many years of all the things that we divide ourselves over in the body and the Messiah how many of these debates have these theologians solved since the time of Messiah all the great theologians with all their degrees and all their P's and H's how many of these debates have they solved and stopped if you're honest with yourself not a single one so I'm saying our Father has given that theologians their opportunity to solve things and see since he saw that didn't work or what that created then he decided just like the Prophet he said a prophecy says that in the latter days I'm gonna turn a pure language back to the theologians no to the pinheads no I'm going to turn a pure language back to the people and the reason why is because ordinary people live ordinary lives and do ordinary things everyday and our father took his word and he embedded it in the ordinary things that ordinary people that love God do every day when they live their lives not theologians holed up in some tower somewhere in Venice but rather people who out and farm for example and get get their hands in the earth and get them dirty those are the true intellectuals in our world is people who get out and work hard every day love their God love their country and they get out and work hard and they make stuff and they produce stuff those are the intelligent people in this world and we've turned it all to the pinheaded neck then stiff neck rebellious pinheads and so then we have this chaos in the division within the body Messiah so the whole idea is to redeem man to restore him back to the way things were that's why we're going through this restoration ok if I'm doing this right ok here's the conclusion I want to give to this the bottom line is simply this it's the same in your family as it is in the scriptures in your family don't think about these scriptures I'm doing right now see I keep touching it because I don't work with stuff like this and I don't realize everything I touches you may have to come up here and restore that because I I got I got too close to it and some of you know what I mean ok I may do this in the whole room make fill with smoke and that's oh good all right that's all right ok that's good I don't feel so bad now so the bottom line is is the same in your family as it is in the Bible if we could see what the Bible is teaching by just looking at our own families how much easier could everybody do that well that's the reason why we have the pinhead assistance system is because well that means anybody can know what the Word of God says if we do that hey and God forbid we can't have that so it's the same as true in your home if you have rules Torah and you don't have a relationship in your home if you're just barking orders at your children I'm not lecturing you as parents hey one myself you go through the same thing if you're just barking out rules you're gonna have rebelling a rebellion on your hands very quickly and I think any believer in the Bible would agree with what I just said yeah that's right just got the rules and that Torah stuff you're gonna have rebellion in your home and you're gonna have chaos okay what they would not agree is the second part of it reversed is also absolutely true if you live in a home where you have a wonderful relationship with your children a very committed heart to heart he's my father and understand what that relationship means then if you have all of that grace in your home but you don't have any rules you're gonna have lawlessness and a rebellion in your home and then in your city and then in your community and then in your country and then in your world because you got the the grace part right because a grace is part of how life works that's the part of how life works and starts by the way but if you don't have any rules then nobody knows what the boundaries are your kids grow up not knowing you know step over here don't do this don't do this and so therefore they ask questions later on even Hebrew roots gets like what's wrong with my angei because they don't know because no one ever taught him that they taught him you know what was three feet away from the corner of the temple over here and that they dug up yes sir but but do we don't teach them the morals of our Creator and as I said yesterday is because we just changed the meaning of morals even in the Christian and communities in our country morals is something that's based upon religious principles and things of that nature but morals are based not upon our behavior and so I don't want to get into that but I do want to suggest we've changed the definition of morals in the scripture morals comes from the Hebrew root yes jar I know you know that word bill a Shar means your behavior going straight doing what straight doing what's right disciplining it's a word that means to chastise a child and to discipline a child you have to do that as a parent so discipline according to morals according to the scripture is based upon your behavior what you do or what you don't do but the culture has changed it into even their Christian culture into I'll give an example when we think when someone doesn't smoke you're walking down the street and you see some money and they're talking with you become friends women don't smoke and they don't drink if you're if you live where I live you don't drink coffee either okay if you wanna because this is our society's view of what's moral and immoral depends upon the habits that people have and things of that they don't relate it to the scripture whatsoever and so therefore how many discussions have you have with religious friends of yours in which you were talking about the commandments keeping the laws of God and and and then you tell them what those are and then I say well we still believe that the moral Commandments are in effect right is that not what they say oh we still believe in the Ten Commandments I don't know any religious Bible devoted person in this country that doesn't believe in the Ten Commandments yeah the Ten Commandments are still in fact what are the rest of them judicial Commandments ceremonial Commandments I know some of you heard this those are the things that are done away with but the moral Commandments have not been done away with can anybody disagree with that that's their response all the time why because that's what they've been taught that the Ten Commandments are all still in effect just not the judicial laws and the ceremonial laws and all the commandments are still in effect for us as believers except one of the ten the one in the middle right now why do they believe that the Sabbath has been done away with because it's not a moral commandment you see that's why they believe it what's that that's a judicial thing that is a ceremonial law that's not a moral law what's a moral law don't kill don't rob don't steal don't rape atheists I know don't do those things I mean atheists don't so are they moral people scripturally you see no because your morals involved your dedication and and how you behave and and and the things that the father said in Scripture not according to what your society dictates so therefore they can say that the moral Commandments are still in effect and the feast and the Sabbath's are not moral Commandments so they've been done away with you can see how they they draw that conclusion and we've redefined the word I guess is what I'm saying I said once again that relationship grace heart without rules then you have confusion and lawlessness because no one knows what the boundaries are ah so righteous behavior which is our fruit is only found in tongue and taught on the Torah this is a hard thing to just say to someone right to the face you know righteousness is only found in the Torah I could stand here and crypsis all day from the front from the Torah that says you are alive people and if you keep my Commandments that shall be your righteousness why didn't our father say that because it seems to contradict the grace thing he said that because rice is righteousness what's right good bad wrong etc is in the Torah would you all agree with that well a lot of religious friends wouldn't but here's the point the power and ability to attain and perform that righteousness is only found in God's grace so what I'm saying is righteousness is found in the Torah but if you don't have His grace in you you don't have the power authority or strength or ability to be able to keep the commandments of God why because you're still in the first Adam you're not in the last enemy if you're not in the Messiah yet because only he in you is gives you the strength and the ability to be able to fulfill and observe the commandments if you don't have them then you're just gonna have rebellion among the people and that's what Yeshua was dealing with with the Pharisees and we're rebelling against the Word of God and so the heart has to be established first once again this is an interesting quote but not part of this all right we're gonna keep moving on here no no no let's go to where bill was I think I'm sorry about this hey Mel there it is okay you got it now yeah they're equal this is a passage that I want to go over again that bill quarter late last night I knew he would probably do that do you know that everybody talks about having a new heart you need a new heart you need to be a new creation but you do know that there's only one single passes and bill quoted it last night and all of your Bible that tells you that to have a new heart that you have to have a new heart and it's in the Old Testament it's in Ezekiel it's not even in the New Testament there's not one mention of you I happen to have a new heart and the New Testament it's in the what it's the Book of Ezekiel that prophesies of a time when I will give you a new spirit I will put it within you I will take away the stony out heart out of your flesh and I will give you a heart of flesh so what comes first what the father does and only the father can do it I can't give myself a new spirit I can't give myself a new heart I can't make myself a new creation only he can do that so he's got to do that first if that's the way it is in all the rest of life from beginning to end then that would be true in Genesis just as much as it would be in Galatians or Ephesians or the book of Hebrews it has not changed how the father works operates the same way he's got to give you a new heart first and then now as bill highlighted last night and that's what will cause you to walk in my statutes his spirit in you will cause you and you shall keep my judgments and do them just like the tabernacle if you come into the tabernacle and go through the brazen altar first now why is that important once again because of the blood blood it's relationship in Scripture give me a minute don't jump on me in blood and that blood being shed first before you go in and do the work on the tabernacle that is relationship blood and relation has been relationship naturally and spiritually from the very beginning what makes me to give an example when we're talking about what comes first again according to Paul the natural then the spiritual and so the blood idea comes first when you're approaching the tabernacle and the temple and so that's got to be established first so the natural reason why I'm my father's son is because we have the same bloodline you know I disagree with that I am my father's son I am my sister's brother and my brothers brother because we shared the same bloodline so it's blood that makes us brothers and relatives and establishes our relationship in the natural okay that's what establishing but that's not true in the in the spiritual in the spiritual in the kingdom it's only the blood of the Lamb that establishes our relationship as brothers in the Messiah it's the blood of the Lamb because man's blood has already been messed up from the very beginning anyway and so it's the blood of the Lamb from the very beginning that establishes the relationship and so if you bypass that then when you go in to do the work the fires going to come down and consume you and not the offering and that's my concern about our next generation that if we don't teach them that that relationship with their father on earth and the natural and the heavens gay in the spiritual is what has to come first if they don't have that then they're just barking at the winner barking at the moon I guess my dad would say that your dad probably said that - yeah barking at the moon you've got to establish that first now that pattern that I just told you is in Genesis all the way to Revelation in everything you read we just need a beloved through faith that not of your self so the grace is not of yourselves after he does that after he doesn't work now we are his poem now we are his workmanship in the Messiah that we can do these good works because we established the relationship first so I say to you that we've done an injustice as some of our young people in tossing them right into the tabernacle without establishing the relationship first because if you don't do that after a while they're going to rebel because there's no father relationship there I hope that made a little bit of sense explain it to me later I had no idea what it's talking about oh here's an interesting thing James or Abra she no no James chapter 22 verses 22 to 24 says be ye doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving your own selves but if any be a hearer of the word only and not a doer he is like a man who beholds his natural face in a glass and goes his way and straightway forgets what manner of man he was so it's telling you if you're just hearing it but you're not doing it I had a discussion with somebody yesterday about that doing part of it the idea of fulfilling something scripturally is going out and doing it put in your life into it because the whole idea of the nature of the Torah from the very beginning is that the Torah the Word of God without the Spirit is a curse if you have the tour but you don't have the spirit that's a curse however if you have this spirit but you don't have the spirit that's gonna be a curse now let me explain that you're working in a field because my principles are based upon the seed when you're in a field and you're working this say many of us don't do that anymore so we don't see and in the parables we don't see in a lot of things that are in the Tanakh and what Yeshua says and what Paul says especially because he's always the bag it's always Paul right when you can have an argument about the Torah someone's gonna say but Paul alright I mean some inevitably is gonna say but Paul said and they'll quote something from Galatians or Hebrews it's a matter of fact we're I'm afraid that that of the many times that we've said but Paul we're gonna raise a whole generation of young people that think Paul's first name is actually but when I grew up it was but Paul what parent would name their kid but that would be naturally in the father we go elissa where they talked back then you don't even need to understand their culture Umi because because we keep blaming everything on him so the point in this of course what he's saying is if you say it but you don't do it if you're reading it but you're not here if you're reading about the feast but you're not doing the feast you know then it's all for naught you're deceiving your own selves and he what he does he said compares it to a man looking into a mirror and beholding himself now what's interesting about that is that word looking into the mirror the natural face in the mirror is the word Ganassi owes the natural one of the one of the definitions interpretations of the word or translations of the word for Genesis or the beginning is natural be sensitive that when you're reading your Old Testament New Testament you read the word natural in the English many times that's the word Genesis there's something in that passage that's telling you go back to the beginning to understand what I'm telling you and he says the same thing so if we when you come into this world and you're looking to the mirror you see exactly who you are you know exactly what you look like that's the reality of who you are in the natural we're talking about the natural now that's reality who you are so it's like a man who looks and sees the way it was designed seeing the way it was in the beginning and then he and then he strays away from that and he goes out and does whatever he wants to do in the world and he comes back to the mirror and now he goes back out and think he's Brad Pitt I mean when when I a reason I said it's because when I look into the mirror I get a reality of who I am I am Brad Scott but I wander away from that mirror and then I began to think that I'm Brad Pitt so I got to go back to the mirror to realize oh I'm just Brad Scott bummer I'm not Brad Pitt interesting little story that some lady in Bella Coola told told us after the fact after we left but Terrell I agreed to go speak in Bella Coola British Columbia a few years back something that anybody that knows me real well would know I would never do because you got to fly in a small plane and I will only fly in big checks I will not fly little bitty planes I'm sorry I disappointed you some of you are in the room okay but I don't want to fly in a plane and we're we're all looking out the front windshield along with the pilot okay so I just think it gets you kind of in so we're worth reading these mountain peaks getting this and we land on this on this runway and there's a little building off the side a little brick building and there's a group of people in there the usual thing there then he got a sign or whatever and they're waiting for Brad you know Brad Scott and and so little did I know that that weekend I was told this after the fact that weekend Brad Pitt was in town to film a movie called The Tree of Life I never saw the Tree of Life on nobody anybody else did but he was there filming a movie so there was another group of people in there waiting for Brad Pitt or you already beginning to follow this now okay so we got two groups of people hello Brad hello Brad welcome Brad and another group of people welcome Brad okay and when I walked into the building and this group of people said hello Brad you should have seen the look on the other people's face on the side of the best you could kind of tell that they were thinking I thought he was taller than that or doesn't Brad Pitt have left lots of blonde wavy here or something okay the hair ago suffice to say they were a little disappointed and that one of the things that happens to you on the road so once again go back going back to Ezekiel the only place that talks about a new heart in nineteen through 20 as well chapter 11 it says and I will give them one heart and I will put a new spirit within them so who's doing that work and who does the first work now see if we skip the first work and we jump right into the tabernacle and start even if you're on and I and I applaud you parents but believe me I I'm not saying anything derogatory about parenting because I am them but I can say that even if you were taking your children to Shabab that's a good thing you should do that you should take them to the feast you should take them to these events that are happening this building because that's what community and that's what believers are supposed to do because our Father created an entity that only works effectively when it works together does this sound familiar we are interdependent in the body Messiah we are an order and we're all designed to work together everything else in the universe works the same way or else you don't produce life so here's what I'm trying to say we don't keep the Torah let's put it this way Torah no I'll put it another way grace plus Torah does not equal salvation would we all agree to that grace because that's what a lot of people think we're preaching out here grace Plus this Torah thing does not equal salvation what I'm suggesting you the Bible teaches from cover to cover is that grace plus his commandments produces not only life but abundant life life is found in when those two things come together how do I know that because every living thing on the universe works exactly the same way all living things can't work unless they get together if the father creates Adam the Mayo and he says when he's done with them the male is good what does that mean I've given everything to the male that he needs to be a male right but that's what good means things work together for a purpose good and these kind of terms do not mean something happy and delightful means something that is completed for its purpose and so if it's declared Mayo's declared good what he's saying is you don't need anything else to have a meal and then you have a female over here and I click created her and called her good because she doesn't need anything else to be a male I gave our female I gave the female everything she needs to be a female aren't we happy about that guys nothing missing in this one sorry that came from nowhere and I apologize for that later there's a whole lot of things I was like in a kiss I should probably move on yeah but here's my point so the male is good right the female is good but what are they not they're not very good number I missing this yesterday that when the creation when you read about the creation each day is declared what good what does that mean it's completed for its purpose and so therefore each day is going to be completed for its purpose meaning don't add anything to what I did that day don't take anything away from what I did that way that day I'm God I know what I'm doing leave my creation alone and it will do over and over again 24/7 365 it will display the same truth to you the same realities of my word because it's in things that don't have a choice God's Word is embedded in things that know like flowers and lemons I mentioned lemons don't have a choice they got to produce lemons why because that's the only information that in them is lemon information and as I say when you look at it in the field you see the lemons still producing lemons because that's what they're designed to do they don't have any choice but to do that so if I look out in the field and I see lemons still keeping the commandments of God wood lemons technically be legalized give that some time to sink in because if we see humans doing what God commanded us to do in the beginning their legalist right so what I'm saying wouldn't the lemons be if they answered the question actually is yes according to our Western definition of legalism they have to be legalist because they're still out there obeying those same Commandments from the beginning and because they do that we're still alive and well a living on planet Earth and everything is going well because the rest of the creation decided not to follow this idea that all these things in the beginning which is where you find the end is done away with and so therefore if you don't understand that concept then you have 500 different versions of the end because you didn't go back to the beginning to understand the end I'm sure bill has also taught those same principles pardon me oh yeah what was the other part of it I can't remember it I did four or five different examples it didn't yeah yeah well oh I didn't finish that I'm sorry that's me that's why she's here it's because she knows I'm trying to make my way back into the world here and so forth and I'm gonna stumble around but the whole point is he's good she's good but they don't get together hint hint wink wink then they can't produce life even though they both buy them themselves may be good as I quoted last night when you read the New Testament Paul calls great grace good grace by itself is good what does that mean it's completed for its function once again I'm elaborating from yesterday why is it good because it's completed for its function don't add anything to God's grace what he did for you on that cross do not add one thing to that now I'm gonna explain that a little bit later on that because it's completed for its purpose and the tour is complain for its purpose but if the tour and the spirit of the tour and grace don't get together they can't produce life like I said I'll give abundant examples of that today and that's what I'm trying to show is that we don't have to get into theological arguments about these relationships we can see them in the birds and the bees and the flowers and the sick trees everywhere we look their father's desperately trying to give us the same revelation from generation to generation so nobody stands before him with an excuse romans chapter 1 verse 20 in the end and so it's important to understand the relationship that these people have I'm going to skip these parts why because I'm the speaker and you're not okay but I did tell you earlier that in my heart or written in my heart from a Western point of view religious point of view means I don't have to do anything so already in my heart he's already done at all we have songs and say that we sing jesus paid it off remember singing that song when you're in the old hymn jesus paid it off I remember we sang that when I was just a regular pastor didn't in our congregation jesus paid it all and every time we did that not one tie they're offering us in the plate every time we stop singing the song okay that was a bit overboard bill bills just said I suppose you can figure out the end of that at him but that is the way it's received that because he kept the commandments we don't have to and so when you shoe says take up your cross and follow me okay that kind of contradicts said because Yeshua kept the commandments and then said follow him which means do what he did so I've run into lots of people in my life who have said the reason why they say we don't have to do it anymore is because if I keep any commandment after he rose after he was crucified hung on the cross if I keep any commandment after he was hung on the cross then I am adding to the finished work of Christ on the cross anybody ever heard something similar to that that's what we're that's what we teach in the in traditional churches if I do any commandment after he died for me on that tree I am added to the adding to the finished work of Christ on the cross now the reality here is that for what that was purpose for him hanging on the tree you don't want to add to it there's nothing we can do to add to that see that's not how life works because I'm gonna ask you that quote something I'll stop in the head that Paul said I didn't say it maybe I do have it up there No okay anyway if we if if we if we add to that we have corrupted the finished work of Christ on the cross but pulse is the one who said that if Christ not be risen your faith is in vain so something didn't happen after he hung on the cross then your faith is in vain why because hanging on the cross is good can we all agree with that Yeshua hanging on the cross was good it was completed for its purpose or you follow me hate to say that too many times and I am sounding like Rico so that's what it's trying to teach us based upon the definitions of things from the very beginning is that his work on the cross was good and it was finished and it was completed for its purpose but it's not very good now remember what very good means very good it means it can produce life now I'm gonna lab read a little on that if you don't mind I'm the teacher I'm gonna do it anyway the concept of a toe of me ode is only a handful of times in your Bible one of those we sang I noticed what's up on the board we sang today the part of the ironic blessing is Mayo Dhaka we see that word Mayo daga and it is translated as life and strength so the idea of those two words together Tolo means one thing but toe of me ode together they mean it has it has life into it now so you go through the opening days of the creation each day is called good which means they're completed for their purpose but when does he use the word very good when all the other days have been completed and called good then he says now it's very good in Hebrew the concept of told me old means it springs forth life now it's got everything it needs to produce life each day by itself think about this can't produce life you go back to day one there's water but there's no life in the water it's just oceans just seas out there building around there's no life into it yet so later on he's gonna put the fish thank you honey he's gonna put the fish the waters and it's gonna put the sea creatures and all this kind of thing now there's life in the waters the same is true with the heavens it's just oxygen and later on he's gonna put fowl and birds in the heavens so now it has life before that it was good for its purpose but it needs other things in order to produce light so each day of the creation needs the other day to produce life so there's our first evidences of how our Father works in Scripture from beginning to end things need to work together and the same is true you probably already figured out what the body Messiah that's why I love what Bill did here instead of you know two hundred thousand monologues of people on screens and our laptops and internet everyday you're looking at that every day there's people gathering together because there's something about the humanists that's missing all and I want to talk about that's afternoon because I want to talk about what happened to me and that has to do with the the Satan's ability to separate humanity from each other the ultimate goal that has everything to do with endtime prophecies and what's going to happen very soon we talk about the the images of the Beast are we talking about the 666 and when's this gonna happen when's that gonna happen that's all obviously prophesied to come but it's all it's all understood in these little things that he told us all the way along the way that's why we go back to the beginning so I want to quote a couple of rabbis if you don't mind remember I only quote rabbis when when the rabbi's are greater than II okay III mean that because some of you you get a false sense of security of something's right because so-and-so said it I quote Einstein a lot I I used to actually I'm back to Tesla I've always been a Tesla guy not an Einstein guy and that's a whole nother teaching in and of itself but sometimes in order to back up what we're saying we put some authority all right that's how books are written you know you need to put your bibliography in the back of the book some of us get chastised for not putting bibliographies in the back of our books and I tell you seminaries we'll do that certainly they teach you how to do the bibliography but even though that probably should be done so you can see where it came forth from the reality as it laws most readers into thinking that what the person who wrote the book just said must be true because this guy said it and why not I understand what I'm saying and so it lends you to follow a false security because all I'm doing is quoting this guy here how do we I don't know where he came from and so the whole idea is for all of us to work together I guess that's the point I'm trying to make but the the the the rabbi's also understood that everything depends upon the heart this is from a book called this is Rashi ever a lot of you probably know who Rashi is from the ethics of the fathers he says because everything depends upon the heart so they understand it too I'm not I'm saying are them nine Pharisees all I care about because you shoe it did say to them you honor me with your lips but your hearts are from far from me he didn't say stop honoring me with your lips there's what he's trying to prove by saying that is that these two things honoring him with your lips and excuse me believing in your heart first and then honor him with your lips when they work together that produces the vitality of life and it gets spread across the world if you're just running around and preaching the rules or just run around prison but grace that's good right because grace has a purpose and the Torah has a purpose but unless they get together like every living thing that exists you're not going to produce what don't we want our next generation our young people to not just have life but have abundant life and not just scrape by by the skin of their teeth or some phrase like that we want them to live abundantly and the only way that's going to happen is that they understand that the words of God are not just barking orders to join the for heavenly fraternity that they're it's their life once our young people see that the Word of God is their life and they go through the experience of life and realizing you know my father is smarter than I thought he was we learned that about our own parents as we live you know it's different from girls that it is voiced by though baby girls usually figure out their parents were smarter than they thought they were younger than the guys do I don't know what it is but as guys we discovered a little later and how many of you have said in your life somewhere maybe in your mid-20s oh my mom and dad were smarter than they thought they they were and that is true of the Scriptures as well so going back to the very beginning God saw that the naked nakedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts my vote of his heart was only evil continually now remember I quoted yesterday as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the coming of the Son of Man it's one of those things that I started and didn't finish that tells us a lot of things but here's the main thing it tells me that if what happened in the days of Noah was just stories I don't think Yeshua leaves us with any choice he was saying as it was then so shall it be when I return so if the things that were going on in the days of Noah were just stories they really didn't happen then Yeshua's return is just a story and it really doesn't have however if we go back to the days of Noah and all these things that a theist and people like that disagree with and say it's all wrong you know we're talking about geologists etc we go back and find out there really was a flood these things that the Bible talks about in the days of Noah really did happen it wasn't some made-up story then we can be confident that Yeshua's return is what really going to happen for sure because that's what happened in the days of Noah and so we understand some different things about the days of Noah one of the interesting things about the days of Noah is this the first occurrence of heart we're talking about the heart here so the very first occurrence of the word heart in your Bible is in Genesis chapter 6 verse 5 and it says an Elohim saw that the nakedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the mock shovel of his heart was only evil continually a couple of things I want to point out here number one there seems to be an associated association with the thoughts of the heart and they met nation was part of the problem in the days of Noah can we agree with that and a major part of the problem with the people was the imagination of the thoughts of their heart now the word thoughts there is as I quoted moksha votes that's the days of Noah now we go back to the days that we're living in the son of man and the Hebrew word for computers and the devices and the systems that are attached to them is moksha but it's the exact same word ones in the plural ones in the singular ones in the masculine ones in the feminine that's the only difference so in the days of Noah what was the problem the thoughts and intents of the heart was the problem moksha boat and so in the days in the Messiah all of a sudden we are inundated with moksha but the same thing only now called computers the reason why they use the word ma sheddeth in order to describe computers is because computers are Thinking Machines that's what they do and in the days of Noah the problem was the thoughts of men's heart and now the problem is these thinking machines are called the same thing maybe just a coincidence that computers and laptops and whole internet system some of you have heard me say that I believe the internet is the modern-day tree of the knowledge of good and evil and I've always believed that this is not some new thing discovered by some pest enter in your life I've always believed that it's always a part of who I am and that is that the Internet is the problem I know that's hard to deal with here because we're seeing each other over the internet and I know what people are going to say I just want you to think about it people are going to say well there's good things in the Internet the internet it's not just bad things well first of all didn't God say to stay away from the whole tree did you not say that I know I'm stepping on some toes here and I'm sorry but I'm more concerned about the next generation and being swallowed up by this whole system some of you know and I want to get it pardon me you have to talk louder oh yeah I said I'm gonna say this for this afternoon that's what she's doing because that's what she's here for so I simply want you to see that the same word that's used in the days of Noah to describe the problem is the same word used in the days of the coming in the son of man to describe the problem and so that's why I brought that up let me move forward here because I'm gonna get down to the gist of it here and I'm not used to operating these computers all right let's get to or I want to go hallelujah no I don't want to go there I'm doing something different why because I can okay let's go back to the tour and grace thing I'm suggesting to you that you have two entities that are established in the beginning that by their very nature and definitions or opposites males and females are opposites you can't produce life without opposites that's the way life comes into being that's the way life is sustained is you have to take these two opposites and make them on one but by their very definition they are opposite in meaning but when you put them together now they can produce life isn't that interesting that together they can produce life but they have opposite meanings Grace and Torah does great the idea of grace fundamentally is something coming into something to receive something and it was established in ancient times that when a family lived now not just Hebrews but any family in ancient times when they would have someone come over to their home and come into their house and dine with them some of you have heard this from Rico he he taught a little bit of this I'm just going to expound on it and so therefore when someone would come to your house stranger or sojourner to come to your home you would go out and kill an animal right and you take the blood of the animal and you put it on the threshold of the home and then when the people came to your home when they were on the outside on this side of the blood we're on this side of the blood they were strangers and sojourners but when they cross over that threshold that blood threshold now a relationship is established because a relationship is the blood part of it you establish that first and so they would step over that threshold and now they would become fellow citizens with the family or the saints of God in the home and how do they do that they went over a threshold that changed this their state from one existence to the other it changes their state with their state on the outside as strangers and sojourners they're straight your state on the inside was fellow citizens are we okay with that okay it also may be a side interest and I promise I won't get into it but that word threshold I'm going to give you the Hebrew because you go through a long time but the word threshold there in Greek is ether does anybody know no ether is it's that substance that you can't see that fills the universe is called the ether you know I have some what some sometimes people will say it's like he pulled it out of the ether on day okay so some people use that kind of a statement there are a lot of people a lot of people in the area of physics not Einstein because he was a gravity guy not a electromagnetic field guy which is what I believe now but anyway the ether is what makes everything what it is it's got to go through the ether so it's on this side of the ether it's one thing and when it goes through the ether we're talking about actually actual physics now of matter when it goes through the ether it changes its state when it comes out on the other side I just think it's interesting that that word for that threshold when you Rea need is ether and you go from a stranger and a sojourner to a fellow citizen by going through that so technically grace and tor are opposites because the idea of Torah is to point to something law the idea of law is to point to something and the idea of grace is to bring in something so one is their property of coming into something and the other one is pointing out to something that's the concept of the law to point two things to point you to what's right to point dude what what's wrong and so therefore we have these two things that by their definition are opposites but they can't work in life without each other there's what I'm saying and so that is true and everything you see in the universe once again Hebrews chapter 13 verse 9 says be not carried about what diverse and strange doctrine for it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace so the writer of Hebrews calls grace a good thing are we okay with that now what does that mean to us now that we've had this small lecture here the last couple of days that means that grace is completed for his purpose don't be adding stuff to it don't add to what he did on the cross but what he did on the cross combined with rising from the dead three days later produced what life and him spiritual life because the two came together and now it can produce life everything works that way because it'd be a hard thing to walk up to someone and say well you know grace and tour are designed to be one now they may freak out if you just say it that way but if they know anything about the natural things they'll understand what I just said and why do I bring that up because Yahshua balled out the religious leader a good religious leader Nicodemus if you will in his time by saying how can I tell you these unseen things we don't even understand the seen things and so that's why I believe that atheists are not spiritually blind I do not believe the atheist or spiritually blind I believe they are actually physically blind what I mean by that is they can look out at the same evidence the same universe that you and I do and can't see a God they can't see what's right in front of their eyes it's almost like they refuse to acknowledge that there's a ball of fire in the sky it's almost the same thing to me to not understand who God is based upon the evidence is no different than denying the source or denying that ball of fire in the sky we call the Sun what we need to do is we need to raise a generation of young people that can rise up and say to people like that you know I just want to suggestion you don't have to go for it I'm sorry if I offend you but the reason why it's warm out today and the reason why there's light everywhere could be that ball of fire in the sky I don't know what it could be it could be check it out that that's my tonight one of my biggest concerns about the generation in the future is not them not understanding spiritual stuff because we trained him in the spiritual but we didn't train them in the natural things to understand how natural things operational therefore whether you decide to be a girl today or decide to be a boy today is the whole spiritual concept to them has nothing to do with natural things because they don't understand the natural things and that's why he bawled out Nicodemus because he didn't either we got a whole generation of young people so grace is good then in Romans 7:12 he says therefore the Torah is holy the commandment is holy and Justin what good so that means the tour is completed for its purpose don't add to the Torah this just some premiere don't take away from the Torah because I'm God I'm smarter than you are I know what I'm doing I don't need any help with that kind of his way Brad's interpretation of that and so therefore both of them are good but if they remain separate they can't produce life it's only the two coming together now you can produce life all right I'll stop I told you I was gonna beat this as a matter of fact in Michelin in proverbs 31:30 it states that grace alone is deceitful gray favor grace 10 is deceitful and beauty is vain but a woman that feareth the Lord she shall be praised and so grace can be very deceitful but it can't be deceived it's if it's one with the commandments of God I hope that makes sense that first work was the tour once again let's go through them now and out and uncle and I'll get out of your hair here very quickly let's go from the beginning to the end because I told you I'd beat the dead horse let's go back to the very first thing that happens in your Bible God created man in His image very first thing that happened who did it okay not speak I'm not don't think I'm conscious - you would like to speak in your life children but sometimes you know you're speaking to people you have to speak like - but the very first thing put it in its simplicity who was that talking yesterday keep it simple stupid or somebody like that was talking to me yesterday at least I would like to pride myself a little bit and I'm sure bill does to us why we work so well together is that we try to put things in a simple form not make things complex you don't have to come to us to understand all things right it's right outside you know but we're not but see we got evolutionists coming along see how deceitful the enemy is the evolutionists come along and teaches that you can't trust what you see out your window can't trust the natural things because you and I look at it right out the window and we see cows producing cows chickens producing chickens lemons producing lemons right that's what we see but the Atheist comes along looking at the same natural things the same information that we have and it says and says well that's the way it appears - that's the way things seem to be when you look at but billions of years ago so they tried trying to draw our kids away from the simple the simplicity found in the natural creation and convinced them that their understanding of it should be based upon something billions of years ago that no one was there to see so I look out the window and I see God everything God said in the beginning is happening right before my very eyes and they say well I know that's what you see with their eyes see what's they see the deceitfulness of this guy to try to take people away from the natural things hurry up and on I'll get through this so the very first thing that happens in Scripture is God creates man in His image God had to do the first work why because Adam would have never been able to keep the garden unless the father was in him unless the word was in him he never had the ability to keep the garden so before he asked Adam to dress and keep the guard and what does he tell us he created Adam in His image so what came first the grace then you can go do these things I'm going to mention this and when I'm just by myself somewhere without bill I go into the depths of it but you guys have already heard it the same is true and what Bill has taught I learned this from Bill what I'm about to say for just a couple minutes I learned from Bill I didn't when I read Genesis 4 I did not see the concept of that offering that offering from a cursed ground was brought to God from Cain and Abel but Abel his offering was accepted because he also I know bill if taught you this okay because he also brought the blood now religious systems separate the two immediately okay and the reality what is what it's saying is they were both raised to bring the offering from a cursed ground they're both raised that way so they both come with an offering from the great from from the ground which is cursed which the father could not have respect to but because Adam first brought the blood excuse me Abel for thank you because Abel first brought the blood he had respect unto Abel suffering why because the blood removes the curse now when I first heard that from Bill I just like freaked out okay it's one of those things like he said yesterday I didn't know that hey well the minute idea that led to about 900 at other different areas and we do that to each other all the time so the concept is right there in the beginning first he brings the blood now the father accepts his offering that's how it works and it always works that way okay moving on okay obviously one is abraham believed God Genesis 15:6 and then he kept his Commandments so first it tells us in Genesis 15 that he believed God and was accounted unto him for righteousness because he believed God then 11 11 chapters later that seed that was in Abraham now is going to bless all the families of the earth because the relationship that the Abraham is our pattern did you notice in scripture I suppose when we get into the New Testament that we are constantly compared to Abraham when it comes to who we are in the Messiah we were children of Abraham not Moses okay I'm not saying anything disparaging about Moses but the reality is this Abraham that we are chat associated with him why because he establishes the pattern for salvation for our life first you believe then you do and they went out and did and so that established once again never ever changed in scripture he believes God then eleven chapters later he keeps his Commandments and because he did he bless all the families of the earth plain simple first work once again the Tanakh it's also true in Abraham's side sign for the bride of Isaac because the bride because the bride for Abraham's son which is to be chosen by Eliezer remember that his right-hand man in his sight some people consider Elly a Tsar to be a picture of the Holy Spirit because he was there to be at his side and to comfort him and is absolutely true Eliezer God's helper gods come alongside person in order to help you so he sends out the Holy Spirit if you will eleazar eleazar in this case to find a bride for his son and he may he gives him some little rules he says the damsel that comes to the well is going to be the bride for my son the damsel that comes to the well now that's the first thing then not one verse later he says the one that comes to the well and first takes care of Eliezer and then waters the camels so in this potential bride comes she takes care of hey le a czar first and then she goes and waters the camels one comes before the other but the to allow him to be able to take her and go down to the to the to the Negev and eventually marry so the pattern is simply the same that's what the camels are all about it's no wonder it is ten commandments or ten camels that was a Freudian there was ten camels not any other order because they represent all the things that you need in order to survive so once again you get your salvation it Passover with the blood of the but you get the things you need to survive the wilderness of life at Mount Sinai and so we're not saved by what happened at Mount Sinai we are delivered by the blood of the Lamb first just like the Hebrews were then they were taken to Mount Sinai it wasn't the other way around you need the blood first now here's the rules and if you do it that way you will do fine in the we'll recessed what the commandments are designed to do because that's what camels are designed to do get you through the wilderness you try to walk through the wilderness alone with no camels and in the Middle East over there you gonna die and so the per they were already she was already chosen by le azar the Holy Spirit now they're gonna light upon the camels to get them through the wilderness of life that's where their needs are is to the camels I hope you all see them once again Moses and the Israelites were redeemed by the blood of the Lamb and then taken to Mount Sinai I I would do this part but I I only do it when I'm somewhere without bill because I don't do anywhere near a good ever G Robinson imitation as bill does okay so only they only that for another times but here here's one of my points now I'm not gonna do his accent but if he if ever G Robinson the guy in the movies ten commands comes to Moses and says this I like this idea but why don't we skip the blood thing and let's just go right to the mountain or if he said what if he do the blood thing but then we just go where we want to go hey or we just skip the blood and then what would have happened they would have died very quickly so there was an order two things first the blood did the Passover now I take you to Mount Sinai because now you have this strength and ability to be able to keep it wide because you have my DNA in you not the first Adam's DNA and so every one of us in this room everybody in the world comes through Adam first comes to the physical birth that was the confusion that Nicodemus had when he was talking to you I didn't understand that concept so we have to go all go to the first atom but the first atom can't please God only the last atom can so that's why we need to be in here and to have his DNA going back to the seed if you have a seat at of an apricot and you're not going to produce cherries just not the way it work if you want to produce cherries you need to go get some cherry seeds turnips take your pick doesn't matter what the fruit or vegetable is and we're all running around with trying to display fruit through the through Adam and not gods for we can't produce God's fruit without God's eat another whole lecture all together from another time I won't bore you with that I just got a couple minutes and are we struggling to get back to where it used to be relationship with the father first when Yeshua is speaking to the Pharisees he said first you clean the inside of the cup then the outside may be clean also I remember when I was baptized time I got billing okay okay okay when I when I was confirmed in the Lutheran Church when I was young my Lutheran teacher came in the day before we were gonna be going to be confirmed and said that tomorrow we're gonna do something that fulfills the issue aspera Bowles and we're gonna go in and clean the inside of the cup because the Jews only clean the outside of the cup but we Christians we clean the inside the cup and it's based upon that parable that used issue it tells about the the cups in other words you need to clean the outside of the cup but the inside of the cup is filthy dirty and so it's not a choice of one of the other so I will sum up a lot of what I've been saying by saying this in our culture and the religious culture that we live in it seems to be one or the other almost everything you face is see that you see their grace or at store first time I went to Israel talking to a rabbi in the streets and I'm telling him about Yeshua which some people don't like but I was telling about Yeshua and you know what he said to me he said you need to choose between the tour and this Yeshua character so after he heard what I said he came to the conclusion based upon his religious system that you need to do one or the other see once again this this opposes how life works but they don't get that because they don't know the natural things so how in the world can they understand the spiritual things they don't even see how a life works Nicodemus thinks he had to crawl back into the room and Yeshua was saying I don't think you understand how things work that's not how it goes and so the same is true with all things works exactly the same way so Yeshua said you strain in a gnat and swallow a camel but what are you saying is first you clean the inside of the cup that the outside may be clean also so it was Yeshua is answered to choose the outside of the cup or choose the inside of the cup it wasn't one or the other that's right and there and there's an order to both the both need to happen in order for life to be completed but one comes before the other when the farmer goes out to plant the field he first plants or to harvest the field or work in the field he plants the seed first the seed is the word of God in us by grace alone it was the farmers grace because that the ground which bite not by coincidence is basically Adam in the feminine right the hebrew word for the ground is just a word adam for man in the feminine because that receives the seed and so you see a lot of commandments that are for the ground or also for the people because that's where we come forth from so simply trying to say the farmer knows that so he's got to go out and plant the seed and the grounds got to receive the seed and then he waits for the torah or the rains to come and bless the ground if you don't do those things together you're not gonna get a crop it's gonna be a failed crop but when you do it one has to come before the other if you don't plant the seed and the rains come the tour of the commandments come what's it gonna do to the ground it's going to flood it all right it's gonna wipe out the ground by why because there's no seed and there's no roots in the ground because one of the purposes of the seed is to become a root that's why our ministry involves the seed bills ministry involves the roots and those two things together are going to produce a wonderful beautiful tree with fruit on it hopefully that's what's been happening so far but anybody that works the field knows the natural things but we don't were raised in a generation of people that don't know end it right here that don't understand the natural things that's why do you know in nineteen twenty there were two hundred million people in the united states I'll back that up there were 100 million people in the United States in nineteen twenty now once you get that figure down I want to say it right this time there were 100 million people living in the United States of America and 37 million of them were farmers now think about that's not that long ago but in 1920 100 million people almost one out of every three people in the United States was a farmer bill out working the fields so they understood all these parables that Yeshua talks about because they're out there actually living it right in front of very eyes right now bill and his children and his family so you know doing a lot of gardening and changing things in their life they're seeing the things that are in the scripture growing right in front of their very eyes and Bill's out there taking care of that garden like Adam was supposed to do in the first place because sin didn't come from something Adam did sin came into the world from something Adam didn't do it wasn't what he did that he shouldn't have done it's something he was told to do that he didn't do because the first commandment is take care of the garden watch the garden and when you're watching a garden you don't let us serpent dude come in hey that's your purpose to be out there in the garden you get out of here snake or whatever if some snakes are good in gardens but others are not so you're out there yeah and I get up this morning earlier than I usually do and I'm sitting out there in a chair and there's bill hay coming out of his house and there he is walking up in the rows of the vegetables and all the things he s plants just check out his little babies you know second checking his little produce out there I noticed him doing that this is what Adam was supposed to do in the first place he was he was supposed to take care of the garden and he didn't do that so it starts with something Adam was supposed to do that he didn't do which is where a lot of sin comes forth from see most of us are convinced in this room then when something goes wrong somebody did something okay you want me to end this an hour oh yeah let me finish the farmer's game sorry she's keeping me in line but things will come together okay one huh there were a hundred million people and 37 million of them were farmers and they brought in 21 percent of our national revenue 21 percent of our national revenue just less than a hundred years ago came forth from farming and since then now we moved everybody into technical things and nobody knows how to farm anymore to speak of now as I'm speaking to you today there are 370 million people in the United States and less than 2 percent of them are farmers we don't have farmers anymore gang that's why I put that thing up there I wanted to read to something to you do I do it like this to go back what takes me back to the one before yeah oh yeah that's that's the problem we got yeah take me back I don't remember how you go back and grab the slave as it was one before it was at Thomas Jefferson quote I want to read it to you cuz it's really cool does this keep you here probably way back yeah yeah house man oh goodness yeah probably in the first four or five slides now before that oh yeah I haven't got to memorize so I can't quote it while he's looking for that we don't have any farmers anymore we don't have people growing stuff anymore we're just going down to the grocery store to get everything we need and then when we get sick we all go because we have no idea we're eating we didn't do it ourselves we were following what everybody else does it Thomas Jefferson of all people I think he's the most most misunderstood man myself a couple of great books on Thomas Jefferson some by him himself and I think he gets accredited for being one extreme to the other we'll talk about that some other time Thomas Jefferson quote I think our governments will remain virtuous for many centuries for as long as they are chiefly agricultural and I cannot state any more plainly I believe understanding how living things work and things grow in the field which is the reason why there's so many parables about the field are the key to understanding things that are happening in the latter days but we've raised all kinds of people that don't know anything about growing anything as I said yesterday I speak to people in New York they've never seen a field of grain they don't even know what it looks they never actually been there they only see it in pictures in movies and then he says when they get piled upon one another in large cities I know I'm stepping on toes and people who live in large cities but I'm telling you from my heart for your own good get out of the Lord cities get away from the Lord cities when they get piled upon one another in large city as in Europe they will become corrupt as it is in Europe Thomas Jefferson understood what it meant for a man to get out and work hard every day every day and so we don't do that anymore so we're now working with her hands we're not producing things and that's when we're gonna go down the tubes as a nation when we start producing things and we're at the whim of every other country and every other government and any other powerful entity in this world because we can't produce our own stuff when we depend upon them a lot of things this country can't do anything for this country or unless it because they won't get anything from that country that next time they need it it's a big political stinking mess simply because we can't leave the the people alone all right let me get back to where it was and I will close this [Music] what was I about to get into before you took back to the farmers oh that was my closing okay I'm closing now pray for me this is this is this mind my debut once again as I said last night back into the life I used to to be in and sometimes you get a little disoriented and I'll talk about that the next session I do want to share something with you because I'm concerned about the next generation it's not because to come up here and give another whoa with me what was Brad and kind of thing quick update I feel fine I am fine okay as I said yesterday is not because whatever treatment I'm on or whether treatment I'm not on it's not because I took this or I didn't take that or I swallow this or all right learn to jog or whatever it is none of those things even though we think so the reality is it is the prayers of the people it is your prayers that are causing this to be dissolved and taken away and that's the reason why I said there may be some sometimes getting an emotional because when I say I love you I don't just say that's because it sounds like a good thing to say because I already know that it's your prayers that are gonna take this thing out okay so we'll get back to that in a minute because that's it that's in a little bit right bill we're gonna break for lunch now okay when we come back that's when we'll do another praise and worship session dr. Brandon okay I I think I beat this dead horse as much as you can but I want you to remember the principle if you don't remember the principle then I stood up here for two days for nothing where's my teacher anyway that is our Father has designed everything in the living natural creation to work together in order to produce things in order to produce life things have to work together and there's an order in which they do it and this same is true with every word in your Bible if you get that I can talk about something else this afternoon father in the name of Yeshua we thank you and I thank you for people who are willing to persevere and be brave as we see what the father is going to do here is begin this process getting back in the saddle again if you will and I thank you for every soul that is here and I bless you for them be blessed in the name of God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and we'll see you in just a little bit and then Sheila hey man let's give our friend a big hand [Applause] bethenny sit down all right Bethany come up here with me all right here's what we're gonna do let me tell you a little bit of the schedule day because it's a unique weekend and so we're gonna kind of adjust our schedule is we need typically at this time we would invite everyone who had prepared and who has a willing heart to bring their offering we are going to be here this afternoon and we're going to be here tomorrow and so all I'm going to say to that is for those who are here do we have baskets that are on each end of the stage don't-don't-don't come forward now but at any time today or tomorrow a few here if you want to present an offering just put it in one of those baskets there for those of you who are on the other side of the building same for you if you want to present an offering just at your leisure just bring these deposit them in these baskets that are on either side of the stage and we will tomorrow we will pray over the offerings that come in today it came in last night and will come in tomorrow we'll do that all at one time so again if you want to present an offering it's it goes in those baskets if you're online then you do what you you know you're familiar with we have a way that you can present an offering to the Father online as well and we encourage you to do that but we will pray over all of the offerings at one time tomorrow the same is true for what we do we usually have prayer requests at this time that presents those and praise reports and those those kinds of things we're gonna do that at one time tomorrow as well as a matter of fact tomorrow a part of our service we're gonna start at 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. not eleven a m-- eastern time Carol tomorrow part of our service will be those who are here and you want prayer I know we've had some folks that have approached us about this situation or that situation tomorrow we want to have we want to set aside a time that we want to pray for those who have needs and I know that some who are struggling physically in their body they want they want the Brethren the elders to pray for them and we're gonna pray for our brother Brad tomorrow as well and we're going to believe for his complete healing as well all right so hopeful that everybody that's here today can join us tomorrow morning as well so just to kind of let you know how we're doing this we're kind of changing it up a bit so if you again have a prayer request and you would like for us to to pray with you tomorrow we'd be happy to do that if you want to present a prayer request write it down you can deposit it in this little container down here on the stage and we will pray over all those requests that come in I know we have a lot that come in online and thank you to the Norman doz and the others who are online to kind of make sure that all of those prayer requests are acknowledged on the Facebook page and we're we're taking steps to to kind of communicate a bit more with those kinds of situations but if you have prayer requests that we're gonna we're gonna pray over all of those things tomorrow if you have an offering to present we're gonna pray over all that tomorrow if you're online if you want to go ahead and make the offering you can do that and then there was one other thing oh yes oh dang here's what we're gonna do and so cuivre I need you to listen up over in the next building just when we after we do the blessing and they do the the kiddush in the moat see then I need you to move into action and get that room switched over for me and set up all the tables so we're going to give them a few minutes over here while they're doing that over there and so and Beth will give you a little bit more instruction on that just a moment so yes you will actually so anyway thank you everyone blessings upon you we're going to save the priestly blessing until this afternoon okay and so now let's everybody rise or you could do like these ladies and run your offering down right quick well no that's that's right we are going to do the kiddush together my understanding is starting today if you want to partake of the wine which is grape juice and the challah we'll have that over there on the other side for you but let's all stand together for you at home join us as we do the kiddush baruch adonai eloheynu melech ha'olam both a free hug a fan and blessed are you O Lord our God King of the universe who creates the fruit of the vine and forgiving us you sure the Messiah who said I am the vine and you are the branches the Heim and for the bread baruch adonai eloheynu melech ha'olam hamotzi Lechem min Haaretz man blessed are you O Lord our God King of the universe who brings forth bread from the earth and forgiving us Yahshua the Messiah who said I am the bread of life a man I'll have some I'm sorry oh oh that's good I mean like that's tasty and finally before we prepare to dismiss for Oneg this is for everyone online anyone here we always sometimes we we make the assumption that everybody's here knows the Messiah but if you do not know the Messiah if you do not know the bread of life if you don't have that relationship the Brad was speaking up today is the day of salvation today is the day that he wants to come into your house and sup with you and have that relationship with you and so as we are dismissing to go to Oneg if there's anyone that you want Beth and I to pray with you right now for any reason we'll make ourselves available just meet us over here some over here in just a moment but as far as Oneg I'm going to assume that they are busy getting us prepared over there so we're going to give them just a couple of minutes and so I think let's don't do the ironic blessing but now Brad is gonna kill me and here's what we're gonna do let's do a song okay huh a song let's hear hey I've got one you did it last week am the last one you did last weekend you remember hmm let God arise let's let's get ready to go eat on a on a high note okay as we go and we'll let you go in just a moment if you don't have to leave can stay put for just a moment I know it's been a long morning but we'll want to get them plenty of time to get everything set up over there but as you go we would like for all of the folks who need a little extra help you have small children we want you to go ahead if you're a visitor here now if you've been here more than once you're no longer a visitor so but if you are a visitor we want to have you go out at the head of the line but we'll give you the cue when we're ready for you to head that direction okay until then we're gonna sing a song if you have something you want to talk to Beth and I about about we can pray with you meet us over here and in just a minute as soon as we get the the okay will dismiss you all right can you do it you you or you can do it I'll help you [Music] [Applause] [Music] this enemies [Music] yes rejoice [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] just me yes [Music]
Channel: Bill Cloud
Views: 10,064
Rating: 4.9143729 out of 5
Keywords: shavuot, shavuot 2020, shavuos, exodus, mount sinai, brad scott, wildbranch, bill cloud, shoreshim, torah, bible, shabbat, shabbat night live, hebraic roots network, messianic, prophecy, rapture, sabbath, daily devotional, perry stone, a rood awakening, jewish history, judaism, christianity, joel richardson, israel, jerusalem, conservative, hebrew roots movement, unlearn, bible truth, hebrew, yeshua, messiah, politics news, donald trump, jesus, yhwh, end times, last days, revelation, esau
Id: h-yixnUcfEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 203min 50sec (12230 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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