Brad Makes Fish Jerky | It's Alive | Bon Appétit

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Must say...wasn’t expecting to learn about Brad’s underwear (or lack thereof).

👍︎︎ 127 👤︎︎ u/BobaFettCat 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

1) Gaby Melian: Beautiful Fish, Polite AF.

2) sumacgate lol


4) "B+!?"

Never change, Hunzi.

Also, I feel like Delany's gonna make a damn nice host.

Also also. This particular video tells alot about the intricate scheduling of the shows.

So this video (set after Making Perfect s2) is happening together with the fermented popcorn episode and an episode of Gourmet Makes (I remember Claire making that remark about Brad's fermented eggyolk somewhere). And then the next part is shot following the ginger beer. The logistics are interesting.

👍︎︎ 91 👤︎︎ u/Font-street 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

I miss Andy. I feel like we don’t see him very often nowadays

👍︎︎ 72 👤︎︎ u/ruhyen 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

The contents of a fish jerky episode:


-Booger eating


-Gay/depressed Eeyore

-Brad goes commando

👍︎︎ 64 👤︎︎ u/Majestic_Beard 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

Brad makes pant dick video when

👍︎︎ 45 👤︎︎ u/cosmolicious 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

You guys might have a Kevin running around in your world, too. I don't know. Either way. You might be Kevin! I don't know. It's fine. This is going to be fine.

👍︎︎ 34 👤︎︎ u/LouBrown 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

Ahh some nice old school It's Alive is exactly what I needed. Oh poor Kevin will never live that down. That salmon looks beautiful! Looking forward to the gravlax episode. I am starting to make my own.

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/breakupbydefault 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

Really loved this, felt just like the usual It's Alive! This looks delicious. I can only imagine how much money one could eat in one sitting with this. I bet the crunchy jerky would be great blitzed up and used in place of bacon bits, or added to furikake. Also love that afternoon summer light in the kitchen!

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/bikebuyer 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2019 🗫︎ replies
  1. I think this is the first time we've seen the It's Alive Cinematic Universe link across different episodes

  2. That topdown camera system is clearly Delaney's. He uses it to monitor when there's food to try in the Test Kitchen. Nice try throwing us off the scent Delaney!

  3. Brad goes Commando... I'm not sure what to do with this info

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2019 🗫︎ replies
you just want to bite that on your grizzly bear right oh definitely hit pause for a second hey guys and it's alive I'm gonna do one of my faves I'm gonna do a salmon jerky little fish jerky I've got a beautiful piece of wild alaskan coho salmon I got a bunch of different spices and ingredients we're gonna make a marinade get it in the hydrator we're gonna call jerky jerky [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah you took out all my opinions and thoughts and ideas already let's talk about betray I mean cranberry sauce mmm missing su ex but so beautiful piece of fish you know again get the best fish you can get I want something that isn't gonna have a huge amount of fat content in jerky making just like beef or anything else you want those leaner cuts it's like you can get a wild sockeye or Wow coho get yeah get wild this is all about the wild fish here I mean this is nice beautiful color dense nice clean flavor the belly is the fattest either the fattiest on just about all of them I'm gonna take like a pound and a half piece off the tail and then save that we'll cook that up for family meal maybe I'll make a little crop locks or something hey guys saying it's alive we're gonna be making one of my favorite dishes is a wow I guess it's not a dish one of my favorite foods hey guys say and it's alive but we'll nip this right here nice lean tail in the back look at that beautiful fish yeah beautiful fish nice sure show the world the world that watches nailed ya there right to the right to the T that's Gabby so I'm gonna take the skin off right at the tail cut down and just run it right on the skin beautiful you take this roll it up and smoke it now you can you know Christmas top you do whatever you want you know kiss this up make a little little skin you know a little crispy skin number do whatever give it and II will leave it right there for now I don't know like maybe I maybe I was dehydrated make a face mask [Music] hey guys I just gonna help me out along the way yeah and he's gonna provide a little bit of sass coming in yeah classic Morocco is gonna serve some like kind of questionable looks from the back go big energy today on the Tuesday huh I've been doing the nemesis of the show the pirate okay where the hell were we Hansie so when doing fish jerky I'm gonna cut this right down the line and so we I don't want super long let's put that right down the center into into oh wait a minute yeah no that's okay okay just to make it a little bit more manageable and then usually you know if you were gonna you know say you were gonna cut smoked salmon or gravlax or something you would slice it this way just like you would cut like a piece of fish for jerky I like to cut it this way bang fly strips and that'll help it stay together it's not from the inner you know inter connective tissue the prevent it from falling apart and it'll just hold into a nice beautiful strip so I'll cut it in the fours beautiful and then we'll just slice it into nice little strips like eighth inch about eight the quarter inch something like this and look when you slice it that way you see it kind of it really keeps together if you were to cut it the other way it would start to fall apart especially after a while in the marinade nice beautiful color and that's coming from what the fish eats what this wild fish is eating you know if that goes out to the ocean gets into all those like little crustaceans different types of fish and stuff that it's eating and all that is helping contribute to the to the color of these fish and the flavor so all about the wild get the wild if you can especially for especially for salmon especially for everything thank God we'll add those right to the bowl and I'll slice the rest of these up now a lot of folks like to cut the dark meat out and you can you know it can be a little fishy for some folks I kind of dig it we're gonna leave it on we're going leave it on and see how it goes if you're not super into fishy flavored things I guess you're probably not making fish jerky but if you you know are if you're on the lot if you're I've it if you're right here baby oh yeah oh yeah we got babies all right so now we're gonna build our marinade for this and we're gonna let this marinate overnight in the fridge first up is the goji Jen fermented Korean pepper face it's awesome you've seen me use it a bunch of times it's just a great pants random to have in your fridge we're gonna add 3 tablespoons next soy sauce somebody's little tamari and a little bit of black soy sauce if you can't find this this is this is a Thai soy sauce it's awesome it's a little sweet just it's a black so if you can get your hands on it knock yourself out if not just do a little bit more soy sauce so first up regular soy we're gonna do 3 tablespoons come back in 20 minutes there it is next up we're gonna do the black soy sauce we're just gonna do 1 tablespoon it's a little thicker oh but it's nice there it is for our next trick Sesame's 1 tablespoon sesame seeds next up we'll cayenne pepper give it a little bit of heat we're gonna do 1 teaspoon oh that's the stuff now we're singing and singing baby well zing go bingo bango baby next up miso mmm I'm gonna use because I had it for it I had it from another project some really cool chickpea miso a 1 tablespoon of that one more ingredient let me go again okay who's that Igor was that all from Winnie the Pooh okay what was his deal just to press oh yeah he was dealing with some no one was talking about that but that was dark really interesting Tigger Tigger bouncing off the walls Tigger relax I really feel bad for Igor I want to like like where is he now Lord I say Igor oh yeah or let's pull this right back down saddened a little bit of a new kahani it's a really cool thick flavorful floral honey from New Zealand so now we're just gonna mix this all up make it one big nice happy thing hmm Wow guy love honey oh all right let me get a little lousy this thing maybe I'll just use the spoon get that miso all broken down nice no clumps no lumps no bumps no humps no dumps oh I almost forgot the wild card but little piece of fresh ginger oh yeah just crush that up let that hang out all right now he's gonna pour that over there I'll put a little plastic over it and we'll pop it in the fridge I'm just gonna do this by hand with the sound like like wet clay great now I'm just playing with it so I'm just gonna push this down onto it I don't want any oxygen tuck it in on the side just tuck it in a little bud just like that I'm gonna pop this in the fridge bud and that's it Gabi walking looks pretty good but damn right all right we'll give you a B+ wave on your Morocco who smells the light pole down here it's a madhouse in here everyone's mad at us oh Claire we're not done yet so we're making salmon jerky I did that already oh you have a snack and we'll talk about it look at that nice I'm just gonna do it like that because they're a little thick I think they can take it I like it spicy you know it's like fish jerky you can get away with putting it can take a good a good marinade you know we do it at 135 for you know around four or five hours no not that long yeah yeah oh the egg yolks yeah it's now just a novelty it's just a fun little thing it's a beautiful color I'll open it one day these are gonna be spicy they're gonna be flavorful little little boogers I think buggers is the let people say right you know I saw my kid eat a booger the other day I can't even like I've never been so disappointed and then he goes what I'm like that is the most disgusting thing I was never a booger either as a kid Claire maybe you were no no you were no booger reader look she's acting weird she might have been all right this might take a little while because they're a little thicker than when idea then when I did this the first time but I like that because I kind of like them a little meaty like that so we'll just set it 1:35 I'll set the timer for eight hours I'll check this by the end of the day maybe it'll be done you know what time is it quarter to 2:00 probably won't be but before I go home I'm gonna drop the temperature and probably just let it hang out I'll have to assess the situation then but till then we'll pop these in the dehydrator huh it's gonna be spicy tangy nice she put some informant ik powders on it what a great idea alright so keep an eye on those Huns II if you're around I'll come grab you when I want to test these out later but if you're not no big deal I'll just fill you in tomorrow and we'll nibble on it will taste him well we'll have some fun we'll check it out so uh see you in a little bit huh Bon Appetit okay we're not done yet let's see you tomorrow get out of here Claire's mad everyone's mad Dan's mad fine Dan's mad you know Dan so I'm hoping the new added reinforcements will help the fermentation and we'll check it in a few days all right Hansie to the next one hey guys today and it's now what are we doing now Hansie we're gonna do oh oh you want to talk about fish jerky do ya so have we addressed Kevin at all yet Kevin so we made the fish jerky marinate with beautiful fish was beautiful we had it in the dehydrator the team the production team for one of the other shows I think Claire was shooting or something Kevin he's a great guy camera operator one of the best in the biz but I made it you know he really he really pooched me he was unplugging his little light system and he unplugged to be hydrator something happened he called me like five times this is like a Friday at like 7:30 the poor guy eventually I got back to him he yada yadi plugged it back in long story short it's it's dehydrated it's a little it's I don't think there's any moisture left let's take a look Kevin I didn't like him so much I think Oh Delaney well look who it is yeah this is um yeah yeah that's we're gonna call it was a good one the line you were shorts huh look the matching shoe look at this guy I pay attention so Kevin you know Kevin's out camera guy hey screwed me unplugged it by accident he's the nicest guy in the room he unplugged it by accident and we troubleshoot it long story short we made salmon chips they're very very dry their own oh it's not a lost product as a garnish its tasty now you know you crunch that over a salad right maybe or like a salmon just dip or something or fried rice oh now you're talking right just right a little rice scallion egg and let it kind of come to infected that's a good idea so that's what we were trying to do thank you Kevin no no but long story short it didn't taste bad right it's just drugged oh yeah I'm right I like it let it roll so this is a batch look at the color difference same marinade same marinade same everything just didn't get Kevin's yeah you shouldn't have showed your face buddy I can't even I don't know how to phrase that I was gonna say I can eat the hell out of that that's fine I need I need the hot little road trip oh you're having a prose run see the car on a boat you going fishing that might be the best salmon jerky I ever had thanks for swingin by bud yeah really needed that so little happy accident over dehydrated hey this happens though you know I mean you guys might have a cabin running around in your world too I don't know either way you hang out I'm gonna put this back in a ziploc this one I think the lady's on to a good idea there with the making you know maybe I'll make it into a powder or just like chip it out and our chunk it out and use it in a fried rice I think that would be really nice even when you make mistakes I think you can salvage it like we're gonna do with this it's by no means garbage by no means it's just not as tasty to nibble on is that one you live you learn bone Appetit thumbnail I'll give these ones of Kevin to see how long you can stay she'll show up stable like The Truman Show you are like shall I tell you today sound guy's a real prick yeah tighty-whities my ID waiting kind of guy you think I haven't wear underwear in six years I don't wear underwear no like six years now something sometimes when I wear a wear a suit or something you kind of have to sometimes you know like like real likes and otherwise you're like what's that guy from Mad Men didn't get like he was always like his he always had like panting going pit there's the thing right today we're gonna say McMahon [Music]
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 3,374,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fish, it's alive, it's alive bon appetit, brad, brad leone, brad makes, brad bon appetit, brad it's alive, brad leone 2019, what is, alive, fermented, live food, test kitchen, how to make, fermentation, probiotics, make, bon appetit brad, brad makes fish, brad makes fish jerky, brad fish jerky, fish jerky, jerky, it's alive fish jerky, fish jerky recipe, how to fish jerky, how to make fish jerky, make fish jerky, making fish jerky, fish jerky bon appetit, food, bon appetit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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