How to Brew Your Own Kombucha with Brad | It's Alive | Bon Appetit

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and I really just want oh god oh god no cut cut bin Oh tragedy over here this your first time making food sure looks like it [Music] so here we've got a good close-up of a Viscomi or the mother and this is the the light this is the force behind making kombucha we're gonna feed the scoby some further to make the kombucha so what we feed it with a sugar and tea and the ratio that was handed down to me the Master formula is for one quart of water you had 70 grams of sugar and 7 grams of tea we're doing the times 10 batch so 700 grams of sugar 70 grams of tea so we'll start with the sugar it's a lot of sugar I mean we're not gonna lie here but again the end product is actually rather dry because the scoby it eats the sugar I'm gonna do a nice like a gun powder gum powder green tea and for 70 grams I'll use 68 green and 10 grams of black well pinch her good luck then from there that's it so this is four times ten recipe water already brought to a boil I turn it off we pour this in stir it around let the sugar dissolve you don't want to overdo just steeping it it's like making you're pretty much making sweet tea so while that's steeping we'll take a peek at the girls here I have 4 different vessels okay this is the scoby it's layered almost like if you can zoom in and look at it it's almost layers like a big a laminated biscuit you could peel back the layers where I can start peeling layers and I can you can give them to a friend and they can make it at home all right quit horsing around back to business here so I got some cheesecloth okay wonderful product line that in the in the fine mesh Chinua and then we'll strain that into another vessel a couple more minutes now and then we'll refrigerate it what I do is I use a little less water and then I'll add some ice cubes so it'll help chill it and it'll also speed up the chilling process all right we'll put this in the sink okay this goes in here like so that is mine well you didn't order it I don't think you ordered it please get this Oh Vinny's my witness cameraman doesn't miss anything classic I ordered it where is it but he never ordered it today's crazy whoa whoa pg-13 or ends a family show since the days been so busy haven't you gotten to unpack the pressure it shouldn't look so messy in here usually this will be all unpacked but me and all Vinnie but Benny over here we didn't get to do that yet so I might even have to wait till tomorrow cuz we've got boots to make come on we got a good steep going right behind you Claire so again Chinua fine mesh strainer and some cheesecloth all right that's Scobie food man we're gonna have a couple half of girls over there so from here remember I was saying that I cheated the water a little say I needed 10 quarts I only put 8 in so we can put some ice cubes in to help chill it so we can do this a little quicker science science yeah we'll put this right in the water never ends then here we go coming in sharp dangerous Chris Morocco is on fire so we'll wait till that gets to about 72 degrees and then we'll we'll do the old siphon into the into the scopes you don't need to long this man you're cheating I had to keep it in the walk-in and now we're just bringing it up to the temperature and then once that's you know we still want to shock it if it's too cold it can shock if it's too hot it can kill it so we'll get it to right around where it's at and that's quite all right and and then we'll feed them so Stan Whitley folks that's it I'm sure there's far more sophisticated ways to do this I don't have those we'll just use your own gravity to do this for us I get that little siphon siphon hose and I got you want to get you sure you on in on Brad's world all right good look hold this oh there's no free rides no free lunch on there in Brad's world you see that little hole there try to sneak that down there oh wait I lied to you don't do that yeah oh my god boom right there we don't need you anymore and iam out I'm out so good we'll fill this up all the way to the top then we'll do this to do all them and then it's it's and then it's a tasting game until until it gets too sweet the perfect spot the balance of tart sour and sweet and then from here it's just every day you test it so I keep a straw I slip it right down here come in here get this Vinny I slip it right down on the side just a little pinch pull because it was so sour here just because it's been hanging out and there we would haven't had time to feed them this will probably happen really quick I'll let this go for probably what's today Wednesday Friday I'll probably bottle all right so this next step very sophisticated tool best Kolb's in the biz but you don't want to touch that with your hands either the bacteria in your hands is very bad way mold am i right in there now you want to make sure that your tea is still a little sweet not completely sour very important for the second fermentation you see I only filled it a little bit but I have several vessels and I'd like to do I like to make a blend of them all because one one could be a little more sour than the other and I really just want oh god oh god okay I think you said you always want to leave a little bit in for mom because she needs it so yeah you want to use a bottle that you can seal real nice I like using the square ones are not so good some of them you got to be careful you have to get ones that are fit for food grade and for fermentation because what we're doing next is putting this tea in these bottles with a little bit of juice with fruit juice and it's going to it's going to have a secondary fermentation and it's going to start to carbonate and it's going to build up pressure so if you have a really cheap or bad pour glass bottle it can explode and it has this is important you're on a label and make sure you put you know so you remember which flavor you go and you can you gotta put the date on it so you can keep track of how long it takes to to do the double fermentation oh yeah I've got some really nice in the sky out of grapes fresh and I juiced them and we're gonna we're gonna try making a kombucha with that now I like to use a lot of like already packaged bottle juices they're pasteurized so they're dead but they had a good flavor and they have the sugar which is the most important when you make your own it carbonates a lot faster because it's just eager to live man so yeah like I said the you know this ain't rocket surgery so I don't really uh highball everything you know I'm not really big measure so that's how much we do we'll call it must oh I like that I like to come up with little names form you know I'm really creative so this is apricot I just write apricot and then you can mix them til you can really put anything in it we've done the fresh berries juice them and they come out fantastic all right so let's bottle a few real quick see where we're at so then yeah I got this big old my bottle and jug and then just fill them up you want to leave well you have to leave you got to leave a little bit of air on there to try to let those little bubbles settle and then I'll come back and top it off but you want to fill it to about right here and then that's it you seal it up you want to get this tight real tight dog he's got to be airtight like a frog's ass watertight you can use just regular wine corks but these seem to work really well we can just keep reusing them you got to push them in pretty pretty good as far as it'll go wait that's that wait about I was gonna put a date on I waited about four days and then don't open it you know just let it go a little patience you start falling boots doesn't like to be messed with you just gotta let it do its thing so yeah you add all that juice but when it's done it's not real sweet because the living organisms microorganisms inside here eat the sugar and produce the carbon dioxide science so that's it Brad's bitchin boot oh god this is gonna get me fired oh we have successful carbonation look at that oh that's beautiful thing [Music] [Music]
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 3,993,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brewing, brew, fermentation, ferment, diy, how to, at home, drinks, drink, kombucha, booch, kombucha recipe, how to make kombucha, easy kombucha, easy kombucha recipe, what is kombucha, what is, brad, brad leone, it's alive, alive, fermented, live food, test kitchen, how to make, probiotics, make, brad bon appetit, food, bon appetit
Id: Ng2zOFADe0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 21 2016
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