Brad Makes Garlic Ginger Paste | It's Alive @ Home | Bon Appétit

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"My big ass is gonna blow out one day." Brad Leone, 2020

👍︎︎ 324 👤︎︎ u/steveofthejungle 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

I'm only like 7 minutes in, and this is already the most Brad I've ever seen Brad be. I have no idea what we're doing anymore.

👍︎︎ 308 👤︎︎ u/lunarblossoms 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

In his closing remark, "Oh, stop making noise in there? Just trying to heat the home you live in, son."

Classic Brad.

👍︎︎ 265 👤︎︎ u/TheColonel 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

the thing i like about sohla is she is a legit food nerd

can't pretend passion

👍︎︎ 250 👤︎︎ u/typesett 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

I'm amazed at how often I literally laugh out loud at It's Alive, versus barely ever at...really any other videos

the snappy editing is just genius. like i’m spending half an hour watching a man fuck around with ginger and enjoying it

👍︎︎ 203 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Brad would have a child who barks.

👍︎︎ 201 👤︎︎ u/healthyexploration 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

the editing is just too freaking good

the "manGoOoOOO" animated text that went across the screen, i died

👍︎︎ 142 👤︎︎ u/rawrfudge 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Garla had me wheezing

👍︎︎ 111 👤︎︎ u/born2bmild 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Brad is dying to go outside lmao

👍︎︎ 116 👤︎︎ u/Babladuar 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2020 🗫︎ replies
and oh maybe it should be that way yeah and then they just keep it in the fridge [Music] after this action hey guys saying it's alive we're we're here in my lovely kitchen why not shoot at the Test Kitchen right now but well you know we're being in touch where we're zoomed communication and you know doing all these different technology man you know people love to hate on it but what I was getting at is feeling it's really nice that we have this technology now to be able to talk and keep in touch which leads us to we're being able to try to shoot some it's alive stuff in my kitchen I got Hansie on the on the computer looking at me it's just like you know it's just like we were there except we're here and it's my home and I love my home I say I love cooking here I'm here all the time I got all my stuff set up for me very efficient I don't even have to move I just got a pivot on my foot and I can just freakin doorbell gonna have to get that bad huh oh and take two cameras P Sound speed okay where were we oh yeah so it leads us to here we're shooting in the Test Kitchen we run oh sorry so we've got some really cool projects we're gonna start off with a a real simple fermentation one that I use all the time some garlic ginger two of my favorite things we're gonna ferment it into a paste and it becomes this condom it's wonderful you can use it on almost anything I'll get it right out of the freakin jar when it's done it's not good okay it's one of the best things you can have in your fridge at any time and now is a great time to do it so let's make it together honey you ready or what [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know get some ginger okay and I know we can weigh in we're gonna I'm not gonna we're gonna weigh it okay you don't always have to peel ginger you know you know do whatever you want with the little nib ins when you do there are pain to peel so we get a little Bowl okay look that'll be the little Nibin Bowl and I'll crush those and I'll steep them in some hot water make some tea boom zero waste and then these are super easy to peel when they're just like nice blocky knobs you know it's a great idea Brad stick with me bud and you can mix this up with anything I'm just doing it pure I'm going ginger garlic salt I have definitely done it with turmeric with Fresno's you can add all kinds of stuff this this is just a nice fun like blank canvas of flavor okay great and then we're gonna peel it a lot of people we I feel like we've done this so maybe with ginger beer use a spoon and some people swear uh you know what that's the absolute best that's the only way they do it yadda yadda yadda I've been doing it for 75 years he's got a dog I have a dog talk to me Keith I'm thinking do you dog I do know I don't know what the hell they say that for well get a dog give a dog bowl yeah it's one of my kids barking give me one second we're back okay spoon or not - spoon depends who you ask but it does work well especially with the without the nubbins oh yeah it's good depending how old it is or how fresh it is I guess that's kind of the same thing right depending how old it is or how oh oh God see this is back yeah I had those kids you know they're a little too young to be efficient yet but I get them working for me soon great job for the kids you're sitting there with the family oh we're bored I'm gonna do something but I know something you could do there Samantha go peel all that ginger for me okay and I don't want any waste okay I'll beg all right hey Chris come here peel this make sure you don't miss any spots okay that's freaking brilliant and then I'll use it or give them a call on activity never thought it's a peeling garlic would be like sounds better oh you're back [Music] Callan boy well make the Sheep go away yeah we have animals in our house now I guess it's a little weird talking to yourself in your in your kitchen you know looking at looking at my phone actually I kind of like it I don't care it's not that bad you know you're home you know what this shirts itchy it was a bad idea today to wear this shirt you know hold on one sec let me go change my shirt I can't do that at the kitchen actually I do have a couple shirts stowed away just in case just got something to happen I might even have an extra pair of hands you know because what if like boom um I'm in the Test Kitchen and I'm like oh honey oh I'm making um we made fermented tater tots oh let me get them out of the oven flop there goes my pants and then my ass is hanging it out you know oh wait hold on don't worry about it hahahaha ago I got an extra pair of pants my big ass is gonna blow out one day [Music] okay and we're back yeah with we're back oh hey and we're back well how would you say that hey oh hey we're back it's a lot all right back wherever whatever let's plow plow and plow ahead here well we're closing that oh hey we're back okay you know what the problem is a shooting at home it's too easy to just get weird like there's no like social like bound you know like I just go I just there's no it's like a ball being thrown in outer space there's just you can go anywhere or actually is that true because if if something was thrown in space wouldn't it have like a trajectory and it would just maintain that okay so I got the ginger 214 grams not one more not one less that's not true dude everyone and then we're gonna we're gonna do the same thing with garlic and no I'm not doing the freaking I don't hear nothing about the bowl thing I don't I'm not banging it around in a bowl I don't care if it's five times faster just don't want to do it and then do you want to look for a little back you know you don't want any bad ones here same with the ginger well you get some booboo garlic that's like already starting to freakin do its own firming tape what the hell happened here searching this Mac who's doing that cleanse are you hacking my computer someone's in it's probably Kerry's probably Frank Frank I'm just kidding okay garlic yeah so you want to look for bad ones if you find ones that have that green germ going you know what is it it's a April now almost you go ahead if you got to have you got an outdoors or if you got a bucket with a little planter just pop those in with the little green germ facing up before you know you got spring garlic shooting up all over the place peeling garlic oh this is like the fourth time I felt like I wanted the reference like making my children do labor it's not no that's just called family bonding and teaching your kids skills right it's cooking together man as a family you get the job done that's what he grips always say to work together we get the job done I said yes son I think you've learned it on a car or your cartoon show honey let's make a kid show that seems nice a mess so I like to oh I'm gonna get it on the clothes Hey so I so I like to nip the little wooden nubs though you know that part off and then something else I'll do no that's it well say well was it a hundred and 214 whatever this weighs that's what we're gonna do what I'm looking for is about a 50/50 split I'm doing the scale just for so so we can tell how much it was see how accurate my guessing is but I'm going for volume really like a nice 50/50 split let's see how close my my garlic guessing is my garlic garlic uh never mind oh yeah and then we're weighing it for total weight so that we can get our percentage of salt ratio we're gonna do a 2% salt and you know while you're at it you should just do more garlic and then get some honey and then make some more fermented garlic honey ooh la la we're almost there right we're gonna oh I should be using the big boy the Newcomb and big boy Oh stay tuned folks we got the walnut' handle me and mean the lamb some folks have teamed up I know they're selling I'm already but the new ones I did a Signature Series babe first thing ever sign in my life I except for a paycheck boom that dirty fingerprints garlic all over and as it should be that's it baby oh what a knife I'll tell you what $69.99 you can't beat that I tell you what bike two by two by three billy mays here you can use it for anything chop crush cut clean your car whatever it's $69.99 by 20 now I'm just kidding all right back to this 165 grams of garlic okay so there's more ginger but I'm done I'm not peeling no more let me clean up real quick all right Chris ready whatever about to do all right beat it sound boy so we have our garlic it's already all crushed up nice I'm gonna knock I'm gonna give it a quick little chop we're gonna turn it into a paste after but I'm thinking that just kind of helps kick start the fermentation process and then the ginger give it a nice little crush in the chop oh the garlic the garlic the ginger Smasher oh Jesus Christ yeah this house 332 grams total okay so we're gonna do 2% I don't have my phone okay 330 what's 2 percent would be 3.2 now I guess 3 point 3 point 2 3 point 3 2 so 2 percent would be 6 point 6 4 he's learning so what we say I'm just gonna do 6 grams and then from there we're just gonna mix it up real nice you know what I'm gonna do I'm add a little bit of honey this is a first I've never done this before so to say about teaspoon maybe not even half of a teaspoon heavy maybe that'll help fermentation a little bit kick start so I got my little vac bags okay I like to do a nice double triple seal one or the other but I always do two little safety you know and then we're gonna just take these we're gonna add it to the bag stuck all the air out and then we're gonna let it ferment and we're gonna call the lovely Sola we're gonna have sold I'll do this with us except she's gonna do it in a jar why not and I haven't seen tolling awhile I like so I ain't seen her so we're gonna give her a call and she said she'd do this little project with me so you know it'd be fun just like the kitchen hey so Lola what do you think hey so uh how do you temperature oh just Zoomer she ain't doing nothing she's got that cute dog though rubber [Applause] roof all right into the bag all right dog oh hey dog oh hey back oh I got a crazy idea I like this I like cooking at home I can just when you go rogue so easy I got a bay leaf I'm just gonna bruise it up a little keep it whole just to give off some aromatics I like it so much and then let's vacuum seal it up okay we got a triple seal look at that I'm gonna do something to close up that's the stuff look at that nice little package if you don't have a vac bag you can do it in a jar and that's what's always gonna do I like to I like the backpacks too as you can show how much gas is giving off and so pretty tell how pretty that is all right ready oh yeah you did it there's our gal so so yeah what do you got you got your garlic and your ginger okay so I have a hundred and fifty grams of each because I stopped peeling perfect oh you got 300 grams correctamundo yeah all day yeah okay so crush him up wait just smush it solution yeah use whatever you want you're a very very clever one okay that's cool how you hanging in there so are you having fun no man I'm not hanging in there how do you think are you are you or do you feel okay yeah yeah I only hurt on the inside you oh jesus here we go well have a shot of whiskey okay hey yeah just smush it up and then add it all to a ball don't go making too much of a mess stuff that's great all right you don't need to turn it into paste quite yet it's okay for bid or you just don't have to kill it I mean if you want to let out some tension again a little yeah just smash it do whatever perfect actually all right yep we're gonna mix it don't smash all the juice out of it you just want to open it up okay okay holy Sh and then what so you had 300 grams so add six grams of salt right that would be 2% right I think go a little less in case two percents too much why don't you do four and a half grams for in a half to be a great experiment I like this this is a first hold on I'm gonna get closer that's it just salt that's it no this is less is more okay we're not trying to make this big freakin thing no oh I added 1 bay leaf or a little aromatic okay but you don't have to do that you could throw a Fresno in there you could throw a dried chili in there you can do whatever this is what's great about this is we could do whatever we want so are you using tweezers yeah like however that's really hot what about I have these cinnamon tree leaves that I've never used before yeah yeah throw one in there oh my god oh you know what I did I added a little bit of honey to like I get it all right throw this bad boy in the jar put a lid on it if you have a two-way valve that works too in a one-way valve I mean if not just keep an eye on it you might need to burp it or it might blow up into a glass shrapnel grenade oh she's standing on a stool oh my god be careful Sola Griffin watch look at Sola look at Sola she's going up into the into the cabinet here let's watch so look don't do this at home kids look at you jumping around like a freaking tree frog up there look at Sola hey Solem eat grass hey how's the guy he's good so I need to make a fermentation station now right yeah get it going I chopped it with a knife oh so much debt but you don't have to Seoul you don't have to this is a great experiment whoa wild why not fly the helm the Hut yeah that's a good idea of Hansie good thing yeah you know this is great we're all really working together working together well apart yeah future all right Brad so I covered these up perfect you throw them on the counter that's what's nice you forget about it we'll keep in touch hey let me know how those go and then we'll call you again I'm gonna make shrimp you don't have to but I'm gonna make sure I'm gonna make something all right stay healthy and I will talk to you soon [Music] [Laughter] all right folks so we're back all right all right it's been it's been one week all right Hansie fact-check it's been those guys huh what are they doing now anyway so it's been about a week or so I'd say about a week has it been one week it's been one week all right Hey look we got a little air builds up no big puffing or nothing but the first couple days I noticed there were some bubbles a little blue bow okay that's fermentation that's nice what we're gonna do what our necklace for my next trick is I'm going to open this up remove the bay leaves dump it into the food processor okay and we're gonna turn it into a real nice fine paste answer if he comes there like a beautiful little little cooking will BAM into the wok into the skillet into the marinade into the braise you get a dollop you get a dollop oh yeah whoo smells like smells like it smells pretty good actually little sweet maybe a little tiny bit boozy the garlic smells delightful you know you can I would even like to ferment this longer gonna nother week this was one week go another let it get real it's real weird and sweet but let's try this out so right now it looks like when you if you were to get one of those jars at like Costco or your supermarket it's like the minced garlic I'm gonna try to bring it even a little further mm-hmm what the hell was that Oh all right here we go I'm add a little bit olive oil you can use anything about any oil you want I like olive oil I want this smooth like smooth like apple sauce and the olive oil is getting emulsified in there and it's turning it into a nice paleness there we go tae-bo baby tae-bo up now cool down period cool down period yeah I do a little home workouts now you know I got a heavy bag I'm throwing throwing throwing some punches you know put that there let me show you guys this this is cool all right and we're mobile and we're mobile Hunziker all right this is what we got this is the pace this is the consistency I like okay nice you see that looks pretty good though now I'm just gonna put it in that jar like that and then I keep it in the fridge okay then I keep it in the fridge and oh maybe you should be that way yeah and then they just keep it in the fridge for you know at least a week or two put it in a little types of stuff we're gonna do it in this nice little walk I got little garlic ginger fermented paste Home Run Derby let me go put this back on stitch Steve and I'll make you guys no lunch I'm a little lunch sorry hon Z none for you back to stiff Steve here all right Stevie good pun zu good action all right preheating my wok and we're gonna put this nice little jam put it in my jar here whatever it's always gonna be doing actually I already know and it's gonna be delicious it's a very good idea Oh lovely Sola hookshot okay I'm gonna add my mushrooms let me get the shrimp I got some good shrimp Oh got some good guys for ya I'm gonna cut them you know I don't know I don't know I was thinking of like cutting them into pieces with the shell on maybe split them down the back yeah let me get some snips that's a good idea that's a good idea Brad you know snip them right down we'll throw the freaking heads in there - all right this is gonna be beautiful Hansie so cutting them into thirds leaving some meat on the head and then we're gonna take the choice chen's and just snip the backshell a little bit a little peel and eat in the shell sauteed with a little little veg and some garlic ginger fermentation I don't wallow oh one more we're gonna do a Brad you can save one shrimp [ __ ] does that quietboys I'm gonna grab the camera we're gonna go check this out because things are looking cool we got our garlic ginger here we go good all right we got our shrimp pose with the mushrooms this is kind of hard to do make sure I get get the shot so I'm gonna hit it with a little bit of butter garlic ginger toss toss toss boom yeah let's go back to stiff Steve back back to you stiff Steve [Music] thanks a lot sniff Steve good to have you back oh there we go baby nice little toss you toss know what I got actually a little mirin I think I might add a little bit of mirin just a little bit looking and smelling real nice okay I'm gonna add the peas like so little spoon edge oh yeah that big old wallop of it well BAM I'd say that was about 2 tablespoons easy we're going for a third I don't care and then my dollop of butter all right now we're cooking baby now I'm feeling good all right I might even have a glass of wine you know now I will Ram in and jamming get this thing get this thing out of here get it out of here I might have to get the camera from sniff Steve and get a couple close-ups of this oh Christ we've got a jackhammer oh the freaking jackhammer in the road now all right we'll wrap that up all right we got a real tasty snack on our hands here folks I'm gonna throw it on this plate we're gonna get a couple buttes and we're gonna call up Sola all the lovely Sola that plate job someone clean that up going in for the close-ups a goddamn jackhammer oh yeah I got some breads going some dough's okay got Huns you got a little sauerkraut but look we got our garlic don't dun dun boo - boo - we got our look at that back to you Steve we put the lid on these I'm gonna pop this I'm gonna pop the paste in the old fridge and I used it I use it within a week but I would imagine you can go - oh these look good mmm sweet garlicky gingery but not in like an aggressive big bite way it's pretty loud here sound speeds jackhammer speeds all that take four all right I'm super happy with the way this turned out look I mean she's a beaut happy fun little side of white rice let's go up solo let's get so let's get the lovely soul are on the phone hello so what are you doing got a shoot landscape okay hi oh so let me pull up my reflection fermentation reflection chair okay look at both the camera and the phone at the same time I wish I can independently use my eyes I thought what are you doing what is that hold on hold on there's no time to steam your laundry are you talking to fridge did you make them fake people and you're talking to you she's gone no wait the hats falling off everything's falling apart is that supposed to be me so this is you Brad you got a knife and everything this poor woman Kalen come here my son you'd be so proud of what the lovely Soler has done I was gonna just have you hang out here so action yes so that's not a real person Oh ladies and gentlemen we lost there she's gotten full she's gotten full Wilson honest I had a whole plan my pad the iPads malfunctioning i Brad as Malcolm's kid he was eating a mango and now he's got a mango all over his face like a lion absolutely this is everything's unraveled so what are you doing so on okay okay uh houston we have a problem I think this is better right oh my God look at me that's better this is better I've got the pen behind the ear I think it's pretty good I think it looks just like you it does you nailed it man I got an a-plus for creativity so okay this is what I did all weekend Hansie I'm are you recording this guy's go back to snip Steve all right back to you back to you sniff Steve thanks Fred so you want to see mine yeah okay where'd you get shrimp with head on right now uh-huh what do I do now what do i do my Adam - I had it all to a food processor okay oh Jesus Christ she's got the original Robo coupe I mean look at that beast whoops well how are you hanging in there Sola I mean great like I'm bringing my friends to me in a safe and responsible way so the one that's more finely charged it just feels like a lot more moisture came out of it and maybe it's like a little softer the one that's like bigger chunks it's just still a little bit hard and like not as much liquid has come out of it yeah I'm not gonna blend this one I think I'll just let it keep going and I'll just blend this guy yeah turn that into a nice a mousse out of paste and I start to add some olive oil like I add like up to like like a quarter cup oh okay see the arm moving all right I'm gonna do a little of the pace and then little black vinegar you like what's that soy sauce black vinegar I think it's one of my favorite vinegars right so underrated in North America real tamari good for you look at it look at this knucklehead okay here's what I got to deal with he I swear to God he did this on his own hey dude Seoul is making dumplings boys hey how's it going all right dumplings action I'm getting a little funky funky salty tangy things but I mean you can put that on anything right you put on anything yeah and I think like a lot of beshi dishes like the base for it you start with a garlic ginger and I think it'd be cool to use this instead because it adds a little bit more like funk and acidity what do you think of the fermentation experiment fun little recipe right super easy it's like having a really easy pet because you got to remember to burp it we did the hard work for you folks so thank you very much I'm really glad you got to do this project with me maybe we'll do another one sometime you know miss you very much stay healthy take care of your dogs okay wash your hands drink some whisky have some fun Oh Appetit Bon Appetit all right cut mat eat oh hi buddy this is a Clementine is it getting to the pages yes on this plate but I really really upset so let Wilson go no okay I believe you but you can't be barking like dogs Oh God Wow no more making noise in there I'm sorry Griffin right just trying to heat the house you live in okay son [Music]
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 2,885,685
Rating: 4.9653649 out of 5
Keywords: garlic, it's alive, it's alive bon appetit, brad, brad leone, brad makes, brad bon appetit, brad it's alive, brad leone 2019, what is, alive, fermented, test kitchen, how to make, fermentation, probiotics, make, bon appetit brad, its alive, its alive at home, garlic paste, brad makes garlic paste, garlic ginger paste, brad makes garlic ginger paste, garlic paste recipe, how to garlic paste, how to make garlic paste, make garlic paste, making garlic paste, food, bon appetit
Id: NN-bLP2B8f4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 25sec (1825 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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