Brad Makes Crunchy, Half-Sour Pickles | It's Alive | Bon Appétit

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today Vinnie we're gonna be making one of my favorites a half sour pickle we would be doing this in a field then he picture the cucumber vines growing around me oh not around me better you know in the background Hawks buzzin rabbits hopping okay [Music] some people like the full sour but for me it's a little - I like it a little too mushy the full sour for me a pickle should be bright in color a nice crisp to it so I picked up these little Kirby's little cuties here I gave him a little wash but water and that's about it basically what we're doing is we're making a saltwater brine and then we're gonna add some spices garlic I like to have a little bit dill and then it's real simple you just put the cucumber's in put the old lid on and then pop it in I put it in the fridge for about 10 days that's it and you end up getting just a perfect perfect pickle check this out finding this is it's got science written all over it but I got my little project book so for pickles I got this on the old Internet and it's just a saltwater brine the percentages so I'm gonna go with 3.5% and 2 quarts so we're gonna need 66 grams of salt we'll pop that right on there here Vinnie I'll turn this around for the sake of television so we're gonna save any 66 right grams that is okay top top top 60 67 and then I'm just gonna add the water I use is like room temp you know just going to dissolve the salt so now I'm just gonna get that a little a little a little shake okay okay [Music] all right so what I'm gonna do next is I'm gonna add all my spices like I got some real good garlic from the from the farmers market I could give it a little crush we explained that in that one and I think we put that into that honey garlic honey episode but with garlic when you crush it it's kind of like a two-part epoxy you know it's like a two-part glue or epoxy you crush the cell when something is crushing the cell walls and it makes a thing called allicin so it starts to make the Alison and that's like they were super what's really good for you in garlic then the Alison is what it's really really good for you in garlic I believe I believe but we I think we talked about that in a different episode so I give it a little crush in just a little slice each op and that can go right into the brine thanks grace and then next we'll add celery seed you know you have to go measure and just uh I do it by how I you know I'm feeling it out you know a little celery here we got a little dill seed just a little bit and there's little stuff called fennel pollen it's kind of expensive but you know it goes a long way little dab'll do ya and we'll just do a little pinch of that in there your night huh and then also I'm not gonna do it just why maybe I do a pinch what the hell all right that's right it is this is a dill pollen little pinch of that in there okay and then I like to put just a little bit of dill fresh dill in it and what I like to do a little wild card here Vincenzo is I got some of these little cherry peppers okay I don't want to spicy I'm just gonna cut out that top green there and you know whatever kind of pepper you want yeah that's optional if you don't want to go spicy and then don't do it what's that look like me looks like a brain or walnut yeah great story Matt what's that stuff in peppers that's hot kickass kiyose well Claire the stuff in peppers that's hot how do you say that kick at capsaicin thanks Claire she's a little half sour ourselves perhaps oh my god Claire it's perfect half salad Claire oh my god perfect Claire half sour Savitz this is how things happen organically all right be pay attention so just gonna slice these thin here throw that on your sandwich with the pickled she zoom right in yes should we grab a couple rows yeah if any hold up your pack are you come with me bud mmm little crepe cake oh Claire what are you doing oh all right all right just gonna throw a few in there like so or see wells orson welles okay what's Orson Welles Citizen Kane of the movie Citizen Kane isn't Citizen Kane a movie it's focused around rosebuds sounds great [Music] thanks man all right now we're just gonna throw the cucumbers into the bride okay I'm gonna push him bad boys down a little and that's it bud look I'll throw the lid on this a little shake for good measure of in get all that garlic into that but oh you know what I forgot this silly me is the do a little mustard seed in there and I read somewhere you can to help them keep crunchy and firm people throw like oak leaves in there and stuff all right here mustard seeds too can act that way not quite sure why but I'm sure Google could tell you Oh highest proof oh you know what maybe I'll have a couple black peppercorns then all right boom we'll pop this in the fridge for ten days I like to go in to the fridge about every day I like good every day because it's fun and just give it the old turn around you know the old who just to get things mixed up in nice to make sure everything's getting all happy in there takes note one thing's called snow globes pickle pickle snow 811 half sour Brad I mean there's probably four-year-olds I can write back all right let's go oh I've been perfect brought to you by something oh these are some old ones kind of sad situation we're gonna finish these up today but these are been in here for over a month certainly still very well I mean I have lots of crunch to them big flavor seasoned all the way through me come back in ten days I'm going on vacation so see you later oh hello rapper you like pickles this is not sweet half sour dill garlic looks like it's got a nice green color yep get in there Vinny so this is ten days cold Brian [Music] hmm nice it's a good Shamu football good crunch ready to crunch you come berry but still infuse the flavor well very well seasoned yeah are like a hammer cheese sandwich now and then would be all good I knew I liked you check this out any really really penetrated into that part of the cucumber and will cut one open yeah you can almost see where the shade starts to get a little darker in there and that's just the brine over time starts to saturate it which is nice as long as it retains its nap oh yeah that's now you pick that up Vinny so yeah mix it up a little ham dough sandwich and be letting you know it show up to a party everyone's bringing you know they got the hamburgers you show up with some homemade half sours you know Oh Andy what's up bud yeah here speaking to the microphone have one yeah Vinny can't get his equipment together huh you don't feel so good great too salty I'm right there right there it does at the end you get up it but that's personal preference but the overall crunch texture boom so yeah but pop that back in the fridge and got yourself a little half sour there I think ten days has been you can start to eat them but I think you got a solid month in the fridge before you start to lose some of that crunchiness that shouldn't last you a month you know I can eat a couple of those a day no problem yeah it's perfect then put them in whatever you want you know just go great with little bit like a little tuna melt who doesn't love a tuna melt I do let us know if eyes anything you'd like to see me enroll Vincenzo here for men put it in the old comment section well uh we'll try to crank away and do one of those bon appetit Minnie OH vacation was great Vinny best lobsters I ever had and then we had steamers and and the beach of any grass is blowing in the background you know what else you wanted a life yeah a couple million bucks Bugatti well we got to wrap this up but today what's today the Torah the 21st we got that big old soul America solar eclipse today total eclipse many we're not gonna see the totem we'll see a partial or whatever the call on it that's happening pretty soon maybe we should probably wrap this up bring our pickles downstairs and we can go check out so you know the Earth's gonna get weird vampires gonna come out and it gives the we got pickles [Music]
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 5,563,220
Rating: 4.9371872 out of 5
Keywords: pickles, half-sour, full-sour, sour, fermentation, salt water brine, salt, what is, brad, brad leone, it's alive, alive, fermented, live food, test kitchen, how to make, probiotics, make, how to make pickles, pickle recipe, easy pickles recipe, best pickles, dill pickles, how to pickle, asmr pickle, half-sour pickle, claire, adam rapoport, food, bon appetit
Id: vD6XWXj9l8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2017
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