Recreating Guy Fieri's Trash Can Nachos From Taste | Bon Appétit

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This is definitely one of my new favorite series. Watching Chris work is just amazing

👍︎︎ 141 👤︎︎ u/velmaa 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

Chris Morocco: It could be like a drinking game, every time I pull a spoon out you drink


👍︎︎ 92 👤︎︎ u/ordinaryorganism 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

I died every time he said "pork belly"

👍︎︎ 87 👤︎︎ u/CTRL_ALT_PWN 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

He can smell the bandana!

He said he smelled something crunchy!

👍︎︎ 50 👤︎︎ u/CTRL_ALT_PWN 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

Why would he not season the queso!?

👍︎︎ 47 👤︎︎ u/bikebuyer 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

Chris might be the most impressive pure cook in the BATK. I would love to see an episode where he goes head to head with another chef in the kitchen on the same challenge. I bet he would blow them out of the water.

👍︎︎ 88 👤︎︎ u/XibalbaNoMore 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

His walk in with the cello/bass is so badass.

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/CTRL_ALT_PWN 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

This is the series that really solidified my love for Chris. I feel like his appearances in passing in other videos didn’t do his humor justice! But getting to know him through his own series has been DELIGHTFUL

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/7cranberry7 📅︎︎ Oct 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

That is one HECK of an ingredients list.

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/iamduh 📅︎︎ Oct 18 2019 🗫︎ replies
hi I'm Rick and we're here in the be a Test Kitchen I want to tell you a little bit about Chris Morocco once again we are putting Chris's super tasting abilities to the test and this is Guy Fieri's trashcan nachos we're challenging Chris to replicate this exact dish and all the ingredients in just two days we're gonna let him taste touch and smell everything about this dish but at no point is he gonna be allowed to look at it at the end of the second day I'll come back taste his final creation and I'll be the judge of it I can really smell the bandana it's like whatever like formaldehyde they they put on in well what was that oh my god what the [ __ ] is this there are so many different smells and things coming at me at first I thought I smelled corn and then I felt like I smelled like something like cool and crunchy like when I get close to it I smell something kind of like Irby and right as soon as I like smell one thing I feel like it just sort of like fades and then turns into something else I'm just sort of like a little bit in awe and a little bit terrified by the sheer scale of this this is like where things get a little messy okay so we have raw onion like this is like the vegetable that I was smelling so intensely but tastes like cabbage stem but it's like a very particularly bitter cabbage that tasted like a little bit of raw tomato I'm kind of tastes like tomato salsa because I think I just got a piece of diced onion in it that had been sitting in the salsa as opposed to the raw onion that was sliced very thinly sort of with the grain there we're gonna call that raw jalapeno it's got that juicy green bell pepper kind of aspect to it oh okay got this it drives me a little crazy when there's like all these things just sort of piled up on top of each other that seemed to be a bean it's beautifully seasoned its creamy inside it's not mealy it's not mushy it's just a really really lovely game so whoever cooked this you know I just got to say that's amazing Oh God and then this that tastes like sausage it's not very spicy it would make sense for it to be a kind of chorizo kind of thing wait it was just like another being in there okay so we have like a large bean and then possibly a small bean as well this very clearly to me feels like it has to be the corn situation that I was tasting even that that feels like very clearly like a toasted corn chip there's something creamy I would expect it to be Mexican crema that was cheese and my working assumption is that that was cotija cheese which is kind of like has that squeaky fracture apart in your mouth kind of texture to it that was cilantro but I feel like I had like a very bitter stem thing happening that like made me think it was cabbage here's what's tripping me out just in that last bite I finally got like maybe there's a little bit of cheese kind of being melted onto these chips everywhere I go there's like mush you know this is like it's becoming like a bit of a problem the sheer amount of wetness I feel like there's got to be some kind of like cheese sauce thing happening and at first it came across as they're being kind of like a crema thing but now just like the sheer volume of this and the fact that this kind of tower feels like it was constructed out of the oven and never saw heat in the oven altogether the question then becomes what cheese is this in the queso you guys just couldn't help yourselves huh I have to say like this is utterly friggin delicious it's so over the top but I kind of love it I pulled off a flap of what felt like sausage casing but I don't really think that's what it was now I think there's just some like bits of a connective tissue and fat that are like healing away a little bit in a way that made me feel like it was sausage casing but we've got a whole muscle here I'm going all in on it being pork belly and I just now need to figure out like how this thing was kind of created I honestly have no idea who would have created this dish it would be hilarious if it were a Guy Fieri recipe I just need to get my ingredient list together kind of working down from the top I had cilantro red onions but I'm gonna get a white on it just in case Mexican crema Pico and then jalapeno we've got a big bean small bian que so that's gonna be a real buy a whole bunch of cheese and see kind of what works kind of vibe and then there's the chips big chips pork belly we've got beer here in case I want to try an option with that cotija alright I'm gonna head to the supermarket pick this stuff up and come back here and do my first pass at this mystery nacho Tower I'm gonna head to produce and work my way back through the store from there I'm gonna grab some jalapeno cilantro limes red onion tomatoes white onions possibly in with the pork belly and or the small beans garlic cheese this is always where things get hard I'm looking for queso Oaxaca as a starting point beyond that I'm not really sure am I missing part of the cheese section okay so cotija queso Oaxaca that's like our shreddy kind of like almost like mozzarella very like melty cheese then cotija that's the crumbly cheese that was in there regular Jack cheese just in case so we got to get our pork belly could I have two of these pea is of pork-belly here so we're gonna get some sour cream we're gonna check the other cheese case the one they don't want you to know about this is just another Monterey Jack sour cream even though this isn't Mexican crema I'm gonna take this regular sour cream I'm gonna loosen it with just a touch of water maybe give it a pinch of salt and actually get me pretty darn close over to the third cheese section if only life were this simple we have a blend of sharp cheddar Colby and Monterey Jack Jesus Fiesta blend Mexican blends Monterey Jack sharp cheddar queso blanco and Asadero cheese I've never heard of Asadero cheese I feel like we're getting into some dangerous territory here you know I'm getting one of each of these I'm gonna get a couple of sharp cheddar we're gonna go with that and then we need chips and beans I'm gonna get a couple bags of this this is just Mexican oregano all right so we're on a chip hunt well I'm gonna get a couple bags this party size that definitely felt like a party that's it got to get back to the kitchen and start cooking I just came back from the supermarket we're about to crack this thing wide open I'm just gonna get these going so that hopefully we can get them done in time today after that is gonna be the pork belly and then the rest of it I feel like it's like details so yeah beans I'm gonna throw a couple white onion halves in here I'm just gonna throw some garlic pinch of salt little pinch of oregano I just want to start adding flavor to the beans cool done so now the far more serious question of the pork belly I'm just gonna do a small quantity of this I'm gonna remove the skin cuz I don't think I was getting skin from those pieces I'm gonna cut it into 1/2 to 3/4 chunks for the belly I'm just making one batch that's just gonna beat water and one batch that's gonna be beer it's kind of like a best-guess I'm just trying to inhabit the mind of the creator of this recipe I would say I am 89% sure that the meat in question is in fact pork belly that is something I'm very comfortable with I think we've got a little muscle here I'm going all-in on it being pork belly aside from salt I don't know this this one's kind of throwing me a little bit I'll do a wedge of onion in each I'm gonna do a couple of cloves of garlic in each might do a piece of jalapeno not feeling great about any of those decisions at all all right so just a very light brown here holding the fat back so we can kind of do a light toast on our aromatics I'm going to drop a flavor package into each a cup of liquid in each that leads going back in and I'm just gonna let this simmer a little bit so we're making the cheese sauce that's gonna go over the nacho situation I feel really good mainly just based on past experience I mean you could do a whole show that was just like guess that [ __ ] cheese so we have some sharp cheddar got some Jack got our Oaxaca I'm gonna start with these cheese's I'm gonna take a tablespoon of butter get that melting so this is gonna be our room it's gonna turn into bechamel once I put the dairy in there the milk it's essentially going to then turn into like I think it's like technically it's like a sauce Mornay you know but this is gonna be very scaled back on the milk and it's gonna be very heavy you know relatively heavy on cheese flour hotels and see if that gives me enough richness some of the Oaxaca and the cheddar the cheddar is there for flavor but I just hope that it's not gonna mess up the texture of this sauce which was actually like pretty decent queso consistency it's a little too sharp I feel I'm gonna loosen this slightly and then I'm gonna hold it before I work on the rest let's taste some beams [Music] these tastes really good all right we're just gonna slow this down let these hang here he's checking on the belly this is the belly that was cooked just with water texture wise we are not far often it hasn't even been that long just want to try the flavor of this one that was cooked with the beer I don't think I like it but this want to be sure I'm going with the water the flavours softer but still very full right now I'm feeling the lowest degree of confidence I thank them like I've ever experienced on this show feel good about the pork belly don't feel great about anything else we're now at this stage where I need to do the Pico most standard is onion and tomato lime and salt we have our big stupid frankly oddly thick rounds of jalapeno going right in there so we got a couple other tip options because the chip that I felt in my hand it was like this you had like the rounded edge and then sharp corners this very clearly to me feels like it has to be the corn situation that I was tasting I use these at home so freaking good for nachos we need to make our crema I'm just taking regular sour cream added a splash of water to a tiny pinch of salt and that is gonna basically be about the consistency of Mexican crema I'm feeling good about this yeah the last thing is red onion now we're flying now right so I'm gonna pull my beans over I'm gonna pull my pork over these things are gonna be you know need to be kind of drained slightly before using obviously but feeling pretty good about that be like a drinking game like every time I pull a spoon out you drink [Music] however right or wrong this is it tastes really good all right I'm gonna round up some big spoons and then we'll make this thing right some of our cook black beans drained okay so I am already like light on queso and that is not good [Music] some cotija this is our crema going on top alright so this is the first pass I'm gonna make on this I'm gonna kind of get rid of all this other stuff set aside a few things for tomorrow and then we can dive in and kind of pick it apart in a second just overall look of this it just looks dry to me it just doesn't look like there's enough sauce doesn't look like there's enough liquid is it sparking joy not really ingredients I'm gonna give myself 72% I feel like I have a lot of like the right players here but yeah something just feels wrong you know pork belly tastes really good feel very validated by the pork belly technique oh my god seventy percent I feel like there could easily be a different technique on the pork belly I think there could be a different technique for how this dish is being constructed I feel like I came out this the way that I would come at nachos and I don't know that this is playing by the nacho rules appearance-wise I'd say I'm maybe like around that 70% mark you know I feel like I'm in like solid c-minus territory here that's definitely not my sweet spot I feel like until I have a better understanding of the quesos interaction with the chips and how much of the beans themselves and how much of the being liquid is ending up in this thing that is is really an enigma to me taste I'm gonna give myself a tea for the overall flavor of things together is working and it's it's somewhat close there's a lot that I have to think about tonight and I'm gonna be paying even more close attention to tomorrow morning I need to sleep on this I need to come in fresh perspective I need to taste the dish first thing I think I know what to look now yeah hopefully be able to get a little bit closer before I make one of these for Rick mm Wow it's further in than I remember okay we've got like a major height situation here I mean like that is like stacked it's so evenly cylindrical it's making me feel like it was plated inside of a mold so working my way down from the top oh why this has been so hard it's just like I probably should have expected that this would be here but that's just a piece of radish sometimes you have to really stop and think about what you're tasting as opposed to what you expect to taste I felt like I tasted a shred of cheese which I didn't taste yesterday was there shredded cheese on the one yesterday and you guys just didn't say anything about it to me I'll take your silence as a yes so there's our jalapeno I definitely feel good about the pico definitely feel good about the onion although I don't know about the color of it another piece of the pork here with the pork I am tasting more of like a dried chili flavor to it I might just do it like a little bit of a Hail Mary and just use like a little bit of chili powder or something here's a philosophical question about this show is there like a specific tool that you guys are using to mold this thing that like I should have access to could you just make like a paper tube or something bring it on yeah it's just making me rethink how this whole thing needs to be assembled rethinking the case so a little tweak on the pork belly I think I'm pretty good to go here cool let's do it how's it going so far it's going okay I feel like the second tasting today like blew things wide open yeah it's like this crazy nacho Tower assembled like in a collar uh-huh and then uh-huh you know I think this one is really hard cos just with so much going on there's so much all right you've been given a lifeline I would number is this a number what number not to panic yeah yeah number 10 yeah I'm just delivering the message that this is what they used as the mold with the lid at the bottom yeah taking off obviously everything taken out what can you do for this this is amazing all right got super inches thank you they threw you a bone all right first up use the beans from yesterday because even if I'm off by an ingredient or to overall texture flavor I you know I think they're totally fine and this is our pork belly I am just removing the skin again I'm doubling down on pork belly pots a little crowded I want it to be very like tight on itself when it's brazing I just want to render a little bit of the fat we're not going for crispy crispy here we're just looking for a little bit of the fat to render so no big deal okay it's gonna be fine as soon as that's a little bit toasty just going to hit it with a little bit of chili powder get some water in there and braise it out so I'm just gonna make the Pico is it time to talk cheese the queso I made yesterday I thought was really good I just don't think it was the right thing I'm frankly concerned just about like getting the tower to stand up I guess I'll make enough of everything to be able to make two towers which means quite a bit of queso just in case I have an accident I want to do a blend of mild orange cheddar to get some orange color in there so this is the world that I'm gonna be working in four four cheese so that's queso Oaxaca Monterey Jack and mild orange cheddar so yeah let's do that butter is in the pot tablespoon of flour Rick is key so is like is that part of like that French influence or did that come from like more like a tex-mex kind of like late yeah gesso is never just you know like a roux cheese it's always spicy it's got sometimes it has like dried chilies in in cement has fresh chilies in is a sure cool just what I needed to hear thank you yesterday I think I used 3/4 of a cup of milk I'm gonna add an extra half cup you know what no screw it no I'm gonna do I'm gonna do more I'm gonna do like 2 cups because the cheese is gonna tighten this a lot I can always thicken it more if we really need to but I need a lot of this stuff so I'll just checking our belly here you should be pretty good stomach definitely giving me more that likes light smoky chili something I felt like I was tasting feeling strong too very strongly in favor of this guess so is here right now I would say it's a little bit thin and yet I know it's it's kind of being drizzled on to the chips and it's not congealing in a way that like you know like a super cheesy filled caso would there's a simple fact that a queso tends to not have like tons of like sharp cheese flavor to it listen to me I don't know what to call it Rick's confused me now it's like caso okay so like it's different every time I don't know who I am anymore so the plan is I'm gonna assemble one of these right now because I want to have a chance building the tower in the number-10 can before I have to do it for Rick that said I don't feel the need to waste like my pork belly because I don't have that much of it so I'm gonna use like the gesso the chips toppings whatever construct one see how it performs see how everything tastes and then I'm gonna do another one for Rick alright so kochiya sour cream got my cheese here I've got my radishes cilantro sliced onion and that's jalapeno so we've got our beans ready pork bellies basically ready I feel good about the queso I'd say okay so confidence is 85 percent right now I didn't feel great about opening up a number 10 cam which is like what is it like eight smaller 14 a half ounce cans worth luckily our nuts come back impact and these guys that's gonna what I'm gonna use as my mold I think the question is is this gonna work I feel like there's only one way to find out [Music] I'm 68 percent confident that this is gonna work and stand up I mean we'll see right there are some ridges in the can which I definitely don't love there you have it jamie oliver's insanity nachos I think I'm like at 85% here ingredients I'm gonna say 84% I feel like there's definitely a difference with the queso I think most of the right ingredients are here especially when the pork bellies in this I think it's gonna be great I think technique-wise I'm at about 82% flavor can tell you a little bit but I can't tell you everything layering technique I really don't know I'm doing what makes sense to me if that's wrong you know so be it appearance-wise I want to say 90% tastes I'm gonna say 88% I think the balance of flavors are here I think that's a little heavy on jalapeno I need to lighten that up with a little bit more queso I think it's gonna work overall that means I'm at 86% honestly the fact that it's still standing I'm actually really glad that I had a dry run loading this thing inside the can I don't think I would have wanted to do that for the first time for Rick so this is my last shot coming up I need to redo all my toppings because it actually took way more of everything to construct this thing than I was realizing so yeah last one coming right up in full-on queso mode right now this stuff is slightly shredder than what I was using before there was one thing that was really bumming me out about the version I just put up it was just that the queso felt a little bit greeny so I'm gonna see if I can make a smoother one it's mostly the same as what I did before but it's a different brand of queso Oaxaca and I'm using less of the cheddar I'm using more Monterey Jack and more Oaxaca proportionally alright hopefully that's enough we'll see I'm just gonna get another route going I don't know about this new Oaxaca this sucks I really liked the way this case of Oaxaca kind of looked and tasted but it's I don't know if it's just like too low a moisture content it just doesn't really want to melt well no big deal new cheese blends new attitude minor setback but got a different case of Oaxaca it's like higher moisture content very similar to what I had before just different brands this one's kind of getting funky on me too but we'll see maybe this just got too hot okay new plan taking the old queso I'm gonna reheat it and work more stuff into it good God so I have the old queso first one I made today I don't know if it just was like a little bit too hot if I tried to push it along too much because I'm frustrated and I'm running behind that was not going anywhere good alright so this is the situation so I went back to caso number one just tried to build it back up a little bit bulk it out with a little more cheese thin it out with a little bit more milk however that one kind of has turned into creamed corn consistency not that good I'm gonna put it in the blender see if it can come back got to be real careful blending hot cheesy things it goes without saying don't do this at home just a terrible idea I really doubt that this is gonna help anything or bring it back but it might just give like the sort of sense of drama that we need you know this is like hey so CPR right here man and we are losing it really do I need to step in that's not bad guys we may be back I feel like the clock is ticking on this thing we've got to move okay who's with me let's get this thing going okay okay so chips being got our porky nugs clock is ticking on the case o clock is ticking possibly on Rickon my friendship let's get to kicked out of us by this dish you know we are getting a little seepage at the bottom totally normal not a problem I feel like this is my best yet okay this is my final version this is the one I'm going to show to Rick overall score I want to be positive here I feel like you know we caught some bad breaks today I'm gonna call this 88 I feel like I always end up on 88 but you know what there's a certain psychology to it I feel like I'm a little bit wrong but I'm not that wrong you know yeah was the case out blended in the original no frickin course not but like I saved the day and like that's three points right there right so this is gonna sit for a few minutes until Rick is over here and ready to go I'm gonna unmold it just when he's over here so anything could happen at that point but we'll we'll find out in just a few minutes so you can probably guess by what's on the back of my head whose recipe this actually is uh-huh we just doesn't give it away come on Morocco guy yes it's guy who else do you know that has obnoxious glasses like this and weird them on the back of his head oh is that what he does oh my god why am I mean it's not like I like watch like all the episodes I always think that it's a Guy Fieri recipe because there's always some element of like all of these that's just like a little too over-the-top so I want to present to you guys via a trash can nachos when all you have to go on is like your hands and feel right right it doesn't feel like there's that much of anything you know what I mean that was a weird ship okay so we need is a few more things the main bummer you know looks-wise it's just like I needed so much more of like all the bits and bobs even though yes there is more stuff in this it looks like you've got the ingredients I know that you have belly in there because I saw you making it earlier and you can see these little pieces of not belly is this skirt state yeah that kind of makes sense like skirt steak has that like incredibly fibrous kind of pull apart quality to it that in my mind read as something that had been braised and seen liquid it has a little lime and garlic okay I guess the other obvious difference between this and yours is like just the amount of crap just visually yours just looks like it has less of this stuff tell me about your guess oh I started with a pretty basic bechamel base and then I built it up with queso Oaxaca mild orange cheddar and Monterey Jack there was no way for me to tell if like the Pico was potentially occurring in the case of as well right just on top right I erred on the side of not putting anything in it so what's in your case oh you mean guy fairies no I mean your okay so cuz you own it now Rick you knew what you were signing up for go ahead and you put these on all right now we're you braid alright in Guy Fieri's gesso uh-huh he has Jack mild cheddar señor casa Oaxaca and cocinero what's Asadero so it's probably more similar to a fontina and what's his base is it a bechamel base or yeah it's a it's a very light measurement yeah so he also had pickled jalapenos divine a pinch of cumin and a pinch of cayenne you missed the cream so he actually uses quite a bit of cream but this is a hard one because all of these flavors especially given the fact that it's in a can the chips are absorbing moisture from all sources right there's only what's in your beans I just brought them up from cold plenty of water a little bit of Mexican oregano have white onion garlic and a little salt you probably missed up the herbal note for oregano which I mean would make sense it's actually episode a guy does actually give the option of using Mexican oregano because it is actually hard to find apart from that you kind of nailed the beans that's good every other topping in the nachos you've got so the obvious miss was the meat the meats the one where I'm just like dang you know so four ingredients I'm gonna give you a seventy-five ok technique I was a little thrown by the blender cheese sauce that was definitely a Hail Mary and I was also impressed with the beans so for technique we're giving you 91 Wow okay yeah okay because it looks so visually different I think from from an apparent standpoint you got to get dating for that yeah wasn't enough stuff so number that we're getting yeah I think taste wise is where you you did really well the fact that you got the cut of the onions and the radishes and the jalapeno I think that's also very impressive so for taste giving you a 19 okay so unfortunately all of those things despite the fact you did get to 90s in there yeah the average brings you down to an 83 yeah so B I made some dumb mistakes but I'm very happy that you know flavor-wise I'm so close and ingredient wise I'm so so close this was a particularly difficult challenge and I'm actually really impressed that you've got the mold from simply feeling around what you actually had to literally feel your way through I think you can be really proud of what you did I'm very impressed I mean I was impressed with you before but even more so now oh thanks ma'am yeah yeah and there when you what's frustrating is to feel like you nailed a lot of the flavors and you nailed a lot of the ingredients but you sort of miss to the overall picture right I think we can all agree these nachos and perhaps even guy himself do not follow any rules I feel a little bit humbled I certainly feel particularly you know kind of humiliated by the skirt steak I did not let myself taste it because I just didn't believe it was a valid option in there and that is hugely frustrating to me I'm totally fired up for another one I think I mean I think part of why I you know seem disappointed is because it's not that I want to be right all the time but like if I'm gonna be wrong I want to be wrong in a smart way I don't want to be wrong in a I pick the complete wrong ingredient and just kind of never questioned it once I kind of assigned a label to it I don't think it's about being right I think it's certainly about the journey a little drumroll please [Applause] I think that's quite enough of that I'm gonna go put my spoons away and go home all right
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 3,741,510
Rating: 4.9338627 out of 5
Keywords: chris, guy fieri, nachos, chris morocco, chris makes, reverse engineering, chris bon appetit, chris reverse engineering, chris test kitchen, guy fieri recipe, guy fieri trash can nachos, trash can nachos, trash can nachos recipe, make trash can nachos, making trash can nachos, how to trash can nachos, how to make trash can nachos, trash can nachos bon appetit, nachos recipe, make nachos, chris makes trash can nachos, how to make nachos, nacho recipe, food, bon appetit
Id: E3e20718ioY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 34sec (2014 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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