Brad Makes Gravlax (Cured Salmon) | It's Alive | Bon Appétit

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If you aren’t watching this shit wtf are you even doing

👍︎︎ 76 👤︎︎ u/hellokttyhannah 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

That Kim Possible fish is incredible!

👍︎︎ 49 👤︎︎ u/PrinceofRavens 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

This show always has the best editing. Never change. :)

👍︎︎ 43 👤︎︎ u/BobaFettCat 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

This looks relatively doable.

It was great when Brad was feeding people. Gaby wanted more!

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/Lokaji 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Hunzi cutting off Morocco as he explains why you have to be skeptical of Brad's seafood...alright then, keep your secrets

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Diet_Dong 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

I swear Brad and Andy together.... #divorcegoals

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/breakupbydefault 📅︎︎ Feb 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

1) my god, everyone except Brad is SILENT. Mic problems?

2) I see Brad is starting to talk more to Hunzi on camera ;_;

3) Rhoda Boone: Emotional Rock. 100% CANON BBY

4) also lol@ Brad demanding divorce from Andy. Hadn't they done that in Making Perfect S2?

5) Sohla's hair flip is fab. So is Hunzi's editing here.

👍︎︎ 41 👤︎︎ u/Font-street 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Delany going 🤙 🤙 🤙 in the walk-in made my heart skip a beat.

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/Teletubby_Orgy 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/steveofthejungle 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2020 🗫︎ replies
any of the end the end of the beginning [Music] alright [Music] cool hey guys saying it's alive we're gonna be making one of my favorite dishes is a wow I guess it's not a dish one of my favorite foods hey guys today and it's alive hey guys saying it's alive when we making gravlax or lox it's a nice cured salmon they were gonna slice real thin but put it over a little bagel or a little bialy whatever you're into what we're gonna do and I got some real nice Atlantic salmon I'm sorry that's not it at all it's not from the Atlantic Ocean by any means what I meant to say is I have some really nice Alaskan salmon quick preparation takes about three or four days super easy to do let's get started huh I'll get the fish you feel good before with that do you feel good with that yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] well it all starts with the fish just as one others in greater there's only a few ingredients so you really want to get the best possible fish possible the best possible fish possible yeah well yeah yeah you do look at this nice you know could you do this what if R you can go you live in Oregon all right and you went fishing or something and you call it or you live up in Alaska where this beauty came from and you catch it fresh and you want to make a locks real quick I recommend a high quick deep freeze you know you can get some information online for like time periods but some fish you know it's just it's just a fact of life it could have worms and parasites in it and freezing it this is why they do it in the sushi world kills those things so because we're not cooking this and we're gonna cure it I like to use a previously frozen fish so yeah the fat like when you get like a nice like king salmon or like a farmed salmon you know farm king usually in between the beautiful orange meat there's like those little white lines which is like a connective e fatty tissue which is delicious when you cook it it's a grill buttery and it's fantastic I love that for this preparation of curing it I don't like the big fatty content well what we're trying to do to cure and what I love about LOX is that it's that you're preserving the the flesh of it and the fat just doesn't really translate very desirable for me so so I'm like a sho ho or Soho or coho I'm sorry sockeye or coho so a sockeye or a coho would be it's perfect let's start with our spice grinder okay the bay leaves I like to tear out that little rough stem kind of rib in there and just get the oh my god oh I smell so good I love dailies I don't know if I've said that before probably probably 35 times peppercorns what do we got Brad peppercorns we're gonna do 2 teaspoons boom I'm gonna do two and I'm gonna do I'm gonna do 2 and 3/4 so this I don't mind bringing into a pretty decent powder we'll see how it goes yeah that works that works for me I'm gonna add the tumeric rate to it tumeric tumeric tumeric hey solo how do you say how do you say this turmeric turn yeah I guess you should huh Oh big time Oh bless your heart two teaspoons of turmeric turmeric turmeric turmeric turmeric rotisserie cares okay then next we'll do quarter cup of salt quarter cup of salt hold on we get a little Bowl okay turmeric oh yeah I mean a this is a recent development for me I knew the arm was there I just never really kind of I just say things wrong we know this about me and we're gonna do an eighth a cup of sugar so it's just half of a quarter cup great I'm gonna go grab a little more ospa beer okay you stay here look look into that beer back yeah I gotta go so I couldn't find them Ross so I found that Korean substitute so that's our spice mix our curing agent is the salt and the sugar everything else is just a nice aromatic I don't know if I said just before all Hansie but you want a piece with the skin on okay helps keep everything together nice next up we just cover it all with the salt and sugar we're gonna wrap it with plastic and then you get this in the fridge for like it's Tuesday it'll be done on Friday cover it all over you want to cover all phases every bit of it I'll even flip it you know I mean nothing is penetrating through the skin really but I have for the for peace of mind I like to coat it a little - all right and it'll help dye the skin a little I don't know just makes me just makes me feel better okay next we're Plastic okay no big deal let it go soon yeah chat with the boss at 3:30 that's right take a little break and get you something yoo-hoo all right they still made you ones Claire gonna make it now we got our nice little plastic wrap okay so close well look get yourself a cake tester a needle something thin pointy sharp okay and what we're gonna do is put some holes boomer won't do the plastic if you can get through the skin even better all right you do that only on the skin side what I like to do just get something like this little perforated unit okay it doesn't have to be I just don't like things to sit in the liquid you could just do this in a baking dish put some paper towels down or a little rack or something anything that you can get it above we have our holes in the bottom okay the skin side that goes down and then you want to get people to take like two like tomato cans you run away you want to press it a little bit and weigh it down and what I'm gonna do is fill that with some I have these really cool ball bearings anything that's gonna give it weight you could put rocks on there for all I care something that's just gonna press it and way it's gonna let the liquid drip out on the bottom meanwhile brining it all keeping it all in there oxygen off of it and it's gonna be gravlax it's gonna be great let me get my ball bearings but yeah I don't people steal these hot commodity don't worry about it will you a cop will you a co-op a lot of questions today Hansie I'm the one wearing a wire but you're making me nervous we use them for pi weights but they're great per crop box wigs I'm a popping and walking right cabbie unbelievable all right honey we'll see you I gotta go talk to the Bob's we'll see you Friday oh no where's the ice scoop come on don't know whatever dude germs firms you know are we living in bubbles [Music] Oh new desk for Gabriella huh Tim she's really moving up snake a little lemon juice bud all right gotta go on the weekend strong ah all right where we leave off you're making gravlax oh yeah got a bunch of oysters to our lovely friends in Island Creek skadoodle thanks again the door one of these days you're gonna bust your ass okay there's our fish little liquid it drained out we got color turmeric turmeric so we're gonna rinse it and then I want to add a little bit of pink peppercorn and a little salt to the outside again and then the real masters are the slicers the people that slice this up like I've been over attacked me smoked fish over in Greenpoint and they just slice it so perfectly it's truly an art form you know I want to get a nice long blade real sharp nice clean poles you know you don't wanna go happen clean pull so I like it kind of thin you know okay nice texture and then also if you wanted to cold smoke it now is where you would let it sit out in the frigerator for a few hours maybe overnight and that's where you get that nice pellicle formation on the outside and then you would you know then you would smoke it at a at a low temperature like 100 degrees 80 degrees seven as cold as you can get it you just want to get that smoke to stick to the outside and not necessarily cook it we're just gonna make a little I got these really nice little breakfast rounds or Zuri I think that's a said hosiery Audrey Audrey how would you say that ah sorry sorry anyway I love these things I eat them for breakfast all the time this has got nice grains in it there's some fruit in it they toast up nice it's better than just don't get me wrong I love a bagel I love a good bialy but this is just a little different and it goes really nice so clean I do the same thing as you go with like a bagel spread little cream cheese or red onion little caper so I'm gonna toast a couple of these up we'll put a little cream cheese on it and we'll build a little salmon I'll get some pink peppercorns right behind you so we know that oh yeah hotcakes all right cool perfect timing Hunziker mr. Hunziker please come down to the principal's office immediately all right I thought they did a nice little pink and black peppercorn Nick's near that color honey that's she doing nice little peppery coating on here nice little cream cheese oh geez all right hold on let me just follow the directions there's the correct way to open these and that's how you should open them all right the animals that just cut it ain't right man package directions I usually follow depending a lot up sometimes I go by I open never mind yeah like cereal nice yeah you know cut that little glue let it go nice none of that all right I'll take a woodchuck got on it got in it damn woodchucks all right capers right got I have capers I'm gonna chop them up just a little that's the move next we'll do the fish okay huh they don't do a little red onion to give a little cut all right half for you half for me bud okay look we can put it on a little plate just a little bit of little bit of olive oil just a little dress nice yeah I didn't do any of this big whoop Andy what did I contribute to your problems this is something this is mine just my little workout little workout cocktail shaker no okay salad spinners I haven't used one in five years this nah this does that look like my cutting board no that's my cutting board what's this Andy why is this here who put this here Andy was this you you know this isn't working I want a divorce oh just yeah yeah cut it looks good it needs more salt the fit a little lemon yeah take a little bite let us know how it is whoa Andy's a tough one too we needed a W Hansie after that ginger beer women BAE stupidest thing Chris you want a little nibble button that liquids just lemon juice no it's fresh but fresh fresh fresh fresh Andy let me try it - delightful Chris Turnbull pink and black magic job you have a snack right gravlax easy the light bulb done in three days here easy to make delicious use it I say five days for you Gaby yes you know I can make another one you eat that one Thank you Thank You Gabi easy to make you know easy you know he's a home run you sheep oh yeah you know what I showed up with a Brad bring something yeah okay I'll bring like a potato chips and onion dip nope boom gravlax baby I made it myself it's cool Oh wild Alaskan salmon no problem where'd you learn about that it's a really cool guy named Brad Leone's on YouTube check it out bone Appetit baby that's outro ever I feel great about that alright It's A Wrap hun Z lunch is on me [Music] feel feeling good machine years off and then walk in no you don't you got stuff to do like get out of the walk-in we're doing checking beers but yeah Friday baby oh look at that guy alright cool off cool salt sugar turmeric applying here [Music]
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 2,699,232
Rating: 4.9401321 out of 5
Keywords: alive, brad, brad leone, fermentation, fermented, how to make, make, salmon, test kitchen, what is, probiotics, it's alive, brad makes, brad bon appetit, bon appetit brad, its alive, brad leone 2019, brad it's alive, it's alive bon appetit, live food, gravlax, gravlax recipe, brad makes gravlax, brad gravlax, gravlax bon appetit, make gravlax, making gravlax, how to gravlax, how to make gravlax, cured salmon, make cured salmon, how to cured salmon, food, bon appetit
Id: m0Dq6_HHfUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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